JRC130663 01
JRC130663 01
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How to cite this report: Kapetaki, Z., Eulaerts O., Georgakaki, A., Gonzalez Sanchez, R., Grabowska, M., Ince, E., Joanny, G., Kuokkanen, A.,
Letout, S., Mountraki, A., Shtjefni, D., Clean Energy Technology Observatory: Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage in the European Union
– 2022 Status Report on Technology Development, Trends, Value Chains and Markets, Publications Office of the European Union,
Luxembourg, 2022, doi:10.2760/268143, JRC130663.
Foreword..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Executive summary .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Technology State of the art and future developments and trends .......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Technology readiness level (TRL) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Carbon capture and utilisation technology ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 CO2 transport and storage.............................................................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Installed Capacity .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
2.3 Technology Cost – Present and Potential Future Trends ...................................................................................................................14
2.4 Public R&I funding ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
2.5 Private R&D funding ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................20
2.6 Patenting trends ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................23
2.7 Bibliometric trends/Level of scientific publications .................................................................................................................................27
2.8 Impact and trends of EU-supported Research and Innovation ....................................................................................................33
3 Value chain Analysis ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................36
3.1 Turnover and gross value added ...............................................................................................................................................................................36
3.2 Environmental and socio-economic sustainability ...................................................................................................................................37
3.3 Role of EU Companies .........................................................................................................................................................................................................39
3.4 Employment in value chain ............................................................................................................................................................................................41
3.5 Energy intensity .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................43
3.6 EU production ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................43
4 EU position and Global competitiveness .........................................................................................................................................................................45
4.1 Global & EU market leaders (Market share) ..................................................................................................................................................45
4.2 Trade (Import/export) and trade balance ..........................................................................................................................................................45
4.3 Resources efficiency and dependence in relation to EU competitiveness .........................................................................45
5 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................48
References .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................50
List of abbreviations and definitions ...........................................................................................................................................................................................54
List of figures .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
List of tables ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
Annex A .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................57
This report is an output of the Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO). CETO’s objective is to provide an
evidence-based analysis feeding the policy making process and hence increasing the effectiveness of R&I
policies for clean energy technologies and solutions. It monitors EU research and innovation activities on clean
energy technologies needed for the delivery of the European Green Deal; and assesses the competitiveness of
the EU clean energy sector and its positioning in the global energy market.
CETO is being implemented by the Joint Research Centre for DG Research and Innovation Energy, in coordination
with DG Energy.
The author is very grateful for the contributions received from the following colleagues:
JRC.C.7 ERIC team colleagues Aliki GEORGAKAKI, Simon LETOUT, Anna KUOKKANEN, Aikaterini MOUNTRAKI, Ela
INCE and Drilona SHTJEFNI for the Public and Private R&I, VC investments, Patents and Trade data.
JRC.I.3 TIM team colleagues Olivier EULAERTS, Marcelina GRABOWSKA and Geraldine JOANNY for the
Bibliometrics and EU Funding at country level data.
JRC C.7 colleagues Jose Moya, Michalis Christou, Samuel Carrara and Inca Itul.
JRC colleagues Nigel TAYLOR (CETO project leader), Andreas SCHMITZ and Ana VASQUEZ DIAZ (CETO deputy
project leaders) for coordination, support, review and comments.
DG RTD colleague Vassilios Kougionas, CINEA colleague, Maria Moragues Canovas and CLIMA colleagues
Stefano Nicola Granata and Piero Carlo Dos Reis for the review, comments and the valuable inputs.
Kapetaki, Z., Eulaerts O., Georgakaki, A., Gonzalez Sanchez, R., Grabowska, M., Ince, E., Joanny, G., Kuokkanen,
A., Letout, S., Mountraki, A., Shtjefni, D.
Executive summary
2021 has seen unprecedented advances in carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies. This
report focuses on CCUS in power generation and industry. It is an output of the Clean Energy Technology
Observatory (CETO), a joint initiative of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Directorates-General for
Research & Innovation and Energy.
Policy context
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage has been acknowledged in the context of the European Energy
Union as a fundamental research and development priority to achieve the 2050 climate objectives in a cost-
effective way. The European Green Deal included CCUS in the technologies necessary for a transition to climate
neutrality. More recently, the Communication on sustainable carbon cycles highlighted that available solutions
based on resilient natural ecosystems and industrial carbon capture and storage (CCS) should be deployed in
an efficient and sustainable way to mitigate emissions. Therefore, CCUS remains relevant in a policy context
and is the focus of this report.
Key conclusions
• CO2 capture, transport and storage technology components are commercially available for most
• The number of commercial facilities in the pipeline has increased, but more are needed to
achieve ambitious targets.
• CCUS costs are still considerable, but expected to fall as/if/when capacity increases.
• There is a need for thorough (supply) value chain identification and mapping.
• Demand for materials required in the CCUS value chain is another field in need of study.
• The EU is in a good position when it comes to publications, patents, and private and public
research & innovation (R&I), but is lagging behind other parts of the world in terms of venture
capital companies.
Main findings
Among EU Member States, France has the highest share of public investments in CCUS research and
development. Next come Germany (24%) and the Netherlands (11%), closely followed by Poland (10%).
Worldwide, the US (26%) and Canada (20%) are leading the way in CCUS investments, with Japan close behind
at 14% and the EU at 11%. Private R&D investments in the EU have been the second highest, following the
USA, until 2017. In 2018, the EU overtook the USA in private R&D investments. Within the EU, Germany, France,
the Netherlands, Italy and Spain are the top 5 countries in private R&D investment in CCUS. Our analysis shows
that the USA is the leader in early-stage venture capital investments, with investments soaring to EUR 277
million between 2016 and 2021. Among EU countries, Sweden ranked the highest in CCUS venture capital, with
EUR 4.5 million between 2016 and 2021. As for later-stage private investments, our analysis shows that the
USA is still well in the lead, with nearly EUR 274 million in venture capital between 2016 and 2021. Among EU
countries, Germany was in the lead in later-stage venture capital between 2016 and 2021, achieving venture
capital volumes almost double what they were in 2010-2015. The EU, the US and Japan had the highest
numbers of high-value inventions between 2009 and 2019. Among EU Member States, France has the highest
number of high-value inventions, followed by Germany and the Netherlands. These countries are also in the top
5 for the number of peer review publications on the different parts of the CCUS chain, together with Belgium,
Italy, Finland, Spain and Sweden.
In 2021, the USA had the highest revenue in the CCUS value chain, reaching EUR 1.945 billion. This is
significantly higher than any other country and is possibly due to the USA’s extensive activity in CO2 enhanced
oil recovery (EOR) (the respective value for Europe has been estimated at EUR 92 billion). Czechia, Ireland, Italy,
France, Spain and the Netherlands are the countries with the highest estimated value added as a percentage
of their gross domestic product.
Related and future Joint Research Centre work
CETO’s objective is to provide an evidence-based analysis feeding the policymaking process, thus increasing the
effectiveness of R&I policies for clean energy technologies and solutions. CETO is the successor of the Low
Carbon Energy Observatory (LCEO) that ran from April 2015 to 2020.
Quick guide
Chapter 2 presents the state of the art of the technology, as well as future developments and trends. Chapter
3 focuses on the technology’s value chain. Chapter 4 discusses the position of the EU regarding CCUS
technology. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses some key points and conclusions.
Analysis of CCUS’s major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (‘SWOT analysis’)
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
According to modelling results, facilities
with CCS can decrease CO2 emissions at
an affordable cost
1 Introduction
CCUS has been acknowledged in the context of the European Energy Union as a fundamental research and
development priority to achieve 2050 climate objectives in a cost-effective way (European Commission, 2015).
The European Green Deal included carbon capture, storage and utilisation in the technologies necessary toward
a transition to climate neutrality (European Commission, 2019). More recently, the communication on
Sustainable Carbon Cycles highlighted that available solutions based on resilient natural ecosystems and
industrial carbon capture and storage (CCS) should be deployed in an efficient and sustainable way to mitigate
emissions (European Commission, 2021a).
2021 has seen unprecedented advances for CCUS technologies. In this report, the sectors covered include power
generation and industry. For the current analysis, given that industrial applications are also considered, the, so
far, usual classification (pre-, post-, oxy- combustion) may not be representative. In industrial processes, CO2
may not come from fuel combustion but from the process itself such as for example, in calcination of calcium
carbonate to give calcium oxide. As such, CO2 capture is defined by the separation technology involved.
CO2 utilisation processes include the chemical transformation of CO 2 into another product with commercial
value. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR), and other uses, as in the food industry or as supercritical solvent, where CO 2
is subjected to physical and long-term chemical changes, have not been considered in this report. The overview
covers all applications, related to the synthesis of fuels, chemicals and materials. Regarding CO 2 storage the
focus is both on offshore and onshore aquifers, but also on considering alternative ways such as storage in
basalts. On transport, both shipping and pipelines are considered.
The review of each topic is organised following main blocks: (i) Literature review and technology analysis to
depict the state-of-the-art of CCS and CO2 use technologies. (ii) Technology assessment based upon technology
readiness level (TRL) evolution according to literature and to European R&D projects.
The review of the technology status is based on different relevant sources such as subject matter books and
scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals; the SETIS webpage and associated SET Plan actions; the
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF); online information from the International Energy Agency (IEA),
the Global CCS Institute and the Global Status of CCS series, among others.
In the patenting activities section the data are sourced from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) based on data
from the European Patent Office (EPO) PATSTAT database. The methodology behind the indicators is provided
in (Fiorini et al>, 2017; Pasimeni, 2019; Pasimeni, Fiorini and Georgakaki, 2019). The current version of the
report includes data for up to 2019.
In the Impact and Trends of EU-supported Research and Innovation paragraph, the main sources are CORDIS
and internal databases for identifying the EU co-funded projects.1 Aside the straightforward technological
routes, the projects' relevance was also determined based on their connection technologically to the SET Plan
actions. The projects were further used as a cross reference to identify any additional ones, based on the
call/funding scheme in which they were funded. It should be noted that many H2020 funded projects are still
ongoing, and whether they have achieved their aims and targets maybe inconclusive. Projects that do not
consider the separation of CO2 directly or its immediate re use, such as for example specific catalyst
development with chemical functionalisation, artificial photosynthesis and technologies aiming to advance CO 2
reduction have been excluded from the analysis. Technologies that are focusing on the molecular level are also
On the technology readiness assessment from European R&D projects, the focus is on CCS and CO2 utilisation
projects granted H2020 (2014-2020) funding. Technologies that refer to standalone techniques, envisioned to
be part of CO2 capture or utilisation chain have not been considered (for example, the study of integrated
platforms for photocatalytic water splitting and CO 2 reduction). It should be noted that in most cases the
technology readiness level achieved at the end of a project is not clearly indicated within the project outputs.
In such cases expert judgement of results is applied.
The TRL assessment follows the definitions as described in (Kapetaki and Miranda-Barbosa, 2018). For CO2
utilisation technologies, processes for the synthesis of fuels, chemicals or materials are also examined. TRL
levels for CO2 storage, transport and monitoring follow the classification given by (European Commission and
EC, 2014) and (DOE/NETL, 2015). Finally, to determine the TRL of a sub-technology we assume that there
should exist at least one project at the specific TRL assigned.
The keywords used were: carbon capture, carbon dioxide, CO2 capture, carbon utilisation and use, carbon use, surplus, CO2 storage,
CO2 transport, CO2 monitoring and CCS.
For the identification of the technology trends, needs and barriers, apart from the sources used for the state-
of-the-art of the technology, we have used the technology roadmaps and reports from various organisation
and initiatives such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), Mission Innovation, the Zero Emissions Platform
(ZEP), the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan CCUS working group and CSLF which are properly cited where
2 Technology State of the art and future developments and trends
Carbon capture is already implemented in processes like natural gas processing and industrial hydrogen
production. The first large-scale CCS project launched in 2014 is Boundary Dam in Canada (coal power plant,
PostC, 110 MW). Petra Nova in Texas (coal power plant, post-combustion, 240 MW) is another full scale CCS
project which started operation in January 2017 but is currently on hold.
Commercial uses of CO2 also exist and CO2 utilisation can contribute in a number of sectors, such as synthesis
of chemicals, organic and inorganic carbonates, fuels and olefins. Each product synthesis, and each synthesis
pathway, are at different TRL level.
From the source to the sink of CO2 in both onshore and offshore, it is necessary to transport it and to have a
deep knowledge of the geological structure of the site of injection. To create a safe storage, avoiding any
leakage of CO2 an advanced and accurate system of monitoring is required.
Table 1 summarises the main sub-technologies identified for CCUS as defined in (Kapetaki and Miranda
Barbosa, 2018, 2020). Other research areas of a more trans-technological and cross-technological nature are
included in Table 2.
Table 1. Sub-technologies.
Membrane Technology
High Temperature Looping
Hybrid Approaches
Boosting commercial processes (e.g. urea)
CO2 use without transformation: EOR, EGR, ECBM*1
CO2 use without transformation (as solvent): supercritical CO2
Chemicals and polymeric materials
Fuels: alcohols, hydrocarbons and derivatives, hydrogen carriers (e.g. methanol, formic acid)
Injection in geological sites
Definition and Characterisation of the storage site
CO2 migration and improved storage management procedures
Monitoring; CO2 leakage, CO2 long-term behaviour, safety, cost and risk reduction
CO2 compression
Ship transport
Pipeline transport and network design
Safety aspects of transport
Table 2. Other research areas.
Materials and corrosion
Storage (natural analogues)
CO2 storage in other geological sites, eg. basalts
Synergy with renewables such as geothermal energy, biomass, CSP, wind/H 2
Integration among the overall CO2 value chain (capture, transport, utilisation, storage): CO2 emissions
evaluation. Cost competitiveness of the overall project and new business models.
Table 3. TRL assessment and key technology vendors of the CO2 capture technologies.
Technology TRL 2020 Key vendors
In addition to CO2 capture from point sources, direct air capture is one set of technologies extract CO2 directly
from the atmosphere. Today, two technology approaches are being used to capture CO 2 from the air: liquid and
solid systems. Liquid systems pass air through chemical solutions (e.g. a hydroxide solution), which removes
the CO2. The system reintegrates the chemicals back into the process by applying high-temperature heat while
returning the rest of the air to the environment. Solid system technology makes use of solid sorbent filters that
chemically bind with CO2. When the filters are heated and placed under a vacuum, they release the concentrated
CO2, which is then captured for storage or use (IEA, 2021a). Permanent CO2 storage is a necessary prerequisite
for this technology to achieve negative CO2 emissions.
Figure 1 shows a scheme of technology readiness through the CCUS value chain presented by the International
Energy Agency which includes CO2 use processes.
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is relatively well understood, but it has mostly struggled to
move beyond demonstration projects. Efforts to combine the two technologies remain limited beyond pilot
projects and small-scale BECCS projects at various kinds of facilities (e.g., waste-to-energy, ethanol, cement,
electrical generation, etc.). In 2021, IRENA reported 28 BECCS/BECCU plants – comprising either commercial or
pilot and demonstration projects (IRENA, 2021). In the USA, Archer Daniels Midland operates a commercial
facility in Decatur, Illinois with CO2 from ethanol fermentation process which can be considered to be at TRL 9.
The British electrical power generation company Drax has converted a large coal-fired power plant in North
Yorkshire to run on wood pellets, investigating and piloting the setup of a bio-CCS value chain. Toshiba is adding
carbon capture and storage to its Mikawa biomass-fired power plant in Japan.
Regarding utilisation, synthesis of products from CO2 is already taking place. So far, CO2 has been a by-product
of industrial processes such as in H2 production by steam reforming of natural gas or ethanol production by
fermentation. The largest CO2 consumer is the fertiliser industry, followed by oil and gas. Other commercial
applications include food and beverage production, metal fabrication, cooling, fire suppression and stimulating
plant growth in greenhouses (IEA, 2019). From the wide range of possibilities for CO 2 use as a raw material,
each one is at different levels of development, different scales and market prospects. Some technologies could
be readily established in existing mature markets e.g. utilisation of CO 2 to boost urea production, whereas others
are at prospective phases, or are at the pilot/demonstration phase, and need further development to reach
commercial status.
In October 2021, the CCUS SET-Plan community published the CCUS Roadmap 2030. This Roadmap aims to
identify and stress the actions that will be necessary for the large-scale development and deployment of CCS
and CCU in the 2020s, build on the work done within the CCUS SET-Plan, and provide an overview of the status
of the technologies today. The Roadmaps suggests to target for at least three pilots of capture technologies at
TRL 7-8 in different industrial applications, including one enabling low-emission hydrogen production and at
least six pilots of capture technologies at TRL 5-6, of which at least two pilots to test climate positive solutions
such as Bio-CCS and direct air capture (DAC) (SET-Plan Working Group CCUS, 2021).
Figure 1. TRL of select technologies along the CCUS value chain (IEA, 2020a)
is operating since 2017 and in 2021 another commercial CCS facility, ORCA, entered operation in Iceland. While
CCS developments stagnated in power generation in the last decade, one project, the Italian Adriatic Blue – ENI
Power CCS, has emerged to be in early development.
Globally, there are 27 operating CCUS projects with a capture capacity of nearly 37 Mt of CO2 per year (Global
CCS Institute, 2021c). Of these, nearly 3 Mt of CO2 per year are captured and stored in Europe, specifically in
Norway, in the Sleipner and Snohvit projects.
While in Europe this trend has not changed, globally, almost 40% of this capacity has been achieved in the last
ten years as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Pipeline of commercial CCS facilities from 2010 to September 2021 by capture capacity (Global CCS Institute,
The latest scenarios released by the European Commission as part of the Fit-For-55 package are focusing in
2030. Toward 2050, according to the European Commission’s Long Strategic Vision, the weight of fossil fuel-
fired capacity in the total power mix decreases over time. Gas-fired capacities that can use both natural gas or
biogas decrease, ranging in 2050 from 141 GW (P2X) to 226 GW (ELEC) in scenarios achieving 80% GHG
reductions and decreasing up to 100 GW in the 1.5LIFE scenario, of which almost 30% is associated with CCS.
Coal-fired capacities progressively get out of the power mix, with about 20 GW only left in all scenarios except
for 1.5TECH scenario, where 38 GW capacity is still present. In 2050, CCS plays a noticeable role only in 1.5TECH.
In this scenario it reaches 5% of the total net electricity generation mostly because of biomass power generation
to generate negative emissions, with 66 GW of total capacity equipped with CCS installed. Nevertheless, the
role of CCS for power generation in all scenarios is very limited. However, these projections might be updated
in the future in view of the changes in the geopolitical equilibrium. No significant deployment of CCS for power
generation by 2030 is projected in any of the considered scenarios in the modelling exercise undertaken for the
fit-for-55 exercise, i.e. “Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition” (European Commission, 2021b). Both sets
of scenarios foresee a much more prominent role for CCS in industry (European Commission, 2018b, 2020).
More specifically, carbon intensity in industry decreases more in the scenarios where CCS is applied (1.5TECH
and 1.5LIFE) as shown in Figure 3. On the fit-for-55 exercise, CCS in industry is not expected to enter the market
at scale at the carbon price levels observed in the projections in 2030, but closer to 2035 or 2040 (European
Commission, 2020).
Figure 3. Carbon intensity in industry
The role of carbon removal technologies such as DAC and BECCS is somehow diverse. According to modelling
for the recent Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles, to achieve climate-neutrality in the EU by 2050,
depending on the scenario, at least 300 MtCO2 and more than 500 MtCO2 will need to be captured from various
sources (power generation, industrial processes or directly from the air) for storage or to supply innovative
routes to produce materials and fuels (European Commission, 2021a).
In the IEA “Net‐Zero Emissions by 2050” Scenario (NZE) which is compatible with limiting the temperature rise
to 1.5 °C, almost 980 Mt CO2/year are projected to be captured using direct air capture (DAC) by 2050, and
already 85 Mt CO2/year by 2030 (IEA, 2021a). Projections from the scenarios within the EU long-term strategy
(LTS) to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, allocate 210 MtCO2 and 123 MtCO2 to DAC in the 1.5TECH and 1.5LIFE
scenarios respectively (European Commission, 2018a). However, the DAC plants currently operational in the
world are capturing only around 0.01 MtCO2/year, in total (IEA, 2021a). The recently launched Carbon Dioxide
Removal Mission, under Mission Innovation, aims to enable CDR technologies to achieve a net reduction of 100
million metric tons of CO2 per year globally by 2030. In August 2022, the Mission published an Innovation
Roadmap (Mission Innovation, 2022) to serve as a starting point for Mission Innovation members to build an
Action Plan and uncover specific opportunities to achieve the above target by 2030.
Original values in USD. 1 USD= 0.87738 EUR (Source: oanda.com. Accessed on 13/01/2022. Available at: https://www.oanda.com/).
still in development and hence, prohibitively expensive (IEA, 2021c). Figure 4 indicates the cost of carbon capture
for the major sectors in which it can be applied.
Figure 4. Cost of carbon capture by industry
Regarding the cost of transport and storage, this can also vary greatly on a case-by-case basis, depending
mainly on CO2 volumes, transport distances and storage conditions. In the United States, for example, the cost
of onshore pipeline transport is between EUR 1.8-12 (USD 2-14)/t CO2. The cost of onshore storage also shows
a wide range. In Europe, ZEP estimated the typical costs for a short onshore pipeline (180 km) and a small
volume of CO2 (2.5 Mtpa) to be just over EUR 5/t CO2, reducing to approximately EUR 1.5/t CO2 for a large system
(20 Mtpa). Offshore pipelines are more expensive. For transport with ships, the cost is less dependent on
distance. For a large transport volume of CO2 (20 Mtpa) costs are estimated to approximately EUR 11/t CO2 for
180 km; EUR 12/t CO2 for 500 km and nearly EUR 16/t CO2 for very long distances (1 500 km), including
liquefaction. For a smaller volume of CO2 (2.5 Mtpa), costs for 500 km are just below €15/tonne, including
liquefaction (ZEP, 2011a).
Regarding CO2 storage, the cost range is large spanning from EUR 1 to 20/t of CO 2. On the assumption that the
cheaper available storage sites will be developed first, ZEP suggested that storage costs for the early
commercial phase will be at the level of EUR 2-12/t as defined for onshore saline aquifers. However, onshore
CO2 storage has been largely prohibitive in Europe, thus, a more realistic assumption is to consider CO2 storage
cost in the offshore (for example in depleted oil gas reservoirs) which is in the range of EUR 2 to 20/t of CO 2
(ZEP, 2011a).
In the US, projects have managed to create revenue by selling CO 2 to be injected into (and permanently stored
in) oilfields to enhance production (enhanced oil recovery).
Already in 2011, ZEP suggested that the capital intensity of fossil power plants will increase significantly with
the addition of CCS (ZEP, 2011a). Boundary Dam CCS is the first commercial-scale project in the world
combining post-combustion CCS with coal-fired power generation operating since 2014. The project costed EUR
868 million (CAD3 1.24 billion), of which EUR 420 million (CAD 600 million) was for CCS and the rest for
modernizing the plant (National Coal Council, 2015). However, published results from this project expect cost
reductions as high as 67% for a next project to come online (International CCS Knowledge Centre, 2018). For
Longship, the Norwegian full chain CCS project, the total capital expenditure (CAPEX) is estimated at nearly EUR
1.66 billion (USD 1.86 billion, both capture plants included). The annual operating expenditure (OPEX) is around
4-5% of CAPEX for each part of the chain (Gassnova, 2022).
When it comes to levelised cost, Figure 5 shows values for CO2 capture by sector and initial CO2 concentration.
This ranges from EUR 44-88 (USD 50-100) t/CO2 for the power generation sector.
Figure 5. Levelised cost of CO2 capture by sector and initial CO2 concentration, 2019
Source: IEA (2021) Is carbon capture too expensive?, https://www.iea.org/commentaries/is-carbon-capture-too-expensive. All rights
The cost of CO2 capture from sources such as in coal-fired power generation has been reducing over the past
decade and is projected to decrease 50% by 2025 compared to 2010 (Global CCS Institute, 2021b). However,
the levelised cost is sensitive to fuel price (for example coal, gas). The current rise of coal and gas price (2021)
would obviously have an impact on the cost estimations.
In reality, the two coal-fired power plant CCS retrofits that have been constructed in Canada and the United
States, even if not directly comparable, demonstrate the difference in actual capture and compression costs.
Capture costs for Boundary Dam in Canada, operating since 2014, are approximately EUR 93 (USD 2020 105) per
tCO2 (International CCS Knowledge Centre, 2018). The Petra Nova CCS project in the United States, which started
operation in 2017, achieved capture and compression costs of approximately EUR 62 (USD 2020 70)/tCO2 (Petra
Nova Parish Holding LLC, 2017).
Therefore, lessons relevant to plant design, maintenance, operation and financing are highly valuable to
subsequent projects and may lead to significant cost reductions.
The IEA expects capture costs in power generation to be reduced by the adoption of various emerging
technologies. For instance, electrochemical separation is projected to lower the LCOE with CO2 capture by 30%;
chemical absorption with advanced solvents and configurations, membrane separation, pressure swing
adsorption (PSA) and temperature swing adsorption (TSA), calcium looping, and cooling and liquefaction by
between 10% and 30%; and pressurised oxy-fuel combustion, chemical looping combustion and sorption-
1 CAD= 0.69992 EUR (Source: oanda.com. Accessed on 13/01/2022. Available at: https://www.oanda.com/).
enhanced water gas shift by up to 10%. These cost reductions are based on the current development trajectory
of these technologies, which have recently moved from the prototype to the demonstration phase. For CCUS
applied to industrial process emissions, capture cost reductions can be achieved not only through innovative
technologies, but also through strategies such as capturing from units emitting larger volumes of CO 2 (e.g.
recovery boilers rather than lime kilns for pulp and paper production) and recovering excess heat (e.g. in steel
production) (IEAGHG, 2019b, 2019a; IEA, 2020b).
For transport and storage, the main route for reducing costs is by exploiting economies of scale (IEA, 2020a).
Clustering some of the projects would also allow for the development of sufficient regional transport and
storage infrastructure to make additional projects that much are more viable (Helle and Koefoed, 2018). Wood
and Mackenzie also forecast cost reductions of around 20% by 2050, as the industry scales up and technology
improves (Wood Mackenzie, 2021).
Figure 6. Cumulative capacity and capture cost learning curve for CO2 chemical absorption in coal-fired power generation
and small industrial furnaces in the Sustainable Development Scenario, 2019-2070
Source: IEA (2020), CCUS in clean energy transitions. All rights reserved. (IEA, 2020b)
In overall, for industries with notable deployment potential, most learning is gained per added capacity.
According to DNV, adding 60 full-scale new plants to the world’s capacity, would result in cost reductions of
around 30% of today’s level (Helle and Koefoed, 2018). This learning would apply globally, irrespective of
Note: SDS = Sustainable Development Scenario. Solid line for technology costs represents the cost trajectory in the Sustainable
Development Scenario while the “without spillover” case is a counterfactual that shows the slower price decline that would be observed
if the technology could not benefit from experience gathered in different applications.
the investments were channelled toward CO2 capture/separation (EUR 98.02 million), followed by CO2 storage
(EUR 73.35 million) and CO2 transport (EUR 8.11 million). On an EU level for projects starting in 2019, and for
H2020 specifically, France (i.e. French entities) is the MS with the highest share of grants in CCUS R&D. This is
in agreement with the highest public R&D investment for the same year. The next entities awarded with the
highest share cumulatively in H2020 are located in Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and Italy. However, with
regards to public investments, following France are the NL, Germany, Sweden and Estonia. These investments
focus in the area of carbon capture and utilisation, mostly for the production of chemicals.
Figure 7. a) Public R&D investments (EUR million) in CCUS in the EU by year and by MS; b) Public R&D investments (EUR
million) in CCUS in the EU by year by CCUS component.
140 PL
120 NL
40 FR IT
20 DE FR
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
CO2 capture and storage (generic) CO2 storage CO2 transport CO2 capture/separation
Between 2010-2019, Figure 8 shows that among EU MS, France was the country with the highest share of
public investments made in CCUS research and development. Next was Germany (24%) and the NL (11%),
closely followed by Poland (10%). Worldwide, the US (26%) and Canada (20%) are leading the way in CCUS
investments. Japan follows closely with Europe at 14% and 11%, respectively.
Figure 8. 2010-2020 public R&D investments (EUR million) in CCUS in the a) EU by MS and b) globally (countries with a
share of less than 1% are not illustrated in the pie chart).
IT; 5% FR
NL; 11% PL
FR; 50% BE
DE; 23%
KR; 2%
UK; 4%
EU; 9%
US; 23%
AU; 11%
CA; 19%
JP; 13%
NO; 13%
Figure 9. 2010-2018 private R&D investments (EUR million/year) in CCUS in the a) EU by MS and b) globally.
EUR billion per year
0,2 CN
0,1 JP
0,1 ROW
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ES; 6,2
60 FR; 46,4
20 DE; 37,8
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: JRC
In addition to public and private sources of finance, venture capital (VC) financing can play an important role in
the development of a technology. This is primarily because of venture capitalists’ tendency to fund firms with
high potential but risky growth trajectories and returns (Bellucci et al., 2021).
Our analysis shows that the USA is the leader in early stage5 venture capital investments (Figure 10) with
investments soaring to EUR 277 million between 2016-21. Withing EU countries, Sweden ranks the highest in
CCUS venture capital with EUR 4.5 million between 2016-2021. It is interesting to note that while in some
countries such as Germany venture between 2010 and 2015 capital investments were notable (EUR 16 million),
in the years 2016-2021 they plummeted.
Figure 10. 2010-2021 Top countries - VC investments - Early stages (EUR million)
2016-21 2010-15
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
When it comes to later stage private investments which mainly represents scale-ups, our analysis shows that
the USA is by far still in the lead with nearly EUR 274 million in venture capital between 2016 and 2021. In
contrast to early stage investments, Germany has the lead in later stage venture capital between 2016 and
2021, which is almost double from the venture capital in the years 2010-2015 (Figure 11).
The early stages indicator include Pre-Seed, Accelerator/Incubator, Angel, Seed and Early stage VC
investments; it also include public grants. At the time they raise such investments, those companies can
usually be considered as start-ups.
Figure 11. 2010-2021 Top countries - VC investments - Later stages (EUR million)
2016-21 2010-15
United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand
South Africa
The total includes international, national, high-value patents etc.
High-value inventions (or high-value patent families) refer to patent families that include patent applications filed in more than one patent
Figure 12. Number of inventions and share of high-value and international activity (2017-2019)
Number of inventions
0 200 400 600 800
EU 70%
US 55%
CN 3%
KR 24%
JP 48% High-value
ROW 62%
Number of high-value inventions
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Figure 14. High-value inventions - Top 10 countries (2017-2019)
0 50 100 150
United States
South Korea
Saudia Arabia
United Kingdom
Figure 15. High-value inventions (2017-2019), a) top 10 companies and b) top 10 EU companies
0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
Arcelormittal (LU)
Total Sa (FR)
Heidelbergcement Ag (DE)
Audi Ag (DE)
To protect their inventions, countries are applying mostly in European and US IP offices. US applicants turn to
Europe as well as China. Japan is applying mostly in Europe, China and the US. The EU is also mostly applying
in US, China but other countries as well (Figure 16).
Figure 16. International protection of high-value inventions (2017-2019)
2.7 Bibliometric trends/Level of scientific publications
Given the potential that is attributed to CCUS in helping countries to achieve ambitious net zero climate goals,
a growing research interest is attracted to different fields. Bibliometric analysis is a useful tool to search through
published information on a specific topic and is widely applied to evaluate academic activity quantitatively
(Sarkodie and Strezov, 2019). Bibliometric analysis can be used not only to explore the characteristics, structure,
and development of academic literature but also to identify quickly the research trends in a field. In general, a
bibliometric analysis contains the analysis of spatial and temporal trends, disciplines and journals, institutions,
authors, citations, and keywords (Wei, Mi and Huang, 2015).
To identify bibliometric trends in this study, we used the JRC Tools for Innovation Monitoring (TIM) Scopus
database.8 The keywords used to create the datasets were based on the technology classification presented in
Table 1.
Publications in CO2 capture have been increasing in the last ten years. The EU has been leading the way on the
number of peer-reviewed articles per year until 2013 but China has since taken over (Figure 17a). Within the
EU, Spain, Italy, Germany, Netherlands and France have been the top five countries in peer-reviewed articles
(Figure 17b).
Figure 17. Number of peer-reviewed articles in CO2 capture per year 2011-2021 a) in the top 5 countries of the world b)
within EU countries
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
TIM is a series of analytics tools that enables to support policy-making in the European Institutions in the field of innovation and
technological development. It is available at: www.timanalytics.eu
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Regarding CO2 capture specific technologies, adsorption and absorption are dominating the number of
publications with China having the lead since 2012 and 2015, respectively. In 2021, publications from China in
adsorption reached 479. Far fewer articles are published on high temperature looping and membranes. In last
years, the EU and China have been alternating in the leading position publishing on high temperature looping.
In 2021, China had 30 and the EU had 19 articles published. On membranes, China had 36 and the EU 16
articles published in 2021.
China has led in number of publications on CO2 utilisation until 2018. Since then, EU and China are leading on
the interchangeably topic (Figure 18a). In 2021, China had 98 and the EU had 75 articles published. Within EU
countries, Germany is the leading country since 2013. It is followed by Italy and Spain. In 2021, Germany, Italy
and Spain had almost the same number of publications, i.e. 13, 12 and 13, respectively (Figure 18b).
Figure 18. Number of peer-reviewed articles in CO2 utilisation per year 2011-2021 a) in the top 5 countries of the world,
b) within EU countries
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
China EU South Korea United Kingdom United States of America
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Austria Belgium Croatia Czech Republic
Denmark Finland France Germany
Greece Hungary Ireland Italy
Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania
Slovenia Spain Sweden
On CO2 transport, the EU is leading in peer-reviewed articles, with France having the highest number published
(Figure 19). In 2021, France published 12 articles on the subject, followed by Spain with 7 articles and Sweden
with 4 articles.
Figure 19. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2010-2022 in CO2 transport per year 2011-2021 in the top 5
countries of the world
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
On CO2 storage, the United States of America have been the country with the highest number of publications,
followed by China which overtook in 2020. In 2021 the USA and China had 73 and 98 relevant publications,
respectively. The EU has been far behind with 38 CO2 storage peer-reviewed articles published in 2021 (Figure
20). France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Sweden are the countries with the highest numbers within the EU with
12, 7, 5, 4 and 4 articles, respectively.
Figure 20. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2011-2021 in CO2 storage in the top 5 countries of the world
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Peer-reviewed publications in technological carbon dioxide removal solutions such as bionenergy with carbon
capture and storage (BECCS) as well as direct air capture (DAC) have increased substantially since 2017. This
may be due to that carbon dioxide removals have gained significant policy support - the European Climate Law
requires that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals are balanced within the European Union at the
latest by 2050 with the aim to achieve negative emissions thereafter.
The USA, the EU, the UK, China and Switzerland are the top 5 regions in DAC peer-reviewed publications (Figure
21a). In the EU, Germany (6), the Netherlands (2), Finland (2), Spain and Italy (2) were the countries with the
most published articles in 2021 (Figure 13b).
Figure 21. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2011-2021 in direct air capture a) in the top 5 countries of the
world and b) within EU countries
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
For BECCS, the top 5 countries hosting institutions publishing peer-reviewed articles are the EU, the US, the UK,
Brazil and Indonesia (Figure 22a). In the EU, Germany and Sweden published 9 articles each, followed by the NL
with 6 articles, Spain with 5 and France with 4 articles (Figure 14b).
Figure 22. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2011-2021 in bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) a) in the top 5 countries
of the world and b) within EU countries
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Austria Belgium Croatia Cyprus
Denmark Finland France Germany
Greece Ireland Italy Netherlands
Poland Portugal Spain Sweden
Citation impact is a measure of how many times an academic article in a journal, book or author is cited by
other articles, books or authors. Citation counts are used as a means to measure the impact or influence of
academic work. Nowadays, citation impact indicators play a prominent role in the evaluation of scientific
research (Waltman, 2016). In our analysis, we have gathered data from 2010-2022 and refined which of the
articles published have been highly cited.
Citations on research published from EU institutions are the second highest in the world, following China which
comes first. We identified 546 highly cited articles in CO2 capture which represent 21% of the total highly cited
articles published. These come mostly from Spain (158), Germany (95), Italy (80), the Netherlands (71) and
Sweden (58). The most highly cited articles from the EU refer on absorption (122) and adsorption technologies
(147). For absorption, these originate primarily from France (24), Italy (22), Spain (21), Germany (19), and the
Netherlands (16). For adsorption, the top five countries with the most highly cited articles are from Spain (44),
the Netherlands (22), Italy (19), Germany (15) and France (14).
The same trend is observed for CO2 utilisation, where citations in 84 highly cited EU-originating articles
represent 21% of the total, just after China and followed by the USA. These articles come mostly from Germany
(25), Spain (13), Netherlands (11), Italy (9) and Belgium (7).
Highly cited articles on CO2 transport related research are primarily originating from the EU (11), representing
35% of the highly cited articles in the world. Netherlands (3), Germany (2), Italy (2), Sweden (2) and Austria (2)
are the top 5 EU countries in highly cited articles in the domain. On CO 2 storage, the dynamic changes as the
most highly cited articles come from USA (151) with the EU well below this with 58 highly cited articles, or 14%
or the highly cited articles in this subject worldwide.
On BECCS, EU originating research comes first on highly cited articles (50) with a 30% share, followed by the
UK with 39 highly cited articles or a 23% share. These articles originate mainly from Germany (19), Sweden
(14), the Netherlands (12), Austria (8), France (5) and Italy (5). When it comes to DAC, EU originating research
represents 37% with 19 highly cited articles, followed by the USA with 27%. The EU originating articles come
mainly from Germany (6), Finland (4), Italy (3), Ireland (3) and the Netherlands (2).
With regards to participation in co-operation and networks, EU originating articles on CO2 capture are products
of collaboration mostly with the UK and Switzerland. Spain, France and the UK tend to produce more joint
articles in CO2 capture. When it comes down to specific technologies, the trend is similar for absorption but for
adsorption, collaborations are more prominent within the EU, China and the UK. In high temperature looping
technology and membrane related publications, the EU is mostly collaborating with the USA. Within Europe, the
UK, Spain and France appear to collaborate more prominently on absorption-relevant research articles Italy,
Netherlands and Switzerland is another prominent network of collaboration as well as Norway with Sweden and
Finland. On adsorption, collaborations are identified within the UK, Spain and Poland. Another important network
appears within Italy, Norway and Sweden. Spain appears to collaborate with Sweden and Finland on high
temperature looping. Poland, Norway, France and Belgium and the UK, Germany and Switzerland are also
important collaboration networks on this technology. Italy, the UK and Czech Republic and Germany with Spain
and Netherlands are the most prominent collaboration networks on membranes.
On CO2 transport and storage and CO2 utilisation the EU is mostly collaborating with the UK and the US with
China. Within Europe, Germany is collaborating quite prominently with the Netherlands on CO 2 transport
research. Similarly the UK with Sweden, Austria and Finland. Norway collaborates with the majority of the active
countries in the field. On CO2 storage related publications, prominent networks in Europe include the UK and
Germany, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands and Spain, Switzerland and Ireland. CO2 utilisation related
research publications are identified in networks between the UK, Spain and France, Germany, Switzerland and
Belgium, and Italy, the Netherlands and Norway.
BECCS is the only field in which the EU is collaborating mostly with China. Collaborations in DAC, follow a similar
trend with CO2 capture, i.e. the EU is mostly collaborating with the UK and Switzerland. The UK is collaborating
with the majority of the countries active in DAC. Germany, Norway and Finland and Italy, the Netherlands and
Ireland are also prominent collaborating networks in DAC. On BECCS, the UK is mostly collaborating with
Germany. Sweden, Norway, Finland and Austria are another group of countries forming a collaboration network
in BECCS. Lastly, Spain, is also collaborating with Switzerland, Belgium and Cyprus.
As part of the deliverables, the project is published an extended list of SET Plan related deliverables (available here) as an Annex to the
SET Plan CCUS Roadmap to 2030 (available here).
The full list of H2020 funded projects is given in the Appendix.
CO2 capture and utilisation in H2020
Levelised Cost of Electricity, LCOE (EUR/MWh), cost of capture (EUR/tCO 2), cost of CO2 avoided (EUR/tCO2),
capture rate (%), energy for solvent regeneration or obtained O 2, operational hours (h) or efficiency penalty (%)
have all been used as key performance indicators (KPIs) for projects.
Technology readiness level (TRL) is a common metric that has been widely used to indicate the maturity level
of particular technologies. However, it is not always clearly indicated by project developers and research
consortia. Making TRL reporting a prerequisite for future programmes could provide a uniform basis in analysing
the results and impact of supported projects.
In terms of separation technology, sorbent facilitated capture via CO2 adsorption has been a main focus of
H2020 projects.
Projects focusing on and Chemical Looping Combustion CLC received important support in FP programmes. The
decreased support identified within H2020 can be justified as the technology moved up to TRL 7. Calcium
looping (CaL) focused projects were present within FP6 and FP7 achieving a TRL 6.
Completed H2020 projects aimed at TRL 6 for oxyfuel, chilled ammonia, membrane, sorbent and CaL in
industrial processes. While there have not been breakthroughs with regards to increases in TRL, these projects
have swift the approach of carbon capture to industry.
With regard to certain technological options and based on specific targets indicated by projects on their TRL
evolution it is expected that:
Calcium looping (CaL) and Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) moved up to TRL 6-7.
Process improvements bring membrane application to TRL 8 and up to TRL 9 for ceramic and polymeric
Adsorption process using solid sorbents move up to TRL 8.
With regads to CO2 utilisation, chemicals and fuels have been the dominant areas of study. While numerous
H2020 projects are ongoing, seven projects that can be classified in this category are currently completed. Two
of the projects mark “successful testing”. Out of the five new projects added on CO2 utilisation, two are focusing
on chemicals (C4U and SELECTCO2) and three are focusing on fuels (EcoFuel, LAURELIN, 4AirCRAFT).
CO2 transport, storage and monitoring in H2020
Most of the projects that have been identified within H2020 with focus on CO2 storage have been completed.
CARBFIX 2, completed just at the time of writing this report, aimed at upscaling and optimizing subsurface, in
situ carbon mineralisation as an economically viable industrial option. This project was a continuation of FP7-
funded CARBFIX. The project is known for the particularity to make possible and efficient the CO 2 storage in
VIRTUALSEIS - Virtual seismology: monitoring the Earth's subsurface with underground virtual earthquakes and
virtual seismometers. With this technique it is expected to monitor fluid flow in aquifers. This can be useful for
CO2 storage reservoirs. The project should be completed in 2023. The total costs for this project will be EUR 2.5
million, covered in total by EU funds.
One new project, DISCO2 STORE, started in February 2021 and will run for four years. This project will
investigate mechanical discontinuities to provide a better interpretation of their effects, as well as tools that
will ensure safety in CO2 geological sequestration operations.
Another new project, PilotSTRATEGY is investigating geological CO 2 storage sites in industrial regions of
Southern and Eastern Europe. The research focuses on deep saline aquifers and will run until 2026.
Innovation Fund
The Innovation Fund supports the commercial demonstration and deployment of innovative low-carbon
technologies, encompassing CCS and CCU technologies as a core focus point.
In November 2021, the list of projects to develop large-scale innovation was announced. Out of the seven
projects, four are aiming to develop CCS:
SHARC: this project will demonstrate two ways of producing clean hydrogen at a refinery in Porvoo,
through renewable energy and by capturing CO2 and permanently storing it in the North Sea.
K6 Program: the project will capture unavoidable emissions in a cement plant and in part store the
CO2 geologically in the North Sea and in part integrate it into concrete.
Kairos@C: To reduce the emissions in the production of hydrogen and chemicals, this project in will
develop a complete carbon capture, transport and storage value chain in the Port of Antwerp.
HYBRIT: this project will create a full-scale bioenergy carbon capture and storage facility at its
existing biomass combined heat and power plant in Stockholm.
In July 2022, The European Commission announced that it will further invest EUR 1.8 billion towards seventeen
large scale innovative clean technology projects, including carbon capture and storage. Seven of the seventeen
approved projects include a CCS or CCU component. The selected CCS and CCU projects are located in Bulgaria,
Iceland, Poland, France, Sweden and Germany. The projects focus on low-carbon cement production, carbon
mineral storage site development and sustainable aviation fuel production.
The renewed interest in CCS and CCU in industry and power reinvigorates the positive momentum seen at a
European and national level, with funding through the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy (CEF) programme
to European CCS and CCU projects (Porthos, Athos, Antwerp CO2, Acorn Sapling, Ervia).
The integrated SET-Plan identifies 10 actions for research and innovation including CCUS. CCUS is recognised
by the SET-Plan as an essential solution towards an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
by 2050. In 2016, the European Commission, the SET-Plan countries and industry agreed on ten ambitious
targets for Action 9, outlined in a Declaration of Interest (DoI). In 2017, the associated working group (IWG9)
elaborated the Implementation Plan of Action 9 that presents eight Research and Innovation Activities to reach
the DoI targets for 2020 and further actions to meet key performance indicators for 2030. In October 2021,
the CCUS Roadmap to 2030 was published updating those targets.
The 10 CCUS SET-Plan targets for 2030 are to be reached by (SET-Plan Working Group CCUS, 2021):
Solving challenges and barriers by undertaking R&I in parallel with large-scale activities;
R&I projects addressing specific challenges and barriers, with the results then implemented in large-
scale projects;
Reducing the cost and energy requirements of CCS and CCU;
Testing and deploying CCUS technologies at scale during the 2020s to ensure achieving net zero by
Mission Innovation
Mission Innovation is a global initiative to catalyse action and investment in research, development and
demonstration to make clean energy affordable, attractive and accessible to all this decade. The aim is to
accelerate progress towards the Paris Agreement goals and pathways to net zero.
3 Value chain Analysis
In 2021, the USA had the highest revenue in the CCUS value chain reaching EUR 1.945 billion. This is significantly
higher than any other country and is possibly due to the extensive activity in CO 2 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
in the country.
USA 1 945
Australia 158
Norway 152
Malaysia 126
Indonesia 123
Russia 95
Europe 92
China 76
Saudi Arabia 47
UAE 47
Brazil 38
UK 27
Canada 23
Source: Secondary Research, Primary Interviews and Polaris Market Research Analysis
It is important to highlight that there is economic activity relevant to CCUS in countries where there may not be
actual projects in operation or in planning and construction. Figure 23 and Figure 24 show the value added by
non and by EU country. The figures show that there is value added in countries such as in Taiwan, Malaysia or
Bahrain and Italy, Germay and Romania. While there are no CCUS projects at any stage in these countries, there
are still companies active in the field (see section 3.3). The figures indicate only values for 2021. Some countries
such as Japan and the UK enjoyed also a value added from CCUS activities but in 2019.
Exchange rate 1 USD = 0.94899 EUR (source: oanda. Accessed 20/5/2022.)
Figure 23. Value added by non-EU country (% of GDP), 2021
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
Taiwan Brazil
0,03 United Arab Emirates
% of GDP
0,02 China
% of GDP
The EU taxonomy is a classification system, establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic
So far, this topic was not a priority when addressing CCUS. Priority was given to other issues such as for example
the technical and economic feasibility.
The studies that have addressed this issue are primarily basing their results on literature reviews. Although CCS
can have a large role in the abatement of CO 2 emissions in the industrial sector the amount of studies
addressing the environmental impacts of deploying CCS in the industry is rather limited. Thus, most studies
focus on the power sector.
In 2018, Gassnova, the Norwegian State Enterprise for carbon capture and storage commissioned an analysis
to better understand the CO2 footprint of the Norwegian carbon capture and storage demonstration project,
now renamed to Longship project. The study found that the Longship project has a very low CO 2 footprint
compared to CCS projects studied elsewhere. This appears to be the result of using thermal energy available at
the capture plants, low grid emission factor in Norway and a concerted effort to use combustion fuels with a
low emission factor at both capture plants and in transport options (Helgesen et al>, 2021).
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a widely recognized and used tool for evaluating the potential environmental
impact of products, processes and services. CCU’s beneficial or negative impacts should be assessed from a
system perspective and with regards to how it can provide societal benefits. A recent study provides guidelines
for carbon capture and utilisation (European Commission-Directorate General for Energy et al>, 2022). For the
power generation sector, Van der Giesen et al., found that post-combustion capture at 90% capture rate reduces
the system-wide lifecycle GHG intensity of coal-based electricity by 73%, from 0.85 to 0.23 kg CO 2-eq/kWh
(van der Giesen et al., 2017).
Colsten et al., performed an assessment of existing LCA literature to obtain insights into potential environmental
impacts over the complete life cycle of fossil fuel fired power plants with CCS (Corsten et al., 2013). As Table 5
indicates, despite the sometimes large ranges, for most categories the environmental impact of NGCCs with
CCS, in absolute terms, is smaller than for PCs with CCS. This trend will also be expected for GWP because of
the lower emission factor of natural gas and comparable percentages of CO 2 captured using MEA in PCs and
NGCCs. However, the ranges reported in the literature for GWP are comparable for both coal- and natural gas-
fired power plants with CCS.
Table 5. Ranges in absolute values found in literature for various environmental impact categories (Corsten et al., 2013).
POP gC2H4eq -0.37 0.152 10 0.005 0.047 3 0.0049 0.13 10 0.007 0.007 1
PM10 gPM10eq 0.013 0.43 8 0.012 0.025 4 0.005 0.23 4 0.004 0.004 1
1) Some values not included in the range, see (Corsten et al., 2013). min: lowest value reported in the reviewed literature; max: largest
value reported in the reviewed literature; n: number of data points.
PC: Pulverized coal-fired power plant, NGCC: Natural gas-fired combined cycle, IGCC: Integrated gasification combined cycle, CED:
Cumulative energy demand, GWP: Global warming potential, EP: Eutrophication potential, AP: Acidification potential, HTTP: Human
toxicity potential, POP: Photochemical oxidation potential, FAETP: Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity potential, TETP: Terrestrial ecotoxicity
potential, LCA: Life cycle assessment, MEA: Monoethanolamine, PM: Particulate matter, GHG: Greenhouse gas.
With regards to water use, early studies that are widely referenced and cited in CCS discussions, indicated that
an installation of a post-combustion capture system would nearly double the water consumption for thermal
power generation using recirculating cooling. More recent estimates, however, showed a percentage increase of
less than 50 per cent for coal-fired power generation. This decrease resulted from the use of a more advanced
CO2 capture technology that has better performance, and thus, lower cooling requirements. The type of cooling
system used in a facility influences the increases in water withdrawal and consumption. As such, different CO2
capture systems and approaches have different impacts, with significant variability among reported values. The
same conclusion on cooling was reached also by a 2020 study. They also found that in cases where water
scarcity does not already exist, the addition of CCS will not generally induce scarcity. Considering that 43% of
the current installed global coal-fired power capacity is located within regions that now experience water
scarcity for at least one month a year. Over 30% of global capacity faces scarcity for five or more months a
year. In these regions, implementation of CCS technologies worsens the water stress (Rosa et al., 2020).
However, Europe was not among the regions with power plant capacity facing year-round water scarcity.
The implications of carbon capture and storage on demand for materials have not been studied in detail (Gielen,
2021). Thus, this reveals a potential field in need for study.
When it comes to carbon dioxide removal technologies, land use and hardware distribution are commonly raised,
but research suggests that DAC units have minimal land requirements compared to other, such as for example
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) (Kapetaki, 2019). Similar finding applies to water use too
(Smith et al., 2016).
Deutz and Bardow find that DAC combined with storage already has the potential for negative emissions today.
However, a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation requires the rapid and massive deployment of
DAC. According to their analysis, this scale-up will not be limited by material and energy requirements (Deutz
and Bardow, 2021).
Regarding carbon removals, utmost attention needs to be paid to their quality and credibility. For this reason,
the European Commission is developing a new framework for the certification of carbon removals in 2022. This
certification mechanism will provide more clarity on the quality of carbon removals, and ensure their
environmental integrity. It will address the lack of standardisation of existing frameworks and contribute to a
level playing field (European Commission, 2021a).
When it comes to circularity, technologies that convert CO 2 into fuels, chemicals and building materials can play
a key role in a circular carbon economy. Carbon is very important for today’s chemical and polymer industries
for energy as well as material purposes. While options exist to substitute carbon for energy related purposes,
the material use of carbon is more challenging. The utilisation of CO 2 as a source for carbon used as material
has been reported like a promising option on this front (Kaiser and Bringezu, 2020).
On other environmental issues, one of the biggest perceived risks stemming from CCS operation has been
considered the potential for leakages of CO2 during the operation and post closure phases. Health and safety
can also be a concern with regard to the large chemical inventories and usage expected on the capture plant
site, for example with the use of solvents (UK Environment Agency, 2002). Thus, designing high-performing
solvents and creating environmentally friendly solvent processes for CO 2 capture are some areas for potentially
useful research (Mission Innovation, 2017). To date, no major incidents have been reported with regards to the
operation of CCUS projects.
Finally, on the social aspect, CCUS projects have suffered to date from severe criticism and lack of public
acceptance. There have been failures to deliver whole projects due to lack of public acceptance, such as for
example in the case of Barendrecht, the Netherlands. CCUS projects are complex with many types of stakeholder
and engagement activities. Experience so far has made clear that projects must make the required provisions
for timely and efficient public outreach campaigns (Kapetaki et al., 2017).
evaluate the value chain in CCUS. Notwithstanding the limitation imposed by the restrained data available when
it comes to identifying companies active in the CCUS supply chain, there may be an opportunity for an indicative
Out of the 186 companies identified, 45 (24%) are European or are active in the field through their European
subsidiaries. The USA is leading the way as 42% of the key companies identified are American or are based in
the USA.
Figure 25. Key companies identified with activity in CCUS by country
In the EU, companies have been mostly involved in project development. While in mid 2000s it was primarily
utilities that were involved in CCUS, the focus has now shifted to industry. HeidelbergCement is the company
primarily active on developing CCUS in the cement industry. Initiatives such as the Antwerp@C and Porthos
demonstrate the interest of chemical and oil and gas companies such as AirLiquide, BASF, Borealis, TOTAL,
ExxonMobil and Ineos to get involved. The recently announced projects benefitting from the Innovation Fund
also revealed certain interest in BECCS, as Stockholm Exergi is a project developer of such project. Oil companies
such as ENI and Shell are assessing hydrogen projects. Regarding steel, ArcelorMittal is pursuing several CCUS
options by building pilot plants at its Dunkirk and Ghent steel plants and the company is also interested in CO2
use.12 ThyssenKrupp’s is active on CO2 use and its pilot plant is synthesising methanol from blast furnace and
basic oxygen furnace gas. It aims also to produce ammonia, using the nitrogen by-product from waste
separation. Tata Steel has been running a pilot plant with a capacity of 0.06 Mt/year at their steel plant site in
IJmuiden, Netherlands, since 2010. To scale up the technology, however, Tata Steel is currently considering
building a larger demonstration plant in India and it is not clear whether this technology will be deployed in the
EU (Somers, 2021).
In North America the landscape is very different. There most of CCUS development are occuring in ethanol
production, natural gas processing and power generation. This puts the EU in a leading position when it comes
to developing CCUS in industry.
A recent publication from the Global CCS Institute (Global CCS Institute, 2022) provided a technology
compendium intended to showcase commercially-available CCS technologies worldwide. In terms of CO2 capture
they listed 16 companies as major technology providers. Five of these can be classified as EU companies (Air
Liquide (FR), Axens (FR), Leilac Group (CALIX) (EU), Saipem (IT), Shell (NL)). On CO2 transport, the publication
identified 5 companies out of which 2 in the EU (MAN Energy Solutions and Svanehøj). On CO2 storage, none of
the companies listed are in the EU. On the full value chain, 2 companies (Linde (DE) and Schlumberger (FR)) are
EU companies. These lists show that the EU is relatively well positioned on CO 2 capture technologies. When it
comes to transport, storage and full value chain the EU is far behind and is striving to get a share against the
USA and Canada.
Our in-house analysis showed that from 2015 onwards, six EU companies, Air Liquide (FR), Shell (NL), Linde
(DE), Sabic (NL), Merck (DE) and Maersk (DK) were amongst the top 20 companies in research and innovation
investment. Within the EU, these companies remain in the top 10, along with Anheuser Busch Inbev (BE), BASF
(DE), Solvay (BE), Haldor Topsoe (DK).
Venture capital analysis showed that the EU is lagging behind on this front. Out of the 92 companies identified
only 8 are within the EU (287K (HR), Caphenia (DE), Carbon Collect (IE), Carbonworks (FR), Liquid Wind (SE),
Purcity (DK), Redoxnrg (EE), and Sunfire (DE)).
Country No of jobs
USA 4 000
Australia 400
Norway 350
Malaysia 300
Indonesia 275
Russia 250
EU 200
China 175
UAE 150
Saudi Arabia 100
Brazil 100
UK 65
Canada 50
Source: Secondary Research, Primary Interviews and Polaris Market Research Analysis.
Market research estimates that within the EU member states, Ireland has the highest labour productivity ratio 13
when it comes to CCUS, followed by Romania, Estonia, Poland and Lithuania (Figure 26a). Turkey, Columbia,
Israel, Korea and Chile are the top 5 countries with the highest labour productivity ration outside the EU (Figure
Figure 26. Labour productivity estimate by a) EU member state and b) worldwide, 2021.
The real gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked.
2021 has seen unprecedented advancement for CCUS projects. According to the IEA, the employment benefits
from the development of these projects would be significant. Job creation opportunities lie along the highly
complex and fragmented value chain for CCUS. According to (Serin et al., 2021) CCUS investments can generate
a substantial number of jobs in the short, medium and long terms. Studies that explicitly quantify these aspects
suggest more jobs will lie in the construction than in the operation phase of CCUS projects. At least 1 200 direct
construction jobs could be created at each new large-scale capture facility, rising to 4 000 or more depending
on location, application and size (IEA, 2020b). As well as creating new jobs, CCUS is crucial for helping retain
existing jobs in energy-intensive industries.
The Longship CCS project (including Northern Lights) in Norway is expected to generate as many as 4 000 jobs
during the investment and construction phase, and 170 permanent jobs. For the UK, another advanced country
in CCUS project planning and development, the Grantham Institute study estimates that by 2030 up to 31 000
jobs could be created and up to 51 000 can be potentially preserved in energy-intensive industries.
3.6 EU production
The majority of the operating CCS facilities worldwide capture CO 2 for natural gas processing. The Sleipner CO2
injection in Norway was the world’s first industrial offshore CCS project. Natural gas produced in the Sleipner
Vest field contains approximately 9% CO2 and must be reduced to less than 2.5% for the gas to meet
specifications prior to being sold. The unwanted CO 2 is captured with amine scrubbing using aqueous N-
methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) solutions.
In addition to natural gas processing, large-scale CCS facilities are currently in operation for chemical, hydrogen
and steel production as well as power generation. Unit 3 at the Boundary Dam power station in Saskatchewan
is retrofitted with a capture facility based on regenerable amine technology by Shell Cansolv. The Petra Nova
project used a proprietary amine solvent, KS-1, which was developed by the Kansai Electric Power Co. and
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (Yamada, 2021).
According to (Yamada, 2021), most of the projects in operation use either Monoethanolamine (MEA) or
Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) for CO2 capture. Besides gas scrubbing for CO2 capture, MEA is used as feedstock
in the production of detergents, emulsifiers, polishes, pharmaceuticals, corrosion inhibitors, and chemical
intermediates (Frauenkron et al., 2002). In this study, we examine the production of solvents for carbon capture
used on MEA using PRODCOM15 code 20144233. No codes relating to MDEA were identified. Given the different
uses of MEA, and the somehow limited deployment of CO 2 capture projects in Europe, the analysis below can
be only indicative.
Figure 27 shows that the production value of MEA has been relatively steady in the past ten years. The
maximum value in 2018 reached EUR 153 million. Denmark and Spain are the top MEA producer countries in
Europe with a total production value of EUR 6 million and EUR 3 million, respectively.
Petra Nova suspended operation in 2020 on the grounds of low oil prices amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Prodcom provides statistics on the production of manufactured goods carried out by enterprises on the national
territory of the reporting countries.
Figure 27. Total Production Value of MEA in the EU (EUR Million)
189 201 196
187 181 186 183
200 161 169 163
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
EU Total
4 EU position and Global competitiveness
116 114
120 103
94 96
80 66 68
60 58 89
52 79 81 81
40 49 52 50 55
20 41
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Export Import
COMEXT and COMTRADE codes: 292211, 292212, 292215, 292217. Comext is Eurostat's reference database for detailed statistics on
international trade in goods. UN COMTRADE is the United Nations International Trade Statistics Database.
Projects LEILAC in Belgium and STEPWISE in Sweden are in construction and in operation respectively but none plans to/use(s) solvents
for CO2 capture.
membranes (polymeric, ceramic, etc.), adsorbents etc. can and are also used for carbon capture. At present, the
main commercially available adsorbents are activated carbons, zeolites, hollow fibers, and alumina (Lee and
Park, 2015). Limestone is also used in carbon capture by calcium looping and oxygen carrier materials used in
chemical looping operation include monometallic oxides of nickel, copper, manganese and iron.
In their analysis, ZEP considered carbon steel for equipment and pipelines manufacturing (ZEP, 2011b). (Parker,
Meyer and Meadows, 2009) listed materials that are used for CO2 injection wells (Table 7). These materials
include corrosion resistant alloys. Depending on their composition, they may contain critical materials, such as
titanium and cobalt, but also other materials such as nickel. The latter may become under shortage or price
volatility due to international geopolitical/environmental conditions.18 Carbon steel may also contain some
alloying elements which are critical such as silicon.
Table 7. Typical construction materials for CO2 injection wells.
Component Materials
For other materials that can be used in the CCUS value chain, a thorough analysis is needed to clearly identify
any challenges associated with their supply. For example, for aluminium which is a component of alumina,
copper, iron, manganese and steel, shortages have been reported in Europe in the last two years. 19 On the other
hand, Europe is amongst the world leaders in supplying the world’s demand for natural zeolites.20 Moreover, the
captured CO2 can be used to produce high value chemicals, building materials etc. If this potential materialises,
it is plausible that EU companies can benefit.
Biomass is another relevant material, used for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). Biomass
feedstock is derived from a residual product (e.g. sugar cane waste) or dedicated energy crops (e.g. fast-growing
tree species like willows trees) planted purely as a feedstock. Algae cultivation and municipal organic solid
waste is being tested. Today biomass feedstock supply is dominated by forest management schemes and
agriculture (Consoli, 2019). According to our previous work, there is considerable potential for biomass in the
EU (Kapetaki et al., 2020). Even if the potential is there, the supply chain would need to be developed to mobilise
all these resources. This means that an enormous effort must be done in all Member States, as the maturity
Reuters, 2022
Bloomberg, 2022; Financial Times, 2021; S&P Global Market Intelligence, 2020.
and reliability of several key biomass conversion technologies is still an issue and their progress towards market
deployment is an important concern (Panoutsou and Maniatis, 2021).
Regarding solvent resource availability and efficiency, research suggests that using MEA in a global scale would
have a large impact on its production and cost (Luis, 2016). Sections covering production and trade (3.6 and
4.2) do not indicate an imminent risk in the sense that the import countries are relatively diversified. The
availability of MEA precursors, i.e. ammonia and ethylene oxide should also be considered. Other repercussions
are connected to the impact of increasing MEA output on the environment as the manufacturing process is
resulting in CO2 emissions. The energy required and its source to keep up with an increasing demand for MEA,
should also not be overlooked.
Research has concentrated on improving the technical and economic efficiency of this solvent. CO2 absorbing
capacity of MEA is concentration dependent, ranging from 447.9 ± 18.1 to 581.3 ± 32.3 g CO2/kg MEA (Huertas
et al., 2015). On the CO2 capture process itself, energy required to regenerate the solvent is very high (U.S.
Department of Energy, 2019). Todays amines’ processes will require 0.29 kWe/kgCO2 including compression for
90% capture (Herzog, 2018).
On technology autonomy and/or dependence, analysis on section 3.3 showed the EU is relatively well positioned
on CO2 capture technologies. When it comes to transport, storage and full value chain, the EU is far behind and
is striving to get a share against the USA and Canada.
5 Conclusions
From the analysis of the previous chapters the following key points can be deduced:
CO2 capture, transport and storage technology components are commercially available for most
The number of commercial facilities in the pipeline has increased but more is needed to achieve
ambitious targets
CCUS costs are still considerable but expected to fall as/if/when capacity increases
France, Germany, the Netherlands are the front runners in public and private R&I investments and top
patenting companies
These countries are also on the top 5 of peer review publications but are overtaken by Spain and Italy
There is a need for (supply) a thorough value chain identification and mapping
Demand for materials required in the CCUS value chain is also a field in need for study
In summary, EU is in a good position when it comes to publications, patents, private and public R&I but
lags behind on venture capital companies compared to other world areas
Different roadmaps identify CCUS as part of the technologies necessary to facilitate the transition towards
zero-emissions' industrial and energy sectors. However, CCUS has not yet completely met the expectations
and requirements in terms of implementation rate. The main barriers to develop CCUS projects in the
world have been discussed extensively and appear persisting. The most important ones are regulatory
implementation, economics, risk and uncertainties associated with projects as well as public acceptance. While
the technology and technical implementation are not within the main challenges for CCUS development,
research is ongoing to address specific bottlenecks.
In short, for CO2 capture, areas for research include improving solvents’ performance and environmental
friendliness. For sorbents and membranes, advancement in materials and process integration will be key.
Technological advancements to enable high capture rates and low energy requirements should be supported -
novel reactor designs, modularisation, and cost-effective materials are some of these. Flexibility, compactness,
and potential for heat integration and process intensification are also important. In addition to CO2 separation,
understanding the potential of carbon capture in H2 production will have to be pursued, i.e. H2 production based
on fossil (or biomass) fuels.
For CO2 utilisation, the resolution of technological challenges is needed to advance the TRL and specific
incentives will be essential to set the basis of CO2 roll-out of as raw material. For this, LCA analyses evaluating
the CO2 emissions savings of CO2 utilisation plants vs. conventional of the integrated approaches, will be
essential. Increasing the efficiency of CO2 utilisation pathways will require intensified research on improved
catalysts. Proposed, better processes including reactor designs, must target higher efficiency levels, and
lowering costs and new routes to carbon-based functional materials from CO2 should be created. The scientific
community is also advocating for research relevant to the electrochemical and photochemical conversion of
CO2. CO2 use for mineralisation implies permanent storage of CO2. Thus, from the CO2 emissions reduction
standpoint, it is advisable to prioritise research in this technology and accelerate its development but also tailor
material properties to enable carbon storage in products.
Concerning CO2 transport and storage, technical aspects and infrastructure should be improved. In
addition to pipelines, the role of shipping should also be looked at. Technical aspects such as impact of CO 2
composition and impurities as well as fluctuating flows on the pipelines are also important. According to the
scientific community, the research priorities for CO2 storage should be concentrated in increasing capacity,
understanding large scale and optimising injection. Monitoring techniques to demonstrate containment and
enable storage site closure should also be pursued. Monitoring should also be used to assess anomalies and
provide assurance. Characterization of fault and fracture systems, seismic risk forecasting and well
management and well integrity are also areas for suggested research. R&I activities supporting CO2 storage
appraisal, mapping and development are vital to develop European CO 2 storage capacity, to reduce costs of CO2
storage and evaluate potential risks associated with storage.
In many occasions, it was the public that caused project cancellation so incorporating social aspects into the
studies is crucial. Further, models that take into account life cycle technoeconomic, environmental, and
social considerations should be developed to guide decision making.
Carbon dioxide removal technologies have gained interest in the last years. However, future endeavours will
still need to examine barriers of this technology such as ability to be replicated in bigger scale, cost, land and
energy requirement. The development of a clear and robust framework for carbon accounting and for
guaranteeing the sustainability of bioresources is fundamental to enable such solutions. The European
Commission is currently working on this topic and it is expected to have a regulatory framework on carbon
removal certification by the end of 2022.
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List of abbreviations and definitions
ASU – Air Separation Unit
BECCS – Bioenergy with CCS
CAPEX – Capital Expenditure
COP – Conference of the Parties
CCS – Carbon Capture and Storage
CCUS – Carbon Capture, Use and Storage
CEF – Connecting Europe Facility
CLC – Chemical Looping Combustion
DAC – Direct Air Capture
IEA – International Energy Agency
EOR – Enhanced Oil Recovery
EGR – Enhanced Gas Recovery
ECBM – Enhance Coal Bed Methane
EU – European Union
EPO – European Patent Office
GDP – Gross Domestic Product
GWP – Global Warming Potential
JRC – Joint Research Centre
LCA – Life Cycle Analysis
LCOE – Levelised Cost of Electricity
Mtpa – Million tons per annum
MS – Member State
OPEX – Operational Expenditure
PSA – Pressure Swing Adsorption
RTIL – Room Temperature Ionic Liquid Membranes
TRL – Technology Readiness level
TSA – Temperature Swing Adsorption
SET - Strategic Energy Technologies
SETIS - Information System
SEWGS - Sorption Enhanced Water Gas Shift
VSA – Vacuum Swing Adsorption
CSLF – Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum
ZEP – Zero Emissions Platform
List of figures
Figure 1. TRL of select technologies along the CCUS value chain (IEA, 2020a) ..........................12
Figure 2. Pipeline of commercial CCS facilities from 2010 to September 2021 by capture capacity (Global
CCS Institute, 2021c) ..................................................................................................13
Figure 3. Carbon intensity in industry ...........................................................................14
Figure 4. Cost of carbon capture by industry ...................................................................15
Figure 5. Levelised cost of CO2 capture by sector and initial CO2 concentration, 2019 .....................16
Figure 6. Cumulative capacity and capture cost learning curve for CO2 chemical absorption in coal-fired
power generation and small industrial furnaces in the Sustainable Development Scenario, 2019-2070 ......17
Figure 7. a) Public R&D investments (EUR million) in CCUS in the EU by year and by MS; b) Public R&D
investments (EUR million) in CCUS in the EU by year by CCUS component. ......................................18
Figure 8. 2010-2020 public R&D investments (EUR million) in CCUS in the a) EU by MS and b) globally
(countries with a share of less than 1% are not illustrated in the pie chart). .....................................19
Figure 9. 2010-2018 private R&D investments (EUR million/year) in CCUS in the a) EU by MS and b) globally.
Figure 10. 2010-2021 Top countries - VC investments - Early stages (EUR million) ...........................22
Figure 11. 2010-2021 Top countries - VC investments - Later stages (EUR million) ...........................23
Figure 12. Number of inventions and share of high-value and international activity (2017-2019) ...........24
Figure 13. Number of high-value inventions and international activity (2009-2019) ..........................24
Figure 14. High-value inventions - Top 10 countries (2017-2019) ..............................................25
Figure 15. High-value inventions (2017-2019), a) top 10 companies and b) top 10 EU companies ..........25
Figure 16. International protection of high-value inventions (2017-2019) ......................................26
Figure 17. Number of peer-reviewed articles in CO2 capture per year 2011-2021 a) in the top 5 countries of
the world b) within EU countries......................................................................................27
Figure 18. Number of peer-reviewed articles in CO2 utilisation per year 2011-2021 a) in the top 5 countries
of the world, b) within EU countries ..................................................................................29
Figure 19. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2010-2022 in CO2 transport per year 2011-2021 in
the top 5 countries of the world ......................................................................................30
Figure 20. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2011-2021 in CO2 storage in the top 5 countries of the
Figure 21. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2011-2021 in direct air capture a) in the top 5
countries of the world and b) within EU countries ..................................................................31
Figure 22. Number of peer-reviewed articles per year 2011-2021 in bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) a) in the top
5 countries of the world and b) within EU countries ................................................................31
Figure 23. Value added by non-EU country (% of GDP), 2021 ....................................................37
Figure 24. Value added by EU country (% of GDP), 2021 .........................................................37
Figure 25. Key companies identified with activity in CCUS by country ...........................................40
Figure 26. Labour productivity estimate by a) EU member state and b) worldwide, 2021. ....................41
Figure 27. Total Production Value of MEA in the EU (EUR Million) ................................................44
Figure 28. Extra-EU Import & Export (EUR Million) ................................................................45
List of tables
Table 1. Sub-technologies. ............................................................................................ 7
Table 2. Other research areas. ........................................................................................ 8
Table 3. TRL assessment and key technology vendors of the CO2 capture technologies. ........................ 9
Table 4. Overall revenue by major countries, 2021. ...............................................................36
Table 5. Ranges in absolute values found in literature for various environmental impact categories (Corsten
et al., 2013). ...........................................................................................................38
Table 6. Employment by major countries, 2021. ...................................................................41
Table 7. Typical construction materials for CO2 injection wells. ...................................................46
Table 8. Projects identified exploring different CCUS aspects ....................................................57
Table 9. Projects funded under the H2020 ACT running until 2022. .............................................57
Table 10. Ongoing H2020 projects identified in the field of carbon capture and utilisation with EU funding
contribution >250 kEUR. ..............................................................................................59
Annex A
List of projects identified
Table 8. Projects identified exploring different CCUS aspects
Table 9. Projects funded under the H2020 ACT running until 2022.
Project Acronym Capture Transport Storage/ Use Other* Funding (EUR)
*Includes activities such as developing materials (for example sorbents, membranes) relevant to CCUS, developing business case, knowledge networks, dissemination,
knowledge sharing, raising public awareness etc.
ACT was completed on 30/9/2021. However, 13 projects were offered funding from ACT in autumn 2021. A brief overview of the projects is available here. Links to the
projects will be available when all contractual documents are signed.
Table 10. Ongoing H2020 projects identified in the field of carbon capture and utilisation with EU funding contribution >250 kEUR.
Project acronym CO2 use Solvent Sorbent Membrane HTL Other EU Contribution (EUR) Total Cost (EUR)
Project acronym CO2 use Solvent Sorbent Membrane HTL Other EU Contribution (EUR) Total Cost (EUR)
Project acronym CO2 use Solvent Sorbent Membrane HTL Other EU Contribution (EUR) Total Cost (EUR)
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