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Pre-Process To Increase Capacity of SAG-case Study

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Pre-Processing to Increase the Capacity of SAG Mill
Circuits—Case Study
Homero Delboni, Jr. 1 , Evandro Costa e Silva 2, * , Vladmir Kronemberger Alves 3 and Ana Carolina Chieregati 1

1 Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, University of São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-070, Brazil;
[email protected] (H.D.J.); [email protected] (A.C.C.)
2 Vale S.A.—Exploration and Mineral Projects, Rio de Janeiro 22250-145, Brazil
3 Department of Mining Engineering, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto 35400-000, Brazil;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +55-31-99801-4417

Abstract: This paper describes the adopted approach for increasing the capacity of an existing
industrial grinding circuit by adapting the respective configuration to process the ore from a new
mine. Accordingly, due to Sossego mine exhaustion, Vale S. A. decided to use the existing industrial
facilities and infrastructure for processing the Cristalino ore deposit located in Para state, within
the Brazilian Amazon. Considering the higher hardness of Cristalino ore compared to Sossego
ore, a reduction in capacity in the existing SAG grinding circuit was anticipated. A comprehensive
grinding pilot plant campaign was conducted with a characterization program including 98 Cristalino
ore samples, as described throughout this paper. Sossego grinding circuit was also surveyed for
mathematical modeling and simulations to assess such an estimative further. The mathematical
model calibration for setting different circuit configurations and operating conditions to enhance
the circuit’s capacity was based on the combination of pilot plant results and ore characterization.
Citation: Delboni, H., Jr.; Costa e Simulations indicated that a capacity increase of 12% would be achieved in the existing grinding
Silva, E.; Alves, V.K.; Chieregati, A.C. circuit by further crushing 35% of SAG mill fresh feed. Such figures would represent yearly additions
Pre-Processing to Increase the of 8.3 kt in copper and 250 kg in gold productions.
Capacity of SAG Mill Circuits—Case
Study. Minerals 2022, 12, 727. Keywords: grinding; SAG; pre-processing; copper ore

Academic Editors: Evangelos

Petrakis and Konstantinos 1. Introduction
Komnitsas A steady increase in the world copper demand is predicted for the next 25 years of,
Received: 12 May 2022
essentially due to global economic recovery for both developing and developed countries.
Accepted: 1 June 2022
Therefore, mining companies are currently concentrating their efforts on geological explo-
Published: 6 June 2022
ration, developing new mines, and expanding existing copper ore operations worldwide.
Carajás is a prolific mineral province located in Pará state, within the Amazon region
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
in Brazil, containing not only world-class iron ore deposits, but also significant gold,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
manganese, and copper deposits, the latter occurring as IOCG-Iron Oxide Copper Gold
published maps and institutional affil-
geological formations. The Carajás IOCG deposits show primary and secondary copper
sulphides, together with native and oxidized copper minerals, in combination with gold
and magnetite. Cristalino is one of those IOCG deposits with reserves of 200 Mt @ 0.71%
Cu and 0.3 g/t Au, together with 25 Mt of high-grade hematite iron ore occurring om top
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
of the copper mineralization.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Despite the significant reserves, the capital costs related to infrastructure, logistics, and
This article is an open access article tailing disposal reduce the economic feasibility of most copper deposits in the Carajás region.
distributed under the terms and Therefore, instead of considering each deposit as an individual unit, Vale is evaluating
conditions of the Creative Commons the use of existing industrial facilities to process the ores from those individual deposits,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// currently considered satellites. The exhaustion of the Sossego mine is due to occur in
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 2024 and according to such an approach, the Sossego mine industrial installations will
4.0/). be available to process the Cristalino ore deposit. Additional positive aspects of such

Minerals 2022, 12, 727. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12060727 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/minerals

Minerals 2022, 12, 727 2 of 12

an arrangement are the relatively short distance between the Cristalino deposit and the
Sossego industrial plant, as well as using Sossego’s mined pits for future tailing disposal
for minimizing costs and reducing environmental impacts.
Cristalino certified reserves include 200 Mt of copper and gold ores, averaging 0.71%
Cu and 0.3 g/t Au and a substantial volume (~25 Mt) of high-grade hematite cap over the
main copper ore body. Due to the existing iron ore production and logistic system in the
region (Carajás and S11D), Vale decided to install a 6 Mtpa dry plant to process such an
iron ore deposit. It comprises of a three-stage crushing and screening, whose product is
predicted to be 90% passing size (P90 ) of 19 mm. As the estimated LOM (Life of Mine) for
the iron operationprocessing is 4–6 years, the industrial crushing installation will become
available to process other ores or be relocated to another operation.

1.1. Objective
The present work aims to assess additional capacity scenarios for processing the
Cristalino ore in the Sossego industrial grinding circuit by adjusting the SAG mill fresh
feed size distribution, as resulting from the crushing and screening industrial installation.

1.2. Literature Review

Semi-Autogenous grinding (SAG) is a long-proven and mature technology used in
the last 60 years in several industrial comminution circuits to process various ore types,
according to ever-increasing capacities [1]). Several different circuit configurations are
adopted in industrial installations, including open or closed circuits with a classifier, stand-
alone mode (single-stage), or coupled with a ball mill in SAB configuration [2]. Full
secondary pre-crushing of the fresh mill feed is an effective alternative to increasing the
SAG mill throughput [3].
The high capacity provided by a single crushing-milling line and associated handling
equipment simplifications are the two main aspects that significantly reduce the capital
costs of SAG industrial plants. The ability to process a wide range of ore types, including
sticky and clayey ones, is also a popular aspect of SAG milling [4].
Ore hardness and size distribution are key factors that dictate the required grinding
energy for providing the stipulated product size and throughput for a given installation.
These two factors, combined with mill dimensions and operating conditions, modulate the
charge dynamics within the SAG mill chamber and, therefore, the process performance.
Coarse and competent ores require relatively high breakage energy which is provided
by bigger SAG mills and installed power. In such conditions abrasion is the driving
breakage mechanism for coarse particles, while the attritioning prevails for breaking
relatively small particles. The balance between these two breakage mechanisms controls the
tendency to generate intermediate size material, or critical size fraction within the SAG mill
chamber. Such a critical shows low breakage kinetics as it is not small enough to be broken
by attritioning, therefore buiding up within the mill chamber. On the other hand, fine and
friable ores are generally processed with high ball charges in SAG mills to compensate for
the absence of coarse particles as grinding media.
As the feed size distribution commands the charge volume and thus the SAG mill
power draw associated with competent ores, various industrial operations later included
additional crushing stages for increasing the throughput of existing SAG mill circuits [5].
In the case of such modification, the SAG mill product is coarser compared with the
corresponding relatively coarse feed size distribution, thus resulting in a higher energy
requirement for ball milling in SAB–Semi-autogenous ball mill circuits. Balancing operating
conditions between primary (SAG milling) and secondary (ball milling) stages are thus the
key factor for maximizing the grinding circuit capacity [5–7].
Minerals 2022,12,
Minerals2022, 12,727
3 of1212

1.3. Sossego Grinding Circuit
In 2004,
Sossego mine
Sossego in Canaã
mine dos Carajás,
in Canaã Pará state,
dos Carajás, Paráinstate,
the Brazilian
in the
Brazilian The industrial
Amazon. plant wasplant
The industrial designed to processto15process
was designed Mt/year 15 (41 kt/day)
Mt/year (41 of a copper-
kt/day) of
gold ore (0.98%ore
a copper-gold Cu(0.98%
and 0.28Cu g/t
0.28 g/t Au).
The SABC, an acronym
acronym for for Semi-Autogenous
Semi-AutogenousBall Ballmill
was adopted
adopted forfor the Sossego industrial
industrial grinding
grinding circuit
1841 t/h foraaproduct
t/h for productwith withanan80% 80% passing
passing sizesize
(P80)(P ) of mm
of800.21 0.21[8].
[8]. Accordingly,
a long- a
distance conveyor conveyor belt conveys
belt conveys the primary
the primary crushercrusher
product product to a primary
to a primary stockpile.stockpile.
From the stockpile,
the stockpile, the oretheis ore is reclaimed
reclaimed and transferred
and transferred to the
to the 11.6 m 11.6 m diameter
diameter (38′) by(387.00 )mby
7.0 m length
length (19′) single 0
(19 ) SAG
SAG mill equipped
equipped with a 20 with
MWa electric
20 MWmotor.
SAG Themill SAG
flows toflows
two to 3.6two
m 3.6
(12′) (1207.3
m by ) bym7.3(24′)
m (24 0 ) horizontal
horizontal screens,
screens, whose
whose combinedoversize
combined oversize
(pebbles) isis diverted
diverted to two Metso MP MP 800
800 cone
cone crushers.
the SAG
SAG mill
mill feed,
feed, closing the primary grinding circuit.
primary grinding circuit. The
is pumped
pumped to two separate secondarysecondary grinding
grinding lines
configured.Each Eachgrinding
line comprises
comprises a single 0.84 m (33″) (33”) cyclone
diameter(22′)(220 by
) by
9.7 m
m length
length (29 0
(29′)) single ball
ball mill
mill equipped
equippedwith withanan8.5
motor.The Thecombined
cyclone nest
nest overflow is the grinding circuit circuit product
comminution circuit flow sheet.

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flow
Flow sheet
sheet of
of the
the Sossego
Sossego comminution
comminution circuit.

2. Experimental
2.1. Ore Characterization-Bench Scale Test Work
A comprehensive testing campaign was conducted for Cristalino selected samples.
The sample characterization program consisted of determining comminution properties for
all 98 samples, including Drop Weight Tests (DWT), Abrasion testing, and the Bond ball
mill work index (BWi), the latter determined by using a 0.21 mm closing screen.
2. Experimental
2.1. Ore Characterization-Bench Scale Test Work
A comprehensive testing campaign was conducted for Cristalino selected samples.
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 4 of 12
The sample characterization program consisted of determining comminution properties
for all 98 samples, including Drop Weight Tests (DWT), Abrasion testing, and the Bond
ball mill work index (BWi), the latter determined by using a 0.21 mm closing screen.
In the
individual particles
placed onon
a steel anvil
a steel areare
anvil impacted
abydropping weight under gravity [4]. The resulting size distribution from
a dropping weight under gravity [4]. The resulting size distribution from broken frag-broken fragments
is reduced
ments is reduced the tnofvalues,
in termsinofterms values,tnwhere
the tn where is defined
tn is as the percentage
defined passing each
as the percentage nth
fraction of the original particle size. The selected value for representing the breakage
each nth fraction of the original particle size. The selected value for representing the break- is t10 ,
which can be thus described as the percentage passing in one-tenth of the original
age is t10, which can be thus described as the percentage passing in one-tenth of the original particle
particle t10 isThe
Thesize. related
t10 isto the specific
related to the comminution energy as
specific comminution follows:
energy as follows:
−b Ecs
t10 =t10A=(1 (1 e− e−b Ecs)) (1)
Where Ecs isEcs
Where specific comminution
is specific energyenergy
comminution (kWh/t), t10 is thet10percentage
(kWh/t), passing 1/10th
is the percentage passing of
the initial mean particle size tested, and A and b are ore impact breakage parameters.
1/10th of the initial mean particle size tested, and A and b are ore impact breakage parame- The
ters. The of parameters
product A and b are
of parameters referred
A and b are as Breakage
referred Index is Index
as Breakage regarded as an index
is regarded of
as an
the ore’s
index amenability
of the to breakage
ore’s amenability by impact
to breakage [11]. An[11].
by impact alternative Drop Weight
An alternative test proce-
Drop Weight test
dure was used
procedure in cases
was used of sample
in cases size and
of sample size quantity limitations
and quantity [12]. [12].

2.2. Pilot
Pilot Plant
Plant Campaign
A comprehensive
comprehensive Cristalino
Cristalino pilot
pilot plant
plant grinding
grinding campaign
campaign was was carried
carried out at Centro
out at Centro
de Investigaciones
totalofof120 t
of Cristalino ore was prepared and sent to CIMM, where it was crushed
t of Cristalino ore was prepared and sent to CIMM, where it was crushed and screened and screened prior
to grinding
prior tests. tests.
to grinding
The 0 0 ) length
The processing equipment
processing equipment included
included aa 1.83
1.83 mm (8(8′)) diameter
diameter byby 0.61
0.61 m m (2
(2′) length
AG/SAG millequipped
equippedwithwitha a2020kWkW motor, a cone crusher, a 0.91 m (3 0 ) diameter by
AG/SAG mill motor, a cone crusher, a 0.91 m (3′) diameter by 1.22
m (4′) (40 ) length
m length ball ball
millmill equipped
equipped withwith
a 15akW
15 kW motor,
motor, together
together withwith
spiralspiral classi-
FigureFigure 2 shows
2 shows bothboth AG/SAG
AG/SAG andmill
and ball ballcircuit
mill circuit configurations
configurations adopted
adopted in theinpilot
pilot campaign.

Figure 2. Circuit
Circuit configurations

The AG/SAG milling stage included an optional pebble crushing and a spiral classifier
to separate the final product (overflow) from the ball mill circuit feed (underflow). Accord-
ingly, the spiral classifier underflow from the AG/SAG circuit was later homogenized and
processed at the secondary grinding circuit configured in a direct mode with a ball mill
and a spiral classifier.
Minerals 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 12

The AG/SAG milling stage included an optional pebble crushing and a spiral classi-
fier to separate the final product (overflow) from the ball mill circuit feed (underflow).
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 5 of 12
Accordingly, the spiral classifier underflow from the AG/SAG circuit was later homoge-
nized and processed at the secondary grinding circuit configured in a direct mode with a
ball mill and a spiral classifier.
crushingcircuit closed
circuit configuration
closed is referred
configuration to as SAC,
is referred to aswhile
the opencircuit
while configuration
the opencircuit is SAC-A.
configuration Twelve Twelve
is SAC-A. AG/SAG tests were
AG/SAG conducted
tests according
were conducted ac-
to different configurations and operating conditions. Two additional ball
cording to different configurations and operating conditions. Two additional ball mill mill tests were
testscarried out carried
were also with coarse products
out with obtained
coarse productsfrom SAC and
obtained fromSAC-A
SAC andtests.SAC-A
3 shows
the pilot SAG mill, trommel, and spiral classifier.
ure 3 shows the pilot SAG mill, trommel, and spiral classifier.

Figure SAGmill,

3.1. Ore Characterization
3.1. Ore Characterization
Cristalino samples. Accordingly, the listed Breakage Index results averaged 31.1for
samples. Accordingly, the listed Breakage Index results averaged 31.1 forthe
98 samples, which indicates a high tenacity to single-particle fragmentation. The high
98 samples, which indicates a high tenacity to single-particle fragmentation. The high te-
tenacity result also corroborates for adopting SAG milling for Cristalino ore, as it should
nacity result also corroborates for adopting SAG milling for Cristalino ore, as it should
provide resilient grinding media in such mills.
provide resilient grinding media in such mills.
Table 1. Summary of characterization test results.
Table 1. Summary of characterization test results.
Index Wi (kWh/t)
Wi (kWh/t) Breakage Index Index
Breakage S.G.S.G.
Mean 17.4 17.4 31.1 31.1 3.13 3.13
Standard Deviation-SD
Standard Deviation-SD 1.5 1.5 5.1 5.1 0.22 0.22
Coefficient of Variation (%) 9 16 7
Mean + Oneof Variation
SD (%) 18.9 9 36.2 16 3.35 7
Mean +
Mean − One SDOne SD 15.9 18.9 26.0 36.2 2.91 3.35
Mean − One SD 19.8 15.9 51.1 26.0 3.85 2.91
Maximum 13.4 19.8 22.3 51.1 2.77 3.85
Lower Quartile 16.1 27.9 2.99
Median 17.6
13.4 30.2
22.3 3.11
Upper Quartile
Quartile 19.8 16.1 51.1 27.9 3.85 2.99
Median 17.6 30.2 3.11
Upper Quartile 19.8 51.1 3.85
BWi results listed in Table 1 show an average of 17.4 kWh/t, thus indicating a relatively
high resistance to grinding in ball mills, together with a very small coefficient of variation
(9%), BWi
whichresults listed
is also in Table 1ofshow
an indicator an average
a highly of 17.4 kWh/t,
homogeneous thus indicating
distribution. If SABC is a rela-
tively high resistance to grinding in ball mills, together with a very small
adopted configuration for processing Cristalino ore, power distribution among SAG mill coefficient of
variation (9%), which is also an indicator
and ball milling should consider such an aspect. of a highly homogeneous distribution. If SABC
Homogeneity was also observed in the specific gravity-SG distribution indices listed
in Table 1, here emphasized by the respective low coefficient of variation (7%). The
relatively low upper quartile SG value indicated the low risk associated with the preferential
accumulation of high SG material in the SAG mill charge, which is regarded as deleterious
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 6 of 12

to SAG milling due to increased power draw, as well as difficulties in maintaining a

steady-state operation.

3.2. Pilot Plant Campaign

The AG/SAG pilot plant campaign with Cristalino ore consisted of 12 tests, as shown
in Table 2. Eight tests were configured as SAC, three tests according to SAC-A configuration,
as well as one single fully autogenous test in a closed-circuit configuration (FAC) [13].

Table 2. Cristalino AG/SAG milling pilot plant campaign results.

Mill Speed Pebble Fresh Feed Mill Power Specific Circuit

Circuit Feed Size Ball Charge
Test (% of Ports Flow Rate Draw-Net Energy Product P80
Configuration Distribution (%)
Critical) Open (kg/h) (kW) (kWh/t) (mm)
SAG-1 SAC (*) Sossego 72 10 4 1242 10.7 8.6 5.6
SAG-2 SAC Cristalino 72 10 4 1366 10.7 7.8 6.6
SAG-3 SAC-A (**) Cristalino 72 10 4 1504 10.9 7.2 3.4
SAG-4 FAC (***) Cristalino 72 0 4 667 7.5 11.3 5.0
SAG-5 SAC-A Cristalino 72 12 4 1561 11.5 7.4 4.2
SAG-6 SAC Cristalino 75 10 4 1443 10.6 7.4 7.0
SAG-7 SAC-A Cristalino 75 10 4 1521 11.1 7.3 4.7
SAG-8 SAC 72 10 4 1664 11.0 6.6 7.0
SAG-9 SAC Coarse 75 10 4 1350 10.9 8.1 6.7
SAG-10 SAC Cristalino 72 10 4 1343 10.9 8.1 6.0
SAG-11 SAC Cristalino 75 12 4 1403 11.4 8.1 7.1
SAG-12 SAC Cristalino 75 12 2 1270 11.7 9.2 6.2
(*) SAC: semi-autogenous mill with pebble crusher; (**) SAC-A: semi-autogenous mill with pebble crusher in
open mode; (***) FAC: fully autogenous test in a closed-circuit configuration.

Three feed size distributions were tested throughout the pilot plant campaign. The one
referred to as “Cristalino” was derived from blasting and primary crushing simulations,
while the second (“Sossego”) was based on data obtained from sampling the Sossego
industrial operation. The third SAG mill fresh feed, referred as “Secondary Crushing”,
simulated the size distribution generated from a crushing circuit configured with primary
and secondary stages. In all but one test, there were four open pebble ports, which consisted
of relatively large apertures (76 mm × 76 mm) located around the mill grate. Table 2 also
describes the test results in terms of the specific energy consumption, i.e., the ratio between
mill power draw and fresh feed flow rate, together with the P80 of the trommel undersize
(circuit product).
Tests SAG-1, SAG-2, SAG-8, and SAG-9 show the influence of fresh feed size dis-
tribution on circuit performance. In this case, a coarser distribution as per Sossego
(P80 = 123 mm) resulted in greater specific energy consumption (8.6 kWh/t) compared
to the Cristalino size distribution (P80 = 112 mm), the latter indicating 7.8 kWh/t. Inter-
estingly, the combination between the coarsest feed size distribution (P80 = 141 mm) and
higher mill speed as per the SAG-9 test (75% of critical) resulted in intermediate specific
energy consumption (8.1 kWh/t). Such a result was interpreted as SAG-2 providing a
relatively adequate amount of media for grinding. In contrast, the excessive coarse material
in SAG-9 resulted in a burden to mill charge even with a higher mill speed. Conversely, the
relatively fine size distribution in SAG-1 indicated an absence of grinding media provided
by the coarse material.
Additional crushing provided by a secondary crusher enhanced the grinding circuit
performance by reducing the corresponding specific energy to 6.6 kWh/t, as observed
in test SAG-8. The latter consisted of the smallest specific energy value observed for the
entire pilot plant campaign. Such a figure represents a significant 15% reduction in energy
consumption compared to the SAG-2 test result, the latter indicating 7.8 kWh/t.
Tests SAG-2 and SAG-3 show the performance associated with circuit configuration.
Greater grinding specific energy was obtained for the pebble crusher closed configuration
(7.8 kWh/t) than the corresponding open one (7.2 kWh/t). Even though the difference in
specific grinding energy was relatively small, the latter figure should include the additional
energy associated with ball milling with a coarser feed. Opening the SAG mill circuit
tire pilot plant campaign. Such a figure represents a significant 15% reduction in energy
consumption compared to the SAG-2 test result, the latter indicating 7.8 kWh/t.
Tests SAG-2 and SAG-3 show the performance associated with circuit configuration.
Greater grinding specific energy was obtained for the pebble crusher closed configuration
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 (7.8 kWh/t) than the corresponding open one (7.2 kWh/t). Even though the difference in
7 of 12
specific grinding energy was relatively small, the latter figure should include the addi-
tional energy associated with ball milling with a coarser feed. Opening the SAG mill cir-
thusis thus an option
an option for balancing
for balancing the power
the power distribution
distribution betweenbetween primary
primary andand second-
ary grinding stages in the case of adopting the SABC circuit
grinding stages in the case of adopting the SABC circuit configuration for processing theconfiguration for processing
the Cristalino
Cristalino ore. ore.
The The specific
specific energyenergy
(7.4(7.4 kWh/t)
kWh/t) obtained
obtained of of both
both SAG-5
SAG-5 and
and SAG-
6 tests
tests were
were interpreted
interpreted asas equivalenttotoananincreased
equivalent increasedball ballcharge
chargeand andmill
rotating speed.
Both changeswere werethusthusbeneficial
beneficialtotothe theSAGSAGmillmillperformance
performancecompared comparedwith with the
the SAG-
2 test
test performance
performance (7.8
(7.8 kWh/t),where
kWh/t), wherebothbothball
chargeand andmillmillspeed
speed were
were relatively
relatively low.
Such a result is typical of high tenacity ores that are better ground
Such a result is typical of high tenacity ores that are better ground by increased breakage by increased breakage
energy. Thelatter
providedby byaagreater
mass) orhigher
highermill millspeed
Based on
Based onSAG-7
SAG-7 test testresults,
results,the thelack
circulatingload loadin insuch
virtually noeffect
effect ononthethe
SAG SAG circuit
circuit performance.
performance. Conversely,
Conversely, the combined
the combined effect effect
between be-
excessive impact provided
tween excessive by greater
impact provided byball charge
greater (12%)
ball and(12%)
charge increased
and mill speed (75%)
increased was
mill speed
deleterious to the mill performance,
(75%) was deleterious as shown inas
to the mill performance, the SAG-11
shown test.SAG-11 test.
in the
Reduction in in the
the number
number of of open
open pebble
pebble ports
ports was
waseven evenmore
detrimental to tomill
performance,as asshown
shownin inthe
SAG-12test, test,compared
comparedto tothe
showthe theinfluence
influenceof ofcritical
accumulationin inthe
highball ballcharge
charge andand mill speed.
mill speed. In In
such a context,
such a context,the the
SAG-4 test also
SAG-4 corroborates
test also corrobo-
the necessity
rates of providing
the necessity a high-energy
of providing environment
a high-energy in the mill
environment in thechamber for breaking
mill chamber for break-the
critical size material. The lack of steel media in autogenous grinding
ing the critical size material. The lack of steel media in autogenous grinding showed the showed the highest
energy consumption (11.3 kWh/t)(11.3in the entire
kWh/t) in thetesting
testing campaign.
The preferential accumulation of critical size material in
preferential accumulation of critical size material in the
the SAG
SAG mill
mill charge
charge isis illus-
tratedin inFigure
showingthe theSAG-2
SAG-2test testore
screening.The Therelatively
volume of the 2” (51 mm) size fraction is evident, referred to as
volume of the 2″ (51 mm) size fraction is evident, referred to as critical size material. critical size material.

Figure SAGmill

The accumulation
The accumulation of critical size
size material
millcharge is is
charge thus reduced
thus reducedby
a specific
by combination
a specific combinationbetween
ball charge
charge (SAG-5
(SAG-5 and SAG-6
SAG-6 tests),
eliminating the circulating load (SAG-3 test) or, better of them all, including a secondary
crushing stage to significantly reduce the amount of critical size material in the SAG mill
fresh feed [14].

4. Simulations
Processing the Cristalino ore on Sossego industrial comminution circuit was simulated
to assess the performances associated with each selected scenario, including combinations
between crushing and grinding stages. Section 4.1 describes the simulations carried out
for obtaining different SAG mill fresh feed size distributions, while Section 4.2 shows the
results obtained in the Sossego grinding circuit.
4. Simulations
Processing the Cristalino ore on Sossego industrial comminution circuit was simu-
lated to assess the performances associated with each selected scenario, including combi-
nations between crushing and grinding stages. The first section describes the simulations
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 8 of 12
carried out for obtaining different SAG mill fresh feed size distributions, while the second
section shows the results obtained in the Sossego grinding circuit.

4.1. Crushing
Crushing Circuit
Cristalino’s crushing
crushing circuit
circuit was
was simulated
simulated according to different combinations
combinations be-
tween primary
primary crushing
crushing and
and two
two supplementary
supplementary crushing
crushing stages,
stages, as
as per
per the
the flowsheet
shown inin Figure

Figure 5. Cristalino
Cristalino crushing
crushing circuit.

According to to Figure
Figure 5,5, mining
mining hauling
hauling trucks
trucks dump
dump the
the run
run of
of mine
mine directly
directly onto
onto aa
gyratory crusher, whose product is conveyed to a primary stockpile. The reclaimed ore
crusher, whose product is conveyed to a primary stockpile. The reclaimed ore
stockpileisis split
split between
between two two products
ratios. The
first product
product isis diverted
diverted directly
directly toto the
the secondary
secondary stockpile,
stockpile, while
while the
the second
second product
product isis
conveyed to the supplementary crushing plant, whose product is also
conveyed to the supplementary crushing plant, whose product is also transferred to the transferred to the
same secondary
secondary stockpile.
stockpile. InIn this
this case,
case, the
the secondary
secondary crushing
crushing stage
stage included
included aa double
deck vibrating screen (primary) designed to operate in an open and reverse configuration
vibrating screen (primary) designed to operate in an open and reverse configuration
witha acone
crusher(secondary). BothBoth
(secondary). upper and lower
upper deck oversize
and lower fractionsfractions
deck oversize are diverted
to the cone crusher feed, whose product is conveyed, together with screen undersize, to the
tertiary crushing stage.
Based on the flowsheet shown in Figure 5, the tertiary crushing stage included a double
deck vibrating screen (secondary) designed to operate in closed and reverse configuration
with a cone crusher (tertiary). Similarly, both upper and lower deck oversize fractions
are diverted to the cone crusher feed, whose product is conveyed back to the screen
feed, therefore closing the circuit operation. The secondary screen undersize is the final
secondary/tertiary plant product, which is conveyed to the secondary stockpile.
In summary, the simulated Cristalino crushing plant product comprises a blended size
distribution between primary and secondary/tertiary stages, as shown in Figure 5.
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 9 of 12

The primary crusher simulation was based on the blasting pattern adopted for Cristal-
ino, together with the stipulated operation for the selected gyratory crusher. The resulting
primary crusher product size distribution is listed in Table 3, which indicates a 300 mm top
size and 110 mm P80 .

Table 3. Cristalino crushing circuit size distributions.

Accumulated Percent Passing

Size (mm) Primary Crushing Tertiary Crushing Blended Crushing Circuit Product *
Product (Coarse) Product (Fine) 40% Fines 35% Fines 25% Fines
300 100 100 100 100 100
203 94.5 100 96.7 96.4 95.9
127 84.1 100 90.5 89.7 88.1
102 77.8 100 86.7 85.6 83.4
76.2 67.0 100 80.2 78.6 75.3
50.8 48.8 100 69.3 66.7 61.6
25.4 30.8 99.8 58.4 55.0 48.1
19.1 18.4 95.4 49.2 45.3 37.6
12.7 12.0 69.7 35.1 32.2 26.4
6.35 8.2 39.4 20.7 19.1 16.0
3.36 5.8 22.6 12.5 11.7 10.0
1.00 3.3 8.9 5.5 5.2 4.7
P80 (mm) 110 14 76 81 90
(*) 40% Fines; 35% Fines; 25% Fines—percentage of primary crusher discharge crushed processed on the secondary
+ tertiary crushing circuit.

Table 3 also indicates the size distribution derived from simulations carried out based
on a typical secondary/tertiary crushing circuit, resulting in a 26 mm top size and a P80
of 14 mm. Both size distributions were considered typical based on industrial comminu-
tion circuits.
Table 3 also shows the calculated size distributions derived from blending the two size
distributions, i.e., primary crusher product, referred to as “coarse”, and tertiary crusher
product, in this case, referred to as “fine”. The three blended products listed in Table 3 were
calculated according to 40%, 35%, and 25% of fines, in this case referring to the amount (%)
of tertiary crusher product in the corresponding blend. The P80 were 76 mm, 81 mm, and
90 mm, respectively.

4.2. Grinding Circuit

The blended products from crushing circuit listed in Table 3 were used to simulate
the processing of Cristalino ore on the Sossego grinding circuit, including both primary
(SAG milling) and secondary (ball milling) stages. Simulations were carried out on the
JKSimMet simulator based on previously calibrated mathematical models as obtained from
a thorough survey campaign on the Sossego industrial grinding plant, followed by fitting
the respective mathematical model related to each piece of processing equipment [10].
Preliminary simulations were conducted in the primary grinding stage to assess the
effects of the fresh feed size distribution in the SAG mill charge. In these cases, the main
adopted criterion was to obtain a constant charge volume comprising coarse ore fragments,
steel grinding media and fines. The reference charge volume was 28%, resulting from the
above-referred survey carried out in the Sossego SAG mill. Even though such a value may
be regarded as relatively high, it was considered robust for a mature industrial grinding
operation like Sossego.
The selected primary grinding stage scenarios were combined with secondary stage
simulations. In this case, the adopted criterion was to maintain a constant ball mill charge
volume, thus resulting in the same power draw figures as obtained in the Sossego survey.
The targeted grinding circuit product P80 was 0.210 mm.
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 10 of 12

Integrated simulation scenarios indicated that increasingly finer fresh feed size dis-
tribution progressively reduced the total charge volume in the SAG mill, which in turn
enabled significant increases in primary circuit throughput. However, the secondary grind-
ing stage limited such higher throughput scenarios, basically due to limitations in the ball
mill power draw.
All three blended size distributions, previously listed in Table 3 were simulated in the
integrated Sossego grinding circuit to assess the balance between primary and secondary
stages for processing the Cristalino ore. Various additional aspects were evaluated in each
scenario, such as circulating loads, pump flow rates, number of cyclones in operation. The
selected simulated alternative is listed in Table 4, which comprises of the 65% coarse and
35% fine blend. Such an alternative was compared with the primary crushing only scenario,
listed in Table 4 as Base Case.

Table 4. Summary of grinding circuit simulations.

Variable Base Case Simulation

Primary Crusher Blended-Coarse (65%)
Grinding Circuit Fresh Feed
Product and Fines (35%)
t/h 1570 1758
Circuit Throughput-Solids
Increase (%) - 12
t/h 295 259
Circulating Load-SAG Milling
% 19 15
t/h 5126 6520
Circulating Load-Ball Milling
% 326 371
m3 /h 6026 7449
Slurry Pulp Pump Flow Rate
Increase (%) - 24
Cyclones in Operation - 7 9
Cyclone Underflow Dilution % 80.7 80.7
Total Charge Volume-SAG mill % 30.0 27.3
Power Draw-SAG Mill kW 14,696 14,542
Power Draw-Ball Mills (each) kW 8211 8211
Specific Energy-SAG kWh/t 9.4 8.3
Specific Energy-Ball Mills kWh/t 10.5 9.3
kWh/t 19.8 17.6
Specific Energy-SAG and Ball Mills
Reduction (%) - 11
Grinding Circuit P80 mm 0.210 0.210

Table 4 also grinding circuit throughputs of 1570 t/h and 1758 t/h, respectively for
the Base Case and the blended feed scenario, thus representing a significant 12% increase
in circuit capacity. In this case, the overall circuit throughput was clearly limited by
the secondary stage capacity, as the SAG mill total load was smaller than the targeted
28% figure.
Due to the finer (blended) SAG mill fresh feed, Table 4 shows a smaller circulating
load in the primary circuit, i.e., 15%, compared to 19% in the Base Case. The opposite
though was observed in the secondary grinding stage, where a higher circulating load
(371%) was obtained for the blended feed, as compared with Base Case (326%).According
to the same scenario, the pumping flow rate was also significantly increased by 24% in the
blended feed scenario, as compared with the corresponding Base Case figure. Such figures
emphasize the secondary circuit limitations in terms of milling power. The resulting overall
specific energy was 11% smaller for the blended feed scenario (17.6 kWh/t) than the Base
Case (19.8 kWh/t).

5. Conclusions
A comprehensive pilot plant grinding campaign with Cristalino ore was carried out,
including different circuit configurations, feed size distribution, mill speed, and steel
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 11 of 12

ball charge. The results indicated a particularly significant specific energy reduction
with additional crushing, as compared with primary crushing only. These results were
combined with those obtained from a characterization testing program in simulation
exercises aiming to assess different scenarios for processing the Cristalino ore in the existing
Sossego industrial grinding plant.
The following conclusions were derived from the work here described:
1. Breakage Index results averaged 31.1 for the 98 tested samples, thus indicating a
high tenacity for single-particle fragmentation. The calculated coefficient of variation
indicated a relatively low value (16%), showing a highly homogeneous distribution
regarding the single-particle fragmentation for tested Cristalino samples;
2. The Bond Wi averaged 17.4 kWh/t for the same 98 Cristalino samples, thus indi-
cating a relatively high resistance to grinding in ball mills, which is an indicator of
potential high energy consumption in the secondary grinding stage of a typical SABC
circuit configuration;
3. Pilot plant testing on Cristalino ore resulted in 7.8 kWh/t specific energy consumption
for the reference SAC configuration (SAG-2). Further tests indicated that: (a) a
reduction to 7.4 kWh/t by increasing the mill speed (SAG-6), (b) an increased to
9.2 kWh/t by reducing the number of pebble ports open (SAG-12), (c) an increase to
8.1 kWh/t by coarsening the feed size distribution together with increasing the mill
speed (SAG-9), as well as (d) a reduction to 6.6 kWh/t by further crushing the feed
size distribution (SAG-8);
4. The 15% specific energy reduction obtained by including additional crushing in the
SAG mill feed (SAG 8 test), as compared with refrence test (SAG-2) was the basis for
simulating the processing of Cristalino ore at the Sossego industrial grinding circuit;
5. Simulations of a hybrid crushing circuit for Cristalino ore indicated significant differ-
ent size distributions of primary crushing product (coarse) and secondary/tertiary
crushing products (fine);
6. Simulations of Sossego grinding circuit processing Cristalino ore indicated that in-
creasingly finer fresh feed size distribution significantly reduced the SAG mill load,
therefore increasing the SAG mill throughput. However, the secondary grinding stage
throughput limited such higher throughput scenarios essentially due to limitations in
the ball mill installed power;
7. Simulations of Sossego grinding circuit showed that a blended feed comprising of
35% fines and 65% coarse resulted in 12% increase in the overall grinding circuit
throughput, as compared with coarse feed only scenario;
8. The calculated energy consumption for entire grinding circuit (SAG and ball milling) was
reduced by11% for the selected blend, as as compared with coarse feed only scenario;
9. Simulations indicated potential increase in throughput by installing additiaonal ball
milling in the industrial circuit.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.C.e.S.; methodology, H.D.J.; validation, V.K.A. and

A.C.C.; formal analysis, H.D.J., V.K.A. and A.C.C.; investigation, H.D.J. and E.C.e.S.; data curation,
H.D.J.; witing-original draft, E.C.e.S.; writing-review and editing, H.D.J. and A.C.C.; supervision,
E.C.e.S.; project administration, E.C.e.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: All funding for the described testwork was provided by Vale S.A.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Vale S.A. for sponsoring the work and giving permis-
sion to publish it.
Conflicts of Interest: Authors declare no conflict of interest.
Minerals 2022, 12, 727 12 of 12

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