Potential Applications of Green Synthesized Nano Particles in Human Diseases

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Potential Applications of Green Synthesized

Nano Particles in Human Diseases
Nakul Kumar1*, Rutvik Vyas2 Sinha3and Surabhi
Swarrnim Science College, Swarnim Startup and
Innovation University, Kalol, Gandhinagar 1-2
Banaras Hindu University3

Corresponding Author:
Dr. Nakul Kumar*

Abstract:- An emerging area of biology and engineering I. INTRODUCTION

is nanobiotechnology. Due to its environmental
friendliness, using green chemistry to design and develop There are several significant obstacles that
biocompatible nanoparticles is always a better option. nanobiomedicine and parasitology must overcome, most of
The green chemistry method for making metal them have to do with the lack of efficient preventive and
nanoparticles has a number of advantages over therapeutic methods for cancer and diseases spread by
traditional synthetic techniques, including being easier, mosquitoes. In this case, using botanical and invertebrate
safer, quicker, more energy-efficient, mostly one-pot extracts as reducing, stabilising, and capping agents for the
processes, less expensive, and less toxic. Noble synthesis of nanoparticles is preferable to using chemical
nanoparticles (gold, silver, and platinum) are and physical methods because it is simpler, less
particularly appealing in biomedical applications due to expensive,and doesn't require using toxic chemicals or high
the presence of unusual physicochemical properties, ease pressure, energy, or temperature.(Benelli, 2016). With the
of synthesis and surface modification in the nanoscale ability to manipulate matter's size (*1-100 nm) in the
range, biocompatibility, and a number of other benefits. atomic, molecular, or macromolecular range and create
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are particularly attractive fundamentally novel features and functions, nanotechnology
because they are biocompatible. recent discoveries is the most promising field of modern science (Elizondo et
Although the SARS-corona virus 2 infections do not al., 2012). In addition to size, the nanomaterials' increased
primarily affect the skin, they do in some way, either surface to volume ratio, surface energy, and aspect ratio help
directly or indirectly, exacerbate skin eruptions. Recent them exhibit a number of striking physical, chemical,
research has shown that curcumin-mediated generated biological, and optical features when compared to their bulk
AgNPs may play a role in RSV entrance by inhibiting scale. Numerous industries have benefited from the
interactions with the viral surface and damaging viral widespread use of nanotechnology in areas such as catalysis,
protein. Copper iodide floral extract (CuI-FE), which electronics, optics, solar cells, the food industry,
has strong COVID-19 inhibitory action, was developed engineering, textiles, paints, drug delivery, diagnostics,
via contemporary molecular docking research. therapies, and imaging, among others (Jana and Jana, 2017).
Numerous studies show that green synthesis-mediated
nanoparticles including silver, gold, zinc, copper, iron, (Anand et al., 2017)As a safe substitute for risky
titanium dioxide, selenium, and cadmium have a strong chemical and physical synthetic processes, the biosynthesis
anti-viral effect. The anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti- of metal nanoparticles (NPs) using medicinal plants has
inflammatory, anti-hive rich plant-mediated drawn a lot of interest. Plants are used for their special metal
nanoparticle synthesis was used to treat the skin tolerance and efficient synthesis of gold metal nanoparticles
condition caused by SARS-corona virus 2 (the viral (NPs). Proteins, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids,
clinical signs are itchy, hives, rashes, papules, psoriasis, polysaccharides, and other "environmentally benign, yet
and inflammation) and (non-viral clinical signs-pressure chemically complicated" chemical components are found in
urticaria, contact dermatitis, and acne). abundance in a single medicinal plant, making them great
tools for improving therapeutic uses. In order to create
Keywords:- Green synthesis; Nano-particle; Human stable gold and silver NPs, it is said that phytocompounds
Disease; COVID-19; Biomolecules. like terpenoids, polysaccharides, polyols, and flavones
participate in bio-reduction, stability, and bio-capping
mechanisms. (Shaheen et al., 2016)A study of enzyme
inhibitor kinetics, ligand binding dynamics, and in silico
docking studies that disclose the manner of bioactive
substances and their inhibitory activities are then followed
by the inhibitory potential of plant drugs against diabetes
targets. The potential anticancer, antidiabetic, and
antibacterial action of phytosynthesized gold and silver NPs
is the main emphasis of the current review.(Kummara, Patil
and Uriah, 2016)

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A range of nano biomaterials with uses in biology and II. USE OF ORGANISMS IN THE SYNTHESIS OF
medicine have been developed as a result of the innovative NANOPARTICLES
technique known as nano biotechnology. Despite having
potential antibacterial characteristics, the majority of In this article, we list some of the organisms that are
methods for creating these nanoparticles are expensive and used in the biosynthesis of nanomaterials and discuss the
may be harmful to the environment, biological systems, and qualities that should be present in all nanoparticles for the
human health because they use hazardous and toxic production of desired nanoparticles. The following is a list
chemicals. (Yazdanian et al., 2022)Technologies for of somecreatures that have been utilised to produce
synthesising "green" nanoparticles have been developed as a nanoparticles.(Singh et al., 2020)
result. (Souza et al., 2018)This option uses biological
systems like yeast, fungus, bacteria, and plant extracts A. Use of Bacteria
instead of dangerous chemicals, making it safer and more The ability to manufacture silver nanoparticles using the
environmentally friendly than chemical methods. bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri AG259 isolated from silver
(Emmanuel et al., 2017)The availability of a wide variety of mines has been demonstrated(Joerger, Klaus and Granqvist,
metabolites with strong reduction potentials, global 2000). It has been reported that magnetotactic bacteria have
distribution, safe handling, minimal waste and energy costs, been used in the manufacture of magnetic nanoparticles.
and large and accessible reserves are only a few of the many Two different sorts of particles are produced by
reasons why plant extracts are widely used. magnetotactic bacteria like Magnetospirillum magneticum;
some make chains of magnetic (Fe3O4) and others produce
A. Green Synthesis of Synthesis NPs’ greigite (Fe3S4) nanoparticles, while others produce both
The study of materials in the nanoscale, which is forms.
typically between 1 and 100 nm, is the subject of the
scientific field known as nanotechnology.(Gour and Jain, B. Use of Yeast
2019) It is a science that operates at the nanoscale and The biosynthesis of cadmium sulphide (CdS)
provides different focal points to the many different nanocrystals was carried out for the first time using the
scientific disciplines, including bioengineering, Candida glabrata and Schizosaccharomycespombe.
pharmacology, and dentistry (Rafique et al., 2017). The Cadmium salts were employed to create these nanocrystals,
future of nanomaterials depends on the use of green which are currently found in quantum semiconductor
chemistry. This field of nanoscience ought to lead to the crystallites (Shah et al., 2015). To increase the amount of
creation of eco-friendly, secure NPs and achieve widespread semiconductor CdS nanocrystals produced using
recognition in the nanotechnology (Varma, 2012). The Schizosaccharomycespombe cells, additional studies have
morphology of integrated particles, such as their size, been carried out.Maximum nanocrystals were produced
physicochemical properties, and shape, is greatly influenced when these cells were exposed to 1 mM Cd during their
by the solvents and reducing operators used for the mid-log phase of growth (Kowshik et al., 2002).According
reduction of the NPs, and this morphology affects the usage to this study, the yeast growth phase affected how CdS
of NPs. The two distinctive approaches for the nanocrystals were formed.
amalgamation of NPs are top down and bottom C. Use of fungi
up.(Nadagouda and Varma, 2008). Fungi can be used to produce nanoparticles with well-
B. Green synthesis using plant extracts defined dimensions in addition to good monodispersity. This
Unlike microbes, plants have been exploited extensively. was demonstrated in an experiment utilising the fungus
This is due to the increased stability and decrease of plant Verticillium sp. to bioreduce aqueous AuCl4 ions, which
phytochemicals. (Zeb et al., 2019)AgNPs were created produced gold nanoparticles with rather well-defined
using Eugenia jambolana leaf extract and showed the dimensions and good monodispersity(Mukherjee et al.,
presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and sugar 2001).Here, enzymes in the cell wall reduced gold ions,
compounds. A Saracaasoca bark extract revealed the which caused metal atoms to aggregate and produce gold
presence of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups.(Banerjee and nanoparticles. They were unable to identify the precise
Nath, 2015). process by which gold nanoparticles are formed, though.
Their research suggests that, in comparison to bacteria,
The ecologically beneficial "green chemistry" concept fungi may be a source for significant nanoparticle creation.
has been used in the biosynthesis of nanoparticles to create (Mukherjee et al., 2002)Fungi are known to secrete
clean, environment-friendly nanoparticles that involve substantially higher levels of protein, therefore using a
bacteria, fungus, plants, actinomycetes, etc.(Jadoun et al., biosynthetic technique might result in significantly better
2021)This process is referred to as "green synthesis"(Pal, nanoparticle yield.
Rai and Pandey, 2019). The creation of nanoparticles with
novel characteristics through biosynthesis employing the D. Use of Plants
aforementioned organisms is a sustainable alternative. Both Plants have been shown to be a good source for the
single-celled and multicellular organisms are permitted to production of quantum dots, which have a wide range of
respond in these syntheses(Mohanpuria, Rana and Yadav, applications in nanobiotechnology. One of the intriguing
2008). studies using alfalfa shows that it is possible for living
plants to synthesise quantum dots. Alfalfa roots have the
ability to take in Ag (0) from an agar medium and transport

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
it in the same oxidation state to the plant's purpose of preventing viral multiplication, a variety of NPs
shoots.(Armendariz et al., 2004). These Ag atoms joined have been studied as antiviral agents.(Medhi et al., 2020).
together to create larger arrangements in the shoot, where
they then organised themselves to produce nanoparticles. A Antimicrobial studies can be performed for Gram-
study using a TEM and SEM revealed that the accumulated positive S. aureus, B. megatherium, and B. subtilis, and for
Ag atoms inside the plant tissue underwent nucleation, Gram-negative E. coli, S. typhi, and A. aerogenes organisms
resulting in the production of nanoparticles.(Gardea- using sterile Media under the Disc Diffusion Method. A
Torresdey et al., 2000) zone of inhibition of the synthesized compounds was noted
and compared with the standard drug Norfloxacin. The
Cinnamomumcamphora leaf extract has recently been entire work was carried out, followed by a horizontal
discovered for the synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles, Laminar Flow Hood. The IC50 value corresponded to the
expanding the list of plants exhibiting potential for concentration required for 50% inhibition(Kumar et al.,
nanoparticle manufacturing (Huang et al., 2007). The 2022).
significant shape control difference between silver and gold
nanoparticles was ascribed to the relative advantages of At concentrations below the hazardous limit, silver
protective and reductive biomolecules. It was discovered nanoparticles (AgNPs) and silver nanowires (AgNWs)
that the stability of the nanoparticles and the reduction of greatly reduce the transmissible gastroenteritis virus
silver ions or chloroaurate ions, respectively, were mostly (TGEV), a coronavirus family member, infectivity.(Lv et
caused by the watersoluble heterocyclic and polyol al., 2014) Additionally, it has been shown that silver
components. nanostructures lessen the amount of cell death brought on by
viral infection. According to data, Ag nanoparticles prevent
III. NANOPARTICLES FOR DIAGNOSTICS the Pi-p38 protein from being expressed when TGEV is
present, therefore controlling the p38-MAPK-p53
Due to its simplicity, high sensitivity, and high mitochondrial signalling cascades. (Xu et al., 2014)This
specificity based on the exponential growth in RNA control lessens the amount of cell apoptosis brought on by
produced throughout the procedure, the reverse transcription TGEV infection.
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is the basis for the
majority of viral RNA detection methods.(Corman et al., V. NANOPARTICLES AS IMMUNOGENIC AGENTS
2020) Even though RT-PCR techniques are widely FOR VACCINES
recognised as the gold standard for coronavirus detection,
there are several issues that need to be resolved, such as low Vaccination is the most effective defence against a
extraction efficiency, the necessity for time-consuming viral outbreak. A robust immune response that results in the
procedures, and contamination-related false positive results. formation of long-lasting and protective immunity against
(Coronavirus et al., 2004) Due to their high surface area and the targeted pathogen is the aim of vaccination. Innate
ultrasmall size, NPs have been used in RT-PCR as well as (nonspecific) and adaptive (specific) immune systems are
other virus detection techniques, including an enzyme- two main groups into which the immune system's
linked immunosorbent test (ELISA) and reverse components fall.(Jun-Ming Zhang, 2009) Natural killer
transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification, to (NK) cells, DCs, macrophages, monocytes, and innate
increase the effectiveness of virus detection (RT-LAMP). In lymphoid cells make up the innate immune system. Innate
the area of virus detection, a variety of NP types have been lymphoid cells integrate and amplify cytokines, while
investigated, including metal NPs, carbon nanotubes, silica macrophages produce cytokines and chemokines that cause
NPs, quantum dots (QDs), and polymeric NPs. Among inflammation for local defence or to aid in tissue repair. DCs
these, coronavirus detection has been used with metal NPs, serve as sentinels. NPs have been used in numerous virus
metal nanoislands (NIs), magnetic NPs (MNPs), and QDs. detection techniques. The advantages of increased
The majority of these diagnostic approaches rely on optical, sensitivity for optical biosensing are provided by metal NPs
electrochemical, fluorescent, and colorimetric detection and QDs with distinctive optical characteristics. Due to their
methods. A list of the NPs employed in the diagnostic magnetic properties, MNPs are mostly used in the viral
detection of coronaviruses. extraction process. Additionally, to increase the
effectiveness of virus detection, nanohybrid structures
IV. NANOPARTICLES THAT BLOCK VIRAL combine the benefits of each type of NP. The virus that
REPLICATION AND PROLIFERATION causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, has just been found, and
NP-based virus detection has recently been reported as a
Therapeutics that slow the spread of viruses or their promising method to find it. NPs will likely be crucial in
infectiousness are crucial in the treatment of viral infections. advancing the accuracy of diagnosing not only other
These medicines will keep the viral levels in the body low biological pathogens but also coronavirus detection with
enough for the immune system to act as the body's first line continued study and development.
of defence while also preventing the virus from developing a
genetic resistance to the treatments. (Griffith et al., 2015)In
order to create efficient treatments, coronavirus-related
respiratory disorders have attracted a lot of scientific focus
during the past ten years due to several outbreaks. For the

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs is As a result, it is anticipated that NPs will be crucial in
constrained by rising drug resistance, low bioavailability, the battle against human diseases such as, Cancer and
and the general toxic character of these agents. As a result, COVID-19. Construction of diagnostic test kits can make
there is a great need for alternate therapy plans to treat use of the optical and magnetic characteristics of various
cancer. Recent research on the anticancer activity of NPs. Synthetic NPs and SARS-CoV-2 share striking
biosynthesised silver nanoparticles points to their potential morphological and physicochemical similarities, which
application as cancer therapeutics in the future. Numerous makes NPs an effective tool for intervention. NPs are
studies have demonstrated that silver nanoparticles made excellent delivery vehicles and can be systematically
through biological synthesis have potent anticancer effects. functionalized with different proteins, polymers, and
For instance, using Bacillus funiculus culture supernatant, functional groups to carry out particular inhibitory
Gurunathan et al. produced AgNPs that demonstrated functions. NPs present opportunities for rapid and secure
antiproliferative activity in MDA-MB-231 (human breast vaccine development that uses subunit proteins rather than
cancer) cells by producing ROS (reactive oxygen species), entire viruses. In addition, NPs can be used to create broad-
which then caused apoptosis (Gurunathan et al., 2013). spectrum respiratory medicines and vaccines that can shield
Similar to this, Fageria et al. produced silver nanoparticles us from seasonal viruses and also get us ready for upcoming
with protein caps using the Penicilliumshearii AJP05 fungus pandemics.
and established their anticancer activity on mesenchymal
(osteosarcoma) and epithelial (hepatoma) cells. The main ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
cause of the cytotoxic action of biosynthesized silver
nanoparticles was discovered to be ROS generation. Authors are highly thankful to the Swarrnim Science
Additionally, according to the scientists, these College, Swarnim Startup and Innovation University, Kalol,
biosynthesized silver nanoparticles sensitise cancer cells and Gandhinagar and Banaras Hindu University for
render them resistant to cisplatin (Fageria et al., 2017). infrastructural and technical assistance.
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