IG2 68J S.J Steel PVT LTD 1 - 084932

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The key takeaways from the risk assessment are the identification of welding near fuel storage as a high risk activity and the recommendation to provide a temporary fire blanket enclosure when welding in this area.

The main hazards identified in the risk assessment include welding near fuel storage, lack of barricades around fuel storage, and potential for fire and explosion.

Additional controls recommended included ensuring a temporary enclosure with a fire blanket for welding activities near combustible materials like fuel storage.

Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* The organization that I have opted for my risk assessment is known as S.J Steel Pvt Ltd.
Site location* The company steel plant is situated at 15 km GT Road, Wagha Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Currently, the company has a strength of 800 employees at their steel mill. The workers
Number of workers
are performing work in three rotational shifts, each shift of 8 hours.
The S.J Steel Pvt Ltd has a state of art fully automatic Rolling Mills with own Steel melting
facilities ready to meet any grade and types of rebar demands in construction industry.
Continuous investment has built the company’s overall long product rolling capacity to
General description of the organisation
500 tons per day. Company main products are Deformed A615 Grade 60 Rebar &
Deformed Bars Grade 40. To meet production demands and to ensure quality they also
import large quantity of steel scrape and billets on regular basis for their clientele.
I visited the company on 5th April, 2021 at 10:00am in the morning. My stay lasted for
Description of the area to be included in the around 3 Hours in which i accessed following areas such as iron ore and metal scrap
risk assessment storage, coke ovens, crushing section, blast furnaces, casting machines, pickling area as
well as machinery like steel purging machine, casting machine, mechanical works shops
The most responsible person in terms of providing H&S assistance and meeting its
Any other relevant information compliance at workplace is HSE supervisor who then conveys it to the Finance Manager
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
For the completion of my risk assessment, I took help of several online sources such as I took help of ILO safety
and health in the iron and steel industry to understand safe practices of work and what preventive measures
should be observed at site. https://www.ilo.org/safework/info/standards-and-instruments/codes/WCMS_112443/lang--
Outline how the risk en/index.htm
assessment was carried
out this should include: i took help of HSE website to understand risks and hazard of workplace and to check the level of H&S compliance
 sources of at the workplace https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg246.htm Furthermore i took help of took help from ILO to
information suggest additional controls at the hazards present
consulted; https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:55:0::NO::P55_TYPE,P55_LANG,P55_DOCUMENT,P55_NODE:CON,en,C167,/Document
 who you spoke to; i also consulted NEBOSH IGC Study Text Book (Hazards and preventive measures) to get a better
and understanding of hazard categories and what additional controls should be implemented to prevent any accident.
 how you identified:
- the hazards; I also observed company’s records like Loss time injury records, inspections and investigations, loss working
- what is already man hour, financial stats, audit reports, HSE plans, method statements, near miss reports, absenteeism record
being done; and risk assessments. I did one on one interviews with the workers to get their feedback about company’s culture
and and level of compliance in regards to workers health and safety.
- any additional
controls/actions I found few workers performing unsafe activities. I interviewed one on one with the workers to get their level of
that may be risk perception and to evaluate feedback from the skilled force. I thoroughly analysed the previous accident
required. records of the company, incident reports, maintenance reports, training data and staff turnover rate to add good
information in my risk assessment. I decided additional control measures by looking into company policy and
audit reports as well as by taking references from ILO https://www.ilo.org/safework/cis/WCMS_190241/lang--

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: S.J Steel Re Rolling Mills

Date of assessment: 5th April, 2021
Scope of risk assessment: Iron Ore and Metal Scrap Storage, Coke Ovens, Crushing Section, Blast Furnaces, Casting Machines, Pickling
Area, Steel Purging Machine, Casting machine & Mechanical works shops.

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
HAZARDOUS Workers, operators, Acid resistant coveralls and 1. Installation of local exhaust 20 day HSE
SUBSTANCES visitors and cleaning goggles were provisioned. ventilation to minimise Supervisor
staff present in pickling intensity of fumes 7 days (3,4,5)
Acidic fumes area 2. Installation of air monitoring 2 days
were present devices 3 days Finance
in pickling Workers were exposed 3. Conducting a tool box talk 2 days Manager
section which to acidic fumes which 4. Placing of safety signs (1,2)
were being were being produced in about use of respiratory
inhaled by process of removing equipmentp
workers scales and layers of the 5. Povision of fume masks as
iron oxide by emersion per standards
into hydrochloric acid
workers were perform
the task without and
proper respirator
Prolong exposure of
such conditions can
cause serious health
issues like nasal cavity
irritation, damaging of

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
respiratory tract, lung

WORK workers who are Periodic maintenance 1. Provision of fixed guard on 2days Mechanical
EQUIPMENT carrying out operations system for all pumps and pump shaft. foreman
near the exposed shaft. heavy machines was 2 days (1, 3)
Work activities followed 2. Installation of interlocked Area
near pump There was high risk of guards on machines with 1month manager
shaft in workers or their clothes Emergency stop button was rotating parts. (4)
pickling area, getting entangled with present on high-risk Finance
the guard of exposed pump shaft machinery. 3. Installation of robust guards 1 day manager
pump shaft resulting in serious on high-risk parts of the (1,2,3)
was damaged. injuries like bruises, machines 1week HSE
dislocation of bones, supervisor
loss of body parts. 4. Barricading the shaft area to (5)
prevent any accident

5. Training an instruction
should be provisioned to

FIRE Workers and crew Fire extinguisher was 1. Temporary barricading of 1week Area
members performing present nearby on site welding area with fire manager
Welding the task. blankets near combustible (1, 4, 5)
activity was Tool box talk was provided area. HSE
being carried supervisor

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
out near Temporary welding 2. Introducing safe systems of (2)
combustible activities were being works and implementing Finance
material carried near the them 3weeks manager
without taking combustible area no (3)
preventive barricading was done
measures. and open sparks were 3. Provision of fire retardant
flying across. In case a personal protective
spark ignites the fuel, equipment like gloves and
explosion can occur clothing. 3days
leaving workers with
head injuries, chronic 4. Permit to work system
burns, trauma, skin should be observed.
blackening might even 1month
death 5. Moving of combustible
material away from welding
NOISE All worker in workshop, Health surveillance of 1. Provision of ear plugs, ear 2days HSE
operators working workers was being carried muffs to workers. supervisor
Excessive nearby, out (1)
noise was 2. Noise absorbent matts and Finance
being Gas compressor was barriers should be placed in 3weeks manager
generated by not working properly high noise areas (2, 4, 5)
natural gas due to which excess Area
compressor. noise was created 3. Noise dosimeter should be manager
workers were installed to record and 1week (3)
performing operational maintain level of noise as
activities without the per the set limit

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
provision of noise 4. Build noise proof shelters 1month
cancelling equipment. for worker’s rest.
Prolong stay in such
conditions can cause Installation of acoustic reduction 2weeks
tinnitus, temporary system
hearing loss,
headache, ringing
sensation in ear.
ELECTRICITY workers who are Cables were properly rotted 1. Temporary insulation of 2days Electrical
working nearby the through cable trays and cables with insulating tape. foreman
Metal ore conveyer. ducts. (1, 4)
conveyer cable 2. Tool box talk should be HSE
wire was The wire of metal ore provisioned. 1day supervisor
damaged and conveyer was ripped (2, 5)
ripped. and no insulation was 3. Safety signs should be Area
present there’s is high placed displaying electrical 1week manager
risk of electrocution, hazards. (3)
burns, muscle
contractions, cardiac 4. Insulation of wires should 1month
arrest. be made ensured.

5. Safe system of work should 1month

be developed and
CONFINED Workers who are Tool box talk have been 1. Gas testing should be done 1day Area
SPACE working in the confined given to the workers. prior to work in confined manager
space space. (1, 2)
Maintenance Finance
activities were manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
carried out Workers were installing 2. Hole watcher must be 1week (3, 4)
inside the blast damaged refractory designated at the confined HSE
furnace without bricks for heat space area. supervisor
the provision of insulation with 2weeks (5)
proper safety considering any safety 3. Installation of force draft fan
measures measures worker may to maintain oxygen levels
be expose to toxic gas 1week
no hole watcher was 4. Provision of respiratory
present in case of an equipment to workers
accident workers can
induce injuries like 5. Permit to work system 1month
cuts, grazes, fatigue, should be implemented
high stress levels,
breathing issues, low
oxygen levels, trauma.
MANUAL Workers who are Drinking water installation 1. Job rotation system should 1week Area
HANDLING performing lifting were present nearby be implemented for workers manager
activities Rest breaks were carrying load. (1)
Lifting of heavy provisioned to workers Finance
metal bars No handling aids were 2. Provision of manual 1month manager
manually and being used by the handling aids like trolleys, (2, 3)
unloading workers to help in lifting hand pallet trucks. HSE
them on such practices can lead supervisor
trailers to workers getting back 3. Installation of conveyer belt 2months (4, 5)
pains, muscle strains, system to transport
bone tendons, high material.
stress level, fatigue.


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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
4. Trainings and instructions
should be provided about
manual handling.
5. All standards must be met
as per law in regards to
manual handling.
WORK AT workers, crew Tool box talk was 1. Barricading of the area near 1day Area
HIGHT members who are provisioned to workers. blast furnace and placing manager
carrying out the safety signs. (1)
Maintenance operation at height. Personal protective Mechanical
activity was equipment such as hard 2. Provision of third-party 1week foreman
being carried Workers were carrying hats and safety shoes and certified safety harness & (3)
at height out maintenance tasks clothing was provided. fall arrestor system. HSE
without the at the top of blast supervisor
usage of safety furnace without any 3. Installation of guard rails on 2weeks (2, 4, 5)
harness & fall safety harness or fall top working platforms.
arrestor. arrestor, no guard rails
were present. In case 4. Supervision, instructions 1day
of an accident workers and trainings should be
can induce injuries like provided.
head injuries, back
injuries, fractures, 5. Developing safe system of 1month
spinal injuries, might work for working at height.
even result in death.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
LOAD Workers, riggers Crane operator was third 1. Implementation of hard 2days Area
HANDLING working nearby party certified barricading near the lifting manager
EQUIPMENT area (1)
Heavy metallic objects Instruction and trainings Finance
Falling of load were being carried by were provided. 2. Provision of appropriately manager
during lifting the crane no rated lifting gear with safe (2)
activity of barricading was workload limit 1month Rigging
heavy material implemented, outrigger supervisor
via crane. was not fully opened 3. Rigging supervisor must (3)
and lifting gear was in develop proper lifting plans HSE
poor condition in case prior to the activity 3weeks supervisor
of an accident workers (4, 5)
can induce bone 4. Equipment like slings,
crushing, fractures, shackles, hooks, used in the
head injuries, spine process of lifting should be 5days
injuries might even third party certified
5. Permit to work system
should be implemented
MOVEMENT Workers, visitors, and Periodic maintenance of fork 1. Installation of speed limiter 1week Mechanical
OF PEOPLE everyone present in the lift trucks is done. in the forklift. foreman
&VEHICLE near locality. (1)
Tool box talk have been 2. Provisioning a banks man to Area
Driver of forklift Forklift was being provided assist the driver in 2weeks manager
was reversing reversed in high speed movement of forklift truck. (2)
in high speed with load on in case of Finance
with no banks a collusion workers can manager
man present induce injuries like 1month (3)

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
nearby for fractures, back injuries, 3. Installation of reversing HSE
assistance. bruises, cuts. alarm, beacon and flashing supervisor
lights on for lift trucks (4, 5)
4. Making sure the drivers are
third party certified
5. Instructions and trainings
should be provided to the

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial S.J Steel Pvt Ltd has a moral obligation towards its workforce in regards to ensuring a safe
arguments working environment to its workers making sure that all the hazards and risks linked with
the operational activities being carried at site are well briefed to workers. It is the duty of the
company to make sure that the H&S standards are in compliance as per set international
law. It is what society expects from the company to make sure the workers leave in the
same state they came in to work. The company is morally accountable to make sure that all
the first aid arrangements have been ensured at site and personal protective gear to
perform the task has been given.

The company will incur legal aspects which the company will face in case of negligence of
H&S compliance. The organisation can incur civil claims made ill or injured workers. Some
of these claims may be made some years after the worker has employment. The likely
amount of compensation payable for civil claims can be substantial; in addition to this, legal
fees (lawyers, courts etc) would also be likely to be very high. I would also point out that
many of these costs would not recoverably from the insurance company. the company
might as well face prohibition to work until the desired H&S standards are met.

Financial implications that the company will face in case of non-compliance with H&S
standards are as following: in case of an accident or a mishap the company will be
accountable to pay sick pay leave, medical expenses of the employee, compensation to
the workers family, dealing with civil claims and legal cost linked with it. It won’t end here

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though the company will eventually face loss of working man hours, loss time injury,
inspections and investigations cost, higher insurance premiums, insurance claims, training
of employees, cost of hiring new workers, high turnover rate, low production ratio are to
name a few.

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Justification for action 1


To decrease the intensity of acidic fumes in pickling section local exhaust system should be
Specific legal arguments ILO convention, 1977 (C148, Article 9)
it is stated out that as far as possible, the working environment shall be kept free from any
hazard due to air pollution, noise or vibration by technical measures applied to new plant or
processes in design or installation, or added to existing plant or processes; or, where this is
not possible, by supplementary organizational measures
Consideration of likelihood AND severity There are high tendencies of workers getting adverse health effects due to the presence of
acidic fumes in pickling section where hot rolled coils are pickled in Hydrochloric acid for
removal of scales and layers of iron making the likelihood high. Severity level of getting
harmed is also very high as excessive acidic fumes are present in air and workers are
exposed throughout the shift to polluted air and they are carrying out work without using
respiratory protective equipment which will result in nasal cavity irritation, asthma,
respiratory tract damage and lungs cancer
How effective the action is likely to be in
Installation of Local Exhaust Ventilation system having proper capacity induced draft fans
controlling the risk. This should include:
will minimize acid fumes in pickling section by efficiently circulating air by thronging
 the intended impact of the action; contaminated air having acid fumes and other pollutants in it out from pickling section area
 justification for the timescale that you and replacing it with fresh air from outside. This will make environment clean and pollutant
indicated in your risk assessment; free and worker can work without using respiratory equipment that will increase the
and efficiency and working ability of workers by reducing both likelihood and severity of
 whether you think the action will fully
consequences, I suggested a time period of 2 months for implementation of additional
control the risk.

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Justification for action 2


Provision of appropriately rated lifting gears which have safe working load limit mentioned
for safe lifting operations.
Specific legal arguments Safety and Health Convention, 1988 (C167, Article 15):
it is stated that every lifting appliance and item of lifting gear, including their constituent
elements, attachments, anchorages and supports, shall be of good design and
construction, sound material and adequate strength for the purpose for which they are
used; be properly installed and used; be maintained in good working order; be examined
and tested by a competent person at such times and in such cases as shall be prescribed
by national laws or regulations; the results of these examinations and tests shall be
recorded; be operated by workers who have received appropriate training in accordance
with national laws and regulations
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Likelihood of the accident happening would be high as the lifting operations were done with
a crane without opening the outriggers fully and no barricading was done around the lifting
area. Severity will be very high as well as the workers were passing beneath the
suspended load, in case of fall of suspended load it will resulting in equipment damage and
serious injuries and fatalities to workers.
How effective the action is likely to be in
Ensuring appropriately rated lifting gears with Safe Workload Limit mentioned well above
controlling the risk. This should include:
the load being lifted. it will reduce the likelihood of failure of lifting gears such as slings,
 the intended impact of the action; shackles and hooks tested for SWL and maintained in good condition will assure for safe
 justification for the timescale that you lifting. I allotted a time period of 1 month to implement changes mentioned in risk
indicated in your risk assessment; assessment.
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.

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Justification for action 3

Action FIRE
Ensuring a temporary enclosure with the help of fire blanket for carrying out welding
activities near combustible materials.
Specific legal arguments Safety and Health Convention, 1988 (C167, Article 29):
it is stated out that the employer shall take all appropriate measures to avoid the risk of fire;
combat quickly and efficiently any outbreak of fire; bring about a quick and safe evacuation
of persons. Sufficient and suitable storage shall be provided for flammable liquids, solids
and gases.”
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Welding operations were being carried out near fuel storage area, no barricading has been
done which can result in an explosion making the likelihood very high. Severity of an
accident would be high as well as huge quantity of fuel was stored for power backup. A
spark from welding might lead to fire and explosion resulting in huge property damage,
equipment damage and fatalities of workers.
How effective the action is likely to be in Provision of temporary safety enclosure made of fire blanket for welding activities
controlling the risk. This should include: near combustible materials will reduce the likelihood of fire. with the help of fire
 the intended impact of the action; blanket there is no chance of sparks reaching the combustible material. For
 justification for the timescale that you arranging temporary welding habitat and proper fire blankets I have allotted a time
indicated in your risk assessment; period of 1week.
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with As per the company policy review takes place yearly so I have set the date after 1 year
reasoning dated as 5th April, 2022. This will give ample time to the company to finish off all the desired
measures mentioned in risk assessment. In case of a client demand or audit requirement
the risk assessment can be conducted earlier
How the risk assessment findings will be For communicating the findings of my risk assessment, a detailed briefing about risk and
communicated AND who you need to tell hazards must be conducted with HSE supervisor, Area manager, warehouse manager and
how it should be prevented. Furthermore, a detailed Tool Box Talk should be given to
everyone present at premise from top level management to labourers, safety signs,
boarding should be placed on high-risk areas. Leaflets and brochures regarding health and
safety precautions should be made available in the common areas. Usage of emails for
keeping in touch with the management and briefing them about any changes or
improvement in H&S. Summary of findings and actions of risk assessment will be
forwarded to managers, and operational supervisors, conferences will be held for better
understanding. Safety talks and safety campaigns will be conducted on a regular basis so
that all members of the organization are communicated all necessary information regarding
the new risk assessment.
How you will follow up on the risk I have selected a month prior to the final date to carry out the follow up to access the level
assessment to check that the actions of compliance that has been undertaken by the company. i will make sure that the
have been carried out company designates a person who can carry out recording of work being done and I’ll be in
constant touch with him. In case of any non-compliance, I will take it to the owner of the
company as he is the one with most authority so that he can make sure any downfalls

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