548.6r 19 Polymer Concrete Guidelines For Structural Applications
548.6r 19 Polymer Concrete Guidelines For Structural Applications
548.6r 19 Polymer Concrete Guidelines For Structural Applications
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American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
First Printing
American Concrete Institute January 2019
Always advancing
ISBN: 978-1-64195-051-0
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Consulting Members
Subcommittee 548B
Aly Said
Polymer concrete (PC) can be used in the construction of stmctural Keywords: beam; creep; equipment foundation; fatigue; fire resistance;
elements with applications, including wall panels withstanding fracture; manholes; polymer; polymer concrete: reinforced polymer
wind and seismic loads, underground vaults resisting lateral earth concrete: utility stnactures; walls.
pressure, vault and utility box covers resisting vehicle loads, and
railroad ties resisting static and dynamic rail loads. PC struc CONTENTS
tural elements are used to resist bending moments and axial and
shear loads. Creep, fatigue, and service temperature are impor CHAPTER 1 -INTR ODUCTION, p. 2
tant aspects for PC stmctural elements. These guidelines help the
defining and understanding of mechanical properties and struc
tural behavior of PC Industrial standards and design guidelines
2. 1 - otation, p. 2
governing design with PC have been developed and used by the PC
2.2-Definitions, p. 2
indus/!)' for the last five decades. These guidelines highlight some
of those standards.
3. 1 -M aterial for structural polymer concrete, p. 3
ACI Committee Rep01ts, Guides, and Commentaries are 3.2-Polymer concrete types, p. 5
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and 3.3-Mechanical properties, p. 6
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use
3.4-Chemical and phy ical characteri stics, p. 1 1
of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance
and limitations of its content and recommendations and who
3.5-Standards and guides applicable to polymer concrete,
will accept responsibility for the application of the material it p. 1 3
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. ACI 548.6R-t9 supersedes ACt 548.6R-96 and was adopted and published January
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract 2019.
Copyright 0 2019, American Concrete Institute.
doctm1ents. If items found in this document are desired by
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and usc in any fonn or by
the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents,
any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic
they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual
by the Architect/Engineer. reproduction or for usc in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless
J>Cnnission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
binder system, the manufacturer or a qualified polymer strength and ductility of PC. Increases in splitting tensile
chemist should be consulted to select the most appropriate strength of 9 percent for I in. (25 mm) long alkali-resis
method to mix the required components. Promoters should tant (AR) glass fibers (2 percent by mass) and from l O to
not be mixed directly with initiators because the mixture can 50 percent for various steel fibers (2 to 7 percent by mass)
react explosively. Section 3.6 provides guidelines for safety have been reported ( Fowler et al. 1 98 I ). The addition of
requirements. glass fibers increases PC flexural strength and fracture
3. 1 .2 Aggregates-Aggregates such as silica sand, properties as well as toughness and failme strain (strain at
granite, river gravel, basalt, fly ash, calcium carbonate, and peak stress), but might decrease the compressive modulus
silica fume are generally acceptable for PC resin systems. (Mebarkia and Yipulanandan 1 992). ln an unsaturated poly
S ilica sand is generally used as inorganic fine aggregate and ester PC, glass fibers were added at a rate of 6 percent and
calcium carbonate as fine filler material ( Soh et al. 1 999; the flexural strength increased to exceed 6000 psi (4 1 MPa)
Bignozzi et al. 200 1 ; Choi and Ohama 2004). Fly ash, calcium ( Yipulanandan and Mebarkia I 997). Bignozzi et al. (2000)
carbonate, and silica fume are also used as fine fillers in PC. reported the use of silane-treated waste fibers to improve the
They are used to modify m ixture rheology, improve work mechanical strength of PC. Similar results were reported by
ability, and improve placing characteristics of the fresh PC. Reis (2009a) using recycled textile chopped fibers.
Individual fly ashes should be tested in trial batches before 3 . 1 .4 Additives-Additives such as air-release agents,
use because some can adversely affect the polymerization wetting agents, flexibilizers, shrinkage reducers, ulh·aviolet
reaction. Most aggregates meeting ASTM C33/C33M will (UV) inhibitors, fire-resisting agents, and bond enhancers
perform adequately in PC. I n addition, aggregates should are added to PC to improve one or more properties. Each
be selected for chemical resistance if that is a factor in the of these additives is designed and selected to match the
application (Kaeding l 99 l a). Aggregates are usually speci particular polymer being used. Air release and wetting
fied to be dry ( less than 0.2 percent free moisture) and free agents are used in polymer systems to remove air entrapped
from dirt, clay, asphalt, and organic materials. Rounded river dming mixing and to decrease the polymer content when a
gravel up to 3/4 in. (20 mm) has been used for some overlays low-polymer-ratio PC is required. Flexibilizers are added
and is also suitable for large precast sections. The rounded to reduce the modulus of elasticity and increase deform
smooth smface of the coarse aggregate provides a more ability. Shrinkage reducers compensate for polymerization
workable mixture, and less resin is required. shrinkage. The natural resistance of PC to any structurally
The conse1vation of natural resources has focused attention significant UV degradation is due to the opacity of the aggre
on the need to recycle waste materials such as plastics, glass, gates and filler system and is evidenced by more than 25
and incinerator ash to produce useful products for the public years of field exposure of some building panels and utility
and p1ivate sectors. Recycled waste materials and avail structures. UV inhibitors, however, are often required to
able natural composites could be used as fillers, aggregates, protect exterior surface finishes and color for PC, except
or both, to preserve the environment and reduce the cost. for acrylic and methac1ylic monomer concretes, which, by
Recycled waste materials that have been used in PC include their chemical natm·e, are more resistant to UV exposure and
chipped and crumbed rubber tire particles (Reda Taha et al. weathering effects. Fire-resistant agents are used to decrease
2005), recycled concrete aggregates (Jo et al. 2008b), silica the surface flammability of systems with higher polymer
fume (Barbuta et al. 20 10), and fly ash (Barbuta et al. 20 1 0), contents. Bond-enhancing agents, such as silanes and tita
whereas natural composites include ophitic aggregate (San nates, provide a chemical bond between the aggregate and
Jose and Ramirez 011iz I 999) and wood stmnps and roots the polymer, have been shown to increase strength prop
(Tokush ige et al. 2005). Maksimov et al. (2003) repm1ed the erties by I 0 percent, and decrease effects of water degra
use of ground limestone (flour), quartz sand, and crushed dation for some systems (Kaeding I 99 I a). Some research
granite as mineral fillers in a polyester PC. Moreover, cork has shown that performance of unsaturated polyester PC is
granulates partially replaced sand to produce l ightweight improved by pretreating aggregates with silane (y-methacry
polymer mortar with improved compressive ductility ovoa loxypropyltrimethoxysilane). Researchers at the University
et al. 2004). Waste glass is a major portion of all municipal of Houston found the strength to increase up to 66 percent
waste, accounting for approximately 1 0.5 percent, or 13.5 in compression ( 1 5,000 psi [ 1 03 MPa]) and as much as 35
million tons ( 1 2.2 million metric tons), in 1 975. This glass percent in flexure over the same PC without silane pretreat
fraction of municipal solid waste is an inert aggregate that can ment ( Mebarkia and Yipulanandan 1 994). S ilane coupling
be used in PC composites (Fontana 1 988). Examples of glass agents were added to vinyl ester mortars and improved the
polymer composites include sanitary pipe, culvert pipe, septic bond and mechanical strengths (Czarnecki and Chmielewska
tanks, cesspools, and building blocks or brick (Fowler 1 99 1 ). 1 999; Chmielewska et al. 2006).
3. 1 .3 Reil?forcement-Reinforcement used in PC includes ln many cases polymers other than the original resin were
bars and rods made from steel fiber-reinforced polymers used as additives to PC. Expanded polystyrene (EPS)-based
(SFRPs) or glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRPs); resin dissolved in styrene monomer (SM) was shown to be
fabrics made from steel wire, fiberglass, or polymers; and used as a low-profile additive to reduce curing shrinkage (Soh
fibers made from steel, glass, carbon, polymers, and crimped et al. 1999). Recycled polyethylene terephthalate from plastic
wire cloth (Fowler 1 99 1 ; Bhutta et al. 20 1 1 ). The addition bottles (Rebeiz and Fowler 1 996a,b), mbbers ( Bignozzi et at.
of various types of fibers can increase the splitting tensile 2000, 2002), and electrical cable wastes (Bignozzi et al. 2000,
2002) were added to polymer mortar to modify its proper facturer's product i nformation and field-pe1formance data.
ties. Fly ash was also added to sulfur and sand to manufac Epoxy resins are available for use in a range of applica
ture sulfur polymer concrete with improved mechanical and t ion temperatures. The ratio of the two components should
chemical prope1ties (Mohamed and Gamal 2009). never be adjusted to change the curing time. Epoxy resins
Nanoparticles particles such as nanoclay, carbon nano are considered allergenic; therefore, safe handling practices
tubes, and carbon nanofibers were recently used to improve should be incorporated (Kraus 1 99 1 ). Section 3.6 provides
the mechanical prope1ties of polymer concrete. anoparti additional safety information.
cles typically have the size of I to I 000 nm. Jo et al. (2008a) Koblischek ( 1 99 1 ) reported properties for an epoxy
reported enhanced mechanical and thermal performance of polymer PC being used in the manufacture of machine tool
unsaturated polyester concrete mixed with montmorillonite. bases with a compressive strength of I 7,400 psi ( 1 20 M Pa),
However, modified nanoclay was reported to reduce the tensile strength of 1 500 psi (I 0 MPa), and flexural strength of
tensile and flexural strengths of PC ( Shokrieh et al. 20 1 2). 3200 psi (22 MPa). He also reported a compressive modulus
Carbon nanotubes were also used to improve the mechanical of elasticity of 5 . 8 x 1 06 psi (40 GPa) and a tensile modulus
properties of different types of PC, including latex-modi of 4. 1 x I 0 6 psi (28 GPa) for the same epoxy polymer PC.
fied concrete (Soliman et al. 20 1 2) and epoxy-based PC The behavior of epoxy polymer PC under various curing
(Daghash et al. 20 1 6). conditions, temperatures, and strain rates has been studied
and discussed by Vipulanandan and Paul ( 1 990).
3.2-Polymer concrete types -
3.2.2 Methacrylate polymer co ncrete Methyl methac
Because the polymer f01ms the continuous phase, behavior rylate (MMA) and high-molecular-weight methacrylate
of the composite is significantly affected by the choice of the (HMWM) are the primary monomers used in methacrylate
type of polymers (Manson 1 98 1 ). For that reason, PC can be PC. Methacrylate has been used in the PC industry for many
categorized by the binder type. years. It has provided a satisfactory level of performance and
3.2. 1 Epoxy polymer co ncrete- Epoxy resins used for PC Long-term durability. HMWM was developed to minimize
are typically two-component systems. One component is the the volatility of the methacrylate monomer, thus reducing
epoxy resin, and the second component is the hardener or odor, flammability hazards, and monomer loss from the
curing agent. Most epoxy resins are condensation products PC surface through evaporation. Due to its low viscosity,
of bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin. Because of their struc methacrylate monomer has excellent wetting properties and
ture, epoxy resins form strong bonds with p01tland-cement excellent bond strengths. M M A monomer is a c lear, low
concrete, steel, and most construction materials. viscosity, highly volatile liquid with a pungent odor. Typi
Epoxy resin curing rates and strengths can vary dramati cally, MMA systems are formulated to provide between 1 5
cally. Epoxies can be formulated to provide a wide range and 60 minutes ofworking time, then cure ve1y rapidly. M M A
of gel times and cure rates. Some systems can be designed monomers can b e formulated t o cure over a wide range o f
for gel times as short as 3 minutes whereas others may be temperatures and are suitable for use in cold weather. Meth
as long as 1 0 hours. They are resistant to many chemicals, actylate PCs also have excellent flow characteristics and are
and systems are formulated to cure under many moisture and well suited for placement around closely spaced reinforce
temperature conditions. They have low curing shrinkage, ment or formwork for naiTow cross sections. Bhutta et al.
good adhesion properties, high tensile strengths, and excel (20 I I ) reported the possible production of PC panels using
lent abrasion resistance. Some epoxy resins tend to have MMA solution of waste expanded polystyrene (EPS) with
high viscosity and putty-like mortar consistency that can be good mechanical properties and improved ductility.
sticky to finish, although others with lower viscosities make Methacrylate systems require the addition of an initiator
mortars and concretes with good workability. and promoter to the monomer to begin the polymerization
The two-component systems for PC are formulated to be reaction. Most methacrylate PC systems are packaged with
mixed at a specific resin-to-hardener ratio either by weight promoters already blended into the monomer. The initiator
or by volume; the most commonly provided ratios are either is typically packaged separately but included in the unit
one or two parts of resin to one part hardener by volume. price and shipment, and it is normally provided in the proper
Varying the specified ratio of the two components can proportions for the furnished quantity of monomer or PC. A
significantly affect mechanical and chemical properties and variety of initiators and promoters are available to provide
gel times. Batching should be done in complete units or by a range of curing times and physical propetties. Unlike
using accurate volumetric or mass measures. The individual epoxies, methacrylate systems will tolerate wide variations
components should be thoroughly mixed before combining in the ratio of initiator to promoter to the monomer. A cross
them with the aggregate or fi l ler system. Equipment is avail linking monomer is typically blended with methacrylate
able for automatic metering of resins to ensure that proper to provide a tougher and more temperature-stable polymer
mixture ratios are obtained. ( Kraus 1 99 1 ) for most methac1ylate systems.
Epoxy polymer PCs can be user-prepared with a wide Koblischek ( 1 99 1 ) reported properties for a particular
variety of epoxy formulations with resulting physical prop methac1ylate PC being used in the manufacture of machine
erties, gel times, and cure rates to meet the requirements tool bases. The properties reported included a compressive
of specific applications. The selection of the material for a strength of I 7,400 psi ( 1 20 M Pa), a flexural strength of 4200
pa1ticular application should be based on a specific manu- psi (29 MPa), a tensile strength of 1 700 psi ( 1 1 .5 MPa), and
14,800 psi {102 M Pa) (San Jose et al. 2008). Moreover, the
compressive strength and strain of a polymer concrete made
from waste tire rubber were 13,600 psi (93.4 MPa) and 6.7
percent, respectively (Chung and Hong 2009). 8
In addition, compressive strength of PC is affected by g · · · ··· · · ··· ·
· ··
curing, and filler and aggregate used in the mixture. Barbuta !:! 6
et a!. (20 I 0) reported epoxy PCs with compressive strengths Vi
ranging from 6305 to 10,127 psi (43.47 to 69.82 MPa)
using different dosages of fly ash and silica fume as fillers. 2
Polyester PC with marble of different particle size added as - UP --- MMA - UPA-FLEX . . . . . MMA-FLEX
aggregate and submitted to gamma radiation doses reached 0 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.01
a compressive strength of 13,000 psi (89. I MPa) (Martinez train (in/in)
Ban-era and Brostow 20 I 0). Furthermore, epoxy incorpo
rating micro-marbles was repotied to obtain a compressive Fig. 3.3. 1-Typical stress-strain curves for unsaturated poly
strength of I 0,150 psi (70 M Pa) w1der different conditions of ester PCs and MMA PCs in compression (Rebeiz et a/. 1 994).
curing (Haidar et a!. 2011).
maximum strain of 0.98 percent (San Jose et a!. 2008).
Different mortars made of polymers were also investi
Furthermore, Rebeiz and Fowler (1996a) reported flexural
gated under axial compression. Soh et a!. (1999) reported
strength of 13,977 psi (96 MPa) and fai lure strain of 0.87
unsaturated polyester resin mortar added to polystyrene
percent tor steel-reinforced polymer concrete beams made
resin with compressive strength of approximately 12,000 psi
of unsaturated polyester resins based on recycled polyethe
(85 M Pa). Moreover, compressive strengths of I 8,500 psi
lene terephthalate. Reis and Ferreira (2003) investigated the
( 1 28 MPa), 7550 psi (52 MPa), and 4100 psi (28.5 MPa)
fracture behavior of epoxy polymer concrete reinforced wilh
were obtained from vinyl ester mortar with silane coupling
chopped gla s fiber and reported flexural modulus of ela -
agents (Chmielewska et al. 2006), epoxy polymer mortar
ticity of 1,400,000 psi (9.5 GPa).
(Reis 2009b), and unsaturated polyester mortars manufac
Similar to the compressive strength and olher mechanical
hrred from polyethelene terephthalate bottles (Mahdi et al.
properties, the filler and aggregate used would affect the
2013), respectively.
flexural strength of the mixture. Flexural strengths of 3050
3.3.2 Flexural strength-Flexural strengths are influenced
psi (21 MPa), 2180 psi ( 1 5 MPa), and 4060 psi (28 M Pa)
considerably by the choice of polymers. Generally, highly
were obtained for PC mixture using calcium carbonate and
cross-linked polymers produce a higher flexural strength.
recycled concrete aggregate (Jo et al. 2008b), fly ash and
They also tend to have a more brittle fai lure mode and a
sil ica fume (Barbuta et a!. 2010), and a graded mixrure of
higher modulus of elasticity. An W1Jeinforced PC can have
coarse and fine sand (Haidar et a!. 20 1 1), respectively.
flexural strengths of 2000 to 4000 psi (14 to 28 MPa) or
Flexural strength for different polymer mortars was inves
higher. U nreinforced flexural members should not be used
t igated. Soh et a!. ( 1 999) obtained flexural slrengths of
as primary struchrral elements due to the potentially brittle
approximately 3770 psi (26.5 MPa) using unsaturated poly
nahtre of the failure. U ltimate flexural strengths for unre
ester mortar and adding polystyrene resin. Silane coupling
inforced sections should be based on flexural tests of the
agent mixed with polyester (B ignozzi et a!. 2000) and vinyl
formulation to be used.
ester (Chmielewska et al. 2006) mortars demonstrated flex
Static flexural propetiies of PC have been determined
ural strengths of 4915 psi (33.9 MPa) and 5932 psi (40.9
using the same test methods used for portland- cement
MPa), respectively. Moreover, epoxy mortar showed a flex
concrete (ASTM C293/C293M or C78/C78M), but the
ural strength of 6184 psi (42.64 M Pa) (Ribeiro et al. 2004).
method currently specified for chemical-resistant mortars
grouts, monolithic surfacings, and polymer concrete � 3.3.3 Tensile strength-Direc t tensile testing of PC is rare
because PC is not normally used in direct tension applica
(ASTM C580) is more suitable for PC.
tions. Preparing and mounting a specimen in a tensile-testing
PC made with flexible polymers exhibits more ductile
fixrure without introducing stress concentration effects is
behavior than those made with rigid polymers. The stiffness
difficult. A dog-bone specimen can be used, but care should
for PC beams is lower than for concrete control beams. The
be taken to eliminate end effects at the j aws of the test
strain distribution along the depth in the compression zone
fixrure. Tensile strengths are normally measured using the
of flexural beams is l inear. Hsu (1984) showed that a conser
splitting tensile test method (ASTM C496/C496M ). Tensile
vative value of 0.008 in .lin. (mm/mrn) can be assumed for
strengths (from splitting tension te ts) of 1000 to 2500 psi or
the maximum compressive strain at the extreme fiber.
( 1 0 to 1 7 M Pa) are typical. Tavares et a!. (2001) and Guedes
PC made of polyester resin incorporating 15 to 20 percent
et a!. (2004) suggested reinforcing PC under ten ion with
fly ash developed a flexural strength of approximately 3050
fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars.
psi (2 1 M Pa) (Rebeiz et al. 2004; Gorninski et a!. 2007).
3.3.4 Modulus of elastici�The deformation response
Beams manufachu·ed of orthophthalic polyester resin rein
of PC depends on the modulus of elasticity and maximum
forced with nonmetallic glass-reinforced polymer bars
elongation of the polymer binder, with elastic moduli up to
demonstrated a flexural strength of 3771 psi (26 M Pa),
5000 ksi (35 GPa) for rigid polymers. PC can be produced
modulus of elasticity of 5,500,000 psi (37.9 GPa), and
with a wide range of elastic moduli. Moduli of PC are gener multi-walled carbon nanotubess in the polymer matrix prior
ally dependent on the moduli of the resin binder and the to PC fabrication.
percentage of the resin used. As binder content decreases 3.3.8 Creep- PC exhibits the general creep behavior of
(approaching 5 percent by volwne), the modulus is increas the polymer binder. Several studies of creep in PC (Dhar
ingly influenced by the aggregate and reinforcements. marajan and Armeniades 1987; Hsu and Fowler 1985) have
Elastic moduli range from 500 ksi (3.5 GPa) for a flexible shown that sustained loads at stress levels substantially
resin-rich system up to 5000 ksi (35 GPa) for a rigid matrix below short-term ultimate strength will cause some PCs
(tensile failure strains of 15 percent to less than I percent, to creep to failure. As the level of maximum applied stress
respectively). The modulus of elasticity varies with tempera increases, creep strain also increases, as has been shown in
ture and for each of the major stress states: pure tension, pure portland-cement concrete. At some level of stress, however,
compression, and flexural (Mendis 1985). creep proceeds rapidly to failure. The closer the maximum
3.3.5 Poisson :� ratio-Very few measurements of Pois applied stress is to the shmt-term ultimate strength, the faster
son's ratio for PC have been reported. A value of 0.35 that creep to failure occurs. By connecting the inflection or
was given for a methacrylate PC used for machine tools fai lure points on a family ofcreep curves, a creep mpture enve
(Koblischek 199 1 ), and Mann·ala and Vipulanandan (1995) lope may be developed for that pmticular PC, but the envelope
reported work with a unsaturated polyester PC where the will vary with different polymers and other mixture and load
average dynamic Poisson's ratio was 0.22 compared to the variables. The creep mpture envelope permits the maximwn
static value of 0.20. allowable design stresses for the PC at different anticipated
3.3.6 Shear s trength- Most shear failures in PC stmc load durations by using an appropriate factor of safety. For
tural elements are actually djagonal tension fai lures or most PCs, the service stress level should be 30 percent or less
rarely diagonal compression failures as in portland-cement than the short-term ultimate strength. All stresses used for
concrete. PC, like portland-cement concrete, is much weaker design should include appropriate factors of safety to account
in tension than in compression, leading to diagonal tension for tllis behavior of PC under long-term loading.
failures in regions of pure shear. Actual shear strengths of PC has a significantly higher (two to three times) creep
275 to 3700 psi (2 to 26 M Pa) are between the tensile and compliance than portland-cement concrete. The specific
compressive strength (Fowler 199 1). Rebeiz et al. (2004) creep for both is approximately the same. Figure 3.3.8a
achieved shear strength of 1160 psi (8 M Pa) for polyester PC shows the specific creep strain for a specific unsaturated
after replacing 15 percent of sand by fly ash. Steel-reinforced polyester PC, for example, a11d Fig. 3.3.8b shows the effect
PC beams using polyester resin and based on recycled poly of ambient temperature on specific creep for the same PC
ethelene terephthalate demonstrated shear strengths ranging (Okada et al. 1976). The static strength of PC is not signifi
between 0.53 and 19 M Pa (77 and 2754 psi) (Rebeiz and cantly affected by the long-term creep loading within the
Fowler 1996b; Mahdi et al. 2013). creep mpture envelope. The PC creep sn·ain is lligh and the
3.3.7 Fatigue strength- Tests (Hsu and Fowler 1985) have PC sustained strength is low compared with portland-cement
shown that fatigue loading increases both flexural strength concrete. For stress levels of more than 50 percent of ulti
and the modulus of elasticity. The maximum applied sn·ess mate strength, creep strain in fly-ash-based PCs is extremely
is the most important factor influencing the fatigue life of high, and the specimens will creep to failure in as little as 2
PC beams. As the maximum applied stress increases, fatigue months (Davydov and I vanov 1972). When design loads will
life decreases. The stress range between maximum and be applied continuously for 10 days or more, reductions for
minimum applied stress also has a significant effect; the creep effects should be applied. A design stress of less than
wider the stress range, the shorter the fatigue life. PC beams 30 percent of ultimate strength should be used for sn·ength
were superior to portland-cement concrete beams in fatigue design for these cases.
life. Wheat et al. (1993) investigated the fatigue behavior of PC creep behavior is also influenced by ambient temper
beams made of portland-cement concrete overlaid by epoxy ature and resin content. Creep increases with increased
PC. The composed beams survived 2 million load cycles temperatw·e. PC should not be used in environments where
without significant loss of stiffness or delamination. Beams the temperature approaches the glass transition temperature
were statically loaded to failure after load cycles, and the of the polymer matrix.
obtained stiffness was found to be close to the initial stiff Creep is i mportant in PC design calculations of long-term
ness. Therefore, it was concluded that fatigue was not the deflections and deformations. Perfonn creep tests using the
primary cause of failure. Furthermore, Tavares et al. (200 l ) specific mixture proportion design and service temperatures
tested PC prisms reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced to be used. Creep strains generally increase with increased
polymer (GFRP) rods in three-point bending fatigue tests. polymer loading; for that reason, a well-graded aggregate
The PC prisms, which were made of epoxy resin, lasted for I system should be selected to reduce the amount of polymer
million cycles without mpture. The observed fatigue sn·ength if creep is to be minimized. The resin or monomer, aggre
was atn·ibuted to both PC and the GFRP rods. Experiments gate type, and gradation all affect the creep behavior of the
by Garner et al. (2015) showed the significant improvement PC (Fowler 1991). ASTM C l l 8 l /C l l 8 L M may be used
of PC fatigue life incorporating multi-walled carbon nano to measure the creep behavior of PC at both ambient and
tubess. One order of magnitude i mprovements in fatigue life elevated temperatures.
in excess of 1 million cycle was reported by incorporating
200 .-------, 7 00 r-
- - <a - - - &- - - -<)- - - -
&- - -
e- - -
- .o- - - - e- Long-term-none
- 6 - Long-term-CaCOJ.-10%
- B- Long-term-CaCOJ.-20%
- 9- Long-lerm-CaCOJ.-30%
0 L-------�
2000 4000
0 20 40 60 80 1 00
0 6000 8000 10000
Time (hours)
Time (Days)
Fig. 3. 3. 8c-Creep compliance of polymer concrete with
Fig. 3. 3.8a-Specific creep strain.
varying CaC03.fiffer content (Jo et af. 2007).
Fig. 3. 3. 8b-Specific creep strain versus temperature. Marble Particle Size (mm)
Ta ble 3.3. 1o-PC mixtures produced using nanomaterials and their comparison to microfine cement*
future abbreviation Base material
I Nano1Jarticles Content, percent
PCNCS ovolac epoxy N one
'Hond of all mixtures are tested against steel using slant shear test.
minimizes the cost of repair and maintenance. One of the fide siloxane and novolac PC up to 200 percent compared
main concern with overlays i the bond strength between with neat PC (Genedy et al. 20 1 4). The PC materials are
the overlay and the substrate. In this part, it is important to presented in Table 3.3.10 and the effect of nanomaterials are
differentiate between adhesive and cohesion strength and the shown in Fig. 3.3. 1 0.
possible modes of fai l ure. Adhesive strength, usually called 3.3. 1 1 Fracture properties-Re i lance to crack growth
the bond strength, can be defined as a measure of the bond was shown to be better in epoxy polymer PC than in port-
between an overlay and the substrate. land-cement concrete (Vipulanandan and Dharmarajan 1989).
On the other hand, cohesion strength is defined as a measure Additional ly, researchers found that unsaturated polyester PC
of the tensile bond between the overlay layers. Therefore, with well-graded aggregate systems had better fracture prop-
adhesive or bond strength describes the bond line between the erties than unsaturated polyester PC with uni formly graded
overlay and the sub trate, while cohe ive trength describes aggregates. Chmielewska et al. (2006) showed that fracture
the bond lines inside the overlay itsel f. Failure in the case of charactetistics of vinyl ester polymer mortar and concrete
overlay and substrate can occur in one of three modes. The has been improved significantly with pretreatment of silica
first mode is failure in the substrate. The econd mode is cohe- aggregate with ilane coupling agent. Rei and Ferreira (2006)
sion fai lure inside the overlay, which depends on the overlay reported a significant increase in fracture toughness of PC
mechanical properties. The third mode is debonding between incorporating glas and carbon chopped fibers.
the overlay and the substrate, indicating bond failure. The 3.3. 1 2 Dynamic properties-Using nondestructive testing
bond strength between overlay and substrate can be reduced i f methods, MantraI a and Vipulanandan ( 1 995) investigated
the overlay ha limited shear trength. Furthermore, this bond the effect of pecimen hape and size on the dynamic moduli,
strength can be significantly decreased i [ the structure experi- dampi ng ratio, and pulse velocity of an unsaturated polyester
ences high temperature variations or if ignificantly different PC with a compressive strength of 58 MPa (8412 psi). The
thermal expansion coefficients of the two matetials exist. The average dynamic Poisson's ratio was 0.22 compared to the
industry has agreed that bond strength above 200 psi (1.4 static value of 0.20; average pulse velocity of PC was 3400
MPa) is acceptable for most applications. m/s ( 1 I , I 55 nJs), and the damping ratio was 0.6 percent.
Low-viscosity vinyl ester mortar modified with a si lane Bignozzi et al. (2002) reported the ability of powdered
coupling agent bowed bond strength of 406 psi (2.8 MPa) rubber-based fi l ler to improve damping of polymer mortars.
to a wet portland-cement concrete ubstrate compared with 3.3. 1 3 Reinforcement development length-Fow l er
270 psi (1.86 M Pa) for nonmodified mortar (Czarnecki and ( 1 99 1 ) studied the development lengths for steel reinforcing
Chmielewska 1999). Rebeiz et al. (2004) reported bond bars in PC and found that the ACI 3 I 8 code provisions are
strength of 479 psi (3.3 MPa) between polyester PC modi- conservative for PC. Development lengths have been found
tied with fly ash and cement concrete substrate. This bond for only Grade 60 (420 MPa) steel and for one strength and
strength was reduced by more than 45 percent afier 80 type of PC. ACI 318 requirements for development length
thermal cycles (Rebeiz et al. 2004). Experiments using slant should be used unless development lengths are found from
shear tests showed that nanomaterials ( pecifically alumina tests for the actual PC and bar size and strength to be used in
nanoparticles) can improve the bond strength of polysul- a given application.
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Fig. 3 . 3. 1 0-Impro ving bond strength of polysulfide siloxane and novolac epo).y using
nanomaterials (Genedy et a!. 2014). Materials shown are described in Table 3. 3. 1 0.
Some polymers bond better to GFRP bars or steel rein from 66 to 45 MPa (9600 to 6500 psi) when immersed in
forcement than others. Tests showed that the methacrylate water over a period of 12 months ( Mebarkia and Vipu
PC has a higher bond streng1h to steel reinforcing bars than lanandan 1 995). There was, however, almost complete
potiland-cement concrete. Epoxy also bonds wel l to steel recovery of compressive strength upon heating the PC.
reinforcement, while unsaturated polyester PC doesn't bond Researchers developed a simple model based on the theory
well. Fly-ash-based PCs may not work well with steel rein of diffusion to predict the streng1h degradation rate for this
forcement because of the acidic catalysts used. Glass fiber PC in water. The use of silane-treated aggregates reduced
reinforcement is frequently used in PC both as preformed the diffusion of water into the unsaturated polyester PC. This
FRP bars and as fibers. Bond to GFRP is dependent on the phenomenon is patiicularly noted in distil led water exposures
coating or sizing applied to the fiber by the manufacturer. and depends on the polymer used. Performance histories for
The bond to GFRP bars depends on the polymer used to similar PCs or for glass fiber-reinforced composites with the
make the bar and the polymer used in the PC. Where devel same polymer system should be reviewed to determine the
opment length is an important criterion in design, tests with effects of submersion. Polymers that, by themselves, have a
the specific PC and reinforcement to be used are recom low resistance to water will also tend to lose strength when
mended ( Dikeou and Kaeding 1992). used in PCs exposed to water. Strength reductions are gener
a l ly small and occur only over long exposure times for PC
3 .�Chemical and physical characteristics that is properly consolidated with few voids.
Several physical and chemical characteristics of PC affect Fly ash PC swells when penetrated by water or other l iquids.
its performance in structural applications. Each of these char Water can be removed from the fly ash PC if the specimens
acteristics should be considered as it applies to a patiicular are transferred to a drier environment. In this respect, fly ash
structure. The primary mechanism of aging is the decom PC is similar to wood, except that it has a lower water content
position of the complex molecules of the polymer. This is a and does not swell or shrink as much as wood.
vety slow process that has not yet been fully studied, but the 3.4.3 Permeability--PC is less permeable than port
effect of aging does not seem significant over the expected land-cement concrete. PC does not have an interconnected
life of a structure. Building cladding and w1derground utility internal pore structure and any voids produced by entrapped
enclosures have been in service for over 35 years in the air during casting operations are discrete and isolated within
United States and have not shown any decrease in service the hardened polymer matrix.
abil ity based on visual evaluations of these tructures. 3.4.4 Resistance to freezing and thawing-A lte rnate
3.4.1 Ultraviolet light and temperature resistance-Aging freezing and thawing degrades non-air-entrained portland
of polymers is affected by exposure to ultraviolet rays and cement concrete. Freezing-and-thawing cycling has little
high temperature. PCs should, therefore, be selected based effect on PC because there is no internal pore structure to
on their resistance to aging when they will be exposed to trap and retain water. Tests have been completed to 1600
these conditions. Because high fil ler loading increases the cycles with no mass loss nor significant change in dynamic
opacity of a PC, degradation caused by ultraviolet rays is modulus exhibited by the PC ( Reis and Ferreira 2006).
normally reduced to surface cosmetic considerations of 3.4.5 Curing shrinkage-Volumetric shrinkage occurs in
discoloring and blemishing. Thus, behavior of the polymer PCs as the monomer or resin system changes from a liquid
binder alone may not be a good indicator of ultraviolet l ight to a solid and as the PC cools from the exothermic polym
resistanc, as it affects structural performance of a PC. erization reaction. The liquid monomer or resin decreases
3.4.2 Moisture absorption-The moisture absorption of in volume and increases in density when the liquid is
PC is generally I percent or less by mass. The compressive converted by the polymerization reaction into a solid
strength of unsaturated polyester PC cyl inders was reduced polymer (polymerization shrinkage). The polymerization
Ta ble 3.5. 2a-ASTM test methods for polymer mortars and materials
ASTM C267 Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Mortars, Grouts, and Mono lithic Surfacings
ASTM C307 Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortars. Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings
ASTM C4 1 3 Standard Test Method for Absorpt ion o f Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings
Standard Test Method for Li near Shrinkage and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and
ASTM C53 1
Monolithic Surfacings
ASTM C579 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortars. Grouts, Monolithic Surfacings, and Polymer Concretes
Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity Chemical-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings
and Polymer Concretes
ASTM C905 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Chemica l-Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings
ASTM D3262 Standard Specifications for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Sewer Pipe
ASTM D35 1 7 Standard Specifications for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe
ASTM D3840 Standard Specifications for Reinforced Plastic Mmtar Pipe Fittings for Nonpressure Applications
ASTM D648 Standard Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load in the Edgewise Position
JlS A 1 1 82 Method of Test for Compre ssive Strength o f Polyester Resin Concrete
J I S A I I 83 Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Polyester Resin Concrete Using Portions of Beams Broken in Flexure
J I S A 1 1 84 Method of Test for Flexural Strength of Polyester Resin Concrete
- -
J I S A 1 1 85 Method of Test for Splitting Tensile Strength of Polyester Resin Concrete
1-- I--
J IS A I I 86 Measuring Methods for Working Life o f Polyester Resin Concrete
JlS A 5350 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics Mortar Pipes
BS 63 1 9
BS 63 1 9, Part I
- Testing o f Resin ompos itions for Use in
BS 63 1 9, Part 2 Method for Measurement of Compressive Strength
BS 63 1 9, Part 3 Method for Measurement of Flexural Strength
BS 63 1 9, Part 4 Method for Measurement of Bond Strength ( S lant Shear Method)
3.6. 1 Initiators and promoters-Initiators required for galvanized steel . Grinding dusts from finishing operations
methacrylate and vinyl ester reactions are usually organic can be a source of contamination for the organic peroxides,
peroxides such as methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) and care should be taken to prevent exposure. If replacement
or benzoyl peroxide (BPO). By their nature, organic perox parts must be installed on peroxide handling equipment,
ides are combustible and may decompose with explosive use the same materials of construction as were originally
violence under certain conditions. Heat and contamination used or specified by the manufacturer of the equipment.
are potential sources of problems when handling organic Organic peroxides hould always be stored in their original
peroxides. Organic peroxides should not be exposed to any containers. For transfer of peroxides into process equipment,
source of heat, such a direct sunlight, steam pipes, radiators, clean polyethylene, polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethene, or
open flames, or sparks. Heat may cause them to decompose stainless steel containers and funnels should be used.
violently, and their decomposition products, pia ticizer , and BPO products that do not have phlegmatizing agents can
packaging will bum if ignited. The manufacturer's recom react explosively if al lowed to dry and are then subjected to
mended storage temperature should not be exceeded. shock or heat. For this reason, preparations higher than 55
Organic peroxides are particularly sensitive to contami percent purity are not recommended. Dilute phlegmatized
nation from metals and should not come in contact with forms of BPO are available a powders or as liquid disper
easily oxidized metals such as copper, brass, and mild or sions and suspensions at various concentrations. These fom1s
of BPO are safer to handle and use and are recommended for problems that may be encountered with epoxy materials are
PC use. Additional i nformation on initiator systems, and the skin irritations such as burns, rashes, itches, and allergic skin
use and application of methacrylate PC, has been published sensitization. Sensitization reactions may occur inunediately,
by Fowler et al. (1983). but in other cases they may occur only after long periods of
Some solvents, such as acetone, can react with peroxides continual exposure. The user should refer to current SDS
to form unstable peroxides of their own. Small amounts of i nformation for health and safety effects of each component
these peroxides can cause the explosive decomposition of being used in any epoxy fonnulation.
commercial peroxides. 3.6.4 Fire safety-Fire safety provisions are particularly
Accelerators, also referred to as activators, are generally i mportant in PC manufacture because flanunable and reac
used in unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, and methacrylate tive chemicals are routinely used. Besides standard fire
PC formulations when ambient-temperature polymeriza prevention practices, PC manufacturers need to consider:
tion is desired; in some systems, a promoter is also used. a) Proper storage and handling of flammable or combus-
The accelerator-initiator system can be designed to cause tible liquids
polymerization over a wide range of times and tempera b) The possibility of explosive vapor concentrations
tures. Commonly used accelerators are ,N-di-methyl para c) The dangers associated with oxidizing initiators
toluidine (DMpT) and N, -di-methylaniline (DMA); cobalt A comprehensive fire safety plan should be developed and
octoate (CoO); and cobalt naphthenate (CoN). Accelerators implemented before any work is begun with the chemicals
and promoters should never come into direct contact with used in PC manufacturing.
the initiator due to the potential for an explosive reaction. 3.6.5 Plant safety programs-PC manufacturing opera
To reduce the chance of an explosion, the resin or monomer tions should have a safety program with specific personnel
can be divided into two batches with the initiator added to or a department assigned to and responsible for safety. Plant
one-half of the resin while the accelerator and promoter are safety inspections, worker training, and protective equip
added to the other half. Premixing the initiators with an unac ment should all be managed by the safety supervisor. Plants
celerated (also called unpromoted) portion of the monomer should maintain a separate designated area for the storage
or resin may be done several hours before combining the two and blending of promoters and another separate area for
premixed components with aggregates to make the PC. Some storage of initiators. These two areas should be well sepa
resin systems can be preaccelerated (or prepromoted)-that rated from each other and the initiator storage should, prefer
is, with the accelerators and promoters premixed into the ably, be in a separate storage building.
resin by the manufacturer before delivery or mixed into the 3.6.6 Toxicity-Many chemicals used in PC manufacture
stored resin by the user so that only the initiator is added are considered toxic. Each chemical should be considered
at the time of use. Prepackaged materials generally consist separately and then together with chemicals that it may react
of a liquid resin component and a dty aggregate component with to form new chemicals. Chemicals can be hazardous
that contains the initiators. These procedures eliminate the depending on how they enter the body-through inhala
danger of combining the promoter and initiator directly. tion, taken internally, or absorbed through the skin. Some
Some of the accelerators and promoters commonly used are chemicals are dangerous through only one exposure route;
extremely hazardous. DMpT and DMA are particularly toxic others are dangerous through a combination of entries or all
and even small splashes should be immediately washed off. of them. The level of exposure and its duration also influ
Contaminated clothing should be removed immediately. ence the toxicity. All contact with toxic materials should
3.6.2 Monomers and solvents- The chemicals used in be reduced to a safe health level. Liquid resins, monomers,
methacrylate PC, unsaturated polyester PC, vinyl ester PC, solvents, initiators, and promoters should not be allowed to
and epoxy polymer PC are flammable and may be toxic. contact the skin. Protective equipment, such as clothing and
Trained workers and proper handling and safety practices gloves, should be used and all spills should be cleaned up at
are required during handling, mixing, and placing opera once (Cook Composites and Polymers 1 990).
tions. Eye and skin protection and chemical respirators Breathing or skin exposure to DMA or DMpT can lead
should be used. Extended exposure to the vapors can cause to headache, nausea, breathing irregularities, or fainting.
dizziness, headaches, or nausea. Contact with the skin may Prolonged exposures cause even more severe reactions.
cause a rash and should be avoided. The resin is flammable, Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) initiators are particu
so open flames should be avoided. The cured resin will burn larly corrosive to the eyes, and any such contact should be
but will not sustain combustion. prevented. Solvents and thirmers are toxic. Due to their vola
Styrene and methacrylate are flammable liquids. Accu tility and frequent use, they can easily accumulate in sufficient
mulations of styrene vapors from polyesters or methacrylate quantity to cause a physiological reaction. Protective equip
vapors can lead to a flash fire or explosion that can be started ment such as plastic suits, breathing apparatus, eye goggles,
by any spark or flame. and gloves should be used when handling these chemicals.
3.6.3 Epoxies- Different epoxy resins can be combined
with numerous curing agents, flexibilizers, fillers, and other 3.7-Regulatory matte rs
chemicals to produce several hundred different products. Local, state, and federal regulations govem PC manu
The flashpoint of epoxies is higher than that of styrene or facturing and key regulations are outlined in the following.
methacrylate, so epoxies are less of a fire hazard. Health Copies of the regulations and implementation requirements
should be obtained from the appropriate agency before can be dete1mined by satisfying the compatibility of the
beginning any PC manufacturing or construction activity. strains and equilibrium of internal forces. The compressive
Federal, state, and local regulations are constantly changing, strain at failure of PC was observed to be 0.005. According
and PC producers should be aware of these changes. to experimental data, the equivalent rectangular stress block
OSHA 29CFR 1910. 1200 requires employers to evaluate method for conventional concrete would yield conservative
chemicals used in their workplaces to determine if they are results for reinforced PC beams. Therefore, a new flexure
hazardous and to transmit information on hazardous chemi design equation, developed using statistical analysis of tests
cals to employees by means of a comprehensive training and results, should be used to calculate the flexural capacity of
hazard communication program. OSHA also regulates expo reinforced PC beams (Rebeiz and Fowler 1996a). In addi
sure limits for ce11ain chemicals. tion, an empirical equation to predict the effective moment of
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has devel inertia of reinforced PC beams was proposed by analyzing the
oped cradle-to-grave regulations governing the generation, stmctmal behavior of PC beams (Park et al. 20 I 0). Fm1her
storage, treatment, and disposal of hazardous materials and more, PC has been found to have a higher modulus of rupture
wastes. Departments of Transportation (DOTs) regulate than conventional portland-cement concrete. Yeon et al.
shipment of hazardous materials and wastes. States have (1987) repm1ed the increase to vary from 17 to 73 percent.
regulations concerning hazardous materials, their disposal, Reinforced PC beams would also have higher ductility and
odor abatement, nuisance laws, and label requirements. require less reinforcement cover (Rebeiz and Fowler 1996a).
There is very limited information on the shear strength of
3.8-Current and suggested research PC beams. Research conducted by Helal ( 1978) and Dang
Research on PC over the past decade was focused on and Fowler (1987) suggested that the equations used for
improving the mechanical characteristics of PC using shear design of portland-cement concrete beams can be used
d ifferent type of polymers, additive fibers, and nanomate in PC beams. Care should be taken in shear design of PC
rials. Research showed the possible improvement of bond beams to account for the fact that PC will tend to have a
strength of PC to different substrates specifically to steel. much h igher modulus of rupture, a lower modulus of elas
The possible alteration of important PC characteristics such ticity, and a higher crushing strain than portland-cement
as fatigue life and impact strength was also reported. concrete (Abdel-Fattah and El-Hawary 1999). Designers
Future research should look at: should determine the minimum depth required for a partic
a) Definition of working stress limits based on short-term ular PC formulation, reinforcement type, and ratio. With the
ultimate strength testing wide variety in resins, testing of specific PC to determine
b) Characterization of the effects of creep on long-term the parameters necessary for flexural and shear design (for
performance example, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, and
c) Fm1her studies of the fatigue properties of the materials cmshing strain) is recommended.
d) Development of equations for design to prevent
cracking of structmal PC 4.2-Compressio n members
PC with longitudinal reinforcement has been used to form
CHAPTER 4-STRUCTURAL M EM B E RS columns to support axial loads and moments. The experi
Polymer concrete (PC) has been used to carry loads for mental and analytical studies on steel-encased polymer
specialized structures, particularly for components that have concrete under axial compressive load proved the enhanced
one or more of the following requirements: thin sections to ductility and increased compressive strength (Oyawa et al.
reduce weight; high durability to resist water intrusion, acid 200 I ; Oyawa 2007). The effect of steel-encased confinement
attack, wear or abrasion; aesthetically pleasing, including on the stress-strain behavior of PC is shown in Fig. 4.2.
ability to have color and be fonned into complex smfaces
and shapes; rapid cure to maximize form usage; and excel 4.3-Reinforced polyme r concrete
lent strength properties. Chapter 4 has a list of many applica Precast PC is frequently reinforced with a high-tensile
tions in wllich structural PC has been used. sh·ength material, glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP), or
Rarely is PC used for primary structural members that are steel in either rod or fiber form. When steel reinforcement is
critical to the overall ability of the building or other stmc used, it should be mechanically anchored into to the PC, either
ture to provide safety; it is never used where a fire rating is with a deformed smface or through mechanical shear devices
required. These components are often used to carry loads designed to transfer stresses between the steel and the PC.
over short spans that are supported by steel or concrete Where GFRP rods are used, they should be deformed. All rod
framing members. Some of the heaviest loaded PC compo reinforcements should be embedded deep enough in the PC
nents are underground utility vaults or boxes that must carry to prevent the radial tension developed by the deformed bars
lateral soil pressure and pedestrian and vehicular loads. This from causing tensile cracks in the nearby surface.
chapter will discuss structural design criteria. Surface fiberglass fabric is also frequently used as a rein
forcement. Sections reinforced in this manner generally
4.1 -Fiexural members experience one of two failure modes. The first is a brittle
Many structmal PC applications are for flexural members. failure with a sudden breaking of the fiberglass. In these
The ultimate moment resistance of steel-reinforced sections cases, the section is under-reinforced. The PC portion of the
Wall fascia panels Exterior bui lding cladding: strength, weight durability Kaeding and Prusinski {2003)
Median barriers H ighway lane separators: color, reflectivity, stTength, weight Dikeou ( 1 987)
E lectrical insulators
I Support electrical conductors: electTical properties, mechanical strength Gunasekaran ( 1 977)
Underground handholcs Cable splice enclosures: lightweight, toughness, durability Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b): Hclal 1 97 8
Kaeding ( l 99 1 b);
Service boxes Gas, water, metering boxes: lightweight, toughness, durability
llelal l 978
- -
Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b):
Equipment vault Underground equipment housings: strength, impenneabil ity. corrosion resistance
Helal ( 1 978)
Controlled environment vaults Underground housing for delicate phone equipment: impcrrncabiliry, high strength Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b)
- -
Cable trenchc Control cable enclosures: easy accc sibility, strength to weight characteristics Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b)
f-- - 1-
Equipment pads Support for power and telephone equipment: strength to weight characteristics Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b )
Catch basins
I Collect surface water: impermeability, strength, corrosion resistance Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b)
Drainage systems Collect and transport surface water: strength, impenneability, corrosion resistance Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b)
Pipe and pipe liners Transport corrosive fluids: corrosion resistance, impem1eability Kaeding ( 1 99 1 b)
Machine bases Precision machine tool assemblies: strength, vibration, thermal properties, cost Fowler ( 1 99 1 ); Kane ( 1 99 1 )
Hazardous waste containers Enclose or encapsulate wastes: impcnneability, chemical and physical inertness Fontana ( 1 99 1 )
Fo d
Fig. 5. 1 e-PC precast panel with embedded brick. Fig. 5.2a-PC railroad crossing panels (photo courtesy of
Transpo Industries Inc. 2012).
No. 1 6 (#5)
6 1 0 spacing
Fig. 5.2c-Precast PC railroad tie developed at University
of Texas at Austin.
stabi lity in the ball ast bed, and significantly improved reso
nance damping of the PC compared to concrete. An example A l l dimen. ion. in m m
concrete railway tie fabricated at University of Texas at Fig. 5. 2d-Barriers reinforced with FRP and proposed PC
Au tin is shown in Fig. 5 .2c. connection (hatched area) to attach bridge barrier to new
New low-smoke low-styrene, methyl methacrylate (MMA) composite deck (Zhao et a/. 2004).
free flame-retardant polye ter resin systems were used for mass
transit applications (Martens and Siegel I 998). Many bridge
PC underground equipment enclosures are used by power
overlays were manufactured of PC. PC overlays can provide
and communication util ities throughout the United States
high ten ion elongation, high adhesion to deck surface, and and in other countries. The pri mary advantage of PC enclo
high energy absorption (Lopez-Anido et al. I 998). Moreover,
sures is the weight reduction compared to portland-cement
PC has been used to connect b1idge baniers made of reinforced
concrete. PC enclosures are produced by several manufac
portland-cement concrete to FRP composite bridge decks ttJrers in sizes varying from approximately I ft3 (0.03 m3 ) to
(Zhao et al. 2004), as shown in Fig. 5.2d.
units that are 8 ft (2.4 m) wide by 8 ft (2.4 m) high by 8 ft
(2.4 m) deep. Most of these units can be placed manually by
5.3-Utility structures
two workers. The larger w1its require only a l ight boom hoist
5.3. 1 Underground structures Many types of under
on the delivery tmck. Design requirements for underground
ground enclosures, handhole , vault , and manholes are
enclosures include use of high-strength materials to reduce
produced from PC. These units typically use fiberglass
product weight, low total creep to reduce deformation under
reinforcement. The smaller units are generally cast mono
soil loading conditions, and high fatigue and impact strength
lithically whereas the larger units are cast segmentally and
to resist traffic loads.
erected on site.
It i nece ary to repair the crack with glas -fiber cloth and
polymer mortar to prevent water intrusion (VanBerg 1 984).
Succes ful integration o f FR P and PC for making lightweight
and safe PC manholes was rep01ted.
5.3.2 Equipment pads and support structures-PC equip
ment foundation are lighter than equivalent portland
cement concrete foundations becau e of the thinner ections
used. This weight reduction al lows the use of precast foun
dations for many applications where previously cast-in
place concrete was used. Installed costs are lower because
less equipment and smaller crews are required to install the
l i ghtweight PC foundations. In northem climates, PC foun
dations have a much longer service l i fe than concrete due
to PC 's better resistance to freezing-and-thawing damage.
Tests conducted on polymer concrete have shown no spec
imen weight loss a fter 2000 cycles of freezing and thawing
(Smoak 1 978). There are many U.S. producers for precast
PC equipment foundation . Primary design parameter
include physical strength, resistance to UV and water expo-
ure, dimensional stability, resistance to dilute acid or ba e
solutions, resistance to all solutions, and resi lance to trans
former oils and fuels. An example PC foundation for wind
turbine structure i hown in Fig. 5 .3 .2a.
There is a variety of surface, pad-mounted telephone
equipment being used in the communications industries.
This equipment is generally light, weighing 250 to 1 000 lb
Fig. 5. 3. 2c-PC equipment pads.
(I 00 to 450 kg). The primary criteria for supporting pads
are dimen ional lability and re istance to UV and weather
exposures. An example PC pad for machines is hown in kg]) and large shunt reactors (up to 1 5,000 lb [6800 kg]).
Fig. 5 . 3 .2b. Magnetism around such equipment precludes the use of any
Furthetmore, compo ite FRPC/FRP pads provide the e metal in the suppoti structure. PC reinforced with fiberglass
characteristics in addition to being lightweight (Fig. 5.3.2c). rods/mats provides a superior suppoti stand for these units.
Typical ly, the precast FRPC/FRP pad are light enough to 5.3.3 Cable tren ch es- Cable trenches are typical ly u ed
allow their in lallation by the same crew and with the same to hold control cables in electrical switch yards, extending
equipment used to install the cabinet. A a result, only one trip from the control house to the equipment on the power l ines
to the worksite with one crew i required to provide an instal in the yard. The trench is usually 2 to 3 ft (0.6 by 0.9 m) wide
lation. Composite FRPC/FRP construction again provides by 12 to 1 8 in. (300 by 450 mm) deep and ha only a partial
a very strong, durable pad with very low weight for heavy bottom. The trench is also equipped with covers. Trenche are
equipment such as power transformers (up to 6000 lb [2700 preferred for control cable distribution because of the easy
fied in polymer composites and portland cement mortars that Abdel-Fattah, H., and EI-Hawary, M. M., 1 999, "Flex
will render them nonleachable and, therefore, nonhazardous. ural Behavior of Polymer Concrete," Construction &
Building Materials, V. 1 3, No. 5, pp. 253-262. doi: 1 0. 1 0 1 6/
CHAPTER 6-REFERENCES S0950-06 1 8(99)00030-6
Committee documents are l isted first by document number Aninabhaui, T. M . ; Cassidy, P. E . ; and Biradar, . S.,
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Polyester - 55 percent
Resin I Styrene - 4 5 percent
Resin - 50 percent
Res i n 20
Hardener - 50 percent
4.5 X 1 06 (3 1 )
Flexural MOE, psi (GPa) 4. 1 X 1 06 (28) - - -
5 . 7 X 1 06 (40)
1 .0 X I Q6 (7) 1 .2 1 06 (8)
Compressive MOE, psi (GPa)
4.0 X I 06 (28) - 4.8 X I 06 ( 3 3 )
5.3 X 1 06 ( 3 7 ) 5 . 8 X 1 06 (40)
1 36 ( 2 1 80)
Density, lb/in J ( kg/ i n J ) 1 49 (2388) - - 1 50 (2404)
1 62 (2596)
0.23 - - -
Poisson's ratio 0.22
t--- --- -- --- -
1 .5 0.02 0. 1 0.3
Linear shrinkage. percent -
5.0 0.20 0.2 3
-- -- ---
I-- - - -
Water absorption, percent 0.6 0. 1
- -
1 670 cycles, 0 percent 2024 cycles, 0 perccm
Freezing-and-thawing resi tancc - - -
weight loss weight loss
Coefficient of thermal expansion, 5.3 (2.9) 3 . 1 ( 1 .7 ) I I (6. 1 ) 1 .2 (0.67) 1 2 (6.7)
1 0-6 in./in.•F (mm/mm •q 26 ( 1 4) 1 4.2 (7.9) 12 (6.7) 7.2 (4.0) 15 (8.3)
20 30 15
Working time, minutes - -
40 60 40
Cure time, hours at 65 to 90°F I 1 0.25 2
2 1 68
( 1 8 to 3 2 °C) 4 48 12 96
ote: The table contain s a nom1al range of values reported in the literature. A particular formulation will not nom1ally give results with all high values or all
low values. The reader should refer to the references to detem1ine the properties obtained from particular fonnulations.
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