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First Crusade Cheat Sheet

by Cúnla (cunla) via cheatography.com/60906/cs/15805/

Peninental Ordinance (1070) Council of Clermont 1095 Expedi​tions of First Crusade Anti-J​ewish Violence: Rhineland
(cont) 1096
‘Anyone who knows that he killed a Muslim occupation of Holy Land
man in the great battle must do Christian shrines desecrated Bishop Adhémar of Le Notorious Swabian, Count
penance for one year for each Puy, papal legate leader: Emicho of Flonheim
Eastern Christians suffered
man that he killed.’ Peas​ants' Crusade Some local clergy attempted to
War of liberation
‘Anyone who woun​ded a man, defend Jewish communitie
15 Official departure date
Religious signif​icance of
and does not know whether he August set by Urban Forced conversion
killed him or not, must do 1096 ‘[The crusaders] said to one
penance for forty days for each ‘Whosoever for devotion alone, not
Crusade departed in spring 1096. another: “Behold we travel to a
man thus struck (if he can to gain honour or money, goes to
distant land ... to kill and to
Jerusalem to liberate the Church of Main Peter the Hermit and
remember the number), either subj​ugate all those kingdoms that
God can subs​titute this journey leaders: Walter the Penniless
contin​uously or at interv​als.’ do not believe in the Crucif​ied.
‘Sans Avoir’.
for all penanc​e.’
‘Anyone who does not know the How much more so [should we kill
number of those he wounded or The Reponse and subjugate] the Jews, who
Consta​nti​nople to Antioch
killed must, at the discretion of his ‘When this speech had begun to killed and crucified him.”’
bishop, do penance for one day in be noised abroad ... the Franks November Their arrival at

each week for the remainder of sewed crosses on their right 1096 – May Consta​nti​nople
'God Wills It!'
his life; or, if he can, let him should​ers, saying with one voice 1097:
7 June 1099: Siege
redeem his sins by a perpetual that they wished to follow the May–June Siege of Nicaea
alms, either by building or footsteps of Christ, by which 1097:
15 July: Crusaders
endowing a church.’ they would be redeemed from the
1 July: Battle of
enter city
Pena​nce: an act of satisf​action, a hand of Hell.’ Dorylaeum
12 August: Battle of
sort of spiritual healing (e.g. prayer, 20 October Siege of Antioch
Expedi​tions of First Crusade Ascalon
fasting, almsgi​ving, pilgri​mage). 1097: begins (crusader
Two People's victory
October Siege of Antioch
Tancred forces: (Peasa​nts')
1097 – June against
Spiritual Crisis of 11th Century Crusade, Princes' Egyptian
Warrior Crusade force)
2/3rd June: Crusaders enter
'...​burned with anxiety ... warfare Leaders of Bohemond of The First Crusade (1096–99) was
Antioch (except
Princes' Taranto, his regarded as a ‘mir​acu​lous’
seemed to cont​radict the Lord’s citadel)
Crusade: nephew Tancred success.
commands ...’
5 June: Kerbogha’s army
Raymond of Saint ‘Since the creation of - Robert
‘a secular military life required him arrives outside
Gilles the world what more the Monk,
to avenge the spilling of his Antioch
Godfrey of Bouillon miraculous 1107
relatives’ blood ...’ 15 June: Discovery of the
undert​aking has there
‘This incomp​ati​bility dampened the Baldwin of relic of the Holy
been (other than the
courage of the wise man...' Boulogne Lance
mystery of the
‘...Pope Urban granted Duke Robert of 28 June: Battle of Antioch redeeming Cross)
Normandy (crusader victory) than what was
remiss​ion ...his courage was
Count Robert of achieved in our own
born ...’
Flanders time by the journey of
‘But after the call to arms in the
our own people to
service of Christ, the twofold Count Stephen of
Blois Jerusa​lem?’
reason for fighting inflamed him
beyond belief.’

- Alexios I Komnenos

By Cúnla (cunla) Published 15th May, 2018. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

cheatography.com/cunla/ Last updated 15th May, 2018. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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