To Study The Development of Cockroach 1.0
To Study The Development of Cockroach 1.0
To Study The Development of Cockroach 1.0
They are also cosmopolitan in distribution, theyare found
in places of human dwelling where darkness, warmth,
dampness and plenty organic debris are available. They
are nocturnal and omnivorous. They carry some serious
Salmonella Typhi, which causes Typhoid, has been found
in cockroaches. Scientific name -
Periplaneta americana
To study the different stages of development of
Materials Required
1)Preserved specimen of different development stages of
2) Notebook & pen
Experimental Procedure
Developmental Stages of a Cockroach
( Periplanata Americana)
1.Adult cockroach
Cockroach is a brown, elongated, dorsoventrally flat
creature of about 40 mm long and 10 to 12 mm broad.
The body is covered by sclerites (plates) made up of
chitin. The body is divided into head, thorax