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Quarter 1


NAME OF LEARNER: _____________________________________________

DATE ACCOMPLISHED: ___________________________________________

I. MELC-Most Essential Learning Competencies

At the end of the learning activities, you are expected to clarify the
relationships and differences between social sciences and applied social
sciences. (HUMSS_DIASS12-IA-1).

Specifically, you are most likely to exhibit the following competencies:

1. Differentiate social sciences from applied sciences
2. Describe your perspective on the relationship of social sciences and
applied social sciences.
3. Self-assess the benefits and importance of Applied Social Science to
human life.

II. Overview
Social Science are boundless fields of scientific study which
investigate human societies and the different forces within them. This
branch of science studies how people interact with each other, behave,
develop as a culture, and influence the world. Social Sciences are
comprised of several disciplines including 1) Economics - studies the
allocation of scarce resource and production and exchange of goods and
services in society, 2) Anthropology - is the scientific study of humans
and their cultures in the past and present time, 3) History - is systematic
study of human past events in order to understand the meaning,
dynamics, and relationship of the cause and effects of events in the
development societies, 4) Political Science - primarily studies human
behavior in relation to political systems, governments, laws, and
international relations, 5) Psychology - studies how the human mind
works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts that lead to
individual actions, 6) Sociology - is a systematic study of people’s
behavior in groups, 7) Geography - is the study of interactions between
people and their environments, 8) Demography - is a statistical study of
human population overtime, according to Max Planck Center for
Demographic Science (2016).
Applied Social Science is the study that applies the different
concepts, theoretical models and theories of social science disciplines to
help understand society and the different problems and issues. The
applied social sciences is utilized to provide alternative solutions to the
diverse problem of the society.

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 1
Counselling is one of the area of social sciences applied to it. As an
application of the social sciences, counselling provides guidance, assistance
and support to individuals who are distraught by a range of problems in their
lives. Counselling can be done by the following: Guidance counselor and life
coaching are applications of the social sciences and these professions, expert
help are given to individuals who need guidance or advice pertaining to their
business successes, general conditions and personal life transitions,
relationship and career. Counselling may be provided by psychologist, life
coaches, job psychologist, and personal development counselors.
Social Work is another technical practice in the social sciences related
to it. Having been trained in social science to interact and understand social
realities, an applied social science practitioners has a good theoretical and
conceptual foundation for social work practice. Through social work,
professionals help individuals, families, and groups communities to improve
their individual and collective well-being.
Communication Studies applied social science provide adequate
training for careers in the field of journalism and mass communication
because of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills that graduates learn from
social sciences.

III. Activities
Activity 1. Choose from the box the following discipline and categorize it,
if it is Social Sciences or Applied Social Sciences. Write your answer on
the proper column they belong.

Economics Demography
Counselling Communication
Geography Anthropology
Psychology Social Work
History Political Science

Social Science Applied Social Science

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 1
Activity 2. Compare and Contrast

Fill out the Graphic Organizer by identifying the similarities and differences
of Social Science and the Applied Social Science. Write your answers on
the box provided.

Social Science Applied Social Science

How are they alike?


How are they different?


Activity 3. Create an infomercial that will promote awareness to the public

about Applied Social Science. The infomercial must explain the benefits
and importance of the areas of Applied Social Science to human life.

IV. Rubrics for an Infomercial Campaign

Content 20%
Supporting Presentation 20%
Reasoning 20%
Organization 20%
Oral Presentation 20%
TOTAL 100%

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 1
V. Answer Key

Activity 1
Social Science Applied Social Science
Economics Counselling
Political Science Social Work
Psychology Communication Studies

Activity 2
Answer may vary

VI. References
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Division of City Schools- Manila


Prepared by:
Teacher II
San Antonio National High School
Schools Division Office of Iriga City

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 1

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