DG Shipping Indian Flag Medical Store On Ships
DG Shipping Indian Flag Medical Store On Ships
DG Shipping Indian Flag Medical Store On Ships
Merchant Shipping (Medicines, Medical Stores and Appliances) Rules, 1994
Citizen Charter
CDC Checker G.S.R. 555— In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 172 read with section 457 of the Merchant Shipping
Act, 1958 ( 44 of 1958) and in supersession of the Merchant Shipping ( Medicines, Medical Stores and
COC Checker Appliances ) Rules. 1966, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supercession,
the Central Government hereby makes the following rules , namely :-
Other Agencies Approved by
DGS 1. Short title, commencement and application.
(1) These rules may be called the Merchant Shipping ( Medicines, Medical Stores
Press Releases / Public Notices
and Appliances) Rules 1994.
Annual Report on Port State (2) They shall come into force on publication in the Official Gazette.
Control [PSC] & Flag State
Implementation [FSI] - 2012 (3) They shall apply to all foreign going Indian vessel and all home trade Indian ships of two
hundred tones gross or more.
INDoS / COP Checker 2. Definition—In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires –
RPS Agencies (a) “Act” means the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 ( 44 of 1958).
(b) “ EM Schedules” means the Emergency Schedules for vessels carrying dangerous
Vacancy Notices
goods prescribed by the International Maritime Organization and as revised from
Tender Notices time to time.
(c) “ IMDG Cod” means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
Related Links prescribed by the International Maritime Organization and as revised from time to
(d) “ MFA guide” means Medical First Aid Guide prescribed by the International
Maritime Organization and revised from time to time.
(e) “ Medical Guide” means the ship Captain’s Medical Guide published by the
International Maritime Organization and the World Health Organization and
revised from time to time.
(f) “Medical Officer” means a person possessing a degree in Medicine and Surgery
of any recognized University and enrolled as a Medical Practitioner on the register
of the Medical Council of any State and also holds a valid license issued by the
Port Health Officer of the port of departure of the vessel in the form prescribed
under the Merchant Shipping 9 Carriage of Medical Officer) Rules, 1961.
(g) “Official Pharmacopoeia” means the Indian Pharmacopoeia ( I.P.), the National
Formulary of Indian ( N.F.I.), the British Pharmaceutics Code ( B.P.C) and U.S.
Pharmacopoeia ( U.S.P.).
(h) “person” in relation to these rules means any person above the age of one year
and include ship’s crew and officers.
(i) “ Port Health Officer” means any person appointed by the Central government
either by name or by virtue of his office, to be the health officer of a port and
(i) An Additional. Deputy or Assistant Port Health Officer, or any officer appointed
by the Central Government, either by name or by virtue of his office, to perform
any/or all duties of a health officer of a port; and
3. Scale of Medicines etc.—(1) all “ships” shall carry medicines, medical, stores and appliances
hereinafter referred to as “ Medicines etc”. as specified in the First Schedule to these rules.
(2) The tables given in the First Schedule Specify the
(4) Where the ships are required to carry a Medical Officer in accordance with the provisions of
section 173 of the Act, the scales of medicines etc. shall be carried so as to be sufficient for 99 persons
and the Medical Officer shall determine the additional medicines required to be carried, taking into
account the duration of the voyage and the area of the operation, subject to theapproval of the Port I-
Health Officer at the port of departure .
(5) Every cargo ship on home trade voyages, where voyage exceeds more than Nineteen Six shall
carry the sa1es of medicines etc.. as specified in column (3) of the said Schedule.
(6) Every cargo ship on home trade voyages of ninety-six hours or less duration shall carry the scales of
medicines etc.. is specified in column (4) of the said schedule.
(7) All ships shall carry medicines etc., prescribed under column (5) of First Schedule . Such medicines
etc. shall be kept in doctors attached case. Such an attach case shall locked and the key shall be kept
in the custody of the person authorized by the Master of the vessel. Medicines in such attach case shall
be used only by a qualified medical practitioner. The medicines etc., specified in column (5) shall be in
addition to those prescribed under columns 2 to 4 (both inclusive )
(8) (1) Medicines etc., recommended to be used under the instructions of a qualified medical practitioner
by Radio Medical Advice are administered as per he instructions and not otherwise.
(2) Enough care is taken so that medicines etc., which have to be used only by a qualified medical
practitioner would not fail into the hands of non-medical practitioners
4. Scale of Medicines for special vessels—(1) All cargo ships carrying chemicals as a whole or part of
a cargo or the residues of the earlier cargo in quantity in excess of those defined in Vol. 1 of the IMDG
Code shall carry on board medicines as specified in EMS & reproduced in the Second Schedule. These
shall be in addition to those specified in the First Schedule and shall be stored separately there from.
(2) The recommended quantities of medicines specified in, the Second Schedule are generally
considered to be sufficient according to instructions given in MFRG. to treat : (i) in case of inhalation—
(a) a crew complement of about 24, in the event of a major emergency (e.g. explosion) for a period of 24
hours by which time either evacuation can be expected to have been completed oradditional supplies of
medicines to have been brought in by the rescue services.
(b) Few persons exposed in a lesser emergency until the vessel reaches the next port or some other
assistance is received.
(ii) In case of ingestion or eye contact one or two persons until landed or cured ; and
(iii) in case of skin contact (leakage or spillage) four persons, until landed or cured.
(3) Where the total persons on board exceed twenty four but do not exceed fifty. the scale of
medicines given in the Second Schedule should be increased by a factor of 1.5. Where the persons of board
exceed fifty the scale of medicines given in the second schedule should be increased by a factor of 2.0.
5. Standards of Medicines—(l) All such medicines medical stokes etc. shall confirm to the
specifications as laid down in the current issue of the official pharmacopeias applicable in each case .
(2) All tables and capsules should as far as possible be in proper moisture resistant packaging in order to
avoid determination due to humid conditions prevalent on board.
6. Labels—-(l) All labels on containers or wrapping shall be rendered resistant to moisture by the use of
an efficient labels varnish or by some other suitable means.
(a) the generic name of the preparation as given in the’ official pharmacopoeia in
(b) the prescribed does (maximum and minimum), strength of each medicine its batch No., date of
manufacture date of expiry as well as name and address of the manufacturer.
(c ) the article to used externally only shall have on the container o wrapping a label bearing the words
“for external use only”.
7. Position : every medicine indicated as a “Poison” “Controlled substances” respectively printed thereon in
capital letters either in red lettering or on red back ground.
(2) All such medicines shall be kept under lock and key’ in separate cabinet or chest and the key of the cabinet
chest shall he kept by the officer authorized by the Master of the vessel .
8. Record Book : (1) The master shall maintain an upto date record of medicines, medical stores and
appliances available on board. The stock of medicines and such records shall be available for inspection of the
Port Health Officer at any time.
(2) The medicines, medical stores and appliances on board every vessel as well as the record thereof be
inspected once it twelve months by the Port Health Officer. After inspection the Port Health Officer shall issue the
certificate in the format prescribed in the Third Schedule.
(3) Where a vessel is not likely to return to the Indian Port within a period of twelve months from the last
inspection by the Port Health Officer, the Master shall procure sufficient medicines, enter the details of voyage
and certify that he has fully complied with the rules and enter the same in a separate register.
(4) Separate register must be maintained for ‘poisons’ and ‘controlled substances’.
9. Substitutes- any particular item of medicine or medical store mentioned in the First or Second Schedule is
not as a substance having closely similar pharmacological
action or, in the case of prescribed preparations or formulations, similar preparations or formulations which
comply with the standards laid down thereof in official pharmacopoeia, may be substituted after obtaining the
sanction of the Port Health Officer.
10. Publications—The Master of every vessel shall in use of these medicines. medical stores and appliances be
guided by the la4est edition of the publication enumerated in Part In of the First Schedule.
11. Special Precautions in endemic/epidemic areas—Master of every vessel entering an endemic /epidemic
area shall carry adequate quantity of preventive and curative medicines as per the advice of the Port Health Officer
from the Port of departure.
12. Disposal—(l) All intact sterile disposable packages should be replaced as and when considered unusable by
the Port Health Officer or on the expiry date marked on the packages. whichever is earlier.
(2) Medicines: Medical Stores and appliances shall be replaced on the advice of the Port Health Officer.
13. Replacement of medicine- (1) All medicines consumed in the course of the voyages shall be replaced in
the next mayor port of call.
(2) Medicines. which are not due to expire at least within one year from the date of purchase. shall only be used
for replacement.
14. Storage —(l) All medicines shall he stored in proper lockers or medicine chests so as to prevent
displacement when the vessel is at sea.
(2) Each category of medicines such as injections. ointments tablets syrups etc.. should be stored on separate
shelves m the medicine chest.
(3) All medicines should be properly labelled with generic names, dosage, strength, date of manufacture and date
of expiry. The medicines should preferably be arranged in such a way that they can be identified without any
loss of time.
(4) The principal of FIFO (First in – first out) should invariably be followed for storage of medicines.
15. Recations- Before giving any drug, drug sensitivity of the individual for a particular drug should be
verbally ascertained. Whenever any adverse type of reactionary reported by an individual after consumption of
medicines supplied from the medicine chest, the consumption of such medicines by the individual should be
stopped forthwith. In case more people are also affected by the same drug, the whole batch of the concerned
medicine should be sealed and the details of such reactions alogwith the samples of medicines used should be
handed over to the Port Health Officer, of the next immediate port for further necessary action. Theremaining
stoke of such medicines shall only be used if so permitted by the Port Health Officer, after his report or
16. Carriage of additional persons/ supernumeries- when supernumeries are carried on board , the
Master shall ensure that special medicines. If any, required for the use of such supernumeries (such as wives
and children) should be procured and made available on board in consultation with the Port Health Officer.
17. Special precautions regarding infectious persons on board- A. if a case of any infectious is detected
on board, following measures should be taken, namely :-
(a) Give treatment to the sick person:
(d) Keep a watch on the appearance of the symptoms amongst the contacts
(d) Keep a watch on the appearance of the symptoms amongst the contacts.
(2) All seranges and needles used on AIDS case should be discarded after boiling for 20 minutes;
(3) Persons handing the AIDS case should take care regarding personal protective devices e.g.;
(a) while handling the AIDS case all personnel protective measures like wearingof gloves
etc. are used:
for disinfections:
(b) aseptic disposal of infected material and body fluids be carried out :and
(4) report the case to the port Health Officer of the next port of call.
18. Exemptions --- (1) The Port Health Officer at any of the major ports may, by order in writing and upon such
conditions, if any, as he may think fit to impose and for reasons to be recorded, exempt any vessel from
carrying onboard any particular item required by these rules to be carried thereon.
(2) These exemption order shall be in the form set out in Fourth Schedule.
(See rule 3)
(a) (b)
17 Cotrimide 40% Solution, 3000 2000 1000 500 - For external use
500 ml (disinfectant) (in ml) only.
Note :-—This is a -
concentrated (stock)
solution when I %
centrimide is mentioned the
stock solution should be
Medical Advice)
46 Inspect repellent 40 10 12 12 -
(diethyltoluemide solu;tion)
50 ml. (or ointment).
66 Prob tablets 500 mg. (RMA 250 - 100 50 - To use vith Penicillin
75 Spactionomycin 20 15 - - - Antibiotic
hydrochloride injection 2-g
Pain ternin
20 Side-board 2 2.. .. ..
33 Urinal, male 2 .. 1 1 ..
(a) No.10
1 1 .. .. ..
(b) No.15
1 1 .. .. ..
(a)13 cm. 1 .. 1 1 ..
(b) 18cm. 1 .. 1 1 ..
12 Hammer, reflex-testing, 20 cm 1 .. 1 1 ..
5 cm X 5 m
As per International
Medical guide for ships.
17. Clinical record chart 40 - - - -
28 Gowns, surgical 5 - - - -
34 Needle intravenous 18 12 6 6 -
injection I mm, 5cm
35 Need intravenous 12 9 6 6 -
injection 1.1mm, 3cm
Individually sealed.
41 Scrubbing-brush, hand 3 - 2 2 -
Item 1 2 3 4 5
No. (a) (b) (a) (b) Remarks
Chlorphenamine 10 mg in 1 ml Ampoule 20
Chlorpromazine 25 mg in 1 ml Ampoules 80
Diazepam 10 mg in 2 ml Ampoule 60
Metoclopramide 10 mg in 2 ml Ampoule 60
(7) 1 have this day inspected the medicines, med stores and appliances on board the abovementioned ship and
find that the same with the MS. (Medicine, Medical Stores and appliances) Rule, 1994. This certificate shall be
valid for a period of twelve months or until it is cancelled by a Port Health Officer after a due inspection, whichever
is earlier.
I have examined the medicines, medical stores and appliances on board the above mentioned ship and find that
the same is deficient with respect to the following , namely:—. ..
As the above deficiencies cannot be made good in this port, the vessel is permitted to sail for a period of months
in which time the Master is advised to make good the above deficiencies.
(Name of Port)
Dated the ____________day of ______________19
( (Signature)
Note : The Master, the Agent and the Owner of the Vessel shall be responsible for the implementation of
the Merchant Shipping (Medicines, Medical Stores and Appliances) Rules, 1994.
Any contravention of these rules shall attract punitive action under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44
of I 958).
Foot Note : The Principle rules were published in the Gazette of India vide GSR No. 1573, dated 07-6-1966 arid
were subsequently amended vide :—
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