SPG Project Proposal
SPG Project Proposal
SPG Project Proposal
The proposed plan to conduct “RAGS” (Recycling materials useful for Attaining Sustainability of
funds). The said outreach program aims to enhance and train elected officers’ leadership and teamwork and
unleash the resourcefulness in them.
In this regard, we humbly ask permission and support from your good office to allow us for the conduct
of the said activity this coming April 2019. We firmly believe that through RAGS Program, we will be able to
contribute to the cleanliness of the campus this coming Brigada Eskwela and secure having initial fund, through
rag selling, for the upcoming events that we will organize this school year.
We are looking forward that this request will merit your kindest approval.
Appendix B
I. Title
“RAGS” (Recycling materials useful for Attaining Sustainability of funds)
V. Proposed Venue
VI. Rationale
The upcoming school year _____________ is another year of events and involvement for this
intitution. That upcoming year is viewed as a year of proving that public schools aren’t as bad as the
thoughts of others. This is when the school initiates extra effort to provide a quality education with good
facilities that provides comfort for students.
School is known for its competitiveness in different categories. But despite of being known for
one of the most consistent participant among many schools, _____________ School also focuses on the
well-managed environment that is appealing and necessary for keeping a safe and clean surrounding for
everyone. One of the proof is the annual Brigada-Eskwela held before the resuming of classes.
This lead to proponents’ idea of coming up to this said project. This is to provide materials to be
sold to those who will attend the brigade to have an ease in finding tools for cleaning the floors and
windows and the likes. At the same time, this project will also help the SSG organization in soliciting
their funds to be used in the upcoming school year’s events.
This project is initiated in belief that it will help the industrious participants of Brigada Eskwela
in attaining a successful cleaning program.
Through this project, proponents are expecting to help gain more in this area specially now that
it is a requirement for everyone’s safety.
Crack up creativeness, crack up resourcefulness, crack up cleanliness.
VII. Objectives
The project proposal aimed to produce materials useful for brigade eskwela.
Specifically, the objectives are:
The proponents will spend time for the planning of the proposed project. They will solicit approval from
the immediate head. When approval is secured and the project proposal is signed, they will communicate with
the other officers for a meeting. Each officer will be required to attend the rag-making twice a week. The
proponents will seek solicitation to the stakeholders and to some of the government agencies if necessary.
A meeting with officers will be conducted to prepare the budget for the beneficiaries and the budget
needed for the materials.
When all the solicitations and donations are finalized, ______________ School-
____________________Family together with the proponents will gather on the SSG president’s house, as
permitted by his parents, as a venue for the beneficiaries. Once done with the rags, they will be grateful and is
looking forward to sell it on ____________.
_________________ family and the proponents had finished the rags on the targeted date and made the
teachers, faculty and staff, and students buy the recycled rags that has been useful in the Brigada Eskwela
cleaning process. The school strengthened the chances of being competent and confident not only on the
cleanliness but on the also in the safety and team work initiated by the elected officers.
School Principal IV
XI. Expected Final Outcomes/Success Indicators:
100% of the proponents and those who will attend the brigade will feel the essence of Brigada
Eskwela and build confidence on having a clean learning environment not only during the day
of cleaning but as long as there are chances of being involved in this activities.
The source of budget will come from the donations and solicitations.
TOTAL 50 pesos
The school plans to institutionalize the “RAGS” (Recycling materials useful for Attaining
Sustainability of funds) PROGRAM to ensure its sustainability. To establish continuous support from
LGU’s and other stakeholders, a newsletter about the success of the project will be sent to hem after the
conduct of the said program.