PAGASA 2019 AR - Endorsed
PAGASA 2019 AR - Endorsed
PAGASA 2019 AR - Endorsed
FY 2019
Org.nlz.tlon: Phllippins Afnosphorb, Geophysical and Astonomical Ssrvicas Administration Orgrntsrtlon Clt3gory: National Gov€rnmont,
Attachod Agency
Organlrdlon tllalrrchy: Department of Scionc8 and Technology, PhillpFins Atrnospheric, Geophysicsl and Astronomical Sarvicos Administretion
I MCW Sodlon 36, Pmgfrm R69ulerplo{nms PAP] Canotal 1 M .nd E I GAD drt brsa lor 75,[email protected] 36.0a7.75 OAD Tochnical PaRhlly Oo.r€. lnit.l
MoriMng srd and Evak atqr Adnhrrlration and .rd udEanon d lygaan utlErd - GAD Alribut U6 6AA Wo rrE Glup CWG) rnaau€ @rdltl€d, no
Evalueton ol Gandar Syltam n dds to ba GAD pa.lpcdito SopFrt S.Mcaq li8l of q!do. Prqrams G^A
lriporiivn prcglams updatad end lBviqulid usino M ond E Wbath€(, Cllm6la rnd i33uo! id.nlifrd develop.n nt ol GAD
3q bll fu. rasults Flod Fo{lcasting wdaled as ot 3rd datrbala (via googlr
p.qrammirE Slrvic- ClimaL qusrt6r sh.aU
I 2 ! a 6 I I to ll
2 Somo progrum IEC Limit.d capacily of Pmoram IEC MFO:O.n.r.l lfumbar ol IEC 1 m.eting on IEC 60,000.00 't47,260,51 R.8c.rdl and Dono. Actual lECs
motadsls atilllack Ul! concarn€d unit! to matlddr ar. Admhidr.tion rnd Prhllng.nd matrdal6 OAA Davrlopmont md produQd lnd
pa.ip.cliw int O6Sd with OID Olttrbullon ol
mrlntbrah GAD pdapcclivo
Supporf Sarvicaa
\ir..hcr. Cllmeb efld ProCmm IEC maEnab
oA0 :top{r IEC
GAA Trll^irlg DMson dirtribllrd ttd
Ufi GAD p.ftp.cllvr (RDm) frnaliradon wilh top
p{lapcctw ln ixlglino Flood Folrcarling Frcalplctivo and (CAD.G,qD prcioci) managcmrnuPQFPS.
IEC mLdd! Srvlc.. Climel. dltibutod lo dlrUbltod Clinsblogy rnd
SrNico locat p.rhor3 . A0ronEbordo0y
3 lEC m.t Oivirion (CAO)
pa.!p!c{ivo ad
dlrihlled to
loctlparlrEE I
dQft llipchart o[
I 2 ! ! 6 a I t0 ll
3 R.puuic (RA) 10398 Low knoYrlodgo and PAGASq PAP G6n.ral I o.tivity I End VAW 80 000 00 71,429.13 OFFS/TWG.nd Dono
d.cledng Novqnbar 25 atakaholdad havc Admini(ralion and lnilLt d by 'ts Crh6'Film OAA Admiri3b.livo 0iviriqt
ri lhc Nrtiohal PAOASA int6mal incraa d Support SoNica! rh. 18O.y Cimp&lgn oosT - 50 (20 Showln0 conduchd (AD), PRSO Ofic.e
Coneiou6na$ Day br hnowlcdga and F End 30 M) (r9 F, 3 M)
thr Eimlnaton ot applr'cin(on on DOST.cllviics) pal.0nnrl
Condud ol PAOASA
vlohnc. egain
lnilliild elMV c t\. plrliclpatd At r|d!d i rcW
contrlbtltlon in lnllht d lctivlty,
chlldltrn/R.A. 10398. An netion.bu{lding. Olll., Han0ln! ot I .dirty 'Solid.rlv Walk to
act NrnrE tarpauiln and init t.d by .nd vAw' (0 F, 3
Novombcr 25 Evory dlsrdbu{on ot End PCW- 60 (30 F M)
Y.or a lLlohel v^w IEC m.t l!.h .t eltd 30 M)
Con$ioranrqi Oay b. sr PA0ASA Bnr.r pallohnol
thc EiminalDn ol fic., DIC BuUdYtg psrticipcad
vAvrc. R.A. 10398
m.dabd ttEl h{.di of
goYornmCnt a0aalcias
.nd inlfumlnt lltic8.
shall o.ganiac, arseo
or pa.tcip6t'r in
aativitiG dai0rlad lo public aYvirqna5a
oh lhc prDblrrn of
4 A growitq rumbor oI Limltod PAMSA omployaos PAP] Gonordl M{inlananca of Ohgoing rapat of Eudgcl mey be 200,285.50 GFFS./TWG cnd Partially Done.
sawtcar6uppon fo{ Admrftcraton 8nd oPa6l!(,nel tho childfifding sdjUsLd GIA Eng n€.ring and
chiUlaniopsndlnt! child.mndng Btallon Supp)d SeNic.i Child-Mr'{hg $.non Child'Mndins sta(oh, hinng o[ doponding on Tecinical Seaviccs
h€va oelo$ld ooad childIafliep€ndants is providid Slrtloh - driB.mind... .nd Dru!ion (ETSD)
for chiumindng staton Purclaiing of fnelc6tion of thc callgi\6.\
addlllorl.l guid,clin63 ol th. hotoredum (as
tuPdia!,6lc. lBe of tlo CUS. pof 2.018 GPB)
Additionolluppllcc 3m.000.00
I 2 ! 6 I 9 t0 il
PAOASA PAP! .l.nd Linllcd arld PAP! r! !!t i€€d MFO:6anr..l Condud Hanhontsad Conduci I Grndor An lyd! 500,(m.00 363.135.2,a TWeGFPSTndAO Oono
purposivoly intagntad 6pp6odbn of and medr Adhiniatralion ahd GAD Od(blldr Mid{crl and Mrd.Yarr OAA
with GAD poBpedivo conc6m.d t.drrxc.l gcndcr..!!ponlivr Suppod S.Nicaa pLmlnC 6ta$ Ya.rcid OAA
!l.f b eply g.ndr. afid Evaluallon ol Aa!atarncnl co.rd'.rcbd (tg F, 4
lnalyrl6 and intconata .id lrybrkhop - M)
GAD p.lt06div. ln I
PAP! aaa6i!ftrolrt
aonduoLd 1
I ! !l 6 I 9 t0 It
6 R.public A.t (RA) 694S PAOASA PAGASA PAP G6n6r.l 50 Vvtlc IEC I idivlty conductod 150.000.00 67,193.22 OFPSXTWG ind Oono
B. 'l9q) d6cl€dng St kchold.E haE SbkGtloldal! haw Adrhiniilration and m!l6ndr by PAOCSA - Adminiirqtv. Divl!im
March 8 of aYrry )aarr limitad k^oiLdga irrcllslad Suppo.t S.Mcas dlhM.d - 50 onA (r.O) PRSD Oltrc6B
!! Nrtooll Wom6nr end appllcl.tlon on knowledge .nd C.lobmdon (PCW rnd
OOSr. hntt d
Vitllo IEC
tuyrRopubllc Acl (RA) app6ciation on tha 1 oOST-wid. WMC
6949 i. 1990 declenng co.ttdbutom ol rclc Bnd dr!hbutad
March 8 of ov.ry )6ar conlribulro[! of 2 WMC lamiultn
rs N6lio.1€l Womona nalion{uildrE. I edivity p@ted d PAGASA
PAGASA ccntrl
oey, it 13 oftourag€d natlon-buiuing. Om.! n crl.b lbn ol initr.t d br olc and CO
lh8tthc agdlcy will DOST- 50 (20 F building and prillting
p.ovdc end efiod .nd 30lr) ol Tshiris
suficilrll tima .rd
opportrnllios lb. lhoir paftclpet d
ornployr€s lo on9ag6 wMc EC rna'l.B d
tnd plrliqpab in .iy ? adlntos
rctlvitiy conduclod Oifico, DIC B ldh! mitietld by
withn thc prt.rfuc d .nd R.gia{1.| Olfic.s PCW - lm (s0 G8p€.ti\. ofllcas F .nd 50i.1)
qltiblBhnl6m lo NCbnal p.rtcipatd
!lomon'! DayRl.
10398. An ad
Ocalring tlovmbor 25
Evg.y Yc€r .3 National
Consciou8ncla Ooy br
Elimin€tion ol
vAwc. R.A. 10398
manddbd thrt h6!ds ol
goYemmont agancics
end in6tumontrlitio6
ghalldganiro, cngsgo
or pfitcipet! n
.ctrvitir. ddigncd to
raba public aw€rcnoss
m th. probiorn of
'| I 5 I 6 E 9 t0 1t
I PAGASA R60ion.l PAGASA Rogionol PAGAS( Rogional PAP] Oon€ral .t loait 1 GST I 6ST conduclod, 700,000.00 GFPS/TWO rnd Don6. 1 OST
Oflloo poaEonnd havo stofi h6vc limltod $trff h6v€ incnag6d Adminiltratlon and buildh$ on GAO botch conducbd atbndod by GAA Admlnlilrstiv6 Dlvlsioh conductad, attondad
limlt€d knowlidqo on knowlodgo snd Support SorvicsB {Oendcr Scniltivlly wlthln l yoar-at PAGASA Rrqloh.l (A0) by R.gionrl Oftic€s
Treloin0), l.ett 50 pax
GAO GAD c€pacity ippilclolion on SaNicG Olvbiofi Acco.nodotloh wilh fu|l
drv$loposnt activitie6. GAD. tralned flom 5 (PRSD) " compo!.d boaid mlals: Php
PRSO Ofilc€s of omployaos and 300,000.00 Travotling
within thB y€ar oltcktls lrom ExprlEoi
Nodhem Luro[, (prdicipanb) Php 88,
Soulhom Lulon 360.50 Roroullo
ViEayds, Mindaneo Speikori Php
Rrgionel SoNlciB 22.a00.00
Dividon (1? F.8 M). Trlnepotation
Exp€isegt Php
29$,,{40.00 TOTAL
Php ,06, 2{r0.S0
8 Rosulor pro0rdlis have PAOASA Torhr c{l PAGASA Todtnical PAP Gsnelal Condlld d V{nl€rtiop 6l lodtt 4 I Fomulation/ 200,0,00.00 t88.?71.t7 GFPSrrWG &\d Don€
IimiH GAD Sft{ff ha\B limit€d sl6tr ard po.sonn6l Administration and paaotama Wiio^shop ot GAO rf,AA rMmiristrativa Oividqt
6pao'tylo ar6 camc{alod m Supporl Se.vrcos Gljl{hlhc (Oender iht griled wdh Agcrda and IEC GAA (Ao)
nnirst€am GAD n GAD. GAD
rogular Brg.atn6 p€rspcc{ivo by (19 F, 2 M)
{h qu|rtor "2
@nducbd by
latt quaator
I PAGASA M6in olico Limited p66onc6 of PAGASA Maln FAP: Gonoral GAD Como.s 3 6AD comor$ 't0,000.00 51 385,t0 GAD TWG, AD Don6. PS atuibutiohs
and Rogionsl porsonnsl GAD.6htod Oflco and Rogional Adminiatration and riaht0insd Rnd (C6ntr3l Oftco) GM and GAD comar
h6vo limited knovitodge porsonnol havo Support Sowics$ irpd6$d wth maintainod ind GAA srrppllos
on 6AD and QAO inclea8€d GAD rllatedal8 updstod
inithlivos of lho ogency qua(.dy - 2
appmcistlon qn ConLol Otic€, I
GAD and GAD DC, 5 mSDt
inlthtivls ot t\c
I 2 t I 6 i 9 to ti
10 No gonde l!3ponliva Lact( of gander To ba u8ld ln MFO PAP Generxl 1 Conauualroll Unebl! to andudo in Co8l = 3as 0.00 Northorn Lu&n Nol Oon. UnrU6 k
mulli"purpoio tr.inin0 6SpOn!iva int mal PAOASA Adminlltratron and mult-p(rposo minlng of Multi- PAGASA matara x PhP GAA PAOASA Rrgiorul in.ludc In PAGAS,q
cantrr (with s.prrat multi+urpooc training trainng!, Support ScMc+! c.nLr al Baqulo c[y Pueoaa fainhg lnfrGt,\rctul! dan 30.000 /motoF S6tutc.6 Divirion intrldruct ra plan br qu{taa, cani.. (with eopa.ata Pl! Ohaatcr Rllk W.rlhcr, Cl{mati 6nd Strtiolrconltnrtto.l of Cantar st foi rlgional !.rvic6 Php 10,350.00 (NLPRSO), ro$md sirNica! duo
comfurt rooln!)ior llarping qur.lo8. Flood Follca8ling B.grio City . I due to conlllctr on 500 m0.00 Ehtin.edrE .rd to cdtflids m pl.ming
PAGASA .nd (Dmiorl @om8) tropic.l c'yclonog SarvicG Climata C,onltructon ol plmning.
famalo omployooa conltruct d yot. po3te53 c lhrolt in Srrvic.6 cir.xmfoI!ntiel GAA DivirDn (ETSD)
etbnding rqioml tho llr€a ol lo d in3kL lha
trrinihgs, m.aungs, otc- iurigdldron. station
disaslo. ralalod (N@)
If|c p&folcd
condructirn of
cilt,rmhrrntial loed
rrEita tl|o synopio
Station @m@!nd i!
lor t|r! davaloflnont
oB.guio ltation
compound lro
havoen oany !(66!
lo df'brqtf.cililos
inBH. th.stitioo
11 MCW Sodion 36. GAD PAP8 aro GAD PAPB .nd MFo MFO G€ A!ca8t4 GAD 4 GqD mootlng8 20,000.00 ,u,937.03 TWCYOFPS Doho.
Phnrne, ImphmcnurB rYroariN*od end budg.t uliliratioo a,6 Adminialration .nd GAO TWG M..tngs mlalings rnd con8ulations OAA
and Monitoino and a!a6!Bcd ol(cepl tho fully nro[ilDrod lnd Suppon ScNi.oB conductad . cond!cbd GAA
Evalualion of G.nd.r OAD buded. .a3a6ard A[.rdcd
mdrctramin0 Budc€t lrtllrltlon invltdional
tn ring! .nd