Explanation: Types of
How do you Character: Flat
Main Character Protagonist
know? Give (Static)/Round
Reasons! (Dynamic)
The portrayal of Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger Steve is the protagonist in this superhero From the
Steve Rogers' film is a hero character who is in the spotlight from the story. Steve is Captain America who is a super beginning to the
character in the beginning to the end of the story. Before becoming soldier created from an American scientific end of the story,
film script is Captain America, who has a big and muscular body, project. As a hero character Steve brings and Steve's character
mostly Steve was a small and weak man. shows the values of goodness in the story. has not changed
described using at all. From the
dramatic Steve Rogers lowers his paper. He’s frail and small Steve Rogers as a protagonist character has beginning of the
technique, in (Scene 12, p.8). several characteristics, including persistent, story he has
which the ambitious, patriotic, tough, brave, clever, and shown his
character Even though he is small and weak, yet he has very big willing to sacrifice, which all are the patriotic spirit
himself shows it ambition to join the army to fight with other men against characteristics of a hero. until when he
verbally, as well Germany during World War II. has become
as nonverbally, Loud Jerk: “You don’t know when to give up, Captain America
also through the Steve: “You want me to sit in a factory collect scrap do you?” who is a hero
events he metal in my little red wagon while the men are laying Steve: (wiping his bloody mouth) “I can do whom defends
experiences. down their lives? I can do as well as them and I got no this all day” (Scene 14, p. 10). and fights
Besides, there right to do any less” (Scene 19, p. 14). against the
Steve even took five military entrance exams in five Steve's toughness was already owned even
are also a few different cities, by fabricating his true identity, which is before becoming a Captain America with a invaders.
descriptions actually can be said as illegal. Luckily, he then met Dr. strong and big body. The small and frail Steve Moreover he
using exposition Erskine who made a powerful serum that turned Steve was often bullied and beaten, but running from sacrifices
technique into a big, strong, and perfect man as well as soldier. the bullies was not an option for him. himself to
through which protect a lot of
obtained only A new man hanging in the straps. Muscular, tall, Colonel Phillip: “Grenade!” people’s life, so
from the film perfect. His head rests against his chest, eyes closed It tumbles in the grass, stopping in front of the he still remains
script. However, (Scene 45, p.39). recruits. Steve’s eyes go wide. The rest of the ‘a good man’
not only seeing recruits scramble away. Hodge yelps. He just like Dr.
from the film As the main character, the story in this film focuses on throws himself underneath a nearby jeep. Erskine asked
script, but the Steve's struggle to prove himself as a man who deserves Peggy makes for the grenade, but Steve gets him to be. He
depiction of this to be in the army as well as Captain America, also his there first, throwing himself on it. never shows his
character is also struggles against and defeating the enemy. Steve with a Steve:”Everybody down!”(Scene 27, p.25). bad side that
obtained from small and weak body is degraded by other characters contradicts with
the film around him, both men and women. Even he is bullied. Not only tough, Steve before becoming his identity as a
directly, Captain America also had greater courage and hero. Therefore,
because it Steve offers Bonnie a peanut. She looks at them with guts than other men with a strong and big body Steve is
shows the detail scorn (Scene 18, p.13). than him who was a soldier. He even classified as flat
and clear immediately jumped at the fake grenade, and (static) character.
portrayal of this Steve: “I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that ordered the other soldiers to stay away. This is
character. alley… and that vacant lot… and behind that diner” the portrayal of how high the courage and
Additionally, to (Scene 37, p. 31). sacrifice of Steve is.
obtain a better
understanding The recruits scramble up a cargo net. Steve's foot gets Senator Brandt:”… (to Steve) Son, do you
about this tangled. Hodge climbs over him, smashing his face. want to serve your country? On the most
character, From an observation platform, Erskine watches as Steve important battlefield in this war?
several sources grimaces but hauls himself up (Scene 24, p. 23). Steve: “It’s all I want” (Scene 78, p. 52).
such as previous
After Steve turned into a man with a strong and But unfortunately, his courage and toughness
research and
muscular body, he was still deemed unfit for war. are still underestimated by many parties,
articles on the
Instead of being a soldier in a war, Steve is asking to including the army leaders. Instead of
internet are used
perform on stage as a hero, which can generate income including Steve who has turned into a man
as references to
for the country. For this reason, he is considered as a
reveal more dancing monkey who makes money, so he is still looked with a muscular and strong body into the army
about the down upon by other men. to fight, the leaders even put him to perform on
character that stage as entertainment to get income. When in
can help to Colonel Phillips: “… We’d lose more men than we’d fact Steve is more needed in the real battlefield
describe the save. I don’t expect you to understand that, because you that is war because that's the main purpose he
characterization. are a chorus girl” (Scene 95, p.61). join the army. However, Steve still accepted it
and did what he was told because for him it
Steve:”If you’re going after Schmidt, I want in.” was still a form of serving his country,
Colonel Phillips: “You’re an experiment. We’re sending although not as he expected. This is shows
you to Alamogordo.” how high Steve's patriotic spirit in serving his
Steve: “As what, a lab rat? The serum worked!” country.
Colonel Phillips: “I asked for an army. All I got is you.
And you are not enough” (Scene 78, p. 51). Brandt’s Aide: “Nothing to it. You sell a few
bonds, bonds buy a few bullets, bullets kill a
Until finally he was desperate alone went to free few Nazis. Bing bang boom, you’re an
hundred soldiers who were arrested by the enemy, and American hero” (Scene 79, p. 53).
when he succeed, he was allowed to fully involve to the
army. Steve, who managed to save hundreds of soldiers Steve: “All I dreamed about was coming
alone, was then given an award by the government, and overseas, being on the front lines, serving my
interestingly he became an idol among women because country. I finally get everything I wanted…
of his figure as a dashing Captain America, and this is and I’m wearing tights” (Scene 92, p. 58).
really opposite with the previous Steve.
Steve and Peggy also love each other, but both Steve:”Agent Carter. Wait a second.”
of them are too shy to admit it. Until before She doesn’t break stride. Steve catches up to
Steve was going to chase Johannn Schmidt, her.
Peggy gave him a kiss as a sign of her love. Peggy Carter: “Looks like finding a partner
wasn’t that hard after all.”
Steve: “Hold it steady this time.” Steve: “Peggy. That wasn’t what you thought
Peggy Carter: “Wait!” it was.”
Peggy grabs Steve by the neck and kisses him. Peggy Carter: “I don’t think anything,
When they break off, Steve looks at her, wide- Captain. Not one thing.”
eyed. She continues toward a metal door at the end
Peggy Carter: “Go get him” (Scene 202, p. of the hall.
113). Peggy Carter: “You wanted to be a soldier.
Now you are one. Just like all the rest.”
Unfortunately, when Steve had defeat Johann Steve stops, flustered and upset.
Schmidt on the plane he was forced to sacrifice
himself by landing the plane into the Arctic
ocean. Peggy tried to stop him but in the end she
allowed Steve to do what he wanted.
Peggy Carter: “Steve don’t do this. We’ve got
time. We can figure this out.”
Steve eyes the navigation charts.
Steve: “I already did. Right now, I’m in the
middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer, a lot of
people are going to get hurt. (beat) Peggy this is
my choice” (Scene 216, p. 120-121).
The portrayal of Howard Stark was the best mechanical Howard Stark is classified as a protagonist Howard Stark is a
Howard Stark's engineer in America at the time. He is a man because he helps the main character, namely flat (static)
character in the film who is loved and adored by many women. As Steve, in dealing with his problems. Besides character or he does
script is mostly seen from Connie and Bonnie's reaction when helping Dr. Erskine in the super soldier not have any
described using they saw his exhibition, they were very excited experiment, Howard for Peggy's request also characterization
dramatic technique, in to see Howard Stark. helped Steve to get to the Hydra headquarters changes. Howard
which the character via the plane he was piloting, where Stark from the
himself shows it Connie: “Oh my God, there he is! hundreds of soldiers were being arrested. beginning of the
verbally, as well as The girls squeal, urging Bucky towards. Peggy Carter: “Stark’s the best civilian pilot story to the end
nonverbally, also A crowd gathers by a stage: “Stark Industries I’ve ever seen, and mad enough to brave this remained on Steve's
through the events he Presents…” Steve buys peanuts as Bucky and airspace. We’re lucky to have him (Scene 98, side to always help
experiences. Besides, the girls get in close. On stage, a dashing p.63). him, especially in
there are also a few Howard Stark stands with a 1942 Cadillac. The creating his uniform
descriptions using girls giggle, smitten (Scene 17-18, p.13). Howard Stark is super confident, and weapon in the
exposition technique charismatic, and respected for his wealth and form of a shield.
through which Besides Dr. Erskine, Howard Stark is also a intelligence. Even Colonel Phillips was not
obtained only from character who has no less important role in brave enough to rebuke him when he helped
the film script. helping the main character, especially in creating Steve without his permission.
However, not only Steve as a super soldier. Howard Stark was
seeing from the film heavily involved in the process to help Dr. Howard Stark: “Well, speaking modestly, I’d
script, but the Erskine. say I’m the best mechanical engineer in the
depiction of this country…” (Scene 78, p.50).
character is also Stark and his older assistants ready the
obtained from the machinery. The engineers check their monitors. Colonel Phillips: “I can’t touch Stark. He’s
film directly, because An EKG beeps (Scene 45, p.36). a civilian... and the Army’s number one
it shows the detail weapons contractor...” (Scene 143, p.77).
and clear portrayal of Not only that, Howard is also the person whom
this character. producing superb war equipment for soldiers, Because he is admired by many women, it is
Additionally, to including uniforms and weapons, especially for not difficult for Howard to understand
obtain a better Captain America. women. Therefore, Howard also gave Steve
understanding about some advice and explanation when he
this character, several Howard stops at collection of high-tech fabrics. wanted to understand woman in this case was
sources such as Howard Stark: “Me, I concentrate on work. Peggy, when Steve thought Peggy and him
previous research and Which at the moment is making sure you and had a relationship.
articles on the internet your men don’t get killed” (Scene 114, p.89).
are used as references Howard Stark: “Nor should you, pal. The
to reveal more about minute you think you know what’s in a
the character that can woman’s head is the minute your goose is
help to describe the well and truly cooked” (Scene 154, p.88).
The portrayal of Senator Brandt is a member of the Senate who Even though Brandt also naturally doubted Senator Brandt is a
Senator Brandt's co-operated with Colonel Phillips and Dr. Steve to be directly involved in the war and round (dynamic)
character in the film Erskine on their scientific project to produce chose to assign Steve to perform at a character which is a
script is mostly super soldiers. fundraising event for country, he was still a character that
described using protagonist because he was on the same side changed as a result
dramatic technique, in Unlike Colonel Phillips, who only saw Steve as with Steve as Colonel Phillips. of an incident in the
which the character a rat lab, Brandt who witnessed the serum story. Although this
himself shows it experimentation process on Steve's body, Brandt through his assistants tries to change is not very
verbally, as well as realized that Steve could be a symbol of convince Steve that by doing this fundraising visible because his
nonverbally, also America's war spirit during the war. Moreover, he is a real hero for the country. Steve did scene in the story
through the events he the country had seen Steve when he managed to not think that he would do that, because he was very few, this
experiences. Besides, kill a Hydra member who killed Dr. Erskine. thought that serving the country meant can be seen from
there are also a few Therefore, Brandt gave him an opportunity to fighting in the real war. If Brandt really how he looks at
descriptions using dedicate himself to the country through a believed and trusted on Steve he should have Steve. At first he
exposition technique fundraising show for the war with identity of a convinced Colonel Phillips to allow Steve to only saw Steve as a
through which hero named Captain America. involve in the battle against Hydra, not asked spirit symbol for
obtained only from him to perform like a dancing monkey. America, but after
the film script. Senator Brandt: “With all respect, Colonel, I Steve managed to
However, not only think we may be missing the point. You’ve seen Steve: “I don’t know if I can do this.” show his ability and
seeing from the film Steve here in action. More importantly, the Brandt’s Aide stands beside him. saved hundred
script, but the country’s seen it.” Brandt’s Aide: “Nothing to it. You sell a few soldiers, Senator
depiction of this Brandt’s aide hands over a copy of the New bonds, bonds buy a few bullets, bullets kill a Brandt indirectly
character is also York examiner: “Nazi Saboteur Foiled! Mystery few Nazis. Bing Bang boom, you’re an through the medal
obtained from the Man Saves Civilians!” American hero.” was appreciated also
film directly, because In the photo, Steve deflects gunfire with a Steve swallows hard. acknowledged that
it shows the detail starred car door. Steve: “Not how I pictured getting there.” Steve was indeed a
and clear portrayal of Brandt’s Aide: “The Senator’s got a lot of hero who was able
this character. Senator Brandt: “Enlistment lines have been pull on the Hill. Play ball with us and you’ll to defeat the enemy.
Additionally, to around the block since this hit the newsstands. be leading your own platoon in no time
obtain a better You don’t take a soldier, a symbol, like this and (Scene 79, p.52-53).
understanding about hide him in a lab.”
this character, several Steve looks surprised. He didn’t expect Brandt to … In the crowd, Senator Brandt looks
sources such as step up for him. pleased. Steve glances over his shoulder.
previous research and Brandt’s Aide gives him the thumbs up. The
articles on the internet Senator Brandt: “He needs to be out there, girls sing, introducing hero… (Scene 80,
are used as references showing the world what the American fighting p.53).
to reveal more about man is made of. (to Steve) Son, do you want to
the character that can serve your country? On the most important However at the end, when Steve had saved
help to describe the battlefield in this war?” the hundred soldiers who had arrested by
characterization. Steve: “It’s all I want.” Hydra, Brandt offered a petition for Steve so
Senator Brandt: “Then congratulations. You just he could get a medal as a reward for his
got promoted” (Scene 78, p.52). action. It means that Senator Brandt finally
realize that Steve can become more than just
a dancing monkey. Even though, Steve chose
to not attend the award ceremony.
Types of
Explanation: How
Character: Flat
do you know? Give Supporting Character Antagonist
The portrayal of Johann Schmidt was part of Hydra, especially Johann Schmidt is the main antagonist Johan Schmidt is a
Johann Schmidt’s the head of the weapons development division character in the story. He is the villain the flat (static)
character in the film on the German side, Nazis who started the enemy of Captain America. Thus his character because he
script is mostly World War II. He was a subordinate of Adolf characterizations are certainly the opposite of doesn't portray any
described using Hitler who also had great ambitions of power Steve's character. His most prominent change at all. From
dramatic technique, in and strength. character is ambitious and obsessed with the beginning of the
which the character strength, which makes him not afraid to take story when he was
himself shows it Dr. Erskine: “I am not interested. He sends the a risk even it is dangerous. looking for the
verbally, as well as head of Hydra, his research division. A brilliant Tesseract until he
nonverbally, also scientist named Johann Schmidt. Schmidt was a Dr. Arnim Zola: “We are stable at seventy was killed by Steve,
through the events he member of the inner circle, ambitious, obsessed percent. Well within safety parameters.” his ambition to
experiences. Besides, with occult power and Teutonic myth. He and Johann Schmidt: “I did not come all this way change the world
there are also a few Hitler shared a passion for violence and for safety, Doctor” (Scene 22, p.19). and become the
descriptions using Wagner” (Scene 29, p. 26). superior man is
exposition technique His belief in fantasy and what others think of never die out. He
through which Different with Hitler, Schmidt really believed in as myths is the source of his desire to remains a villain in
obtained only from fantasy and was very obsessed with it. Thus, not become the superior man to rule and control the story, without
the film script. a few other Hydra members thought he was the world with magical powers. felt remorse or guilty
However, not only crazy for believing in it. That is why Schmidt for what he did.
seeing from the film finally decided to carry out a movement for his Dr. Erskine: “Hitler uses these fantasies to
script, but the own sake, in order to rule the world, and don't inspire his followers. But Schmidt… he does
depiction of this hesitate to finish off the Hydra members who not believe in fantasy. For him, it is real”
character is also belittle or oppose him. (Scene 29A, p. 27).
obtained from the
film directly, because Johann Schmidt: “I now wield enough This ambition drives him to commit various
it shows the detail destructive force to decimate every hostile crimes. He did not hesitate to kill and finish
and clear portrayal of capital on earth. Simultaneously, Quite simply, off anyone who dared to get in his way, even
this character. gentlemen… I have harnessed the power of the the members of Hydra. This is what causes
Additionally, to gods.” the serum made by Dr. Erskine reacted badly
obtain a better The Nazis eye each other. to him, because it was his own ugliness that
understanding about Schneider: “Thank you, Schmidt.” made it happen.
this character, several Johann Schmidt: “For what?”
sources such as Schneider: “For making it clear how obviously Dr. Erskine: “The serum amplifies what is
previous research and mad you are” (Scene 76, p.48). inside.”
articles on the internet Flash: Schmidt’s eyes bulge.
are used as references Because of his ambition to become the superior Dr. Erskine: “Good becomes great…”
to reveal more about man, he once asked for a serum made by Dr. Flash: His skin burns, he screams.
the character that can Erskine to be tested on him. This experiment Dr. Erskine: “Bad becomes worse…” (Scene
help to describe the was fail and as a result he burned because his 31, p.28).
characterization. body could not withstand the serum's reaction,
so he was known as the red skull. However, Besides, he thought he was the most genius
Johan Schmidt was proud of it and never gave and powerful as like god, so he envied Steve
up on realizing his ambitions. for Dr. Erskine gave the serum to Steve not
him. But at the end of the story, Johann
Flash: Schmidt peruses an ancient tome Schmidt was defeated by Steve.
Dr. Erskine: “He became convinced that a great
power had been hidden on earth left here by the Red Skull: “You’re a liar, Captain. You
gods – waiting to be seized by a superior man. pretend to be a simple soldier. But in reality
Flash: He talks to Erskine, who shakes his head. you’re just afraid to admit we’ve left
Dr. Erskine: “And when he understood what my humanity behind.”
formula could do, Schmidt could not resist… Another explosion rocks the floor below.
Flash: Schmidt, now in a full Nazi uniform, Red Skull: “Unlike you, I embrace it
presses a luger between Erskine’s eyes. proudly. Without the masquerade… without
Dr. Erskine: “He had to become that superior fear.”
man” (Scene 29B, p. 27). Steve: “Then how come you’re running?”
(Scene 136, p.74).
Steve: “Erskine said your experiment was a
failure.” ... Steve: “He told me you were insane. That
Johann Schmidt: “A failure? Oh, no, Captain.” seemed like enough.”
He gets his feet. Red Skull: “He resented my genius and tried
Johann Schmidt: “I was his greatest success” to deny me what was rightfully mine. Yet he
(Scene 136, p.74). gave you everything.”
Red Skull: “What made you so special?”
Furthermore, Johann Schmidt managed to find Steve: “Nothing…” (Scene 188, p.108-109).
the Tesseract which has extraordinary powers.
With that, he and Doctor Zola designed some
battleships that could blow up the world, and
America would be the first target.
How do you
Main Problem Minor Problems Theme
know? Give
The main and The war between United States Importance of being a soldier for men. Heroism is
minor against Nazi Germany in the It is the first conflict in the story, which is the main character Steve the most
problems in World War II. Rogers thought that being a soldier is a must for men because in the suitable
the story as World War II era, most of men were joined the army to fight for theme for this
well as the It becomes the main conflict because country. Thus, Steve thought he should not do any jobs except that, yet story,
theme are all the events and conflicts in the he was small, frail, and did not pass the army test for five times. because
identified by story are caused of the World War II overall, this
creating an when America was fight against Steve: “You want me to sit in a factory collect scrap metal in my little story
outline of the Germany, including the creating of red wagon while the men are laying down their lives? I can do as well discusses
story which super soldier as a weapon of America as them and I got no right to do any less” (Scene 19, p. 14). Steve's
contains the to fight Germany. In short other persistence to
problems problems would not exist without this The hesitation on super soldier. be able to
faced by the problem. After Steve became a super soldier with a big, strong, and muscular fight for his
main body, nevertheless he was not allowed to be involved in any mission to country and
character. The SHIELD LT. (INTO RADIO): “This fight the Nazis, because his abilities were still doubted. the obstacles
outline can be has got to be World War II. But the and trials he
obtained by Luftwaffe didn’t have anything nearly Steve:”If you’re going after Schmidt, I want in.” faces, even at
watching the this advanced. (beat) Or this big” Colonel Phillips: “You’re an experiment. We’re sending you to the end of the
film and (Scene 4, p.3). Alamogordo.” story he
reading the A paper screams: “Elite Nazi forces Steve: “As what, a lab rat? The serum worked!” sacrifices his
script several overrun Norwegian town” (Scene 12, Colonel Phillips: “I asked for an army. All I got is you. And you are life for the
times. p.7). not enough” (Scene 78, p. 51). safety of
many people.
Losing friend on battlefield.
Steve, who finally believed by Colonel Phillips to lead the mission to
fight Nazis, then felt sad and guilt because he could not protect his best
friend Bucky and lost him.
Steve: “I got in over my head. Bucky waded in and pulled me out, just
like he always did. And the one time he needed me to return the favor, I
couldn’t” (Scene 182, p. 102).
Title of the story : Captain America: The First Avenger Film
Author : Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely
The year of publishing : 2011
Name of data collector : Nurul Istiqamah Kadekoh
Preliminary data collection : from 10 February 2022 up to 11 February 2022 (date, month, year)
Next data collection ( validation) : from...........up to..........(date, month, year)
How do you Beginning / Rising Action / Resolution /
Crisis / Conflicts Climax
know? Give Exposition Complocation Denouement
The The story in this film Steve's ambition to After the murder incident Steve, who proudly After Johann
identification begins with the discovery become a soldier of Dr. Erskine, America managed to conquer Schmidt, America's
of the plot of Germany's fighter plane finally came true when began to carry out several areas which biggest threat, was
and its parts by members of SHIELD he finally met Dr. missions against Hydra. were controlled by killed by Steve the
is done by in present. That's when Erskine. Dr. Erskine However, Steve was not German, again had to Captain America,
watching the they found Captain was interested on him allowed to be involved in face sad reality Steve got another
film while America who was lost because of his tenacity these missions by because of losing his problem. The
paying during World War II. to fight against the Colonel Phillips. Colonel best friend Bucky who German plane he
attention to Nazis solely to defend Phillips was not fell from the train, was driving could
the Reveal: A massive wingtip his country, even convinced that he was during a mission to not land in a safe
description juts from the ice, towering though he was failed capable of fighting the capture Dr. Zola. place because
especially the above them like a five times in the Nazis, because he Bucky was later Schmidt had locked
setting skyscraper. A skull and entrance test. Thus, thought Steve was just an avowed as dead on the its navigation
contained in tentacle logo is just visible Dr. Erskine gave him experiment, not a super mission. system. Steve with
the film through the ice. German a chance, so he could soldier. Therefore, all his generosity,
script. Thus, words are stenciled join the army. Senator Brandt then gave Steve: "Bucky, no!" finally decided to
it can be seen ominously below (Scene 1, Steve another task in the Blam! the cannon sacrifice himself, to
that the plot p.2). Dr. Erskine: “It is not name of serving the fires, hitting Bucky land the plane in the
pattern of the exams I am country, to perform on square in the Arctic sea so that no
this story is They creep through the interested in. It is the charity shows as Captain shield...blowing him other lives are
using a back frozen, devastated plane. five tries…” (Scene America for encouraging through the hole in the consumed because of
and forth Shattered control screens 20, p. 17). and entertaining the wall. With a last that plane.
plot. Further, reflect their flashlights. public. desperate effort, buck
the parts of The Lieutenant eyes a Dr. Erskine: “I can snags the jagged edge. Steve: "There isn’t
the plot are panel, “GEFAHR. offer you a chance, Steve:”If you’re going The trooper’s weapon going to be a
determined EXPLOSIVSTOFFE.” only a chance” after Schmidt, I want in.” is momentarily spent landing. Schmidt’s
based on the SHIELD LT. (INTO Steve: “That’s all I’m Colonel Phillips: by the blast. As it locked the
sequence of RADIO): “This has got to asking for.” “You’re an experiment. starts to power back navigation system."
events that be World War II. But the …. We’re sending you to up...Steve lunges, Steve eyes the
occur in the Luftwaffe didn’t have STAMP! 1A ((Scene Alamogordo.” grabbing Bucky’s relined engine
story which anything nearly this 20, p.17-18). Steve: “As what, a lab slipping hand. Steve gauges in front of
are advanced. (beat) Or this rat? The serum worked!” starts pulling him back him.
interrelated big” (Scene 4, p.3). Steve is the selected Colonel Phillips: “I in. then...Blam. The Steve: "And there’s
and affect man who will be the asked for an army. All I trooper fires, more than enough
each other. He knocks away the last of first experimental man got is you. And you are vaporizing Bucky’s power to reach the
the ice, revealing...A red, in creating of super not enough” (Scene 78, arm into a blue mist. East Coast.”
white and blue shield soldiers through the p. 51). ... …
(Scene 4, p.3). serum made by Dr. On the roof, Jones Peggy Carter:
Erskine. This serum Senator Brandt: “He stares in horror as... “Steve, don’t do this.
This film presents the then made Steve's needs to be out there, Bucky’s body whips We’ve got time. We
story uses a back-and- body which was showing the world what away, tumbling into a can figure this out.”
forth plot. First, it shows previously short, thin, the American fighting bottomless gorge Steve eyes the
the present event which is and weak instantly man is made of. (to (Scene 173-174, p.98). navigation charts.
the discovery of turned into tall, big, Steve) Son, do you want Steve: "I already did.
devastated plane and the muscular, and strong. to serve your country? Peggy Carter: "Then Right now, I’m in the
Captain America's shield, In short, the serum is On the most important stop blaming yourself. middle of nowhere. If
and after that it begins to worked perfectly. battlefield in this war?” Allow Barnes the I wait any longer, a
tell the past events before However, Steve: “It’s all I want.” dignity of his choice. lot of people are
the discovery happened. It unfortunately Dr. Senator Brandt: “Then He damn well must going to get hurt"
was in the World War II Erskine was killed by congratulations. You just have thought you were (Scene 216, p.120).
era, in 1942-1945. Heinz Kruger, the got promoted” (Scene 78, worth it.
The events of the past member of Hydra at p.52). Steve stares at his After that, in 1945
began with Johann that moment, and beer. America finally
Schmidt who was looking nobody's about Steve: “I don’t know if I Steve: "As soon as I became independent
for the Tesseract which is creating or developing can do this.” finish this, I’m going from Germany, but
a space stone that has the serum except him. Brandt’s Aide stands after Johann Schmidt. unfortunately since
super powers, on the beside him. I’m going to burn out the previous incident
castle rock tower located Dr. Erskine: “The Brandt’s Aide: “Nothing every hole there is for no news from Steve
in Norway in 1942. serum amplifies what to it. You sell a few him to hide in. And has been found thus
Schmidt managed to find is inside.” bonds, bonds buy a few I’m not going to stop he was declared no
the Tesseract which was Flash: Schmidt’s eyes bullets, bullets kill a few until he and all of longer active in
kept in a secret place and bulge. Nazis. Bing Bang boom, Hydra are captured or America military.
killed those who tried to Dr. Erskine: “Good you’re an American dead" (Scene 182,
prevent him to get it. becomes great…” hero” (Scene 79, p.52- p.103). People lean from
Flash: His skin burns, 53). balconies, holding
Title: “Norway, May he screams. After losing Bucky, the V for Victory
1942” (Scene 6, p.3). Dr. Erskine: “Bad To prove he was capable Steve was determined sign. A paper on a
becomes worse…” to be a soldier, Steve to finish off Hydra, newsstand reads,
Johann Schmidt: (Scene 31, p.28). with Peggy's especially Johann “WAR OVER!”
“The Tesseract was the Dr. Erskine: “This is encouragement and Schmidt who was the (Scene 218, p.122).
Jewel of Odin’s treasure why you were chosen. Howard Stark's help, mastermind of all this
room” (Scene 11, p.6). A strong man, he went to the Hydra camp war. With his strength, Phillips signs and
might lose respect for to free hundred soldiers courage, and official report.
He pushes the snake’s eye, the power if he has who were captured toughness, Steve “Classified-Captain
releasing a wooden box had it all his life. But a during the missions. finally managed to America.” He
carved like a snake. The weak man knows the Moreover, among the defeat Schmidt in a stamps it:
old man sags, defeated. value of strength… hundreds of soldiers German fighter plane, “INACTIVE.” He
Schmidt opens the box. and compassion” there was Steve's best just before Schmidt slides it into a red
Blue light illuminates his (Scene 33, p. 29). friend, Bucky, so Steve wiped out American box marked “To Be
face. He gazes, was desperate to go there territory according to Destroyed.” He
enraptured. The old man Dr. Erskine: "The alone without Colonel his plan. looks up as Peggy
stares, awed (Scene 11, serum will cause Phillips's permission. Steve slams his heel walks in. He regards
p.6). immediate cellular This brave action luckily onto the shield, her, stoic,
change. In order to paid off, he managed to flipping it into the air. suppressing his
Schmidt draws his luger prevent uncontrolled save hundreds of soldiers Skull Fires. Steve emotion (Scene 225,
with dazzling speed. Blam. growth, the subject and also his friends. jumps to his feet, p.123).
The keeper drops. The old will then be saturated Since then, Colonel grabbing the shield,
man’s blood has spattered with Vita Rays" (Scene Phillips began to entrust blocking the blast. He At the end of the
Schmidt’s Hydra lapel 45, p.36-37). Steve to run and lead the whirls and hurls his story time returns to
pin. His tentacled death’s mission against Hydra. shield. the present, when
head is now a red skull Stark hits a button. The spinning disc hits Steve just woke up
(Scene 11, p.7). The hood and panels Soldiers, including those Skull in the ribs with a from his sleep for 70
retract, releasing a who booed him at the sickening crunch, years. Even though
After that, the story moves blast of steam. When it USO show, crowd knocking him off his it's been a long time,
one year after the previous clears, Erskine can around slapping Steve on feet...Smashing Him Steve's appearance
incident, it is 1943 in New see... the back. They wave his Into The Cube hasn't changed a bit,
York City. This is where A new man hanging in comic book, yelling for Console. he still looks young,
Steve Rogers, the main the straps. Muscular, Captain America. Blue energy arcs and strong, and dashing
character is shown waiting tall, perfect. His head Flashbulbs pop. Steve crackles from the like in the era of
his turn to register for the rests against his chest, smiles despite himself, damaged machinery. World War II. This
army entrance exam. eyes closed (Scene 45, finally accepted (Scene The Energy Gauge is a further
Unfortunately, Steve with p.39). 144, p.79). Pins At Overload. explanation of the
a small and thin body Skull pulls himself to scene at the
failed to enter the army Steve cradles Erskine, Colonel Phillips: “We're his feet, staring in beginning of the
because he had asthma who stares through going to light a fire alarm as... film, where the
and he was frail. broken glasses. He under Johann Schmidt's The cube rises from SHIELD members
However, Steve still takes in the result of ass. (to Steve) What do the machine, glowing find a damaged plane
wanted to join the army his efforts. He smiles, you say, Rogers? It's with a violent in the middle of a
just like his father and the weak but proud. He your map. Think you can intensity. snowstorm that
other men. reaches out… and taps wipe Hydra off it?” Skull stares. He contains Captain
Steve’s chest. He Steve stares, finally given reaches out and America's shield. So,
Title: “New York City, stops, and dead now. the responsibility he's extracts the cube. after that Steve was
June 1943.” Steve stares for a wanted (Scene 146, Steve gapes as...The taken and treated by
Dozens Of Half-Dressed moment, then looks p.81). cube burns the glove them until he
Recruits read newspapers, up, filling with quiet off skull’s hand, regained
waiting for their exam rage (Scene 49, p.41). On the other hand, during exposing the scarred consciousness.
results (Scene 12, p.7). the rescue mission, Steve flesh (Scene 212D,
On the other hand, met Johann Schmidt and p.117). Nick Fury: "Sorry
Close on: The paper, Johann Schmidt and Dr. Zola. That's when about that little show
“Nazis burn Czech village his colleague Dr. Zola Schmidt showed Steve Red Skull: "Valhalla... back there. See,
to the ground.” has also succeeded in his true identity in the I was right... It is there’s no precedent
Henry Kaminsky: "Kinda developing their new form of a red skull. real... Yes, I for what you’ve been
makes you think twice weapons whose However, since the understand... I have through. We couldn’t
about enlisting, huh?" energy come from the Hydra's camp was on the waited so long..." tell how delicate
Steve Rogers lowers his Tesseract. verge of burning, The visions speed up your mental state
paper. He’s frail and Schmidt and Dr. Zola until they blur. might be. We thought
small. Johann Schmidt: immediately left the Suddenly, the cube it best to break it to
Steve: "Nope" (Scene 12, “Thank you, Doctor. location. vibrates violently. The you slowly.
p.8). Your designs do not Skull looks worried. Steve: "Break
disappoint…” He pulls, peeling his face Something’s wrong. what?"
Army Doctor: "Sorry, son. Zola takes a reading from the bone, Red Skull: "No." Nick Fury: "You’ve
You’d be ineligible on at a gauge, impressed. revealing...a red skull Steve whips up his been asleep,
your asthma alone." Dr. Arnim Zola: “The underneath. He grins, shield as energy Captain. For almost
Steve: "You can’t do exchange is stable. hideous. Steve stares in shoots from the cube. seventy years"
anything?" Amazing. The energy disbelief. … Red skull: "no!" (Scene 233, p.177).
Army Doctor: "I’m doing we’ve just collected Steve scowls from the end Energy bolts ricochet
it. I’m saving your life." could power a of the catwalk, helpless. off the ceiling and
The Doctor stamps Steve’s battleship. Ten Zola hands skull back his strike the skull,
file: 4F. (Scene 12, p.8-9). battleships. (beat) This titanium box. Then the vaporizing him as...the
will change the war” two of them step into the cube goes nova (Scene
(Scene 22, p.20). elevator and disappear 212D, p.118).
(Scene 136, p.74).
Title of the story : Captain America: The First Avenger Film
Author : Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely
The year of publishing : 2011
Name of data collector : Nurul Istiqamah Kadekoh
Preliminary data collection : from 12 February 2022 up to 15 February 2022 (date, month, year)
Next data collection ( validation) : from...........up to..........(date, month, year)
When are the
How do you
Where is the story placed? events taking
know? Give
Setting of place New York City The essence of
and time can New York is the most important setting in the story, because the main character is coming from New York the story in the
be easily and various important events in the story occur in several places in New York, including: film takes
identified place in the era
through the 1) Bayonne, N.J: At an army enlistment office is where Steve enlisted to join the army for the fifth time. of the World
scene heading Int. Enlistment Office, Bayonne, N.J. – Day War II,
in the script, A Paper Screams: “Elite Nazi forces overrun Norwegian town.” precisely in
because it Army Doctor: "O’Connell, Michael..." 1942 to 1945
contains the The paper flaps down, revealing a young man. He stands, wearing only boxer shorts. when America
location and Title: “New York City, June 1943” (Scene 12, p.7). was officially
time of each declared
act. 2) Marvels Pavilion on Recruitment Center, where Steve met Dr. Erskine and he finally got a chance to independent
join the army. from Germany.
Int. Marvels Pavilion, Recruitment Center - Night However,
Steve stares at a mirrored booth in front of the recruiting pavilion: “You Duty: Tyr It On For Size!” because the
(Scene 19, p.14).
3) Rebirth laboratory in Brooklyn, where Steve was turned into a super soldier by Dr. Erskine's serum. plot in this film
Int. Rebirth Lab - Day uses a back-
Erskine helps Steve onto the device. and-forth plot,
Dr. Erskine: "Comfortable?" so there are
Steve looks small in the outline of a much larger man (Scene 43, p.35). several scenes
of events that
4) Camp Lehigh, which was the United States army base and one of the Strategic Scientific Reserve's occurred in the
training facilities during World War II, where the soldiers including Steve did the military training before year before
he turned into a super soldier. World War II
Ext. Camp Lehigh, Practice Field - Day and also after
Pan over eleven healthy recruits. Then dip to find...Steve, looking small but determined in army green it. For example
(Scene 23, p.20). in 1938 when
Dr. Erskine
5) Allied Headquarters, a place of briefing or meeting for war strategy and so on, as well as Howard Stark's still works for
workspace where he designs all the weapons of war. Germany and
Int. Allied Headquarters, Briefing Room - Day conducts
A briefing room in an underground bunker. experiments on
Steve: “The fourth one was in Poland, here, not far from the Baltic...” Schmidt. Then,
Peggy watches Steve sketch precise coordinates on a map, perfectly duplicating the one in the Hydra the scene at the
factory (Scene 146, p.79). beginning of
Kansas City, Philadelphia, and Chicago: Where Steve performs on the charity show as a form of serving the story,
his country. which shows
“Kansas City.” finding the
On stage, Steve takes to the mic, confident (Scene 85A, 54). destroyed
plane which
“Philadelphia.” was landed by
In a lobby, kids yell for Steve’s autograph Steve in the
Steve (in costume but with cowl down) hands his shield to Brandt’s Aide. Arctic Ocean
The aide sags under the weight of the heavy metal slab (Scene 87, p.55). in 1945.
However, there
“Chicago.” is no clear
Captain America battles on a movie screen. Steve watches from the crowd. He glances around at the rapt
faces (Scene 87A, p.56). information on
Berlin: At a research lab where Dr. Erskine tested the serum on Johann Schmidt which caused him to burn what year the
due to the effects of the serum. plane was
Int. Research Lab, Berlin 1938 - Flashback found by
FLASH: A slightly younger Erskine works in a Berlin Lab, with Johann Schmidt, who wears a Nazi armband SHIELD
(Scene 29, p.26). agents. Also
Norway: Precisely in a castle rock tower, it was where Schmidt found the Tesseract which is a space stone the scene at the
that has tremendous power as an energy source from his designed weapons. While taking this Tesseract, end of the
Schmidt also conquered Norwegian territory. story, where
Ext. Castle Rock Tower – Night. Steve just
Two partisans race across the cobblestones. An ominous clanking fill the air. woke up after
ERIK: (subtitled Norwegian) "Go and tell the Keeper! Hurry!" 70 years he
Title: “Norway, May 1942” (Scene 6, p.3). had been
Italy: Specifically, At the U.S Camp is where Steve performed in front of the hundred U.S soldiers, but they asleep. It
booed him. shows was in
Ext. U.S. Camp, Makeshift Stage - Day New York
Steve stands alone on a stage, confident. But instead of applause, he receives... which is very
Dead Silence. modern, but
Title: “Italy, October 1943 -- Five miles from the front.” also the script
Hundreds of battle-hardened GI’S stare at the man in the red, white and blue pajamas (Scene 91, p.56-57). or film does
Krausberg: The location of one of Hydra Factory or camp, where Bucky and hundreds of other soldiers were not say the
imprisoned, then later freed by Steve. specific year.
Peggy Carter: “The Hydra camp is in Krausberg, tucked between two mountain ranges. It’s a factory of some
kind” (Scene 98, p.62).
France, Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia: The location of four Hydra Factories which was successfully
conquered by America under the command of Steve.
Int. Hydra Factory, France - Day
A door crashes open, revealing Steve dressed in his red, white and blue battle uniform, firing a Tommy gun.
Title: “France, December 1943.”
Bullets ping off his red, white and blue vibranium shield.
The invaders pour in behind him, blasting away (Scene 155, p.91).
Ext. Hydra Factory, Belgium - Day
Steve and the invaders fan out across the blazing battleground, wreaking havoc.
Title: “Belgium, January 1944.”
Time cut: Skull roars up to the ruined factory in his car. He glares at the destruction as his windshield
reflects the flames (Scene 156A, p.91).
(Point of View)
Explanation From whose eyes the Is the point of view Is the narrator also From this kind of From this kind of
How do you story was told? The using first person becoming a character in point of view, do point of view, could
know? Give narrator or the singular "I" or third the story? Give the data you think that the you feel the tone of
reasons! character in the story? person singular "he from the story whether narrator is fair or the narrator? Give
Give the data from the or she"? Give the the narrator is also the not? Give some data data form the story!
story! data from the story! character or not! from the story!
In film, the In the film, there is no The point of view in There is no narrator in the The point of view in The tone of the
point of view narrator or voice of God, this story is using third story, therefore the this film is fair, author cannot be
of a story is thus the story is told from person singular. narrator is not become any which can be seen identified or felt
seen from the all characters’ point of character of the story. The from how the authors clearly, because of
way the view, not a specific Schmidt strides to the story in the film is give balance the very short
camera character. coffin. He heaves the completely told using portrayal both the description of the
works and heavy lid aside. It third person point of view protagonist and script and it is
also by Schmidt cranks the dial. smashes to the floor. where the camera will antagonist characters, dominated by
reading and 100%. The cube surges Inside, a desiccated show the view of each so that the dialogue.
concerning otherworldly power corpse holds... a crystal character. characteristics of both
the script, bursts from the cube in a cube (Scene 11, p.5). and also the plot can
especially the burning flash. It floods Erskine pulls down an be easily understood.
setting the conduits, fulling the As Steve scrambles for overhead microphone. He
description empty battery with blue his mp slides looks to the booth, waiting
that written. energy (Scene 22, p.19). open the curtain. Steve until Phillips is standing
Pan over eleven healthy looks up at the near a speaker. He taps
recruits. Then dip to towering soldier (Scene hard on the mic. Phillips
find... Steve, looking 20, p.16). winces, holding his ear
small but determined in (Scene 43, p.36).
army green (Scene 23,