Realization of Supply Chain Reference Architecture
Realization of Supply Chain Reference Architecture
Realization of Supply Chain Reference Architecture
ISSN 2250-3153
Abstract— In today’s global economy, businesses collaborate using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to realize the
across multiple organizations that include customers and business processes. This allows the system to natively support
vendors in multiple geographies due to business growth and collaboration as these are built on business processes rather
mergers and acquisitions. In general, larger companies have a than silo system processes.
greater number of systems with an average of 3.5 order
capture and 3.3 order fulfillment systems [1]. This has led to a II. NEED OF ORCHESTRATION
system landscape where there are multiple software The following are the characteristics of a modern ERP
applications that are implemented to serve both standard and system that enables realization of industry standard supply
customer specific business processes for a specific chain processes through orchestration:
organization. This necessitates organization to embark upon • Multiple company Business process
the practice of Enterprise Architecture (EA) to organize the • Multiple Enterprise Visibility
logic for business process and IT infrastructure reflecting the • Business rule driven
integration and standardization requirement of company’s • Strong collaboration tools.
operating model. [2] • Highly flexible and agile.
• Users should be able to see information from
However, there is a gap between the architecture and the multiple sources and be able to respond to events
solution domain. This paper explores how this gap can be across those sources.
bridged using right tools & techniques, a shared meta-data
model and realize the architecture by orchestrating the
solution based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This
paper also explains how this approach enables the business to
realize supply chain reference architecture like Supply-chain
operations reference-model (SCOR). This enables
organization to adopt industry standard supply chain reference
architecture with the benefit of monitoring the performance
Traditionally companies were focused only on one
organization where each function had its own source of data Fig. 1 Modern ERP platform
and systems – either off-line spreadsheets or an ERP system. Orchestration realizes the virtual enterprise value chain by
Traditional ERP systems started facilitating collaboration at a a system designed to operate in a virtual way using SOA. It
transaction and operations level. However, these systems enables users to manage the processes and the stake holders
proved inadequate due to their tight integration of underlying across different organizations in a uniform way to deliver a
system process and silo system processes are connected to consistent user experience while operating over heterogeneous,
realize the organization specific business processes instead of virtual enterprises.
top-down approach. Collaboration has become a necessity as
businesses started sourcing components from vendors or Orchestration enables building a composite application
outsourcing some operations to vendors. business process for a set of interacting services, not just by
The modern virtual enterprises work on Boundaryless bespoke development, but using a composition or business
Information Flow™ [3] across multiple organizations that process modelling language, such as Business Process
extends to customers and vendors. Modern ERP serving these Execution Language (BPEL) of information and control
virtual enterprises need to be built on top down architecture through the individual services. Thus, the design and
where the industry standard business processes are realized by development of services is agile, and may be performed by
application services encapsulating the system processes and developers under the close guidance of business analysts. [4]
support, round tripping between business and IT. This is
achieved by orchestrating loosely coupled application services III. ROLE OF REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2017
ISSN 2250-3153
Enterprise, as part of architectural continuum adopts the Below are the challenges in adopting the Industry
best practices and architectural style of Reference architecture Reference Architectures to an enterprise’s own Organization-
specific to their industry which governs solution being Specific Architectures that govern the solution being realized.
1) Architecture model address what are the best
Reference architecture is general in nature to some level of practices for a process where as the solution model
abstraction and provides concepts, components and their addresses how to implement process.
relationship used to direct/guide and constrain the 2) Architecture model are efficient at Strategic level
instantiation of (repeated) concrete solutions. [5] whereas solution model is efficient at tactical level.
3) Architecture and solution modeling languages are not
4) Meta-data model not shared between Architecture
and Solution modeling tools.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2017
ISSN 2250-3153
Below diagram depict the fit for purpose tools and techniques
A. Applying proposed model to SCOR by applying the suggested model to realize the SCOR
Supply-chain operations reference-model (SCOR) is the reference architecture.
industry leading architecture reference model for supply
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2017
ISSN 2250-3153
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2017
ISSN 2250-3153