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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur

Chapter 1



Sedge weeds are some worst weeds when it comes to their ability to infiltrate your lawn,

specifically in your rice field. They are highly invasive, very difficult to get rid of and only some

specific chemicals which are not always available. In research from GRANT (in press), this

weeds brings harm on your rice field. Sedges are part of Cyperus genus which includes about

700 types and have triangular cross-sections and spirally arranged in 3 vertical rows along the

stem. Sedges are perennial plants that are commonly found in shallow water or moist soils and

can reach 4 feet in height. They resemble to grasses and often grow in thick clusters. It is grass-

like plants that is widely distributed especially in tropical and subtropical countries and they

belong to the genus Cyperus in the family of Cyperaceae.

Cyperus iria also known as rice flat sedge, it is a smooth, tufted sedge found worldwide.

The roots are yellowish-red and fibrous. The plant often grows in rice paddies, where it is

considered to be a weed. According to the research of Chauhan and Johnson (2010), Rice

flatsedge and barnyard grass are widespread and competitive weeds in direct-seeded rice.

Developing integrated weed management strategies that elevate suppression of weeds by rice

through crop density, nutrition, and cultivar choice requires better understanding of the extent to

which rice interferes with the growth of these weeds and how these species respond to resource

limitation with crop interference. Rice interference reduced the height of barnyard grass but did

not affect height of rice flatsedge. These weed species were able to grow taller than rice and thus
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

avoided being shaded. Increased specific stem length under crop interference may demonstrate a

strategy of stem elongation to allow the top portion of the weeds to be kept out of shade. Rice

interference reduced inflorescence and shoot biomass of both weed species. Barnyard grass

showed the ability to reduce the effects of rice interference by increasing leaf weight ratio. The

present study shows that crop interference alone may reduce weed growth but may not give

complete control of these weed species. This highlights the need for the integration of

management practices to achieve control of these weed species.

A rope is a group of yarns, plies, fibers or strands that are twisted or braided together into

a larger and stronger form. Ropes have tensile strength and so can be used for dragging and

lifting. Rope is thicker and stronger than similarly constructed cord, string, and twine. Rope may

be constructed of any long, stringy, fibrous material, but generally is constructed of certain

natural or synthetic fibers. Synthetic fiber ropes are significantly stronger than their natural fiber

counterparts, they have a higher tensile strength, they are more resistant to rotting than ropes

created from natural fibers, and they can be made to float on water. The use of ropes for hunting,

pulling, fastening, attaching, carrying, lifting, and climbing dates back to prehistoric times. It is

likely that the earliest "ropes" were naturally occurring lengths of plant fiber, such as vines,

followed soon by the first attempts at twisting and braiding these strands together to form the

first proper ropes in the modern sense of the word (Wikipedia contributors, n.d.).

An important and widespread weed in South and Southeast Asia. Principally a weed of

rice around the world causing 40% yield reductions; predominantly affecting lowland and

irrigated rice fields, but of lesser importance in upland rice. It also occurs in bananas, cassava,

groundnuts, maize, pastures, pineapples, sweet potatoes, tea and vegetables. The weed is a host
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

for several rice pests. The main reason choosing this project was the creativity evolved and also

the purpose of helping rice farmers through lessening the torment they encountered in their rice

field (Vanangamudi, n.d.).

Given those problems, the Rope-making Machine with Rice flatsedge fiber are proposed.

Rope-making with Rice flatsedge fiber is a machine that uses the fiber of Cyperus iria or the rice

flatsedge to make a rope that can use to some aspects.

This proposed device, if fabricated to its full extent, it is low-cost and more efficient

comparing to the existing rope making machine which is used to make electronic wires. Though,

the major source of this device is the electrical power, the designed will be accordingly so that its

output will be utilized and it will not use an excessive amount of electrical power.

The proposed device will be more helpful in reducing the torments of rice farmers

regarding to the rice pest which is the rice flatsedge. It can improve the local government in the

production of rice and help small businesses to lessen their works regarding to elimination of the

rice pest. The communities will be aware of rope that is made of rice flatsedge fiber for being

one-way source of income and way to reduce the pest in every rice field. Also, future researchers

will be encouraged to improve, develop or innovate this device.

Statement of the Problems

This study focuses on the design and fabrication of rope maker machine which converts

sedge weed into usable rope. This also aims to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the acceptable raw material for a rope maker machine?

2. How functional and efficient the proposed machine to produce rope?

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

3. What is the economic viability of the equipment?

4. Is there a significant difference in the strength and durability of the ropes between the
conventional ropes and to the rice flatsedge ropes?

Assumption of the Study

The assumption of this study is based on the following:

1. The rice flatsedge will be effective as a primary material for making a rope;

2. The rope making machine is functional and low-cost machine that can be affordable

for the farmers;

3. The proposed rope maker machine is as economically viable because the project

benefits exceed the project costs, and;

4. The rice flatsedge rope made was acceptable in terms of the strength and durability


This study tested the null hypothesis (Ho) that there is no significant difference in the

strength and durability of the ropes between the conventional ropes and to the rice flatsedge


Significance of the study

The outcome of this study could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the


Rice Farmers. This study may help the rice farmers to lessen the torments experienced

with the rice pest.

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Industries. This study may help industries to fully fabricate and mass produce device, if

found efficient. Thus, this can contribute job creation.

Students. This study may serve as a guide or reference to students who will conduct

research studies in similar fields. They are also encouraged to conduct problem of the study

Future researchers. This study may help future researchers to gain more ideas in

innovating this machine.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on the design and fabrication of rope maker machine with Cyperus

Iria or rice flatsedge weed as the main component. The said study was conducted to help farmers

in the rice industry to solve problems with regards to growing rice and to increase rice

production. This study will also help promote local products made up of rope from flatsedge


Moreover, the study is limited only in producing rope fiber made up of flatsedge weed in

areas where rice farming is the main source of income.

Definition of terms

The following terms used in this study are defined conceptually and operationally for

purpose of clarity to the readers.

Pulley is a wheel flat, round or grooved rim that rotates on a shaft and carries a flat belt

or v-belt
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

Shaft is a rotating member of a machine which transmits power (Faires, 1969)

Time Rate is the amount of the finish particle per unit of time.

Safety is the factor on which the operation will not occur unnecessary accident on the

operator due to electrical overloading and failure of the machine

Efficiency the ratio between the useful works performed by a machine the energy

expended in producing it.

Rope - A rope is a group of yarns, plies, fibers or strands that are twisted

or braided together into a larger and stronger form. Ropes have tensile strength and so can be
used for dragging and lifting. Rope is thicker and stronger than similarly constructed cord, string,
and twine

Machine - an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts,
each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.

Fabrication - Fabrication is the process of making something from semi-finished or raw

materials rather than from ready-made components. In other words, it is the process of making
something from scratch rather than assembling something.

Machine Design- Mechanical Design can be defined as the process by which resources

or energy is converted into useful mechanical forms, or the mechanisms so as to obtain useful
output from the machines in the desired form as per the needs of the human beings.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


1. GRANT, B. (in press). Sedge lawn weeds. How To Control Sedge Plants In The

2. Chauhan, B. S., & Johnson, D. E. (2010). Responses of Rice Flatsedge (Cyperus

iria) and Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) to Rice Interference. Weed

Science, 58(3), 204–208. https://doi.org/10.1614/ws-d-09-00050.1

3. Wikipedia contributors. (n.d.). Rope. Wikipedia. Retrieved April 17, 2021, from


4. K. Vanangamudi, M. Bhaskaran, S. Balavidhya, P. Murali Arthanari, “Weed Seed

Biology”. Retrieved April 2021 from https://books.google.com.ph/books?





5. Farlex, K. (2012). Business dictionary (7.0) [Computer and mobile app]. App

store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bd.mobile&hl=en&gl=US

6. | meanings and definitions of words at. (1995, May 14). Dictionary.Com.

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur

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