Very - Good - LCA - PET - PACKGroup 2 - Plastic - Packaging
Very - Good - LCA - PET - PACKGroup 2 - Plastic - Packaging
Very - Good - LCA - PET - PACKGroup 2 - Plastic - Packaging
Plastic Packaging
25 May 2005
Group nr 2:
Britta Lehmann
Francisco Vilaplana
Emma Strömberg
Widad Suliman
Laura Rodriguez Cerrato
List of content
4. References ....................................................................................................... 22
Appendix ............................................................................................................ 23
1. Goal and Scope
1.1 Goal of the study
The aim of this study is to compare the environmental effects during the whole life cycle
(from manufacture to waste management) of the usage of two different plastic materials, PET
and HDPE, for bottling applications. It is of great interest to have this comparison, since the
HDPE resin is cheaper and could be beneficial to the bottling company. But the
environmental effect of the material must be established in order to follow the guidelines
issued by the legislation on packaging and packaging waste.
Apart from the academic intention of this study, the results of a similar analysis carried out at
a higher scale could be employed at the industrial level in order to select the most
“environmentally-friendly” plastic material intended for bottling. The design of a product
must nowadays take into account, apart from the economical aspects, other factors such as the
legislation pressures on environmental issues and the publicity of having an ecological
product. The intended audience for this LCA are mainly all the parties involved in the plastic
industry, manufacturers, packaging processors, environmental consultants, legislators, etc. A
summary of this LCA could also be made in a clear language so that the main public could
understand the environmental effects of employing different plastics in bottle packaging.
Since the main objective of the analysis is to compare and evaluate the environmental impacts
of the employment of two different plastic materials for bottling applications, the LCA can be
defined as accounting.
Ethylene glycol, EG, and terephthalic acid, PTA, are the building blocks of the commercial
PET. The substances react to form a resin, which is melted and injected into a mould to make
a preform. The preform, a sort of test tube shorter than what the bottle will be but with thicker
walls, is then stretch blow moulded. Blow moulding is the primary method to form hollow
plastic objects such as soda bottles. The process includes clamping the ends of a softened tube
of polymers which can be either extruded or reheated, inflating the polymer against the mould
walls with a blow pin, and cooling the product by conduction or evaporation of volatile fluids
in the container. Stretching blow moulding is also called biaxial orientation blow moulding.
During the blow moulding phase, high-pressure air is blown into the preform allowing it to
take the exact shape of the mould it is set into. The final product is a transparent, strong and
lightweight bottle.
Figure 1.2: Repeating unit of polyethylene
High density poly(ethylene) is a linear polymer, it has very little branching along the
hydrocarbon chains - the crystallinity is 95% or better, and has the density of 0,95-0,97 g/cm3.
It is manufactured by a Ziegler-Natta polymerisation at low pressures and at temperatures of
50-75°C. A Ziegler-Natta catalyst is a catalyst used in the production of unbranched,
stereoregular polyalkene polymers. Ziegler-Natta catalysts are typically based on titanium
tetrachloride and the organometallic compound triethylaluminium. The polymer forms as a
powder or granules which are insoluble in the reaction mixture. When the polymerization is
completed, the catalyst is destroyed by adding water or alcohol to the reaction mixture. The
polymer is then filtered or centrifuged off, washed and dried.
Injection blow moulding process is used for production of bottles from HDPE. Injection blow
moulding gives better definition of details (e.g. screw thread), and a better control of the
distribution of the thickness of the material.
1.3 System boundaries
Boundaries in relation to nature
In this LCA we are taking into account the entire life-cycle of the bottles, from the raw
material (oil) to the moment they loose totally their value (landfilling). Recycling and energy
recovery of the bottles are therefore included in the study, since these operations revalue the
The material production phase includes the extraction of the raw materials as well as the
materials manufacture, which is the processing of the raw materials into intermediate
materials. This phase also includes transportation of raw materials to the location where they
are processed into intermediate materials.
The transportation of the collected and recycled materials is included in the waste
management phase.
Geographical boundaries
Sweden is the geographical limit in this LCA.
Time horizon
This study has a retrospective view, because it is accounting the environmental impact of two
different materials. The purpose of this is therefore not to make future predictions.
Cut-off criteria
One of the cut-offs performed in the study is the omission of the “usage” part of the bottles,
since it is considered that the performance in use of both materials (PET and HDPE) during
their life as bottles would be the same. Another cut-off is the transport of the bottles to the
distribution market, since the weight, distance and transportation means are assumed equal.
Another criterion is used in the implementation of the inventory, considering the negligible
values of the impacts and their significance.
Allocation procedures
There is no allocation problem in the material production and bottle production processes,
because only one product is produced by process. However there is allocation in the waste
treatment processes. In the incineration process the allocation problem is that the process has
two functions: to decrease the amount of waste due to incineration and to recover energy
mostly in form of heat. In the incineration method from SimaPro used in this model the
emissions are allocated between these two functions by the amount of energy generated by a
specific waste type in this case plastic (see also data part).
1.5 Impact categories and impact assessment method
The method chosen due to the relevance of the impact factors for the study is Eco-indicator 99
(I) V2.1/ Europe EI 99.
HH Human Health (unit: DALY= Disability adjusted life years; this means
different disability caused by diseases are weighted)
The impact category indicator results that were calculated in the Characterisation step are
added to form damage categories. All impact categories that refer to the same damage type
have the same unit.
The damage categories are normalised on a European level (damage caused by 1 European
per year), based on the year 1993, with some updates for the most important emissions.
The default Eco-indicator 99 method is the Individualist version with average weighting set
(average of the full panel). [Eco-indicator 99 (I) V2.1/ Europe EI 99, Sima Pro 6.0]
2. Life cycle inventory analysis
2.1 Process flowchart
Figures 2.1 and 2.2 describe the life cycle of the materials from manufacture to waste
management. The big difference between the charts is that PET bottles may be refilled several
times before recycling, incineration or landfilling. When collected the PET bottles are
washed, refilled and distributed again to the market. During the washing procedure energy,
water and NaOH are consumed.
Extraction & Refinery
PET Synthesis
Preform production
Crude oil Natural gas
Preform production
The PET waste management model describes different scenarios the collected material can be
exposed to. During recycling the bottles are washed, granulated and reprocessed. Some of the
recycled material goes to new applications (as new products, sometimes blended with virgin
materials). A part of the materials goes directly into production of new bottles.
Waste management
2.2 Data
The Data will be presented referring to the product stages:
1. Assembly
2. Life cycle
3. Disposal Scenario
4. Reuse
1. Assembly
HDPE bottle:
There is an overlap regarding blow moulding of HDPE. We did not realise that the data from
the material had itself a blow moulding procedure included, we just proceeded the same way
as we did for the PET bottles that needed a processing step.
PET bottle:
2. Life Cycle
HDPE bottle:
Amount 1p
PET bottle:
Amount 1p
3. Disposal Scenario
Waste Management HDPE:
Assumptions for Waste Scenarios
Assumptions made for the Waste Scenarios are based on the recycling and recovery targets
set up by Swedish legislation. The Environmental Code's (1998:808) Chapter 15 on waste and
producer responsibility, as well as the Ordinance (1997:185) on Producer Responsibility for
Packaging prescribe requirements and targets on certain recovery rates for plastics and other
packaging materials that shall be met by 1 January 2005. Recovery can take the form of reuse,
recycling or energy recovery, or a combination of these.
Energy recovery takes place in waste incineration plants that make use of the energy. The last
alternative form of waste management in the EU's hierarchy − landfilling −should be avoided.
A ban on landfilling of combustible waste was enacted on 1 January 2002 in Sweden. The
concrete national targets set for Sweden are, that plastics not including PET bottles should be
recovered by 70 percent of which at least 30 percent should be recycled and that PET bottles
should be recycled by 90 percent. [Naturvardsverket]
Referring to these targets it is assumed that 40 percent of the collected HDPE bottles in
Sweden are incinerated with energy recovery and 30 percent recycled to meet the target of 70
percent recovery. The remaining 30 percent of the HDPE bottles are landfilled. HDPE bottles
are not reused in Sweden.
In the recycling and recovery target for PET bottles it is explicit mentioned that 90 percent of
the PET bottles should be recycled, which also includes reuse. Since PET bottles in Sweden
are reused it is assumed that 20 percent are reused and 70 percent recycled. Five percent of
the remaining PET bottles are incinerated with energy recovery and five percent landfilled.
Although there is a ban on landfilling of combustible waste in Sweden since 2002 the landfill
is included in this LCA as a waste scenario. It is assumed that the realisation of the ban is still
in progress leading to a small amount of plastics still sent to landfill.
We have chosen the targets for PET and HDPE waste management as the waste scenarios to
model our SimaPro Life-cycle because we thought they were the levels to which our society
should tend to in terms of sustainability. The chosen scenarios have a really large influence on
the final results, so it would be also very interesting to simulate other waste scenarios in
which the political targets were not taken into account. One good scenario should be a
comparable one in which all the waste management procedures would be realistically the
same and technically possible (we have to take into account that technically HDPE bottles
cannot be refilled) in order to compare the effects of materials. Another interesting waste
scenario to model in the SimaPro LCA would be the real situation of the different waste
procedures nowadays according to the results of Rapport no 5380 from Naturvårdsverket.
With these three waste scenarios surely more exact data about the influence of the materials in
packaging applications would be obtained, but it couldn’t be done due to time limitations.
Data for Waste Scenarios:
Data gaps
Remark: The waste scenario “Incineration 2000 B250 (98) avoided” has been chosen to
include avoided emission. This means that the PET and HDPE bottles are
incinerated with energy recovery, like it is applied in Sweden. This waste
scenario is therefore an expansion of the waste scenario “Incineration 2000
B250 (98)”. Anyway it cannot be seen any significant differences in the results
of the model applying the incineration scenario with avoided emissions
compared to the results obtained through the “Incineration 2000 B250 (98)”
waste scenario.
Landfill B250 (98)
Source Buwal 250 database in SimaPro
(Pré Consultants et al. ,1998)
Recycling Plastic Bottles
Materials/ Fuels
Truck 28t B250 0,15 tkm Buwal 250 database Road transport by diesel-
in SimaPro (ESU- truck (28t); per
ETHZ, 1994) average load 50%.
Production of fuels is
Electricity from gas B250 1 MJ Buwal 250 database Inventory for 1 kWh
in SimaPro electricity from gas, delivered
from the network. Detailed
data on electricity production
from gas in Europe, including
the energy use for the
production of the gas and
efficiency losses. Medium
Emissions to air
Hydrocarbons, unspecified 0,1 g Data Archiv database
in SimaPro
Emissions to water
Biological Oxygen Demand 1100 mg IVL rapport B 1381
Chemical Oxygen Demand 6600 mg (Sundqvist et al. ,
Suspended solids, unspecified 2300 mg 1999)
Phosphorus, total 11,2 mg
Nitrogen, total 30,2 mg
Recycling HDPE bottle
Materials/ Fuels
Truck 28t B250 0,15 tkm Buwal 250 database Road transport by diesel-
in SimaPro (ESU- truck (28t); per
ETHZ, 1994) average load 50%.
Production of fuels is
Electricity from gas B250 1 MJ Buwal 250 database Inventory for 1 kWh
in SimaPro electricity from gas, delivered
from the network. Detailed
data on electricity production
from gas in Europe, including
the energy use for the
production of the gas and
efficiency losses. Medium
Electricity/ Heat
Electricity from gas B250 3,5 kWh See above
Data gaps for PET and HDPE bottle recycling:
Data is missing for emissions to soil, non material emissions, social issues, economic issues
and waste to treatment.
Remark: A detailed data sheet to the recycling process is available in the appendix.
Electricity from gas, avoided products and the truck were chosen referring to
the “Recycling PET B250” method in SimaPro 6.0.
Remark: There is really a big problem to model the recycling processes in SimaPro
since there are not realistic data for the avoided materials, emissions of the
processes, etc. It has been observed that by employing the Recycling scenario
defined by SimaPro and modifying it with the data of IVL rapport B 1381
(Sundqvist et al. , 1999), there is inconsistent data between the avoided PET
production and the original PET grade (they are different grades). Since the
LCA data for both materials are different they may have led to inconsistencies
in the final results. The same may be applied for HDPE.
4. Reuse:
Refill PET
Data gaps Environmental impacts from the treatment of production wastes listed
in under solid emissions in the input/output table are not taken into
3. Life cycle interpretation
3.1 Results
Since normalization and weighting were performed by the Eco-indicator 99 method the
interpretation of results will mainly base on single score and characterization.
Figure 3.1: Single Score of comparing 1p life cycle HDPE bottle with 1p life cycle of PET bottle
[Sima Pro]
Comparison of the PET bottle life cycle and the HDPE bottle life cycle:
Figure 3.2.: Comparing 1p life cycle HDPE bottle with 1p life cycle PET bottle [Sima Pro]
In general the figures show clearly that the overall impact of HDPE bottles is much higher
than of PET bottles.
Respiratory Inorganics
Comparing the life cycle stages of the PET and HDPE bottle it is remarkable that respiratory
inorganics have the greatest contribution to the overall impact of the HDPE bottle, but that
this impact is not assigned for the PET bottle at all. The main emission considered as
respiratory inorganics can be seen in NOx and SO2. The significant processes for these
emissions are the PE or PET resin production as well the bottle production. [Ministry of
Environment and Energy, Denmark] That the emissions in these processes are much higher for
HDPE bottles than for PET bottles can be probably explained by that the amount of HDPE
bottles produced is much higher compared to the PET bottle production, because not so much
virgin material can be replaced due to recycling and reuse like it is the case for PET.
Climate Change
Representing the second largest contribution to the overall impact of PET as well of HDPE,
impacts on climate change are significant for both types of bottles. However compared to the
HDPE bottles the impact on climate change aroused by PET bottles is much smaller. The
significant emissions leading to climate change are seen in hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide
emissions. Hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide are also emitted in the PE and PET resin
production. PET bottles also contribute to carbon dioxide emissions due to the washing and
filling process in the brewery. [Ministry of Environment and Energy, Denmark]. Thus the
explanation is quite the same like for respiratory inorganics: Impact on climate change is
lower from PET bottles because of a higher avoided production due to a higher recovery rate
than HDPE bottles have. The differences between the HDPE bottles and PET bottles
concerning impacts on climate change are not so significant like for respiratory inorganics.
Explanation can be seen by carbon dioxide emissions of PET bottles evoked in the washing
and filling process. This problem does not occur for HDPE bottles, because the bottles are not
reused, which leads to a higher need of virgin material production and higher emissions.
Just a small share in the impacts caused for HDPE, but for PET impact from minerals is much
higher and has the biggest share in the overall impacts. The data shows that during the
production of PET resin a substantial amount of minerals are used (Fe, Limestone, KCl,
Bauxite, Sulphur, NaCl) compared to the production of HDPE. [Eco-profiles]
Acidification/ Eutrophication
The main contributions to acidification are SO2 emissions caused by the production of bottles.
[Ministry of Environment and Energy, Denmark]. Anyway the emissions are quite low for the
HDPE bottle and are not assigned at all for the PET bottle. Explanation can be seen by
avoided PET bottle production due to a high recycling rate of 90 percent.
In general the higher environmental impact of HDPE bottles can be explained by lower
recovery rate compared to PET bottles and no reuse. This leads to higher production and less
avoided products and therefore to higher impacts. Looking at the impacts and trying to find
the significant processes it must be considered that some emissions can refer to two different
impact categories like for instance SO2.
In case of carcinogens, radiation, ecotoxicity, land use and minerals PET seems to have a
greater environmental impact than HDPE, but the overall environmental impact is much
greater for HDPE. Also the impact on the climate change is smaller for PET, even though that
is one of the main factors for both plastic materials. HDPE also has a higher total process
impact than PET.
The surprising part of the LCA is how much these two plastics differ in the environmental
effects. The fact that PET bottles can be refilled several times seems to be of great importance
for different impacts.
The waste managing phase is assumed to be corresponding to the targets set up by Swedish
authority. The targets are probably not fulfilled in the actual scenario, which has a great
influence on the results. The results would probably differ if the amount of data available for
both materials was equal.
The results from this LCA clearly show that PET has lower environmental impact and should
be chosen as the preferred material for bottle applications. Even though it is somewhat more
expensive than HDPE, the overall environmental gain of usage of PET bottles gives good
marketing and accordance to legislations.
4. References
APME (2003) Polyolefins. Eco-profiles of the European plastics industry. A report for
APME, Brussels, Belgium.
Directive 2004/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (2004). Official Journal
of the European Union, Strasbourg, France.
Hischier R. (2004) Life Cycle Inventories of Packaging and Graphical Paper. Final report
ecoinvent 2000. Volume: 11. Swiss Centre for LCI, EMPA-SG. Dübendorf, CH.
Ministry of Environment and Energy (1998) Life Cycle Assessment of Packaging Systems for
Beer and Soft Drinks. Environmental Project, Main Report, Denmark
PRé Consultants et al. (1997) Injection moulding combined with stretch blowing for PET
Sundqvist J., Baky A., Björklund A., Carlsson M., Eriksson O., Frostell B., Granath J.,
Thyselius L. (1999) Systemanalys av energiutnyttjande från avfall – utvärdering av energi,
miljö och ekonomi. Fallstudie. IVL rapport B 1381, För Statens Energimyndighets
forskningprogram Energi från avfall, Stockholm, Sweden
Appendix 1
Normalisation and Weighting graphic
Figure 1: Normalisation
Figure 2: Weighting
Appendix 2
Recycling Process Data Sheet
Recycling HDPE bottle Data sheet
Waste treatment
Recycling HDPE bottle 1 kg All waste types Recycling
Avoided products
HDPE B250 0,9 kg
Truck 28t B250 0,15 tkm average
Electricity from gas B250 1 MJ shredding, sorting, magnetic
separation, cyclone and
Electricity from gas B250 3,5 kWh extrusion, purification and
Emissions to air
Hydrocarbons, unspecified 0,1 g
Emissions to water
BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand 1100 mg
COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand 6600 mg
Suspended solids, unspecified 2300 mg
Phosphorus, total 11,2 mg
Nitrogen, total 30,2 mg
Emissions to soil
Social issues
Economic issues
Waste to treatment
Waste treatment
Recycling HDPE bottle 1 kg All waste types Recycling
Avoided products
HDPE B250 0,9 kg
Truck 28t B250 0,15 tkm average
Electricity from gas B250 1 MJ shredding, sorting, magnetic
separation, cyclone and
Electricity from gas B250 3,5 kWh extrusion, purification and
Emissions to air
Hydrocarbons, unspecified 0,1 g
Emissions to water
BOD5, Biological Oxygen Demand 1100 mg
COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand 6600 mg
Suspended solids, unspecified 2300 mg
Phosphorus, total 11,2 mg
Nitrogen, total 30,2 mg
Emissions to soil
Social issues
Economic issues
Waste to treatment
Appendix 3
Inventory List
Title: Comparing 1 p life cycle 'HDPE bottle' with 1 p life cycle 'PET bottle'
Method: Eco-indicator 99 (I) V2.1 / Europe EI 99 I/I
Indicator: Inventory
Skip unused: No
Relative mode: Non
Cut-off: 0%
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
36 Energy, from coal, brown Raw kJ 109 x
37 Energy, from gas, natural Raw MJ 27,2 x
38 Energy, from hydro power Raw MJ 1,22 x
39 Energy, from hydrogen Raw kJ 150 x
40 Energy, from oil Raw MJ 50,6 x
41 Energy, from peat Raw kJ 2,37 x
42 Energy, from sulfur Raw kJ 3,03 x
43 Energy, from uranium Raw MJ 9,69 x
44 Energy, from wood Raw J 13,4 x
45 Energy, gross calorific value,
in biomass Raw kJ x 142
46 Energy, kinetic, flow, in wind Raw kJ x 140
47 Energy, potential, stock,
in barrage water Raw MJ -0,0999 5,82
48 Energy, recovered Raw kJ -635 x
49 Energy, solar Raw kJ x 1,86
50 Energy, unspecified Raw MJ 3,62 x
51 Feldspar, in ground Raw µg 5,73E-25 232
52 Ferromanganese Raw µg 186 x
53 Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 1%
in crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 3,56
54 Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite, 3%
in crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 1,57
55 Fluorspar, 92%, in ground Raw mg x 101
56 Fluorspar, in ground Raw mg 645 x
57 Gas, natural, 30.3 MJ per kg,
in ground Raw g 41 x
58 Gas, natural, 35 MJ per m3,
in ground Raw l 273 649
59 Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3,
in ground Raw l -126 -246
60 Gas, natural, feedstock,
35 MJ per m3, in ground Raw l -157 -197
61 Gas, natural, in ground Raw l x 824
62 Glue Raw mg x 20
63 Granite, in ground Raw mg 616 0,465
64 Gravel, in ground Raw g 0,000756 170
65 Gypsum, in ground Raw mg x 5,19
66 Herbicide Raw µg x 251
67 Iron ore, in ground Raw mg 719 -312
68 Iron, 46% in ore, 25%
in crude ore, in ground Raw g x 14,2
69 Iron, in ground Raw mg 259 x
70 Kaolinite, 24% in crude ore,
in ground Raw mg x 4,1
71 Kieserite, 25% in crude ore,
in ground Raw µg x 30,2
72 Lead, in ground Raw µg 927 x
73 Limestone, in ground Raw g 3,39 0,76
74 Magnesite, 60% in crude ore,
in ground Raw mg x 203
75 Magnesium sulfate Raw µg x 112
76 Magnesium, 0.13% in water Raw µg x 2,42
77 Manganese, 35.7% in sedimentary
deposit, 14.2% in crude ore,
in ground Raw mg x 100
78 Manure Raw mg x 965
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
79 Molybdenum, 0.11% in sulfide,
Mo 0.41% and Cu 0.36% in
crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 13
80 Nickel, 1.13% in sulfides,
0.76% in crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 3,14
81 Nickel, 1.98% in silicates,
1.04% in crude ore, in ground Raw g x 2,33
82 Nickel, in ground Raw ng 7,47 x
83 Nitrogen, in air Raw g 65,5 x
84 Occupation, arable,
non-irrigated Raw mm2a x 27,8
85 Occupation, construction site Raw mm2a x 162
86 Occupation, dump site Raw cm2a x 18,2
87 Occupation, dump site, benthos Raw mm2a x 84
88 Occupation, forest, intensive Raw mm2a x 192
89 Occupation, forest, intensive,
normal Raw cm2a x 222
90 Occupation, industrial area Raw mm2a 0,00154 944
91 Occupation, industrial area,
benthos Raw mm2a x 0,737
92 Occupation, industrial area,
built up Raw cm2a x 23,6
93 Occupation, industrial area,
vegetation Raw mm2a x 739
94 Occupation, mineral
extraction site Raw mm2a x 800
95 Occupation, pasture and
meadow, extensive Raw mm2a x 9,68
96 Occupation, permanent crop,
fruit, intensive Raw mm2a x 1,46
97 Occupation, shrub land,
sclerophyllous Raw mm2a x 25
98 Occupation, traffic area Raw mm2a 0,18 x
99 Occupation, traffic area, rail
embankment Raw mm2a x 720
100 Occupation, traffic area, rail
network Raw mm2a x 796
101 Occupation, traffic area, road
embankment Raw mm2a x 286
102 Occupation, traffic area,
road network Raw mm2a x 598
103 Occupation, urban,
discontinuously built Raw mm2a x 0,036
104 Occupation, water bodies,
artificial Raw cm2a x 11,7
105 Occupation, water courses,
artificial Raw mm2a x 634
106 Oil Raw mg x 1,6
107 Oil, crude, 42.6 MJ per kg,
in ground Raw g -59,4 -181
108 Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg,
in ground Raw g 107 x
109 Oil, crude, feedstock,
41 MJ per kg, in ground Raw g -149 -455
110 Oil, crude, in ground Raw g x 496
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
111 Olivine, in ground Raw mg 1,92 3,13
112 Oxygen, in air Raw mg 40,8 x
113 Paper waste, feedstock Raw g x 6,15
114 Peat, in ground Raw mg x 7,55
115 Peroxitan Raw mg x 42,8
116 Pesticides Raw µg x 776
117 PGM, 4.7E-4% Pt, 3.1E-4% Pd,
0.2E-4% Rh, in crude ore,
in ground Raw pg x 707
118 Phosphorus pentoxide Raw µg 390 x
119 Phosphorus, 18% in apatite,
12% in crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 6,39
120 Phosphorus, 18% in apatite,
4% in crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 14,2
121 Potassium chloride Raw mg 1,03 x
122 Potatoes Raw mg x 199
123 Rhenium, in crude ore,
in ground Raw ng x 3,74
124 Rutile, in ground Raw µg 6,18E-19 232
125 Sand and clay, unspecified,
in ground Raw mg -5,4 -12,4
126 Sand, unspecified, in ground Raw mg 151 45,5
127 Shale, in ground Raw mg 7,07 30
128 Silver, 0.01% in crude ore,
in ground Raw ng x 763
129 Sodium chloride, in ground Raw g 32,4 -0,0521
130 Sodium dichromate, in ground Raw ng x 23,2
131 Sodium sulphate, various forms,
in ground Raw mg x 29,6
132 Steam from waste incineration Raw J x 56,6
133 Stibnite, in ground Raw ng x 16,5
134 Sulfur containing material Raw µg x 427
135 Sulfur dioxide, secondary Raw mg 0,062 494
136 Sulfur, bonded Raw mg 159 x
137 Sulfur, in ground Raw mg 327 16,6
138 Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite,
in ground Raw mg x 5,74
139 Talc, in ground Raw µg x 268
140 Tin, 79% in cassiterite,
0.1% in crude ore, in ground Raw mg x 1,86
141 TiO2, 45-60% in Ilmenite,
in ground Raw mg x 78,6
142 Transformation, from arable Raw mm2 x 0,564
143 Transformation, from arable,
non-irrigated Raw mm2 x 51,4
144 Transformation, from arable,
non-irrigated, fallow Raw mm2 x 0,0447
145 Transformation, from dump site,
inert material landfill Raw mm2 x 1,73
146 Transformation, from dump site,
residual material landfill Raw mm2 x 3,16
147 Transformation, from dump site,
sanitary landfill Raw mm2 x 0,0746
148 Transformation, from dump site,
slag compartment Raw mm2 x 0,0202
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
149 Transformation, from forest Raw mm2 x 190
150 Transformation, from forest,
extensive Raw mm2 x 173
151 Transformation, from
industrial area Raw mm2 x 2,03
152 Transformation, from
industrial area, benthos Raw mm2 x 0,00566
153 Transformation, from
industrial area, built up Raw mm2 x 0,00508
154 Transformation, from
industrial area, vegetation Raw mm2 x 0,00864
155 Transformation, from
mineral extraction site Raw mm2 x 16,9
156 Transformation, from pasture
and meadow Raw mm2 x 13,1
157 Transformation, from pasture
and meadow, intensive Raw mm2 x 0,0414
158 Transformation, from sea
and ocean Raw mm2 x 84,8
159 Transformation, from shrub
land, sclerophyllous Raw mm2 x 8,56
160 Transformation, from unknown Raw mm2 x 138
161 Transformation, to arable Raw mm2 x 18,2
162 Transformation, to arable,
non-irrigated Raw mm2 x 51,4
163 Transformation, to arable,
non-irrigated, fallow Raw mm2 x 0,0718
164 Transformation, to dump site Raw mm2 x 13,6
165 Transformation, to dump site,
benthos Raw mm2 x 84
166 Transformation, to dump site,
inert material landfill Raw mm2 x 1,73
167 Transformation, to dump site,
residual material landfill Raw mm2 x 3,16
168 Transformation, to dump site,
sanitary landfill Raw mm2 x 0,0746
169 Transformation, to dump site,
slag compartment Raw mm2 x 0,0202
170 Transformation, to forest Raw mm2 x 10,9
171 Transformation, to forest,
intensive Raw mm2 x 1,28
172 Transformation, to forest,
intensive, normal Raw mm2 x 170
173 Transformation, to heterogeneous,
agricultural Raw mm2 x 9,2
174 Transformation, to
industrial area Raw mm2 5,69E-6 15
175 Transformation, to industrial
area, benthos Raw mm2 x 0,119
176 Transformation, to industrial
area, built up Raw mm2 x 47,8
177 Transformation, to industrial
area, vegetation Raw mm2 x §15,1
178 Transformation, to mineral
extraction site Raw mm2 x 204
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
179 Transformation, to pasture
and meadow Raw mm2 x 0,928
180 Transformation, to permanent
crop, fruit, intensive Raw mm2 x 0,0146
181 Transformation, to sea
and ocean Raw mm2 x 0,00566
182 Transformation, to shrub land,
sclerophyllous Raw mm2 x 4,98
183 Transformation, to traffic area,
rail embankment Raw mm2 x 1,67
184 Transformation, to traffic area,
rail network Raw mm2 x 1,84
185 Transformation, to traffic area,
road embankment Raw mm2 x 1,86
186 Transformation, to traffic area,
road network Raw mm2 x 5,05
187 Transformation, to unknown Raw mm2 x 3,57
188 Transformation, to urban,
discontinuously built Raw mm2 x 0,000717
189 Transformation, to water
bodies, artificial Raw mm2 x 11,8
190 Transformation, to water
courses, artificial Raw mm2 x 7,6
191 Ulexite, in ground Raw µg x 68
192 Uranium ore, 1.11 GJ per kg,
in ground Raw g 6 x
193 Uranium, 451 GJ per kg,
in ground Raw mg -0,703 39,3
194 Uranium, in ground Raw mg x 10,4
195 Urea Raw mg x 61,2
196 Water, barrage Raw kg 3,35 x
197 Water, cooling, salt, ocean Raw kg 17,6 x
198 Water, cooling, surface Raw g 170 x
199 Water, cooling, unspecified
natural origin/kg Raw kg 37,3 x
200 Water, cooling, unspecified
natural origin/m3 Raw l x 84
201 Water, cooling, well, in ground Raw g 2,69 x
202 Water, lake Raw cm3 x 264
203 Water, process and cooling,
unspecified natural origin Raw l -2,57 -10,6
204 Water, process, drinking Raw kg 2,94 x
205 Water, process, salt, ocean Raw g 104 x
206 Water, process, surface Raw g 2,16 x
207 Water, process, unspecified
natural origin/kg Raw g 909 x
208 Water, process, unspecified
natural origin/m3 Raw cm3 404 50
209 Water, process, well,
in ground Raw mg 51,8 x
210 Water, river Raw l x 5,28
211 Water, salt, ocean Raw cm3 x 840
212 Water, salt, sole Raw cm3 x 90,4
213 Water, turbine use, unspecified
natural origin Raw m3 x 5,95
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
214 Water, unspecified
natural origin/kg Raw kg 10,1 0,19
215 Water, unspecified
natural origin/m3 Raw l x 17
216 Water, well, in ground Raw l x 1,78
217 Volume occupied, final
repository for low-active
radioactive waste Raw mm3 x 20,6
218 Volume occupied, final repository
for radioactive waste Raw mm3 x 5,17
219 Volume occupied, reservoir Raw m3y x 0,0126
220 Volume occupied, underground
deposit Raw mm3 x 540
221 Wood, feedstock Raw g x 17,5
222 Wood, hard, standing Raw cm3 x 3,39
223 Wood, soft, standing Raw cm3 x 10,4
224 Wood, unspecified, standing/kg Raw g 0,763 16,6
225 Wood, unspecified, standing/m3 Raw mm3 x 1,34
226 Zinc 9%, Lead 5%, in sulfide,
in ground Raw mg x 648
227 Zinc, in ground Raw µg 34,9 x
228 Acetaldehyde Air µg x 856
229 Acetic acid Air mg x 178
230 Acetone Air µg x 536
231 Acrolein Air ng x 126
232 Actinides, radioactive,
unspecified Air nBq x 221
233 Aerosols, radioactive,
unspecified Air µBq x 16,1
234 Aldehydes, unspecified Air µg 3,46 270
235 Aluminum Air mg x 38,7
236 Ammonia Air mg 3,03 32,5
237 Ammonium carbonate Air µg x 2,21
238 Antimony Air µg x 20,7
239 Antimony-124 Air nBq x 23,3
240 Antimony-125 Air nBq x 242
241 Argon-41 Air Bq x 4,56
242 Arsenic Air µg x 208
243 Barium Air µg x 162
244 Barium-140 Air µBq x 15,8
245 Benzaldehyde Air ng x 15
246 Benzene Air mg 4,26 16,8
247 Benzene, ethyl- Air µg 0,0285 154
248 Benzene, hexachloro- Air ng x 143
249 Benzene, pentachloro- Air ng x 17,8
250 Benzo(a)pyrene Air µg x 15,5
251 Beryllium Air µg x 1,19
252 Boron Air mg x 6,47
253 Bromine Air µg x 387
254 Butadiene Air pg x 24,7
255 Butane Air mg x 12,2
256 Butene Air µg x 152
257 Cadmium Air µg -1,55 110
258 Calcium Air mg x 1,62
259 Carbon-14 Air Bq x 17,8
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
260 Carbon dioxide Air kg 6,13 1,07
261 Carbon dioxide, biogenic Air g x 13,4
262 Carbon dioxide, fossil Air kg x 1,97
263 Carbon disulfide Air mg 6,85E-5 5,43
264 Carbon monoxide Air g 2,92 -10,5
265 Carbon monoxide, biogenic Air mg x 24,3
266 Carbon monoxide, fossil Air g x 1,75
267 Cerium-141 Air µBq x 3,82
268 Cesium-134 Air nBq x 183
269 Cesium-137 Air µBq x 3,25
270 Chlorinated fluorocarbons, soft Air µg 50,1 x
271 Chlorine Air µg 483 404
272 Chloroform Air ng x 218
273 Chromium Air mg 5,35E-9 3,25
274 Chromium-51 Air nBq x 245
275 Chromium VI Air µg x 82,6
276 Cobalt Air µg x 145
277 Cobalt-58 Air nBq x 342
278 Cobalt-60 Air µBq x 3,02
279 Copper Air mg x 1,05
280 Cumene Air µg x 73,1
281 Cyanide Air µg x 296
282 Dinitrogen monoxide Air mg 7 43,3
283 Dioxins, measured as
-p-dioxin Air ng 4,65 149
284 Ethane Air mg x 31,9
285 Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-,
HFC-134a Air µg x 94,8
286 Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- Air µg 0,000141 243
287 Ethane, 1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-
tetrafluoro-, CFC-114 Air µg x 4,13
288 Ethane, hexafluoro-, HFC-116 Air µg x 6,39
289 Ethanol Air µg x 922
290 Ethene Air mg x 49,3
291 Ethene, chloro- Air µg 9,19E-5 254
292 Ethylene diamine Air pg x 541
293 Ethylene oxide Air mg x 3,9
294 Ethyne Air µg x 406
295 Fluorine Air µg 506 269
296 Fluosilicic acid Air µg x 7,47
297 Formaldehyde Air mg 4,28E-5 2,82
298 Halogenated hydrocarbons,
chlorinated Air µg x 248
299 Heat, waste Air MJ x 34,5
300 Helium Air µg x 256
301 Heptane Air mg x 1,52
302 Hexane Air mg x 4,7
303 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
alkanes, cyclic Air µg x 233
304 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
alkanes, unspecified Air mg x 7,81
305 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
unsaturated Air mg x 1,43
306 Hydrocarbons, aromatic Air mg 144 293
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
307 Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Air µg 84,7 1,05
308 Hydrocarbons, halogenated Air µg 1,24 -0,0445
309 Hydrocarbons, unspecified Air g 8,41 -5,79
310 Hydrogen Air mg 99,8 36,2
311 Hydrogen-3, Tritium Air Bq x 92,8
312 Hydrogen chloride Air mg 493 61,3
313 Hydrogen cyanide Air pg 2,11E-18 x
314 Hydrogen fluoride Air mg 23,6 10,9
315 Hydrogen sulfide Air mg 1,89 4,95
316 Iodine Air µg x 215
317 Iodine-129 Air mBq x 18
318 Iodine-131 Air mBq x 190
319 Iodine-133 Air µBq x 18,9
320 Iron Air g x 7,13
321 Isocyanic acid Air µg x 81,6
322 Krypton-85 Air Bq x 13,3
323 Krypton-85m Air mBq x 560
324 Krypton-87 Air mBq x 230
325 Krypton-88 Air mBq x 285
326 Krypton-89 Air mBq x 82,4
327 Lanthanum-140 Air µBq x 1,35
328 Lead Air mg -0,0125 1,21
329 Lead-210 Air mBq x 115
330 m-Xylene Air µg x 8,32
331 Magnesium Air mg x 3,1
332 Manganese Air µg -2,22 156
333 Manganese-54 Air nBq x 126
334 Mercaptans, unspecified Air µg 19,7 0,561
335 Mercury Air µg 401 335
336 Metals, unspecified Air mg 13,3 11,9
337 Methane Air g 13,7 3,59
338 Methane, biogenic Air mg x 2,97
339 Methane, bromochlorodifluoro-,
Halon 1211 Air µg x 8,96
340 Methane, bromotrifluoro-,
Halon 1301 Air µg -16,8 -32
341 Methane, chlorodifluoro-,
HCFC-22 Air µg x 37
342 Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30 Air ng x 6,61
343 Methane, dichlorodifluoro-,
CFC-12 Air ng x 35,7
344 Methane, dichlorofluoro-,
HCFC-21 Air pg x 0,552
345 Methane, fossil Air g x 4,18
346 Methane, monochloro-, R-40 Air pg x 21,2
347 Methane, tetrachloro-, CFC-10 Air ng x 390
348 Methane, tetrafluoro-, FC-14 Air µg x 57,5
349 Methane, trichlorofluoro-,
CFC-11 Air pg x 1,04
350 Methane, trifluoro-,
HFC-23 Air pg x 176
351 Methanol Air mg x 98,8
352 Molybdenum Air µg x 44,1
353 Monoethanolamine Air µg x 10,1
354 Naphthalene Air ng 4,9 x
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
355 Nickel Air mg 0,367 3,01
356 Niobium-95 Air nBq x 14,9
357 Nitrate Air µg x 1,36
358 Nitrogen oxides Air g 21,4 -1,25
359 NMVOC, non-methane volatile
organic compounds,
unspecified origin Air g -4,42 -19,4
360 Noble gases, radioactive,
unspecified Air kBq x 173
361 Organic substances,
unspecified Air mg 4,62 x
362 Ozone Air mg x 5,5
363 PAH, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons Air µg 110 372
364 Paraffins Air ng x 1,83
365 Particulates Air g 6,69 -1,64
366 Particulates, < 2.5 um Air mg x 450
367 Particulates, > 10 um Air mg x 903
368 Particulates, > 2.5 um,
and < 10um Air mg x 546
369 Particulates, SPM Air g 7,2 x
370 Pentane Air mg 9,8E-5 18,4
371 Phenol Air µg x 103
372 Phenol, pentachloro- Air µg x 6,38
373 Phosphorus Air µg x 73,8
374 Platinum Air pg x 9,95
375 Plutonium-238 Air nBq x 2,46
376 Plutonium-alpha Air nBq x 5,63
377 Polonium-210 Air mBq x 203
378 Polychlorinated biphenyls Air ng x 229
379 Potassium Air mg x 2,64
380 Potassium-40 Air mBq x 26,5
381 Propanal Air ng x 15
382 Propane Air mg x 16,6
383 Propene Air µg x 823
384 Propionic acid Air µg x 113
385 Propylene oxide Air µg x 5,18
386 Protactinium-234 Air mBq x 2,44
387 Radioactive species,
other beta emitters Air mBq x 255
388 Radioactive species,
unspecified Air kBq -60,7 3,41E3
389 Radium-226 Air mBq x 108
390 Radium-228 Air mBq x 58,3
391 Radon-220 Air µBq x 808
392 Radon-222 Air kBq x 324
393 Ruthenium-103 Air nBq x 3,27
394 Scandium Air µg x 1,02
395 Selenium Air µg x 79,4
396 Silicon Air mg x 12,9
397 Silicon tetrafluoride Air µg x 10,9
398 Silver Air pg x 811
399 Silver-110 Air nBq x 32,5
400 Sodium Air mg x 2,27
401 Sodium chlorate Air µg x 1,39
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
402 Sodium dichromate Air µg x 1,54
403 Sodium formate Air ng x 23
404 Soot Air µg 1,43 x
405 Strontium Air µg x 212
406 Styrene Air ng x 80,8
407 Sulfate Air mg x 3,78
408 Sulfur dioxide Air g 8,91E-7 5,83
409 Sulfur hexafluoride Air µg x 89,6
410 Sulfur oxides Air g 43 -11,5
411 Sulfuric acid Air ng 1,32 x
412 t-Butyl methyl ether Air ng x 317
413 Thallium Air µg x 1,42
414 Thorium Air µg x 1,54
415 Thorium-228 Air mBq x 7,58
416 Thorium-230 Air mBq x 9,28
417 Thorium-232 Air mBq x 7,76
418 Thorium-234 Air mBq x 2,45
419 Tin Air µg x 39,6
420 Titanium Air µg x 310
421 Toluene Air mg 0,000116 2,9
422 Uranium Air µg x 2,04
423 Uranium-234 Air mBq x 28,7
424 Uranium-235 Air mBq x 1,38
425 Uranium-238 Air mBq x 49,6
426 Uranium alpha Air mBq x 134
427 Vanadium Air mg x 5,61
428 Water Air mg x 46
429 Xenon-131m Air Bq x 1,04
430 Xenon-133 Air Bq x 53,2
431 Xenon-133m Air mBq x 183
432 Xenon-135 Air Bq x 13,8
433 Xenon-135m Air Bq x 6,44
434 Xenon-137 Air mBq x 184
435 Xenon-138 Air Bq x 1,11
436 Xylene Air mg x 4,28
437 Zinc Air mg 0,0449 1,98
438 Zinc-65 Air nBq x 627
439 Zirconium Air ng x 49,6
440 Zirconium-95 Air nBq x 613
441 Acenaphthene Water ng x 46,6
442 Acenaphthylene Water ng x 2,84
443 Acetic acid Water µg x 22,7
444 Acidity, unspecified Water mg 50,4 24,2
445 Actinides, radioactive,
unspecified Water mBq x 29,2
446 Aluminum Water g 0,075 1,12
447 Ammonium, ion Water mg 15,1 -6,37
448 Antimony Water mg x 8,31
449 Antimony-122 Water µBq x 9,36
450 Antimony-124 Water mBq x 4,62
451 Antimony-125 Water mBq x 3,97
452 AOX, Adsorbable Organic
Halogen as Cl Water µg -13,8 83,9
453 Arsenic, ion Water mg 0,146 1,84
454 Barite Water mg x 52,6
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
455 Barium Water mg -2,84 18,4
456 Barium-140 Water µBq x 41
457 Benzene Water µg x 626
458 Benzene, ethyl- Water µg x 175
459 Beryllium Water µg x 75,4
460 BOD5, Biological Oxygen
Demand Water g 0,598 3,82
461 Boron Water mg x 14,3
462 Bromate Water µg x 187
463 Bromine Water mg x 13
464 Butene Water ng x 44,1
465 Cadmium, ion Water µg 0,362 307
466 Calcium, ion Water g 0,0213 2,81
467 Carbonate Water mg 25,5 91,2
468 Carboxylic acids, unspecified Water mg x 31,8
469 Cerium-141 Water µBq x 16,4
470 Cerium-144 Water µBq x 5
471 Cesium Water µg x 7,3
472 Cesium-134 Water mBq x 3,61
473 Cesium-136 Water µBq x 2,91
474 Cesium-137 Water Bq x 3,36
475 Chlorate Water mg x 1,67
476 Chloride Water g 0,98 10,2
477 Chlorinated solvents,
unspecified Water µg x 241
478 Chlorine Water µg 0,365 445
479 Chloroform Water pg x 0,552
480 Chromate Water ng 36 x
481 Chromium Water mg 0,742 2,71
482 Chromium-51 Water mBq x 4,79
483 Chromium VI Water mg x 12,2
484 Chromium, ion Water µg x 75,6
485 Cobalt Water mg x 4,16
486 Cobalt-57 Water µBq x 92,8
487 Cobalt-58 Water mBq x 36
488 Cobalt-60 Water mBq x 28,3
489 COD, Chemical Oxygen
Demand Water g 3,53 87,7
490 Copper, ion Water mg 0,457 20,9
491 Cumene Water µg x 176
492 Cyanide Water mg 0,258 1,58
493 Detergent/oil Water mg 73,9 x
494 Dichromate Water µg x 5,69
495 DOC, Dissolved Organic
Carbon Water g -0,00137 -6,96
496 Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- Water µg x 234
497 Ethene Water µg x 33,1
498 Ethene, chloro- Water µg 8,05E-22 232
499 Ethylene diamine Water ng x 1,31
500 Ethylene oxide Water ng x 14,8
501 Fluoride Water mg 18,3 29,3
502 Fluosilicic acid Water µg x 13,4
503 Formaldehyde Water mg x 1,78
504 Glutaraldehyde Water µg x 6,49
505 Heat, waste Water kJ x 297
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
506 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
alkanes, unspecified Water µg x 947
507 Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
unsaturated Water µg x 87,4
508 Hydrocarbons, aromatic Water mg -2,84 -1,75
509 Hydrocarbons, chlorinated Water µg -0,88 -1,37
510 Hydrocarbons, unspecified Water mg 57,8 366
511 Hydrogen Water ng 8,29 x
512 Hydrogen-3, Tritium Water kBq x 7,7
513 Hydrogen peroxide Water µg x 1,7
514 Hydrogen sulfide Water µg x 621
515 Hydroxide Water µg x 13,6
516 Hypochlorite Water µg x 530
517 Iodide Water µg x 761
518 Iodine-131 Water µBq x 840
519 Iodine-133 Water µBq x 25,8
520 Iron Water mg -2,81 103
521 Iron-59 Water µBq x 7,09
522 Iron, ion Water mg x 701
523 Kjeldahl-N Water mg -1,25 -2,97
524 Lanthanum-140 Water µBq x 43,8
525 Lead Water mg 0,356 4,91
526 Lead-210 Water mBq x 73,2
527 Magnesium Water mg 2,97 357
528 Manganese Water mg x 6,22
529 Manganese-54 Water mBq x 2,18
530 Mercury Water µg 255 280
531 Metallic ions, unspecified Water mg -0,922 -16,7
532 Methane, dichloro-, HCC-30 Water µg x 106
533 Methanol Water µg x 659
534 Molybdenum Water µg x 656
535 Molybdenum-99 Water µBq x 15
536 Nickel, ion Water mg -0,0667 18,6
537 Niobium-95 Water µBq x 276
538 Nitrate Water mg 20,3 51,3
539 Nitrite Water µg x 92,7
540 Nitrogen Water mg x 10,2
541 Nitrogen, organic bound Water mg x 2,75
542 Nitrogen, total Water mg 35,8 8,9
543 Oils, unspecified Water g 0,00873 1,41
544 Organic substances,
unspecified Water mg 1,6 x
545 PAH, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons Water µg -44,5 15,7
546 Paraffins Water ng x 5,31
547 Phenol Water mg 4,83 2,08
548 Phenols, unspecified Water µg -438 -929
549 Phosphate Water mg 5,8 75,3
550 Phosphorus Water µg x 482
551 Phosphorus pentoxide Water mg 1,05 x
552 Phosphorus, total Water mg 3,36 7,94
553 Polonium-210 Water mBq x 94,5
554 Potassium Water µg 30,5 x
555 Potassium-40 Water mBq x 45,9
556 Potassium, ion Water mg x 474
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
557 Propene Water µg x 75,5
558 Propylene oxide Water µg x 12,5
559 Protactinium-234 Water mBq x 45,3
560 Radioactive species,
alpha emitters Water µBq x 122
561 Radioactive species,
Nuclides, unspecified Water Bq x 17,6
562 Radium-224 Water mBq x 364
563 Radium-226 Water Bq x 28,8
564 Radium-228 Water mBq x 730
565 Rubidium Water µg x 74,7
566 Ruthenium-103 Water µBq x 3,18
567 Scandium Water µg x 150
568 Selenium Water µg x 250
569 Silicon Water g x 13,1
570 Silver-110 Water mBq x 27,1
571 Silver, ion Water µg x 15,2
572 Sodium-24 Water µBq x 114
573 Sodium formate Water ng x 55,4
574 Sodium, ion Water g 0,373 2,75
575 Solids, inorganic Water mg x 688
576 Solved organics Water mg 28,4 x
577 Solved solids Water mg 358 482
578 Solved substances Water µg x 11,6
579 Solved substances, inorganic Water g 0,63 1,19
580 Strontium Water mg x 52,4
581 Strontium-89 Water µBq x 432
582 Strontium-90 Water Bq x 29,3
583 Sulfate Water g 0,249 8,26
584 Sulfide Water mg 4,53 0,343
585 Sulfite Water mg x 1,38
586 Sulfur Water mg x 1,37
587 Suspended solids, unspecified Water g 3,39 2,13
588 Suspended substances,
unspecified Water mg 209 477
589 t-Butyl methyl ether Water µg x 15,7
590 Technetium-99m Water µBq x 350
591 Tellurium-123m Water µBq x 482
592 Tellurium-132 Water nBq x 872
593 Thallium Water µg x 13,2
594 Thorium-228 Water Bq x 1,46
595 Thorium-230 Water Bq x 6,18
596 Thorium-232 Water mBq x 7,63
597 Thorium-234 Water mBq x 45,3
598 Tin, ion Water µg x 558
599 Titanium, ion Water mg x 21,9
600 TOC, Total Organic Carbon Water g 0,356 1,66
601 Toluene Water µg -389 63,6
602 Tributyltin compounds Water µg x 13,7
603 Triethylene glycol Water µg x 104
604 Tungsten Water µg x 131
605 Uranium-234 Water mBq x 54,3
606 Uranium-235 Water mBq x 89,6
607 Uranium-238 Water mBq x 174
608 Uranium alpha Water Bq x 2,61
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
609 Vanadium, ion Water mg x 3,06
610 Waste water/m3 Water cm3 9,32E-5 376
611 VOC, volatile organic
compounds, unspecified origin Water mg x 2,66
612 Xylene Water µg x 747
613 Zinc-65 Water mBq x 1,54
614 Zinc, ion Water mg 0,817 344
615 Zirconium-95 Water µBq x 17,9
616 Aluminium waste Waste mg x 150
617 Cardboard waste Waste g x 26,4
618 Chemical waste, inert Waste mg 536 x
619 Chemical waste, regulated Waste g 7,78 x
620 Construction waste Waste mg 280 x
621 Glass waste Waste mg x 580
622 Metal waste Waste mg 11,9 x
623 Mineral waste Waste g 233 x
624 Mineral waste, from mining Waste g -4,86 -16,7
625 Packaging waste,
paper and board Waste pg 2,19E-12 x
626 Packaging waste, plastic Waste mg 10,6 x
627 Packaging waste, wood Waste µg 30,2 x
628 Plastic waste Waste mg x 640
629 Polyethylene waste Waste mg x 160
630 Polyvinyl chloride waste Waste mg x 3
631 Production waste, not inert Waste g 30 70
632 Rejects, corrugated cardboard Waste g x 1,69
633 Slags Waste ng 691 x
634 Slags and ashes Waste g 54,6 x
635 Waste in bioactive landfill Waste g -3,51 -7,09
636 Waste in incineration Waste mg -214 -682
637 Waste in inert landfill Waste mg x 6,98
638 Waste to recycling Waste mg 11,1 x
639 Waste, final, inert Waste ng 608 x
640 Waste, industrial Waste g 3,41 x
641 Waste, unspecified Waste g 1,18 x
642 Aclonifen Soil ng x 98,4
643 Aluminum Soil mg x 4,43
644 Antimony Soil pg x 254
645 Arsenic Soil µg x 1,75
646 Atrazine Soil ng x 2,62
647 Barium Soil mg x 2,1
648 Bentazone Soil ng x 50,1
649 Boron Soil µg x 80,6
650 Cadmium Soil µg 0,225 1,96
651 Calcium Soil mg x 19,6
652 Carbetamide Soil ng x 18,6
653 Carbon Soil mg 51,6 19,2
654 Chloride Soil mg x 88
655 Chlorothalonil Soil ng x 896
656 Chromium Soil µg x 105
657 Chromium VI Soil µg x 218
658 Cobalt Soil ng x 188
659 Copper Soil µg x 309
660 Cypermethrin Soil pg x 428
661 Dinoseb Soil ng x 243
No Substance Compartment Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
662 Fenpiclonil Soil ng x 38,6
663 Fluoride Soil µg x 358
664 Glyphosate Soil mg x 48,5
665 Heat, waste Soil kJ x 22,6
666 Iron Soil mg x 101
667 Lead Soil µg 0,00627 23,4
668 Linuron Soil ng x 761
669 Magnesium Soil mg x 3,67
670 Mancozeb Soil µg x 1,16
671 Manganese Soil µg x 354
672 Mercury Soil µg 1,89 0,00554
673 Metaldehyde Soil ng x 3,7
674 Metolachlor Soil µg x 5,5
675 Metribuzin Soil ng x 40,9
676 Molybdenum Soil ng x 47
677 Napropamide Soil ng x 6,56
678 Nickel Soil µg x 57,8
679 Nitrogen, total Soil µg 405 x
680 Oils, biogenic Soil mg x 2
681 Oils, unspecified Soil mg x 519
682 Orbencarb Soil ng x 221
683 Phosphorus Soil µg x 302
684 Pirimicarb Soil ng x 4,74
685 Potassium Soil mg x 1,98
686 Radioactive species,
unspecified Soil Bq -558 3,13E4
687 Silicon Soil mg x 1,27
688 Silver Soil µg x 1,66
689 Sodium Soil mg x 8,5
690 Strontium Soil µg x 42,2
691 Sulfur Soil mg x 2,65
692 Tebutam Soil ng x 15,5
693 Teflubenzuron Soil ng x 2,73
694 Tin Soil ng x 53,9
695 Titanium Soil µg x 12,8
696 Vanadium Soil ng x 366
697 Zinc Soil µg 0,00022 631
Appendix 4
Process Contribution
Appendix 5
Check List
Method: Eco-indicator 99 (I) V2.1
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
final waste flows Waste in inert
landfill kg 6,98E-6
final waste flows Waste in incin kg -0,000214 -0,000682
final waste flows Waste in bioactive
landfill kg -0,00351 -0,00709
final waste flows Slags and ashes kg 0,0546
final waste flows Slags kg 6,91E-10
final waste flows Rejects,
corrugated cardboard kg 0,00169
final waste flows Production waste,
not inert kg 0,03 0,07
final waste flows Polyvinyl chloride waste kg 3E-6
final waste flows Polyethylene waste kg 0,00016
final waste flows Plastic waste kg 0,00064
final waste flows Packaging waste,
wood kg 3,02E-8
final waste flows Packaging waste,
plastic kg 1,06E-5
final waste flows Packaging waste,
paper and board kg 2,19E-27
final waste flows Mineral waste,
from mining kg -0,00486 -0,0167
final waste flows Mineral waste kg 0,233
final waste flows Metal waste kg 1,19E-5
final waste flows Glass waste kg 0,00058
final waste flows Construction waste kg 0,00028
final waste flows Chemical waste,
regulated kg 0,00778
final waste flows Chemical waste, inert kg 0,000536
final waste flows Cardboard waste kg 0,0264
final waste flows Aluminium waste kg 0,00015
waterborne emissions Heat, waste MJ 0,297
waterborne emissions Waste water/m3 m3 9,32E-11 0,000376
waterborne emissions Xylene kg 7,47E-7
waterborne emissions VOC, volat org comp,
unspecified origin kg 2,66E-6
waterborne emissions Vanadium, ion kg 3,06E-6
waterborne emissions Tungsten kg 1,31E-7
waterborne emissions Triethylene glycol kg 1,04E-7
waterborne emissions Tributyltin compounds kg 1,37E-8
waterborne emissions TOC, Total Organic
Carbon kg 0,000356 0,00166
waterborne emissions Titanium, ion kg 2,19E-5
waterborne emissions Tin, ion kg 5,58E-7
waterborne emissions Thallium kg 1,32E-8
waterborne emissions t-Butyl methyl ether kg 1,57E-8
waterborne emissions Suspended substances,
unspecified kg 0,000209 0,000477
waterborne emissions Suspended solids,
unspecified kg 0,00339 0,00213
waterborne emissions Sulfur kg 1,37E-6
waterborne emissions Sulfite kg 1,38E-6
waterborne emissions Sulfide kg 4,53E-6 3,43E-7
waterborne emissions Sulfate kg 0,000249 0,00826
waterborne emissions Strontium kg 5,24E-5
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
waterborne emissions Solved substances,
inorganic kg 0,00063 0,00119
waterborne emissions Solved substances kg 1,16E-8
waterborne emissions Solved solids kg 0,000358 0,000482
waterborne emissions Solved organics kg 2,84E-5
waterborne emissions Solids, inorganic kg 0,000688
waterborne emissions Sodium, ion kg 0,000373 0,00275
waterborne emissions Sodium formate kg 5,54E-11
waterborne emissions Silver, ion kg 1,52E-8
waterborne emissions Silicon kg 0,0131
waterborne emissions Selenium kg 2,5E-7
waterborne emissions Scandium kg 1,5E-7
waterborne emissions Rubidium kg 7,47E-8
waterborne emissions Propylene oxide kg 1,25E-8
waterborne emissions Propene kg 7,55E-8
waterborne emissions Potassium, ion kg 0,000474
waterborne emissions Potassium kg 3,05E-8
waterborne emissions Phosphorus, total kg 3,36E-6 7,94E-6
waterborne emissions Phosphorus pentoxide kg 1,05E-6
waterborne emissions Phosphorus kg 4,82E-7
waterborne emissions Phosphate kg 5,8E-6 7,53E-5
waterborne emissions Phenols, unspecified kg -4,38E-7 -9,29E-7
waterborne emissions Phenol kg 4,83E-6 2,08E-6
waterborne emissions Paraffins kg 5,31E-12
waterborne emissions Organic substances,
unspecified kg 1,6E-6
waterborne emissions Oils, unspecified kg 8,73E-6 0,00141
waterborne emissions Nitrogen, total kg 3,58E-5 8,9E-6
waterborne emissions Nitrogen, organic bound kg 2,75E-6
waterborne emissions Nitrogen kg 1,02E-5
waterborne emissions Nitrite kg 9,27E-8
waterborne emissions Nitrate kg 2,03E-5 5,13E-5
waterborne emissions Molybdenum kg 6,56E-7
waterborne emissions Methanol kg 6,59E-7
waterborne emissions Methane, dichloro-,
HCC-30 kg 1,06E-7
waterborne emissions Manganese kg 6,22E-6
waterborne emissions Magnesium kg 2,97E-6 0,000357
waterborne emissions Kjeldahl-N kg -1,25E-6 -2,97E-6
waterborne emissions Iron, ion kg 0,000701
waterborne emissions Iron kg -2,81E-6 0,000103
waterborne emissions Iodide kg 7,61E-7
waterborne emissions Hypochlorite kg 5,3E-7
waterborne emissions Hydroxide kg 1,36E-8
waterborne emissions Hydrogen sulfide kg 6,21E-7
waterborne emissions Hydrogen peroxide kg 1,7E-9
waterborne emissions Hydrogen kg 8,29E-12
waterborne emissions Hydrocarbons, unspec kg 5,78E-5 0,000366
waterborne emissions Hydrocarbons, chlorin kg -8,8E-10 -1,37E-9
waterborne emissions Hydrocarbons, aromatic kg -2,84E-6 -1,75E-6
waterborne emissions Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
unsaturated kg 8,74E-8
waterborne emissions Hydrocarbons, aliphatic,
alkanes, unspecified kg 9,47E-7
waterborne emissions Glutaraldehyde kg 6,49E-9
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
waterborne emissions Formaldehyde kg 1,78E-6
waterborne emissions Fluosilicic acid kg 1,34E-8
waterborne emissions Fluoride kg 1,83E-5 2,93E-5
waterborne emissions Ethylene oxide kg 1,48E-11
waterborne emissions Ethylene diamine kg 1,31E-12
waterborne emissions Ethene kg 3,31E-8
waterborne emissions Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- kg 2,34E-7
waterborne emissions DOC, Dissolved Organic
Carbon kg -1,37E-6 -0,00696
waterborne emissions Detergent/oil kg 7,39E-5
waterborne emissions Cyanide kg 2,58E-7 1,58E-6
waterborne emissions Cumene kg 1,76E-7
waterborne emissions COD, Chemical Oxygen
Demand kg 0,00353 0,0877
waterborne emissions Cobalt kg 4,16E-6
waterborne emissions Chromate kg 3,6E-11
waterborne emissions Chloroform kg 5,52E-16
waterborne emissions Chlorine kg 3,65E-10 4,45E-7
waterborne emissions Chlorinated solvents,
unspecified kg 2,41E-7
waterborne emissions Chloride kg 0,00098 0,0102
waterborne emissions Chlorate kg 1,67E-6
waterborne emissions Cesium kg 7,3E-9
waterborne emissions Carboxylic acids,
unspecified kg 3,18E-5
waterborne emissions Carbonate kg 2,55E-5 9,12E-5
waterborne emissions Calcium, ion kg 2,13E-5 0,00281
waterborne emissions Butene kg 4,41E-11
waterborne emissions Bromine kg 1,3E-5
waterborne emissions Bromate kg 1,87E-7
waterborne emissions Boron kg 1,43E-5
waterborne emissions BOD5, Biological Oxygen
Demand kg 0,000598 0,00382
waterborne emissions Beryllium kg 7,54E-8
waterborne emissions Benzene, ethyl- kg 1,75E-7
waterborne emissions Barium kg -2,84E-6 1,84E-5
waterborne emissions Barite kg 5,26E-5
waterborne emissions AOX, Adsorbable Organic
Halogen as Cl kg -1,38E-8 8,39E-8
waterborne emissions Antimony kg 8,31E-6
waterborne emissions Ammonium, ion kg 1,51E-5 -6,37E-6
waterborne emissions Aluminum kg 7,5E-5 0,00112
waterborne emissions Acidity, unspecified kg 5,04E-5 2,42E-5
waterborne emissions Acetic acid kg 2,27E-8
waterborne emissions Acenaphthylene kg 2,84E-12
waterborne emissions Acenaphthene kg 4,66E-11
waterborne emissions Zirconium-95 Bq 1,79E-5
waterborne emissions Zinc-65 Bq 0,00154
waterborne emissions Uranium alpha Bq 2,61
waterborne emissions Thorium-234 Bq 0,0453
waterborne emissions Thorium-232 Bq 0,00763
waterborne emissions Thorium-230 Bq 6,18
waterborne emissions Thorium-228 Bq 1,46
waterborne emissions Tellurium-132 Bq 8,72E-7
waterborne emissions Tellurium-123m Bq 0,000482
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
waterborne emissions Technetium-99m Bq 0,00035
waterborne emissions Strontium-89 Bq 0,000432
waterborne emissions Sodium-24 Bq 0,000114
waterborne emissions Ruthenium-103 Bq 3,18E-6
waterborne emissions Radium-228 Bq 0,73
waterborne emissions Radium-224 Bq 0,364
waterborne emissions Radioactive species,
Nuclides, unspecified Bq 17,6
waterborne emissions Radioactive species,
alpha emitters Bq 0,000122
waterborne emissions Protactinium-234 Bq 0,0453
waterborne emissions Potassium-40 Bq 0,0459
waterborne emissions Polonium-210 Bq 0,0945
waterborne emissions Niobium-95 Bq 0,000276
waterborne emissions Molybdenum-99 Bq 1,5E-5
waterborne emissions Lead-210 Bq 0,0732
waterborne emissions Lanthanum-140 Bq 4,38E-5
waterborne emissions Iron-59 Bq 7,09E-6
waterborne emissions Iodine-133 Bq 2,58E-5
waterborne emissions Cobalt-57 Bq 9,28E-5
waterborne emissions Chromium-51 Bq 0,00479
waterborne emissions Cesium-136 Bq 2,91E-6
waterborne emissions Cerium-144 Bq 5E-6
waterborne emissions Cerium-141 Bq 1,64E-5
waterborne emissions Barium-140 Bq 4,1E-5
waterborne emissions Antimony-122 Bq 9,36E-6
waterborne emissions Actinides, radioactive,
unspecified Bq 0,0292
airborne emissions Heat, waste MJ 34,5
airborne emissions Zirconium kg 4,96E-11
airborne emissions Water kg 4,6E-5
airborne emissions Vanadium kg 5,61E-6
airborne emissions Uranium kg 2,04E-9
airborne emissions Titanium kg 3,1E-7
airborne emissions Tin kg 3,96E-8
airborne emissions Thorium kg 1,54E-9
airborne emissions Thallium kg 1,42E-9
airborne emissions Sulfuric acid kg 1,32E-12
airborne emissions Styrene kg 8,08E-11
airborne emissions Strontium kg 2,12E-7
airborne emissions Soot kg 1,43E-9
airborne emissions Sodium formate kg 2,3E-11
airborne emissions Sodium chlorate kg 1,39E-9
airborne emissions Sodium kg 2,27E-6
airborne emissions Silver kg 8,11E-13
airborne emissions Silicon tetrafluoride kg 1,09E-8
airborne emissions Silicon kg 1,29E-5
airborne emissions Selenium kg 7,94E-8
airborne emissions Scandium kg 1,02E-9
airborne emissions Propylene oxide kg 5,18E-9
airborne emissions Potassium kg 2,64E-6
airborne emissions Platinum kg 9,95E-15
airborne emissions Phosphorus kg 7,38E-8
airborne emissions Particulates, > 2.5 um,
and < 10um kg 0,000546
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
airborne emissions Particulates, > 10 um kg 0,000903
airborne emissions Particulates kg 0,00669 -0,00164
airborne emissions Ozone kg 5,5E-6
airborne emissions Organic substances,
unspecified kg 4,62E-6
airborne emissions Naphthalene kg 4,9E-12
airborne emissions Molybdenum kg 4,41E-8
airborne emissions Mercaptans, unspec kg 1,97E-8 5,61E-10
airborne emissions Manganese kg -2,22E-9 1,56E-7
airborne emissions Magnesium kg 3,1E-6
airborne emissions Isocyanic acid kg 8,16E-8
airborne emissions Iron kg 0,00713
airborne emissions Iodine kg 2,15E-7
airborne emissions Hydrogen sulfide kg 1,89E-6 4,95E-6
airborne emissions Hydrogen fluoride kg 2,36E-5 1,09E-5
airborne emissions Hydrogen cyanide kg 2,11E-33
airborne emissions Hydrogen chloride kg 0,000493 6,13E-5
airborne emissions Hydrogen kg 9,98E-5 3,62E-5
airborne emissions Helium kg 2,56E-7
airborne emissions Fluosilicic acid kg 7,47E-9
airborne emissions Ethylene oxide kg 3,9E-6
airborne emissions Cyanide kg 2,96E-7
airborne emissions Cobalt kg 1,45E-7
airborne emissions Chlorine kg 4,83E-7 4,04E-7
airborne emissions Chlorinated fluorocarbons,
soft kg 5,01E-8
airborne emissions Carbon disulfide kg 6,85E-11 5,43E-6
airborne emissions Calcium kg 1,62E-6
airborne emissions Bromine kg 3,87E-7
airborne emissions Boron kg 6,47E-6
airborne emissions Beryllium kg 1,19E-9
airborne emissions Barium kg 1,62E-7
airborne emissions Antimony kg 2,07E-8
airborne emissions Ammonium carbonate kg 2,21E-9
airborne emissions Aluminum kg 3,87E-5
airborne emissions Zirconium-95 Bq 6,13E-7
airborne emissions Zinc-65 Bq 6,27E-7
airborne emissions Xenon-138 Bq 1,11
airborne emissions Xenon-137 Bq 0,184
airborne emissions Xenon-135m Bq 6,44
airborne emissions Xenon-135 Bq 13,8
airborne emissions Xenon-131m Bq 1,04
airborne emissions Uranium alpha Bq 0,134
airborne emissions Thorium-234 Bq 0,00245
airborne emissions Thorium-232 Bq 0,00776
airborne emissions Thorium-228 Bq 0,00758
airborne emissions Silver-110 Bq 3,25E-8
airborne emissions Ruthenium-103 Bq 3,27E-9
airborne emissions Radon-220 Bq 0,000808
airborne emissions Radium-228 Bq 0,0583
airborne emissions Radioactive species,
unspecified Bq -6,07E4 3,41E6
airborne emissions Radioactive species,
other beta emitters Bq 0,255
airborne emissions Protactinium-234 Bq 0,00244
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
airborne emissions Potassium-40 Bq 0,0265
airborne emissions Noble gases, radioactive,
unspecified Bq 1,73E5
airborne emissions Niobium-95 Bq 1,49E-8
airborne emissions Manganese-54 Bq 1,26E-7
airborne emissions Lanthanum-140 Bq 1,35E-6
airborne emissions Krypton-89 Bq 0,0824
airborne emissions Krypton-88 Bq 0,285
airborne emissions Krypton-87 Bq 0,23
airborne emissions Krypton-85m Bq 0,56
airborne emissions Chromium-51 Bq 2,45E-7
airborne emissions Cerium-141 Bq 3,82E-6
airborne emissions Barium-140 Bq 1,58E-5
airborne emissions Argon-41 Bq 4,56
airborne emissions Antimony-125 Bq 2,42E-7
airborne emissions Antimony-124 Bq 2,33E-8
airborne emissions Aerosols, radioactive,
unspecified Bq 1,61E-5
airborne emissions Actinides, radioactive,
unspecified Bq 2,21E-7
raw materials Steam from waste incineration MJ 5,66E-5
raw materials Energy, unspecified MJ 3,62
raw materials Energy, solar MJ 0,00186
raw materials Energy, recovered MJ -0,635
raw materials Energy, potential, stock,
in barrage water MJ -0,0999 5,82
raw materials Energy, kinetic, flow, in wind MJ 0,14
raw materials Energy, gross calorific value,
in biomass MJ 0,142
raw materials Energy, from wood MJ 1,34E-5
raw materials Energy, from uranium MJ 9,69
raw materials Energy, from sulfur MJ 0,00303
raw materials Energy, from peat MJ 0,00237
raw materials Energy, from oil MJ 50,6
raw materials Energy, from hydrogen MJ 0,15
raw materials Energy, from hydro power MJ 1,22
raw materials Energy, from gas, natural MJ 27,2
raw materials Energy, from coal, brown MJ 0,109
raw materials Energy, from coal MJ 11,3
raw materials Energy, from biomass MJ 0,0511
raw materials Volume occupied, reservoir m3y 0,0126
raw materials Wood, unspecified, standing/m3 m3 1,34E-9
raw materials Wood, soft, standing m3 1,04E-5
raw materials Wood, hard, standing m3 3,39E-6
raw materials Volume occupied,
underground deposit m3 5,4E-7
raw materials Volume occupied, final repository
for radioactive waste m3 5,17E-9
raw materials Volume occupied, final repository
for low-active radioactive waste m3 2,06E-8
raw materials Water, well, in ground m3 0,00178
raw materials Water, unspecified
natural origin/m3 m3 0,017
raw materials Water, turbine use,
unspecified natural origin m3 5,95
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
raw materials Water, salt, sole m3 9,04E-5
raw materials Water, salt, ocean m3 0,00084
raw materials Water, river m3 0,00528
raw materials Water, process,
unspecified natural origin/m3 m3 0,000404 5E-5
raw materials Water, process and cooling,
unspecified natural origin m3 -0,00257 -0,0106
raw materials Water, lake m3 0,000264
raw materials Water, cooling,
unspecified natural origin/m3 m3 0,084
raw materials Gas, natural, in ground m3 0,824
raw materials Gas, natural, feedstock,
35 MJ per m3, in ground m3 -0,157 -0,197
raw materials Gas, natural, 36.6 MJ per m3,
in ground m3 -0,126 -0,246
raw materials Gas, natural, 35 MJ per m3,
in ground m3 0,273 0,649
raw materials Biogas m3 3,96E-6
raw materials Occupation, water courses,
artificial m2a 0,000634
raw materials Occupation, water bodies,
artificial m2a 0,00117
raw materials Occupation, industrial area,
benthos m2a 7,37E-7
raw materials Occupation, dump site, benthos m2a 8,4E-5
raw materials Wood, unspecified, standing/kg kg 0,000763 0,0166
raw materials Wood, feedstock kg 0,0175
raw materials Water, unspecified
natural origin/kg kg 10,1 0,19
raw materials Water, process, well, in ground kg 5,18E-5
raw materials Water, process, unspecified
natural origin/kg kg 0,909
raw materials Water, process, surface kg 0,00216
raw materials Water, process, salt, ocean kg 0,104
raw materials Water, process, drinking kg 2,94
raw materials Water, cooling, well, in ground kg 0,00269
raw materials Water, cooling, unspecified
natural origin/kg kg 37,3
raw materials Water, cooling, surface kg 0,17
raw materials Water, cooling, salt, ocean kg 17,6
raw materials Water, barrage kg 3,35
raw materials Urea kg 6,12E-5
raw materials Uranium, in ground kg 1,04E-5
raw materials Uranium, 451 GJ per kg,
in ground kg -7,03E-7 3,93E-5
raw materials Uranium ore, 1.11 GJ per kg,
in ground kg 0,006
raw materials Ulexite, in ground kg 6,8E-8
raw materials TiO2, 45-60% in Ilmenite,
in ground kg 7,86E-5
raw materials Talc, in ground kg 2,68E-7
raw materials Sylvite, 25 % in sylvinite,
in ground kg 5,74E-6
raw materials Sulfur, in ground kg 0,000327 1,66E-5
raw materials Sulfur, bonded kg 0,000159
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
raw materials Sulfur dioxide, secondary kg 6,2E-8 0,000494
raw materials Sulfur containing material kg 4,27E-7
raw materials Stibnite, in ground kg 1,65E-11
raw materials Sodium sulphate, various forms,
in ground kg 2,96E-5
raw materials Sodium dichromate, in ground kg 2,32E-11
raw materials Sodium chloride, in ground kg 0,0324 -5,21E-5
raw materials Silver, 0.01% in crude ore,
in ground kg 7,63E-10
raw materials Shale, in ground kg 7,07E-6 3E-5
raw materials Sand, unspecified, in ground kg 0,000151 4,55E-5
raw materials Sand and clay, unspecified,
in ground kg -5,4E-6 -1,24E-5
raw materials Rutile, in ground kg 6,18E-28 2,32E-7
raw materials Rhenium, in crude ore,
in ground kg 3,74E-12
raw materials Potatoes kg 0,000199
raw materials Potassium chloride kg 1,03E-6
raw materials Phosphorus, 18% in apatite,
4% in crude ore, in ground kg 1,42E-5
raw materials Phosphorus, 18% in apatite,
12% in crude ore, in ground kg 6,39E-6
raw materials Phosphorus pentoxide kg 3,9E-7
raw materials PGM, 4.7E-4% Pt, 3.1E-4% Pd,
0.2E-4% Rh, in crude ore,
in ground kg 7,07E-13
raw materials Pesticides kg 7,76E-7
raw materials Peroxitan kg 4,28E-5
raw materials Peat, in ground kg 7,55E-6
raw materials Paper waste, feedstock kg 0,00615
raw materials Oxygen, in air kg 4,08E-5
raw materials Olivine, in ground kg 1,92E-6 3,13E-6
raw materials Oil, crude, in ground kg 0,496
raw materials Oil, crude, feedstock,
41 MJ per kg, in ground kg -0,148 -0,455
raw materials Oil, crude, 42.7 MJ per kg,
in ground kg 0,107
raw materials Oil, crude, 42.6 MJ per kg,
in ground kg -0,0594 -0,181
raw materials Oil kg 1,6E-6
raw materials Nitrogen, in air kg 0,0655
raw materials Manure kg 0,000965
raw materials Magnesium, 0.13% in water kg 2,42E-9
raw materials Magnesium sulfate kg 1,12E-7
raw materials Magnesite, 60% in crude ore,
in ground kg 0,000203
raw materials Limestone, in ground kg 0,00339 0,00076
raw materials Kieserite, 25% in crude ore,
in ground kg 3,02E-8
raw materials Kaolinite, 24% in crude ore,
in ground kg 4,1E-6
raw materials Herbicide kg 2,51E-7
raw materials Gypsum, in ground kg 5,19E-6
raw materials Gravel, in ground kg 7,56E-7 0,17
raw materials Granite, in ground kg 0,000616 4,65E-7
Compartment Substance Unit HDPE bottle PET bottle
raw materials Glue kg 2E-5
raw materials Gas, natural, 30.3 MJ per kg,
in ground kg 0,041
raw materials Fluorspar, in ground kg 0,000645
raw materials Fluorspar, 92%, in ground kg 0,000101
raw materials Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite,
3% in crude ore, in ground kg 1,57E-6
raw materials Fluorine, 4.5% in apatite,
1% in crude ore, in ground kg 3,56E-6
raw materials Ferromanganese kg 1,86E-7
raw materials Feldspar, in ground kg 5,73E-34 2,32E-7
raw materials Dolomite, in ground kg 2,52E-6 3,84E-5
raw materials Diatomite, in ground kg 1,58E-10
raw materials Defoamer kg 7,03E-8
raw materials Corn kg 0,00145
raw materials Complexing agent kg 1,86E-8
raw materials Colemanite, in ground kg 6,19E-7
raw materials Cobalt, in ground kg 8,72E-10
raw materials Coal, hard, unspecified,
in ground kg 0,157
raw materials Coal, brown, in ground kg 0,193
raw materials Coal, brown, 8 MJ per kg,
in ground kg -0,0194 -0,00631
raw materials Coal, 29.3 MJ per kg, in ground kg 0,497
raw materials Coal, 18 MJ per kg, in ground kg 0,0419 0,147
raw materials Clay, unspecified, in ground kg 1,09E-5 0,0065
raw materials Clay, bentonite, in ground kg 2,51E-5 0,000389
raw materials Chrysotile, in ground kg 3,55E-8
raw materials Calcium sulfate, in ground kg 2,5E-6
raw materials Calcite, in ground kg 4,3E-28 0,0232
raw materials Borax, in ground kg 9,34E-6
raw materials Biomass kg 0,000465
raw materials Basalt, in Boden kg 0,000484
raw materials Baryte, in ground kg 1,39E-7
raw materials Barite, 15% in crude ore,
in ground kg 0,000768
raw materials Artificial fertilizer kg 1,91E-5
raw materials Anhydrite, in ground kg 1,04E-5
raw materials Air kg 0,119
Appendix 6
PET bottle
0,8 p 1p
PET bottle Waste
0,162 -0,0697
0,437 MJ 3,92 MJ 0,126 MJ 4,86 MJ 0,23 MJ -0,145 MJ 0,105 tkm 9,63 MJ -0,63 kg 0,000232 kg 9,9E-5 kg 1,62E-5 kg 0,0534 MJ
Electricity from Electricity from Electricity from Electricity from Electricity from Electricity T ruck 28t B250 Electricity from PET granulate Paper wood-free NaOH (100%) HCl (100%) Heat oil (EL,CH)
coal B250 hydropwr B250 lignite B250 uranium B250 oil B250 UCPT E B250 gas B250 amorph B250 C B250 B250 B250
0,00388 2,79E-17 0,00133 0,00024 0,00247 -0,00055 0,000412 0,0335 -0,064 4,64E-6 4,66E-6 7,91E-7 7,99E-5
2,55E-6 kg
Sulphur B250
HDPE bottle
1p 1p
HDPE bottle Waste
0,253 0,011