Test 1
Test 1
Test 1
FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH CORRECT One part of the each of the following
WORD sentences has an error, find the part
1. Six ________(mouse) which has an error.
A. Mouses B. Mices C. Mice D. Micen 10.Who will win if(a)/ there is a
contest (b)/between the dwarves(c)/
2.I have a _____ of keys on the mat. and the giants? (d)/No errors. (e)
A. Group B. Bouquet C. Bunch D. None A. b B. d C. a D. e E. c
Find the noun of the bold word. 11. The beautiful surrounding (a)/ of
the palace (b)/ attracted a large
3. Birds fly in the sky.
number of (c)/ tourists coming from
A. Proper Noun A. Common Noun abroad. (d)/ No error (e)
A. b B. d C. a D. e E. c
5.Find the common noun in the
following sentence: 13.He did not know (a)/ that the
The girl arrived in the state last week. headquarter (b)/ of the army (c)/ was
A. Girl B. State C. Week D. All Three in Delhi. (d)/ No error (e)
A. b B. d C. a D. e E. c
Replace the bold part with correct
word, if needed
6.He wears glass to aid his short- 14.A farmer was leading oxes (a) / to
sighted eye. his field for ploughing (b) / early in the
morning (c) / No error (d)
A. One glass B. Glasses C. Glases
A. b B. d C. a D. c
D. None
15. There are 2 nouns in the
7.Fishes can't live without water.
sentence: Please pass the ball.
A. Fish B Fishing C. Fishs D None
A) False B) True
8. I stayed at Henry house for a week.
A. Henry’s home B. Henry’s C. Henry 16.There is one noun in the given
home D. No Improvement sentence: There is no love between
you and me.
9.The cup’s base was rounded.
A. Cup base B. Cup of base A) False B) True
C. Base of cup D. Base cup
17.Find the correct sentence.