Research Article: ISSN: 0975-833X

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International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 14, Issue, 12, pp.23033-23034, December, 2022
ISSN: 0975-833X
Mridul Tamuli1 and Sumit Mallick2
1MA (Political Science), UGC-NET,
NET, Junior Administrative assistant, College of Fisheries, AAU, RAHA, Nagaon
2M.F.SC Student, College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University, Lembucherra, Tripura


Article History: Political socialization is the process by which individuals come to comprehend their political selves,
Received 7th September, 2022 ideologies, and actions. The lifelong experiences of political socialization play a crucial part in the
Received in revised form development of the qualities of patriotism and good citizenship through various agents of
19th October, 2022 socialization, such as parents, peers, and schools. Through the process of political socialization,
Accepted 20th November, 2022 people are init
initiated into the political culture of their country.
Published online 30th December, 2022

Key words:
Political Socialization and Young People’s.

*Corresponding Author:
Khadijah S. Maqbul
Copyright©2022, Mridul Tamuli and Sumit Mallick. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Mridul Tamuli and Sumit Mallick. 2022

2022. “The Colossal Word ‘Political Socialization’ and its Impact on Society”.
Society International Journal of
Current Research, 14, (12), 23033-23034

INTRODUCTION political action. Political knowledge, interest, voter turnout, and

a other
types of political activity are all strongly connected with education
Political socialisation is a specific form of political education in itself. Even more, uncertainty exists in terms of civic education's
which individuals acquire the attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions, and impact. Knowledge, attitudes, and values are connected to political
behaviours necessary to excel as good citizens in their nation. It is a behaviour. Studies show an attitude of efficacy (which is the extent to
lifelong process by which people form their ideas about politics and which one feels that his/her involvement is political participation.
acquire political values. While family and school are important early High efficacy is associated with education in a democratic political
in life and what we read in the newspaper and see on television has system; along with trust in the system, it is essential to popular
more influence on our political attitudes as adults. Political involvement in political
itical processes. In an increasingly interconnected
socialization describes the process by which citizens crystalize world, the media—particularly
particularly television and the general trend toward
political identities that remain relatively persistent throughout life. using information technology like the Internet, instant messaging, and
Young people are thought to be less politically firmly entrenched and other forms of electronic communication—are
communication unquestionably
therefore more susceptible to outside influences. However, there is changing
ging not only families but also individuals, groups, and entire
still no consensus regarding the durability of these early socialising nations. Political generations are groups of people with a similar age
ces. As a result, the notion of socialisation as a process of distribution who have gone through specific political experiences and
learning and personal political development has received more have come to have a particular worldview. Certain groups and, such
attention in research than attitude stability. A key idea in the study of citizens with higher levels of education and income, are socialized to
political science is party identification, which functione
functioned as the major take an active part in politics, while others are marginalized.
arena for the defenders of various viewpoints. The focus on Analysing how political socialisation occurs in society is comparable
based evaluations of government and their impact on to shooting at a moving target. For academics and educators,
party identification have diminished the importance of early political predicting the type of citizen that will emerge from the actions of
socialization. socialising agents is an ongoing issue. To more effectively explain
political socialisation in the 20th century and its implications for
citizenship, socialisationn scholarship needs to innovate in two ways:
DISCUSSION by developing theory and by using more accurate empirical referents.

Socializing agents either

ither directly or indirectly teach children about Socialization into party politics:: Political socialisation is the process
politics but also have a mobilizing function as they influence strength, by which people pick up political behaviour and then continue to
encourage or discourage young people’s political preferences and exhibit
hibit it (Hyman 1959). The majority of explanations for political
socialisation stress the significance of the connection between an
23034 Mridul Tamuli and Sumit Mallick, The colossal word ‘political socialization’ and its impact on society

individual and the system of government. According to Easton and Conclusion

Dennis (1969), it is a process that teaches people how to be a part of
their community and political structure. Political socialisation is This paper's main takeaway is that social movement scholars can
described as "the process through which the individual acquires expand on the knowledge already provided by the study of political
attitudes, ideas, and values relevant to the political system of which he socialization. The notion that one's political orientations and
is a part and to his function as a citizen within that political system" participation patterns are to be established from early childhood may
by Greenberg (1970: 3). According to Arnett (1995), political have been unduly hopeful in early political socialization efforts, but
socialisation is the process that ensures that norms and traditions are the idea that prior political experiences have a forming influence on
passed down from one generation to the next. Additionally, later political activity has persisted. The study of political
Greenberg (1970:4) asserts that "individual political attitudes and socialization reemerged during the 1990s and is looking for a more
aggregates of individual attitudes have an impact on the operation of a nuanced understanding of the permanence of prior influences and the
nation's political life" and that "childhood political learning is related potential for change in later stages of life. It is a field that investigates
to later adult orientations." a wide range of subjects, many of which are fascinating to social
movement scholars as well.
The early field of political socialization: Early on, the hypothesis
that people's political ideas and behaviors may be permanently shaped
by their early political experiences first surfaced. Karl Mannheim first REFERENCES
put forth his well-known theory of political generations in the 1920s.
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these life phases, such as peers, schools, media, etc. The transitional Kegan Paul.
phase between late adolescence and early adulthood appears to be McLeod J.M. and Shah, D.V. 2009. Communication and Political
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young people will experience a loss of social capital that supports
civic involvement as a result of this transformation. Family, friends,
and community support are lessening, and the pressures of the new
occupational environment are delaying reintegration. "While people
may encounter significant life transitions like immigration, college,
and they're first political or military experiences, all of these dramatic
events typically occur during the stage of life that we might refer to as
young adulthood. Even so, it has been demonstrated that these
experiences have only a modest impact on political attitudes and
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