Hero Points: 1
ü Armure du Geolier de la Dimension Noire (24 PP)
Removable Damage
ü Combattant de la Juctice: Enhanced Trait 12 (12 PP) Bruises
Cosmic, Justice, Dodge +4 (+10), Parry +4 (+10), Fortitude +4 (+10) (Free - Personal - Sustained)
ü Inventaire des prisonniers : Feature 1 (1 PP)
Cosmic, Dimensions, Justice (Personal - Permanent) Staggered
ü Le veilleur éternel : Immunity 7 (7 PP) Incapacitated
Cosmic, Dimensions, Justice, Aging, Environmental Conditions (All), Sleep (Personal - Permanent)
ü Protection : Protection 6 (6 PP) Fatigue
Cosmic, Dimensions, Justice, +6 Toughness (Personal - Permanent)
ü Traducteur dimensionnel : Comprehend 2 (4 PP) Fatigued
Cosmic, Dimensions, Justice, Languages - Speak All, Languages - Understand All (Personal - Exhausted
ü Attaques dimensionnelles (34 PP)
Emprisonnement : Movement Attack 8 (1 PP)
Dimensions, Justice, Mystic, Dimensional: Dimension noire 1: one dimension, 50 lbs., Extra Ranks 7,
DC 18; Accurate 6: +12, Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Attack: Will, Increased Range: ranged,
Reversible (Free - Ranged, 200/400/800 ft. - Sustained)
Lame dimensionnelle : Damage 10 (33 PP)
Dimensions, Justice, Mystic, DC 25; Accurate 3: +6, Affects Corporeal 5, Affects Insubstantial 2: full
rank, Dimensional 3: any dimension, Incurable, Indirect 4: any point, any direction, Penetrating 5
(Standard - Close - Instant)
ü Manipulations dimensionnelles (24 PP)
Dimensional shift : Insubstantial 4 (22 PP)
Dimensions, Mystic, Incorporeal; Subtle 2: undetectable (Free - Personal - Sustained)
Portail de téléportation : Teleport 2 (1 PP)
Dimensions, Mystic, 120 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate, Change Direction, Change
Velocity, Easy, Extended: 4 miles in 2 move actions, Portal, Subtle 2: undetectable, Turnabout (Move -
Rank - Instant)
Portails dimensionnels : Movement 3 (1 PP)
Dimensions, Mystic, Dimensional 3: any dimension, 50 lbs.; Portal, Subtle 2: undetectable (Free -
Personal - Sustained)
ü Sens de la Justice : Senses 4 (4 PP)
Dimensions, Mystic, Acute: Detect lies, Counters Illusion: Vue, Detect: Lies 1 (Personal - Permanent)
Benefit, Status: Geolier de la Dimension Noire Gain a significant perquisite or fringe benefit.
Defensive Attack Trade attack bonus for active defense bonus.
Diehard Automatically stabilize when dying.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Advantages Skills
Total Ranks Ability Other
Improved Initiative +4 bonus to initiative checks per rank.
Acrobatics - -
Power Attack Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.
Uncanny Dodge Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard. Athletics +3 1 2
Close Combat: Lame +4 - 4
Movement dimensionnelle : Damage 10
Background Information
Languages: Anglais
Cette mystique se fait désormais appeler Gaoler "La Geolière"
depuis qu'une puissance cosmique incarnant la Justice lui a confié
la mission d'être celle de la Dimension Noire où les âmes
corrompus affrontent leurs crimes; et l'a pour cela investi de
pouvoirs mystiques cosmiques. Avec avoir fait justice dans de
nombreuses dimensions, sa quête l'a porté sur Terre à Freedom
Validation Report
Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified
Settings: Sourcebooks -> Cosmic Handbook: Cosmic Handbook; Sourcebooks -> Hero High: Hero High; Sourcebooks -> Supernatural
Handbook: Supernatural Handbook Equipment & Complications; Sourcebooks -> Gamemaster's Guide: Gamemaster's Guide Equipment
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.