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VeriFire® Tools Programming and Test Utility

VeriFire® Tools is the programming and test utility for ONYX®
series products. This Windows® based utility, with online and offline
capabilities, can be used to create the system programming in the
comfort of home or office and then be downloaded from a laptop to
the system in the field. It can also It includes user customizable
views that can significantly reduce programming times, along with
other new features, such as Project Services for better management
and accountability of system databases.
VeriFire Tools includes the features, functionality, diagnostics and
reports of legacy versions of VeriFire Tools, but includes a modern

Windows application look and style. The redesigned user interface
maximizes the real estate of the users screen for improved visual-
ization and programming efficiency; with customized views users
can dock/float, pin/unpin, hide all/show all, arrange new tables hori-
zontally or vertically, and view multiple services simultaneously. It • Simulator tool provides a graphic representation of inputs and
uses Microsoft Ribbon control with a user customizable Quick their associated outputs.
Access Toolbar, more detailed node tree layouts and full screen • Program Validation tool identifies errors in system program-
mode. To make Point and PAM programming easier and less time- ming, such as inputs not associated with any outputs.
consuming, universal context menu options are provided for copy/
• Compare Nodes tool identifies differences between databases
paste/delete, along with Excel-like sorting/filtering, find/replace, and
and highlights those discrepancies to help the installer test and
device cloning capabilities.
validate the system.
VeriFire Tools employs projects that allow users to consolidate a • Network Test tool performs a communication test between
site's node list into a single database file and password-protect it for selected nodes to verify network connectivity; test aborts if a real
added security. Users can also track any revision changes by ver- event occurs anywhere on the network.
sioning their Projects with detailed descriptive text. Legacy VeriFire
• Autoprogram tool commands the system to read and enter the
Tools databases can be imported using Project Services.
addresses for SLC detectors and modules, quickly verifying these
devices within the utility.
HONEYWELL CONNECTED LIFE SAFETY • Device Maintenance Report clearly organizes valuable informa-
SERVICES (CLSS) tion about NFS-320, NFS2-640, and NFS2-3030 FlashScan
VeriFire Tools is available for licensed CLSS technicians. CLSS is detectors and modules; chamber values, percent of drift compen-
an innovative, all-in-one cloud platform that enables systems inte- sation and last functional test date.
grators and facilities managers to deliver an enhanced fire safety • Project Services allows simple creation, editing, and manage-
service, while maximizing the performance efficiencies offered by ment of project databases for entire networks.
Honeywell's trusted detection and alarm systems. The CLSS plat- • Online Services provides tools to for uploading/downloading
form enables users to: databases, updating system application code, and performing
• Get a “bird’s eye” view of all accounts read status and edit functions.
• Obtain real-time information on event generation, enabling • Supported Systems include the NFS-320, NFS2-640, NFS2-
diagnosis before dispatch 3030, NCA-2, DVC (and associated DAL devices), UDACT-2,
• Conduct tests and inspections using a mobile app (available in LCD2-80, NFS-640, NFS-3030, and NCA.
select markets) • Connected Life Safety System (CLSS) Remote Programming
• Provide end users with multi-site asset information and event provides the option to upload/download the panel database
alerts remotely through the CLSS Gateway. Supported Panels are
NFS-3030, NFS2-3030, NFS2-640, NFS-320, NFS-640, N16,
For additional information go to fire.honeywell.com. and NCD.
• Panel Feature Activation VeriFire Tools enables the configura-
Features tion of various panel features while connected with CLSS Cloud
• Network Topology Map is an additional Network Diagnostics or when offline.
service for HS-NCM networks that automatically constructs a • CLSS Cloud Database Backup allows backup of the panel data-
visual representation of the NOTI•FIRE•NET™ network. base on the CLSS Cloud.
• Network Level Download / Upload allows system programmers • CLSS Central Station Report provides the option to generate
to upload all panel data from a network as one batch, and to Central Station Reports through CLSS.
download all nodes in the project to the network as one batch. For further details about these features, Operating System critical
• Panel History Upload brings event history into table format on updates, and Service Pack prerequisites, see the VeriFire Tools
the PC/tablet for improved readability and enhanced manipula- backstage area for the “What’s New in this Release” PowerPoint
tion such as filtering and sorting. slideshow.
• Import from Excel® brings control-by-event programming (CBE)
and Logic Equations into VeriFire Tools from Excel.

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Product Line Information • MAPI compatible email client, such as Microsoft Outlook® or Mic-
rosoft Outlook Express, to use email services
VeriFire Tools: Current version and retrofit versions are available
for download from www.securityandfire.honeywell.com.
Digital Audio
75554: DB9-NUP Programming Cable.
75672: USB A type to USB B type Programming Cable. TO PROGRAM THE DIGITAL AUDIO SYSTEM:
• USB port (for suggested USB Digital Headset used in audio
Minimum System Requirements recording).
• Plantronics® DSP500 Digital Enhanced USB Headset (recom-
• Operating System: mended) or your PC’s sound card with any standard UL-
– Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise (64 bit editions only) approved PC microphone.
– Microsoft Surface Pro 3 • GoldWave® Digital Audio Editor (recommended) or equivalent
– Microsoft Surface Pro 4 audio editing software.
• Hardware: Surface Pro 3/4 tablet or PC/laptop as specified DIGITAL AUDIO FILE FORMAT DESCRIPTIONS
below. Audio editing software must be able to save files to .wav format with
• PC/Laptop Minimum Specifications: the following descriptions:
– 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) processor and 4GB RAM, or
1 GHz 64-bit (x64) processor and 8GB RAM. Fidelity High Quality Standard Quality
– 3 GB free disk space (600 MB recommended for audio stor- Format PCM µ-law
age). Sample Rate 44100Hz 11025Hz
– Mouse and keyboard.
Bit Depth 16-bit 8-bit
– XVGA monitor or newer; system display set to use small or
Channel mono mono
medium fonts (any color and resolution supported).
– Video card capable of supporting 1024 x 768 output resolution
or higher and 16 bit color.
– Internet Explorer® version 11.0, Build 18362 or higher. Internet
settings should be configured to allow run scripts and be com-
patible with Transport Layer Security (TLS).
• Connectors:
– 1 serial (COM) port or USB-to-Serial converter (ATEN Model
UC-232A recommended.) (Use a USB A to B cable. USB con-
nection must be less than 10 feet long.)
– DB9-NUP cable (P/N 75554). (Serial port recommended for
NFS-3030, NFS-640, NCA, and LCD2-80.)
– USB A type to USB B type cable (Notifier P/N 75672).
(USB 2.0 port recommended for NFS2-3030, NCA-2, NFS2-
640, NFS-320, DVC, and UDACT-2.)
– N16, NCD Supports USB Type C cable, 1 serial (COM) port or
USB-to-Serial converter (ATEN Model UC-232A recom-
• Internet connection for:
– Login
– Remote upload/download via CLSS
– Email services
– Downloading/updating user manuals from
– Config file backup to CLSS
– Panel feature activation

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.

VeriFire® Tools and ONYX® are registered trademarks and

NOTIFIER NOTI•FIRE•NET™ is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc.
12 Clintonville Road Microsoft®, Windows®, Outlook®, and Excel® are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. Plantronics® is a registered trademarks of
Northford, CT 06472 Plantronics, Inc. GoldWave® is a registered trademark of GoldWave Inc.
203.484.7161 ©2021 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized
www.notifier.com use of this document is strictly prohibited.

Country of Origin: USA

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