DG Shipping Notice For Doctors To Ertify Sea Chest
DG Shipping Notice For Doctors To Ertify Sea Chest
DG Shipping Notice For Doctors To Ertify Sea Chest
icl, www.deshipoinq.gov'in mr;rr }tpl r$lr.e r / KANTuR MARG (EAsr) web: www'dsshiDpinR'qov'in
l. Sccri6n 112 (2) ol'the Merchant Shipping Act. 1958. spccillcs that all lbrcign-going
lndian Ships and all horne-tra<Je ships ol'tuo hundred tons qross or lnore shall havc ort
board sul.ficient supply of rnedicines. tnedical stores. appliances and lrrst-aid cquipmcnt
suitable tbr disease and accidents likely to occur on voyages according to such scale as
rnav bc prescribed.
3. Scction 172 (3) ol'the Merchant Shipping Act. 1958. irnposcs a duty tln thc port
(joverntnent nta) appoint in this bchall.
health ol-ficer or such other persons as the C'errtral
'l'he fbnnat ol'thc certiltcate to bc
to inspect thc rncdicines. rnedical stores and applianccs.
issued alier the said inspcction is prescribcd in "l'hird Schcdule' ol'Rulc tl(3) ot'thc
Mcrchant Shipping (Mcdicines. Medical Storcs and Appliances) Rules' 1994'
shipping coprpanics. I'hcrclirre. as pcr tlic prorisions ol'scctiort ll2(3) ol'thc Mcrchant
Shipping Acr. l95ti. it has bccn decided that in adtlition to the l)ort Ilcalth
Ol'licer spccilicd
in thc said sectisn. an) Mcclical Irxarlincr approvcd un<Jer thc prtlvisions tll'I{ulc
-l ot'
McrcSant shipping (Mcclical l:xanrinatiorr) I{u1cs.2000 as arricnded. is also authoriscd to
inspect rnedicines. rnedical stores. applianccs and records on board Indian l:lag
Vessel arrd
'l'he list ol' aPProlcd Mcdical l:xattiittcrs is listcd on thc IX; Shipping ucbsitc
(h :/irvwrv l['-xami x
(l)r. V. Shankar)
[)irector G I of Shipping &
cx-olllcio Additional Sccrctarl to thc (lovt. ol'lrrdia