Jenaetal 2014 Pediastrum
Jenaetal 2014 Pediastrum
Jenaetal 2014 Pediastrum
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Leibniz–Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Alte Fischerhütte2, D–16775 Stechlin–
Neuglobsow, Germany; *e–mail: krie@igb–, tel.: 033082 69926, fax: 033082 69917
Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar–756014, Odisha, India
Department of Botany, Berhampur University, Berhampur–760007, Odisha, India
University of Essen, Faculty of Biology, D–45141 Essen, Germany
Department of Biotechnology, Visva–Bharati Santiniketan–731235, West Bengal, India
Abstract: Approximately 100 new strains of the Pediastrum–phenotype were isolated from inland waters
of India, eastern and southwestern Africa, and Germany and were studied by light and scanning electron
microscopy. The 18S rRNA and ITS genes of 28 strains were sequenced and compared with 25 sequences of
Hydrodictyaceae from the GenBank database. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the polyphyly of Pediastrum.
The new species Sorastrum pediastriforme was described. This species resembled morphologically Pediastrum,
however, the phylogenetic analyses revealed its affiliation within the genus Sorastrum. Furthermore, the
following new combinations: Monactinus sturmii, Pseudopediastrum alternans, Pp. brevicorne, Pp. integrum,
and Pp. pearsonii were established.
Key words: CBC, ITS, Lacunastrum, Monactinus, morphology, Pediastrum, phylogeny, Pseudopediastrum,
Sorastrum, SSU, Stauridium
genes on P. duplex and its comparison to other members were compared with 24 sequences of Hydrodictyaceae and
of Hydrodictyaceae were provided by Mc Manus & one (outgroup) Scenedesmus–sequence from the GenBank
Lewis (2011). database (National Center for Biotechnology Information
We have isolated ca. 100 strains of [NCBI] The origin and
accession numbers of all these 53 strains are listed in Table 1.
Hydrodictyaceae from three different continents
– Africa, Asia and Europe – and studied them Phylogenetic analyses. Based on a concatenated data set (18S
morphologically. From this collection, we subjected rRNA and ITS–2 rRNA) of 47 sequences with 1872 aligned
28 strains to molecular phylogenetic analyses by base positions (excluding intron) phylogenetic analyses were
sequencing the nuclear 18S rRNA gene and ITS performed. The Sequence alignment was done manually
genes and the analyses confirmed the polyphyly of the according to their secondary structure (Coleman 2003) using
genus Pediastrum. For species delineation, we applied the SequentiX Alignment Editor (Hepperle 2004). The ITS–1
the CBC concept (Coleman 2003). In the frame of rRNA was not unambiguously alignable and was, therefore,
this study we described the new species Sorastrum excluded from the data set. In total, 28 strains that include
representatives of the genera Pediastrum, Pseudopediastrum,
pediastriforme Jena, C. Bock, Behera et Krienitz,
Parapediastrum, Monactinus and Sorastrum were
and established five new combinations in the genera choosen from the GenBank database (National Center for
Pseudopediastrum and Monactinus. Biotechnology Information [NCBI] The selection of additional sequences were done
based on the publications of Buchheim et al. (2005) and
McManus & Lewis (2005, 2011). Scenedesmus obliquus
Material and Methods UTEX 393 was selected as outgroup. The phylogenetic tree
in Figure 1 was infered from a concatenated dataset using
Algal cultures. About 100 unialgal strains of Pediastrum– Treefinder (Jobb 2008). The applied models were chosen
phenotype were isolated from field samples of inland as proposed by Treefinder: For 18S rRNA (1640 bases) the
waters of India, Israel, Kenya, Namibia, and Germany by Tamura Nei model with Gamma distribution (TN:G:5), and
microcapillaries and grown in a modified Waris solution for ITS–2 the transitional model with Gamma distribution
(McFadden & Melkonian 1986). All strains were maintained (J2:G:5) were chosen.
at the algal strain collection of the Leibniz–Institute of To confirm the tree topology, bootstrap analyses
Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) at Stechlin, were calculated by distance (neighbor–joining; NJ; 1000
Germany, and grown in suspensions at 15 °C under a 14:10 replicates), parsimony (MP; 1000 replicates) using PAUP*,
h light–dark regime. The strain of the newly described version 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002) and maximum likelihood
Sorastrum pediastriforme and the strains representing the five (ML; 1000 replicates; settings as described above) criteria.
new combinations were deposited at the Culture Collection Bayesian inference (Bayesian posterior probabilities [BPP];
of Algae at the University of Göttingen (SAG, Germany). using the covarion model; 1 million generations) were
calculated using MrBayes version 3.1 (Huelsenbeck &
Microscopy. The algae were examined using a Nikon Eclipse Ronquist 2001). The Bayesian analyses were carried out
E600 light microscope (LM) with differential interference until the average standard deviations of split frequencies
contrast. Photomicrographs (Figs 3–6) were taken with a between two runs was lower than 0.01. The first 25% of the
Nikon Digital Camera DS–Fi1, and Nikon software NIS– calculated trees was discarded as burn–in. A 50% majority–
Elements D (Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). For scanning rule consensus tree was calculated for posterior probabilities
electron microscopy (SEM) the colonies of cultured material (PP).
were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in culture medium for 30
min at 5 °C, washed three times in 3 mM Hepes buffer (pH Secondary structures analysis. Secondary structures of
7.0), and postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in a 1:1 mixture ITS–2 were constructed with the help of mfold (Zucker
of 2% OsO4 and 3 mM Hepes for 1 h. The fixed cells were 2003).The program 4SALE (Seibel et al. 2006, 2008; Schultz
then washed three times in Hepes buffer and dehydrated in & Wolf 2009) was used for comparision of ITS–2 among
a graded series of ethanol dilutions. Following dehydration, the strains to locate compensatory base changes (CBCs)
the material was dried at the critical point using aBAL– including Hemi–CBCs in the aligned ITS–2 sequences.
TEC CPD 030 critical point dryer (Balzers, Schalkmühle, The overview graphic was performed with PseudoViewer
Germany). Dried material was mounted on aluminium stubs, (Byun & Han 2006). In order to find molecular criteria to
coated with gold/palladium by a Polaron CA 508 sputter– discriminate the species, these secondary structures were
coater (Fisons Instruments, VG Microtech, Uckfield, UK) checked for Compensatory Base Changes (CBCs) including
and examined under using the field–emission SEM Hitachi Hemi–CBCs using 4SALE (Seibel et al. 2006, 2008).
S–4500 (Hitachi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) at 5 kV, 10 µA.
subclades of the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). Generally, the genus Pseudopediastrum. For the essential new
the family of Hydrodictyaceae formed a monophyletic combinations see taxonomic conclusions.
group well supported in the statistical analyses, only Members of the former morphospecies
the ML analyses resulted in a lower bootstrap value Pediastrum duplex clustered in two different clades
of 67. Members of the genus Pediastrum sensu lato, of the tree. Six of these strains remained in P. duplex,
which were in the focus of this study, were grouped whereas two other strains were determined as
into different lineages. According to suggestions Lacunastrum gracillimum (Figs 6a–d). These strains
of Buchheim et al. (2005) these lineages were had relatively long processes and the ultrastructure of
regarded as genera and designated as Pediastrum, the cell wall was rippled, smooth, but not net–shaped
Pseudopediastrum, Monactinus, Stauridium and and granular. These results confirmed the findings of
Parapediastrum. Two strains belonged to the recently McManus et al. (2011). Five new strains of Stauridium
erected genus Lacunastrum (McManus et al. 2011). tetras (Ehrenb.) E. Hegewald from Kenya and India
Hydrodictyon was closely related to Pediastrum, and S. privum (Printz) E. Hegewald from Kenya
and Sorastrum is placed on the base of the tree as and Germany clustered in the clade of Stauridium.
sister to all other hydrodictyacean subclades. The One strain of Parapediastrum biradiatum (Meyen)
bootstrap support of different genera was high, only E. Hegewald from Germany clustered together with
the Pseudopediastrum clade earned low support. The a strain from Sweden in the Parapediastrum clade.
position of Tetraedron remained ambiguous. These results confirmed the findings of Buchheim et al.
The strain MJ 2008/46 (SAG 2392) from a dam (2005).
near Nyahururu in Kenya clustered in the Sorastrum To test the results of the topology of the
clade. Members of the genus Sorastrum normally, phylogenetic tree, the secondary structure of the ITS–2
were characterized by three–dimensional colonies. was studied, with the main goal to find CBCs and hemi–
However, the MJ 2008/46 (SAG 2392) strain showed CBCs associated with individual taxa. The secondary
flat coenobia (Figs 2a–d) resembling morphospecies structure of the taxa studied exhibited the common
of the genus Pediastrum, in particular those of P. pattern with four helices, in which the helix I was
duplex. Only few cells displayed a three–dimensional branched, shown here using Sorastrum pediastriforme
(tetrahedric) shape (Fig. 2d). This material was (Fig. 7) as exemplar. To establish an overview, we made
described as new species Sorastrum pediastriforme a pairwise comparison of the CBCs of the conserved
(see taxonomic conclusions). regions of all helices between the species which were
Members of the genus Monactinus were found discovered to be the closest relatives to each other
in India, Kenya and Germany. Whereas the strain from according to the tree. Sorastrum pediastriforme differs
Germany exhibited the typical morphology of M. from S. spinulosum (UTEX 37) by 2 CBCs in Helix
simplex var. simplex with large irregular holes within I (not shown). Monactinus simplex and M. sturmii
the coenobium (Figs 3a–b), the four tropical strains differed by 2 CBCs and 5 or 6 hemi–CBCs in helix III
resembled M. simplex var. sturmii with stocky cells and (Table 2). The species of Pseudopediastrum differed
smaller holes (Figs 3c–d). in the following numbers of CBC (Table 3): Pp.
Six new strains clustered in the boryanum differed from Pp. kawraiskyi by 2 CBCs in
Pseudopediastrum clade. These strains showed helix III. Pp. alternans differed from Pp. brevicorne
characteristic differences (Figs 4a–d, 5a–d). Whereas only by hemi–CBCs, 3 in helix I and 1 in helix III. Pp.
the strains MJ 2008/33 and MJ 2008/35 from Lake integrum differed from Pp. kawraiskyi by 2 CBCs in
Dollgow in Germany fully met the characteristics of helix III. Pp. pearsonii differed from Pp. integrum by
Pseudopediastrum boryanum (Turp.) Menegh. (not 1 CBC in helix I and 1 CBC in helix III (not shown).
shown), the others exhibited features of other taxa.
Strain MJ 2008/83 from the river Cuando in Namibia
possesses long conical lobes and deep incisions, Discussion
resembling with Pseudopediastrum alternans Nyg.
(Figs 4a–b). Strain MJ 2008/28 from Lake Dollgow in Our study confirmed the polyphyletic origin of members
Germany had short lobes with shallow incisions and of the genus Pediastrum which was already shown by
resembled Pp. boryanum var. brevicorne A. Braun Buchheim et al. (2005) and McManus & Lewis (2005).
(Figs 4c, d). Strain MJ 2008/86 from a pond in Namibia Furthermore, we confirmed the generic conception
with short rounded apices and very shallow incisions of Hydrodictyaceae and studied new strains from all
resembled Pseudopediastrum integrum Nägeli (Figs genera of the relationship of Pediastrum sensu lato
5a, b). Strain KR 2006/01 from Lake Naivasha, Kenya, (Parapediastrum, Pseudopediastrum, Lacunastrum,
similar in morphology but different in molecular Monactinus, and Stauridium) as well as Sorastrum.
criteria, resembled Pp. integrum var. pearsonii (G.S. Generally, the differentiation between the genera of
West) Fritsch (Figs 5c, d) known from tropical Hydrodictyaceae is validated by both, morphological
regions. Because of the clustering of these strains in and molecular criteria. However, an interesting
the same clade, they all were considered as species of example was uncovered contrasting with this general
66 Jena et al.: The polyphyly of the genus Pediastrum
Fig. 1. Phylogeny according to the concatenated SSU and ITS–2 rRNA gene data set of the studied Hydrodictyaceae. Values at the nodes
indicate statistical support estimated by four methods – Bayesian support (MB BPP), maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP)
and neighbor joining (NJ). Hyphens indicate support below 50% for ML, MP, NJ and below 0.95 for MB BPP.
Fottea, Olomouc, 14(1): 63–76, 2014 67
Fig. 2. Micrographs of Sorastrum pediastriforme (MJ 2008/46) in culture: (a) LM; (b–d) SEM. The arrow in (d) indicates a tetrahedric cell.
Scale bar 2 µm (a); 14 µm (b); 6 µm (c), 10 µm (d).
Fig. 3. Micrographs of Monactinus in culture: (a, b) M. simplex (MJ 2008/34); (c, d) M. sturmii (MJ 2009/172). Scale bar 10 µm (a); 20 µm
(b); 15 µm (c, d).
68 Jena et al.: The polyphyly of the genus Pediastrum
Fig. 4. Micrographs of different Pseudopediastrum strains: (a, b) Pp. alternans (MJ 2008/83); (c, d) Pp. brevicorne (MJ 2008/28). Scale bar
15 µm (a); 12 µm (b); 10 µm (c, d).
Fig. 5. Micrographs of different Pseudopediastrum strains: (a, b) Pp. integrum (MJ 2008/86); (c, d) P. pearsonii (KR 2006/01). Scale bar 12
µm (a); 20 µm (b); 10 µm (c); 12 µm (d).
Fottea, Olomouc, 14(1): 63–76, 2014 69
Fig. 6. Micrographs of Lacunastrum gracillimum strains: (a, b) MJ 2009/123; (c, d) MJ 2009/162. Scale bar 25 µm (a); 36 µm (b); 20 µm (c);
22 µm (d).
Fig. 8. Drawings of Sorastrum pediastriforme (MJ 2008/46). Scale bar 10µm (a, b, e, f); 6 µm (c, d, g, h). (a) iconotype.
different phylogenetic clades (Hegewald & Wolf found only in Kenya. Probably, this is the exception
2003; Lewis & Flechtner 2004; Hegewald et al that proves the rule of cosmopolitan distribution.
2013). In Selenastraceae similar phenotypes such as
the needle–shaped or crescent–shaped morphology
hide a multitude of phylotypes (Fawley et al. 2007; Taxonomic conclusions
Krienitz et al. 2011). In the Hydrodictyaceae members
of the genus Pseudopediastrum are characterized both Sorastrum pediastriforme Jena et C. Bock sp. nov.
by high morphological diversity and phylogenetic (Figs 2a–d, 9a–h)
divergence resulting in four new combinations in this Desriptio: Coenobia plus minusve planae multicellularis,
study. Regardless of the molecular background that 4–8–16 cellulae continens. Cellulae externae per duos lobis
formae, rare trilobates. Lobis complanes, elongates cum
has revealed overwhelming phenotypic diversity of the
apicibus coronatis. Cellulae interiorae quadricornutae per
Hydrodictyaceae, it seems unlikely that more genus– foramen inter cellulae. Chloroplastus unicus, parietale,
level diversity will be uncovered. It is suspected that massivus, cum pyrenoido. Propagatio zoosporis.
the complicated Pediastrum–like phenotype of most A speciebus ceteris generis ordine nucleotidorum in 18S and
members of this family has evolved infrequently, ITS rRNA differt.
at best, and independently than easier constructed
phenotypes such as spheres which undergo convergent Coenobia more or less flat, multicellular, containing
evolution (Potter et al. 1997; Krienitz & Bock 2012). 4–8–16 cells. Outer cells two–lobated, seldom
Our survey of Pediastrum and related genera trilobated. Lobae elongated with crown–like apices.
from three continents did not provide arguments for Inner cells four–lobated with holes between the cells.
endemism of this group, because most of the taxa were One parietal, massive chloroplast per cell with a
found in different geographic regions. Even species pyrenoid. Propagation by zoospores. The species differs
formerly known only from tropical or subtropical from other species by the order of the nucleotides in
regions like Monactinus (Pediastrum) simplex SSU and ITS rRNA gene sequences.
extended their distribution area into the temperate zone Holotype: an air–dried sample of the authentic strain
(Coesel & Krienitz 2008). The species P. pearsonii SAG 2392 (MJ 2008/46) deposited at the Botanical
known from tropics (Komárek & Jankovská 2001) we Museum at Berlin–Dahlem, Germany under the
Fottea, Olomouc, 14(1): 63–76, 2014 71
Strain a) Species Origin Accession number Reference
UTEX LB782 Hydrodictyon africanum South Africa, Cape Flats AY663031 Buchheim et al. 2005
CBS Hydrodictyon reticulatum USA, Indiana AY779858 Buchheim et al. 2005
MJ 2009/123 Lacunastrum gracillimum India, Orissa, pond at Athagarh HM021304 this study
MJ 2009/162 Lacunastrum gracillimum India, Orissa, pond at Chadneswar HM021305 this study
UTEX 1601 Monactinus simplex unknown AY780664 Buchheim et al. 2005
KR 2008/06 Monactinus sturmii India, Kerala, pond at Kochi HM021323 this study
MJ 2008/34 Monactinus sturmii Germany, Lake Dollgow HM021323 this study
MJ 2009/169 Monactinus sturmii India, Orissa, pond at Chadneswar HM021322 this study
MJ 2009/172 Monactinus sturmii India, Orissa, River Mohanadi HM021321 this study
SAG NA2013.007
MJ 2009/284 Monactinus sturmii Kenya, Lake Baringo HM021325 this study
UTEX 37 Parapediastrum biradiatum Sweden AY663034 Buchheim et al. 2005
MJ 2008/60 Parapediastrum biradiatum Germany, Lake Schwanter See HM021320 this study
UTEX LB1366 Pediastrum angulosum Czech Republic, Podbansko pool, High Tatra Mountains AY663032 Buchheim et al. 2005
UTEX LB1370 Pediastrum angulosum Czechoslovakia, Doksy, Machovo jezero pool AY663033 Buchheim et al. 2005
LN0201NC Pediastrum duplex USA, North Carolina, Lake Norman AY577744 McManus & Lewis 2005
SAG 28.83 Pediastrum duplex Germany, Pfälzer Wald, forest pond AY780662 Buchheim et al. 2005
SAG 84.80 Pediastrum duplex Germany, Schöhsee, Plön AY577748 McManus & Lewis 2005
SF0202NY Pediastrum duplex USA, New York, Stockpot Flats AY577757 McManus & Lewis 2005
KR 2005/327 Pediastrum duplex Israel, Lake Kinneret HM021298 this study
Jena et al.: The polyphyly of the genus Pediastrum
Table 1 Cont.
MJ 2008/01 Pediastrum duplex Germany, Lake Dagow HM021300 this study
MJ 2008/06 Pediastrum duplex Kenya, dam near Nyahururu HM021301 this study
MJ 2008/24 Pediastrum duplex Germany, Lake Geron HM021303 this study
MJ 2008/54 Pediastrum duplex Kenya, dam near Nyahururu HM021299 this study
MJ 2009/107 Pediastrum duplex India, Orissa, pond at Bhubaneswar HM021302 this study
RL0201FR Pediastrum sp. France, Reilhac Lake AY577749 McManus & Lewis 2005
MJ 2008/83 Pseudopediastrum alternans Namibia, River Cuando near Kongola HM021311 this study
Fottea, Olomouc, 14(1): 63–76, 2014
SAG NA2013.008
OL0301MN Pseudopediastrum boryanum USA, Minnesota, Otter Lake AY577759 McManus & Lewis 2005
EL0203CT Pseudopediastrum boryanum USA, Storrs, Eagleville Lake Connectcut AY577742 McManus & Lewis 2005
UTEX LB1372 Pseudopediastrum boryanum v. longicorne Czech Republic, pond Brehyne, Doksy AY663036 Buchheim et al. 2005
MJ 2008/28 Pseudopediastrum brevicorne Germany, Lake Dollgow HM021310 this study
Table 1 Cont.
UTEX LB2452 Sorastrum spinulosum Finland, pond AY663041 Buchheim et al. 2005
UTEX LB785 Sorastrum sp. USA, Bloomington, Indiana AY663040 Buchheim et al. 2005
SAG 36.81 Stauridium privum Finland, Kuusjärvi, Saukkolahti near Jyväskylä AY780666 Buchheim et al. 2005
MJ 2008/47 Stauridium privum Kenya, dam near Nyahururu HM021319 this study
MJ 2008/74 Stauridium privum Germany, Lake Stechlin HM021318 this study
SAG 37.81 Stauridium tetras unknown AY779891 Buchheim et al. 2005
UTEX 38 Stauridium tetras Czechoslovakia AY779892 Buchheim et al. 2005
KR 2006/04 Stauridium tetras Kenya, Lake Naivasha HM021317 this study
KR 2008/04 Stauridium tetras India, Kerala, pond at Kochi HM021316 this study
MJ 2008/07 Stauridium tetras Kenya, dam near Nyahururu HM021315 this study
MJ 2008/51 Stauridium tetras Kenya, dam near Nyahururu HM021314 this study
MJ 2009/269 Stauridium tetras Kenya, Thika, ricefield HM021313 this study
UTEX 1367 Tetraedron minimum Slovakia. Rezabinec pond, Razice AY663042 Buchheim et al. 2005
KR 1979/12 Tetraedron minimum Germany, pond at Schortewitz AY780670 Buchheim et al. 2005
Boldface + underlined: holo- or epitypes; b)Accession numbers in bold: sequenced in the frame of this study
Jena et al.: The polyphyly of the genus Pediastrum
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Table 2. Number of CBCs and Hemi-CBCs (in brackets) in conserved regions of ITS-2 of Monactinus.
Table 3. Number of CBCs and Hemi-CBCs (in brackets) in conserved regions of ITS-2 of Pseudopediastrum.
MJ 2008/33 vs P. boryanum var. cornutum (UTEX 470) 0 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
MJ 2008/83 vs P. boryanum var. cornutum (UTEX 470) 0 (4) 0 (1) 0 (3) 0 (1)
MJ 2008/28 vs P. boryanum var. cornutum UTEX 470 1 (2) 0 (1) 0 (4) 0 (1)
MJ 2008/86 vs P. boryanum var. cornutum UTEX 470 0 (3) 0 (0) 0 (3) 0 (0)
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