2017 Winter Question Paper

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3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.


1. A) Attempt any three : 12

i) State different types of machine tools and cutting tools. Describe with suitable example.
ii) Define machine tool structure. Explain any one machine tool structure by giving example.
iii) State any four functions of guide ways.
iv) Why accuracy in operation is important in case of machine tools ?

B) Attempt any one : 6

i) Define ‘Factor of Safety’. State any four factors on which its selection depends.
ii) List different materials used for making machine tool structures. State the properties of such
materials. Write the any three parameters for their selection.

2. Attempt any four : 16

a) How machine tools are classified ? Explain in detail.
b) Draw neat sketches of any two open type guide ways and any two closed type guide ways.
c) What is ray diagram ? Describe significance of ray diagram with sketch .
d) Draw structure diagram for following structural formula

3 × 2 × 1 Open and cross

1 × 2 × 4 Open and cross

e) Define aesthetics of machine tool. State its importance for machine tool.

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3. Attempt any two : 16
a) Draw different profiles of machine tool structures and explain which is widely used and why ?
State advantages of use of alloy castings for machine tool structures. State materials also.
b) Explain with neat sketch anti friction ways. What are its advantages over conventional ways ?
State its limitations also.
c) State different sources of vibrations. Write various effects of vibration on
i) Work piece ii) Machine tool
4. A) Attempt any three : 12
a) State different constraints for stepped regulation of speed.
b) If N1 = 45 rpm and  = 1.02. Calculate next five speeds.
c) Draw a neat sketch of any shock mounts or vibration isolator used in machine tools and also
explain its function.
d) Draw neat sketches of knobs used in machine tools. Explain its application also.
B) Attempt any one : 6
i) What is Spindle unit ? State its functions. State also its requirements.
ii) Draw structure diagram for six speeds and 3 stage. If N1 = 50 calculate next five speeds
considering  = 1.12 and also draw ray diagram for the same. Assume any structural
formula for six speeds which is suitable.
5. Attempt any four : 16
a) Why location of displays is important in machine tools ? Explain with suitable example.
b) What is stick - slip vibration ? How it can be avoided ?
c) Why G.P. is preferred in stepped regulations ? Explain in detail.
d) Define common ratio  . State any four standard values of  generally used.
e) Explain stress concentration factor and service factor. Give its significance in machine tool
f) State the rules for feasibility of structure diagram.
6. Attempt any four : 16
a) Compare pulley belt drive with gear transmission on following basis :
i) Life ii) Quality of transmission iii) Cost
b) What is clearance adjustment in guide ways ? Explain with neat sketch.
c) Draw the neat sketch of star wheel and explain its application.
d) Mention the type of guide ways used in following :
i) Cross-slide of lathe
ii) Bed of lathe
iii) Radial arm and column of radial drilling machine.
iv) Table of milling machine
e) Define ‘Ergonomics’. What is its importance in machine tool design ?
f) State the factors affecting stiffness of machine tool structure and also write in brief methods to
improve it.

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