Extensive Reading D - Wordlist - 1679
Extensive Reading D - Wordlist - 1679
Extensive Reading D - Wordlist - 1679
a large, flat block of stone with writing, The Egyptians did not have paper so they
tablets n
decoration, images, etc wrote on clay tablets.
a force or power believed to determine It was fate that we should meet again after all
fate n
in advance everything that happens these years.
deluge n a heavy rain, usu. brief and sudden The deluge caused a flooding in the village.
interpret as from one language to The book has been translated into 30 different
translated v
another languages.
The little girl narrated the story of Snow White
narrated v to tell a story in writing or speech
to her classmates.
a time that something is slowed or The delay in his arrival was due to bad
delay n wait
stopped weather conditions.
The execution of the murderer will take place
execution n the act of putting someone to death
in two weeks.
One of his nefarious crimes was burning down
nefarious adj evil wicked
the daycare center.
Her family had suffered many tragedies in the
tragedies n a sad event disaster
last few years.
language in everyday use in a country or The vernacular of that region is very different
vernacular n
region than the English that is taught in schools.
portion n a small piece or section of a larger thing He gives a portion of his salary to charity.
based v to make or form a base or foundation for My decision is based on the facts of the case.
defeats v win a victory over The defeated the enemy after a lengthy battle. to beat
the brutal killing of many people or The massacre of the village inhabitants caused
massacres n slaughter
animals a major exodus from its neighboring villages.
early adj before the expected time He went to bed very early yesterday.
The judge ordered the teenagers to 60 hours
to do something that shows that you are
atonement n of community service as atonement for their compensation
sorry for something bad that you did
People that live in poverty only dream of
prosperity n a good economic period
attaining prosperity in the future.
His dominance in the field of tennis span over
span v an amount of time stretch
10 years.
His mother was a legendary tennis player in
legendary adj famous renowned
the 1930s.
The goal of classical education is to develop
rhetoric n the art of using words well
rhetoric in its students.
The husband preferred antique, but the wife
contemporary n of today modern
preferred contemporary furniture.
Unit 6 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
prominent adj well-known and respected June is a prominent politician in her country.
attribute v quality of a person or thing He attributes his good looks to his mother.
something that causes a fall from power The downfall of the president's reign was
downfall n
or a high position attributed to his lack of experience.
He sustained several broken bones from his
sustains v to suffer endure
skiing accident.
The wounds from the dog bite healed very
wounds n a cut, puncture
The battle between the two countries occurred
battle n a struggle conflict
over their rights to the island.
After waiting for two hours, she eventually got
eventually adv in the end
tired and went home.
The couple wanted a divorce and there was no
circumvents v to find a way around avoid
way to circumvent it.
a person admired for bravery or great
hero n The hero of the story was a five year old boy.
an impressive act, showing strength, Graduating from university in three years was
feats n an exploit
courage, or unusual ability a great feat!
related v connected by blood or marriage She was related to jimmy Carter. linked to
Her company employs ex-convicts; she
employs v provide paid work to people to hire
believes in giving a second chance.
The contrasts in the two art pieces shows the
contrast n comparison between two objects
techniques of the old and the modern.
He doesn't believe in technology and still uses
archaic adj old and useless antiquated
archaic ways to conduct business.
Blending the two programs produced a much
blending v to mix together
more effective system.
After finding a lump on her shoulder, she
underwent v to experienced underwent numerous test to find out what was
causing it.
someone who does not believe in a The pages(오타?) in town worship the sun and
pagan n
religion with a single god the moon.
He is regarded as an expert in the field of
regarded adv virtually, regarded
Unit 7 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
speculate v to guess about We can only speculate how the story will end. guess
feeling and showing love and duty to She is very pious; she attends church every
pious adj
God and religion Sunday and Wednesday.
a type of humorous play filled with The farce about the unemployed shoe
farces n
ridiculous situations salesman was very funny.
Unit 8 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
to treat someone in a cruel and violent The video showed how the man was brutalized
brutalized v demoralize
way by the police.
to force someone out of his or her home After the death threats on his life, he took his
exile n
country family and went into exile in France.
The repercussions of getting bad grades was
repercussions n a reaction to something esp. bad events that he was grounded from his computer for a
The reception of the soldier back in his
overwhelmingly adv very great or very large flood
hometown was overwhelmingly positive.
He was an acclaimed athlete that had
acclaimed adj public congratulations praise
completed in two summer Olympics.
the part of society, universities, that is
academia n He spent more than 40 years in academia.
connected with studying and thinking
when people are peaceful and agree with
There was great harmony between the siblings
harmony n each other, or when things seem right or accord
in the Park family.
suitable together
to happen many times or to happen Loss of a father is a recurring theme in
recurring adj constant
again Spielberg's movies.
the first public performance of a play or The two sisters went to the premiere of Will
premiere adj debut
any other type of entertainment Smith's movie.
He holds the distinction of being the only
distinction n excellence person from the university to win the
prestigious tournament.
outspoken adj saying clearly what one thinks She is very outspoken about civil rights. frank
a person who reviews and gives opinions My aunt is the food critic for our local
critic n
about art, music, film, etc newspaper.
She left her home to escape her tyrannical
tyrannical adj unjustly cruel, harsh, or severe
The new political party replaced the regime of
regimes n government, system of ruling
kings and queens.
Christians are still persecuted in many
persecuted v to treat people unjustly or cruelly abuse
countries today.
to reach an agreement through The employees negotiated a new contract with
negotiate v to work out
discussion their employer.
One faction of the political party was very
factions n a group of people within a larger group bloc
physical abuse that causes great pain The prisoners were not tortured during their
tortured v
and mental anguish captivity.
She had an uneasy feeling about her
uneasy adj nervous worried
husband's trip to the jungle.
Unit 9 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
vast adj wide in area My father owns a vast piece of land in Alaska. immense
gain v to obtain, acquire Students gain a lot of knowledge from school. to get
rejected v to refuse, not accept The committee rejected most of the proposals. to decline
organization from higher to lower by He rose very quickly through the company's
hierarchy n
rank, social status, or function hierarchy to become its president.
very sad, often involving death and When she recounted her tragic childhood, the
tragic adj
suffering entire audience started to cry.
The corruption in the country discouraged
corruption n illegal, immoral or dishonest behavior many foreigners from doing business with the
domestic companies.
Due to her sickness, she found it difficult to
focus v to center one's attention on concentrate
focus on her work.
The protagonists is a wealthy woman who is
protagonists n the leading character in a play or novel
banished from her town.
Unit 11 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
a person of great learning, usually in a The gathering was for international scholars
scholars n
particular subject who are experts in the field of biochemistry.
a specific type of literature, art, or music In order to study for the college entrance
genres n
grouped according to a style or subject exam, you need to read from different genres.
futile adj useless Hard work without a vision or purpose is futile. unsuccessful
carcass n the body of a dead animal Vultures like to feed on the carcass of deer.
Unit 13 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
believing that people are only interested She is so cynical that she only thinks people
cynical a mocking
in themselves and are not sincere volunteer because it makes them look good.
of the order of events as they happen The book gave a chronicle description of the
chronological adj sequential
over time events that led to war.
It is important for politicians to have clear
the ability of a person to pronounce
diction n diction so that they can articulate their eloquence
words clearly
arduously adv difficult She had arduously climbed over the mountain. tiring
admirers n a person who thinks highly of another Bill Clinton has many admirers.
Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered for his
heroism n an act of courage or great skill
The media spotlighted the candidates
spotlight v to focus attention on
a disposition to prefer seclusion or The neighbors really didn't know the man
reclusiveness n
isolation because of his reclusiveness.
public disagreement, usually involving There is much controversy over stem cell
controversy n
strong opinions and an important subject research.
sensitive adj easily hurt or affected emotionally He is a very sensitive man; he cries very often.
holding the most important position or Football is a dominant sport in the state of
dominant n
greatest influence Texas.
to come into
appeared v to become visible He appeared in several movies.
the sudden arrival of many people or After the civil war, there was an influx of
influx n
things refugees fleeing to the neighboring country.
prey n animals killed for food by other animals Small fish are prey to bigger fish in the ocean.
carnivorous adj an animal that eats meat Lions are carnivorous animals.
herbivores n an animal that eats only plants Cows are herbivores animals.
She adapted to her new surrounding very
adapted v adjust
nominally adv in name or thought but not reality The country is nominally independent.
Much progress was made in building the new
progress n movement toward a goal advancement
Unit 18 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
a type of rock composed of calcium Many homes in Texas are built from lime
limestone n
carbonate stones.
Her many positive traits make her a very
traits n a characteristic an attribute
popular teacher.
he area of the body between the
pelvis n backbone and the legs, framed by the A women's pelvis is wider than a mans.
hip bones
close to a particular number or time It will take approximately three weeks to frame
approximately adv nearly
although not exactly that number or time the picture.
mammals n a warm-blooded animal Female mammals feed their milk to the young. animal
a small, brown and white meat-eating Weasels cause problems for farmers because
weasel n
animal they like to eat chickens on the farm.
support v to hold up or bear the weight of Three beams supported the stage. encourage
Owls are nocturnal and sleep during most of
nocturnal n during or relating to the night night
the day.
The book bag bulged because there were too
bulged v swell or stick out protrude
many books in it.
upright adj standing up My father bought an upright piano.
to have the most important place or Her father was a great soccer player; he
dominated v command
greatest influence in dominated the field.
This island is only inhabited by birds and
inhabit v to live in an area dwell
You are an expert in this field, so I submit to
submit v to agree
your decision.
pouches n a bag-like pocket of skin Baby kangaroos live in the mother's pouch. pocket
an animal, such as a kangaroo or an
marsupials n opossum, whose female members have a Marsupials are found in Australia.
pouch to carry their young in
The disappearance of the magician is still a
disappearance n an act of disappearing
great mystery.
All latecomers are required to sit at the back
latecomers n a person who arrives late
of the theater.
She had the black and white prints reproduced
reproduced v to make copies of something copy
in color.
with constant high body heat in any
warm-blooded adj Humans are warm-blooded.
Unit 20 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
native adj a person who is born in a certain place She is a native of Indonesia. endemic
words or objects that support the truth The judge released the man because there was
evidence n proof
of something no evidence that he had committed the crime.
hind adj related to the rear or posterior part The dog injured his hind leg. back
graze v to feed on grass The cows graze in the field. feed
digest v to process in the stomach Vegetables digest faster than meat.
one of the sharp nails on an animal's
claws n Bears have sharp claws.
paw or toe
The company designed a better advertising
designed v to form mental plans for create
The family subsists on the money from the life
subsist v to live at basic or minimal level to exist
The two candidates debate over national
debate v present differing views on a question to argue
The student was simultaneously working on
simultaneously adv done at exactly the same time
two degrees.
The walked together until they reached the
diverged v to separate and go in different directions
bridged, then their paths diverged.
to continue steadily in the same manner The little boy persisted in asking his mother
persisted v
in spite of obstacles or opposition for candy, until she agreed.
notion n a belief or idea I had a notion that you would come tonight.
a privileged status, typically due to being Her seniority in the company allowed her to
seniority n
older or from having a strong record make many big decisions.
perish v to die or become destroyed If the plane runs out of fuel we all will perish.
Unit 22
invented by human, based on an actual She bought artificially flavored vainilla because
artificially adj
model it was less expense than real vainilla.
habitat n a place where something lives The natural habitat of an alligator is a swamp.
sustained v to endure for a long period of time He sustained his innocence during the trial.
preventing something from doing His actions were inhibiting the success of
inhibiting v
something else others.
The destruction of the old house was sad to
destruction n damage, or the state of being destroyed
There was mass hysteria when the fire alarm
mass adj to a great degree
went off.
We could not have predicted that the
predicted v to think something will happen
underdog team would win.
Forests have been destroyed due to over
over harvesting v to harvest something too much
Unit 24
the condition of something never The rooky's win at the championship was
unprecedented adj
happening before unprecedented.
A blue moon is a phenomenon that occurs
phenomenon n a rare or significant event
every three years.
The surface of the car was rusted from years
surface n the exterior or upper part of something
of rainy weather.
The boy was unafraid of the consequence of
consequence n the result of an action
getting bad grades.
It is evident that you have prepared well for
evident adj apparent observable
the interview.
The process was accelerated by a
accelerated v to speed up or go faster
knowledgeable lawyer.
the product of something which has The radiation of heat from the sun is very
radiation n
been emitted from something else high.
There was a steady stream of messages
steady adj constant or unchanging
coming to the inbox.
The paper towl absorbed all of the water on
absorbed v to take in to suck up
the counter.
the air that surrounds the surface of the A spaceship must fly through the atmosphere
atmosphere n
earth to get into outer space.
misnomer n an incorrect name for something Calling the activity legal was a misnomer.
project v to throw or cast something forward The flashlight projects light onto the wall.
to do something with someone or I wanted to interact with the other customer in
interact v
something else the store but I was shy.
The radio emits sound through a pair of
emit v to send out to give off
The end result of the experiment did not
result n the effect or consequence of an action
confirm the hypothesis.
posing a problem; something that is Running out of gas in the middle of the desert
problematic adj
questionable is problematic.
the quality or state of something that is My uncertainty about the product made me
uncertainty n
unsure decide to not buy it.
the state of a forest which has been The construction of the housing district led to
deforestation n
cleared the deforestation of the forest.
an area that is covered, or mainly
wetland n He grew up outside the city in a wetland.
covered, by water
The roof was vented to allow air to circulate
vented v to have access to air
around the house.
Unit 25
multitude n a great number of people or things There was a multitude of cars at the car show.
irrevocable adj impossible to change or undo The decision of the manager was irrevocable.
reverse v to go in the opposite direction The man would like to reverse his actions.
There are many government subsidies
subsidies n a grant or donation of money
available for college students.
to force something or to carry out an He police officer was responsible for enforcing
enforce v
action the law.
The conservation group wants to preserve the
preserve v to keep safe from destruction or injury
richness n the satate of having high quality or value There is a richness to be found in all places.
Unit 26
relentless adj to occur constantly, without stopping A relentless wave of attacks destroyed the city.
having the characteristic of drama; The number of car accidents has dramatically
dramatically adj
surprisingly reduced over the past few years.
magna(molten substance emitted by an erupting The molten magna flowed out of the volcano
magma-스펠링 수정 volcanoe at a rapid pace.
a gaseous substance emitted from hot The bathroom was full of vapor after the man
vapor n steam
liquid took a shower.
not of the same character or The piece of pie was cut unequally into two
unequally adj
measurement pieces.
compressed v to press together or reduce in size The clothing was compressed into the suitcase.
to change or modify the quality of A seamstress can take a dress and alter its size
altering v
something or length.
a person who studies the weather or Every news station has a meteorologist who
meteorologists n
climate gives the weather report.
The river traverses much territory from east to
traverses v to cross to cut across
a substance which has been converted Much of the water in the teapot was lost due
evaporation n
into vapor to evaporation.
a substance that has been changed from The vapor in the bathroom turned into
condensation n
vapor into liquid condensation on the window.
The meteorologist claims that there will be
precipitation n a deposit of water or snow on the earth
little precipitation tomorrow.
to pass through something by filtering or The water infiltrated the soil after several
infiltrate v
permeation minutes.
The plumber noticed a droplet of water
droplet n a very small drop of liquid
underneath the sink.
Unit 27
a type of fuel which has been formed by Fossil fuels such as natural gas are commonly
fossil fuel n
the remains of plants or animals burned to heat houses in the wintertime.
combustible adj able to combust The airplane fuel is highly combustible. burn
The tickets to the basketball game were
economical adj not costing much money inespensive
surprisingly economical.
a situation or circumstance which makes Not having studied for the exam was a
disadvantages n
something difficult to achieve disadvantage for the student's success.
Unforseen drawbacks created delays for the
drawbacks n an unfavorable situation or feature
completion of the project.
an interruption in the normal course of The student's interruptions were a disruption
disruption n
an activity for the class.
to change something, either a skillful or The manipulation of the data gave the
manipulation n
deceptive manner professor the result she wished for.
to involve as a consequence through A man was implicated in the crime thanks to
implicated v
inference the neighbor's testimony.
ferns n a type of plant with long, thin leaves Ferns are popular houseplants.
a substance which settles at the bottom The coffee grounds settled as a sediment at
sediment n
of a liquid the bottom of the coffee cup.
people who occupied the region in
The Mesopotamians created a powerful society
Mesopotamians n southwest Asia between the Tigris and
along the Tigris River.
Euprhates rivers.
oil which has not been processed for Venezuela exports large quantities of crude oil
crude oil n
typical use to the United States.
Many dinosaurs died when they became
tar n a thick, heavy brown or black liquid
trapped in pits of tar.
A hole was drilled in the wall to hang the
drilled v to open a hole with a rotary motion
The idea was discarded as being impossible to
discarded v to throw away to cast off
a product which has been made Synthetic oil is often used in high mileage
synthetic adj
artificially cars.
Many countries are searching for forms of
renewable adj capable of being renewed
renewable energy.
a substance used to reduce the Industrial refrigerators use large quantities of
refrigerants n
temperature of something refrigerants to keep the food cool.
a substance which can explode or break The terrorists used explosives to destroy the
explosives n
apart violently governmental building.
The scarcity of food lead to starvation across having little of
scarcity n the state of being scarce
the country. something
Unit 28
ochre n a red or yellow iron used as a pigment The natives used ochre to pain their faces.
susceptible adj open or unresistant to a stimulus The little girl was susceptible to catching colds.
liquefied v to turn into liquid The snow liquified when it melted in the sun.
opposition to something or the ability to The group's resistance to change might have
resistance n
resist change caused their downfall.
The severe snowstorm caused the entire city
severe adj a strict or strong quality
to shut down.
My boots were waterlogged after I fell into the
waterlogged adj to be full of water
Preening birds keep themselves clean by using
preening birds n a bird which cleans itself with its bill
their own bill to clean their feathers.
detrimintal or harmful, often in a subtle The deletirious comment was not appreciated
deleterious adj
manner until much later.
of being second to something else, Completing his thesis was only secondary to
secondary adj
coming after something else maintaining his family.
Security was breached when classified
breach v to break information was published in a daily to violate
The governor worked to keep lethal weapons
lethal adj deadly, able to kill
off the streets.
occurring without losing time, happening The immediate reaction of the crowd was one
immediate adj
instantly of laughter.
Genetic mutations caused the farm animal to
mutations n a change experienced by an organism
be born differently than the others.
imposed v to bring about by authority or force The professor imposed her rules on the class.
proper adj correct, of the right representation She invited us to a proper English tea party.
unregulated adj without rules or regulations Unregulated policies are difficult to enforce.
to portray oneself as someone else, often The bank robber disguised himself by wearing
disguised v
for the purpose of deceit a black mask and sunglasses.
a structure built along the shore of an Fisherman's wharf is one of the most popular
wharf n
ocean, typically for fishing tourist attractions in San Francisco.
a box or large container for storing Many crates were lined up along the walls of
crates n
objects the factory.
She was motivated to do her best work from
motivated v to provide motivation or excitement
the man's nice words.
There is a strict penalty for turning in
strict adj stringent, inflexible rigid
homework late.
The wall along the side of the freeway
prevent v to keep something from happening
prevented the car from going off the road.
outright adj of being complete or exact What he said last night was an outright lie.
to be left alone or removed from a His negative comments on health care
alienated v
situation alienated a lot of voters.
a representative, typically elected by a The candidates pursued becoming the
delegates n
group of people delegate from their party.
Unit 37
schooner n a sailing ship or vessel with two sails We rode on the schooner to get to the island.
secure v to relieve from danger or to make safe The building was secured by the police chief.
complicated adj difficult, not easy Math problems can be very complicated.
horrific adj to feel horrible or terrible The scene of the crime was horrific. terrific
Unit 39
a route, a manner for pursuing One avenue for solving the problem is
avenue n
something reconsidering the equation.
His bad attitude was affecting his performance
affecting v to have an effect on something
on the job.
recounted v to count again The voting ballots were recounted twice.
reverend n a priest or pastor at a church The town reverend was loved by all.
Her manager was frank about her recent
frank adj honest, sincere forthright
The book had a profound effect on my way of
profound adj characterized by intense feelings deep
a person who must serve another According to the family tree, Davis'
slave n
without freedom grandfather was a slave on a large plantation.
to help something happen, to make The congressman facilitated the justice talks
facilitated v
easier last evening.
A one million dollar bounty was offered for
bounty n a generous gift or reward
the capture of the criminal.
labor n work, the expending of energy To labor all day without rest is no fun.
The output from the computer program was
output n the end result of an action
impossible to understand.
the value of all goods and services
gross domestic The rising country's gross domestic product
n produced by a country during a specific
product was stronger than ever this year.
time period
the amount of a product returned or
yield n The yield of corn per acre was quite high.
to do something for the first time, to The woman pioneered the new clothing
pioneering v
invent fashion seen at the awards ceremony.
People cannot endure living without water for
endures v to withstand, to put up with
very long.
I modified the equation by adding an
modified v to change something deliberately to alter
additional component.
a change in the economy motivated by
industrial The industrial revolution in England caused
n the use of machinery to do humans'
revolution widespread unemployment.
The stain resistant shirt was worth every
resistant adj capable of providing resistance
the quality or feature of being able to do She had many capabilities that we were not
capabilities n
something aware of.
a machine, like a train, that can move on Locomotives transport people and products
locomotives n
its own around the world every day.
an element used to kill or inhibit plant We used an herbicide on the weeds growing
herbicides n
growth in our front yard.
the quality of being efficient, the degree
The company was looking for workers with a
efficiency n to which one can do something with
great deal of efficiency.
a substance used to kill pests, such as You can buy a pesticide to kill the ants in your
pesticides n
insects patio.
The new branch on the rose bush stemmed
stemmed v to come from, to branch off of
from the main trunk of the plant.
to serve as a counterbalance for The new company's operating costs were
offset v
something offset by high first quarter sales.
based on a model, having pieces of set The modular carpet could be pieced together
modular adj
sizes easily.
Unit 41
reformer n a person who makes reforms or changes Noah Webster was a spelling reformer.
concerning the tactics of doing A tactical error at any moment could lead to
tactical adj
something disaster.
Dropping the football during the last seconds
blunder n a large mistake or error
of the game was a blunder.
A group of nations opposed to the Allies Germany, Italy and Japan were axis powers
Axis powers n
during World War Two. during World War Two.
The police officer detected the smell of alcohol
detected v to notice, to discover
on the driver.
The smaller country had few armaments to
armaments n a weapon or military force
protect themselves.
a place where people are held or The internment was known for its poor
internment n
confined conditions.
One day the imperial powers began to
imperial adj relating to an empire
midget n a very small version of something The midget cars were popular at the car show.
an order from the government which The US continues its financial embargo to
embargo n
prohibits something Cuba.
the state of becoming greater or more The escalation of troops sent to the war was
escalations n
intense concerning.
to change a person's opinion through I persuaded Rosa to come with me after
persuaded v
argument offering many convincing reasons.
Henry brought together an impressive
assemblage n a collection of people or things a gathering
assemblage of voters.
We were preoccupied that the situation was
preoccupied v to concern, to worry
not improving.
aviator n a person who flies an airplane The early aviators were courageous. pilot
The manager's ultimatum was that the worker
ultimatums n a final demand or proposition needed to come to work on time or stop
working entirely.
Our opinions seldom coincided with respect to
coincide v to have agreement, to accord to concur
the controversial topic.
a person delegated to respresent a The government envoy did a great job in
envoy n
country or government getting the people to come together.
Unit 43
Countries that opposed the Axis powers The major Allied Powers in WWII were Britain,
Allied Powers n
during World War II Russia and the United States.
The brutal punishment of the hostage was
brutal adj harsh severe
shown on the news.
official adj pertaining to an office, authoritative Spanish is the official language of Venezuela.
pertaining to having different forms or There were a variety of students from different
variety n
types countries in the class.
The doctors monitored her condition
monitoring v to watch to observe
throughout the night.
Her humanitarian efforts were recognized by
humanitarian adj relating to humanity or people
the United Nations.
Arms control is a frequent topic of
arms control n the control of weapons or armaments
international news.
cruel mistreatment of someone or The soldier received torture after he was
torture n
something captured behind enemy lines.
a period of time marked by the absence The failure of the Irish potato crop led to
famines n
or extreme lack of food widespread famine in Ireland.
to advance something, to further The worker was promoted for consistently
promote v
something increasing sales revenues.
contagious adj something communicated by contact The respiratory illness was highly contagious.
a soldier who has been designated as a The Green Berets are regarded as being part
Green Berets n
member of the Special Forces of the upper echelon of military forces.
Everyone says Paul is clumsy because he is
clumsy adj lacking tact or dexterity
always dropping everything.
to interfere in business that is not of She was always meddling in the life of her
meddling v
one's concern neighbor.
Our feeling of futility could not be overcome
futility n useless, without worth
with simple words.
The actions of the students were not tolerated to put up
tolerated v to allow
by the professor. with
It was difficult to resist ordering some
resist v to put up force against something
icecream for dessert.
to make another feel fear or Mary intimidated the others by always having
intimidate v
nervouseness the answers for everything.
to make a formal request, to ask for The campus group petitioned for their own
petitioned v
something meeting space at the university.
The troops surrendered when they realized
surrender v to give up, to relent
they were outnumbered.
Having a rapid does not do much good if the
rapid adj very quick, very fast
speed limit is low.
a person or thing hurt or damaged by an A primary concern in a war is the number of
용어정의대로 한다면 n
action casualties that may be suffered by either side.
casualties로 수정)
Over 100 civilians were injured in the bombing
civilians n A regular resident of a place
The infamous doctor was tried in court for his
infamous adj famous for being bad or evil
actions against humanity.
an act of invading, entering a place The enemy's invasions were met with great
invasions n
where one is not welcome resistance by the smaller country.
Unit 45
a situation in which one does not obey Civil disobedience in the form of a violent
disobedience n
the rules protest gained the attention of the governor.
something that exists in the mind but Something in my subconscious told me that it
subconscious n
that is not readily available for reasoning was a bad idea.
motivations n something that motivates or encourages Her motivation for coming was not clear.
provoked v to spark or motivate The news provoked protests across the state.
to tell apart from something else, to The young child could not distinguish wrong
distinguished v
perceive a difference from right.
We were able to see the team play in more
instance n a particular occurrence or situation
than one instance.
The manager proposed to raise the workers'
proposed v to put forth, to make an offer
salaries over the next six months.
the time it takes for one to react to a The experiment set out to measure the
reaction times n
stimulus reaction times of the participants.
conscious adj of perceiving or having awareness He made a conscious decision to leave his job.
observable adj able to be seen or observed The patient's distress was visually observable.
operant the use of a reward or consequence to A parrot that talks to get a cracker has learned
conditioning modify behavior operant conditioning.
Having quick feet is essential to be a good
essential adj basic, being of the essence
tennis player.
It is critical that you study harder if you want
critical adj crucial, indispensable vital
to pass the class.
The girl emphasized to her parents that she
emphasized v to restate or try to impress an issue
did not want to go to the party.
The children were nurtured by their parents
nurtured v to raise with care, to bring up
until they left home.
The magazine article satisfied my curiosity
satisfy v to comply or yield a sufficient amount
about the group's religious beliefs.
I decided I needed some self-actualization so I
self-actualization n to bring oneself up to date, to modernize
went back to school.
Holistic medicine aims to treat the whole
holistic adj pertaining to the whole of something
body, not just a particular condition.
Unit 52
progressive adj characterized by progress, advancement The new idea was certainly a progressive one.
deterioration n the state of deteriorating, falling apart The old jeans were deteriorating.
impaired v to damage or make something worse His speech was impaired after the stroke.
She obtained her degree at a university in
obtained v to get or obtain
The old movie was enhanced with a new audio
enhance v to improve or make better
Unit 55
from time to time, with some regularity I called the insurance company periodically to
periodically adv
of frequency be sure the policy was still current.
accurate adj correct, free of error The response to the question was accurate.
There was a considerable amount of food left
considerable adj worthy of consideration, significant
over from the party.
the production of an image by itself, for The lake was so clear that the fisherman could
reflection n
example in a mirror see a reflection of his face in the water.
to consider from a particular point of The painter was regarded as one of the best in
regarded v
view the post-modern era.
형용사, something that is passed from one
hereditary Stuttering is not a hereditary illness.
heredity generation to the next
environmental factors that influence a
nurture n His parents nurtured him from an early age.
conditions or factors that a person is It was in his nature to be an aggressive
nature n
born with person.
Unit 56
to be able to pay for something or afford I could not afford the tennis racquet I wanted
afford v
its costs so I decided not to buy anhything at all.
abuse n inproper treatment Animal abuse is not tolerated in this country. harm
unavoidable adj not avoidable His capture at the border was unavoidable.
universal adj world-wide, covering all things It was a universal goal to create world peace.
lasts v to endure The movie lasted for more than three hours. to continue
the outer or superficial part of a structure The brain's cortex is responsible for processing
cortex n
in the body, such as the cerebral cortex high mental functions.
introvert n a person who is shy or unsociable Jason was known as being an introvert.
Although he is an extrovert, he was not very
extrovert n a person who is sociable or gregarious
talkative last evening.
His delinquent behavior earned him the
delinquent adj poor or unacceptable
reputation as a bad child.
I have a tendency to want to eat out on
tendency n being prone to a particular action
Thursday evenings.
to like better, to put before something
prefer v Would you prefer to drink coffee or tea?
Unit 61 Parts Definition Sentence Synm
craved v to want, to desire The pregnant woman craved soup every day.
remorse n a sense of guilt The criminal felt no remorese for his actions. reproach
being of lesser quality, of a lower degree Although the products were inexpensive, they
inferior adj mediocre
or rank were of inferior quality.
The construction was unstable and soon fell
unstable adj not stable, not constant irregular
Impulsiveness is generally not considered to
impulsiveness n having impulse, spontaneity
be a good characteristic in a person.
Unit 62
distinct adj different, separate The two theories were distinct in nature. discrete
to have contact, to act upon something The two gentlemen interacted over dinner at
interacting v
else the restaurant.
His identity was not revealed until after the
identity n a distinguishing characteristic a description
trial was completed.
Multiple choice tests are a favorite of college
multiple adj more than one, several
She suffered a fracture to her wrist as result of
fractures n a slight crack or break
the fall.
He altered the recipe by reducing the salt and
alter v to change, to make different
adding some cumin.
of having information or having learned The professor's knowledge of the subject was
knowledge n
something incredibly high.
The group reached a consensus after much
consensus n a general agreement unity of belief
It was apparent that the student had studied a
apparent adj clear, obvious
great deal for the final exam.
The patient desired hypnosis to see if her
hypnosis n a trance, as if being asleep
problems could be revealed.
to bring back to life, to restore The paramedics tried to revive the elderly man
reviving v
consciousness but it was no use.
of being included, of being part of The athlete's inclusion in the hall of fame was
inclusion n
something a great honor.
The woman sent her passport to the consulate
renewed v to make new again, to restore to replenish
to have it renewed.
People in the pueblo united to celebrate their
unite v to join, to bring together
independence day.
of identifying a disease or reaching a Dr. Jones's diagnosis was that the man had
diagnosis n
conclusion broken his ankle.
Some people receive antidepressants
antidepressants n a drug given to alleviate depression
tranquillizers(tranq a drug given to make a person more The young man was given a tranquilizer after
uilizers로 수정) calm the car accident.
The prognosis for the man's health was not
prognosis n a prediction a forecast
an idea or perception that is not based He suffered hallucinations of robbers in his
hallucinations n
on reality house after taking an illicit drug.
We integrated the ideas of the committee in
integrate v to bring together, to blend to unite
the revision of our proposal.
Unite 63
self-esteem n a person's belief of or value for himself A low self-esteem will not get you anywhere.
having a lot of something, particularly The man's wealth did him no good when he
wealth n
money was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
The patient received psychotherapy after being
psychotherapy n therapy for the mind
diagnosed with a mental disorder.
an unhealthy state, pertaining to some I had to take antibiotics to cure my ear
infection n
types of illness infection.
pertaining to youth before reaching In adelolescence people go through many
adolescence n
adulthood emotional changes.
cure n a solution The cure for cancer has not been found. a remedy
Unit 64
unrelated adj not related The two crimes that evening were unrelated. not associated
binary adj consisting of ones and zeros. Binary systems are used in computer coding.
genius n a person of extreme intelligence Susan was regarded as a genius by her peers.
retrieved v to recall, to bring The janitor retrieved the guest's missing watch. to get
executed v to do, to perform The computer executed multiple tasks easily. to carry out
Unit 66
the amount time something works or The durability of the camera was deemed
durability n
endures inadequate.
primary adj first My primary laptop battery died last night.
Getting her degree was a means to having a something
means n something useful, a way to do something
higher quality of life. helpful
circuits n an electrical path or assembly Electronic equipment is full of circuits.
within a price range that a person can The shoes were more affordable than I
affordable adj
pay for thought they would be.
Recent innovations in technology help us
innovations n an invention communicate with friends and family around
the world.
Unit 67
stable adj fixed, not flexible A stable table is needed to do the craftwork.
peaked v to reach a high or maximum point The students' grades peaked about 85%
to make a comparison, to look for The two writers were compared to each other
compared v
similarities for their work on American literature.
concern n a state of interest and uncertainty I expressed my concern in the girl's health. apprehension
demand n a request made with authority The judge's demands seemed too severe. an order
reliable adj dependable My car is not very reliable.
composed of a wide bandwidth of The broadband internet connection is very
broadband adj
frequency fast.
a device used to transmit information The communications satellite lost its signal
satellite n
from the sky with the Earth.
She made great strides in improving interior
strides v a step, a stage of progress
His speech impediment was hardly noticeable
impediment n an obstruction a hinderance
after the therapy ended.
I do not like to compete as much as my sister
compete v to partake in competition
She widened her horizons by getting a college
widen v to make wider, to broaden
The range of possibilities for the startup
ranges n a spectrum, a set of values
company seemed endless.
The weatherman predicted that it would snow
predict v to declare something in advance to foretell
The researchers deciphered the old written
deciphering v to figure out
ubiquitous adj being in all places at one time His spirit seemed to be ubiquitous that day.
Unit 69
literature n a piece of writing, such as a novel Modern literature has a broad range of styles.
unequivocally adj without exception or doubt She made her comment unequivocally.
to be good at something or have good The tech savvy student made a great
savvy adj
knowledge of something presentation.
Customer feedback tends to help companies
feedback n a response
judge their effectiveness.
He was no longer considered a contender for
contender n a participant in a contest
the championship title.
profits n earnings that exceed expenses The company's profits were at an all time high.
general adj not specified or limited The report was very general in its information.
widespread adj very common, spread out greatly There was widespread panic at the event. prevalent
The inherent danger of the plan was not
inherent adj innate, essential intrinsic
intention n plan, goal His intentions were clear. resolve
permitted v to allow, to let something happen I was permitted access to the concert.
bothersome, something that interrupts The student's comments in the class were
disruptive adj
something else quite disruptive.
circulating v to move in a circle, to move around The news circulated around the town quickly. to revolve
fraudulent adj not authorized She reported fraudulent use of her credit card. deceitful
reflect v to turn back, to send back light The image was reflected in the car's mirror.
The remarks in the meetings were not
commonplace adj common, usual
He was able to advance his theory greatly in
decade n a period of ten years
one decade.
She was dubbed the next great promise in her
dubbed v to call to name
The distrustful manager constantly monitored
distrustful adj not trustworthy, showing distrust
his employees.
The substitute teacher was afraid of the
substitute n something put in place of another
parcel n a piece of mail The parcel service was quite slow. a package
His memory of the event had been displaced
displace v to move to another place to misplace
in time.
Fortunately the ski gloves were more
inexpensive adj not expensive, economical cheap
inexpensive than I thought.
The boy's tactile sense was diminished after
tactile adj relating to touch tangible
the fall.
pertaining to meteors, happening to a The meteoric rise of the price of stocks and
meteoric adj
great degree bonds shocked the government.
The grocery store sold many of its products in
bulk adj in great quantity or degree
Hank's unwanted remarks caused quite a bit of
unwanted adj not wanted
It is unfortunate that you did not receive your
unfortunate adj not fortunate unsuitable
documents in time.
We took careful consideration when making
considerations n a thought or opinion
our decision.
Sensory neurons take information from the
sensory adj related to the senses
body and carry it to the brain.
Defending her thesis now seemed only a
formality n of being formal a convention
It is considered good etiquette to chew with
etiquette n pertaining to manners or customs
your mouth closed.
postal adj relating to mail service The postal service is very efficient in that town.
realms n a domain The realms of the king reached far and wide. an area
envisioned v to have a vision, to imagine something I envision a great success for our company. to think
solely adv by itself, alone She is solely responsible for her success. singly
The irrelevant comment did not go with the
irrelevant adj not relevant, inapplicable
It was combursome to build the ping pong
cumbersome adj troublesome, not easy
having a high level of sophistication, not A sophisticated desgin is needed to sell the
sophisticated adj
simple product.
having significant meaning in relation to The comment seemed relevant but in fact it
relevant adj pertinent
something else was not.
a main office, an administrative building The company's headquarters are located in
headquarters n
or center Albuquerque, NM.
cluster n a group or gathering of something A cluster of antiques was found in the attic.
complex adj of being difficult, not easy Some mathematics formulas are very complex.
undisputed adj not in dispute, unchallenged His place at the top of the sport is undisputed.
various adj not consistent He received various complaints about his work. variable
inception n beginning Since its inception it has been widely coveted. start
a person who works alongside someone His peers in the class were supportive of his
peer n companion
else work.
One who plagiarizes does not give credit to
credit n recognition, acknowledgement
the original author's work.
the act of using someone else's ideas or Plagiarism is not tolerated on the college
plagiarism n
words as if they were your own campus.
The protestors were not allowed to distribute
distribute v to give out to scatter
their flyers near the school.
The father gave his daughter consent to go on
consent n permission approval
the weekend trip.
copyright to break a law regarding the use of Copyright infringement is a subject that can be
infringement copyrighted work difficult to understand.
solicitations n a request, a drawing force Solicitations were not allowed at the business.
obscenities n a bad word or rude comment Obscenities are not tolerated in public places.
a level piece of ground, often used for He stood on the platform when he gave the
platform n
raising an object speech.
to show something is false or not The lawyer impugned the defendant's
impugn v
trustworthy testimony.
She claimed that she was not at the park that
claim v to say to request
The explicit comment got the worker in a load
explicit adj obvious, fully revealed definite
of trouble.
overwrite v to write over, to cover Do not overwrite the information on the disk.
awareness n state of being aware His awareness of the issue made us feel better. consiousness