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EC319 (CS) Unit 1 Part 2

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Low-pass circuits derive their name from the fact that the output of these circuits is larger for lower
frequencies and vice-versa. Figures 1(a) and (b) represent a low-pass RC circuit and a low-pass RL
circuit, respectively.
In the RC circuit, shown in Fig.(a), at low frequencies, the reactance of C is large and decreases with
increasing frequency. Hence, the output is smaller for higher frequencies and vice-versa. Similarly,
in the RL circuit shown in Fig.(b), the inductive reactance is small for low frequencies and hence, the
output is large at low frequencies. As the frequency increases, the inductive reactance increases;
hence, the output decreases. Therefore, these circuits are called low-pass circuits. Let us consider
the response of these low-pass circuits to different types of inputs.

FIGURE 1(a) A low-pass RC circuit; and (b) a low-pass RL circuit

The Response of a Low-pass RC Circuit to Sinusoidal Input

For the circuit given in Fig.1(a), if a sinusoidal signal is applied as the input, the output vo is given by the relation:

where, ω2 = 1/CR = 1/τ. From Eq. the phase shift θ the signal undergoes is given as:
θ = tan−1(ω/ω2) = tan−1(τ/T)
Figure 2(a) shows a typical frequency vs. gain characteristic. Hence, f2 is the upper half- power frequency. At ω
= ω2,

Figure 2(b) shows the variation of gain with frequency for different values of τ. As is evident from the figure, the
half-power frequency, f2, increases with the decreasing values of τ, the time constant. The sinusoidal signal
undergoes a change only in the amplitude but its shape remains preserved.
Figure 2(c) shows the variation of θ as a function of frequency. As (τ/T) becomes large, θ approaches 90°. This
characteristic can be appreciated when we talk about an integrator later.

Fig: 2(a)
The Response of a Low-pass RC Circuit to Step Input

Let a step voltage be applied as the input to the low-pass RC circuit shown in Fig. 1(a). The output vo can be
obtained by using Eq. as shown in Fig. 3. We have RC = τ.
vo(t) = vf + (vi − vf) e−t/τ
Here, vf = V and vi = 0. Therefore,

FIGURE 3 The response of a low-pass circuit to step input

vo(t) = vf + (vi − vf) e−t/τ
Here, vf = V and vi = 0. Therefore,

As t → ∞, vo(t) → V.

Initially, as the capacitor behaves as a short circuit, the output voltage is zero. As the capacitor charges, the
output reaches the steady-state value of V in a time interval that is dependent on the time constant, τ. On the
other hand, the output of Eq. above can also be obtained by solving the following differential equation. From
Fig. 1(a), For vi = V:
We know that (1/C) ∫ idt = vo

From above Eqs.

Taking Laplace transforms:

Resolving into partial fractions:

Putting s = 0:

Putting s = −1/τ

Taking the Laplace inverse:

Now, for the circuit in Fig.1(b):

Applying the Laplace transform:

From Eq. (3.8), it may be seen that the output reaches the steady-state value faster for smaller values of τ.
Similarly, when τ is large, it takes a longer time for the output to reach the steady- state value.

Rise time: The time taken for the output to reach 90 per cent of its final value from 10 per cent of its final
value is called the rise time. Using Eq. (3.8) to calculate the rise time for this circuit:

Rise time: The time taken for the output to reach 90 per cent of its final value from 10 per cent of its final
value is called the rise time. Using Eq. (3.8) to calculate the rise time for this circuit:
From Fig. 3.3 at t = t1, vo = 0.1 V. Therefore,

Similarly at t = t2, vo = 0.9 V:

Using Eqs. (3.9) and (3.10), rise time is given as: Also f2 = 1/2πRC

Let a step voltage Vi be applied to a low-pass circuit. The output does not
reach the steady- state value Vi instantaneously as desired. Rather, it takes a
finite time delay for the output to reach Vi, depending on the value of the time
constant of the low-pass circuit employed. If this output is to drive a transistor
from the OFF to the ON state, this change of state does not occur immediately,
because the output of the low-pass circuit takes some time to reach Vi. The
transistor is thus said to be switched from the OFF state into the ON state only
when the voltage at the output of the low-pass circuit is 90 per cent of Vi. If this
time delay is to be small, τ should be small. On the contrary, if the output is to
be ramp, τ should be large.
FIGURE : Phase-vs-frequency curves for different
values of τ
The Response of a Low-pass RC Circuit to Pulse Input
Let the input to the low-pass circuit be a positive pulse of duration tp
and amplitude V as shown in Fig. below. If this positive pulse is
applied to drive an n–p–n transistor from the OFF state into the ON
state, the transistor will be switched ON only after a time delay.
Similarly, at the end of the pulse, the transistor will not be switched
immediately into the OFF state, but will take a finite time delay. To
know how quickly it is possible to switch a transistor from one state to
the other, we have to consider the response of a low-pass circuit to the
pulse input. During the period 0 to tp, the input is a step and the output
is given by Eq.
At t = tp the input falls and the output decays exponentially as given in Eq
For vi = V, the output for different values of τ is plotted in Fig. above. It
is seen here that the shape of the pulse at the output is preserved if the
time constant of the circuit is much smaller than tp, i.e., τ <<tp. However,
if a ramp is to be generated during the period of the pulse, τ is chosen
such that τ >> tp.
Example : An ideal pulse of amplitude 10 V is fed to an RC low-pass integrator circuit. The width
of the pulse is 3 μs. Draw the output waveforms for the following upper 3-dB frequencies: (a) 30
MHz, (b) 3 MHz and (c) 0.3 MHz.

Solution: Consider the low-pass circuit in Fig. above

1. At f2 = 30 MHz
We know that f2 = 1/2Πrc
tr = 2.2τ = 2.2 × 5.3 × 10−9 = 11.67 ns
At t = tp,
Vp = V(1 − e−tp/τ) = 10(1 − e−3×10−6/5.3×10−9) = 10 V

The output is plotted in Fig.

Output waveform at f2 = 30 MHz

2. At f2 = 3 MHz
tr = 2.2τ = 2.2 × 53 × 10−9 = 116.6 ns
At t = tp,
Vp = V(1 − e−tp/τ) = 10(1 − e−3×10−6/53×10−9) = 10 V

Output waveform at f2 = 3 MHz

3. At f2 = 0.3 MHz
tr = 2.2τ = 2.2 × 530 × 10−9 = 1.166 μs
At t = tp,
Vp = V(1 − e−tp/τ)
Vp = 10(1 − e−3×10−6/530×10−9) = 9.96 V

The output waveform at f2= 0.3 MHz

The Response of a Low-pass RC Circuit to a Square-wave Input

Let the input to the low-pass circuit be a square wave as shown in figure below

We have from Eq.

vo1(t) = vf + (vi − vf)e−t/τ

From Fig. 3.7(c), at t = T1, vo1 = V2 and vi = V1 and vf = V′. Therefore:

FIGURE 3.7 The response of the low-pass circuit to a square-wave input for different
values of τ
Again, at t = T2, Vo2 = V1 and we have vi = V2, Vf = V″

If the input is a symmetric square wave:


Using Eqs. (3.14) and (3.17):

Using Eqs. (3.17) and (3.19), it is possible to calculate V2 and V1 and plot the output

waveforms as given in Figs. 3.7(c) and (d), respectively.

If τ T, then the wave shape is maintained. And if τ T, the wave shape is highly distorted, but the
output of the low-pass circuit is now a triangular wave. So it is possible to derive a triangular
wave from a square wave by choosing τ to be very large when compared to T/2 of the
symmetric square wave.

If the time constant of an RC low-pass circuit is very large, the capacitor charges very slowly and so
almost all the input voltage appears across the resistor for small values of time. Then, the current
in the circuit is i(t) and the output signal across C is

As time increases, the voltage drop across C does not remain negligible compared with that
across R and the output will not remain the integral of the input. The output will change from a
quadratic to a linear function of time. If the time constant of an RC low-pass circuit is very large
in comparison with the. time required for the input signal to make an appreciable change, the
circuit acts as an integrator. A criterion for good integration in terms of steady-state analysis is
as follows: The low-pass circuit acts as an integrator provided the time constant of the circuit RC >
15T, where T is the period of the input sine wave. When RC > 15T, the input sinusoid will be
shifted at least by 89.4° (instead of the ideal 90° shift required for integration) when it is
transmitted through the network.
An RC integrator converts a square wave into a triangular wave. Integrators are
almost invariably preferred over differentiators in analog computer applications
for the following reasons:
1. It is easier to stabilize an integrator than a differentiator because the gain of an
integrator decreases with frequency whereas the gain of a differentiator
increases with frequency.
2. An integrator is less sensitive to noise voltages than a differentiator because of
its limited bandwidth.
3. The amplifier of a differentiator may overload if the input waveform changes
very rapidly.
4. It is more convenient to introduce initial conditions in an integrator.
An attenuator is a circuit that reduces the amplitude of the signal by a finite amount. A simple
resistance attenuator is represented in Fig. 1. The output of the attenuator shown in Fig. 2 is given by
the relation:

From this equation, it is evident that the output is smaller than the input, which is the main purpose of
an attenuator—to reduce the amplitude of the signal. Attenuators are used when the signal amplitude
is very large. Let us measure a voltage, say, 5000 V, using a CRO; such a large voltage may not be
handled by the amplifier in a CRO. Therefore, to be able to measure so that the voltage that is actually
connected to the CRO is only 500 V. The output of the attenuator is thus reduced depending on the
choice of R1 and R2.

FIGURE 1 A resistance attenuator FIGURE 2The attenuator output connected to amplifier input
Uncompensated Attenuators
If the output of an attenuator is connected as input to an amplifier with a stray
capacitance C2 and input resistance Ri, as shown in Fig. 2

Consider the parallel combination of R2 and Ri. If the amplifier input is not to load the
attenuator output, then Ri should always be significantly greater than R2. The
attenuator circuit is now shown in Fig.3
Reducing the two-loop network into a single-loop network by Thevenizing:

and Rth = R1||R2

Hence, the circuit in Fig. 3 reduces to that shown in Fig. 4.


When the input αvi is applied to this low-pass RC circuit, the output will not reach the steady- state
value instantaneously.
An attenuator of this type is called an uncompensated attenuator, i.e., its output is dependent on

Compensated Attenuators
To make the response of the attenuator independent of frequency, the capacitor C1 is connected
acrossR1. This attenuator now is called a compensated attenuator shown in Fig. 5. This circuit in Fig.
5. is redrawn as shown in Fig. 6.
FIGURE 5. A compensated attenuator

FIGURE 6. The compensated attenuator open-circuiting

the xy branch

R1, R2, C1, C2 form the four arms of the bridge. The bridge is said to be balanced when R1C1 = R2C2, in
which case no current flows in the branch xy. Hence, for the purpose of computing the output, the
branch xy is omitted.
When a step voltage with vi = V is applied as an input, the output is calculated as follows: At t = 0+, the
capacitors do not allow any sudden changes in the voltage; as the input changes, the output should
also change abruptly, depending on the values of C1 and C2.

Thus, the initial output voltage is determined by C1 and C2. As t → ∞, the capacitors are fully charged
and they behave as open circuits for dc. Hence, the resultant output is:

Perfect compensation is obtained if, vo(0+) = vo(∞)

From this using above equations

and the output is αvi.

Fig:An over-compensated
Fig :A perfectly compensated attenuator Fig:An under-compensated
attenuator (C1 = C2) (Cthe
1 > Cattenuator
attenuator (C1 < C2)
The response of to a step input
under these three conditions is shown in above figures.

1.When C1 = Cp, the attenuator is a perfectly compensated

2. When C1 > Cp, it is an over-compensated attenuator.
3. When C1 < Cp, it is an under-compensated attenuator.

RLC circuits behave altogether differently when compared to either RL or RC circuits. RLC circuits are
resonant circuits. These can be either series resonant circuits or parallel resonant circuits. A parallel
RLC circuit is used as a tank circuit in an oscillator to generate oscillations (this is the feedback
network that produces the phase shift of 180°). The RLC circuit is also used in tuned amplifiers to
select a desired frequency band at the output. When a sinusoidal signal is applied as input to a series
RLC circuit [see Fig. 3.23(a)], the frequency-vs-current characteristic is as shown in Fig. 3.23(b).
At resonance: XL = XC

FIGURE 3.23(a) An RLC series circuit with sinusoidal input; (b) the frequency-vs-current characteristic
FIGURE 3.23(c) A parallel RLC resonant circuit with sinusoidal input; (d) the frequency-
vs- voltage characteristic
At resonance, the impedance is minimum, purely resistive and equal to R. The current at the
resonant frequency, fo is maximum, termed imax. Let us now consider a parallel resonant circuit [see
Fig. 3.23(c)] and its frequency-vs-vo characteristic, shown in Fig. 3.23(d). In the parallel resonant
circuit, the impedance is maximum at resonance and hence, the voltage is maximum at fo. The
figure of merit of a tuned circuit, denoted by Q, is given as:

The larger the value of Q, the sharper the response characteristic of the tuned circuit.
The Response of the RLC Parallel Circuit to a Step Input

Consider the RLC circuit shown in Fig. 3.24(a). Applying Laplace transforms, the above circuit is
redrawn shown in Fig. 3.24(b). The impedance of the parallel combination of Ls and 1/Cs is:

FIGURE 3.24(a) RLC parallel circuit

FIGURE 3.24(b) The Laplace circuit of Fig.
Multiplying the numerator and denominator by Cs we get:

The characteristic equation is:

The roots of this characteristic equation are:

Let K, the damping constant, be given by:

From Eqs. (3.56) and (3.57):


Putting Eq. (3.58) in Eq. (3.55): Therefore,

From Eq. (3.56) we have:


From Eq. (3.53):

For unit step voltage as input:

Applying partial fractions:

Putting s = s1

Putting s = s2
Applying inverse Laplace transform to both sides, we get:

From Eq. (3.59):

(i) If K = 0:

Using Eq. (3.60):



If we substitute the value of To from Eq. (3.57) in Eq. (3.65):

Thus, K → 0, as R → ∞. Here, K can not be zero as assumed ideally, since R = ∞ means open-
circuiting the resistance R in the circuit shown in Fig. 3.24(a), which is absurd because the excitation
is not connected to the circuit when R = ∞. However, R can be made very large, in which case K
becomes very small, though not zero as expected. The output has a smaller amplitude but is
oscillatory in nature, as seen from Eq. (3.66). Thus, when a step is applied as input to the RLC circuit
in Fig. 3.24(a), with K = 0 (practically very small), the response is un- damped oscillations, as shown
in Fig. 3.24(c).

FIGURE 3.24(c) The response to K = 0

(ii) If K < 1, it is a case of under-damping as shown in Fig. 3.24(d). For this condition, from Eq. (3.59):

Multiply and divide Eq. (3.67) by K and substitute K/To = 1/4πRC in it. The resultant equation is:

From Eq. (3.60):

The output response is an under-damped sinusoidal waveform. The oscillations die down after a few
cycles, as shown in Fig. 3.24(d).

FIGURE 3.24(d) The response to K < 1

(iii) If K = 1, it is a case of critical damping. If we substitute the K value in the Eq. (3.59), then the
roots are s1 = s2 = −2π/To. The roots are equal and real.
If the input is a step voltage:



Applying inverse Laplace transform on both sides:

where x = t/To:


FIGURE 3.24(e) The response to K = 1

Ringing Circuit:

A circuit which has a capacitance in parallel with a resistance and inductance,
 with the whole in parallel with a second resistance;
 it is highly underdamped and is supplied with a step or pulse input.
A ringing circuit can be used to generate a sequence of pulses regularly spaced in time. For this purpose a
transistor is used before the circuit. The sequence starts when the device delivering current I is cut-off. These
pulses find application in many timing operation.
A circuit in which exponentially decaying sinusoid oscillations are obtained classify as underdamped,
underdamped is also known as ringing circuit. Damping constant k (i.e., 1 / 2R√L/C) is small, the circuit will ring
for many cycle.
If damping is small enough the response approaches as under damped sine wave we can easily calculate the
amplitude of oscillation if we know the initial magnetic energy stored in inductor is converted into electrical
energy in the capacitor at the end of one quarter cycle. Thus
½ LI2 = 1/2 CV2
Vmax = I√L/C

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