To Study The Development of Cockroach 1.0

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Cockroach fall under the Phylum Arthropoda and class

Insecta (insects). Insects constitute the largest class
of animals representing over 750000 species. They are
highly adaptable.

They are also cosmopolitan in distribution, theyare found
in places of human dwelling where darkness, warmth,
dampness and plenty organic debris are available. They
are nocturnal and omnivorous. They carry some serious
Salmonella Typhi, which causes Typhoid, has been found
in cockroaches. Scientific name -
Periplaneta americana

To study the different stages of development of

Materials Required
1)Preserved specimen of different development stages of
2) Notebook & pen

Experimental Procedure

1)All Materials were arranged carefully.

2)Each stage of development of the cockroach were

observed carefully.

3) Observations were noted down in notebook


Developmental Stages of a Cockroach
( Periplanata Americana)
1.Adult cockroach
Cockroach is a brown, elongated, dorsoventrally flat
creature of about 40 mm long and 10 to 12 mm broad.
The body is covered by sclerites (plates) made up of
chitin. The body is divided into head, thorax

i) Head – The head is triangular hanging downwards.

A pair of long sensitive antenna is seen in front of
two lateral compound eyes. The mouth parts
include labrum, mandibles, maxillae, and
hypopharynx. These help the cockroach in eating
varied type of things.

ii)Thorax –  It is divided into prothorax, mesothorax

andmetathorax each bearing a pair of legs. Like housefly
here also the legs are made up of five joints, pulvinus and
claws. Mesoand metathorax bear a pair of wings each.
iii)Abdomen – It contains ten segments gradually
narrowing down. The sclerities on dorsal side are called
tergum and onventral side sternum. Sternum are
only nine. In females 7th to 9th sternum make brood pouch.
They also bear a pair of appendages called anal cerci.
Males posses anal cerci and anal style in pairs. Ten pairs
of spiracles are present on lateral side of each segment.

2. Ootheca ( Egg case) –

Female cockroaches produce egg cases, known
as oothecae. Oothecae contain many eggs and are
enveloped by a protein substance that gradually hardens
into a strong, protective casing. Some cockroach species
drop the egg case, while other species carry it until
the eggs are ready to hatch.
3. Nymph –
Newly hatched cockroaches emerge from eggs
as nymphs. Anymph is small, light brown creature like
the adult cockroach like the adult cockroach. However it
lacks wings and has immature gonads. The body is
covered with chitin which gradually hardens and prevents
growth of nymph. During the nymphal stage of the
cockroach life cycle, the insects grow by shedding their
skin multiple times until reaching adulthood, by a process
known as molting.

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