Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications I

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Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Applications in Cyber Security: State-of-
the-Art in Research
(Senior Member, IEEE), CHAN YEOB YEUN1,2, (Senior Member, IEEE), and FATMA TAHER3,
(Senior Member, IEEE)
Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
College of Technological Innovation, Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Corresponding author: Zhibo Zhang (e-mail: [email protected]).

ABSTRACT This survey presents a comprehensive review of current literature on Explainable Artificial
Intelligence (XAI) methods for cyber security applications. Due to the rapid development of Internet-
connected systems and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, Artificial Intelligence including Machine
Learning and Deep Learning has been widely utilized in the fields of cyber security including intrusion
detection, malware detection, and spam filtering. However, although Artificial Intelligence-based
approaches for the detection and defense of cyber attacks and threats are more advanced and efficient
compared to the conventional signature-based and rule-based cyber security strategies, most Machine
Learning-based techniques and Deep Learning-based techniques are deployed in the ‘‘black-box’’ manner,
meaning that security experts and customers are unable to explain how such procedures reach particular
conclusions. The deficiencies of transparencies and interpretability of existing Artificial Intelligence
techniques would decrease human users’ confidence in the models utilized for the defense against cyber
attacks, especially in current situations where cyber attacks become increasingly diverse and complicated.
Therefore, it is essential to apply XAI in the establishment of cyber security models to create more
explainable models while maintaining high accuracy and allowing human users to comprehend, trust, and
manage the next generation of cyber defense mechanisms. Although there are papers reviewing Artificial
Intelligence applications in cyber security areas and the vast literature on applying XAI in many fields
including healthcare, financial services, and criminal justice, the surprising fact is that there are currently no
survey research articles that concentrate on XAI applications in cyber security. Therefore, the motivation
behind the survey is to bridge the research gap by presenting a detailed and up-to-date survey of XAI
approaches applicable to issues in the cyber security field. Our work is the first to propose a clear roadmap
for navigating the XAI literature in the context of applications in cyber security.

INDEX TERMS Artificial intelligence, cyber security, deep learning, explanation artificial intelligence,
intrusion detection, machine learning, malware detection, spam filtering.

I. INTRODUCTION Internet also tempts cyber attackers to develop more

sophisticated and powerful cyber-attack methods for their
Cyber Security is the practice of securing networks, devices, benefit. It is noticeable that with the number of internet users
and data against unauthorized access or illegal usage, as worldwide increasing by 0.3 billion in 2021 compared with
well as the art of maintaining information confidentiality, the previous year [3], global cyber attacks increased by 29%
integrity, and availability [1], whereas cyber defensive in 2021 according to the 2021 Cyber Trends Report [4]. In
mechanisms emerge at the application, network, host, and June of 2022, a cyberattack on a software business caused
data levels [2]. As the Internet has become an essential tool thousands of individuals in multiple states of the USA to lose
in everyone's daily life, the number of systems linked to the their unemployment benefits and job-search help [5], which
Internet grows as well. The advancement of computer will lead to severe social instability during the COVID-19
networks, servers, and mobile devices has significantly pandemic. As a matter of fact, according to the report by the
boosted Internet usage. However, the wide utilization of the European Union Agency for Network and Information

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

Security (ENISA) [6], safe and trustworthy cyberspace is Implementing Artificial Intelligence in applications of cyber
expected to become even more crucial in the new social and security has been researched in recent years and many
economic norms formed by the COVID-19 epidemic. These previous surveys reviewed the existing work in this field. On
figures and events demonstrate the serious facts that the the other hand, the trends of applying XAI to provide more
Internet and connected networks and devices have suffered explainable and transparent services for areas including
more cybercriminals and cyber attacks nowadays. healthcare and image analysis are popular in research as well.
Therefore, a stable and secure cyber security computer However, to the best of our knowledge, although there are
system must be established to ensure the information privacy, some other excellent survey papers available on the topics of
accessibility, and integrity transmitted within the Internet. XAI and cyber security independently, there is a lack of a
Nevertheless, the conventional signature-based and rule- comprehensive survey paper focusing on the review of
based cyber defensive mechanisms are facing challenges solutions based on XAI across a wide variety of cyber
within the increasing quantities of information spread over security applications. This survey also concludes with special
the Internet [7]. On the other hand, cyber hackers are always deep analytical insights based on their opinions. These
striving to keep one step ahead of law enforcement by findings reveal several holes that may be filled using XAI
generating new, smart, and intricate attacking techniques and methods, indicating the overall future direction of research in
implementing technological advances including Artificial this domain.
Intelligence to make their adversarial behaviors more In general, this survey intends to provide a comprehensive
sophisticated and efficient [8]. As a consequence, researchers review of state-of-art XAI applications in the cyber security
in cyber security have begun to investigate Artificial area. The research motivations behind this work are listed as
Intelligence-based approaches especially Machine Learning followings:
and Deep Learning rather than traditional (non-AI) (1) To review different techniques and categorizations of
cybersecurity techniques including Game theory, Rate XAI.
Control, and Autonomous systems to enhance the (2) To review existing challenges and problems of XAI.
performance of cyber defensive systems. (3) To identify the frameworks and available datasets for the
Although Artificial Intelligence techniques, especially XAI-based cyber defensive mechanism.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms could (4) To review the latest successful XAI-based systems and
provide impressive performances on benchmark datasets in a applications in the cyber security domain.
number of cyber security domain applications such as (5) To identify challenges and research gaps of XAI
Intrusion detection, spam e-mail filtering, Botnet detection, applications in cyber security.
fraud detection, and malicious application identification [9]. (6) To identify the key insights and future research
Despite the excellent performance of Machine Learning and directions for applying XAI in the cyber security area.
Deep Learning algorithms, they can commit errors, some of
which are more expensive than conventional cyber defensive B. PREVIOUS SURVEYS
approaches. On the other hand, cyber security developers XAI and cyber security have been reviewed mostly
have sometimes sought higher accuracy at the price of separately in previous surveys. However, crossovers have
interpretability, making their models more intricate and emerged between the two domains. This survey presented a
difficult to grasp [10]. This lack of explainability has been comprehensive introduction of different XAI techniques
disclosed by the European Union’s General Data Protection applied in cyber defensive systems. Our work also provided
Regulation, preserving the capacity to comprehend the logic comprehensive XAI categorizations and analyzed details
behind an Artificial Intelligence algorithmic decision that about the existing challenges and frameworks of XAI for
negatively impacts individuals [11]. Accordingly, to be able cyber security. Cyber security datasets available for XAI
to believe the decisions of cyber security systems, Artificial models and the cyber threats faced by XAI models are
Intelligence must be transparent and interpretable. To satisfy discussed in this paper as well. Table 1 contrasts our study
these kinds of demands, several strategies have been with currently available surveys and reviewing articles.
proposed to make Artificial Intelligence decisions more Many existing surveys only analyzed AI applications, either
intelligible to humans. And these explainable techniques are Machine Learning or Deep Learning, in the cyber security
usually shortened as “XAI”, which have already been area, whereas other authors review XAI methods for a
implemented in many application domains such as healthcare, narrow set of cyber security applications. And some
Natural Language Processing, and financial services [12]. reviewers could not describe the background of XAI and
And the objective of this research paper is to focus on the cyber security in detail. Furthermore, most articles discuss
applications of XAI in different fields in the context of cyber


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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

TABLE 1. Comparison of existing surveys with our work (legend: √ means included; N/A means not included; ≈ means partially included)

Survey Reference Survey Key insights

number number year XAI Cyber security
and future
XAI XAI Machine Deep XAI XAI Cyber Cyber Industrial Adversarial
Categorization Framework Learning Evaluation Challenges directions
Learning security attacks applications threats on
datasets XAI
1 [13] 2016
N/A N/A √ N/A N/A N/A N/A √ ≈ N/A ≈
2 [14] 2016
N/A N/A √ √ N/A N/A √ ≈ ≈ ≈ √
3 [15] 2017
N/A N/A N/A √ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ N/A √
4 [16] 2018
N/A N/A √ ≈ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ N/A √
5 [17] 2018
N/A N/A √ ≈ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ N/A √
6 [18] 2019
N/A N/A √ ≈ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ N/A √
7 [19] 2019
√ √ ≈ ≈ √ √ N/A N/A √ N/A √
8 [20] 2020
≈ ≈ N/A N/A N/A N/A √ N/A √ N/A √
9 [7] 2021
N/A N/A √ N/A N/A N/A √ √ ≈ N/A √
10 [21] 2018
N/A N/A √ √ N/A ≈ ≈ √ ≈ N/A √
11 [22] 2018
N/A N/A √ √ N/A N/A √ ≈ √ ≈ √
12 [23] 2018
N/A N/A √ √ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ ≈ ≈
13 [24] 2018
N/A N/A √ √ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ √ √
14 [25] 2022
√ √ √ √ ≈ √ N/A N/A √ N/A √
15 [26] 2021
N/A √ √ N/A ≈ N/A √ √ N/A √ ≈
16 [27] 2021
√ √ ≈ ≈ N/A √ √ N/A N/A N/A √
17 [28] 2019
N/A N/A √ √ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ ≈ √
18 [29] 2019
√ √ N/A √ ≈ √ √ √ N/A N/A √
19 [2] 2019
√ √ ≈ √ N/A √ √ √ N/A N/A √
20 [9] 2019
√ √ ≈ ≈ ≈ √ N/A √ ≈ N/A √
21 [30] 2022
√ N/A ≈ ≈ ≈ √ ≈ √ √ √ √
22 [31] 2021
≈ ≈ √ √ N/A N/A √ √ ≈ √ √
23 [32] 2020
N/A N/A ≈ ≈ N/A N/A √ √ √ √ ≈
24 [33] 2020
√ √ √ N/A √ N/A N/A √ N/A ≈ √
25 [34] 2021
≈ ≈ ≈ N/A ≈ N/A √ √ √ ≈ √
26 [10] 2021
√ √ √ √ ≈ ≈ N/A N/A N/A N/A ≈
27 [12] 2021
√ ≈ √ √ N/A ≈ N/A N/A ≈ N/A √
28 [35] 2022
√ √ N/A N/A N/A √ ≈ ≈ √ N/A √
29 [36] 2022
√ √ N/A ≈ ≈ N/A √ √ N/A √ √

Our Paper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
30 2022

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

FIGURE 1. Structure of this paper.

only AI applications in cyber security or XAI implemented in expansion. As a result, by 2026, the worldwide
other domains rather than focusing on cyber security. cybersecurity sector is anticipated to be worth 345.4
From Table 1, it is obvious that this survey is billion USD [39]. On the other hand, besides the
comprehensive and distinct in including the following conventional cyber attacks including malware, botnet, and
features in comparison to previously published survey spam, adversarial cyber security threats specifically
research in the field: summarizing commonly used cyber targeting AI models are Gradually emerging in recent
security datasets available, discussing popular XAI tools and years as well [24]. Therefore, the scope for the domain of
their applications in the cyber security area, analyzing the cyber security analyzed in this survey paper will be
XAI applications in defending different categories of cyber constituted in the following 3 sub-fields in conjunction
attacks, providing assessment measures for evaluating the with XAI:
performance of XAI models, giving descriptions on the 1) Different categories of the most prominent cyber
adversarial cyber attacks which XAI itself may suffer, and attacks including malware, Botnet, spam, fraud,
pointing out some key insights about applying XAI for cyber phishing, Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) attacks,
security. network intrusion, Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks,
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, Domain
C. SCOPE OF CYBER SECURITY ANALYSED Generation Algorithms (DGAs), and Structured
In agreement with the International Organization for Query Language (SQL) injection attacks are
Standardization (ISO/IEC 27032) [37], cyber security is described in detail respectively. By doing so, the
defined as the privacy, integrity, and availability of terminologies of cyber attacks are clear and the
internet data. Cyber attacks are cybercriminal attacks defensive systems against these attacks are
undertaken using one or more computers against a single discussed in this paper as well.
or numerous computers or networks. A cyber assault can 2) Cyber security implementation in different
purposefully destroy systems, steal data, or utilize a industrial areas including smart grid, healthcare,
compromised computer as a launch pad for more attacks smart agriculture, smart transportation, Human-
[38]. Due to the wide spreading of cyber attacks and Computer Interaction(HCI), and smart financial
threats, the cyber security industries are seeing rapid

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

FIGURE 2. Research methodology flow chart.

system will be reviewed in this survey. This paper usage of XAI applications in cyber security.
provides a brief introduction of XAI for cyber 3) We discuss different categories of defensive
security in each domain respectively. applications of XAI against cyber attacks
3) While XAI is implemented in many different respectively, and we highlight the advantages and
scenarios to defend against cyber threats, XAI limitations to develop XAI-based cyber-defense
models will face adversarial attacks targeting XAI systems.
models as well. This survey will investigate cyber 4) We justify XAI for cyber security in different
security from this perspective as well. Adversarial industry scenarios.
threats targeting XAI, defense approaches against 5) We illustrate Adversarial cyber threats pointing to
these attacks, and the establishment of secure XAI XAI models are described whereas the defense
cyber systems will be interpreted respectively. approaches against these attacks.
6) We outline the outstanding issues and existing
challenges associated with the intersection of XAI
and cyber security, and we identify the key insights
This study extensively evaluates current breakthroughs and and future research directions for the XAI
state-of-the-art XAI-based solutions in a wide variety of applications in cyber security.
cyber security applications and cyber attack defensive
mechanisms to address the gaps and shortcomings mentioned
in earlier surveys. There is no previous survey available
As shown in Fig 1, this survey has been organized in such a
analyzing the state-of-art XAI applications in cyber security
systemically from the perspectives of both cyber attack way that the background information for the research being
defensive schemes and industrial applications. Our research's examined comes first. Section II introduces the methodology
contributions can be summarized in the following points: of research on this survey in the field of XAI applications in
cyber security. Section III discusses the general background
1) We rationalize the motivations for integrating XAI
of XAI, motivations, categorizations, and challenges of XAI
in AI-based cyber security models whereas the
are justified in this section. The section after that (Section IV)
basic background on XAI is presented.
is organized based on the XAI framework and available
2) We provide a thorough summary as well as a quick datasets for cyber security. Section V will be devoted to a
overview of the datasets that are accessible for the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

comprehensive discussion of XAI applications in cyber research state-of-art in the areas of XAI applications in cyber
security from different perspectives. The existing challenges, security. Therefore, to collect the research articles reviewed,
key insights, and future directions of this area are highlighted the following criteria were established:
in Section VI, which is followed by the conclusion. And the 1) A thorough search was carried out whereas
conclusion would be the last section, which is Section VII. different academic search engines illustrated in
Table 2 were utilized to collect the relevant
TABLE 2. Research searching database engines.
2) The searching keywords for this survey paper were
Searching Engines Database Address constituted as 2 aspects: “XAI” and “Cyber
Security”. To create the search string, all potential
Springer https://link.springer.com/
Taylor & Francis https://taylorandfrancis.com/ pertinent synonyms of the given terms were
Semantic Scholar https://www.semanticscholar.org/ discovered in different databases and the percentage
ACM Digital Library https://dl.acm.org/ of reviewed papers from sources was depicted in
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/
Figure 3. The following synonyms may be pertinent
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/
IEEE Xplore https://ieeexplore.ieee.org to the subject: “Cyber Security”, “Cyber Physical”,
Elsevier https://www.elsevier.com/ “Cyber Attack”, “Cyber Threat”, Network Security”,
Research Rabbit https://researchrabbitapp.com/ “Cyber Crime”, “XAI”, “Explainable Artificial
Intelligence”, “Interpretable Artificial Intelligence”,
“Explainable Machine Learning (XML)”, and
“Transparent Artificial Intelligence”.
3) Only researches published between 2011 and 2022
were selected to report on the most recent trends in
the application of XAI techniques in cyber security
for this research. Besides, papers published after
2017 were given higher attention and occupied a
large proportion of all reviewed publications, as
shown in Figure 4.
4) Only publications written in the English language
were included in this review and duplicated studies
were excluded.
5) Only papers objecting to cyber security vulnerability
domains were reviewed in this survey paper whereas
FIGURE 3. Percentage of Reviewed Papers from Sources.
researches proposing Machine Learning-based
systems, Deep Learning-based systems, XAI-based
mechanisms, and AI-based mechanisms would be
The procedure of choosing articles was instantaneous and
consisted of two steps: firstly, the searching results were
initially chosen based on the selection criteria by scanning
the publications' titles and abstracts; secondly, the documents
chosen in the initial phase were thoroughly read to create a
shortlist of articles published that would be chosen based on
the inclusion and exclusion criteria.


As we introduced in Section I, the concept of XAI is defined
as the technique to improve the human understanding of how
AI makes decisions [10]. In this section, we will review the
general background of XAI, providing some necessary prior
knowledge for readers to have a better understanding in the
FIGURE 4. Percentage of Papers included from 2011 to 2022.
following sections introducing the XAI applications in cyber
The research methodology flow chart of this survey is
described in Figure 2. As we mentioned in Section I
Introduction, the goal of this study was to investigate the

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

these traditional approaches have a low capacity to process

massive amounts of data and high computing costs [7].
On the other hand, Artificial intelligence works as one of
the foundational technologies of Industry 4.0 [31]. Therefore,
AI techniques including Machine Learning algorithms and
Deep Learning algorithms can play a significant part in the
provision of intelligent cyber security services and
management in recent years. For instance, Daniele et al. [17]
concluded the implementation of Machine Learning Methods
for malware analysis including malware detection, malware
similarity analysis, and malware category analysis. And
FIGURE 5 A Venn Diagram showing the connections between words Donghwoon et al. [15] utilized Deep Learning-based
used frequently in the XAI domain. approaches to network anomaly detection and network traffic
Before exploring the XAI background deeply, it is worth Nevertheless, due to the limitations of the AI-based
mentioning and clarifying the terminologies in the XAI approaches, the applications of AI in the cyber security area
domain. Numerous concepts and phrases, which include are facing challenges as well. For instance, the access to
intelligibility, explainability, transparency, and cybersecurity-related data [45], adversarial attacks on AI
interpretability. have been used to characterize XAI recently models [46], and Ethics and Privacy issues [47] are typical
[40]. And the relationships between these terms are shown in inherent limitations suffered by AI-based cyber security
Figure 5. Among these terms, interpretability is defined as a systems. Among these drawbacks, the black-box nature of AI
concept similar to explainability [41]. However, in recent models is a severe limitation that we should pay more
years, the terminology for the term “interpretability” has attention to when AI models are integrated into the cyber
shifted to information extraction rather than providing security domain [48]. Because of AI models’ black-box
explanations [42], meaning that the terms of interpretability characteristics, the cybersecurity-related decisions generated
and explainability are becoming more diverse while still by AI-based models lack rationale and justifiability of their
intersecting with each other. Therefore, in this study, we decisions and therefore are difficult for people to understand
focus on the side of “explainability” in XAI whereas the how these results are produced [49]. In this case, the cyber
reviewed papers focusing on “intelligibility”, “transparency”, defensive mechanisms would become black-box systems that
and “intelligibility” parts would be extracted and excluded are extremely vulnerable to information breaches and AI-
according to their clutters with the concept of based cyber threats [50].
“explainability”. Therefore, to deal with the drawbacks of utilizing AI for
In the following subsections of this section, we will cyber security, XAI is a reaction that emerged to the growing
introduce the background of XAI from different perspectives black box issue with AI. Users and specialists can understand
respectively, including the motivations to integrate XAI into the logical explanation and main data evidence due to XAI's
cyber security, categorizations of XAI, and existing contribution of interoperability to the results produced by the
challenges of XAI. The purpose of this section is to provide AI-based statistical models [19].
readers with a general description of the XAI area so that To conclude, the motivations to apply XAI to cyber
readers could have a deeper understanding of the parts of security are given as followings:
XAI applications in cyber security.
1) Building trust is a key object for integrating XAI
which is closely related to transparency and
understanding of cybersecurity-related decision
SECURITY models.
Given the constant growth in complexity and volume of 2) Another motivation to apply XAI in the cyber
cyber attacks including malware, intrusion, and spam, coping security area is to comply with many new
with them is becoming increasingly difficult [17]. According regulations and General Data Protection Regulation
to [43], conventional algorithms including rule-based (GDPR) laws [51] calling for providing
algorithms, statistics-based algorithms, and signature-based explanations to the entire society in various fields
approaches are utilized to detect intrusions in the cyber including cyber security.
security area. However, due to the growing amount of data 3) Justice, social responsibility, and risk mitigation are
being communicated over the Internet and the emergency of significant concerns for applying XAI in cyber
the new networking paradigms including the Internet of security because protecting cyber security may be
Things (IoT), cloud computing, and fog/edge computing [44], dealing with serious social problems, sometimes
even human lives, and not just cost-benefit

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

calculations. explanation methods usually work by analyzing feature

4) Cyber security system biases and the inputs and outputs and do not have access to the models’
misunderstanding of their effectiveness have internal information, such as weights or structural
emerged as key drivers for XAI. For instance, information by definition. Shapley Additive Explanations
biased training data occurs as a problem that affects (SHAP) tools [59], Saliency Map [60], and Gradient-
the model's output's credibility, in particular when weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) [61] are
working with neural networks that learn patterns widely used model-agnostic explanation tools.
from training data [52]. 3) LOCAL OR GLOBAL
5) Ability to provide obliged and decent justification Explanations of the decision models can be divided as local
for the cyber security system. By doing so, the or global depending on the model's scope. Local
created cyber security defensive mechanisms can explainability describes a system's capacity to show a user
not only be fair and socially responsible for the why a particular choice or decision was made. Some popular
decisions, but also defend their results with explainability methods such as LIME [56], SHAP [59], and
justifications. counterfactual explanations [62] can be filed under this
category. Local explainability methods are emphasized as the
B. CATEGORIZATIONS OF XAI first crucial component of model transparency [55]. In the
According to [53], [54], the XAI categories can be structured contrast, global explainability refers to the explanation of the
in a variety of aspects shown in Figure 6. It is noticeable that learning algorithm as a whole, taking into account the
the categorization methods are not ideal, meaning that training data utilized, the algorithms' proper applications, and
overlapping may happen and one specific XAI technique can any cautions regarding the algorithm's flaws and improper
be categorized into one or more aspects. Therefore, it would applications. Global Attribution Mapping (GAM) is
be more precise and concrete if we categorized one XAI proposed in [63] as a global explaination approach to explain
technique from different categorization perspectives. By the landscape of neural network predictions across
doing so, more information and characteristics of this XAI subpopulations.
approach could be revealed at different levels. 4) EXPLANATION OUTPUT
1) INTRINSIC OR POST-HOC The explanation output is also a crucial component of XAI
This categorization method distinguishes between achieving categorization for the reason that the format of the
explainability by limiting the complexity of the AI model explanation output would have a strong influence on certain
(intrinsic) or by analyzing the methodology of the model users. For instance, text-based explanation methods are
after training (Post-hoc) to differentiate whether widely utilized in the field of Natural Language Processing
explainability is achieved. An intrinsic XAI approach (NLP) to fine-grained information and generate human-
produces the explanation concurrently with the forecast by readable explanations [64]. On the hand, the visualized
using data that the model emits as a result of the prediction- explanation approaches are used in vaster domains including
making process [55]. Some Machine Learning models, NLP [65], neural networks [66], and healthcare [67]. In fact,
including Decision Trees and Sparse Linear models, are the majority of feature summary statistics can also be
regarded as intrinsic XAI approaches because they are self- visualized and some feature summaries are only meaningful
explained. On the other hand, Post-hoc explanations are the when visualized [68]. Arguments-based explanations involve
utilization of interpretation methods after the models have outlining the features in a way that humans use to come to
been trained and the decisions have already been made. decisions to help humans to better understand the relevance
Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) [56] of a feature [69]. Model-based explanation approaches need
and Permutation Importance [57] are typical Post-hoc to outline the internal working logic of a black-box model.
explanation methods working independently as an external And this is often accomplished by approximating the black-
interpretable model. box model behavior with a different model that is more
2) MODEL-SPECIFIC OR MODEL-AGNOSTIC interpretable and transparent [10]. For instance, Wu et al. [70]
XAI methods can also be classified according to the classes proposed a model-specific technique aiming to reduce the
of models to that XAI methods could be applied, which are complexity of the Deep Neural Network (DNN) model by
model-specific or model-agnostic. Model-specific introducing a model complexity penalty function. And
explanation tools are specific to a single model or group of Lakkaraju et al. [71] proposed a model-agnostic technique
models. For instance, the graph neural network explainer [58] called Model Understanding through Subspace Explanations
is a method for presenting comprehensible justifications for (MUSE), aiming at learning the behavious of a specific
any GNN-based model's predictions on any graph-based black-box model by yielding a small number of tight decision
machine learning problem. On the contrary, model-agnostic sets.
explanation tools can be implemented with any machine
learning model in theory. Furthermore, model-agnostic

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FIGURE 6 An overview diagram showing the categorization of XAI in different aspects.

demonstrating that the extremely biased (racist) classifiers
crafted can easily fool these popular explanation techniques.
C. EXISTING CHALLENGES OF XAI Besides, for the specific Deep Neural Network (DNN)
Despite the fact that the research community has regarded models, Cleverhans et al. [76] looked for adversarial
XAI as a solution to the issues with the trust and dependency vulnerabilities DeepFool tool and offered several methods to
posed by conventional black-box AI-based systems, XAI is harden the model against it.
still facing challenges from different perspectives. 2) XAI PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
Challenges related to XAI security, XAI performance The effectiveness of an XAI method could be evaluated and
evaluation, legal and privacy issues, and the trade-off measured in a variety of ways. However, there is no accepted
between interpretability and accuracy. In Table 3, a summary system available for determining if an XAI system is more
of challenges related to these challenges of XAI is provided. user-intelligent than another XAI system at this time [77].
1) XAI SECURITY In papers [78] and [79], strong concerns were proposed
Some frequently deployed XAI models are susceptible to about choosing the best technique for explainability requires
adversarial attacks, which raises the public’s concern about a well-established evaluation system for explainability.
the security of XAI [72]. For the evaluation of the explanations given by post-hoc
Guo in [73] highlighted the necessity to develop defense XAI approaches on tabular data, Julian et al. [80] proposed a
mechanisms that can recognize targeted attacks against XAI definition of feature relevance in Boolean functions and a
engines, especially for the reason that building and testing environment by creating fictitious datasets. And in
quantifying trust between human end-users is essential for paper [81], Leila et al. solved the issue of the absence of a
6G to enable higher levels of safety-critical autonomy across heatmap quality measurement that is both impartial and
a variety of industries. And Fatima et al. [74] also pointed widely acknowledged by presenting a framework for
out that it would be fascinating to look into the adversarial evaluating XAI algorithms using ground truth based on the
ML and DL models (or the application of ML and DL in CLEVR visual question answering task.
adversarial circumstances) in XAI and highlighted the three
main factors that enable the security of AI models are the
changes in the input data used by learning models, bias, and
Slack et al. [75] made criticism about some post-hoc
explanation methods such as LIME and SHAP by

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TABLE 3. Summary of XAI challenges. architecture. In Recital 71, the word ‘ ‘ explanation’’ is
mentioned, outlining the human right to contest the decision
Challenges Reference Descriptions made following such an evaluation and to get an explanation
[73] The necessity to develop defense mechanisms of the decision. Furthermore, Martin [85] investigated
against attacks especially for building 6G whether and to what degree people have a legal right to an
[74] The application of ML and DL in adversarial
explanation of automated decision-making under EU law,
XAI security circumstances. Be aware of the input data. particularly when AI systems are involved.
[75] Criticized some post-hoc explanation 4) THE TRADE-OFF BETWEEN INTERPRETABILITY
methods such as LIME and SHAP by fooling AND ACCURACY
these techniques.
[76] Discussed the DeepFool tool targeting DNN
The Explainability and performance (predictive accuracy) of
models and offered several methods against a model are generally shown to be in trading-off with each
it. other [90]. In fact, there is a demand for explainable models
[77] Outlined the fact that there is no accepted that can attain high performance because the algorithms that
system for determining the XAI system’s
currently perform the best are frequently the least explainable
[78] Proposed strong concerns about choosing the (for example, deep learning) [53].
XAI performance best technique for explainability Despite simple models being frequently favored for their
evaluation [80] Proposed a definition of feature relevance in ease of explaining [91], these models’ explainability may be
Boolean functions and a testing environment
compromised in cases when highly engineered or heavy
[81] Presented a framework for evaluating XAI
algorithms based on the CLEVR visual dimensional features are used [86].
question answering task. Amann et al. [87] adopted a multidisciplinary approach to
[82] Proposed concerns about the role of XAI in analyze the relevance of explainability for medical AI from
marketing AI applications. different perspectives, showing the necessity to apply XAI in
[83] The European Commission (EC) has also
published ethical guidelines for Trustworthy
clinical practice even though the primary objective is to give
Legal and privacy AI and highlighted privacy. patients the finest care possible [88].
issues [84] GDPR of the EU outlined the human right to
contest the decision made and got an IV. XAI FRAMEWORK AND DATASETS FOR CYBER
explanation of the decision. SECURITY
[85] Discussed what degree people have a legal
right to an explanation of automated decision-
[53] Outlined the fact that the algorithms that In this section, based on the publications we have carefully
The trade-off currently perform the best are frequently the read in this survey, we provide a general XAI framework
between least explainable such as Deep Learning. diagram for cyber security applications. And the conceptual
interpretability [86] Pointed out that models’ explainability may
and accuracy be compromised in cases when highly
framework diagram for XAI applications in cyber security is
engineered or heavy dimensional features are illustrated in Figure 7. This diagram is considered to be as
used general as it can be to show the processes of applying XAI in
[87] Adopted a multidisciplinary approach to the cyber area domains. There are several stages in this
analyze the relevance of explainability for
medical AI from different perspectives workflow whereas certain sample instances are presented in
[88] Argued the necessity to apply XAI in clinical each stage.
practice The framework workflow starts by determining the types
of cyber security tasks, including malware detection, spam
3) LEGAL AND PRIVACY ISSUES detection, and fraud detection, which are defined by the types
Besides the above described technical challenges, XAI faces of cyber attacks facing. The corresponding data such as
significant legal and privacy issues as well. In numerous emails, network traffic, and application activities will be
instances, including some well-known court cases, a history collected and processed in the next stages. Then features
of biased legal and privacy issues was made by XAI systems representing significant characteristics will be extracted and
[89]. fed to train different Artificial Intelligence models depending
Arun [82] proposed concerns about the role of XAI in on specific situations. Cyber security test samples will be
influencing the privacy calculus of individuals, especially the analyzed and made decisions after the models have been
privacy concerns of customers in marketing AI applications. trained. Users can get decisions and explanations explicitly
The European Commission (EC) has also published ethical from self-interpretable models whereas the predictions made
guidelines for Trustworthy AI as a legal document [83], by black-box modes require explanations of XAI models to
highlighting the respect for privacy, quality and integrity of make the users requesting for the cyber security tasks
data, and access to data. satisfied. It is noticeable that this diagram is only a general
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [84] of workflow of XAI applied in cyber security areas, and the
the EU has added clarification to its information security details may differ for different tasks specifically.

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FIGURE 7 The conceptual framework diagram for XAI applications in cyber security.

Table 4 shows the details of the frequently used public

B. CYBER SECURITY DATABASES accessible datasets in the context of cyber attacks including
It is an undeniable fact that currently judicious selection and malware, Botnet, spam, DGA, DoS, CPSs, phishing, and
use of data is a pretty significant presence for cyber security network intrusion. It is noteworthy that there are some
research [92]. On the other hand, the quality and capacity of overlappings because some datasets contain several
data influence significantly the decisions of XAI models, categories of cyber attacks.
including Deep Learning-based models and Machine On the other hand, Table 5 illustrates a comprehensive
Learning-based models as well. Although cyber security data overview of XAI applications for cyber security in distinct
can be gathered straightforwardly by the use of numerous industries including smart cities, healthcare, smart agriculture,
methods, like using software tools like Win Dump or smart transportation, smart financial system, and Human-
Wireshark to capture network packets, these methods are Computer Interaction(HCI). These industrial datasets can
mainly targeted and appropriate for gathering narrow or low show the potential of applying XAI for cyber security in
volumes of data whereas high acquisition time and expenses these domains.
will be required [93]. Therefore, the utilization of benchmark
cyber security datasets can reduce the time spent on data V. XAI APPLICATIONS TO CYBER SECURITY
gathering and improve the effectiveness of research. This section provides a comprehensive overview of XAI
Researchers can train, verify, and evaluate XAI-based cyber applications in the areas of cyber security from different
security solutions using these benchmark datasets. In this viewpoints. We categorized these applications into 3 main
section, we will introduce and describe the most significant groups: defensive applications of XAI against cyber attacks,
datasets employed in cyber security from perspectives of potentials of XAI applications for cyber security in different
different categories of the most prominent cyber attacks and industries, and cyber adversarial threats targeting XAI
cyber security implementation in different industrial areas applications and defense approaches against these attacks.
respectively. Some important existing works under each of these domains
will be introduced in detail respectively.

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TABLE 4. Some public available datasets in the context of cyber attacks categories.

Cyber Attack Dataset Name Cited

Categories Reference Year
Number Dataset Details
[94] N- BaIoT 2018
644 N-BaIoT contains real traffic (115 numerical features) of 9 commercial IoT devices infected with 2
IoT-based botnets, Mirai and BASHLITE.
[95] IoTPOT 2016 219 500 IoT malware samples from four key families are included in IoTPOT, which was compiled via
an IoT honeypot. And these IoT devices were running on different CPU architectures such as ARM,
MIPS, and PPC.
[96] IoT-23 2020 381 IoT-23 is a dataset of Internet of Things (IoT) device network traffic. In IoT devices, it has captured
20 malware executions and 3 benign IoT device traffic grabs.
[97] EMBER 2018 223 EMBER includes features extracted from 1.1M binary files 200K test samples and 900K training
Malware samples (300K harmful, 300K benign, and 300K unlabeled) (100K malicious, 100K benign).
[98] Genome Project 2012 2689 More than 1,200 malware samples covering the majority of the current Android malware families
were collected in this dataset and were systematically characterized from various aspects.
[99] VirusShare Updating N/A There are 48,195,237 samples of malware in the collection known as VirusShare. And it is
frequently utilized for malware analysis and detection and is primarily affected.
[100] CICAndMal201 2018 143 Created a new dataset called CI-CAndMal2017 and provide a methodical method to build Android
7 malware datasets using actual smartphones as opposed to emulators. More than 10,854 samples
(4,354 malware and 6,500 benign) were collected.
[101] DREBIN 2014 2102 DREBIN performs a thorough static analysis of the Android platform to gather as many features of
an application as feasible. 5,560 applications from 179 different malware families were collected.
[102] SMS Spam 2011 367 This dataset offered a new real, public, and non-encoded SMS spam collection.
[103] EnronSpam 2006 743 The Enron Corpus is a database of over 600,000 emails generated by 158 employees of the Enron
Spam Corporation.
[104] ISCX-URL2016 2016 100 Around 114,400 URLs were collected initially in this dataset containing benign and malicious
URLs in four categories: Spam, Malware, Phishing, and Defacement.
[105] NSL-KDD 2009 3730 To solve the issues of the KDD data set, a new data set, NSL-KDD, is proposed, which consists of
selected records of the complete KDD data set.
[106] UNB ISCX 2012 2012 1027 The Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) established
UNB ISCX 2012 in 2012. Over seven days, traffic was recorded in a simulated network
[107] AWID 2016 365 A labeled dataset with an emphasis on 802.11 networks is called AWID [117. To collect WLAN
traffic in a packet-based format, a small network environment with 10 clients was created, and 15
distinct attacks were carried out.
[108] CIC-IDS2017 2018 1672 The CIC-IDS2017 dataset includes a variety of user-profiles (creating background traffic) and
multistage attacks such as Heartbleed and DDoS. Eighty traffic features were extracted using the
Network CICFlowMeter program.
Intrusion [109] CIC-DDoS2019 2019 309 The CIC-DDoS2019 dataset contains a wide variety of DDoS assaults that were executed utilizing
TCP/UDP application layer protocols.
[110] TON_IoT 2020 103 TON IoT dataset was constituted by the IoT traffic collected from a medium-scale network at the
Cyber Range and IoT Labs of the UNSW Canberra, Australia. Other types of IoT data include
operating system logs and telemetry data.
[111] LITNET-2020 2020 44 Feature vectors produced during 12 assaults on common computers installed on an academic
network are included in the LITNET-2020 dataset.
[112] ADFA-LD 2013 281 The ADFA-LD12 represents a worthy successor to the KDD collection. The most recent publicly
accessible exploits and techniques are used with a contemporary Linux operating system for this
new dataset.
[113] UNSW-NB15 2015 1419 This dataset contains two label attributes: the first label specifies the attack, while the second label
is binary. It also has 49 characteristics. This dataset takes into account assaults such as worms,
backdoors, shellcode, DoS assaults, generic assaults, exploits, and analysis assaults.
[114] CTU-13 2014 606 Raw pcap files for malicious, typical, and background data are included in the CTU-13 dataset. In
this dataset, the unidentified traffic is coming from a sizable network, the botnet attacks are real,
meaning that it is not a simulated dataset.
[108] CIC-IDS2017 2018 1672 The CIC-IDS2017 dataset includes a variety of user-profiles (creating background traffic) and
multistage attacks such as Heartbleed and DDoS. Eighty traffic features were extracted using the
CICFlowMeter program.
[115] ISOT Botnet 2011 325 The ISOT HTTP botnet dataset consists of two traffic captures malignant DNS information for nine
Botnet Dataset different botnets and benign DNS information for 19 different well-known software programs. And
the ISOT dataset is the combination of several existing publicly available malicious and non-
malicious datasets.
[116] BOT-IOT 2019 526 The proposed BOT-IOT Dataset is made up of three parts: network platforms, fictitious IoT
Dataset services, and features extraction and forensic analytics.
[98] Genome Project 2012 2689 More than 1,200 malware samples covering the majority of the current Android malware families
were collected in this dataset and were systematically characterized from various aspects.
[117] UMUDGA 2020 25 Proposed a comprehensive, labeled dataset with over 30 million AGDs arranged into 50 groups of
malware variants that are ready for machine learning.
DGA [118] AmritaDGA 2019 16 AmritaDGA is made up of two data sets. The first data collection is gathered from sources that are
openly accessible. The second set of information is gathered from a private real-time network.
Phishing [104] ISCX-URL2016 2016 100 Around 114,400 URLs were collected initially in this dataset containing benign and malicious
URLs in four categories: Spam, Malware, Phishing, and Defacement.
[119] HAI Dataset 1.0 2020 25 The HAI dataset was collected from a realistic industrial control system (ICS) testbed augmented
with a Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulator that emulates steam-turbine power generation and
CPSs pumped-storage hydropower generation.
[120] Power System 2014 248 This dataset consists of three datasets that measure the normal, disturbed, controlled, and
Attack Datasets cyberattack behaviors of the electric transmission system. The collection contains measurements
from relays, a simulated control panel, synchrophasor measurements, and data logs from Snort.
[121] InSDN Dataset 2020 50 A variety of attack types, including DoS, DDoS, Web, Password-Guessing, and Botnets, are
included in the InSDN dataset.
DoS [106] UNB ISCX 2012 2012 1027 The Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) established
UNB ISCX 2012 in 2012. Over seven days, traffic was recorded in a simulated network

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TABLE 5. Some public available datasets in the context of distinct industries.

Different Dataset Name Cited

Industry Reference Year Number Dataset Details
[122] PPMI 2011 1059 The PPMI dataset will include 200 healthy volunteers and 400 recently diagnosed PD patients who
will be followed longitudinally for clinical, imaging, and biospecimen biomarker assessment at 21
clinical sites utilizing standardized data gathering techniques.
[123] CoAID 2020 133 This dataset included bogus news on websites and social media platforms, as well as consumers'
social engagement with such material. CoAID (Covid-19 heAlthcare mIsinformation Dataset)
featured a variety of COVID-19 healthcare misinformation. CoAID has 4,251 news items, 296,000
user interactions, 926 posts on social media sites regarding COVID-19, and ground truth labels.
[124] Heart Disease 2020 27 The Heart Disease Cleveland UC Irvine dataset uses 13 factors to predict whether or not a person
Cleveland UCI has heart disease. Reprocessing was done using the 76 feature original dataset.
[125] MIMIC-III 2016 4140 MIMIC-III (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’) is a sizable, single-center database that
contains data on people who have been admitted to tertiary care hospitals' critical care units.
[126] MIMIC-II 2011 1104 There were 25,328 stays in intensive care units in the MIMIC-II database. Laboratory data,
therapeutic intervention profiles like vasoactive medication drip rates and ventilator settings,
nursing progress notes, discharge summaries, radiology reports, and provider order entry data were
Healthcare all collected by the researchers during their detailed examination of intensive care unit patient stays.
[127] PTB-XL 2020 171 This 10-second-long 12-lead ECG-waveform dataset has 21837 records from 18885 patients. Up to
two cardiologists annotated the ECG waveform data as a multi-label dataset with diagnostic labels
further grouped into super and subclasses.
[128] BreakHis 2016 725 BreakHis was composed of 9,109 microscopic images of breast tumor tissue collected from 82
patients using different magnifying factors (40X, 100X, 200X, and 400X). To date, it contains
2,480 benign and 5,429 malignant samples
[129] CPSC2018 2018 204 One normal ECG type and eight abnormal ECG types are part of the data utilized in
dataset CPSC2018. This study describes the data source, recording details, and clinical baseline
characteristics of patients, such as age, gender, and so on. It also describes the typical procedures
for detecting and categorizing the aberrant ECG patterns mentioned above.
[130] REMBRANDT 2018 90 The 671 cases in the Rembrandt brain cancer dataset were gathered from 14 collaborating
institutions between 2004 and 2006. It is available for use with the Georgetown Database of Cancer
(G-DOC) open access platform for undertaking clinical translational research.
[131] GlioVis 2016 446 GlioVis contains over 6500 tumor samples of approximately 50 expression datasets of a large
collection of brain tumor entities (mostly gliomas), both adult and pediatric.
[132] Cologne 2013 327 During 700.000 individual car excursions are included in the resultant synthetic trace of the car
Vehicular traffic in the city of Cologne, which spans a 400 square kilometer area over the course of a normal
mobility trace working day.
[133] PKLot 2015 227 695,899 photos from two parking lots were collected for this new parking lot dataset using three
different camera perspectives. The acquisition methodology enables the collection of static
photographs illustrating variations in illumination on sunny, cloudy, and wet days.
[134] PEMS-SF Data 2011 362 This dataset describes the various car lanes on the motorways in the San Francisco Bay area's
Smart Set occupancy rate, which ranges from 0 to 1. Every ten minutes, samples are taken from the
Transportation measurements, which span the period from January 1st 2008 to March 30th 2009.
[135] CNRPark+EXT 2017 282 The CNRPark+EXT dataset, which was created on a parking lot with 164 spaces, has around
150,000 annotated pictures (patches) of vacant and occupied parking places.
[136] VED 2020 24 This open dataset records the GPS positions of moving objects combined with time-series data on
their consumption of fuel, energy, speed, and auxiliary power. Between November 2017 and
November 2018, a diversified fleet of 264 gasoline vehicles, 92 HEVs, and 27 PHEV/EVs were on
the road. The data were gathered using onboard OBD-II recorders. The types of driving situations
and seasons range from highways to congested city areas.
[137] T-Drive 2011 826 The dataset tracks 10357 taxi movements in Beijing over the course of one week, from February 2
to February 8, 2008. Using longitude and latitude, this data displays the location of a cab
continuously throughout a range of time periods.
[138] GeoLife GPS 2009 2328 The dataset captured a trajectory position that tracks 182 mobile users in Beijing, China, over the
Smart Cities Trajectories course of three years, from April 2007 to October 2011. Over 48,000 hours and nearly 1.2 million
kilometers are covered throughout the complete journey.
[139] KITTI 2013 5831 A cutting-edge dataset obtained from a Volkswagen station wagon for use in studies on mobile
robotics and autonomous driving. a range of sensor modalities, including high-resolution color and
grayscale stereo cameras, a Velodyne 3D laser scanner, and a high-precision GPS/IMU inertial
navigation system, were used to record 6 hours' worth of traffic scenarios at 10-100 Hz in total.
[140] Images on plant 2015 550 Through the current web platform PlantVillage, this dataset made available over 50,000 highly
health curated photos of healthy and diseased leaves of crop plants.
[141] PS-Plant 2019 36 Presented PS-Plant, a low-cost and portable 3D plant phenotyping platform based on an imaging
Smart technique novel to plant phenotyping called photometric stereo (PS).
Agriculture [142] Plant Pathology 2020 14 3,651 high-quality, realistic photos showing the symptoms of various apple foliar diseases were
recorded in this collection, together with variations in noise, illumination, angles, and surfaces. The
Kaggle community was given access to a subset that had been expertly annotated to provide a
prototype dataset for apple scab, cedar apple rust, and healthy leaves.
[143] Clarkson 2015 73 This dataset offered a brand-new keystroke dataset that includes 39 users' transcribed text, free text,
and short sentences. This dataset can be used to recreate the authentication performance that was
seen in earlier studies. However, all participants are required to complete the same set of
predetermined activities in a university lab using the same HTML form and desk-top computer.
HCI [144] Torino 2005 607 Although the Orino dataset is similarly gathered using a predefined HTML form, participants are
free to use any keyboard and complete their tasks at home rather than in a lab.
[145] Buffalo 2016 51 This dataset included unprocessed keystroke data from 157 participants who were permitted to
freely transcribe fixed text and respond to questions. The dataset is designed to capture the temporal
changes in typing habits as well as the disruptions brought on by various keyboard layouts.
[146] Nielsen Dataset 2017 32 This information was gathered between 2006 and 2010 at 35,000 participating mass merchandisers,
pharmacies, and grocery stores spread over 55 MSA (metropolitan statistical areas) in the United
Smart States.
Financial [147] Statlog (German 1994 N/A The German Credit Data provides information on 20 criteria and classification of 1000 loan
System Credit Data)
Data Set applicants as either Good or Bad Credit Risks. Also comes with a cost matrix.

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FIGURE 8 The overview of some common types of cyber attacks.


application takes a lot of time and resources. Therefore,
CYBER ATTACKS many AI-based malware detection systems, especially DL
XAI is playing an increasingly significant role in fighting a algorithms are utilized to detect malware with higher better
wide range of cyber attacks, as shown in Figure 8. In this performance and fewer resources than traditional malware
subsection, we analyzed the state-of-art XAI-based defense detecting methods [150]. However, the working functions of
systems for different categories of cyber attacks. And the neural networks are similar to a black box, and this topology
conjunctions of these systems with XAI topologies are offers no indication of how it operates [151]. Due to similar
shown in Table 6 as well. motivations, many researchers deploy different categories of
XAI approaches in different degrees to make the AI-based
One of the major cyber security risks on the Internet today is malware detection systems more explainable and transparent
malware, and implementing effective defensive measures so that a reliable malware detector can continue to perform
necessitates the quick analysis of an ever-growing volume of well when deployed to a new environment.
malware quantities [148]. Existing techniques for malware There are multiple ways to explain the malware detector.
detection can be categorized into two main types: Static Identifying the most significant local features can always
detection and Dynamic detection [149]. Static malware provide valuable explanations for malware detection
detection analyzes the malware binary without actually decisions. Marco et al. [152] implemented a gradient-based
running the code. Instead, the decompilation tool is utilized approach to identify the most influential features contributing
to obtain the decompiled codes and the included instructions to each decision. A popular Android malware detector named
are inspected. However, this kind of strategy can be easily Drebin [153] extracted the information from the Android
countered by using evading methods like obscuring and applications. The explainabilities of Drebin on non-linear
incorporating syntax flaws. On the other hand, dynamic algorithms, including Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and
malware detection entails executing the malware codes on Random Forests (RFs) are retained by both local
the testing system and monitoring how it behaves. explanations and global explanations. The top 10 important
In practice, using these conventional malware detection features, sorted by their applicability values are disclosed for
techniques and manually analyzing every malware file in an 3 different cases whereas the AUC remains above 0.96.

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For neural network-based detecting mechanisms, Shamik decision would be distributed certain values to each set
et al. [154] proposed a framework explaining how a deep respectively, showing the contribution of different sets of
neural network generalizes real-world testing set in different features to the detection results. The detection rates of TCP
layers. The gradients and weights of different layers of the flow and HTTP models reach 98.16% and 99.65% while the
MalConv architecture [155] and emberMalConv [156] are false positive rates are 5.14% and 1.84%.
analyzed to identify different parts’ contributions to the An explainable fast, and accurate approach for detecting
classification. High gradient values were found in the header Android malware called PAIRED was illustrated by
of the files while there are peaks elsewhere, demonstrating Mohammed et al. in [161]. The proposed detection system
that these parts are mostly responsible for classification achieved lightweight by reducing the number of features by a
results. Besides, two filters A and B learned two different factor of 84% and deploying classifiers that are not resource-
sets of features, the accuracy and F1-Score can achieve intensive. 35 static features were extracted and explained
91.2% and 90.7% respectively when model B was replaced later by SHAP methods. In the experiment, PAIRED
by model A. malware detection system was able to retain a very high
Hamad et al. [157] developed a pre-trained Inception-v3 accuracy of 97.98% while processing data in just 0.8206µs
CNN-based transfer learned model to analyze malware in by testing with the CICMalDroid2020 dataset with the
IoT devices. To better understand the features learned by the extracted 35 features.
CNN models, Gradient weighted class activation mapping Martin et al. [162] presented a novel way to find locations
(Grad-CAM) is utilized to generate cumulative heatmaps and in an Android app's opcode sequence that the CNN model
explain the models visually. Besides, t-distributed stochastic considered crucial and that might help with malware
neighbor embedding (t-SNE) is used to verify the density of detection. CNN was demonstrated to assign a high priority in
the features in the proposed CNN models. Achieved by the locations similar to those highlighted by LIME as the state-
suggested methods, the detection accuracies were 98.5% and of-the-art for highlighting feature relevance on the
96.9% on the available testing dataset with SoftMax benchmark Drebin [101] dataset. And satisfying
classifier and RF classifier respectively. experimental results were produced as well, including
Anli et al. [158] suggested a technique for extracting rules accuracy = 0.98, precision =0.98, recall = 0.98, and F1-Score
from a deep neural network so that the rules can be used to = 0.97.
identify mobile malware behaviors. To represent the rules 2) SPAM
discovered between the inputs and outputs of each hidden Due to the increasing number of Internet users, spam has
layer in the deep neural network, an input-hidden tree and a become a major problem for Internet users in recent years
single hidden-output tree for each hidden layer were [163]. According to [164], while over 306.4 billion emails
established. Then the hidden-output tree can tell the most were sent and received per day in 2021, spam emails
important hidden layer which could specify the related input- accounted for more than 55 percent of all emails sent in 2021,
hidden tree. The experimental results illustrated accuracy, meaning that unsolicited email messages accounted for
precision, recall, and F-Measure of the proposed method nearly half of all email traffic.
were 98.55%, 97.93%, 98.27%, and 98.04% respectively. Recently, AI-based systems can be regarded as an efficient
Giacomo et al. [159] offered a way for assessing deep option to tackle the spam issue primarily because of their
learning models for malware classification using image data. ability to evolve and tune themselves [165]. However, due to
It uses data from a Grad-CAM and makes an effort to extend the privacy and legal specialties of spam, users can ask many
the evaluation of the training phase of the models being questions about AI models, especially the black-box ML and
studied and provide visual information to security analysts. DL models [166]. For instance, a curious spam recipient can
Besides, this technique extends the use of the Grad-CAM and, have an interest in understanding the utilized AI models and
in addition to the cumulative heatmap, automates the analysis ask the following questions:
of the heatmaps, assisting security analysts in debugging the 1) Why is Message classified as spam by Model?
model without having any prior knowledge of the
issue/pattern in question. Over a testing dataset of more than 2) What distinguishes spam from no spam?
8,000 samples classified into 7 families, the proposed model 3) How does Model distinguish spam from no spam?
tested in the experimental study had a test accuracy of 97%. 4) How does Model work distinguishing an alternative
However, the limitation of this approach is the morphed spam filter Model′ used in the past?
version of the malicious sample belonging to the family can 5) How does Model work?
evade antimalware detection. These proposed questions can be answered by the
TrafficAV, an effective and explainable detection implementation of XAI algorithms and XAI algorithms
framework of mobile malware behavior using network traffic can be used to complement ML models with desired
was proposed by Shanshan et al. [160]. This framework properties, such as explainability and transparency [167].
provided explainability to users by defining four sets for each And many works of literature have studied this area to
feature extracted from the malware HTTP request and every enhance the trust of the AI-based spam filters.

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Julio et al. [168] conducted a highly exploratory the botnet detecting systems’ trust and prevent automation
investigation on fake spam news detection with ML bias when users have too much trust in the systems’ output.
algorithms from a large and diverse set of features. SHAP In [178], HATMA et al. proposed a novel model for
method was deployed to explain why some are classified botnet DGA detection. Five Machine Learning algorithms
as fake news whereas others are not by representative were utilized and tested with datasets of 55 botnet families.
models of each cluster. Novel features related to the source Random Forest achieved the best accuracy of 96.3% and
domain of the fake news are proposed and demonstrated outperformed previous works as well. Open-source
five times more frequencies appeared in the detection intelligence (OSINT) and XAI techniques including SHAP
models than in other features. Besides, only 2.2 percent of and LIME were combined in this work to provide an antidote
the models have a detection performance higher than 0.85 for skepticism toward the model’s output and enhance the
in terms of AUC, which highlights how difficult it is to system trust. Besides, the limitations of the proposed
identify bogus news. frameworks were the temporal complexity involved in
The legally required trade-off between accuracy and calculating the characteristics and the model's low resistance
explainability was discussed and demonstrated in the to Mask botnet assaults.
context of spam classification by Philipp et al. in [169] as Shohei et al. [179] presented a novel two-step clustering
well. A dataset of 5574 SMS messages [170] was used to approach based on DBSCAN to cluster botnets and classify
support the argument that it is equally important to select their categories. Important features were represented and
the appropriate model for the task at hand in addition to explained by combining subspace clustering and frequent
concentrating on making complex models understandable. pattern mining from 2 different real-world flow datasets:
In this work, under circumstances, that which just a small MAWI [180] and ISP. 60 bot groups from 61,167 IP
quantity of annotated training data is available, very addresses were categorized from the MAWI dataset whereas
simple models, such as Naive Bayes, can outperform more 295 bot groups from 408,118 IP addresses from the ISP
complicated models, such as Random Forests. dataset. And the cluster results of botnets were self-explained
HateXplain, a benchmark dataset for hate speech spam by using a dendrogram.
that considers bias and explainability from many angles Visualization tools are also used to give better
was introduced by Binny et al. in [171]. Several models explanations about the reasons for labeling an account as
including CNN-GRU [172], BiRNN [173], and BiRNN- botnet or legitimate. Michele et al. [181] suggested ReTweet-
Attention [174] were used and tested on this dataset Tweet (RTT), a small but informative scatterplot
whereas explainability-based metrics such as Intersection- representation to make it simpler to explore a user's
Over-Union (IOU), comprehensiveness, and sufficiency retweeting activities. While the proposed botnet detection
were utilized to evaluate the model interpretability. method Retweet-Buster (RTbust) based on Variational
Experimental results showed that models that succeed at autoencoders (VAEs) and long short-term memory (LSTM)
classification may not always be able to explain their network unsupervised feature extraction approaches were
conclusions in a way that is believable and accurate. The utilized in a black-box nature, the visualization tool RTT can
limitations behind this benchmark dataset are that external still be employed economically after RTbust has been
contexts that would be relevant to the classification task, applied to comprehend the traits of those accounts that have
such as the profile bio, user gender, and post history were been classified as bots.
not considered and the proposed dataset contained English Some researchers suggested the necessity to reduce the
language only. number of the required features for botnet classification to
3) BOTNET overcome the scalability and computation resource problems
A botnet attack is known as a group of connected computers and provide more reliable explanations in botnet detection
working together to carry out harmful and repetitive actions systems. In [182], Hayretdin et al. utilized Principal
to corrupt and disrupt the resources of a victim, such as Component Analysis (PCA) for feature dimension reduction
crashing websites [175]. As shown in Figure 9, a typical Decision Tree classifier preserved the original features and
botnet’s lifecycle contains 5 phases, including Initial clearly illustrated how the classifier determined the labels.
Injection, Secondary Injection, Connection, Malicious Therefore, An analyst for cyber security can quickly
Activities, and Maintenance and Updating. comprehend an attack or typical behavior and utilize this
The market for global botnet detection is anticipated to understanding to further interpret a security event or incident.
expand from US$207.4 million in 2020 to US$965.6 million With the rise of deep learning (DL), several pilot studies
in 2027, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.0 have been created to understand the behavior of botnet traffic.
percent from 2021 to 2027, according to [176]. And Imperva However, It is difficult for users to understand and put their
Research Labs [177] also found that botnets constituted 57% trust in the outcomes of present DL models because of neural
of all attacks against e-commerce websites in 2021. These networks’ poor decision-making and lack of transparency
statistics indicate that developing AI-based systems for compared to other approaches. To address this issue, Partha
detecting botnets is necessary. Besides, XAI can contribute to et al. [183] carried out in-depth tests using both synthetic and

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

including Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree,

Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Neural Network,
Autoencoder, and Isolation Forest whereas LIME and SHAP
provided explanations for the detection results of each model
respectively. It was noticed that while SHAP gives more
reliable explanations, LIME is faster. Therefore, this paper
suggested that combining the two approaches may be
advantageous, with SHAP being used to facilitate regulatory
compliance and LIME being used to offer real-time
explanations for fraud prevention and model accuracy
David et al. [189] investigated how existing XAI
algorithms may be used to explain specific predictions for
prescriptive solutions and derive more information about the
FIGURE 9 The typical lifecycle of a botnet.
causes of cyber-fraud in the iGaming industry. Machine
Learning algorithms including RF, LGB, DT, and LR were
actual network traffic produced by the IXIA BreakingPoint utilized to analyze a dataset with a sample size of 197,733.
System and the results showed that the proposed DCNN Besides, this study also proved the existence of data drift and
botnet detection models outperformed the existing machine suggested monthly retraining for the model to remain
learning models with an improvement of up to 15% for all consistently updated. Furthermore, to identify the features
performance metrics while SHAP was deployed to provide a that contributed most significantly to that particular case and
clear explanation of the model decision and gain the trust of to quantify that same contribution, this study employed
the end users. locally faithful explanations. These explanations take the
BotStop, a packet-based and ML-based botnet detection form of mathematical inequalities that reflect feature
solution aimed at testing the incoming and outgoing network conditions, and each condition is assigned a relative strength.
traffic in an IoT device to stop botnet infections, was One of the research’s limitations would be the manually
introduced by Mohammed in [184]. The suggested method labeled dataset, which could have added bias and human
additionally emphasized feature selection to utilize only error to our analysis.
seven features to train an extremely accurate machine XFraud, an explainable fraud transaction prediction
learning classifier. The trained classifier surpassed all framework composed of a detector and an explainer, was
methods from similar work with an accuracy of 0.9976, an presented by Susie et al. in [190]. A heterogeneous GNN
F1-Score of 0.9968, and a testing duration of 0.2250 μs. model for transaction fraud detection was proposed and
Besides, very low FN and FP rates of 0.21 percent and 0.31 tested on industrial-scale datasets. Heterogeneity in
percent were attained using the suggested approach as well. transaction graphs was captured whereas the presented
SHAP explanation is used to explain the proposed model to methodology outperformed previous models HGT [191] and
make the classifier prediction process transparent. GEM [192]. Besides, the weights learned by the
4) FRAUD GNNExplainer and the edge weights calculated using
According to [185], during the tightest periods of the centrality measures were compared and traded off to
lockdown during the Covid-19 epidemic, there were compute a hybrid explainer in XFraud. The computed hybrid
observed rises in personal account hacking and online XFraud explainer calculated the contributions of its
financial fraud. In the UK, fraud costs businesses and surrounding node types and edges and also paid attention to
individuals £130 billion per year, while it costs the global topological aspects discovered by centrality metrics.
worldwide economy $3.89 trillion [186]. Therefore, to deal XAI methods can also be utilized to improve the
with this issue, numerous financial services, have the performance of the fraud detection models. In [193],
potential to benefit from the use of AI systems to defend Khushnaseeb et al. proposed SHAP_Model based on the
against fraud attacks. However, there are still practical autoencoder for network fraud detection using SHAP values,
challenges with the complete implementation of AI methods, implemented in a subset of the CICIDS2017 dataset and
and some focus on comprehending and being able to explain achieved overall accuracy and AUC of 94% and 96.9%
the judgments and predictions produced by complicated respectively. The top 30 features with the highest SHAP
models by XAI [187]. values, playing a more significant role in causing abnormal
Ismini et al. [187] investigated explanations for fraud behavior in fraud detection than any other features, were
detection by both supervised and unsupervised models using employed to build the SHAP_Model. Experimental results
two of the most used techniques, LIME and SHAP. The open demonstrated that the SHAP_Model outperformed the model
source IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection dataset [188] was tested based on all features and the model based on 39features
on 8 popular supervised and unsupervised AI models extracted by unsupervised learning.

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Yongchun et al. [194] proposed a Hierarchical Explainable with the most attention would be regarded as the most
Network (HEN) to represent user behavior patterns, which important content contributing to the final decision.
could help with fraud detection while also making the Paulo et al. [200] utilized LIME and EBM explanation
inference process more understandable. Furthermore, a techniques based on malicious URLs for a phishing
transfer framework was suggested for knowledge transfer experiment on a publicly available dataset Ebbu2017 [201].
from source domains with sufficient and mature data to the EBM, Random Forest, and SVM classifiers rated accuracy of
target domain to address the issue of cross-domain fraud 0.9646, 0.9732, and 0.9469 respectively on the tested
detection. database. The empirical evidence supported that the models
A novel fraud detection algorithm called FraudMemory could accurately categorize URLs as phishing or legitimate,
was proposed in [195] by Kunlin et al. This methodology and they also added explainability to these machine learning
used memory networks to enhance both performance and models, improving the final classification outcome.
interpretability while using a novel sequential model to Visual explanations of the phishing detection system
capture the sequential patterns of each transaction. Besides, attracted attention in the work of Yun et al. [202] as well.
memory components were incorporated in FraudMemory to The proposed phishing website detection method Phishpedia
possess high adaptability to the existence of the concept drift. solved the challenging issues of logo detection and brand
The precision and AUC of the FraudMemory model were recognition in phishing website detection. Both high
0.968 and 0.969 respectively and performed better than any accuracy and little runtime overhead are attained via
other methods for comparison including SVM, DNN, RF, Phishpedia. And most crucially, unlike conventional methods
and GRU. such as EMD, PhishZoo, and LogoSENSE, Phishpedia does
Based on a real-world dataset and a simulated dataset, not demand training on any specific phishing samples.
Zhiwen and Jianbin [196] proposed an explainable Moreover, Phishpedia was implemented with the CertStream
classification approach within the multiple instance learning service, and in just 30 days, we found 1,704 new genuine
(MIL) framework that deployed the AP clustering method in phishing websites, far more than other solutions. In addition,
the self-training LSTM model to obtain a precise explanation. 1,133 of these were not flagged by any engines in VirusTotal.
The experimental results indicated that the presented Rohit et al. [203] proposed an anti-phishing method that
methodology surpassed the other 3 benchmark classifiers utilizes persuasion cues and investigated the effectiveness of
including AP, SVM, and RF in both 2 datasets. Only a few persuasion cues. Three machine learning models were
classification methods that can produce a straightforward developed with pertinent gain persuasion cues, loss
casual explanation is the one used in this study. persuasion cues, and combined gain and loss persuasion cues,
Wei et al. [197] proposed a Deep Learning-based behavior respectively, to respond to the research questions. We then
representation framework for clustering to detect fraud in compare the results with a baseline model that does not take
financial services, called FinDeepBehaviorCluster. Time the persuasion cues into account. The findings demonstrate
attention-based Bi-LSTM was used to learn the embedding that the three phishing detection models incorporating
of behavior sequence data whereas handcrafted features were pertinent persuasion cues considerably outperform the
deployed to provide explanations. Then a GPU-optimized baseline model in terms of F1-score by a range of 5% to 20%,
HDBSCAN algorithm called pHDBSCAN is used for making them effective tools for phishing email detection. In
clustering transactions with similar behaviors. The proposed addition, the use of the theoretical perspective can aid in the
pHDBSCAN has demonstrated comparable performance to creation of models that are comprehensible and can
the original HBDSCAN in experiments on two real-world understand black-box models.
transaction data sets but with hundreds of times greater 6) NETWORK INTRUSION
computation efficiency. An unauthorized infiltration into a computer in your
5) PHISHING company or an address in your designated domain is referred
Phishing refers to fake email messages that look to be sent by to as a network intrusion. On the other hand, Network
a well-known company. The intention is to either download Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) are defined as
malicious software onto the victim's computer or steal monitoring network or local system activity for indications of
sensitive data from it, including credit card numbers and unusual or malicious behavior that violates security or
login credentials. Phishing is a form of online fraud that is accepted practices [36]. Recently, many works have adopted
gaining popularity [198]. ML and DL algorithms for building efficient NIDSs. In
Yidong et al. [199] proposed a multi-modal hierarchical addition, cyber security experts also consider introducing
attention model (MMHAM) that, for phishing website explainability to the black-box AI systems to make the
detection, jointly learned the deep fraud cues from the three NISDs more robust and many have tried with XAI [204].
main modalities of website content including URLs, text, and Pieter et al. [204] proposed a two-staged pipeline for
image. Extracted features from different contents would be robust network intrusion detection, which deployed XGBoost
aligned representations in the attention layer. This in the first phase and Autoencoder in the second phase.
methodology is self-explained because content distributed SHAP method was implemented to explain to the first stage

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model whereas the explanation results were utilized in the understandability of intrusion detection alerts. The proposed
second stage to train the autoencoder. Experiments in the framework will help cyber analysts make better decisions
public corpus NSL-KDD [105] showed that the proposed because false positives will be quickly eliminated. Five
pipeline can outperform many state-of-the-art efforts in terms functional modules were identified in FAIXID framework:
of accuracy, recall, and precision with 93.28%, 97.81%, and the pre-modeling explainability model, the modeling module,
91.05% respectively on the NSL-KDD dataset while adding the post-modeling explainability module, the attribution
an extra layer of explainability. module, and the evaluation module. XAI algorithms
ROULETTE, an explainable network intrusion detection including Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Boolean Rule
system for neural attention multi-output classification of Column Generation(BRCG), and Contrastive Explanations
network traffic data was introduced by Giuseppina et al. in Method (CEM) were deployed in the pre-modeling
[205]. Experimentations were performed on two benchmark explainability model, the modeling module, and the post-
datasets, NSL-KDD [105] and UNSW-NB15 [113] to modeling explainability module respectively to provide
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed neural model cybersecurity analysts comprehensive and high-quality
with attention. The additional attention layer enables users to explanations about the detection decisions made by the
observe specific network traffic characteristics that are most framework. On the other hand, collecting analysts’ feedback
useful for identifying particular intrusion categories. Two through the evaluation module to enhance the explanation
heatmaps depicting the ranked average feature relevance of models by data cleaning also proved effective in this work as
the flow characteristics in the attention layer of the above 2 well.
datasets were provided to show the explanation. Shraddha et al. [211] proposed a system where the
Zakaria et al. [206] designed a novel Deep Learning and relations between features and system outcome, instance-
XAI-based system for intrusion detection in IoT networks. wise explanations, and local and global explanations aid to
Three different explanation methods including LIME, SHAP, get relevant features in decision making were identified to
and RuleFit were deployed to provide local and global help users to comprehend the patterns that the model has
explanations for the single output of the DNN model and the learned by looking at the generated explanations. If the
most significant features conducted to the intrusion detection learned patterns are incorrect, they can alter the dataset or
decision respectively. Experiments were operated on NSL- choose a different set of features to ensure that the model
KDD [105] and UNSW-NB15 [113] datasets and the learns the correct patterns. XAI methods including SHAP,
performance results indicated the proposed framework's LIME, Contrastive Explanations Method (CEM), ProtoDash,
effectiveness in strengthening the IoT IDS's interpretability and Boolean Decision Rules via Column Generation (BRCG)
against well-known IoT assaults and assisting cybersecurity were implemented at different stages of the framework so
professionals in better comprehending IDS judgments. that the neural network not being a black box. The
Yiwen et al. [207] presented an intrusion detection system experiment was performed on the dataset NSL-KDD [105]
aimed at detecting malicious traffic intrusion in networks and the proposed framework was applied to generate
such as flood attacks and Ddos attacks. This method was explanations from different perspectives.
XAI-based and deployed both neural networks and tree The Decision Tree algorithm was utilized by Basim et al.
models. It is noticeable that this approach decreased the in [212] to enhance trust management and was compared
number of convolution layers in the neural work to enhance with other Machine Learning algorithms such as SVM. By
the model’s explainability whereas the accuracy performance applying the Decision Tree model for the network intrusion
of the model was not sacrificed. XGBoost was implemented of benchmark dataset NSL-KDD [105], three tasks were
to process the prediction outputs of the neural network and performed: ranking the features, decision tree rule extraction,
the processed results would be fed to LIME and SHAP for and comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithms. The
further explanations. ranking of network features was listed and it is noticeable
A novel intrusion detection system known as BiLSTM- that not all features contributed to the decision of intrusion.
XAI was presented by S. Sivamohan et al. in [208]. Krill Besides, the advantages of the Decision Tree algorithm
herd optimization (KHO) algorithm was implemented to compared with other popular classifiers, being
generate the most significant features of two network computationally cheaper and easy to explain were also
intrusion datasets, NSL-KDD [105] and Honeypot [209], to demonstrated in this work.
reduce the complexities of BiLSTM model and thus enhance Syed et al. [213] suggested an Intrusion Detection System
the detection accuracy and explainability. The obtained that used the global explanations created by the SHAP and
detection rate of Honeypot is 97.2% and the NSL-KDD Random Forest joint framework to detect all forms of
dataset is 95.8% which was superior and LIME and SHAP malicious intrusion in network traffic. The suggested
were deployed to explain the detection decisions. framework was composed of 2 stages of Random Forest
Hong et al. [210] suggested a network intrusion detection classifiers and one SHAP stage. SHAP provided explanations
framework called FAIXID making use of XAI and data for the outcome of the initial Random Forest classifier and
cleaning techniques to enhance the explainability and one decision of the first Random Forest classifier with low

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

credibility would be reassessed by the secondary classifier. decision trees can provide a possible explanation for the
This three-stage based architecture can increase user trust clusters, this does not necessarily reflect how the model
while filtering out all cloaked dangerous network data by classifies this data, especially when there are numerous
introducing transparency to the decision-making process. equally valid explanations.
CSE-CIC IDS 2018 [214] dataset was utilized to evaluate the EXPLAIN, a feature-based and contextless DGAs
performance of the proposed framework and the presented multiclass classification framework was introduced by
architecture produced accuracy rates of 98.5 percent and 100 Arthur et al. in [219] and compared with several state-of-the-
percent, respectively on the test dataset and adversarial art classifiers such as RNN, CNN, SVM, RF, and ResNet
samples. based on real-world datasets including DGArchive [220] and
Tahmina et al. [215] proposed an XAI-based Machine University Network [221]. After the ResNet-based
Learning system to detect malicious DoH traffic within DNS techniques, the best model, EXPLAIN-OvRUnion, used 76
over HTTPS protocol. publicly available CIRA-CIC- features and achieves the best F1-score. Moreover, Only 28
DoHBrw-2020 dataset [216] was utilized in the testing of the features were used by EXPLAIN-OvRRFE-PI and
proposed Balanced and Stacked Random Forest framework EXPLAIN-RFRFE-PI, which outperformed all feature-based
and other Machine Learning algorithms including Gradient strategies put out in previous work by a significant margin.
Boosting and Generic Random Forest. The suggested Additionally, they outperformed the deep learning-based
approach in this work got slightly greater precision (99.91 algorithms M-Endgame, M-Endgame.MI, and M-NYU in
percent), recall (99.92 percent), and F1 score (99.91 percent) terms of F1-scores as well.
over other methods for comparison. Additionally, feature To address the issues of DGAs classification including
contributions to the detection results were also highlighted which traffic should be trained in which network and when,
with the help of the SHAP algorithm. The limitation of this and how to measure resilience against adversarial assaults,
framework would be the inconsideration of DGA-related Arthur et al. [222] proposed two ResNets-based DGAs
DoH traffic from other HTTPS traffic. detection classifiers, one for binary classification and the
7) DOMAIN GENERATION ALGORITHMS (DGA) other for multiclass classification. Experiments on real-world
DGAs are a type of virus that is frequently used to generate a datasets demonstrated that the proposed classifier performed
huge number of domain names that can be utilized for at least comparably to the best state-of-the-art algorithms for
evasive communication with Command and Control (C2) the binary classification test with a very low false positive
servers. It is challenging to prohibit harmful domains using rate, and significantly outperformed the competition in the
common approaches like blacklisting or sink-holing due to extraction of complex features. In addition, for the multiclass
the abundance of unique domain names. A DGA's dynamics classification problem, the ResNet-based classifier performed
widely used a seeded function. Deterring a DGA strategy better than previous work in attributing AGDs to DGAs for
presents a hurdle because an administrator would need to the multiclass classification problem, achieving an
recognize the virus, the DGA, and the seed value to filter out improvement of nearly 5 percent in F1-score while requiring
earlier dangerous networks and subsequent servers in the 30 percent less training time than the next best classifier. In
sequence. The DGA makes it more challenging to stop the explainability analysis, it was also highlighted that some
unwanted communications because a skilled threat actor can of the self-learned properties employed by the deep learning-
sporadically switch the server or location from which the based systems.
malware automatically calls back to the C2 [217]. Therefore, 8) DENIAL-OF-SERVICE (DOS)
blacklisting and other conventional malware management The Internet is seriously threatened by denial-of-service
techniques fall short in combating DGA attacks and many (DoS) assaults, and numerous protection measures have been
machine learning classifiers have been suggested. These suggested to address the issue. DoS attacks are ongoing
classifiers allow for the identification of the DGA responsible attacks in which malicious nodes produce bogus messages to
for the creation of a given domain name and consequently obstruct network traffic or drain the resources of other nodes
start targeted remedial actions. However, it's challenging to [223]. As the DoS attacks become increasingly complicated
assess the inner logic due to the black box aspect and the in the past years, conventional Intrusion Detection Systems
consequent lack of confidence makes it impossible to use (IDS) are finding it increasingly challenging to identify these
such models. newer, more sophisticated DoS attacks because they use
Franziska et al. [218] proposed a visual analytics more complicated patterns. To identify malicious DoS
framework that offers clear interpretations of the models assaults, numerous machine learning and deep learning
created by deep learning model creators for the classification models have been deployed. Additionally, for the goal of
of DGAs. The activations of the model's nodes were model transparency, XAI methods that investigate how
clustered, and decision trees were utilized to illuminate these features contribute to or impact an algorithm-based choice
clusters. The users can examine how the model sees the data can be helpful [224].
at different layers in conjunction with a 2D projection. A
drawback of the proposed strategy is that although the

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TABLE 6. Details of XAI applications in defending mechanisms against different categories of cyber attacks.

Cyber Learning models XAI techniques

attack types Reference Year Local Global Model- Model- Post-hoc Intrinsic Text Visual Arguments Models XAI
specific agnostic methods
[150] SVM and RF 2018 √ √ √ √ √ gradient
[154] DNN 2020 √ √ √ √ √ heatmap
[157] CNN 2020 √ √ √ √ √ √ Grad-CAM
[158] DNN 2021 √ √ √ √ Generated
Malware [159] CNN 2021 √ √ √ √ Grad-CAM
, heatmap
[160] DT 2016 √ √ √ √ Self
[161] RF, LR, DT, 2022 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
GNB, and SVM
[162] CNN 2021 √ √ √ √ √ LIME
[168] XGBoost 2019 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
Spam [169] NB and RF 2020 √ √ Self
[171] RNN and CNN 2021 √ √ √ √ √ LIME
[178] RF, NB, and LR 2022 √ √ √ √ √ LIME and
[179] DBSCAN 2019 √ √ √ √ √ Self
[181] VAEs and LSTM 2019 √ √ √ Visualized
Botnet [182] DT 2018 √ √ √ Self
[183] DCNN 2022 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
[184] ML 2022 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
[187] Autoencoder, 2021 √ √ √ √ √ LIME and
[189] RF, LGB, DT, 2021 √ √ √ √ Local
and LR features
[190] GNN 2022 √ √ √ √ √ GNN
[193] Autoencoder 2021 √ √ √ √ √ Kernel
[194] Transfer Learning 2020 √ √ √ √ HEN
[195] Sequential 2019 √ √ √ Fraud
modeling Memory
[196] AP Clustering 2021 √ √ √ MIL
and LSTM
[197] Bi-LSTM and 2021 √ √ √ √ Feature
pHDBSCAN extraction
[199] MMHAM 2022 √ √ √ √ √ √ Self
[200] RF and SVM 2021 √ √ √ √ √ LIME and
Phishing [202] Phishpedia 2021 √ √ √ Visual
[203] NB, LR, RF, and 2021 √ √ √ Theoretical
SVM Perspective
[204] XGBoost and 2022 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
[205] Neural network 2022 √ √ √ √ Self
and attention explainable
[206] DNN 2022 √ √ √ √ √ √ LIME,
SHAPE, and
[207] CNN, LSTM, and 2022 √ √ √ √ √ LIME and
[208] BiLSTM 2022 √ √ √ √ √ √ KHO,
LIME, and
Network SHAP
Intrusion [210] DNN 2021 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ EDA,
BRCG, and
[211] DNN 2021 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ SHAP,
LIME, and
[212] DT 2021 √ √ √ √ √ Self
[213] RF 2021 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
[215] Stacked RF 2022 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
[219] CNN and RNN 2020 √ √ √ √ √ Clustering
and DT
Domain [220] RNN, CNN, 2021 √ √ √ √ EXPLAIN

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

Generation SVM, RF, and

Algorithms ResNet
(DGA) [222] ResNet 2020 √ √ √ √ Self
[225] XGBoost 2022 √ √ √ √ √ SHAP
Denial-of- [226] ML 2021 √ √ √ √ TCAV
Service [228] DNN 2018 √ √ √ √ √ √ DNN
(DoS) Explanation
In this subsection, we aim to present a comprehensive
Boryau et al. [225] introduced CSTITool, a overview of XAI studies for the cyber security of different
CICFlowMeter-based flow extraction to feature extraction to industrial areas, as shown in Figure 9. And the details of
enhance the performance of the Machine Learning DoS these XAI implementations for cyber security in distinct
attack detection model. CICFlowMeter translated the flow industries are shown in Table 7 as well.
data from packets for the model's training. The size of the 1) XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY OF HEALTHCARE
data was significantly reduced during this process, which The use of big data, cloud computing, and IoT creates a
decreased the need for data storage. Hacker attack data modern, intelligent healthcare industry. The use of the
including Network Service Scanning, Endpoint DoS, Brute Internet of Things, cutting-edge manufacturing technologies,
Force, and Remote Access Software from the dataset CIC- software, hardware, robots, sensors, and other sophisticated
IDS2017 network flow data of malware from the dataset information technologies, improves data connectivity.
CSTI-10 were utilized to train the XGBoost model. The Information and communication technology advancements
outcome demonstrated that the performance measurements enhance the quality of healthcare by transforming
can be enhanced by using the additional descriptive flow conventional healthcare organizations into smart healthcare
statistics produced by CSTITool. For instance, Rig’s [229]. With the increasingly significant role of AI in
Precision and Recall increased by 1.23% and 1.59% healthcare, there are growing concerns about the
respectively. Moreover, XAI method SHAP was deployed to vulnerabilities of the smart healthcare system. Smart
further explore the relationship between cyberattacks and healthcare is a prime target for cybercrime for two main
network flow variables to better understand how the model reasons: a vast supply of valuable data and its defenses are
produced predictions. porous. Health information theft, ransomware attacks on
In the context of DoS attack, Rendhir et al. [226] analyzed hospitals, and potential attacks on implanted medical
the strategic decisions based on the KDD99 dataset [227] equipment are all examples of cyber security breaches.
with the XAI method of Testing with ConceptActivation Breaches can undermine smart healthcare systems, erode
Vectors (TCAV). The approach investigates the connection patient trust, and endanger human life [230].
between the strategic choice, autonomous agent's objective, XAI comes into the picture as the smart healthcare system
and dataset properties. TCAVQ scores are obtained from the demands transparency and explainability to decrease the
KDD99 dataset for various DoS attacks and regular traffic. increasing vulnerabilities of the smart healthcare system due
The relationship between the goal availability and the to the increasingly connected mobile devices, more concern
strategies TerminateConnection and AllocateMoreResources for patients’ monitoring, and more mobile consumer devices.
is determined using the TCAVQ scores. In the event of There are many studies currently on implementing the XAI
cyberattacks, the analysis is performed to support the choice framework to address the issue of privacy and security of the
of the plan or, if necessary, a change in the strategy. smart healthcare system.
Kasun et al. [228] described the framework for Devam et al. [231] introduced a study based on the heart
explainable DNNs-based DoS anomaly detection in process disease dataset and illustrated why explainability techniques
monitoring. The user was given post-hoc explanations for should be chosen when utilizing deep learning systems in the
DNN predictions in the framework that is currently being medical field. This study then suggested and described
used. Based on the DoS attack benchmark dataset NSL-KDD various example-based strategies, such as Anchors,
[105], experiments were implemented on several DNN Counterfactuals, Integrated Gradients, Contrastive
architectures, and it was found that on the test dataset, DNNs Explanation Method, and Kernel Shapley, which are crucial
were able to yield accuracies of 97%. Besides, according to for disclosing the nature of the model's black box and
experimental findings, while classified as DoS, DNNs could ensuring model accountability. These XAI approaches were
also provide a higher relevance to the number of connections, compared with two benchmark XAI methods, LIME and
connection frequency, and volume of data exchanged. SHAP, as well. It was concluded that these discussed XAI
Therefore, this framework improves human operators' approaches all explained how different features contribute to
confidence in the system by reducing the opaqueness of the the outputs of the model. They are intuitive, which helps in
DNN-based anomaly detector. the process of understanding what the black box model
thinks and explains the model's behavior.
B. XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY IN INDUSTRIAL BrainGNN, an explainable graph neural network (GNN)
APPLICATIONS based framework to analyze functional magnetic resonance

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images (fMRI) and identify neurological biomarkers was integration into IoT and AI-enabled smart city applications
proposed by Xiaoxiao et al. [232]. Motivated by the can help to address black-box model difficulties and offer
requirements for transparency and explainability in medical transparency and explainability components for making
image analysis, the proposed BrainGNN framework included useful data-driven decisions for smart city applications.
ROI-selection pooling layers (R-pool) that highlight Smart city applications are usually utilized in high-risk and
prominent ROIs (nodes in the graph) so that which ROIs are privacy-sensitive scenarios. Therefore, it is crucial to
crucial for prediction could be determined. By doing so, the establish an effective XAI approach to give authorities
advantage of the BrainGNN framework could be the additional information about the justification, implications,
allowance of users to interpret significant brain regions in potential throughput, and an in-depth explanation of
multiple ways. background procedures to aid in final decision-making [236].
The chain of reasoning behind Computer Aided Roland et al. [237] introduced a tree-based method
Diagnostics (CAD) is attracting attention to build trust in Gradient Boosted Regression Trees (GBRT) model in
CAD decisions from complicated data sources such as conjunction with the SHAP-value framework to identify and
electronic health records, magnetic resonance imaging scans, analyze major patterns of meteorological determinants of
cardiotocography, etc. To address this issue, Julian et al. [233] PM1 species and overall PM1 concentrations. SIRTA [238],
presented a new algorithm, Adaptive-Weighted High a ground-based atmospheric observatory dataset for cloud
Importance Path Snippets (Ada-WHIPS) to explain and aerosol was utilized to experiment and the location for
AdaBoost classification with logical and simple rules in the establishing this dataset was in the city of Paris. The findings
context of CAD-related data sets. The weights in the of this study show that shallow MLHs, cold temperatures,
individual decision nodes of the internal decision trees of the and low wind speeds play distinct roles during peak PM1
AdaBoost model are redistributed especially by Ada-WHIPS. events in winter. Under high-pressure synoptic circulation,
A single rule that dominated the model's choice is then northeastern wind input frequently intensifies these
discovered using a straightforward heuristic search of the conditions.
weighted nodes. Moreover, according to experiments on nine One of the most demanded bus lines of Madrid was
CAD-related data sets, Ada-WHIPS explanations typically analyzed by Leticia et al. in [239] to make the smart city
generalize better (mean coverage 15 percent to 68 percent) transport network more efficient by predicting bus passenger
than the state of the art while being competitive for demand. The proposed method created an interpretable
specificity. model from the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural
A novel human-in-the-loop XAI system, XAI-Content network that enhances the generated XAI model's linguistic
based Image Retrieval (CBIR), was introduced by Deepak et interpretability without sacrificing precision using a surrogate
al. in [234] to retrieve video frames from minimally invasive model and the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic model. The public
surgery (MIS) videos that are comparable to a query image transportation business can save money and energy by using
based on content. MIS video frames were processed using a passenger demand forecasting to plan its resources most
self-supervised deep learning algorithm to extract semantic effectively. This methodology can also be used in the future
features. The search results were then iteratively refined to forecast passenger demand for other forms of
using an iterative query refinement technique, which utilized transportation (air, railway, marine).
a binary classifier that has been trained online using user Georgios et al. [240] proposed explainable models for
feedback on relevance. The saliency map, which provided a early prediction of certification in Massive Open Online
visual description of why the system deems a retrieved image Courses (MOOCs) for Smart City Professionals. MOOCs
to be similar to the query image, was produced using an XAI have grown significantly over the past few years due to
technique. The proposed XAI-CBIR system was tested using Covid-19 and tend to become the most common type of
the publicly available Cholec80 dataset, which contains 80 online and remote higher education. Several Machine
films of minimally invasive cholecystectomy procedures. Learning classification techniques such as Adaptive Boosting,
2) XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY OF SMART CITIES Gradient Boosting, Extremely Randomized Trees, Random
As increasingly data-driven artificial intelligence services Forest, and Logistic Regression were utilized to build
such as IoT, blockchain, and deep learning are incorporated corresponding predictive models using PyCaret. And the
into contemporary smart cities, smart cities are able to offer XAI method SHAP summary plot was employed to the
intelligent services for energy, transportation, healthcare, and classifiers including LightGBM, GB, and RF. Furthermore,
entertainment to both city locals and visitors by real-time new classification models based only on the two most
environmental monitoring [235]. However, smart city important features in each step gained from the SHAP
applications not only gather a variety of information from summary plot. And the experimental results showed that the
people and their social circles that are sensitive to privacy, effectiveness of all methods was slightly improved for all
but also control municipal services and have an impact on metrics.
people's life, cyber security, cyber crime, and privacy 3) XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY OF SMART FARMING
problems about smart cities arise. To address this issue, XAI

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Smart farming refers to the use of cutting-edge technology in extremely sensitive areas such as Money Laundering
agriculture, including IoT, robots, drones, sensors, and detection and Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions to not
geolocation systems. Big data, cloud computing, AI, and only have a highly accurate and robust model but also to be
augmented reality are the engines of smart farming as well. able to produce helpful justifications to win a user's faith in
However, the addition of several communication modules the automated system.
and AI models leaves the system open to cyber-security risks Swati et al. [246] proposed a belief-rule-based automated
and threats to the infrastructure for smart farming [241]. And AI decision-support system for loan underwriting (BRB).
cyber attacks can harm nations' economies that heavily rely This system can take into account human knowledge and can
on agriculture. However, due to the black box nature of most employ supervised learning to gain knowledge from prior
AI models, users cannot understand the connections between data. Factual and heuristic rules can both be accommodated
features. This is crucial when the system is designed to by BRB's hierarchical structure. The significance of rules
simulate physical farming events with socioeconomic effects triggered by a data point representing a loan application and
like evaporation [242]. Therefore, many researchers are the contribution of attributes in activated rules can both be
working on the implementation potentials of XAI applied in used to illustrate the decision-making process in this system.
smart farming cyber security. The textual supplied to rejected applicants as justification for
Nidhi et al. [242] presented an IoT and XAI-based declining requesters’ loan applications might have been
framework to detect plant diseases such as rust and blast in started by the progression of events from the factual-rule-
pearl millet. Parametric data from the pearl millet farmland at base to the heuristic-rule-base.
ICAR, Mysore, India was utilized to train the proposed A novel methodology for producing plausible
Custom-Net Deep Learning Models, reaching a classification counterfactual explanations for the Corporate Mergers and
accuracy of 98.78% which is similar to state-of-the-art Acquisitions (M&A) Deep Transformers system was
models including Inception ResNet-V2, Inception-V3, presented by Linyi et al. [247]. The proposed transformer-
ResNet-50, VGG-16, and VGG-19 and superior to them in based classifier made use of the regularization advantages of
terms of reducing the training time by 86.67%. Additionally, adversarial training to increase model resilience. More
the Grad-CAM is used to display the features that the significantly, a masked language model for financial text
Custom-Net extracted to make the framework more categorization that improved upon prior methods to measure
transparent and explainable. the significance of words and guarantee the creation of
To thoroughly assess the variables that can potentially credible counterfactual explanations was developed. When
explain why agricultural land is used for plantations of wheat, compared to state-of-art methods including SVM, CNN,
maize, and olive trees, Viana et al. [243] implemented an ML BiGRU, and HAN, the results show greater accuracy and
and agnostic-model approach to show global and local explanatory performance.
explanations of the most important variables. Machine An interactive, evidence-based method to help customers
Learning model Random Forest and XAI approach LIME understand and believe the output produced by AI-enabled
were deployed for analysis and approximately 140 variables algorithms was generated for analyzing customer
related to agricultural socioeconomic, biophysical, and transactions in the smart banking area by Ambreen [248]. A
bioclimatic factors were gathered. By applying the proposed digital dashboard was created to make it easier to engage
framework, it is found that the three crop plantations in the with algorithm results and talk about how the suggested XAI
research area's usage of agricultural land were explained by method can greatly boost data scientists' confidence in their
five major factors: drainage density, slope, soil type, and the ability to comprehend the output of AI-enabled algorithms.
ombrothermic index anomaly (for humid and dry years). In the proposed model, a Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN)
4) XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY OF SMART FINANCIAL was utilized to classify the multi-class scenario of bank
SYSTEM transaction classification.
The financial system has been rapidly altered by AI models, 5) XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY OF HUMAN-COMPUTER
which offer cost savings and improved operational efficiency INTERACTION (HCI)
in fields like asset management, investment advice, risk HCI enables people to comprehend and engage with
forecasting, lending, and customer service [244]. On one technology by establishing an effective channel of
hand, the ease of using AI in these smart financial systems communication. And HCI's primary goal is to create
provides efficiency for all parties involved, but on the other interactions that take users' wants and abilities into account
hand, the risk of cyberattacks on them is growing [249]. In the field of HCI, security and privacy have long
exponentially. Attackers have traditionally been motivated been significant research concerns, where Usable Security
primarily by money, making smart financial systems their top has arisen as an interdisciplinary research area. On the other
choice of target. To combat the finance crime targeting smart hand, HCI and AI emerge together in such a way that AI
financial systems, one of the primary priorities in the smart imitates human behavior to create intelligent systems,
financial domain should be the implementation of XAI [245]. whereas HCI tries to comprehend human behavior to modify
The reason behind this issue is that it is essential in these the machine to increase user experience, safety, and

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

efficiency. However, from an HCI standpoint, there is no past few years, AI has made significant progress in providing
assurance that an AI system's intended users will be able to effective performance in smart transportation systems, the
comprehend it. And according to the user-centered design XAI methods are still required as XAI could make it possible
(UCD), a design must offer an understandable AI that cyber- for the smart transportation system to monitor transportation
attacks the requirements and skills of the intended users (e.g., details such as drivers’ behaviour, accicent causes, and
knowledge level). Therefore, the final objective of XAI in vechicles’ conditions.
HCI should be to guarantee that target users can comprehend A Machine Learning approach to detect misbehaving
the outcomes, assisting them in becoming more efficient vehicles in the Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANET) was
decision-makers [250]. proposed by Harsh et al. [256]. In the smart VANET, the
Gaur et al. [251] utilized XAI methods including LIME performance of each vehicle depends upon the information
and SHAP in conjunction with machine learning algorithms from other autonomous vehicles (AVs). Therefore, the
including Logistic Regression(80.87%), Support Vector misinformation from misbehaving vehicles would damage
Machine(85.8%), K-nearest Neighbour(87.24%), Multilayer the entire VANET as a whole and detecting misbehaving
Perceptron(91.94%), and Decision Tree(100%) to build a would be significant to build a stable and safe VANET
robust explainable HCI model for examining the mini-mental system. Vehicular reference misbehavior (VeReMi) dataset
state for Alzheimer’s disease. It is worth mentioning that the [257] was utilized in an ensemble learning using Random
most significant features contributing to the Alzheimer's Forest algorithm and a decision tree-based algorithm and
disease examing were different for the LIME-based accuracy and F1 score of 98.43% and 98.5% were achieved
framework and the SHAP-based framework. In contrast to respectively.
nWBV's dominance of the LIME features, MMSE makes a Shideh et al. [258] described a transportation energy
significant contribution to Shapely values. model (TEM) that forecasts home transportation energy use
To fill the gap few publications on artistic image using XAI technique LIME. Data from Household Travel
recommendation systems give an understanding of how users Survey (HTS), which is utilized to train the artificial neural
perceive various features of the system, including domain network accurately, has been deployed in TEM and high
expertise, relevance, explainability, and trust, Vicente et al. validation accuracy (83.4%) was developed. For certain
[252] examed several aspects of the user experience with a traffic analysis zones (TAZs), the significance and impact
recommender system of artistic photos from algorithmic and (local explanation) of HTS inputs (such as household travel,
HCI perspectives. Three different recommender interfaces demographics, and neighborhood data) on transportation
and two different Visual Content-based Recommender energy consumption are studied. The explainability of the
(VCBR) algorithms were employed in this research. proposed TEM framework can help the home transportation
Q. Vera et al. [253] presented a high-level introduction of energy distribution in two ways, including describing the
the XAI algorithm's technical environment, followed by a local inference mechanisms on individual (household)
selective examination of current HCI works that use human- predictions and assessing the model's level of confidence can
centered design, evaluation, and provision of conceptual and be done using a broad grasp of the model.
methodological tools for XAI. Human-centered XAI was C. Bustos et al. [259] provided an automated scheme for
highlighted in this research, and the emerged research reducing traffic-related fatalities by utilizing a variety of
communities of human-centered XAI were introduced in the Computer Vision techniques (classification, segmentation,
context of HCI. and interpretability techniques). An explainability analysis
6) XAI FOR CYBER SECURITY OF SMART based on image segmentation and class activation mapping
TRANSPORTATION on the same images, as well as an adaptation and training of a
The emergence of cutting-edge technologies including Residual Convolutional Neural Network to establish a danger
software-defined networks (SDNs), IIoT, Blockchain, AI, index for each specific urban scene, are all steps in this
and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) has increased process. This computational approach results in a fine-
operational complexity while smoothly integrating smart grained map of risk levels across a city as well as a heuristic
transportation systems [254]. However, it can experience for identifying potential measures to increase both pedestrian
security problems that leave the transportation systems open and automobile safety.
to intrusion. In addition, security concerns in transportation
technology affect the AI model [255]. Major transportation C. CYBER THREATS TARGETING XAI AND DEFENSIVE
infrastructures such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), APPROACHES
Vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X), VMS, and In the above sections, the applications of XAI in different
Traffic Signal Controllers (TSC) have either already been areas to defend against different cyber threats have been
targeted or are still susceptible to hacking. To defend against discussed. Nevertheless, although XAI could be effective in
these cyber attacks and prevent the potential cyber threats on protecting other areas and models by providing transparency
the smart transportation system, AI-enabled intrusion and explainability, XAI models themselves would face cyber
detection systems are introduced recently. Although In the threats as well. Both the AI models deployed and the

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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

explainability part could be vulnerable to cyber attacks. they want, effectively masks the biases of any given classifier.
Some cyber attackers even utilize the explainable Extensive experimental testing using real data from the
characteristics to attack the XAI model. Therefore, we deem criminal justice and credit scoring fields showed that the
it necessary to review the cyber threats targeting XAI and proposed fooling method was successful in producing
corresponding defensive approaches against them in this adversarial classifiers that can trick post-hoc explanation
review. procedures, including LIME and SHAP, with LIME being
Apart from the different parts that conventional AI models found to be more susceptible than SHAP. In detail, it was
need to protect, including samples, learning models, and the demonstrated how highly biased (racist) classifiers created by
interoperation processes, the explainable part of XAI-based the proposed fooling framework can easily deceive well-
models should be paid attention to as well. The following liked explanation techniques like LIME and SHAP into
researches describe some cyber attacks targeting XAI models producing innocent explanations which do not reflect the
using different approaches from different perspectives. underlying biases using extensive evaluation with numerous
A novel black box attack was developed by Aditya et al. real-world datasets (including COMPAS [264]).
[260] to examine the consistency, accuracy, and confidence Simple, model-agnostic, and intrinsic Gradient-based NLP
security characteristics of gradient-based XAI algorithms. explainable approaches are considered faithful compared
The proposed black box attack focused on two categories of with other state-of-art XAI approaches including SHAP and
attack: CI and I attack. While I attack attempts to attack the LIME. However, Junlin et al. [265] show how the gradients-
single explainer without affecting the classifier's prediction based explanation methods can be fooled by creating a
given a natural sample, the CI attack attempts to FACADE classifier that could be combined with any
simultaneously compromise the integrity of the underlying particular model having deceptive gradients. Although the
classifier and explainer. It is demonstrated that the gradients in the final model are dominated by the customized
effectiveness of the attack on various gradient-based FACADE model, the predictions are comparable to those of
explainers as well as three security-relevant data sets and the original model. They also demonstrated that the proposed
models through empirical and qualitative evaluation. method can manipulate a variety of gradient-based analysis
Thi-Thu-Huong et al. [261] proposed a robust adversarial methods: saliency maps, input reduction, and adversarial
image patch (AIP) that alters the causes of interpretation perturbations all misclassify tokens as being very significant
model prediction outcomes and leads to incorrect deep neural and of low importance.
networks (DNNs) model predictions, such as gradient- On the other hand, to defend against these cyber threats
weighted class activation mapping. Four tests pertaining to targeting XAI models, researchers also developed several
the suggested methodology were carried out on the ILSVRC defensive approaches, divided into three main categories:
image dataset. There are two different kinds of pre-trained modifying the training process and input data, modifying the
models (i.e., feature and no feature layer). The Visual model network, and sing auxiliary tools.
Geometry Group 19-Batch Normalization (VGG19-BN) and Gintare et al. [266] assessed how JPG compression affects
Wide Residual Networks models, in particular, were used to the categorization of adversarial images. Experimental tests
test the suggested strategy (Wide ResNet 101). Two more demonstrated that JPG compression could undo minor
pre-trained models: Visual Geometry Group 19 (VGG19) adversarial perturbations brought forth by the Fast-Gradient-
and Residual Network (ResNext 101 328d), were also Sign technique. JPG compression could not undo the
deployed whereas masks and heatmaps from Grad-CAM adversarial perturbation, nevertheless, if the perturbations are
results were utilized to evaluate the results. more significant. In this situation, neural network classifiers'
Tamp-X, a unique approach that manipulates the strong inductive bias cause inaccurate yet confident
activations of powerful NLP classifiers was suggested by misclassifications.
Hassan et al. [262], causing cutting-edge white-box and Ji et al. [267] present DeepCloak, a defense technique.
black-box XAI techniques to produce distorted explanations. DeepCloak reduces the capacity an attacker may use to
Two steps were carried out to evaluate state-of-art XAI generate adversarial samples by finding and eliminating
methods, including the white-box InteGrad andSmoothGrad, pointless characteristics from a DNN model, increasing the
and the black-box—LIME and SHAP. The first step was to robustness against such adversarial attacks. In this work, the
randomly mask keywords and observe their impact on NLP mask layer, inserted before processing the DNN model,
classifiers whereas the second step was to tamper with the encoded the discrepancies between the original images and
activation functions of the classifiers and evaluate the outputs. related adversarial samples, as well as between these images
Additionally, three cutting-edge adversarial assaults were and the output features of the preceding network model layer.
utilized to test the tampered NLP classifiers and it was found Pouya et al. [268] Defense-GAN, a novel defense
that the adversarial attackers have a much tougher time technique leveraging GANs to strengthen the resilience of
fooling the tampered classifiers. classification models against adversarial black-box and
Slack et al. [263] provided a unique scaffolding method white-box attacks. The proposed approach was demonstrated
that, by letting an antagonistic party create any explanation to be successful against the majority of frequently thought-of

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

attack tactics without assuming a specific assault model. On could be utilized to measure the performance of the proposed
two benchmark computer vision datasets, we empirically mechanisms. However, when applying XAI methods in the
demonstrate that Defense-GAN consistently offers cyber security domains, measurements to evaluate the
acceptable defense while other approaches consistently accuracy and completeness of explanations from the XAI
struggled against at least one sort of assault. systems are required. In general, the evaluation
measurements of XAI systems should be able to assess the
VI. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION quality, value, and satisfaction of explanations, the
A. CHALLENGES OF USING XAI FOR CYBER enhancement of the users’ mental model brought about by
SECURITY model explanations, and the impact of explanations on the
We have reviewed the state-of-art XAI techniques utilized in effectiveness of the model as well as on the users’ confidence
the defense of different cyber attacks and the protection of and reliance. Unfortunately, the findings derived from the
distinct industrial cyber security domains. It is noticeable that above reviews of this survey demonstrate the challenge that:
although XAI could be a powerful tool in the application of more generic, quantifiable XAI system evaluation
different cyber security domains, XAI faces certain measurements are required to support the community's
challenges in its application of cyber security. And in this suggested XAI explainability measuring techniques and tools.
section, we will discuss these challenges. Popular XAI explanation evaluation measurements can be
1) DATASETS divided into two main categories: user satisfaction and
An overview of the famous and commonly used datasets of computational measurements. However, user satisfaction-
different cyber attacks and distinct industries was provided in based evaluation approaches are dependent on user feedback
Table 4 and Table 5 respectively. However, there is a severe or interview, which may cause privacy issues for many cyber
issue with the most used cyber security datasets, i.e. many security problems. On the other hand, for computational
datasets are not updated in certain directions. For instance, measurements, many researchers utilize inherently
the most famous datasets about spam detection were more interpretable models [56] (e.g., linear regression and decision
than 10 years before. This phenomenon may be caused by trees) to compare with the generated explanations.
privacy and ethical issues. Therefore, the most recent Nevertheless, there are no benchmark comparison models for
categories of cyber attacks were not included in the public this evaluation approach, and the users’ understanding of the
cyber attack datasets, which would lead to inefficiency in the explanation could not be reflected. Besides, the XAI
training of the XAI applications in the establishment of cyber evaluation systems lack measurements focusing on some
attack defensive mechanisms. Although the industrial other significant factors of the cyber security domain
datasets in areas such as healthcare, smart agriculture, and including computational resources as well as computational
smart transportation include more recent samples than the power. In conclusion, it is necessary to take into account a set
datasets for cyber attacks, these datasets should be updated as of agreed-upon standard explainability evaluation metrics for
well because cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated comparison to make future improvements for XAI
and diverse these days. Another issue with the currently applications in cyber security.
available datasets is that these datasets usually lack a large 3) CYBER THREATS FACED BY XAI MODELS
volume of data available for the training of XAI methods, As we discussed in Section V, although XAI methods can
which will decrease both the performance and the provide transparency and explainability to AI-enabled
explainability of the XAI approaches. Another reason behind systems to prevent cyber threats, the current XAI models are
this situation is that some of the information related to cyber facing many cyber attacks targeting the vulnerabilities of the
attacks and cyber industries is redundant and unbalanced. explanation approaches, which is extremely dangerous for
Other than that, the heterogeneity of samples collected in the cyber security systems as they always require a high level
these datasets is a challenge for the XAI models as well. The of safety. For instance, many researchers [263] [264] have
number of features and categories varies for each dataset and proved the fact that it is possible to fool some of the most
some datasets are composed of human-generated cyber popular XAI explanation methods such as LIME and SHAP,
attacks rather than exhibiting real-world and latest attacks. which are also frequently deployed in the XAI application of
These problems highlight the challenge that the most recent cyber security areas. It is demonstrated that the explanations
benchmark datasets with a massive amount of data for generating processes of those state-of-art XAI methods might
training and testing and a balanced and equal number of be counter-intuitive. Other than that, in the practical
attack categories are still to be identified. industrial cyber security domains, such as XAI-enabled face
2) EVALUATION authentication systems. Although in Section V, we have
Evaluation measure for XAI systems is another important discussed several defensive methods against cyber threats
factor in the application of XAI approaches for cyber security. targeting XAI systems, most defensive approaches focus on
When evaluating the performance of the established XAI- the protection of the performance of the prediction results of
based cyber security systems, several conventional XAI models rather than the explanation results. However, for
evaluation metrics including F1-Score, Precision, and ROC XAI-based cyber security systems, the explainability of the

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models is significant to maintain the transparency and implemented in cyber security. Selecting different
efficiency of the entire system and prevent the cyber attacks explanation approaches for distinct Machine
as well. Learning or Deep Learning algorithms in different
4) PRIVACY AND ETHICAL ISSUES cyber security tasks would influence the
In addition to the aforementioned technical challenges, performance and explainability of XAI models
privacy and ethical issues are also crucial challenges when significantly. Other than that, the tuning process of
implementing XAI in cyber security. During the system life parameters and model structures of the established
cycle, XAI models must explicitly take privacy concerns into XAI model is another crucial consideration as well.
account. It is commonly agreed that respecting every person's 4) The model defense could be highlighted in
right to privacy is essential, especially in some very sensitive particular for cyber security tasks as they are the
areas of cyber security, for instance, authentication, e-mails, main targets for cyber attackers. Especially for
and password. Moreover, XAI systems naturally fall within XAI-based cyber security mechanisms, the decision
the general ethical concern of potential discrimination (such model, security data as well as the explanation
as racism, sexism, and ageism) by AI systems. In theory, process should be protected to prevent cyber threats.
identical biases may be produced by any AI model that is 5) Privacy awareness is another insight that XAI
built using previously collected data from humans. It is methods could provide for the cyber security system.
important to take precautions to ensure that there is no Giving end users of cyber security systems a way to
discrimination, bias, or unfairness in the judgments made by evaluate their data privacy is a significant objective
the XAI system and the explanations that go along with them. in the application of XAI. End-users could learn
The ethical bias of XAI systems should be eliminated in through XAI explanations about what user data is
terms of justification as well as explainability, in particular in used in algorithmic decision-making.
specific domains of cyber security applications. For privacy
issues, because the data are gathered from security-related C. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
sources, the privacy and security-related concerns increase. 1) HIGH-QUALITY DATASETS
Therefore, it is essential to guarantee that data and models are The quantity and quality of the available datasets have a
protected from adversarial assaults and being tampered with significant impact on how well XAI methods work for the
by unauthorized individuals, which means that only cyber security system, and the biases and constraints of the
authorized individuals should be permitted access to XAI datasets used to train the models have an impact on how
models. accurate the decisions and explanations are. On the other
hand, as we discussed in the above sections, the existing
B. KEY INSIGHTS LEARNED FROM USING XAI FOR available cyber security datasets could not reflect the most
recent cyber attacks due to privacy and ethical issues. Data
In this section, some key insights learned from using XAI for
from real networks or the Internet typically contain sensitive
cyber security will be discussed based on the review in the
information, such as personal or business details, and if made
above sections. The main insights for the XAI
publicly available, they may disclose security flaws in the
implementation in cyber security systems can be itemized as
network from which they originated. Additionally, the
imbalance of both volumes and features of the datasets would
1) User trust and reliance should be satisfied. By influence the establishment of the XAI-based cyber security
offering explanations, an XAI system can increase system negatively as well. Therefore, the construction of both
end users' trust in the XAI-based cyber security high-quality and up-to-date datasets available for XAI
system. Users of an XAI system can test their applications for cyber security could be a possible future
perception of the system's correctness and reliability. research direction.
Users become dependent on the system as a result
of their trust in the XAI-based cyber security EXPLAINABILITY
system. It is essential for cyber security experts to maintain the trade-
2) Model visualization and inspection should be off between performance and explainability aspects of the
considered. Cyber security experts could benefit newly introduced XAI-enabled cyber security systems. It is
from XAI system visualization and explainability to noticeable that although for some self-explainable XAI
inspect model uncertainty and trustworthiness. approaches, for instance, Decision Tree, the model is quite
Additionally, identifying and analyzing XAI model transparent and users could understand the decision-making
and system failure cases is another crucial process easier, the performance of those approaches could
component of model visualization and inspection. not always be satisfying. On the other hand, the AI
3) Model tuning and selection are crucial factors to algorithms that now often perform best (for example, Deep
ensure the efficiency of the XAI model Learning) are the least explainable, causing a demand for

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explainable models that can achieve high performance. Some even more severe as both the decisions and the explanations
researchers have exploited this area, including authors of related to users should be preserved. As a result, there is a
[269] significantly reduce the trade-off between efficiency conflict between using big data for security and safeguarding
and performance by introducing XAI for DNN into existing it. Data must be guaranteed to be safe from adversarial
quantization techniques. And authors of [270] demonstrated assaults and manipulation by unauthorized users and
that the wavelet modifications provided could lead to legitimate users should also be able to access the data.
significantly smaller, simplified, more computationally Therefore, the protection of data and generated explanations
efficient, and more naturally interpretable models, while of XAI systems could be a future research direction as well.
simultaneously keeping performance. However, there is a
lack of research focusing on the trade-off of performance and VII. CONCLUSION
explainability of XAI approaches applied in cyber security. XAI is a powerful framework to introduce explainability and
3) USER-CENTERED XAI transparency to the decisions of conventional AI models
The human understandability of XAI approaches has become including Deep Learning and Machine Learning. On the
the focus of some recent studies to find new potential for its other hand, cyber security is an area where transparency and
application in areas of cyber security. As we mentioned in explainability are required to defend against cyber security
the above sections, user satisfaction with the generated threats and analyze generated security decisions. Therefore,
explanation is a significant component of the XAI in this paper, we presented a comprehensive survey of state-
approaches to explainability evaluation. However, in areas of of-art research regarding XAI for cyber security applications.
cyber security, the questionnaire and feedback of users are We concluded the basic principles and taxonomies of state-
limited to some degree due to security concerns. Therefore, of-art XAI models with essential tools, such as a general
how to generate user-centered XAI systems for cyber framework and available datasets. We also investigated the
security end users in terms of user understanding, user most advanced XAI-based cyber security systems from
satisfaction, and user performance without violating the different perspectives of application scenarios, including XAI
security issues could be a future research direction. applications in defending against different categories of
cyber attacks, XAI for cyber security in distinct industrial
applications, and cyber threats targeting XAI models and
Multimodal information of text, video, audio, and images in
corresponding defensive approaches. Some common cyber
the same context can all be easily understood by people. The
attacks including malware, spam, fraud, DoS, DGAs,
benefit of multimodality is its capacity to gather and combine
phishing, network intrusion, and botnet were introduced. The
important and comprehensive data from a range of sources,
corresponding defensive mechanisms utilizing XAI against
enabling a far richer depiction of the issue at hand. In some
them were presented. The implementation of XAI in various
cyber security industrial areas, such as healthcare, medical
industrial areas namely in smart healthcare, smart financial
decisions are primarily driven by a variety of influencing
systems, smart agriculture, smart cities, smart transportation,
variables originating from a plurality of underlying signals
and Human-Computer Interaction were described
and information bases, which highlights the need for
exhausively. Distinct approaches of cyber attacks targeting
multimodality at every stage. On the other hand, due to the
XAI models and the related defensive methods were
application of XAI in these areas, multimodal XAI could be
introduced as well. In continuation to these, we pointed out
developed in near future.
and discussed some challenges, key insights and research
5) ADVERSARIAL ATTACKS AND DEFENSES directions of XAI applications in cyber security. We hope
As we discussed in this review, although XAI could be that this paper could serve as a reference for researchers,
applied in cyber security to prevent cyber attacks, the XAI developers, and security professionals who are interested in
model performance and explainability could be attacked as using XAI models to solve challenging issues in cyber
well. Other than that, the adversarial inputs to the sample security domains.
data should be paid attention to as well. Some researchers
[263] have already developed powerful tools to fool the state-
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Jul.

2020, pp. 1–8. doi: 10.1109/IJCNN48605.2020.9206780.
[261] T.-T.-H. Le, H. Kang, and H. Kim, “Robust Adversarial Attack HUSSAM AL HAMADI (Senior Member,
Against Explainable Deep Classification Models Based on IEEE) studied computer engineering at
Adversarial Images With Different Patch Sizes and Perturbation Ajman University where he graduated in
Ratios,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 133049–133061, 2021, doi: 2005. He spent the period between 2005
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[262] H. Ali, M. S. Khan, A. Al-Fuqaha, and J. Qadir, “Tamp-X: consultant and tutor in several
Attacking explainable natural language classifiers through tampered governmental and private institutions to
activations,” Computers & Security, vol. 120, p. 102791, Sep. 2022, eventually joined the Khalifa University as
doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2022.102791. a teaching assistant in 2010. He holds
[263] D. Slack, S. Hilgard, E. Jia, S. Singh, and H. Lakkaraju, “Fooling several international certificates in
LIME and SHAP: Adversarial Attacks on Post hoc Explanation networking, business, and tutoring, like
Methods,” in Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, MCSA, MCSE, CCNA, CBP, and CTP. In
Ethics, and Society, New York, NY, USA: Association for 2017, he received his Ph.D. degree in
Computing Machinery, 2020, pp. 180–186. Accessed: Jul. 27, 2022. computer engineering from Khalifa
[Online]. Available: https://doi.org/10.1145/3375627.3375830 University, where he is currently a research scientist in their Center for
[264] J. L. Mattu Julia Angwin,Lauren Kirchner,Surya, “How We Cyber-Physical Systems (C2PS). His research interests focus on
Analyzed the COMPAS Recidivism Algorithm,” ProPublica. applied security protocols for several systems like; software agents,
https://www.propublica.org/article/how-we-analyzed-the-compas- SCADA, e-health systems and autonomous vehicles.
(accessed Jul. 27, 2022).
[265] J. Wang, J. Tuyls, E. Wallace, and S. Singh, “Gradient-based
IEEE) is currently a Full Professor with the
Analysis of NLP Models is Manipulable.” arXiv, Oct. 11, 2020. doi:
Universitàdegli Studi di Milano, Italy, the
Senior Director of the Robotics and
[266] G. K. Dziugaite, Z. Ghahramani, and D. M. Roy, “A study of the
Intelligent Systems Institute, and the
effect of JPG compression on adversarial images.” arXiv, Aug. 02,
Director of the Center for Cyber Physical
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Systems (C2PS), Khalifa University,
[267] J. Gao, B. Wang, Z. Lin, W. Xu, and Y. Qi, “DeepCloak: Masking
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Leader of the Big Data Area, Etisalat
Samples.” arXiv, Apr. 17, 2017. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1702.06763.
British Telecom Innovation Center (EBTIC)
[268] P. Samangouei, M. Kabkab, and R. Chellappa, “Defense-GAN:
and the President of the Consortium of
Protecting Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks Using Generative
Italian Computer Science Universities
Models.” arXiv, May 17, 2018. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1805.06605.
(CINI). He is also part of the ENISA Ad-
[269] D. Becking, M. Dreyer, W. Samek, K. Müller, and S. Lapuschkin,
Hoc Working Group on Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity. He has
“ECQ$$^{\text {x}}$$: Explainability-Driven Quantization
pioneered model-driven data analytics. He has authored more than 650
for Low-Bit and Sparse DNNs,” in xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI:
Scopus-indexed publications and several patents. His research interests
International Workshop, Held in Conjunction with ICML 2020, July
include cyber-physical systems, big data analytics, edge/cloud security and
18, 2020, Vienna, Austria, Revised and Extended Papers, A.
performance, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. He was a
Holzinger, R. Goebel, R. Fong, T. Moon, K.-R. Müller, and W.
recipient of the Research and Innovation Award from the IEEE Technical
Samek, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp.
Committee on Homeland Security, the Stephen Yau Award from the
271–296. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-04083-2_14.
Service Society, the Outstanding Contributions Award from IFIP TC2, the
[270] W. Ha, C. Singh, F. Lanusse, S. Upadhyayula, and B. Yu, “Adaptive
Chester-Sall Award from IEEE IES, the IEEE TCHS Research and
wavelet distillation from neural networks through interpretations,” in
Innovation Award, and a Doctorate Honoris Causa from INSA-Lyon,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021, vol. 34,
France, for his contribution to big data teaching and research.
pp. 20669–20682. Accessed: Jul. 29, 2022. [Online]. Available:
CHAN YEOB YEUN (Senior Member, IEEE)
received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
information security from the Royal Holloway,
University of London, in 1996 and 2000,
respectively. After his Ph.D. degree, he joined
Toshiba TRL, Bristol, U.K., and later became
the Vice President at the Mobile Handset
Research and Development Center, LG
Electronics, Seoul, South Korea, in 2005. He
was responsible for developing mobile TV
ZHIBO ZHANG received the Bachelor of technologies and related security. He left LG
Science degree in mechatronics engineering Electronics, in 2007, and joined ICU (merged
from Northwestern Polytechnical University, with KAIST), South Korea, until August 2008,
China, in 2021. He is currently pursuing the and then the Khalifa University of Science and
master’s degree in electrical and computer Technology, in September 2008. He is currently a Researcher in
engineering with Khalifa University, United cybersecurity, including the IoT/USN security, cyber-physical system
Arab Emirates. His research interests focus security, cloud/fog security, and cryptographic techniques, an Associate
on computer vision, cyber security, Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Explainable Artificial Intelligence, and Science, and the Cybersecurity Leader of the Center for Cyber-Physical
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. Systems (C2PS). He also enjoys lecturing for M.Sc. cyber security and
Ph.D. engineering courses at Khalifa University. He has published more
than 140 journal articles and conference papers, nine book chapters, and
ten international patent applications. He also works on the editorial board

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204051

of multiple international journals and on the steering committee of

international conferences.

FATMA TAHER (Senior Member,

IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree from
the Khalifa University of Science,
Technology and Research, United Arab
Emirates, in 2014. She is currently the
Assistant Dean of the College of
Technological Innovation, Zayed
University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
She has published more than 40 articles
in international journals and conferences.
Her research interests are in the areas of
signal and image processing, pattern
recognition, deep learning, machine
learning, artificial intelligence, medical image analysis, especially in
detecting of the cancerous cells, kidney transplant, and autism. In addition
to that, her researches are watermarking, remote sensing, and satellite
images. She served as a member of the steering, organizing, and technical
program committees of many international conferences. She has received
many distinguished awards, such as the Best Paper Award of the first prize
in the Ph.D. Forum of the 20th IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), the Ph.D. Forum, December
2013. And recently, she received the UAE Pioneers Award as the first
UAE to create a computer-aided diagnosis system for early lung cancer
detection based on the sputum color image analysis, awarded by H. H.
Sheik Mohammed Bin Rashed Al Maktoum, November 2015. In addition
to that, she received the Innovation Award at the 2016 Emirati Women
Awards by H. H. Sheik Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum. She was the
Chairman of Civil Aviation Authority and a Patron of Dubai Quality
Group and L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Middle East
Fellowship 2017. She is the Vice Chair of the IEEE UAE section and the
Chair of the Education Committee in British Society, United Arab
Emirates. She has served on many editorial and reviewing boards of
international journals and conferences.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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