Dem 214

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DEM 214

Ans. # 1.
 Hiring happens when you need to fill a role and consider candidates for
employment. Recruiting is the process of attracting top talent to your organization.
While recruiting can certainly help you find the right person to hire, it should be an
ongoing process, even when you don’t have job openings. The act of hiring
involves soliciting and reviewing applications for an open position. You might post
an ad on LinkedIn or other job posting sites, alerting the public that you’re looking
for workers with specific criteria.
Essentially, hiring is seeking and evaluating candidates when you need to fill a
specific role at your company. Recruiting, on the other hand, involves continuous
research to find the best employees for your company. According to The Center
for Sales Strategy, recruiting should happen on a regular basis, not just when you
need to fill a position. It’s all about building awareness of your company among
talented professionals, and convincing them that your organization is the right fit
for their goals and skill set. When you find someone you think would be a good fit,
whether through networking, social media or a referral, you can reach out and talk
about your company, its culture and the type of talent you typically seek.
In essence, recruiting allows you to build a list of people who already know
your brand and want to work for you, so you’re never scrambling when you need
to fill a job.
Ans. # 2 .

Concept of training-characteristics of effective training system – interlinkages

– nature of training and development- importance of training and development
– Training process - Organization vision & perspective plans, assessment of
training needs, setting training objectives and developing training policy and
plan - designing training programmes – conducting or Implementation of
training programmes- evaluation of training.

 Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skill of an employee for
doing a particular job. The following features have been directly associated with
improved employee and organizational outcomes:

 Start with training needs assessment.

 Identify and communicate purpose, objectives, and outcome.

 Relevant content.

 Active demonstration.

 Opportunities for practice.

 Regular feedback during training. Post-training environment

 Difference between training & Development & OD

 Points of Difference

 Objective & Purpose

 Duration 

For Whom 

Skills Taught Nature: It refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and
knowledge to an employee.
Training and Development need= Standard Performance-Actual Performance
Training & Development differentiated Inputs in T & D:

 Skills  Education  Development  Ethics  Attitudinal changes  Decision

making & Problem Solving Skills.  Creativity  Literacy Diversity & Teams
Training is important for the following reasons:  Increased productivity 
Higher employee morale  Less supervision  Less wastage  Easy adaptability 
Reduced turnover and absenteeism Training needs are those aspects
necessary to perform the job in an organization in which employee is lacking
attitude/aptitude, knowledge, skill etc. Training need assessment stage includes
the following:  Organizational analysis.  Departmental analysis.  Job/Role
analysis.  Employee analysis.

Ans # 3.

It’s one of life’s unfortunate realities:

1. Change your inner voice
If the thought of having to talk to employees about their poor performance makes
you uncomfortable, the worst thing you can do is avoid the issue.

Letting your frustration build for weeks and months can result in you handling the
situation poorly when you do give a verbal or written warning.

Instead, reframe the discussion in your mind from “This will be a difficult
conversation” to “I want to help my employee be an effective contributor.” Such a
shift can help change your discomfort into a more positive attitude. After all, you
want your employees to be the best they can be, right?

It may also help to put yourself in the employee’s place. You’d want to know if
your boss thought you were failing and would like the chance to improve your
performance. Giving your employees that benefit of the doubt does two things:

 It gives good and mediocre employees the chance to improve and meet
expectations, which is preferable to spending time and money replacing an
employee for poor performance.
 It helps you identify employees who are truly bad apples and don’t care
about keeping their jobs.

Remember, letting your frustration build prevents your employees from correcting
their performance as quickly as possible and contributing to the company’s
success. Bite the bullet and nip situations in the bud.

2. Keep your employee handbook flexible

When developing an employee handbook, many managers tend to want hard and
fast rules. For instance, “Any employee who arrives late to work more than three
times in a month will be terminated.”

The problem with using absolute terms, such as “will,” is that it leaves you no
room for flexibility should employees have a legitimate reason for tardiness. To be
fair and above reproach, you’ll have to follow your policy. This means you’ll be
obligated to fire the good employee who has never had attendance
problems before, just as you did the chronically late employee with poor

Further, the lateness may be the result of temporary circumstances, such as illness
or a more serious condition that may be protected under the Americans with
Disabilities Act, in which case a change in start times may be a reasonable

Flexibility in your wording gives your managers the opportunity to respond

appropriately to reasonable mitigating factors. It’s often as simple as substituting
“may” for “will.”

That said, your company is still obligated to discipline employees in a generally

consistent manner. This means you must discipline your favorite employee the
same as you do your least favorite employee.

Here is another example of a handbook that leaves flexibility in how inappropriate

behavior might be handled:

… Although it is not possible to list all forms of inappropriate behavior and

conduct, the following are examples that are considered inappropriate and may
result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment
(followed by examples of conduct that is considered “inappropriate”): …

You can be very detailed with your list of inappropriate behaviors, but make sure
it’s culturally consistent. For instance, if your CEO is famous for speaking loudly
when he gets frustrated, you can’t prohibit that behavior in your handbook.

You should also be careful that any policies avoid a chilling effect on an employee’s
rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

3. Document details of all disciplinary conversations

It’s not enough to keep a detailed journal of every time an employee calls in sick
on Monday, or every time two employees argue. For that information to be
effective, you must communicate that you’ve noticed a trend and the behavior is

Your first stop should be verbal counseling. Explain that the employee’s conduct or
poor performance is unacceptable. After listening to the employee and discussing
corrective action, explain that repeated or continued unacceptable performance
will result in more severe disciplinary action.

After your discussion, send the employee an email outlining the facts of your
conversation, making sure you accurately and concisely detail what was said and
what the expectations are going forward. Ask the employee to reply if there are
any misunderstandings in your explanation.

This email is enough documentation to establish a pattern of poor performance or

inappropriate behavior, should you need to progress to a written warning or
termination. If you address the situation before you get entirely frustrated, it will
be easier to keep emotion out of the email and stick to provable details.

You can’t stop employees from accusing you of wrongdoing or favoritism when it
comes to discipline. You can, however, put documentation in place to minimize
the appearance of wrongful termination and then follow your employee
handbook to ensure consistency.

4. Ensure consistency across the organization

How can you make sure your people managers are following proper procedures
when it comes to employee discipline? The first piece of this puzzle is
accomplished with the employee handbook. Well-thought-out written policies give
managers a map to follow.

The handbook should outline any steps deemed necessary by your organization.
This usually features a progressive discipline policy of verbal counseling, then
written counseling, then termination. Your company doesn’t necessarily have to
allow 30, 60 or 90 days for change. It depends on the problem.

It may be reasonable to expect attendance or tardiness issues to be resolved

immediately, while performance issues may require time for additional training
and learning. Again, your policies should be flexible enough to accommodate the
wide range of issues and circumstances your managers are likely to face.

Another handy way to ensure your managers aren’t being overly emotional in their
approach to discipline is to use a team model. To do this, have the manager ask
their supervisor or manager in another department to serve as a sounding board
to review their notes about the problem employee and any written
communications about that employee.

This sounding board should point out any bias in the documentation, such as
“You’re always late.” Better wording would be, “You were 25 minutes late coming
back from lunch on Monday, June 7, and clocked in 30 minutes late the mornings
of June 10 and June 15.”

This person should look at every document with fresh eyes and consider:

 How would the EEOC or NLRB view this documentation? How would a jury
interpret what is here? Do the wording and actions taken feel fair? Is there
any inflammatory language?
 Is the written documentation clear about expected behavior going forward,
with fair deadlines and consequences clearly defined?

Would a jury or attorney feel that the employee was warned and knew (or should
have known) that their job was in jeopardy?
It’s always best to slow down and review the matter calmly and with an open
mind. Yes, further action or even termination may be the right course of action,
but gathering facts and details now can prevent headaches later.

Ans. # 4
Companies that provide attractive fringe benefits make their employees feel
valued and taken care of. In turn, this promotes employee retention, loyalty, and
job satisfaction. More importantly, it also boosts employee morale as well as
motivates employees to perform proficiently. Providing fringe benefits plays a
significant role in attracting and making employees stay. From medical insurance
to sick pay and meal allowances, these fringe benefits are often one of the top
things considered by employees after taking the amount of salary into account.
Below are a few other reasons why fringe benefits remain an integral part of
employee retention. Companies that provide attractive fringe benefits make their
employees feel valued and taken care of. In turn, this promotes employee
retention, loyalty, and job satisfaction. More importantly, it also boosts employee
morale as well as motivates employees to perform proficiently.

Ans. #5.
As teacher I will do my duty because I can help my fellowmen who need help
especially in reading, writing and arithmetic and the increasing salary given to
teachers during their service and most of all the benefits given for a government
employee after retiring.

Ans. #6.
1. Minimum Wage-Lowest wage which a worker can provide a minimum level of
subsistence. It is the duty of the government make it fix so that employers are not
exploiting the work force.
2. Living Wage – should be sufficient to ensure the workman’s food shelter and
clothing but also education for children and protection against ill-health and
essential social needs.
3. Prevailing Wage-Typically refers to the rate of pay contractors and vendors
must offer their employees when doing business with government agency
4.Tipped Wage-base wage paid to an employee who receives a substantial
portion of his / her compensation on tips.
5. Fair Wage- It is a compilation of company practices that lead to sustainable
wage developments. It includes living wages floor, compliance with national wage
regulations, wages that align with the skills necessary of the job being performed.
It refers to a systematic method of determining a given job’s relative value or
worth in relation to other jobs within a specific organization.
Its primary goal is to produce a systematic comparison between jobs in order to
assess their relative worth usually for the purpose of establishing a rational pay

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