Extensive Reading D - Wordlist - 1679

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Extensive Reading D - Word List


Unit 1 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

Most families have Christmas traditions that

the passing of customs and beliefs from
traditions n are passed down from generation to a ritual
one generation to another
poem, story, or adventure of heroic Odyssey is Homer's epic from Greek
epic n
proportions mythology.

of a form of writing used for over 3 000

The Sumerians developed a writing system
cuneiform n years until the 1st century BC in the
called cuneiform.
ancient countries of the Middle East

a large, flat block of stone with writing, The Egyptians did not have paper so they
tablets n
decoration, images, etc wrote on clay tablets.

Invariably, the doctor's advice is always good,

invariably adv without exception or change
so we always do what he recommends.

The incredible trip the family took through two

incredible adj wonderful, fabulous amazing
continents lasted six months.
Her coach planned a strenuous workout to
strenuous adj needing great effort difficult
prepare her for the tournament.
The long trek between the seacoast and the
treks n a long, difficult journey
mountains took months.
All human beings are mortals and will all die
mortals n subject to death
one day.
She mourned the death of her father for many
mourn v to feel sad at the death of someone

a force or power believed to determine It was fate that we should meet again after all
fate n
in advance everything that happens these years.

In order to attain great wealth, you need luck

attain v to achieve reach
and preparation.
The Beatles achieved immortality with their
immortality n living or lasting forever
mythical adj related to mythology Zeus is a mythical character. unreal

The policeman thwarted a burglary by catching

thwarted v to block someone from doing something to obstruct
the thief as he was about to enter the house.

The opposition party tried to subvert the

subvert v to try to destroy or weaken something
We studied the ancient civilizations of Greece
ancient adj very old
in our history class.
Beethoven's music seems to have a negative
effect n a result outcome
effect on babies.

deluge n a heavy rain, usu. brief and sudden The deluge caused a flooding in the village.

My children's well being takes precedence

precedence n greater importance priority
over my career.
Unit 2 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

His major premise for asking for a raise was an

premise n a basis for a line of reasoning
that they were going to have another child. assumption

interpret as from one language to The book has been translated into 30 different
translated v
another languages.
The little girl narrated the story of Snow White
narrated v to tell a story in writing or speech
to her classmates.
a time that something is slowed or The delay in his arrival was due to bad
delay n wait
stopped weather conditions.
The execution of the murderer will take place
execution n the act of putting someone to death
in two weeks.
One of his nefarious crimes was burning down
nefarious adj evil wicked
the daycare center.
Her family had suffered many tragedies in the
tragedies n a sad event disaster
last few years.

language in everyday use in a country or The vernacular of that region is very different
vernacular n
region than the English that is taught in schools.

The accident obscured her memory from when

obscured v to confuse make unclear
she was a child.
Many of America's current laws were derived
derived v to get to obtain
from Justinian.
After passing the examination, Jim acquired
acquired v to gain to get
the license necessary to start his business.
The found an ancient clay tablet predating the
predating v to happen before something else
Sumerian cuneiform.
The two candidates had an intense debate
intense adj strong concentrated
over health care.

a magical spirit, originally in Arab

When she opened the box, a genie appeared
genie n traditional stories, who does or provides
and asked her what her wish was.
whatever the person who controls it asks

Her mother was a celebrated author that

celebrated adj renowned well known
spoke to children all over the world.
While in prison, she endured ridicule and
endured v to bear tolerate
The representative said she was conducting a
a maneuver to gain advantage or to
ploys n survey, but it was just a ploy to sell me life a trick
disguise one's true intent
Some criminals are incorrigible and will spend
incorrigible adj not able to behave correctly
their lives in prison.

Rather than helping the cause, the politician

hinder v to slow the progress of something to impede
hinder it by giving false information.

He devises a different plan to get rich every

devises v to create to develop
Unit 3 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

portion n a small piece or section of a larger thing He gives a portion of his salary to charity.

Do you believe in a divine force that controls

divine a heavenly, related to a godly force
all destiny?
The house was easy to find because of the
precise adj accurate exact
precise directions.
deity n a god or goddess Zeus was a Greek deity.
In the middle ages, warfare was commonly
archer n a person who shoots arrows a bowman
carried out by archers.
The village chief sent his warriors to fight
warrior n a fighter soldier
against the enemy.
Roman soldiers used chariots during their
chariot n a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by horse
The scar was permanent reminder of the
permanent n meant to last, forever or for a long time everlasting
It was the father's duty to work and provide
duty n responsibility obligation
for his family.
This memo clarifies the company's
clarifies v to make clear explain
employment policy.
The essence of the debate is over who should
essence n the central point of a subject
have custody of the baby.
His reluctance to get married showed his fear
reluctance n concern or fear about doing something hesitance
of commitment.
This plan entails the cooperation of all the
entails v to make necessary require
identical adj exactly alike James and John are identical twins.
The literature provided enlightenment on the
enlightenment n an explanation
surgery she was going to have.

perceive v to understand She said my message was difficult to perceive. comprehend

to succeed in understanding something Even after 30 minutes of explanation, he still

grasp v
often complex wasn't able to grasp the information.

based v to make or form a base or foundation for My decision is based on the facts of the case.

The president was not concerned about the

gain n a profit welfare of the students; his only concern was
for his personal gain.
The big jacket constrained him from being
constrained v to limit control
able to play effectively.
Unit 4 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

bard n a poet William Shakespeare is a bard.

a song or poem that tells a story, or a
ballads n Lionel Richie sang many ballads.
slow love song
to combine two or more things in order To improve efficiency of the company, they
integrated v mix
to become more effective integrated many of the departments.
a military action in which forces surround
During the siege, the military barred all foods
siege n an area and prevent supplies from
from entering the compound.

chronicle v to record This book chronicles the life of Hemmingway. recount

He tried to bargain with the store owner,

bargain v to ask for a lower price haggle
without much success.
After winning five straight tournaments, he felt
invincible adj too strong or smart to be beaten
he was invincible.
My neighbor is very truculent and unpleasant
truculent adj unpleasant and tending to argue a lot
to be around.
formidable adj strong, difficult to defeat daunting
The committee gathered many petitions to
petitions n a legal request for action by a court stop the business from moving into their

defeats v win a victory over The defeated the enemy after a lengthy battle. to beat

When they opened the trunk of the car, they

corpse n a lifeless human body a cadaver
found a corpse.
After relinquishing his rights as a parent, the
relinquishing v to give up, hand over to surrender
many left the country.
We need a bit of cunning if we are to win the
cunning n careful deception slyness

the brutal killing of many people or The massacre of the village inhabitants caused
massacres n slaughter
animals a major exodus from its neighboring villages.

She has keen a wit and understands all her

wits n intelligence acumen
subjects very quickly.
describes something that has lots of It took quite a bit of concentration to
labyrinthine adj
parts and is therefore confusing understand the book's labyrinthine plot.

My uncle had an unsavory reputation, so none

unsavory adj unpleasant
of his family members attended his funeral.

Using your brains may be an effective way of

staving v to stop something bad from happening
staving off the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

The mother enticed her children to get good

entice v to attract to persuade
grades by offering them money.
Unit 5 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

Albert Einstein had a genius for understanding

genius n a special ability
A sense of doom gripped the children after an unhappy
doom n a terrible fate
the gunman had entered the building. end
After the man entered the women's restroom
unwittingly adv unintentionally unwittingly and saw the women talking, he accidentally
causally walked back out.

After the final preparations are over, he will

embarks v begin a journey, venture, or new activity begin
embark on a six month journey through Asia.

prevails v to win, triumph Truth always prevails.

Space exploration has become a focus for
exploration n a journey of discovery a search
many countries.
While her son was missing, she suffered great
torment n great mental or physical pain agony
not aware of a particular situation or The author had unknowingly plagiarized many
unknowingly adv
problem of his stories.
saying disrespectful things about God,
blasphemy n Long ago, people were killed for blasphemy.
religion, or anything sacred
After David had slain the giant, he was
slain v killed murdered
welcomed warmly by the villagers.
The ancient Greeks referred to oracles for
oracle n a wise person who tells the future a soothsayer
the power to have an effect on people or He was very influential in the field of genetic
influential adj affecting
things engineering.

Although the companies are all in the same

discrete adj a distinct identity or existence separate
buildings, they are all discrete entities.

early adj before the expected time He went to bed very early yesterday.
The judge ordered the teenagers to 60 hours
to do something that shows that you are
atonement n of community service as atonement for their compensation
sorry for something bad that you did
People that live in poverty only dream of
prosperity n a good economic period
attaining prosperity in the future.
His dominance in the field of tennis span over
span v an amount of time stretch
10 years.
His mother was a legendary tennis player in
legendary adj famous renowned
the 1930s.
The goal of classical education is to develop
rhetoric n the art of using words well
rhetoric in its students.
The husband preferred antique, but the wife
contemporary n of today modern
preferred contemporary furniture.
Unit 6 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

Education and 10 years of experience are

requisite adj a requirement a necessity
requisites for the position.
Tom was not trying to stop progress; he was
merely adv only, nothing more than merely suggesting changes that could improve simply
the program.

prominent adj well-known and respected June is a prominent politician in her country.

attribute v quality of a person or thing He attributes his good looks to his mother.
something that causes a fall from power The downfall of the president's reign was
downfall n
or a high position attributed to his lack of experience.
He sustained several broken bones from his
sustains v to suffer endure
skiing accident.
The wounds from the dog bite healed very
wounds n a cut, puncture
The battle between the two countries occurred
battle n a struggle conflict
over their rights to the island.
After waiting for two hours, she eventually got
eventually adv in the end
tired and went home.
The couple wanted a divorce and there was no
circumvents v to find a way around avoid
way to circumvent it.
a person admired for bravery or great
hero n The hero of the story was a five year old boy.
an impressive act, showing strength, Graduating from university in three years was
feats n an exploit
courage, or unusual ability a great feat!
related v connected by blood or marriage She was related to jimmy Carter. linked to
Her company employs ex-convicts; she
employs v provide paid work to people to hire
believes in giving a second chance.
The contrasts in the two art pieces shows the
contrast n comparison between two objects
techniques of the old and the modern.
He doesn't believe in technology and still uses
archaic adj old and useless antiquated
archaic ways to conduct business.
Blending the two programs produced a much
blending v to mix together
more effective system.
After finding a lump on her shoulder, she
underwent v to experienced underwent numerous test to find out what was
causing it.
someone who does not believe in a The pages(오타?) in town worship the sun and
pagan n
religion with a single god the moon.
He is regarded as an expert in the field of
regarded adv virtually, regarded
Unit 7 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

the national assembly that makes or

Her uncle was an important member of
Parliament n changes laws in some countries, such as
Great Britain
She was rewarded for her intense effort with a
rewarded v to give an award to someone compensated
full scholarship to Harvard.
She was awarded a government grant to study
grant n money given for a specific purpose
art in France.
a strange habit or characteristic that is
foibles n Our foibles can be distracting to others.
seen as harmless and unimportant
The 9th grader's behavior typified that of his
typified v to characterize represent

speculate v to guess about We can only speculate how the story will end. guess

Animal Farm is a famous novella that many

a piece of fiction that is longer than a
novellas n American high school students are required to
short story, but shorter than a novel
a dangerous disease that spreads very In some parts of the world, plagues still kills
plague n affliction
fast and kills its victims quickly many people.
The children amuse themselves by watching
amuse v to please delight
a journey to a place which is considered
Many Muslims try to make a pilgrimage to
pilgrimage n special, and which you visit to show your
Mecca at least once in their life.
The queen was very upset because her son
ordinary adj common, regular plain
had married an ordinary girl.
The new movie was designed to appeal to
designed v intend for a certain goal or purpose
young children.
a religious place that honors a person or
shrine n There are many Shinto shrines in Japan.
person in charge of a social or other
host n The host was very busy serving all her guests.
a person who travels a long way to visit The pilgrims traveled for over 20 days before
pilgrims n explorer
a holy place they reached the famous shrine.
unusual or special and therefore The little girl remarkably survived the 20 feet
remarkably adv
surprising and worth mentioning fall.
The family sued the doctor for malpractice
malpractice n wrong treatment by a professional
when the daughter died.

The president decided to step down because

treachery n betrayal disloyalty
of the treachery of his cabinet members.

feeling and showing love and duty to She is very pious; she attends church every
pious adj
God and religion Sunday and Wednesday.
a type of humorous play filled with The farce about the unemployed shoe
farces n
ridiculous situations salesman was very funny.
Unit 8 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

to treat someone in a cruel and violent The video showed how the man was brutalized
brutalized v demoralize
way by the police.

a central idea or main pattern, such as in

theme n The theme of the movie was about loyalty.
daily life, an artistic work, or another area

to force someone out of his or her home After the death threats on his life, he took his
exile n
country family and went into exile in France.
The repercussions of getting bad grades was
repercussions n a reaction to something esp. bad events that he was grounded from his computer for a
The reception of the soldier back in his
overwhelmingly adv very great or very large flood
hometown was overwhelmingly positive.
He was an acclaimed athlete that had
acclaimed adj public congratulations praise
completed in two summer Olympics.
the part of society, universities, that is
academia n He spent more than 40 years in academia.
connected with studying and thinking
when people are peaceful and agree with
There was great harmony between the siblings
harmony n each other, or when things seem right or accord
in the Park family.
suitable together
to happen many times or to happen Loss of a father is a recurring theme in
recurring adj constant
again Spielberg's movies.
the first public performance of a play or The two sisters went to the premiere of Will
premiere adj debut
any other type of entertainment Smith's movie.
He holds the distinction of being the only
distinction n excellence person from the university to win the
prestigious tournament.
outspoken adj saying clearly what one thinks She is very outspoken about civil rights. frank
a person who reviews and gives opinions My aunt is the food critic for our local
critic n
about art, music, film, etc newspaper.
She left her home to escape her tyrannical
tyrannical adj unjustly cruel, harsh, or severe
The new political party replaced the regime of
regimes n government, system of ruling
kings and queens.
Christians are still persecuted in many
persecuted v to treat people unjustly or cruelly abuse
countries today.
to reach an agreement through The employees negotiated a new contract with
negotiate v to work out
discussion their employer.
One faction of the political party was very
factions n a group of people within a larger group bloc
physical abuse that causes great pain The prisoners were not tortured during their
tortured v
and mental anguish captivity.
She had an uneasy feeling about her
uneasy adj nervous worried
husband's trip to the jungle.
Unit 9 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

The gas leak in the building caused a big

explosion n a blowing apart with force a blast
Many young people are not interested in
literary adj related to literature and writing
reading literary magazines.
a difficult time or task using much effort The struggle for power led the country to its
struggle n conflict
and energy demise.
the ideas or meanings expressed in a The content of the movie was inappropriate
content n subject matter
speech or piece of writing for children.
prejudice or unfairness against people of Despite its effort for multiculturalism, racism
racism n
one race by those of another still exists in America.
The immigrant family had a difficult time
subsequently adv occurring or coming later or after finding work in America; subsequently they
returned to their own country.
written language in its ordinary form Many people find it easier to read prose than
prose n
rather than poetry poetry.
accepting things as they are in fact and
Although the book was fiction, the book's
realistic adj not basing decisions on unlikely hopes practical
portrayal of historic events was very realistic.
for the future
The compensated her hard work by giving her
compensated v to pay something
a brand new car.
Her paintings portrayed several objects that
futuristic adj very modern advanced
were very futuristic.
Her mother is an avid tennis player; she plays
avid adj keenly dedicated enthusiastic
three hours every day.
He is a prolific writer; he writes two books a
prolific adj creating a lot of work productive
the land outside a city or town with She prefers living in the countryside, where
countryside n
trees, farms, and few houses she can breathe fresh air.
since no one can determine the stock market,
speculative adj based on a guess and not on information therefore, all money invested in it is risky
person who believes that women should My sister is a feminist and refuses to get
feminist n have the same rights, opportunities, and married because she believes marriages
treatment as men diminishes a women's worth.
excel v to do very well She excels in every subject in school.
Driving through the thick fog was a surreal
surreal n strange, dreamlike unreal
to accept the fact that a person has a Her aunt is recognized as a leader in the civil
recognized adj
particular position or quality rights movement.
a person who acts as a diplomatic The conference was attended by diplomats
diplomats n envoy
representative of a nation from 50 different countries.

The president received harsh criticism for not

harsh adj causing pain or irritation
responding to the hostage situation quickly.
Unit 10 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

vast adj wide in area My father owns a vast piece of land in Alaska. immense

His interest in music tended towards classical

tended v to lean, incline toward in attitude
and country.
The school preserved the founder's memory
preserved v to guard, protect from harm or change by erecting a statue of him in front of the safeguard

The demise of the Roman Empire was largely

largely adv mostly, to a great degree mainly
due to the fact that it got too big for itself.

The students had taken their teacher for

granted and did not realize everything she did
taken for granted to accept without question or objection assume
until they had a substitute teacher fill in for

gain v to obtain, acquire Students gain a lot of knowledge from school. to get

Most divorces are usually preceded by several

preceded v to come before appear earlier
years of marital conflict.
The students idealize their teacher, even
to think of something as better than it
idealize v though he is not often thought of very highly
really is
by his peers.

rejected v to refuse, not accept The committee rejected most of the proposals. to decline

There is a movement in the state to improve

movement n a political or social cause
the academic standards of the schools.

Before founding his own company, Bill was

to have someone work or do a job for
employed v employed as a manager for a very large
you and pay them for it
construction company.
verisimilitude n likelihood; probability The booked verisimilitude.
In the aftermath of the fire, the community
aftermath n the bad result consequence
came together to support the victims.
Her awareness of the political system gave her
awareness n having knowledge consciousness
an advantage in her government class.
The massive earthquake destroyed 3,000
massive adj huge great

organization from higher to lower by He rose very quickly through the company's
hierarchy n
rank, social status, or function hierarchy to become its president.

very sad, often involving death and When she recounted her tragic childhood, the
tragic adj
suffering entire audience started to cry.
The corruption in the country discouraged
corruption n illegal, immoral or dishonest behavior many foreigners from doing business with the
domestic companies.
Due to her sickness, she found it difficult to
focus v to center one's attention on concentrate
focus on her work.
The protagonists is a wealthy woman who is
protagonists n the leading character in a play or novel
banished from her town.
Unit 11 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

The pottery they discovered was preserved for

millennia n a period of 1000's years
over two millennia.
The speaker's speech was very concise, but it
concise adj said in few words with much meaning succinct
was very challenging.

a person of great learning, usually in a The gathering was for international scholars
scholars n
particular subject who are experts in the field of biochemistry.

a large, flat block of stone with writing,

tablet n The Egyptians wrote on clay tablets.
decoration, images
a type of paper invented in ancient
papyrus n The Egyptians also wrote on papyrus.
Egypt, made from a tall water plant
It is important to delineate every point in a
delineated v to describe in specific detail

a specific type of literature, art, or music In order to study for the college entrance
genres n
grouped according to a style or subject exam, you need to read from different genres.

a type of literature based upon the

fiction n author's imagination as opposed to true Fiction is her favorite genre. not true
The wardrobe and music was wonderful, but
plot n the main story in a novel or play the plot in the movie was difficult to story line
sublime adj the very best We spent a sublime vacation in Thailand. wonderful
There is a linear relationship between the
linear adj direct connected
man's character and his upbringing.
The conductor keeps the rhythm for the
rhythm n a regular beat
the repetition of the same sound usually The sentence "Happy Henry hurries to his hut"
alliteration n
at the beginning of words uses alliteration.
He was determined to get straight A's and
determined adj of strong will resolute
studied six hours a day.
to give emphasis or special importance The teacher stressed the importance of
stressed v
to something practicing every day.
evolved v to develop Education has evolved in the past 50 years. to change
a part of a word as determined by vowel
syllable n The word "brother" has two syllables.
sounds and rhythm
She is primarily concerned with the welfare of
primarily adv mainly, first of all mostly
her family and not her work.
varied adj different kinds The store offers varied kind of candles.
a machine that prints books, newspapers The invention of the printing press allowed for
printing press n
or magazines many books to be published.
Unit 12 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

His idea was very unique; no one else thought

unique adj one of a kind singular
of it.
We can only speculate what he did over the
speculate v to guess about
to describe someone or something in a The president's wife was portrayed in a to
portrayed v
certain way negative light in the media. characterize
The exhibit at the museum will last for three
exhibit n a display a show
more weeks.
The noble class is usually made up of kings,
noble n a member of the nobility
queens and their families.
a person who reviews and gives opinions The critics gave a very positive review of the
critics n reviewer
about art, music, film, etc movie Charlotte's Web.
The mayor is deemed to be a very honest
deemed v to consider to believe
We have to find purpose and joy even in
mundane adj referring to the events of everyday living commonplace
mundane tasks.
It is important to meditate on noteworthy
noteworthy adj important significant
ideas and positive thoughts.
The firefighter ran valiantly into the raging fire
valiantly adv bravely boldly
to save the little girl.
Her children are very important to her; her life
revolves v to have as a focus
revolves around them.
After six days at sea, the old man caught a
marlin n a large fish

Initially, she was very fond of the gentleman;

initially adv at the beginning
then she found out his true character.

After she was sentenced to life in prison, she

dignified adj with a formal, serious, and calm manner
walked in a dignified manner to her cell.

enormous adj very huge An enormous fish swallowed Jonah.

any of various types of boats small
skiff n enough for sailing or rowing by one A skiff can be powered by ores or sails.
The two teams in the competition are
adversary n an opponent a foe
She was utterly exhausted after an eight hour
utterly adv completely totally

futile adj useless Hard work without a vision or purpose is futile. unsuccessful

carcass n the body of a dead animal Vultures like to feed on the carcass of deer.
Unit 13 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

Her husband travels extensively because he is

regional adj related to a region or geographical area a regional director for a major computer district

believing that people are only interested She is so cynical that she only thinks people
cynical a mocking
in themselves and are not sincere volunteer because it makes them look good.

to refuse because of the feeling that

He wanted to quit his job because he
disdained v someone or something deserves no contempt
disdained working with his boss.
attention or respect
The core of the couple's problem is that they
core n the center of anything
do not communicate effectively.

evoke v elicit The movie evoked a feeling of sadness in me.

to lead something such as an attack or a She spearheaded a campaign to stop the

spearheaded v lead
course of action alcohol company from coming into town.

Before she become famous, she had written

numerous adj Many
numerous books that never got published.

of the order of events as they happen The book gave a chronicle description of the
chronological adj sequential
over time events that led to war.
It is important for politicians to have clear
the ability of a person to pronounce
diction n diction so that they can articulate their eloquence
words clearly

arduously adv difficult She had arduously climbed over the mountain. tiring

As a child, her mother immersed her in

immersed v to become absorbed in to delve into
classical books.
The company made several wrong
assumptions n a belief that something will happen, assumptions about the market and lost a lot supposition
of money.
a class of people who hold high social The aristocratic family held parties that were
aristocratic adj
rank attended by many dignitaries.

When faced with conflicts, most people do not

inward adj toward the inside
look inward but point their fingers at others.

After hearing about the accident, she was

devastated v to destroy completely
devastated to learn that her father was injured.

Many people risked their lives to fight for

abolition n the stopping of something by law prohibition
abolition of slavery.
We like to eat at that restaurant because of its
ambiance n southern culture and ambiance
to think about continually and be The memory of the kidnapping haunted the
haunted v
bothered by continually girl for years.
The president elaborated on his religious
elaborated v give more detail explain
to succeed in understanding something The chemistry concepts were very difficult for to
grasp v
often complex the student to grasp. comprehend
Unit 14 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

The recipient of the noble peace prize was a

recipient n a person who receives something beneficiary
a yearly award in the USA for the best She won the Pulitzer Prize for her best selling
Pulitzer Prize n
writing in newspapers, novels, poetry novel based on her childhood.
Migrant workers pick strawberries in California
migrant n workers who harvest seasonal crops moving
each season.
possessions n control over something She lost all her possessions during the fire. ownership
to injure so that one cannot walk or use
crippled v The accident crippled her brother. disabled
one's limbs normally
miserably adv sad, heartbroken After her dog died, she felt miserably. unhappily
Cleaning up after the hurricane is going to be
mammoth adj huge in size
a mammoth task.
He lost all his money, and he is in dire
dire v very serious very serious
financial situation.
We could not have a campfire because of the
drought n a time of little or no rainfall
a long-term loan from a bank for buying Most American families have a mortgage
mortgage n
property payment.
desperately adv in immediate, very strong need I desperately need a vacation.

The mother was arrested after she abandoned

abandon v to leave someone or something to desert
her baby daughter in the grocery store.

Many Asians were derogatorily labeled as

derogatorily adv showing lack of respect disparagingly
It is surprising to find that people still die of
starvation n the state of having no food
starvation today.
a search for something especially over a His quest to find the perfect wife lasted 20
quest n crusade
long time period years, without much success.
There are many merits to learning to speak
merits n high quality excellence
several languages.
the ability to share or understand She had empathy for the mother; she had also
empathy n
another person's feelings lost a child.
The prisoner's plight was broadcasted all over
plight n a difficult situation predicament
the news.
marred v to damage Her reputation was marred by her divorce. to deface
We had three more hours to travel before we
destination n the place where someone is going
reached our destination.
Unit 15 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

The tragedy of losing a child affected the

tragedy n a sad event disaster
couple's marriage.
playwright n person who writes plays Shakespeare was a playwright.
person who survives a life-threatening She was the sole survivor of the plane
survivor n
event accident.
John F. Kennedy is an important political
figure n an important person
an object regarded as an example of the Miracle on 34th Street is a classic Christmas
classic n
best of something movie.
Out of anger, the husband made scathing
scathing v harsh severe
remarks about his wife.
fierce adj cruelly violent Her opponent was a fierce tennis player. ferocious
There is an immense statue in front of the
immense adj huge very big
She strived for perfection in everything she
strived v to work hard for something
She worked with children all day, and needed
sanity n mental health
a break in order to keep her sanity.
Her perfect plan started to unravel when her
unravel v to become undone to loosen
husband found out the secret.
Her lack of education compounded to her
compounded v to make something more difficult to complicate
difficulty in finding a job.
My mother instilled good moral values in me
instilled v to give by example or teaching
when I was a child.
overriding adj to set aside, ignore overrule

Most people that fantasize about winning the

inevitably adv unable to avoid
lottery will inevitably come to their sense.

Starvation was rampant in the city after the

rampant v uncontrollable and widespread
My mother was called to testify about the
testify v to tell what one knows
accident she witnessed.
Resumption in the growth of the economy beginning
resumption n a restart
resulted in more jobs. again
She received an award for her notable work in
notable adj important, impressive outstanding
solving world poverty.
The voice of the children's choir resonated
resonates v to sound clearly for a long time
through out the church.
Unit 16 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

admirers n a person who thinks highly of another Bill Clinton has many admirers.
Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered for his
heroism n an act of courage or great skill
The media spotlighted the candidates
spotlight v to focus attention on
a disposition to prefer seclusion or The neighbors really didn't know the man
reclusiveness n
isolation  because of his reclusiveness.

After having spent most of his childhood

withdrawn adj not communicative shy
alone, he became very withdrawn as an adult.

clamor n a loud protest The students created quite a clamor.

The little girl's heroic act had a lasting
lasting v continuing for a long time enduring
impression on the community.
Lack of exercise has a negative impact on
impact n effect impression
people's health.

public disagreement, usually involving There is much controversy over stem cell
controversy n
strong opinions and an important subject research.

Her mother was very rigid and expected her

rigid adj strict unbending
children to follow a strict schedule.

The women in the office were very disturbed

disturbed adj worried upset
by the vulgar language of the man.

The new law enabled women to have equal

enable v to make possible for empower
rights in the work place.

Her teaching methods were very unorthodox

unorthodox adj unusual
and caused much controversy in the school.

Although many praised his artwork, some

offensive adj suffering of the body or the mind disgusting
found it to be very offensive.
That little boy's tennis ability is very
impressive adj causing admiration
impressive; he will be a pro one day.
a magazine or other publication that
periodicals n I subscribe to several periodicals.
comes out at regular intervals
We went to China Town to have authentic
authentic adj genuine real
Chinese food.

sensitive adj easily hurt or affected emotionally He is a very sensitive man; he cries very often.

The children ultimately had to obey their

ultimately adv in the end

The owner of the company gave a definitive

definitive adj clear and leaving no further question
answer to the employee's question.
Unit 17 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

holding the most important position or Football is a dominant sport in the state of
dominant n
greatest influence Texas.
to come into
appeared v to become visible He appeared in several movies.

the sudden arrival of many people or After the civil war, there was an influx of
influx n
things refugees fleeing to the neighboring country.

The dog adjusted to his new home because of

gradual happening slowly or by small steps incremental
the gradual process.
an important part or characteristic of a The salesperson explained the different
features n
product or service features of the computer.
The firefighters extinguished the fire that had
extinguished v to stop put out
started in the garage.
The company diversified its products by selling
diversify v to make or become varied
clothes too.
The extinction of the dinosaur happened
extinction n destroyed so that they no longer exist
million of years ago.
There was huge trashcan next to the movie
huge adj big
belonging to an early stage of The villagers still used primitive methods for
primitive adj simple
development: fishing.
the presence of something in the real The existence of poverty in America surprises
existence n
world many people.
having many parts or details that make
The map was very complex and difficult to
complex n something hard to understand or deal involved
Watching the film triggered a childhood
triggered v to start a reaction
After the bombing, fear proliferated the
proliferate v increase in number rapidly multiply

prey n animals killed for food by other animals Small fish are prey to bigger fish in the ocean.

carnivorous adj an animal that eats meat Lions are carnivorous animals.
herbivores n an animal that eats only plants Cows are herbivores animals.
She adapted to her new surrounding very
adapted v adjust
nominally adv in name or thought but not reality The country is nominally independent.
Much progress was made in building the new
progress n movement toward a goal advancement
Unit 18 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

Over time, dead plants decompose into the

decompose v to rot to decay
the remains of ancient animal or plant Fossils tell us a great deal about the dinosaurs
fossil n
life preserved in rock that lived long ago.

elusive v difficult to describe The answer to the murder mystery is elusive.

a type of rock composed of calcium Many homes in Texas are built from lime
limestone n
carbonate stones.
Her many positive traits make her a very
traits n a characteristic an attribute
popular teacher.
he area of the body between the
pelvis n backbone and the legs, framed by the A women's pelvis is wider than a mans.
hip bones

The parent's rules are unambiguous: if you

unambiguous adj without doubt clear
come home late, you are grounded for a week.

The little boy unearthed a wooden box full of

unearthed v to dig up to discover
money in his backyard.
The committee became suspicious when many
unanswered adj not answered or explained
of their questions were unanswered.
Birds are able to glide through the air
glided v to fly through the air without power to soar
a governmental area into which many She and her husband are from the same
province n
countries are divided province in China.
The ballerina was very agile in her
agile adj quick and skillful in moving nimble
an animal that lives by killing and eating
predators n Lions are predators; they eat other animals.
something that gets in the way and stops The new president faced many obstacles in
obstacles n hurdle
action or progress implementing his new plan.
The CEO expanded his company buy starting a
expanded v to grow larger to enlarge
new branch in Canada.
The tree was not very healthy; the trunk was
hollow adj empty, with no center
The money raised from the fund raiser
exceeds v to be more than what is expected
exceeded our expectations.
the development of living things, cultures
evolution n Darwin is credited with the theory of evolution.
or ideas
The contrasting views of the different age
contrasting n very different
groups was not surprising to the teacher.
The deer emerged from the woods and into come into
emerged v to appear
the clearing. view
Unit 19 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

close to a particular number or time It will take approximately three weeks to frame
approximately adv nearly
although not exactly that number or time the picture.

to discover something secret or hidden

When they moved the stone, they uncovered a
uncovered v or remove something covering reveal
giant fossil.
something else

mammals n a warm-blooded animal Female mammals feed their milk to the young. animal

The boy resembled his father; they both had

resembled v to look like someone or something else be alike
curly black hair.
The baby indicated what toy she wanted by
indicate v show where or what something is point out
pointing to it.
genus n a type of classification Humans belong to the genus Homo.

a small, brown and white meat-eating Weasels cause problems for farmers because
weasel n
animal they like to eat chickens on the farm.

support v to hold up or bear the weight of Three beams supported the stage. encourage
Owls are nocturnal and sleep during most of
nocturnal n during or relating to the night night
the day.
The book bag bulged because there were too
bulged v swell or stick out protrude
many books in it.
upright adj standing up My father bought an upright piano.
to have the most important place or Her father was a great soccer player; he
dominated v command
greatest influence in dominated the field.
This island is only inhabited by birds and
inhabit v to live in an area dwell
You are an expert in this field, so I submit to
submit v to agree
your decision.
pouches n a bag-like pocket of skin Baby kangaroos live in the mother's pouch. pocket
an animal, such as a kangaroo or an
marsupials n opossum, whose female members have a Marsupials are found in Australia.
pouch to carry their young in
The disappearance of the magician is still a
disappearance n an act of disappearing
great mystery.
All latecomers are required to sit at the back
latecomers n a person who arrives late
of the theater.
She had the black and white prints reproduced
reproduced v to make copies of something copy
in color.
with constant high body heat in any
warm-blooded adj Humans are warm-blooded.
Unit 20 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

The pregnant woman listened to classical

the developed embryo in humans and
fetus n music everyday because she believed her fetus
other mammals
would enjoy it.
The accident was partially caused by the
partially adv in part not fully
broken traffic light.
embryo n the early stage of growth before birth Chicken embryos grow inside the eggshell.

teat n a nipple of an animal Milk of a cow is squeezed through its teats.

native adj a person who is born in a certain place She is a native of Indonesia. endemic

words or objects that support the truth The judge released the man because there was
evidence n proof
of something no evidence that he had committed the crime.

hind adj related to the rear or posterior part The dog injured his hind leg. back
graze v to feed on grass The cows graze in the field. feed
digest v to process in the stomach Vegetables digest faster than meat.
one of the sharp nails on an animal's
claws n Bears have sharp claws.
paw or toe
The company designed a better advertising
designed v to form mental plans for create
The family subsists on the money from the life
subsist v to live at basic or minimal level to exist
The two candidates debate over national
debate v present differing views on a question to argue
The student was simultaneously working on
simultaneously adv done at exactly the same time
two degrees.
The walked together until they reached the
diverged v to separate and go in different directions
bridged, then their paths diverged.

to continue steadily in the same manner The little boy persisted in asking his mother
persisted v
in spite of obstacles or opposition for candy, until she agreed.

The discovery of the artifacts helped the

discovery n the finding of something new
scientists understand the ancient culture.
distinctive adj different from others The dish had a distinctive flavor. special
striking adj immediately noticeable He is a striking man; he is very handsome.
The similarities between the man and woman
similarities n the state of being almost alike a resemblance
was very surprising.
Part of
Unit 21 Definition Sentence Synm
of being based in nature, not in the He is a naturalist because he believes in what
naturalist n
supernatural he can see.
The judge made her ruling based on the
precedent n a case which has basis in an earlier case
precedent established last year.
The scientist drew information from a library of
drew v to take or use something to portray
Darwin has been widely cited for popularizing
widely adj broadly, commonly
the theory of evolution.
something that is not accepted by Abortion continues to be one of the most
controversial adj
everyone controversial topics in American politics.
The jury found the woman's testimonial to be
convincing adj satisfying assuring
The writer worked hard in refining his
refining v to make more exact or clear
composition skills.
extending in the same direction as
parallel adj The two roads run parallel to each other.
something else
We made an effort to be friends after the
effort n an attempt to do something
The young man looked very slight to be a
slight adj being delicate or lacking strength
Many people were speculating about the
speculating v to expect to assume
outcome of the game.
Accepting the validity of the theory was central
central n at the core or foundation of something
to his argument.

notion n a belief or idea I had a notion that you would come tonight.

a privileged status, typically due to being Her seniority in the company allowed her to
seniority n
older or from having a strong record make many big decisions.

The theory was revolutionary because no one

revolutionary adj pertaining to great change
had ever seen anything like it.
It is certainly remarkable that you got straight
remarkable adj incredible wonderful
A's last semester.
It is important to talk in terms that laypersons
laypersons n common people or citizens
can understand.
children or babies born to a mother or The woman's condition did not allow her to
offspring n
father have offspring.
His argument was lacking any convincing
lacking adj to be without

perish v to die or become destroyed If the plane runs out of fuel we all will perish.
Unit 22

The mere idea of teaching the class made me

mere adj to be nothing more than something else
an idea or prediction that something will Scientists first make a hypothesis and then test
hypothesis n
occur it with an experiment.
The worker split the piece of wood into two
split v to divide into two pieces
pieces with his ax.
We previously thought that it was not a good
previously adj having occurred beforehand
The evidence presented to the court was not
compelling v convincing
compelling, so the case was dismissed.
When was the last time that a software update
update v to make a new version
became available for this program?
The student was asked to revise his paper as it
revise v to review and correct
had many errors.
The answers provided by the teacher were
contested v to question a dispute
contested by the honor student.

My friend is a geologist. He takes soil samples

geologist n a person who studies the earth and rocks
to his lab to examine them for their elements.

The tractor was used to plow the soil in order

plow v to move or turn over
to plant corn.
We dug a basin for each fruit tree so we could a hole in the
basins n a depression
water them more efficiently. ground
The boy did not speak, but his decision could
implied v to be understood in an indirect manner
be implied by the look on his face.
The alternative answer was not convincing to
alternative adj a different choice
the professor, either.
Darwin's theory of evolution is nearly
universally adj globally; all over the world
universally accepted by scientists.
The defendant's argument seemed implausible
implausible adj not possible or warranting disbelief
to the jury.
dense adj very thick The population in New York City is dense. compact
Many say that children's brains have a plastic
having a quality that is flexible or able to
plastic adj quality since they can be shaped to
be molded
understand almost anything.
having the action of going in the A stay-at-home father may seem like a role
reversals n
opposite direction reversal to some older couples.
an elevated or higher portion of a I climbed to the ridge of the mountain with
ridge n
structure my best friend.
to conform to or to be in agreement The girl's cell phone bill seemed to correspond
correspond v
with with her actual airtime usage.
Unit 23

We had sufficient money to buy two pairs of

sufficient adj enough to meet the needs of something
The balloon descended from the sky in the
descended v to come down to lower
The basketball team survived a near loss and to stay in
survived v to continue living
continued to the semi-final game. existence
The city hired an ecologist to investigate the
a person who studies the environment
ecologists n impact of the new apartment buildings on the
and its organisms

invented by human, based on an actual She bought artificially flavored vainilla because
artificially adj
model it was less expense than real vainilla.

to introduce or present something for a The actress was reintroduced by the

reintroduced v
second time announcer after her name was mispronounced.

to establish the existence or reality of He wants to prove that he understands the

prove v
something difference between the two models.
The struggling couple wanted to involve the
involve v to take part in or engage in an activity
psychologist in their situation.
An ice age results when the earth's
a time when many glaciers covered the
ice age n temperature drops dramatically for a long
period of time.
to consider something as correct or The governor did not condone the activity of
condones v
acceptable the governness.
The Caribbean ocean has an amazing variety
marine life n animals or organisms that live in the sea
of marine life.
Terrestrial life forms have inhabited the planet
terrestrial adj relating to the earth and its inhabitants
for centuries.
Vertebrates are some of the strongest
vertebrates n animals or organisms with a backbone
organisms to inhabit the earth.

habitat n a place where something lives The natural habitat of an alligator is a swamp.

sustained v to endure for a long period of time He sustained his innocence during the trial.
preventing something from doing His actions were inhibiting the success of
inhibiting v
something else others.
The destruction of the old house was sad to
destruction n damage, or the state of being destroyed
There was mass hysteria when the fire alarm
mass adj to a great degree
went off.
We could not have predicted that the
predicted v to think something will happen
underdog team would win.
Forests have been destroyed due to over
over harvesting v to harvest something too much
Unit 24

the condition of something never The rooky's win at the championship was
unprecedented adj
happening before unprecedented.
A blue moon is a phenomenon that occurs
phenomenon n a rare or significant event
every three years.
The surface of the car was rusted from years
surface n the exterior or upper part of something
of rainy weather.
The boy was unafraid of the consequence of
consequence n the result of an action
getting bad grades.
It is evident that you have prepared well for
evident adj apparent observable
the interview.
The process was accelerated by a
accelerated v to speed up or go faster
knowledgeable lawyer.
the product of something which has The radiation of heat from the sun is very
radiation n
been emitted from something else high.
There was a steady stream of messages
steady adj constant or unchanging
coming to the inbox.
The paper towl absorbed all of the water on
absorbed v to take in to suck up
the counter.
the air that surrounds the surface of the A spaceship must fly through the atmosphere
atmosphere n
earth to get into outer space.
misnomer n an incorrect name for something Calling the activity legal was a misnomer.
project v to throw or cast something forward The flashlight projects light onto the wall.
to do something with someone or I wanted to interact with the other customer in
interact v
something else the store but I was shy.
The radio emits sound through a pair of
emit v to send out to give off
The end result of the experiment did not
result n the effect or consequence of an action
confirm the hypothesis.
posing a problem; something that is Running out of gas in the middle of the desert
problematic adj
questionable is problematic.
the quality or state of something that is My uncertainty about the product made me
uncertainty n
unsure decide to not buy it.
the state of a forest which has been The construction of the housing district led to
deforestation n
cleared the deforestation of the forest.
an area that is covered, or mainly
wetland n He grew up outside the city in a wetland.
covered, by water
The roof was vented to allow air to circulate
vented v to have access to air
around the house.
Unit 25

The sink had not drained because it was

drained v to draw out to empty
to surround or form a circle around The explanation encompasses the central part
encompass v
something of the problem.
vital adj crucial, extremely important Water is vital to our existence.
Speeding constitutes the basis to receifvfe a
constitutes v to set up to establish
speeding ticket.
A caterpillar undergores a transformation when
undergoes v to experience to endure
it turns into a butterfly.
One aspect of the problem we had not
aspect n a particular appearance or status
considered came back to haunt us.
The people of the town were united to fight
cause n a reason for an action or condition
for their cause.

multitude n a great number of people or things There was a multitude of cars at the car show.

The United States imports many products from

import v to bring in from somewhere else
The ruling of the court case had many something
implications n something that is implied
implications. suggested
The internet has allowed for ease of global
global adj relating to or involving the entire world
grazing v to feed on grass or other vegetation Cattle graze around the area of the ranch.
The conservation group did not want the
conservation a group of people that is preoccupied
n scientists performing their experiment near the
groups with the environment
We could only speculate about the outcome
speculate v the think or be curious about a subject
of the vote.

irrevocable adj impossible to change or undo The decision of the manager was irrevocable.

reverse v to go in the opposite direction The man would like to reverse his actions.
There are many government subsidies
subsidies n a grant or donation of money
available for college students.
to force something or to carry out an He police officer was responsible for enforcing
enforce v
action the law.
The conservation group wants to preserve the
preserve v to keep safe from destruction or injury

richness n the satate of having high quality or value There is a richness to be found in all places.
Unit 26

The girl was absolutely the fastest runner on

absolutely adj definitely, for certain
the team.
A person can suffer of dehydration if he does
dehydration n the state of being without water
not drink enough water.
a person who has been harmed by There were many victims after the latest
victims n
something hurricane.

relentless adj to occur constantly, without stopping A relentless wave of attacks destroyed the city.

Many courses require a cumulative exam at

cumulative adj made up of a addition of individual parts
the end of the semester.
entirely adj completely, totally The necklace is made entirely of diamonds.
The car with the automatic transmission shifts
shift v to change or move
gears very easily.

having the characteristic of drama; The number of car accidents has dramatically
dramatically adj
surprisingly reduced over the past few years.

magna(molten substance emitted by an erupting The molten magna flowed out of the volcano
magma-스펠링 수정 volcanoe at a rapid pace.
a gaseous substance emitted from hot The bathroom was full of vapor after the man
vapor n steam
liquid took a shower.
not of the same character or The piece of pie was cut unequally into two
unequally adj
measurement pieces.

compressed v to press together or reduce in size The clothing was compressed into the suitcase.

to change or modify the quality of A seamstress can take a dress and alter its size
altering v
something or length.
a person who studies the weather or Every news station has a meteorologist who
meteorologists n
climate gives the weather report.
The river traverses much territory from east to
traverses v to cross to cut across
a substance which has been converted Much of the water in the teapot was lost due
evaporation n
into vapor to evaporation.
a substance that has been changed from The vapor in the bathroom turned into
condensation n
vapor into liquid condensation on the window.
The meteorologist claims that there will be
precipitation n a deposit of water or snow on the earth
little precipitation tomorrow.
to pass through something by filtering or The water infiltrated the soil after several
infiltrate v
permeation minutes.
The plumber noticed a droplet of water
droplet n a very small drop of liquid
underneath the sink.
Unit 27

a type of fuel which has been formed by Fossil fuels such as natural gas are commonly
fossil fuel n
the remains of plants or animals burned to heat houses in the wintertime.

combustible adj able to combust The airplane fuel is highly combustible. burn
The tickets to the basketball game were
economical adj not costing much money inespensive
surprisingly economical.
a situation or circumstance which makes Not having studied for the exam was a
disadvantages n
something difficult to achieve disadvantage for the student's success.
Unforseen drawbacks created delays for the
drawbacks n an unfavorable situation or feature
completion of the project.
an interruption in the normal course of The student's interruptions were a disruption
disruption n
an activity for the class.
to change something, either a skillful or The manipulation of the data gave the
manipulation n
deceptive manner professor the result she wished for.
to involve as a consequence through A man was implicated in the crime thanks to
implicated v
inference the neighbor's testimony.
ferns n a type of plant with long, thin leaves Ferns are popular houseplants.
a substance which settles at the bottom The coffee grounds settled as a sediment at
sediment n
of a liquid the bottom of the coffee cup.
people who occupied the region in
The Mesopotamians created a powerful society
Mesopotamians n southwest Asia between the Tigris and
along the Tigris River.
Euprhates rivers.
oil which has not been processed for Venezuela exports large quantities of crude oil
crude oil n
typical use to the United States.
Many dinosaurs died when they became
tar n a thick, heavy brown or black liquid
trapped in pits of tar.
A hole was drilled in the wall to hang the
drilled v to open a hole with a rotary motion
The idea was discarded as being impossible to
discarded v to throw away to cast off
a product which has been made Synthetic oil is often used in high mileage
synthetic adj
artificially cars.
Many countries are searching for forms of
renewable adj capable of being renewed
renewable energy.
a substance used to reduce the Industrial refrigerators use large quantities of
refrigerants n
temperature of something refrigerants to keep the food cool.
a substance which can explode or break The terrorists used explosives to destroy the
explosives n
apart violently governmental building.
The scarcity of food lead to starvation across having little of
scarcity n the state of being scarce
the country. something
Unit 28

The hominids became the dominate group

hominid n any family of two-legged primates
a very dense and hard material that The campers used a piece of flint to start a
flint n
produces sparks when struck hardly fire.

ochre n a red or yellow iron used as a pigment The natives used ochre to pain their faces.

The mine shaft was closed because it was

mine shaft n an opening used to enter a mine
unsafe for use.
The fighting ceased when the two sides came to bring to an
ceased v to stop
to an agreement. end
Many commodities are bought and sold
commodities n a product which can be bought or traded
worldwide every day.
strata n a sheet or layer of rock The earth is composed of many stratas.
the power to cause an effect over The judge's ruling had a great influence on the
influence n
something else community.
An excavation near the border revealed many
excavation n a hole or cavity formed by digging
exciting findings.
Climbing a mountain without a rope is
inherently adj of being essential
inherently a bad idea.
The woman's testimony posed a problem for
pose v to set in place
the defendant.

susceptible adj open or unresistant to a stimulus The little girl was susceptible to catching colds.

One would intuitvely assume that studying is a

intuitively adj readily learned or understood
good idea.
The witch put a curse on the town before
curse n a cause of harm or misfortune
The new graduate student showed great
potential n possibility
potential to become famous.
The smelting of the substances created the
smelting n the melting or fusing of a material
desired product.
Although it could not be seen, the man was
internally adv existing on the inside of something
bleeding internally.
external adj existing on the outside of something Skin is external to the body's organs.
The company's infrastructure did not allow the
infrastructure n The central framework of a system
workers to advance.

plume n a bird's feather We found a plume of a robin in the back yard.

Unit 29

The contamination emitted by cars each year

contamination n state of being dirty or polluted
is very high.
There is a large array of colors in the
array n a range or distribution of values

harmful a dangerous or of causing harm Smoking cigarrettes is harmful to one's health.

The couple was eliminated from the

eliminated v to do away with, to put an end to competition when they made a mistake in the
final round.
The presence of danger elevates an animal's
elevates v to raise to heighten
desire to flee.
The power company was disconnecting heat to
disconnecting v to end or terminate a connection family's homes that had not paid their heating
Bicycles do not release pollutants into the air
pollutants n something which is unclean or impure
as cars do.
a heavy mineral oil used for power Diesel fuel is typically less expensive than
diesel n
engines regular gasoline.
a place or plant that processes oil or The oil refinery worked around the clock to
refineries n
other substances keep up with the demands of customers.
The bird that flew over the refinery came away
sooty plumes n a dirty or soiled feather
with sooty plumes
The stock market is notoriously volatile during
volatile adj subject to rapid change
to concentrate on something or to Harold's new book focused on the role of
focused v
specify women in today's business culture.
An urban home is desirable for those who
urban adj pertaining to the city or city life
wish to be near to everyday conveniences.
The warm weather diminished the necessity to
diminished v to lessen or decrease
heat the house as much as usual.
I would like to reduce the amount of coffee I
reduce v to lessen or decrease to diminish
consume each day.
More and more greenhouse gas is emitted
a type of pollution, especially carbon
greenhouse gas n into the atmosphere each year around the
dioxide, emitted in global warming
a chronic lung condition presenting The boy had to use medicine to control his
asthma n
difficulty of breathing attacks of asthma.
Acid rain can damage the environment in
acid rain n precipitation of acid in the form of rain
many ways.
The president implemented new regulations to put into
implemented v to put in place
regarding the trade agreement. action
The new company generated high revenues in
generated v to create or make
their second quarter.
Unit 30

The majority vote in the senate allowed the bill

majority adj the greatest (largest) part of something
to pass into law.
Tennis is a sport done as recreation by many
recreation n something done for fun or distraction
of causing objection or a negative Shirley's decision was objectionable for several
objectionable adj
reaction reasons.
Steven improperly answer the majority of the
improperly adj incorrectly, not properly
questions on the exam.
to pass through an opening, typically by
leaked v The roof leaked every time it rained outside.
refuse or garbage carried out of Cities are responsible for controlling the
sewage n
buildings by the sewer sewage created by its residents.
There was a layer of silt that remained after
silt n a very fine grained material made of rock
the dust storm.
The depletion of the ozone layer leads to
depletion n the state of being emptied or reduced
faster global warming.
The entire stadium went crazy when the home having no
entire adj complete
team won the game. part omitted
a community of organisms pertaining to Ecosystems come into danger when new
ecosystem n
a particular environment housing developments are created.
Snow accumulated on the road quickly during
accumulated v to amass to gather
the last snow storm.
Businesses typically must be built outside of
residential adj pertaining to an area where people live
residential areas.
of being sold to customers in small Common citizens buy the majority of their
retail adj
quantities goods from retail stores.
liquid which comes away from a There was a great amount of runoff into the
runoff n
particular source streets after the rainstorm.
I bought some fertilizer for the grass in my
fertilizer n a substance used to help plants grow
lawn as well as for the houseplants.
fouled v to disturb or prevent The police fouled the attempted burglary.
Some candidates abruptly change their mind
abruptly adj quickly rapidly
when questioned agressively.
All activity on the college campus halted with
halted v to stop or bring to an end
the sounding of the fire alarm.
The mountains were visible from across the
visible adj able to be seen
a type of fertilizer used to help plants Henry bought some manure to use when
manure n
grow planting his lawn.
Unit 31 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

an organic compound consisting of Hydrocarbons are a common element in our

hydrocarbon n
hydrogen and carbon world.

liquefied v to turn into liquid The snow liquified when it melted in the sun.

She was extremely upset when she did not

extremely adj to a great degree, highly greatly
receive the job offer.
Getting bad grades is detrimental for getting
detrimental adj bad for something, harmful
into a good university.
The severity of the punishment was regarded
severity n the quality of strength or strictness
by many as too low.
His pain persisted even after the doctor gave
persist v to endure to continue
him some medication.
The shipping company was proud of its
timeliness n of being on time or being punctual
reputation of timeliness.
Many travelers use a device for the detection
detection n the state of being noticed or detected
of police radar.

Some fishery operations are aimed at tourists

fishery operations n the work of people in the fishing industry
who would like to try fishing for the first time.

opposition to something or the ability to The group's resistance to change might have
resistance n
resist change caused their downfall.
The severe snowstorm caused the entire city
severe adj a strict or strong quality
to shut down.
My boots were waterlogged after I fell into the
waterlogged adj to be full of water
Preening birds keep themselves clean by using
preening birds n a bird which cleans itself with its bill
their own bill to clean their feathers.
detrimintal or harmful, often in a subtle The deletirious comment was not appreciated
deleterious adj
manner until much later.
of being second to something else, Completing his thesis was only secondary to
secondary adj
coming after something else maintaining his family.
Security was breached when classified
breach v to break information was published in a daily to violate
The governor worked to keep lethal weapons
lethal adj deadly, able to kill
off the streets.
occurring without losing time, happening The immediate reaction of the crowd was one
immediate adj
instantly of laughter.
Genetic mutations caused the farm animal to
mutations n a change experienced by an organism
be born differently than the others.

The idea of switching jobs lingered in his mind

lingered v to persist or remain
after the bad experience with his employer.
Unit 32

synonymous adj to mean the same as To help' is synonymous to 'To assist.'

Smoking cigarrettes is hazardous to your
hazardous adj dangerous, potentially harmful
in a general
broadly adj widely The presentation broadly covered many topics.
Cars need to be checked for emissions once a
emissions n something that is emitted, let out

imposed v to bring about by authority or force The professor imposed her rules on the class.

The city's disposal was overflowing with

disposal n a place for leaving waste or garbage
His strategy was to start studying for the test
strategy n a careful plan or method
several days early.
Our manager received a strong criticism from
criticism n an evaluation, often on the negative side
the university president.
Nobody wants nuclear waste to be stored near
waste n garbage, refuse
their home.
The student teacher was substituting for the
substituting v to put in place of something else
regular professor in class today.
My idea to finish the project in several days
unrealistic adj not realistic inappropriate
was unrealistic.

proper adj correct, of the right representation She invited us to a proper English tea party.

At the end of the semester the students take a

comprehensive adj covering a large scop, broadly complete
comprehensive exam.
incineration n the act of burning something The house was damaged by incineration.
The couple paid a large amount of money in
money paid for doing something
fines n fines for not taking care of their children
incorrectly or illegal
The gym will be closed indefinitely for
indefinitely adj for an unspecified period of time

unregulated adj without rules or regulations Unregulated policies are difficult to enforce.

The amount of money raised by the campaign

insignificant adj without much significance or worth
was insignificant
something suffered as result of an action, The penalties for driving over the speed limit
penalties n
a hardship can be very costly.
to prevent from doing something, to Susan's news did not deter Brian from making
deter v
discourage his decision.
Unit 33

It is a great accomplishment to have

accomplishment n something achieved or completed achievement
graduated first in your class.
He accurately identified the main language
accurately adj correctly, truthfully
centers of the brain.
The rules were established by the members of
established v to bring into existence or to stabilize
the elective committee.
a population of people living in a newly The first immigrants to the United States
colony n
established territory or state formed colonies on the east coast.
on purpose, resulting from careful The decision to leave a night early was
deliberate adj
consideration deliberate.
Early voyages to newly found territories were
voyages n a trip or journey, typically by sea
very dangerous.
to establish a place to live, to develop an The early colonists settled in the northeastern
settled v
area United States.
If there are no objections, this couple may be
objections n an opposition or complaint
He submitted his proposal for the project
proposal n a plan to do something
before the deadline.
Prior to working at the copy shop, she worked
prior adj beforehand, before
as a receptionist at a law firm.
a group of people that is against a The opposition to the president's idea was
opposition n
particular point or another group very disorganized.
a supply or material provided for a We took food provisions with us on the
provisions n
purpose camping trip.
The story of the beginning of the church is
fascinating adj very interesting, incredible
a place or area pertaining to a particular The southern territories have experienced
territories n
group of people or country troubles recently.
John's parents were discontented with his
discontented adj upset, not content
academic performance.
The young man was imprisoned for attempted
imprisoned v to be put in jail or prison
initiated v to begin or start The children initiated their club in the park.
They were eager to begin on their journey to
eager adj anxious, excited
the mountains.
a piece of land which lies inward from The houses were built far enough inland to be
inland adj
the sea safe from the storm.
The team capitalized on the opponents' errors
capitalized v to take advantage of a situation
and won the game.
Unit 34

something that is conquered or won in A primary purpose of a battle tends to be the

conquest n
war conquest of land.
The height of the mountain is like no other in
height n the elevation of something, a high point
this area.
An agrarian country is capable of sustaining its
agrarian adj relating to fields or land
own food sources.
The dynasty of the emperors lasted for
dynasty n a kingdom or powerful group of people
A table is composed of a flat board and four
composed v to be made up of, to be built of
related to superstitious, belief in The superstitious woman was afraid that a
superstitious adj
something perhaps unaccountable for black cat might cross her path.
The information provided to the candidate was
inaccurate adj not accurate, wrong incorrect
Jason was obligated to retake the exam since
obligated v to oblige, force to do something
he did not pass the first time.
an exaggeration of one's worth or self- Many professional athletes have the reputation
arrogant adj
esteem of being arrogant.
The amount of work required in the class was
excessive adj exceeding a normal amount, too much
Her driver's license was revoked when she got
revoked v to be denied or turned away annul
her third speeding ticket.
triumphed v to win, to be victorious The politician triumphed in the election.
France established an alliance with the United
alliance n a bond or connection between people
States decades ago.
The lambs were taken to the farm for
slaughter n a killing or butchering massacre
to bring under control or make The subjugation of the people was essential to
subjugation n
submissive his plan.
to abandom or leave something after Her defection from the country made
defection n
making a conscious decision international news.
There was not a substantial amount of
substantial adj a notable amount, ample
evidence in the court case.
The prosecutor aggressively attacked the
aggressively adv with great power, marked by aggression fervently
defendant's alibi.
The news of the train crash was unsettling to
unsettling adj upsetting, making one feel uneasy disturbing
all residents of the town.
money demanded by someone for the The ransom demanded for the boy's liberty
ransom n
release of another was very high.
Unit 35

The plant is indigenous of the high mountain

indigenous adj originating in a particular area native
There is a diverse student body at this
diverse adj having distinct or different qualities
He impressed me immensely with his new
immensely adj greatly, to a large degree
inclination or disposition to do My willingness to help has not changed since
willingness n
something the first moment.
a sign or indication that something The judge requested that more evidence be
evidence n
happened brought to the court.
His victory was notable in that it was deemed
notable adj worthy to note, remarkable
an object characteristic of a particular Archeologists look for artifacts during
artifacts n
time period or place archeological digs.
something which remains or is left The there were few remnants from the yard
remnants n
behind sale.
A clue for the answer was gleaned from
gleaned v to extract or to bring to light
careful observation of the old records.
one who follows from a previous The descendents of the mountain clan became
descendents n
generation very powerful.
His vast knowledge about the subject made
vast adj great, expansive very broad
his lectures fascinating.
to take into a relationship or into The faculty was slow to adopt the director's
adopted v
consideration by choice proposal for change.
loom v to come into sight or to appear The dark rain clouds loomed overhead.
pertaining to a ceremony, very formal in The ceremonial wedding was impressive to the
ceremonial adj
detail international guests.

The president empowered his staff by giving

empower v to give power to someone or something
them the right to make their own decisions.

Her designer strived for symmetry when

symmetry n to be equal on all sides balanced
creating the dress.
The boys committed sacrilege when they
sacrilege n a violation or offense to God
spoke badly of God.
People came from all parts of town to perform
ritual n a ceremony or traditional observation
a ritual on Christmas day.
departed v to leave, to go away The plane departed on time this morning.
people who came before us in our family I have many ancestors who came to the
ancestors n
or country's history United States from Norway.
Unit 36

Tensions were high as the people waited for

tensions n unrest or imbalance in a relationship
the judge's decision.
The roads were newly paved last year but are
paved v to cover, often with asphalt
already in poor condition.
a disturbance or insurrection, often The prison outbreak was the first story on the
outbreak n
violent evening news.
The story about child abuse incensed the
incensed v to arouse indignation or anger
members of the community.
to bring from another place, often The United States has been importing oil from
importing v
another country Venezuela for many years.
to bring something to another place in The pilot was smuggling drugs in his plane
smuggling v
an illegal manner until one day he was caught.
Due to poor sales, there was a surplus of
surplus n an extra amount of something
automobiles left in the factory.
Rather than file for bankruptcy, it is better to impoverishme
bankruptcy n the state of having no money
try to pay your bills. nt
The exact number of people in the audience
exact adj precise, free of error
was 2,387.

The members of the soccer team unanimously

unanimously adv a condition in which all people agree unequivocally
decided to skip practice last night.

to portray oneself as someone else, often The bank robber disguised himself by wearing
disguised v
for the purpose of deceit a black mask and sunglasses.
a structure built along the shore of an Fisherman's wharf is one of the most popular
wharf n
ocean, typically for fishing tourist attractions in San Francisco.
a box or large container for storing Many crates were lined up along the walls of
crates n
objects the factory.
She was motivated to do her best work from
motivated v to provide motivation or excitement
the man's nice words.
There is a strict penalty for turning in
strict adj stringent, inflexible rigid
homework late.
The wall along the side of the freeway
prevent v to keep something from happening
prevented the car from going off the road.
outright adj of being complete or exact What he said last night was an outright lie.
to be left alone or removed from a His negative comments on health care
alienated v
situation alienated a lot of voters.
a representative, typically elected by a The candidates pursued becoming the
delegates n
group of people delegate from their party.
Unit 37

pertaining to a situation in which one is

Although they were paid fairly, the indentured
indentured adj bound to work for another and receive
servants were not happy with their work.
pay for the services
a condition in which a person cannot
Living in servitude is something most people
servitude n decide for himself or make his own
would not wish to do.
happening without making a conscious The reaction to run away from trouble is
involuntary adj
decision involuntary.
The prisoners' uprisingings were increasingly an act of
uprisings n a fight
more difficult to control. defiance
The family's descent was notable for its
descent n of coming from a line of ancestry
connection to the ruling party.
a representation of something, often There was a statue of the country's liberator in
statues n
made of concrete or wood the town plaza.
The college's rules strictly prohibited staying
prohibited v not permitted or allowed
on campus past midnight.
He was lynched for his involvement with the
lynched v to put to death, often by hanging
terrorist group.
negative treatment received for doing The punishment for turning in a late
punishment n
something wrong assignment was a zero in the gradebook.
the condition of giving or trading one In the slave trade, people were traded to work
trade n
thing for another on other people's land.
a settlement, typically on a large piece of The tobacco plantations on the east coast
plantations n
land have been in operation for centuries.
a condition of poor, often violent, Animal cruelty is not tolerated in the United
cruelty n
treatment States.
a part of the body that grows off the One must risk life and limbs to if he wants to
limbs n appendages
trunk or main section become a mountain climber.
The slave was whipped for failing to do his job
whip v to beat with a long rope
She went to the police to inform them about
abusive adj harmful, harsh
her abusive husband.
I did not object when I was asked to stay late
object v to disagree or oppose to something
at work last night.
early group of settlers in the United The quakers objected to the slave trade, even
Quakers n
States though some had slaves.
The president tried to abolish the slave trade
abolishing v to put an end to to stop
early in his career.
The emancipation proclamation ended the
emancipation n to free or end restraint
slave trade.
The liberation of the slaves is a positive piece
liberation n condition of being free or liberated
of the history.
Unit 38

His problem with nervousness lasted for

existed v to be real or have life
The government was not prepared for the
rebellions n an action of resistance or defiance
rebellions of the citizens.
The magnitude of the earthquake was greater
magnitude n referring to size or proportions
than any other in history.
We heard subequent complaints from the
subsequent adj following in time or place
The outcome of the championship match was
outcome n a result or consequence
what one would expect.
The chain of events that lead up to the
chain of events n series of actions or events
disclosure was remarkable.
something owed, often of monetary
debts n He had debts we knew of.
practice n a performance or action The lawyer's practice was very busy.
a person or animal that is held under the The captive was not allowed to talk to anyone
captives n
control of someone else but his lawyer.

schooner n a sailing ship or vessel with two sails We rode on the schooner to get to the island.

The ceremony commenced after all of the

commenced v to start or begin
audience was seated.
The school's test scores were considered
abysmal adj terrible, immeasurably low
abysmmal by the school board.
intolerable adj not tolerable, unbearable The man's attitude was intolerable.
an exchange or transfer of goods or The bank processes hundreds of transactions
transaction n
services each day.
a person who inhabits or lives in a The occupants of the hotel had to evacuate
occupants n
particular place when they heard the fire alarm.
a situation of being enslaved or held Last year's football team lived a near situation
enslavement n
captive of enslavement.
Children acquire language from hearing it in
acquired v to gain or come into possession
their environment.

secure v to relieve from danger or to make safe The building was secured by the police chief.

complicated adj difficult, not easy Math problems can be very complicated.
horrific adj to feel horrible or terrible The scene of the crime was horrific. terrific
Unit 39

a route, a manner for pursuing One avenue for solving the problem is
avenue n
something reconsidering the equation.
His bad attitude was affecting his performance
affecting v to have an effect on something
on the job.
recounted v to count again The voting ballots were recounted twice.
reverend n a priest or pastor at a church The town reverend was loved by all.
Her manager was frank about her recent
frank adj honest, sincere forthright
The book had a profound effect on my way of
profound adj characterized by intense feelings deep

a person who must serve another According to the family tree, Davis'
slave n
without freedom grandfather was a slave on a large plantation.

The song was banned from radio because of

banned v to not allow, to prohibit
its vulgar language.
to consider the value of something, to
criticized v Her work was criticized for being unoriginal.
find fault with
The criminal was depicted as a good person in
depicted v to show or demonstrate
the television movie.
The mayor's opinions were divergent from
divergent adj differing from a standard reference
those of the previous mayor.
The conflict was escalated when the king was
conflict n a struggle or competition
The president said he would not withdraw the
withdraw v to take away to draw back
troops from the region.
It was atrocious to see how badly the children
atrocious adj horrible, disgusting
Giving concrete examples is essential when
concrete adj definitive specific
The government decided to outlaw the sale of
outlawing v to make illegal
a person who thinks that his or her race He was disliked for his reputation of being a
racist n
is better than any other racist.
pertaining to the status quo or the The response was stereotypical for the
stereotypical adj
normal image situation.
Our opinion did not differ from that of the
opinion n a way of thinking a belief
other parents.
a reason given to prove something, a The professor's argument for suspending the
arguments n
source of conflict student was not taken seriously.
Unit 40

to help something happen, to make The congressman facilitated the justice talks
facilitated v
easier last evening.
A one million dollar bounty was offered for
bounty n a generous gift or reward
the capture of the criminal.
labor n work, the expending of energy To labor all day without rest is no fun.
The output from the computer program was
output n the end result of an action
impossible to understand.
the value of all goods and services
gross domestic The rising country's gross domestic product
n produced by a country during a specific
product was stronger than ever this year.
time period
the amount of a product returned or
yield n The yield of corn per acre was quite high.
to do something for the first time, to The woman pioneered the new clothing
pioneering v
invent fashion seen at the awards ceremony.
People cannot endure living without water for
endures v to withstand, to put up with
very long.
I modified the equation by adding an
modified v to change something deliberately to alter
additional component.
a change in the economy motivated by
industrial The industrial revolution in England caused
n the use of machinery to do humans'
revolution widespread unemployment.
The stain resistant shirt was worth every
resistant adj capable of providing resistance
the quality or feature of being able to do She had many capabilities that we were not
capabilities n
something aware of.
a machine, like a train, that can move on Locomotives transport people and products
locomotives n
its own around the world every day.
an element used to kill or inhibit plant We used an herbicide on the weeds growing
herbicides n
growth in our front yard.
the quality of being efficient, the degree
The company was looking for workers with a
efficiency n to which one can do something with
great deal of efficiency.
a substance used to kill pests, such as You can buy a pesticide to kill the ants in your
pesticides n
insects patio.
The new branch on the rose bush stemmed
stemmed v to come from, to branch off of
from the main trunk of the plant.
to serve as a counterbalance for The new company's operating costs were
offset v
something offset by high first quarter sales.

They closed the business when they realized

diminishing v to make less to decrease
the increasingly diminishing returns.

based on a model, having pieces of set The modular carpet could be pieced together
modular adj
sizes easily.
Unit 41

There are twenty-seven amendments to the

amendment n something which is amended or added
constitution of the US
Her bid for presidency was denied by a
denied v to not allow, to refuse
stronger candidate.
characterized by being a shortened The abridged dictionary still had more words
abridged adj
version of something than we needed to know.
The appropriate attire for the reunion was a
appropriate adj suitable or correct compatible
business suit and tie.
Her productivity at work increased when she
productivity n relating to the production of something
started to sleep more at night.
The amount of oppression on the people of
oppression n cruel or unjust exertion of power
the country was unbearable.
They increasingly realized that their decision more and
increasingly adv with a greater rate
was wrong more
the feeling of a person or group of Our sentiment toward the criminal was very
sentiment n
people low.
There were many exclusions to the offer at the
exclusion n something that is removed or excluded

reformer n a person who makes reforms or changes Noah Webster was a spelling reformer.

The progression of notes played by the pianist

progression n an advancement or succession
was amazing.
the condition of having moderation in She was not known for having much
temperance n restraint
one's actions or feelings temperance.
something which is formally confirmed or The ratification of the law was high on the list
ratification n
approved of priorities.
We felt uppity after winning our first tennis
uppity adj feeling upbeat or happy
The incremental plan to reform spelling was
incremental adj in a step-by-step fashion
the condition of something compared to
status n In the classroom, John had high status.
something else

The girl scouts achieved their goal of selling

achieve v to accomplish or to get something done
enough cookies to go to Washington D.C.

We gained momentum as we entered the final

momentum n the pace at which something occurs
round of competition.
The workers were picketing outside the
picketing v to petition or complain
headquarters building.
The people's thinking on how to resolve the
coalesced v to grow together or to united
problem coalesced with time.
Unit 42

The naval headquarters were located just west

naval adj pertaining to the navy
of the ocean.
The children felt the urgent need to call their
urgent adj requiring immediate attention pressing

The pivotal moment in the debate came when

pivotal adj very important, critical
the two candidates argued over healthcare.

concerning the tactics of doing A tactical error at any moment could lead to
tactical adj
something disaster.
Dropping the football during the last seconds
blunder n a large mistake or error
of the game was a blunder.
A group of nations opposed to the Allies Germany, Italy and Japan were axis powers
Axis powers n
during World War Two. during World War Two.
The police officer detected the smell of alcohol
detected v to notice, to discover
on the driver.
The smaller country had few armaments to
armaments n a weapon or military force
protect themselves.
a place where people are held or The internment was known for its poor
internment n
confined conditions.
One day the imperial powers began to
imperial adj relating to an empire

midget n a very small version of something The midget cars were popular at the car show.

an order from the government which The US continues its financial embargo to
embargo n
prohibits something Cuba.
the state of becoming greater or more The escalation of troops sent to the war was
escalations n
intense concerning.
to change a person's opinion through I persuaded Rosa to come with me after
persuaded v
argument offering many convincing reasons.
Henry brought together an impressive
assemblage n a collection of people or things a gathering
assemblage of voters.
We were preoccupied that the situation was
preoccupied v to concern, to worry
not improving.
aviator n a person who flies an airplane The early aviators were courageous. pilot
The manager's ultimatum was that the worker
ultimatums n a final demand or proposition needed to come to work on time or stop
working entirely.
Our opinions seldom coincided with respect to
coincide v to have agreement, to accord to concur
the controversial topic.
a person delegated to respresent a The government envoy did a great job in
envoy n
country or government getting the people to come together.
Unit 43

Countries that opposed the Axis powers The major Allied Powers in WWII were Britain,
Allied Powers n
during World War II Russia and the United States.
The brutal punishment of the hostage was
brutal adj harsh severe
shown on the news.

official adj pertaining to an office, authoritative Spanish is the official language of Venezuela.

pertaining to having different forms or There were a variety of students from different
variety n
types countries in the class.
The doctors monitored her condition
monitoring v to watch to observe
throughout the night.
Her humanitarian efforts were recognized by
humanitarian adj relating to humanity or people
the United Nations.
Arms control is a frequent topic of
arms control n the control of weapons or armaments
international news.
cruel mistreatment of someone or The soldier received torture after he was
torture n
something captured behind enemy lines.
a period of time marked by the absence The failure of the Irish potato crop led to
famines n
or extreme lack of food widespread famine in Ireland.
to advance something, to further The worker was promoted for consistently
promote v
something increasing sales revenues.

A low degree of collaboration on the project

collaboration n the action of working jointly with others
would certainly not be sufficient for success.

The company has subsidiaries in many

subsidiary n a secondary or supporting organization
different countries.
a person or group of people that creates The founders of the organization were
founders n
or invents something honored for their contributions.
The latter set of homework problems were the
latter adj pertaining to something that follows subsequent
a period of tension between the US and The Cold War latest for approximately 50
Cold War n
the Soviet Union years, from the 1940s to the 1990s.
the deliberate destruction of a group of The genocide of the group will always be a
genocide n
people low point in world history.
A violent protest outside the capitol made the
violent adj characterized by violence or strong force
headline news.
Peacekeeping is always a priority of the
peacekeeping n an effort to maintain peace and order
an infringement, something done Driving over the speed limit constitutes a
violations n
improperly traffic violation.
Twenty athletes were selected to represent the
selected v to choose or pick
country in the Olympic Games.
Unit 44

The rumor of a terrorist attack created a state

turmoil n a state of confusion or commotion
of turmoil in the village.
The removal of the senator created a rift in the
rift n an opening, a fissure
a person who oppresses, keeps another The oppressors were prosecuted under
oppressors n
down international law.
Many of the repressive actions were not
repressive adj to prevent or hold down by control
considered humanitarian.
How the law was not repealed earlier is a
repealing v to take away, to draw back revoke, annul
mystery to everyone.

contagious adj something communicated by contact The respiratory illness was highly contagious.

a soldier who has been designated as a The Green Berets are regarded as being part
Green Berets n
member of the Special Forces of the upper echelon of military forces.
Everyone says Paul is clumsy because he is
clumsy adj lacking tact or dexterity
always dropping everything.
to interfere in business that is not of She was always meddling in the life of her
meddling v
one's concern neighbor.
Our feeling of futility could not be overcome
futility n useless, without worth
with simple words.
The actions of the students were not tolerated to put up
tolerated v to allow
by the professor. with
It was difficult to resist ordering some
resist v to put up force against something
icecream for dessert.
to make another feel fear or Mary intimidated the others by always having
intimidate v
nervouseness the answers for everything.
to make a formal request, to ask for The campus group petitioned for their own
petitioned v
something meeting space at the university.
The troops surrendered when they realized
surrender v to give up, to relent
they were outnumbered.
Having a rapid does not do much good if the
rapid adj very quick, very fast
speed limit is low.
a person or thing hurt or damaged by an A primary concern in a war is the number of
용어정의대로 한다면 n
action casualties that may be suffered by either side.
casualties로 수정)
Over 100 civilians were injured in the bombing
civilians n A regular resident of a place
The infamous doctor was tried in court for his
infamous adj famous for being bad or evil
actions against humanity.
an act of invading, entering a place The enemy's invasions were met with great
invasions n
where one is not welcome resistance by the smaller country.
Unit 45

His radical departure from his hypothesis

radical adj greatly different, considerable
made people wonder what was going on.
not moral, in conflict with general beliefs Immoral actions are considered negatively
immoral adj
or principles when a person runs for public office.
The taillights faded into the darkness as the
fade v to slowly dissappear or go away
car drove away.
something that interferes, obstructs, gets There was interference on the phone line and
interference n
in the way thus we could not communicate easily.
a result of a change to a policy or The reforms made to the constitution were for
reform n
convention the better of the people.
Compensated emancipation was used as a way
compensated the freeing of a slave in return for money
n to end slavery in places were slavery was
emancipation or another compensation
deemed illegal.
The general's tactics were considered highly
tactics n a way or mode of procedure
effective by the commissioner.
The psychologist wanted to institutionalize her
to integrate into a formal system or
institutionalize v patient after she did not respond to the
clinical intervention.
The student disrupted the class with his
disrupt v to bother, to break up to disturb
inappropriate remarks.
The killing of the king prompted the beginning
prompted v to motivate or encourage
of the war.
The two teams squared off at this year's
squared off v to confront, to prepare to fight
championship game.
Four of the five causes were considered
cause n a reason for doing something
adequate for beginning the project.
Her notoriety seemed to do her more harm
notoriety n condition of being well known or famous
than good.

culminating v to result or end Our years of hard work culminated in success.

There was an assassination attempt on the

assassination n the killing of a person
gang leader last month.
She wore a disguise to work and nobody
disguise n something used to prevent identification
recognized who she was.
a formal ceremony to mark the The inauguration of the country's president
inauguration n
beginning of an event was very elegant.
The state seceded from the nation after a
seceded v to withdraw, to remove
bitter fight for freedom.
It was crucial for the group to agree before
crucial adj very important, essential critical
presenting themselves to the council.
to prevail over something, to have more The president can override any request for a
overrode v
power bill presented to him by congress.
Unit 46

The incident in front of the the dormitory was

incident n a situation or event
deemed inappropriate.
a military award given by the President
The soldier was awarded the Purple Heart after
Purple Heart n to a soldier who has been wounded or
her service in the Middle East.
killed in service
There were few risks associated with the
risk n a danger, a possiblity for loss or injury
Many career choices are offered by universities
careers n a job or profession
and community college.
His wages were garnered in order to repay his
garnered v to withhold to reduce
debts to the company.
a piece of paper used for the purpose of The ballots had to be recounted after the
ballot n
voting national election.
The prolonged effects of the medication were
prolonged v to last for a longer length of time endure
not known at the time.

situation of becoming larger, of being Several of the buildings were in need of

expansion n
expanded expansion to accommodate the growing staff.

His stance on the issue was that there was no

stance n a point of view or way of thinking
The airplane pilot was notably drunk before he
notably adj noticeably, to a high degree
boarded the plane.
Jane carried out her plan even though she
carried out v to do, to take action
knew it was a bad idea.
The crisis only worsened when the county's
crisis n a desperate situation, a large problem
water supply ran dry.
On the bright side, he learned something from
failure n an inadquate performance, a poor result
his failure.
a problem without an obviously correct She spent hours considering the best solution
dilemma n
situation for her dilemma
constructed v to build or put together The building was constructed in one week.
The group's attempt to take over the building
averted v to turn away or to deter
was averted by the police.
The king's assassin was later killed for his
assassin n a person who kills murderer
The defendant says he was framed by the
to portray incorrectly, for an improper
framed v police who needed to pin the action on
pertaining to a situation which seems
Paradoxically, it seemed that the wrong answer
paradoxically adv contrary to popular belief but which may
was actually correct.
be truef
The decline of the military turned out to be a
decline n a reduction or lowering
good thing for the country.
Unit 47

pledge n a sign or acknowledgment We pledged allegiance to our country. a token

The judge restored order in the courtroom
restore v to make something new again to give back
It is important to have optimism in order to be
optimism n to have a positive outlook or belief
The candidate had lots of charisma and it
charisma n a special appeal or charm
helped him win votes.
The deregulation of the emission of
deregulation n the state of losing rules or regulations greenhouse gases was harmful for the
to improve, to make less harmful or The situation was difused when the two parties
defused v
intense began to speak to each other.
We used our good wit to figure out the
wit n mental resource or reasoning power sense
stint n a short period of time One of the workers stayed for only a stint.
The outlook for the situation did not look
outlook n perspective, a prospect
He advocated the control of firearms in the
advocate v to support or encourage
protection granted to a person after a The professor received tenure after six years of
tenure n
period of trial service service at the university.
Mountain lions leaped out of the cage and ran
leap v to jump, to make a large stride
out of the zoo.
pertaining to the governor or to the The gubernatorial election was poorly
gubernatorial adj
government attended by the residents of the town.
Wind swept through the city and damaged
swept v to make a large motion, to move
several houses.
He was physically fatigued after a long tennis
fatigued adj to be tired to be weary
The book about the history of Sweden was a
saga n a long, detailed representation of a story
saga in its own right.
having much money or being generally One way of measuring prosperity is by
prosperity n thriving
successful counting your money.
The concert was stimulating and we all left in
stimulating v to stimulate or invigorate
a good mood.
to have a shortage, to have spent more The country's deficit grew larger and larger
deficit n
than one has earned each year.
Unit 48

The preacher was popular for giving energetic

preacher n a person who delivers a public sermon
The group was segregated because of the
segregated v to separate from others
color of their skin.
the study of God and the relationship of
theology n Many preachers have a degree in theology.
God to the world
civil rights a movement by people to gain equality The civil rights movement helped make major
movement under the law changes in the society.
Nonviolent protests often have a larger impact
nonviolent adj without violence
than violent ones.

a situation in which one does not obey Civil disobedience in the form of a violent
disobedience n
the rules protest gained the attention of the governor.

to speak or give orders in a demanding

dictated v My boss dictated what we had to do that day.
The preacher inspired me with his wonderful
inspired v to influence or motivate to guide
a situation in which one refuses to be The boycott of the airline pilots caused large
boycott n
involved delays in travel.
Her book was instrumental in getting the
instrumental adj having critical or crucial means
situation changed in congress.
Thousands of people lined the streets to
protest n a display of disagreement
protest animal cruelty.
the elimination of a situation in which
desegregation n Desegregation led to a more unified country.
people are kept separate
The judge incarcerated the criminal for repeat
incarcerated v to put in prison to imprison
The case of police brutality showed that police
brutality n a very harmful, damaging action
officers are not always kind.
He conveyed his message by making a public
convey v to show, to demonstrate
speech and by writing a letter.
The protests were realized by thousands of
realized v to happen, to occur
people around the country.
The prison riots claimed the lives of both
riots n an uprising, a massive fight
inmates and prison officials.
a judgment which causes injustice or
prejudice n Although prejudice is common, it is not good.
The effectiveness of the new medicine has not
effectiveness n producing a desired effect or outcome been proven by the Food and Drug
The confrontation between the manager and
confrontations n a tense meeting or a clash the employee harmed the image of the
unit 49

Her illustrious career as an architect made her

illustrious adj exemplary, brilliant noble
very successful.
Public contributions to the roadwork project
contributions n the giving or gift of something
helped get the job done quickly.
The former mayor was once a track and field
former adj coming before, previous
The candidates anti-semitic remarks gave him
anti-Semitic adj of being against Jewish people
a bad reputation.
The number of congressmen from each state
a member of the United States House of
congressman n varies depending on the population of that
Few youth from our high school gained
prestigious adj having high value or regard honorable
entrance into the prestigious college.
Television commercials are funded by the
funded v to give funds, to pay
company who is selling its product.
The mandates required that employers not
mandates n an order or command judge applicants on base of religion, sex or
political beliefs.
There were unresolved disputes that lingered
disputes n an argument or controversy
for years.
characterized by being able to be argued His recipe for lasagna was arguably the best
arguably adj
or contested ever.
something of great importance
The legacy she built helping children will
legacy n transferred from one generation to the
endure for years to come.
the capability to do something, His ability to speak well extends beyond the
abilities n skill
competence classroom.

person in charge of a business or The company's chairman resigned last night

chairman n
organization after the scandal was published in the paper.

A staggering number of people attended the

staggering adj amazing, incredibly large
biology conference.
Each state in the US elects two senators to
senator n a representative of the state express the views and necessities of its citizens
in Washington, D.C.
The pursuit of happiness is perhaps the most
pursuits n an activity or engagement in something
important pursuit of all.
a person who has graduated from a The high school alumni celebrated their
alumni n
school twentieth reunion this year.
Rules are established for the benefit of the
establishing v to make or bring into existence
Despite her poor preparation, Alice passed the
despite adj in spite of rather than
a person who invites another person into The host family was very kind and generous
host n
their home or community with their exchange student.
Unit 50

The hiring committee set norms for the types

norms n a typical or accepted behavior or control
of questions they would ask candidates.

without consciousness, without The boxer remained unconscious after he was

unconscious adj
awareness hit in the first round.

something that exists in the mind but Something in my subconscious told me that it
subconscious n
that is not readily available for reasoning was a bad idea.

motivations n something that motivates or encourages Her motivation for coming was not clear.

pertaining to people or the study of The researchers looked for anthropological

anthropological adj
people evidence at the ruin.
made of fundamentally different The evidence the lawyers brought to the case
disparate adj
components was disparate.
There were gaps in the boy's story about why
gaps n a hole or space
he was late to school.
a motivation or reason for doing He had a tremendous drive to be successful at
drives n
something the office.
exceeding the usual limits, The child's outrageous behavior at the park
outrageous adj unreal
unconventional was embarrassing for his parents.
phobias n an extreme fear She has a phobia for spiders.
compulsive a condition which leads a person to do Binge eating is a common compulsive
disorders something without thought or care disorder.

provoked v to spark or motivate The news provoked protests across the state.

The first wave of questions seemed easy to the

wave n a period or situation
The intrinsic value of the earrings was quite
intrinsic adj essential, characteristic
a technique used for treating someone The doctor offered his patient a cutting-edge
treatment n
or something treatment to alleviate the pain.
Our pediatrician has been healing sick children
pediatrician n a doctor who works with children
for twenty years.
The condemnation of the plan was agreed on
condemnation n censure or rejection
by all members.
His perspective on how to solve the problem
perspective n point of view, way of seeing something did not differ much from that of the other
She extracted six ounces of fluid from the
extracted v to bring out, to separate to withdraw
My instincts told me that I better leave right
instincts n a natural impulse or capacity
Unit 51 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

to tell apart from something else, to The young child could not distinguish wrong
distinguished v
perceive a difference from right.
We were able to see the team play in more
instance n a particular occurrence or situation
than one instance.
The manager proposed to raise the workers'
proposed v to put forth, to make an offer
salaries over the next six months.
the time it takes for one to react to a The experiment set out to measure the
reaction times n
stimulus reaction times of the participants.

conscious adj of perceiving or having awareness He made a conscious decision to leave his job.

The research study sought to investigate

the result of perceiving or being aware of
perceptions n listeners' perception of foreign accent in the
a creation of an ideal situation in one's His fantasy was to win the lottery, retire, and
fantasies n
imagination buy a home on an island.
a situation which is unmanageable, out Hysteria ensued when the fire broke out in the
hysteria n
of control apartment complex.
Some people feel the impulse to eat if they a sudden
impulses n inspiration, motivation
are depressed. onset
Governor James rejected the proposal to lower
rejected v to turn away, to refuse to repel
being completely opposed or of the The two sides of the brain were once
diametrically adv
opposite extreme considered to be diametrically different.

observable adj able to be seen or observed The patient's distress was visually observable.

operant the use of a reward or consequence to A parrot that talks to get a cracker has learned
conditioning modify behavior operant conditioning.
Having quick feet is essential to be a good
essential adj basic, being of the essence
tennis player.
It is critical that you study harder if you want
critical adj crucial, indispensable vital
to pass the class.
The girl emphasized to her parents that she
emphasized v to restate or try to impress an issue
did not want to go to the party.
The children were nurtured by their parents
nurtured v to raise with care, to bring up
until they left home.
The magazine article satisfied my curiosity
satisfy v to comply or yield a sufficient amount
about the group's religious beliefs.
I decided I needed some self-actualization so I
self-actualization n to bring oneself up to date, to modernize
went back to school.
Holistic medicine aims to treat the whole
holistic adj pertaining to the whole of something
body, not just a particular condition.
Unit 52

His innovative way of thinking got him a top

innovative adj new, pertaining to an innovation
position in the company.
pertaining to a new, creative way of The team made a groundbreaking discovery in
groundbreaking adj
doing something cancer research.
We advanced through the jungle at a rapid
advanced v to move forward, to continue
Carol refined her novel by making the
refined v to make better or more pure, to improve
characters more believable.
My psyche just doesn't allow me to take part
psyche n relating to a person's soul or personality
in the protest.
The resistance to the proposal was more than
resistant adj able to resist or withstand
we would have expected.
There were too many restrictions to be able to
restriction n something that restricts, a regulation a restraint
get the job done.
We could not differentiate the identical twins
differentiated v to be able to see a difference
by simple inspection.
instinctual adj relating to instinct, a basic impulse Running from trouble is instinctual.
The old woman was arrested for harboring a
harboring v to hold or contain, to give refuge
My boss's actions seemed sadistic to the rest
sadistic adj a fondness for cruelty or punishment
of the staff.
The newspaper article compelled me to write a
compels v to drive or force to motivate
letter to the editor.
The pronoun 'it' is often used to refer to
inanimate adj without life or spirt
inanimate objects.
A traumatic event early in life can lead to
traumatic adj of causing pain or distress
phobias later in life.
The fusion of the two elements created an
fusion n the state of merging two or more objects coalition
unwanted reaction.
The embattled president looked for ways to
embattled adj characterized by conflict or controversy troubled
improve her public opinion rating.
something considered to be profane or The action was deemed taboo by the school
taboos n not correct
forbidden principle.
The plates and glasses are fragile so please
fragile adj easily broken delicate
handle them with care.

defense Our bodies create antibodies as defense

n something used to defend
mechanisms mechanisms against colds or other illnesses.

The study session enabled us to pass the test

enable v to make able, to give power empower
Unit 53

The scientists conducted their research at the

conducted v to bring about, to lead to direct
The old man complained of problems with his
digestive adj pertaining to digestion
digestive tract.
His reflexes closed his eyes when he looked at
reflexes n an automatic response to a stimulus
the sun.
an enzyme secreted into the mouth by Saliva helps keep the mouth clean by breaking
saliva n
the salivary glands down starches.
a condition or factor which has effects on Several circumstances lead to his decision to
circumstances n
others leave the company.
It was an unconditioned response they were
unconditioned adj void of limitations or conditions
interested in.
something that motivates some type of Stimuli were presented to subjects to test their
stimuli n
activity reactions.
She practiced the piano with the help of a
metronome n a device used for keeping time or a beat

a situation of outgrowing something, or His increased performance was an outgrowth

outgrowth n
of being derived from something else of continued practice.

His actions exemplified the kind of behavior

exemplified v to give an example, to show something
the president hoped for.
The frequency of his calls to his brother
frequency n a condition of ocurring frequently
increased over the years.
The musician received a positive response
positive adj characterized by affirmation
from the public.
The candidate received a negative response
negative adj marked by denial or without affirmation
for changing his views.
a condition of reinforcing, adding The police reinforcement helped control the
reinforcement n
strength or support situation.
The food pellets were offered to the rabbit in
pellet n a small, round piece of something
the morning.
He amassed a great fortune over the years as
amass v to collect, to gather
a trial lawyer.
Different fashions come in and out of vogue
vogue n fashion, a popular item
over the years.
an invention, something coming into The advent of the personal computer
advent n
being revolutionized the society.
His play was critiqued by editors of a national
critiqued v to review or criticize
demeaning adj to lower in quality or character His opinions of his friends was demeaning.
Unit 54

He retained his scholarship by consistently

retain v to hold, to keep
getting good grades.
He could not recall the time he last spoke to
recall v to remember or to bring back
his neighbor.
His sensory perception of smell was not as
sensory adj relating to the senses
good as before.
We devoted a substantial amount of energy to
devoted v to commit or to give
the cause.
an addition or something used to help There are many wonderful nutrional
supplement n
complete something else supplements available on the market today.
The snapshot of the scene was used to record
snapshot n a picture, a photograph
it in history.
Having many rehearsals makes the final
rehearsal n a practice, a run-through
performance much better.
The proper sequence for the chemistry
sequence n the order of something a progression
experiment was not followed.
His mental grammar revealed the way he
mental adj pertaining to the mind, to brain activity
understood language.
Many shopping tasks can now be done from
tasks n a job or project
The duration of the moview is just over two
duration n the length that something lasts
a cell in the brain that processes
neurons n If a neuron dies, it cannot be regrown.
The man consolidated his credit card debt into
consolidate v to put together, to bundle
one payment.
The doctor was honored for his study of
pathologies n a disease or the study of diseases
nervous system pathologies.
Her work schedule interferes with the amount
interfere v to hinder or impede
of time she can spend at home.

progressive adj characterized by progress, advancement The new idea was certainly a progressive one.

deterioration n the state of deteriorating, falling apart The old jeans were deteriorating.
impaired v to damage or make something worse His speech was impaired after the stroke.
She obtained her degree at a university in
obtained v to get or obtain
The old movie was enhanced with a new audio
enhance v to improve or make better
Unit 55

The woman was portrayed abstractly in the

abstractly adv not specific, quite general
Speaking colloquially is much different than
colloquially adv in everyday terms, in a common way
speaking in a formal situation.
relating to a psychological technique for The psychometric test did not yield any usable
psychometric n
taking mental measurements results.
One of the main collaborators at the art show
collaborator n a person who collaborates or helps contributor
was not present.
He coined the phrase as a way to describe
coined v to invent, to make up
something that had no name.
The defendant was asked to identify the
identify v to determine the identity of something
criminal in the police lineup.
Two cognitive tasks were realized to measure
cognitive adj pertaining the the mind or mental ability mental
the boys mental functioning.
His version of the story today did not coincide
version n a form, variety or account of something
with his earlier account.
Professor Menchin's lecture affected the class
profoundly adj to a great degree, vastly
The spectrum of responses ranged from very
spectrum n a continuum of color or of a sequence
low to very high.
There were several criteria for judging the
an objective or characteristic used to
criteria n writing assignment that the teacher did not
judge something
agree with.

The data was renormalized when the

to be evaluated to a standard a second
renormalized v researcher found that it did not coincide with
certain characteristics of the study population.

from time to time, with some regularity I called the insurance company periodically to
periodically adv
of frequency be sure the policy was still current.
accurate adj correct, free of error The response to the question was accurate.
There was a considerable amount of food left
considerable adj worthy of consideration, significant
over from the party.

the production of an image by itself, for The lake was so clear that the fisherman could
reflection n
example in a mirror see a reflection of his face in the water.

to consider from a particular point of The painter was regarded as one of the best in
regarded v
view the post-modern era.

형용사, something that is passed from one
hereditary Stuttering is not a hereditary illness.
heredity generation to the next

environmental factors that influence a
nurture n His parents nurtured him from an early age.
conditions or factors that a person is It was in his nature to be an aggressive
nature n
born with person.
Unit 56

to combine various elements to make a The scientist learned to synthesize the

synthesize v
single product elements into a powerful medication.
She received insurance benefits which helped
benefit n a type of help or aid
cover the cost of the surgery.
The children were engaged in the activity from
engaging v to take part in, to hold attention
the very start.
The political candidates wanted to have a
debates n a situaton that is arguable debate so they could express their views on
the issue.
aptitudes n a skill or ability Her aptitude in mathematics was high.
of the relationship between two or more Michael's interpersonal skills were not those
interpersonal adj
people one would expect from a lawyer.
affinity n an attraction, a likeness He had an affinity for cats and dogs.
The boy's results on the standardized test did
corresponding v to relate to, to compare closely to match
not correspond with his grades in class.
an act of drama, a dramatical version of The television show presented a dramatization
dramatizations n
something of what happened last night.
the use of reason, to come to a Her reasoning about why she left school early
reasoning n
conslusion by thinking was questionable.
He gradually worked his way up through the
gradually adj slowly, proceding in steps
The modeling agency catered to the youth
cater v to provide a service, to work for
There was a varying degree of responses to
varying adj differing, changing
the question.
The football team was evaluated by their
evaluated v to test something or determine its value
record at the end of the season.

to be able to pay for something or afford I could not afford the tennis racquet I wanted
afford v
its costs so I decided not to buy anhything at all.

He was adept at figuring out problems no one

adept adj to be skilled or proficient
else could.
of central importance, at the core of The judge was fundamentally opposed to
fundamentally adv principally
something allowing an extension.
The old laws were reformed to take into
reformed v to change or alter for the better
account the present social situation.
Julie's account of the story was broader than
broader adj wider, more general
that of Martin.
Unit 57

His speech disorder resulted from a massive

disorder n a problem a disability
left-hemisphere stroke.
There was a subtle attempt by the director to
subtle adj not strong, light
improve public relations.
Jake's parents bonded with him by taking him
bonding v to bring together, to unite to join
to the zoo every Saturday.
relating to a general or quite non-specific He is generally considered to be the father of
generally adj
manner jazz music.
a skill or ability learned through His manual motor skills improved after a
motor skill n
repetition period of recuperation.
pertaining to a particular category, free The specific complaint of the unhappy
specific adj
of question customer was not clear.
To what extent do you believe he is telling the
extent n a range a degree
He was suffering from an illness the doctors
suffering v to hurt or feel pain
knew little about.
to maintain or restrict within an area or The prisoner was confined to a small cell in
confined v
domain the jail.
to count on, to have confidence in I relied on her good judgment to help us solve
rely v
something the problem.
A narrow selection of the students was needed
narrow adj pertaining to a limited scope or range
to determine the prize.
a question typically asked of a relatively The trivia show on television was popular all
trivia n
obscure or unpopular fact over the nation.
There was an exorbitant amount of students
exorbitant adj relating to a great or incredible amount
missing from the class on Friday.
Melissa recited her poem to a roomfull of
reciting v to say over again to practice
adoring fans.
a moment in which a person becomes I had a panic attack when I realized I had
panic attack n
very scared or nervous forgotten the baby's food at the house.
the act of improvising or doing The musician's improvisation of the classic hit
improvisation n
something on the spot was not well received.
The skateboarder eluded the police by riding
eluded v to avoid perception or grasp
away very quickly.
a functional unit in the makeup of a
She was born to a family with strong genes for
gene n person that determines his or her
There is a particular watch that I am interested
particular adj relating to a certain thing or detail
in buying.
pertaining to something that indicates or Her high test scores were indicative of her
indicative adj
demonstrates dedication to studying hard for each exam.
Unit 58

It was time to make a rational decision on the

rational adj intelligent, well thought
My manager wanted to limit the number of
limit v to restrict or restrain
hours I could work each day.
Sara felt a certain amount of anxiety before a fearful
anxiety n nervousness, a sense of apprehension
leaving for work that day. concern
Stress can be extremely difficult to cope with
cope v to put up with to handle
on a daily basis.
It was a challenge we were not prepared to
challenges n something difficult to do
deal with.
The trouble stemmed from an earlier problem
stem v to branch off from to come from
that was never resolved.
The woman was inflexible in her decision to
inflexible adj rigid adamant
stay at work.
The girl fleed from the house as it caught on
flee v to run away escape
pertaining to the literal or precise
literally adj He was literally afraid of spiders.
interpretation of something
Mary was in her comfort zone driving at a
comfort zone n where one feels comfortable
slow speed.
Hysteria ensued at the announcement of free
ensues v to take place afterward to result
tickets for the concert.
crippling adj loss of force or power The news was a crippling blow to her ego. weakening
urges n a desire I felt the urge to eat another chocolate bar. an impulse
There was a bewildering number of options
bewildering adj confusing perplexing
available for insurance coverage.
"Raining like cats and dogs" is a metaphor for
metaphor n a figure of speech based on analogy
raining strongly.

abuse n inproper treatment Animal abuse is not tolerated in this country. harm

unavoidable adj not avoidable His capture at the border was unavoidable.

repressed v to restrict He repressed his urges to go out that night. to oppress

The trauma Jane experienced as a youth still

trauma n an injury an upset
affects her today.
risky adj dangerous The behavior is risky at best. hazardous
Unit 59

sought v to look for We sought legal advise in the matter to request

A camera can be defined as a deviced used to to determine
define v to give meaning to something
take pictures. identity
a unifying
bond n a union Love is a bond that keeps people together.
assume v to think He assumed that all that glitters was gold. to consider
They had a platonic relationship outside of
platonic adj friendly

universal adj world-wide, covering all things It was a universal goal to create world peace.

His feelings of lust for the woman were

lust n sexual desire craving
She recognized that he was not the man for
recognized v to take notice to understand
something used to control something There were controls in place to ensure that
controls n
else everything worked properly
Harry was passionate about taking group
passionate adj having intense feelings impassioned
photographs at the parties.
having a noticeable thought or He consciously made up his mind to quit his
consciously adj aware
observation job.
She refrained from using any more of the
refrain v to keep from doing something to abstain
The connotation of his remark was quite
connotation n a suggested meaning
homosexuality n of being attracted to the same sex His homosexuality was not a secret.
The strictest interpretation of the law was used
strictest adj stringent severe

lasts v to endure The movie lasted for more than three hours. to continue

His idea originated from something he had

originated v to come from, to begin at
read years ago.
The results suggested that the hypothesis was
suggest v to bring to mind or imply to hint
Her erotic fantasies were a secret to the rest of
erotic adj arousing sexual desire
the community.
Taking a basic mathematics course is a
prerequisite n something needed beforehand
prerequiste for algebra.
Unit 60

Her actions at the gathering were quite

reserved adj restrained quiet
John was one of the more gregarious guests
gregarious adj happy, social sociable
at the party.
dichotomous adj relating to two opposing parts Their views on the issue were dichotomous.
The mayor's opinion fluctuated depending on
fluctuate v to vary swing
who he was talking to.
of being both introverted and Ambiversion is not a very common quality for
ambiversion n
extroverted a person to have.
The woman decided to do some research
research n investigation, experimentation
about the problem.
Her favorite CD comprised musics of different
comprised v to make up, to compose
His predisposition to arguing was not taken
predisposition n to be susceptible to something inclination
well by the faculty.
The dimensions of the table were two feet
dimension n a measurement, the size of something
deep by 3 feet wide.
a characteristic or trait given by My first impression of the student was that he
impressions n an idea
something was very lazy.
Dr. Martly queried about the results of the
queried v to ask, to inquire to question
laboratory exam.

limitations n a restriction, a restraint Few limitations seemed to apply to the man.

The defendant felt he was misrepresented in

misrepresent v to give false information, to mislead
the hearing.
initial adj first, beginning Dan's initial reaction was one of frustration.

the outer or superficial part of a structure The brain's cortex is responsible for processing
cortex n
in the body, such as the cerebral cortex high mental functions.

introvert n a person who is shy or unsociable Jason was known as being an introvert.
Although he is an extrovert, he was not very
extrovert n a person who is sociable or gregarious
talkative last evening.
His delinquent behavior earned him the
delinquent adj poor or unacceptable
reputation as a bad child.
I have a tendency to want to eat out on
tendency n being prone to a particular action
Thursday evenings.
to like better, to put before something
prefer v Would you prefer to drink coffee or tea?
Unit 61 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

There is an overlap between the fields of

overlap n having something in common
linguistics and psychology.
The commissioner lashed out at the actions of to become
lash out v to strike out
the baseball player. angry
perceived v to become aware, to understand I perceived his response as being negative.
His behavior seemed very juvenile for a man
juvenile adj relating to youth childish
of 37 years of age.

We were committed to the company because

commit v to do, to carry out to obligate
of our two year contract with them.

It was a compulsive disorder the doctor was

compulsive adj done without thinking obsessive
trying to treat.
The crimes were linked to each other by the
linked v to connect, to couple
police investigators.
The chain became detached from the bicycle
detach v to separate, to take apart
during the ride.
honors n a good showing, of having merit He passed the exams with honors.
to cause indistinction, to lose The two ideas were confused in the mind of
confuse v
differentiation the student.
His habitual drunkenness caused him to be
habitual adj happening on a regular basis customary
denied citizenship in his new country.
sensational adj wonderful, incredible It was a sensational performance.
Superficially, his actions seemed to be quite
superficially adv on the surface, as seen by the eye

craved v to want, to desire The pregnant woman craved soup every day.

His domination of the sport was recorded in

domination n complete control, supremacy
the history books.

of not having ability, lack of power or The student's inability to do well in

inability n
resources mathematics was more psychological than real.

remorse n a sense of guilt The criminal felt no remorese for his actions. reproach

being of lesser quality, of a lower degree Although the products were inexpensive, they
inferior adj mediocre
or rank were of inferior quality.
The construction was unstable and soon fell
unstable adj not stable, not constant irregular
Impulsiveness is generally not considered to
impulsiveness n having impulse, spontaneity
be a good characteristic in a person.
Unit 62

distinct adj different, separate The two theories were distinct in nature. discrete
to have contact, to act upon something The two gentlemen interacted over dinner at
interacting v
else the restaurant.
His identity was not revealed until after the
identity n a distinguishing characteristic a description
trial was completed.
Multiple choice tests are a favorite of college
multiple adj more than one, several
She suffered a fracture to her wrist as result of
fractures n a slight crack or break
the fall.
He altered the recipe by reducing the salt and
alter v to change, to make different
adding some cumin.
of having information or having learned The professor's knowledge of the subject was
knowledge n
something incredibly high.
The group reached a consensus after much
consensus n a general agreement unity of belief
It was apparent that the student had studied a
apparent adj clear, obvious
great deal for the final exam.
The patient desired hypnosis to see if her
hypnosis n a trance, as if being asleep
problems could be revealed.
to bring back to life, to restore The paramedics tried to revive the elderly man
reviving v
consciousness but it was no use.
of being included, of being part of The athlete's inclusion in the hall of fame was
inclusion n
something a great honor.
The woman sent her passport to the consulate
renewed v to make new again, to restore to replenish
to have it renewed.
People in the pueblo united to celebrate their
unite v to join, to bring together
independence day.
of identifying a disease or reaching a Dr. Jones's diagnosis was that the man had
diagnosis n
conclusion broken his ankle.
Some people receive antidepressants
antidepressants n a drug given to alleviate depression
tranquillizers(tranq a drug given to make a person more The young man was given a tranquilizer after
uilizers로 수정) calm the car accident.
The prognosis for the man's health was not
prognosis n a prediction a forecast
an idea or perception that is not based He suffered hallucinations of robbers in his
hallucinations n
on reality house after taking an illicit drug.
We integrated the ideas of the committee in
integrate v to bring together, to blend to unite
the revision of our proposal.
Unite 63

Hearing loss is a common impairment among

impairment n a condition of being damaged or hurt
elderly people.
Losing control of one's balance is a
dysfunction n an abnormal or incorrect function
dysfunction of the eustachian tube.
loosely adj not rigid or secure The bolt was loosely fastened to the mirror.
Her madness did not allow her to work in
madness n a state of craziness, mad insanity
a disease characterized by loss of A common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's
dementia n
cognitive function disease.
His performance at the concert exhibited his
exhibits v to show to display
great talent.
Arriving to work on time everyday
demonstrate v to display, to prove demonstrated the new secretary's sense of
He had delusions of becoming the next tennis
delusions n a false belief
The boy's exaggeratedly quiet behavior led his
characterized by having large or
exaggeratedly adv parents to believe he had an emotional
oversized proportions
A disturbance at the convention would be
disturbance n something disurbed, unrest
The student's writing style was inappropriate
inappropriate adj not appropriate unsuitable
for the college level.
My recovery from the fall took longer than
recovery n the process or act of recovering
The causes of some mental disorders are not
causes n a reason for a condition or action
fully understood.
She inherited a lot of money when her
inherited v to be given, to be born with
grandfather died.

self-esteem n a person's belief of or value for himself A low self-esteem will not get you anywhere.

having a lot of something, particularly The man's wealth did him no good when he
wealth n
money was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
The patient received psychotherapy after being
psychotherapy n therapy for the mind
diagnosed with a mental disorder.
an unhealthy state, pertaining to some I had to take antibiotics to cure my ear
infection n
types of illness infection.
pertaining to youth before reaching In adelolescence people go through many
adolescence n
adulthood emotional changes.
cure n a solution The cure for cancer has not been found. a remedy
Unit 64

A significant change in events ocurred over

significant adj having meaning, often to a large degree
the weekend.
His state of depression made him want to
depression n a state of feeling sad or moody
sleep all day.

a psychological disorder characterized by The medication is designed for a strong

bipolar disorder n
mood swings from happiness to sadness bipolar disorder.

This instance constitutes the fourth time you

constitutes v to make up, to comprise to compose
are late for work this week.
A pathological condition needs to be
pathological adj related to illness or disease
diagnosed by a medical doctor.
manic adj related to excitement The actions were extremely manic.
characterized by being dependent on A baby has a dependency with his or her
dependency n
something else mother.
a method for measuring a mental The patient was refered to the clinic for
psychoanalysis n
phenomenon psychoanalysis.
a doctor who treats psychological The psychiatrist ordered the patient to take
psychiatrist n
disorders medicine to help treat the problem.
She suffered a debilitating injury when she
debilitating adj pertaining to weakness
broke her leg.
There is a trend to offer patients medication
trend n something popular at a particular time tendency
for their psychological illnesses.
a place where a patient goes after
He spent a month in the halfway house after
halfway house n leaving a hospital or clinic but before
being released from the hospital.
going to their own home
something given as a motivation to do The car dealership offered many incentives to
incentive n
something buy a new car.
She overcame her bout with cancer after a
overcome v to win, to prevail to get better
successful operation.
I plan to contribute five percent of my
contribute v to give to supply
earnings to my retirement plan.
He used different props on the stage to create
props n something used to support or assist
the look of a jungle.
Some of the children articulated their desire to
articulate v to say to verbalize
go to the zoo.
The scientist added a stabilizer to the solution
stabilizer n something used to stablize
to keep it from reacting.
a person who assists another in a clinical The sports therapist was well known for his
therapist n
situation work with soccer players.
mood n a state of mind, an emotion He was in a bad mood after the party.
Unit 65

unrelated adj not related The two crimes that evening were unrelated. not associated

The digits one and zero are used in a binary

digits n numbers
We converted the business losses into profits
converted v to change, to make different
with a new sales plan.

binary adj consisting of ones and zeros. Binary systems are used in computer coding.

genius n a person of extreme intelligence Susan was regarded as a genius by her peers.

The options were limited to those selected by

limited adj restricted reduced
the committee.
The comparisons between the two candidates
comparisons n a state of comparing two elements
were offensive for some.
Her reaction was interpreted as disinterest in
interpret v to understand to conceive
the proposal.
It is fortunate that we did not run out of gas
fortunately adj of being fortunate, of a fortunate manner
on the way home.
something that takes time to complete The time-consuming activity of counting all
time-consuming adj
or do the papers was bothersome.
The engine harnessed the power of one
harnessed v to hold to sustain
hundred horses.
The assembly outside the president's house
assembly n a gathering a group
was substantial.
There was a tremendous amount of interest in
tremendous adj to a great degree very large
the ski trip.
We employed the help of a gardener to trim
employ v to offer work, to pay for service
our bushes.
Some of the segments of the recording were
segments n a portion, a piece
not clear.

retrieved v to recall, to bring The janitor retrieved the guest's missing watch. to get

The young boy has the mental capacity of a

capacity n ability, skill aptitude
person twice his age.
a device for storing something such as Computers now come with large hard drives
storage system n
information that act as storage systems.
A few of the advancements in the project did an
advancements n a progression
not seem to be worthwhile. improvement

executed v to do, to perform The computer executed multiple tasks easily. to carry out
Unit 66

a period of time relating to one's Many generations of families have immigrated

generations n
ancestry to the United States from that country.

an instrument, something with a Modern telephone devices can be used when

devices n
capability to do something else traveling internationally.
efficient adj producing a quick effect His work in the kitchen was efficient. effective
The sewing pattern was not as complicated as
pattern n a form or model
it looked.
The theory lacked any real evidence that it to be
lack v to be in need of something
would work. deficient
a device used to change a pattern or the
switches n There were many light switches in the house.
state of something
the study of the motion of objects, such The government spent much money on
ballistics n
as of firearms modernizing their ballistics.
a device which explodes with the intent The terrorist threatened to use a bomb if his
bomb n an explosive
of harming something requests were not granted.
Some of the memory modules in the
modules n a piece, a segment
computer had broken.
The circuit board was rewired to work properly
rewired v to wire again
in the new machine.
The computer input allowed the company to
input n something that is put in
modernize their billing process.
The error was costly because it meant we had
costly adj expensive, demanding a high price
to start the project over again.
New computers come with two independent
processor n a device used for processing information

Silicon is often used in plastic surgery as it

silicon n a flexible plastic-like substance
retains its shape and softness for a long time.

the amount time something works or The durability of the camera was deemed
durability n
endures inadequate.
primary adj first My primary laptop battery died last night.
Getting her degree was a means to having a something
means n something useful, a way to do something
higher quality of life. helpful
circuits n an electrical path or assembly Electronic equipment is full of circuits.
within a price range that a person can The shoes were more affordable than I
affordable adj
pay for thought they would be.
Recent innovations in technology help us
innovations n an invention communicate with friends and family around
the world.
Unit 67

He maintained his idea even though others

maintain v to keep, to carry on to sustain
We analzyed the question from all possible
analyze v to examine to study
a count of something, typically of the A census is taken in the United States every
census n
population ten years.
The company divested itself from all dealings
divested v to deprive or rid to free
outside of the country.
a person who buys or consumes opposite of
consumer n The consumer computer market is booming.
something producer
The media-savvy viewers knew that the
media-savvy adj to be smart or informed about the media
advertisement was false.
The theory concentrates on a post-modern
concentrates v to bring together or gather to focus
view of the world.
The company decided to invest in niche
niches n a small, specialized market
markets only.
The game consoles were a popular item
consoles n a case or cabinet
during Christmas.
The comment fueled criticism of the director's
fueled v to motivate to encourage
a person who explains or interprets Some language interpreters charge high rates
interpreters n
something for their service.
He worked in conjunction with the other
conjunction n connection combination
members of the staff.
Missy's loyalty to the company was praised by
loyalty n to be faithful or loyal fidelity
the CEO.

stable adj fixed, not flexible A stable table is needed to do the craftwork.

His dominance on the basketball court was

dominance n the state of having complete control domination
a person who buys or shops for a Few customers came to the grand opening of
customer n
product the new store.
Revenues for the third quarter were up ten
revenues n money made from sales income
an electronic device used to process The price of microprocessors continues to
microprocessor n
information decrease.
The margin for error was very low in the
margin n an outside limit, a difference
Jake bought a cutting-edge computer system
cutting-edge n brand new innovative
after the demonstration.
Unit 68

peaked v to reach a high or maximum point The students' grades peaked about 85%
to make a comparison, to look for The two writers were compared to each other
compared v
similarities for their work on American literature.

A worldwide company has the benefit of being

worldwide adj around the world
able to work in many different countries.

He gave the command to move the tanks to

commands n an order, a signal
the border.
My teacher assigned a homework problem I
assigned v to give significance, to appoint
could not figure out.
stored v to keep, to put away We stored many old records in the attic.
The woman has managed the restaurant for
managed v to take care of to conduct
the past five years.

concern n a state of interest and uncertainty I expressed my concern in the girl's health. apprehension

demand n a request made with authority The judge's demands seemed too severe. an order
reliable adj dependable My car is not very reliable.
composed of a wide bandwidth of The broadband internet connection is very
broadband adj
frequency fast.
a device used to transmit information The communications satellite lost its signal
satellite n
from the sky with the Earth.
She made great strides in improving interior
strides v a step, a stage of progress
His speech impediment was hardly noticeable
impediment n an obstruction a hinderance
after the therapy ended.
I do not like to compete as much as my sister
compete v to partake in competition
She widened her horizons by getting a college
widen v to make wider, to broaden
The range of possibilities for the startup
ranges n a spectrum, a set of values
company seemed endless.
The weatherman predicted that it would snow
predict v to declare something in advance to foretell
The researchers deciphered the old written
deciphering v to figure out

ubiquitous adj being in all places at one time His spirit seemed to be ubiquitous that day.
Unit 69

literature n a piece of writing, such as a novel Modern literature has a broad range of styles.

unequivocally adj without exception or doubt She made her comment unequivocally.
to be good at something or have good The tech savvy student made a great
savvy adj
knowledge of something presentation.
Customer feedback tends to help companies
feedback n a response
judge their effectiveness.
He was no longer considered a contender for
contender n a participant in a contest
the championship title.

profits n earnings that exceed expenses The company's profits were at an all time high.

There were two modes available to correct the

modes n a way of doing something a manner
We developed a plan to have the troops out
developed v to set forth, to make something happen
in one month.
the ability or permission to be able to do
access n I was not granted access to the website.
His version of the story today did not coincide
versions n a particular account or description
with his earlier account.
The current belief is that the defendant is
current adj happening at the present time
He displayed great courage when rescuing the
displays v to show, to demonstrate
Interest in the project waned after several
wane v to become smaller to decrease
virtual adj seeming to be real The virtual reality TV program was a big hit.
Blogs are popular among teenagers and young
blogs n a posting page on an internet web site
tasks n a job One of his tasks included fixing the sink. a duty
The salesman was not readily available to
readily adj easily, quickly
answer the question.
like-minded adj pertaining to thinking alike My best friend and I are like-minded.

general adj not specified or limited The report was very general in its information.

An astonishing amount of students were

astonishing adj incredible surprising
absent from class.
Unit 70

Her mom didn't anticipate the bad news from

anticipate v to think or discuss something in advance
her daughter.
Michael deliberately decided to not answer the
deliberately adj with careful thought or anticipation voluntary
interfere v to get in the way, to interpose Please do not interfere in this matter.
The minor was corrupted by some of the older
corrupt adj to change from good to bad to spoil
people in the neighborhood.

illustrates v to display, to show The book illustrates how to construct a fence.

The man's malicious remarks alarmed the

malicious adj marked by malice, bad
replicate v to make a copy, to repeat Policemen tried to replicate the crime. to duplicate
relatively adv loosely, somewhat The answer was relatively on target.

inflicted v to cause The punishment was inflicted by the older boy.

The champion tennis player exploited the to make use

exploit v to take advantage of
weakenesses of his opponents. of
I intend to talk to the teacher as soon as
intends v to plan, to have in mind
Soldiers from the neighboring country invaded
invade v to enter territory illegally to encroach
the town unexpectedly.
globe n a round model representing the Earth My friend bought a globe for his house.
havoc n massive disorder or confusion The hurricane caused havoc in the city.
nuisance n an annoyance She was a real nuissance in the classroom.
New plumbing was constructed to drain water
drain v to empty, to draw off
from the patio.
to be vigilant, characterized by We bought a dog to provide vigilance for the
vigilance n
watchfulness house.
The couple tried to minimize their differences to keep to a
minimize v to make as small as possible
to save their marriage. minimum
something prominent, of having great The prominence of the theory made all other
prominence n
notice theories seem insignificant.

issues n a conclusion or decision Several issues were brought up at the meeting.

Unit 71 Parts Definition Sentence Synm

Although less common years ago, piracy is

piracy n robery, often at sea
becoming more common these days.
to falsely sign or alter a document or
forgery n Forgery is a criminal offense.
other element
sources n the origin of something We have good sources for the information.
The teenagers were charged with the
vandalism n purposeful destruction of property
vandalism of the neighbor's fence.
The woman wished to remain anonymous in
anonymous adj without a name unidentified
the vote.
Four of the perpetrators were captures shortly
perpetrators n a person who commits a crime
after the incident.
victim n a person harmed by a crime or event One of the victims lived to tell the story.
Identity theft is quickly becoming a major
identity theft n robbery of personal data or information
problem for the society.
Her false statements in the courtroom caused
false adj untrue not genuine
the dismissal of the case.
utilize v to use Try to utilize all of the materials.
The young professor went to the conference
networking n the use or creation of a network
primarily for networking.
Spam filled the inboxes of the email
spam n junk mail sent electronically
We requested an estimate for fixing the
estimate v to provide an approximate value
garage door.
espionage n the act of spying Espionage is practiced by many countries.
The counterfeit money was confiscated by the
counterfeit n false, fake
relating to a practice or promotional
demo n The band recorded a demo of their songs.
versions of something
to take control of a vehicle against
hijacked v The terrorists hijacked the plane.
someone's will
legitimate adj true, correct She had a legitimate excuse to miss class.
The recent news of the victory made the fans
recent adj happening a short time ago
The speedometer is located on the car's
dashboard n the console of a car or vehicle
Unit 72

widespread adj very common, spread out greatly There was widespread panic at the event. prevalent
The inherent danger of the plan was not
inherent adj innate, essential intrinsic
intention n plan, goal His intentions were clear. resolve
permitted v to allow, to let something happen I was permitted access to the concert.
bothersome, something that interrupts The student's comments in the class were
disruptive adj
something else quite disruptive.

circulating v to move in a circle, to move around The news circulated around the town quickly. to revolve

contained v to hold or to have The jar contained some delicious spices.

fraudulent adj not authorized She reported fraudulent use of her credit card. deceitful

Many precautions to ensure the children's

precautions n of taking advanced care safeguard
safety were in place.
The incidence of teen pregnancy was quite
incidence n rate of occurrence
high that year.
The distributor for the juice company is very
distributors n someone who distributes
You must exercise caution when participating
caution n forethought or precaution warning
in that sport.
with frequency, relating to how frequent John frequently asked questions I was not able
frequently adv
something happens to answer.
The analyst tracked the sales reports for the
track v to follow to trace

detect v to notice, to discover He detected the smell of gas in the apartment.

I ensure you that the job will be ready on

ensure v to make sure, to guarantee
The candidate secured the nomination by
secure v to fasten, to guarantee
winning the most votes.
Her random telephone calls to the sales
random adj without a definite pattern or method
agency had results.
They prevented the burglary by building a
preventing v to keep from happening to hold back
high fence.
Extreme measures were taken to ensure their
extreme adj existing to a high degree
Unit 73

reflect v to turn back, to send back light The image was reflected in the car's mirror.
The remarks in the meetings were not
commonplace adj common, usual
He was able to advance his theory greatly in
decade n a period of ten years
one decade.
She was dubbed the next great promise in her
dubbed v to call to name
The distrustful manager constantly monitored
distrustful adj not trustworthy, showing distrust
his employees.
The substitute teacher was afraid of the
substitute n something put in place of another
parcel n a piece of mail The parcel service was quite slow. a package
His memory of the event had been displaced
displace v to move to another place to misplace
in time.
Fortunately the ski gloves were more
inexpensive adj not expensive, economical cheap
inexpensive than I thought.
The boy's tactile sense was diminished after
tactile adj relating to touch tangible
the fall.
pertaining to meteors, happening to a The meteoric rise of the price of stocks and
meteoric adj
great degree bonds shocked the government.
The grocery store sold many of its products in
bulk adj in great quantity or degree
Hank's unwanted remarks caused quite a bit of
unwanted adj not wanted
It is unfortunate that you did not receive your
unfortunate adj not fortunate unsuitable
documents in time.
We took careful consideration when making
considerations n a thought or opinion
our decision.
Sensory neurons take information from the
sensory adj related to the senses
body and carry it to the brain.
Defending her thesis now seemed only a
formality n of being formal a convention
It is considered good etiquette to chew with
etiquette n pertaining to manners or customs
your mouth closed.

postal adj relating to mail service The postal service is very efficient in that town.

She showed her gratitude by baking him a

gratitude n of being grateful thankfulness
Unit 74

a feeling of fulfillment, fulfilling a need or Customer satisfaction is guaranteed at this

satisfaction n
desire store.
interior n the inside part of something The car's interior was in excellent condition.

realms n a domain The realms of the king reached far and wide. an area

envisioned v to have a vision, to imagine something I envision a great success for our company. to think

solely adv by itself, alone She is solely responsible for her success. singly
The irrelevant comment did not go with the
irrelevant adj not relevant, inapplicable
It was combursome to build the ping pong
cumbersome adj troublesome, not easy
having a high level of sophistication, not A sophisticated desgin is needed to sell the
sophisticated adj
simple product.
having significant meaning in relation to The comment seemed relevant but in fact it
relevant adj pertinent
something else was not.
a main office, an administrative building The company's headquarters are located in
headquarters n
or center Albuquerque, NM.

cluster n a group or gathering of something A cluster of antiques was found in the attic.

Our family's income skyrocketed when my

skyrocket v to rise quickly, to increase at a fast pace
mom got a great job.

complex adj of being difficult, not easy Some mathematics formulas are very complex.

Her complimentary remarks of my

complimentary adj pertaining to a compliment, favorable
performance made me happy.
What I thought was a novel idea turned out to
novel adj new be something someone else had already original
thought of.
zoom v to enlarge, to get closer I made the camera zoom in on the object.
Her engagement to the old friend made her
engagement n an arrangement
family happy.

complacent adj unconcerned, self-satisfied A complacent attitude to success is not good.

undisputed adj not in dispute, unchallenged His place at the top of the sport is undisputed.

The web site is innovative in the sense that it

innovative adj creative, new
allows its users to share in its design.
Unit 75

various adj not consistent He received various complaints about his work. variable

It helps to be multifunctional in todays busy

multifunctional adj having many functions
The complexity of the problem was not fully
complexity n level of difficulty complex
realized until later.
Mary's social network allowed her to meet new
networks n a group of elements linked together
friends easily.
An image of the Virgin Mary appeared in the
image n a picture or reproduction of something
overall adj all encompassing, most general The overall trend was positive.
The singer put on a dynamic performance at
dynamic adj having force or energy
the concert last night.
That the car's engine would die suddenly was
foreseen v having been imagined anticipated
not foreseen by the mechanics.
The two answers were believed to be
equivalent n having the same value equal
We need a piece of cable that is more flexible
flexible adj bendable, not rigid pliant
than this one.
striving v to work fore, to contend He strives to be the best person he can be.
The underlying idea is that descriptive
underlying adj basic, lying underneath grammar accounts for how people speak
better than prescriptive grammar.
The work done by the contractor complies
complies v to conform with the necessary quality demanded by the to adapt
He outlined his theory by covering its most
outline v to give a plan, to show a direction
central aspects.
He formatted his paper using the guidelines of
formatted v to make in a particular way to arrange
the professor.
Typically, you want to make more money than
typically adv normally, generally
you spend.
structure, a chief characteristic of The website's backbone is resistent to outside
backbone n
something attacks.
to be similar, to take on a particular His point of view on the subject did not
conforms v
shape conform with the ideas of the other people.
something that serves, a device used to The computer servers worked twenty-four
server n
relay information hours a day.
pertaining to something that occurrs at
actual adj The actual time is 11:58 AM. current
the present time
Unit 76

The concept of waiting another day did not

concept n soething conceived, a notion a thought
exist for the boy.
We glimpsed at the movie star as she rushed
glimpsed v to look quickly
the act of navigating, of moving an
The captain's navigation skills were
navigation n object such as a ship from one place to
The children at the camp were clamoring for to make a
clamoring v to vye, to try
attention. loud noise
sectors n a piece, a segment Three of the sectors on the disk were bad. a section
Many people were drawn to the park by the
drawn v to attract(?), to portray
music they heard
There was not adequate people on hand to
adequate adj sufficient, enough
control the crowd.
The designer launched a new product at this
launch v to set off, to cause to begin to embark
year's fashion show.
My endeavor to become a better tennis player
endeavors n an effort, an activity
has been slow coming.
The continuous sound of the girl's crying was
continuous adj free of interruption constant
driving me crazy.
Some of the manager's shortcomings were not
shortcomings n an imperfection a flaw
noticed immediately.
The lags in the information feed made it
a period of being decreased or slowed
lags n difficult for the news station to present up-to-
the-minute news details.
The rice is comprised of two cups of water and
compromise v to make up, to compose to constitute
one cup of rice.
It is obvious that he does not want to come to
obvious adj clear, easily seen evident
work today.
The remote server sent information more
remote adj far away, from afar distant
slowly than the closer ones.
The shelving unit collapsed when we tried to to break
collapsed v to fall apart or inward
move it out of the house. down
The impetus for creating the new design was
impetus n a driving force or stimulus based on the fact that no current design was an impulse
His limiting treatment of his partner led to
limiting adj functioning as a limit restrictive
occurring all the time, without The constant sound coming from the room
constant adj invariable
interruption was annoying me.
the curve of something, the act of
rotation n The unit's rotation seemed to be limited.
Unit 77

She diverted his attention by bringing up a

diverting v to turn aside, to deviate
different point.
coffers n a chest or box Many old coffers were stored in the attic.
Some of the artists at the show were quite
artists n a person who is creative or makes art
His aggressive nature did not go over well at
aggressive adj showing aggression combative
the company.
The segment of the population targetted in
targeting v to aim for something to set a goal
the ad was young.
Two of the violators were arrested on charges
violators n a person who violates, disturbs
of tresspassing.

inception n beginning Since its inception it has been widely coveted. start

a person who works alongside someone His peers in the class were supportive of his
peer n companion
else work.
One who plagiarizes does not give credit to
credit n recognition, acknowledgement
the original author's work.
the act of using someone else's ideas or Plagiarism is not tolerated on the college
plagiarism n
words as if they were your own campus.
The protestors were not allowed to distribute
distribute v to give out to scatter
their flyers near the school.
The father gave his daughter consent to go on
consent n permission approval
the weekend trip.
copyright to break a law regarding the use of Copyright infringement is a subject that can be
infringement copyrighted work difficult to understand.

We ran into a snag when we did not receive

snag n a difficulty, an obstacle
permission to continue with our work.

The guilty verdict was presented to the judge

verdict n a judgment in a court case a finding
by the head of the jury.
I tried to avoid the professor after I failed the
avoid v to keep away
The two boys said they would not assume
liability n accountability, something that is liable
liability for the crash.
landmark n an obvious place or boundary The Eiffel Tower is a landmark in Paris.
Her creations in the kitchen were truly
creation n something created or invented
of being more stiff or less flexible than Stiffer punishments for the possession of
stiffer adj
something else illegal drugs have curbed drug use.
Unit 78

We ventured into the mountains with only our

venture v to go out, to explor
She encountered her professor at the coffee
encounter v to find to come upon
Shaking your head is akin to saying you dislike
akin adj alike, related
The proverbial remark was known by all
proverbial adj relating or resembling
members of the committee.
The man was so gullible that he believed
gullible adj easily fooled or cheated innocent
everything he was told.
The worker was naïve to think that he would
naïve adj innocent, young-minded
not be caught stealing.
a plan or action often considered
schemes n The scheme to win more voters did not work.
underestimate v to place low value on something I underestimated the ability of the boy.
He tried to lure the fish with a new type of to bring
lure v to attract
bait. forward
a type of language that is considered Kids love to use slang when they talk to each
slang n
informal other.

solicitations n a request, a drawing force Solicitations were not allowed at the business.

The contestant captured the majority of votes

captured v to get to grab
in the poll.
My call was redirected to the customer service
redirect v to send in another direction
His vulnerability was considered a great
vulnerability n open to physical or emotional distress
weakness in the campaign.
Fortunately for us, the pros outweighed the
cons n something negative
The unsolicited calls angered the older
unsolicited adj not requested or asked for unwanted
vary v to differ Answers may vary for this exercise. to deviate
ignorance n pertaining to not knowing something Some say ignorance is bliss.

He exploited his opponent's weakness by

exploiting v to make use of, to utilize
always hitting the ball to his backhand side.

The public attorney prosecuted his client's

prosecuting v to engage in, to perform on
case with ease.
Unit 79

I requested anonymity when I filed my

anonymity n of being anonymous, unknown
He was accused of stalking the woman for
stalking v to follow to pursue
several days.
Many of the victims of the hurricane lost their
victims n a person hurt by something
She harassed the employee until he finally quit
harassing v to bother, to annoy constantly to worry
the job.
He engaged our attention by telling a fantastic
engage v to bring into contact to involve
My intential omission of the material made my
intentional adj purposeful voluntary
professor angry.
A variety of different styles are available for
variety n assorted, various
purchase at this store.

obscenities n a bad word or rude comment Obscenities are not tolerated in public places.

a level piece of ground, often used for He stood on the platform when he gave the
platform n
raising an object speech.
to show something is false or not The lawyer impugned the defendant's
impugn v
trustworthy testimony.
She claimed that she was not at the park that
claim v to say to request
The explicit comment got the worker in a load
explicit adj obvious, fully revealed definite
of trouble.

overwrite v to write over, to cover Do not overwrite the information on the disk.

We regulated the activity by keeping it to only

regulated v to impose regulation to adjust
thirty minutes.
He did his work judiciously and was praised
judiciously adv responsibly wisely
for his efforts.
The venue for the concert changed three
venue n a place for doing something
pursue v to follow I would like to pursue a degree in English. to continue
kidnap v to take hostage and demand money The boy was kidnapped last night.
Looking both ways before crossing the street reasonable
commonsense n good judgment
is commonsense. thinking
There is a particular order that needs to be
particular adj concerned with specific details
Unit 80

awareness n state of being aware His awareness of the issue made us feel better. consiousness

Can you link the two crimes that occurred last

link v to relate, to put together
gathering v to bring together The net was used for gathering butterflies. to assemble
Understanding the example is integral for
integral adj central, of much importance essential
something useful or that promotes well- The company offered several benefits, such as
benefits n
being health insurance, to its employees.
Expanding your horizons will help you see the
expanding v to grow to enlarge
world in different ways.
Modern medicine improves our chances for
improves v to make better
living a long life.
Her employability was even greater since she
employability n being able to be employed hirable
spoke three languages.
Twenty percent of the residents here live in
poverty n pertaining to having little money
The value of the new car decreased the
value n the worth of something
moment it was driven off the lot.
The product's longevity demonstrates its high
longevity n the amount of time something lasts durability
It is not easy to comprehend some of the to grasp
comprehend v to understand
processes involved in neurophysiology. meaning
The manager limited the employees' breaks to
limits v to restrict, to inhibit to restrain
twenty minutes.
The accumulation of snow on the ground
accumulation n buildup, something gathered
happened very rapidly.
stake n an interest in the gain of something We held a stake in the company's success.
The integration of the different elements
integration n incorporation
yielded an award winning product.
We can leverage the voters by offering them
leverages v to lift, to increase
reduced taxes.
durable adj longlasting Some pants are not as durable as others. strong
Consumption of fruits and vegetables is on the
consumption n the act of consuming
impart v to give or grant She imparted some of her wisdom on me. to convey

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