2nd Exam
2nd Exam
2nd Exam
Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Describe the draw and modify commands and
the object tracking tools
In this section, the draw will be discussed to demonstrate ULOa and serves as the
foundation in understanding the subject. Please refer to these definitions in case you
will encounter difficulty in understanding educational concepts.
1. Draw commands- a set of commands used to create a desired object
2. Modify commands- a set of commands used to edit the unnecessary
lines or object in a drawing
3. Object snap tracking- drawing aids which are used in conjunction with other
commands to help you draw accurately
4. Geometric figures- a figure or area closed by a boundary which is
created by combining the specific number of curves, points, and lines
5. Technical drawing- a detailed drawing of an object used for later
manufacture or construction
Essential Knowledge
To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first two (3) weeks
of the course, you need to know the fundamental concepts in Computer Aided drafting
that will be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are not limited to
exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are expected to utilize other books,
research articles and other resources that are available in the university’s library e.g.
ebrary, search.proquest.com etc.
A. Draw toolbar
1. Line - A line defines the shortest distance between two points. You can draw a
line by specifying its start point and endpoint.
To draw a line, click on the Line tool in the Draw
panel of the Home tab or enter L in the
Command Line window and then press
1. Click on the Line tool in the Draw panel or enter L in the Command Line window
and then press ENTER. You are prompted to specify the first point of the line.
Specify first point:
2. Enter the coordinates (X and Y) of the first point in the Command Line window
or the Dynamic Input boxes. As soon as you specify the coordinates of the first
point, you are prompted to
specify the next (second) point of the line. Specify next point or [Undo]:
3. Enter the coordinates (X and Y) of the second
point in the Command Line window or the
Dynamic Input boxes. A line is drawn between
the two specified points in the drawing area, .
Also, a rubber band line attached to the cursor,
and you are prompted to specify the next (third)
point of the line.
4. Similarly, you can continue specifying points in the drawing area for creating a
chain of lines
5. Once all the line entities have been drawn, exit from the Line tool by pressing
the ENTER key. You can also press the ESC or SPACEBAR key to exit from
the Line tool. Alternatively, right-click in the drawing
area and then click on the Enter or Cancel option in
the shortcut menu that appears to exit from the Line
2. Circle
A circle is defined as a closed curve in which all points are the same distance from
its center point. The center point is a single XY coordinate. In AutoCAD you can
draw a circle by using the following methods:
Specify center point for circle or [3P 2P Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
2. Specify the coordinates (X, Y) of the center point either in the Command Line
window or the Dynamic input boxes. You are prompted to specify the diameter
of the circle.
3. Enter diameter of the circle and then press ENTER. The circle of specified
diameter is created,
2 Points
Specify center point for circle or [3P 2P Ttr (tan tan radius)]:_2p Specify first
end point of circle’s diameter:
2. Enter the coordinate (X, Y) of the first point either in the Command Line window
or the Dynamic Input boxes and then press ENTER. Alternatively, click in the
drawing area to define the first point on the circumference of the circle. As soon
as you specify the first point, you are prompted to specify the second point of
the circle.
Specify second end point of circle’s diameter:
3. Enter the coordinate (X, Y) of the second point on the circumference of the
circle either in the Command Line window or the Dynamic Input boxes and then
press ENTER. The circle drawn, see Figure 2.39. You can also click directly in
the drawing area to define the second point on the circumference of the circle.
3 Points
Procedure for Drawing a Circle by Defining 3 Points
1. Invoke the Circle flyout and then click on the 3 Point
tool. You are prompted to specify the center point of
the circle.
2. Enter the coordinate (X, Y) of the first point either in the Command Line
window or the Dynamic Input boxes. Alternatively, you can click directly in the
drawing area to define the first point. As soon as you specify the first point,
you are prompted to specify the second point of the circle.
3. Enter the coordinate (X, Y) of the second point. You are prompted to specify
the third point. Also, the preview of the circle appears such that it has passed
through the two specified points. Specify third point on circle:
4. Enter the coordinate (X, Y) of the third point. The circle drawn, see Figure.
Tangent, Tangent, Radius
2. Click on the first tangent object in the drawing area, see Figure 2.41. You are
prompted to specify the second tangent object.
3. Click on the second tangent object in the drawing area, see Figure 2.41. You
are prompted to specify the radius of the circle.
4. Enter the radius value of the circle either in the Command Line window or the
Dynamic Input boxes and then press ENTER. The circle tangent to the two
selected objects drawn.
4. Click on the third tangent object, see Figure. The circle tangent to three
selected objects drawn, see Figure.
3. Arc
4. Rectangle
Rectangles can be drawn using the Polygon command. An easier way of drawing
a rectangle is by using the
RECTANGLE command.
5. Ellipse
The shape of an ellipse is determined by two axes that define its length and width.
The longer axis is called the major axis,
and the shorter one is the minor axis.
6. Polygon
7. Polyline
A polyline is a connected series of line
segments created as a single object. You can
create straight-line segments, arc segments, or
a combination of the two.
8. Donuts
Donuts are filled rings or solid-filled circles
that are closed polylines with width. To
draw the donut you must specify the inside
diameter, the outside diameter and the
center of the donut.
1. Erase - one of the most used modify command. The command erases or
deletes any selected object/s from the drawing.
2. Copy- a command that can be used to create one or more duplicates of any
object/s which have been previously created.
3. Mirror- a command that allows you to mirror selected objects in your drawing
by picking them and then defining the position of an imaginary mirror line using
two points.
10. Lengthen - a command used to change the length of objects and the
included angle of arcs.
12. Extend- a command which extends a line, polyline or arc to meet an existing
13. Break- a command to break (remove part of) an object by defining two break
15. . Chamfer- a command to create an angled corner between any two non-
parallel lines or any two adjacent polyline segments
16. Fillet – a modify command which enables you to draw a tangent arc between
two objects.
17. EXPLODE- a command used to break apart single objects into their
constituent parts. In other words, the command is used to return blocks,
polylines, rectangles, etc. back to their individual component parts.
1. Endpoint -snaps to the end points of lines and arcs and to polyline vertices.
2. Midpoint - snaps to the midpoint of a line, an arc and a polyline segment.
3. Intersection - snaps to the physical intersection of any two drawn objects
(i.e., where lines, arcs or circles cross each other) and to polyline vertices.
4. Apparent Intersection (APPINT) -snaps to the point where objects (on
different planes) appear to intersect in the current view
5. Extension -enables you to snap to some point along the imaginary
extension of a line, arc or polyline segment
6. CENter -snaps to the center of a circle, arc or polyline arc segment.
7. Quadrant Osnap snaps to one of the four circle quadrant points located at
north, south, east and west or 90, 270, 0 and 180 degrees respectively
8. Tangent - snaps to a tangent point on a circle or arc. This Osnap works in
two ways
9. PERpendicular - snaps to a point which forms a 90-degree angle between
the selected object and the object being drawn.
10. Parallel - used to draw a line parallel to any other line in your drawing
11. Nearest Osnap snaps onto an existing object.
12. Insert Osnap snaps to the insertion point of a block, text or an image
13. NODE Osnap snaps to the center of a point, a dimension definition point
or a dimension text origin
Self Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson:
Shumaker, TM, et al (2019). AutoCAD and its Applications 26th Edition, The Goodheart-
Willcox Company, Inc.
Chappell, E. (2013). AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 Essentials: Autodesk Official Press (1).
Sybex. Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/lib/uniofmindanao/doc
Fane, B. (2013). AutoCAD 2014 For Dummies (1). For Dummies. Retrieved from
Let’s Check
Activity 1. Blueprint Reading no 7: Multiple choice. Select the best answer
1. The command line abbreviation for the Circle tool is:
a. cir
b. c
c. ci
d. cl.
2. The Arctool can be called by entering the following abbreviation at the command line:
a. ar
b. a
c. ac;
d. There is no abbreviation. The name arc must be entered in full.
3. The Circle command option which automatically invokes an OSNAP mode.
a. 2P (2 Points)
b. 3P (3 Points)
c. TTR (Tangent, Tangent, Radius)
d. Center, Radius
4. How many points do you need to define for the rectangle command?
a. One
b. Four
c. Two
d. None
5. What is the purpose of the set variable MIRRTEXT:
a. To ensure that text is mirrored correctly
b. To enable text to be mirrored with a drawing, when the Mirror tool is in use
c. To make sure that text is deleted from drawings when acted upon by the
Mirror tool
d. To show text clearly in drawings acted upon by the Mirror tool.
6. When using the Rotate tool the angle of rotation is in the following direction:
a. Clockwise
b. Anticlockwise
c. The direction in which the cursor is moved
d. There is no fixed rotation direction.
7. When using the Stretch tool:
a. Circles can be stretched into ellipses
b. The tool has no effect upon circles
c. Be careful because circles can be erased
d. Treat circles like any other part of the drawing being stretched.
8. When using the Break tool on circles and/or arcs:
a. Breaks can be made in any direction
b. Breaks can only be made in a clockwise direction
c. Breaks can only be made in an anticlockwise direction
d. Break cannot be made in circles or arcs.
9. The Join tool can be used for joining:
a. Any two arcs
b. Only arcs or lines in line with each other
c. Any two lines or plines
d. Any objects can be joined to each other.
10. When you invoke an Object Snap mode, ____.
A. you can select with a pickbox, window, or crossing window
B. an AutoSnap “marker” appears at the object’s Osnap point when the cursor is
C. AutoCAD prompts you to “Select objects:”
D. the selected object becomes highlighted
Let’s Practice
Draw the following Plate Exercises. Refer to the Draw Manual for these set of exercises
You are free to list down all the emerging questions or issues in the provided
spaces below. These questions or concerns may also be raised in the LMS or other
modes. You may answer these questions on your own after clarification. The Q&A
portion helps in the review of concepts and essential knowledge.
Questions/Issues Answers
Geometric figures erase
Circle trim
Rectangle move
Polygon copy
Ellipse explode