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Evolution of the aggressive or scaling character of the water according to the dose of corrosion inhibitor
and TKO5 that are open, and it is used for granulation of the character (pH> 7.6). It also characterizes the
alloy, poor slag and in the fire-fighting circuit. strength of acids and bases, it ranges from 0 to 14 [9]
- Oxidoreduction potential, it characterizes the strength
III. METHODOLOGY of oxidants and reducing agents (in mV).
1.1.1. Collection of the sample - The content of strong acid salt (SAF in mg / l) is
The physicochemical parameters were determined from daily mainly SO42- ions.
samples taken at the STL. The water was taken from a tap
In order to determine the aggressive or tangible character of
after filtration; the sample was transported from the place of
the water, we have based on the calculation of the RYZNARD
collection to the laboratory in sealed 1000 ml flasks. We
and LANGELIER indices. The Ryznard stability index is an
would like to point out that this study was done during the dry
empirical index intended to determine the corrosive or scaling
season, from August 08 to August 29, 2015. Conservation and
character of water [11].
handling of samples were made according to the general guide
Another method of evaluation to solve this same problem and
for the conservation and handling of samples [8].
the Langelier index is the study of the carbon balance of
1.1.2. Analysis of the sample in the
calcareous water; it involves all the equilibria that exist at a
given temperature between the ions H +, OH-, CO3-, H2CO3,
For carrying out the test, 1 liter of water was taken and
which amounts to establishing a relation between the pH, the
introduced into a beaker without adding the inhibitor. After
calcium hydrometric title, the alkalinity and the temperature.
homogenization, the analysis was carried out and repeated
The Langelier saturation index is equal to the difference
adding successively for each test 0.05; 0.1; 0.15; 0.20; 0.25;
between the current pH of the water and the saturation pH (pH
0.3; 0.35; 0.40; 0.45 and 0.50 ml of SUDKIOR 255.
at which it is neither scaling nor corrosive). This pH of
1.1.3. Experimental procedure
saturation pHs is obtained from the temperature, the hardness
The evolution of the parameters as well as the study of the
limestone, the alkalinity with the methylorange or the
indices as the volume of SUDKOR 255 was increased was as
complete alkalinity (TAC) and the content of dissolved total
follows: characterize the water before adding the inhibitor,
solids [12].
pour 1000ml of the water to be analyzed in a beaker of 2000
ml, add x ml of SUDKOR 255, shake for two minutes at a
Table 1: Langelier's parameters
speed of 500 rpm to homogenize, take three times 100 ml of
the water dosed for the determination of TH, Tca and TAC in Saturation pH Binder trend
following the same procedures.
1.1.4. Materials needed pH - pHs> 0 Water descaler
For water analysis, the following devices were used: an Inolab pH = pHs Neutral water
pH-7310 brand pH meter; dissolved oxygen, total duration pH – pHs < 0 Corrosive water
THT, calcium time, magnesian hardness: TH Mg, sulfate ions
SO42- with CIFEC brand photometer PC 7100, the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
aggressive or water tendency were determined on the basis of According to the analysis of the curves of figures 1 and 2, it is
the indices of Ryznard and Langelier [9] an electric stirrer for noted that the pH changes rapidly from 8.11 to 8.91 for a dose
the homogenization of the samples A stopwatch for the ranging from 0 to 0.30 and from a dose of 0.30 at 0.50 the
respect of the conditioning time of the reagents, A beaker; two latter evolves only very slightly. Similarly, there is a change in
pipettes, two burettes; a bottle and an Erlenmeyer flask. the total alkalimetric title from 18.2 to 22.2.
1.1.5. Reagents used This is due to the fact that the variation of the inhibitor dose
The reagent for dosing water, SUDKOR 255 (NaOH-based causes the variation of the pH and the TAC which in principle
molecule) is a corrosion inhibitor with the following should decrease by the fact that there is dissolution of
characteristics: pH 13.50, electrical conductivity 66.91ms / atmospheric CO2, thus leading to the formation of carbonic
cm, E-339mv, TDS 34.5g /, density 1.12, vapor pressure 3 acid and that it dissociates in the water by releasing the
mmHg, boiling point 141.7 ° C, reactivity CO, CO2, Na2O, protons which increase the acidity of the water according to
proportion of NaOH 40 at 50%, proportion of H2O 50 to the following reaction:
1.2. Experimental conditions H2CO3 + H2O → H3O+ + HCO3- (1)
As part of our study, we used the following parameters:
- The hydrotimetric titer (TH) or the total hardness; it Their increase is justified by the fact that our inhibitor has a
expresses the concentration of alkaline earth ions in basic nature since it is based on NaOH; which means that by
water. It is the sum of the calcium hardness (Ca2 + adding the dose of SUDKOR255 in the water, the reaction
ion content) and the magnesian hardness (Mg2 + ion that takes place is practically the reaction observed when
content) [10]. neutralizing a weak acid with a strong base and consequently
- The alkalimetric titer (TA) is the content of hydroxide the pH increases according to the addition of the base [13].
ions and half of the carbonate ions [10] Increasing the pH and decreasing the potential bring the water
- The complete alkalimetric titer (TAC) or alkalinity: it into its stability zone; in addition the increase of pH promotes
expresses the content of carbonate ions, production of calcium carbonate [5] according to the
bicarbonates and hydroxides [10] following reaction [14]
- PH: it intervenes in the calculation of the indices of
RYZNARD and LANGELIER. It determines the HCO3- + OH- → CO32- + H2O (2)
corrosive character (low pH <7.4) or corrosive
21 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-6, Issue-3, March 2019
Figure 1- Evolution of the pH according to the volume of Figure 4- Evolution of THCa according to the volume of
Figure 3- Evolution of the electrochemical potential Figure 6- Evolution of the Langelier index according to the
according to the volume of SUDKOR255 volume of SUDKOR255
22 www.ijeas.org
Evolution of the aggressive or scaling character of the water according to the dose of corrosion inhibitor
Examination of Figure 7 shows that the concentration of the can neither dissolve nor deposit it. In addition, almost all Cl2
sulfate ion decreases gradually with the addition of the and SO42- ions are eliminated.
inhibitor. With regard to the sulfate ion, this can be attributed These results confirm that the use of the inhibitor has a
to bacterial corrosion [7].The sulfate ions are reduced by the positive effect on corrosion because it acts directly on all
bacteria in the presence of hydrogen from the organic physicochemical parameters and on all oxidants. The dose of
compounds present in the water according to the following 0.30 ml / L avoids in the cooling circuit the degradation of the
reaction: thermal coefficient caused by the formation of precipitates in
the exchangers occasioned. However, it is important to
But this can also be due to the fact that the inhibitor is based integrate the economic factor, especially since in the industry
on sodium hydroxide, once in solution; it releases Na + ions the water to be treated is very important and to study the
which in turn react with the sulfate ions in the water. relationship between the variation of the dose of the inhibitor
and the chlorine content and dissolved oxygen from the water
as these are indicators of corrosion that should be monitored
The authors thank Professor Useni Yannick for his comments.
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The aggressive and turbulent nature of the water of the
Lubumbashi River has been studied experimentally through
indicators such as pH, chemical potential, total alkalimetric
titre, calcium hardness THCa, free chlorine content, oxygen
content dissolved, SO42- sulfate ion content, Ryznard and
Langelier index. After several tests in the laboratory, it has
been shown that the variation of the dose of the inhibitor is
related to the Langelier index and to the Ryznard index. And it
follows that it is at the dose of 0.30ml / L that we have the best
results. Under these conditions, we note an appreciable
decrease of dissolved oxygen which is the main oxidant in
basic medium; we are located in the passivation zone on E-pH
diagrams of iron and water superimposed. In addition, the
water remains in equilibrium with the calcium carbonate and
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