Capstone Finalized Draft Details Worksheet
Capstone Finalized Draft Details Worksheet
Capstone Finalized Draft Details Worksheet
In my capstone presentation I plan to share a PowerPoint with four main topics and key points. The first
point is why young girls are dropping out of sport. In this section I will go over the data from the survey I
created and compare my results with other survey's done by Canadian women in sport, and the Womens
Sport Foundation. I will have charts and graphs so my data can be shared visually. The next key point of
my presentation is personal accounts of women's time in sport and why or why not they decided to
participate in sport. In this section I will have quotes from my interviews with the three people I have
chosen. A coach from my canoe club, a friend who has been in and out of sport and a female P.E. teacher.
The third section of my presentation is about female professional sports. In this section I will discuss how
young female athletes can be discouraged by the underrepresentation of female sports in media. I will
also address how high-level female athletes are paid drastically different then male athletes of the same
level. In the last section I will discuss how we can solve this issue and how to keep young girls in sport
2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.) *This was also done in your Capstone Draft
Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have not changed, then you can copy and paste
your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*
3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc…)
I will need a laptop to present and a way to connect the laptop to the TV.
c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?
I still have two interviews I need to complete but that should be finished before winter break.
Researching the lack if access girls have to sport in high school compared to boys
Researching about the benefits of sports and if young girls are missing out.