Society? A Christian
Kerby Anderson looks at the harmful effects of both legal and
illegal gambling. He considers the negative impacts on
society, government policy, and the economy when gambling is
prevalent in a culture. From a Christian worldview
perspective, he considers how gambling introduces problems
such as covetousness, poor work ethics, and destroyed family
Types of Gambling
Gambling comes in many forms. Perhaps the most popular type of
gambling is state-sponsored lotteries. This would include the
weekly lottery games, as well as the daily lottery numbers and
scratch-off ticket games.
While the arguments seem sound, they are not. Although some
people do gamble illegally, most citizens do not. Legalized
gambling entices people to gamble who normally would not
gamble at all. Duke University researchers have found that the
lottery is a “powerful recruiting device” because one-fourth
of those who otherwise would not gamble at all do bet on
Economic Costs
Legalized forms of gambling (state lotteries, pari-mutuel
betting, and casinos) are often promoted as good economic
policy. Proponents say they are painless ways of increasing
billions of dollars in state revenue. But there is another
economic side to legalized gambling.
Biblical Perspective
Even though the Bible does not directly address gambling, a
number of principles can be derived from Scripture. First, the
Bible emphasizes a number of truths that conflict with
gambling. The Bible, for example, emphasizes the sovereignty
of God (Matt. 10:29–30). Gambling, however, is based on
chance. The Bible admonishes people to work creatively and for
the benefit of others (Eph. 4:28), while gambling fosters a
something-for-nothing attitude. The Bible condemns materialism
(Matt. 6:24–25) while gambling promotes it.