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Education is the most important aspect of life,
Education is the key to success and technology is rapidly taking over today's
A best place to have a secured future for ourselves society and how we accomplish things. We are
The key to unlock the golden door of freedom very lucky to be living in a society that is
The best way to widen your wisdom centered upon multiple types of technology and
advancements. There are major benefits to
Educators is the key to improve education
technology, it has altered the way that students
The ones who shows dedication
are learning drastically. Students are now given
"Love" and "Passion" the teachers must possess
the option to do their studies onsite or virtually.
They use their passion to drive success
They can take lecture-based classes on
academic campus or choose to take the class
Education is to educate individuals
Make your own key from talent you express solely online. However there is a lot to be said
You can't use weapon to beat the struggle when it comes to, which style of learning is
But you can use skills and talent to solve the puzzle better.

QUOTATION Onsite and Virtual Classes have similarities in

"The dark times we had in school, will lead us for the material being taught, along with differences
a bright future" like scheduling, communication and the learning
procedures. Schedule differences are a huge
unlikeness of the two options. Virtual classes are
THE THIRTEEN MARTYRS OF CAVITE more assignment based with a certain amount of

work given for the week or on particular days.
A hero is someone who will do something so Students are free to do the work wherever they
extraordinary and won't expect anything in return . want. Some students may feel more comfortable
They are willing to risk their lives to save others. The with a strict schedule making onsite class times
Thirteen Martyrs of Cavite are people we
more convenient. This way they are held
considered as a hero who took part in shaping
accountable and on a strict schedule.
Philippine Independence. They played an important
Communication in the different classroom
role in the 1896 Philippine Revolution against Spain.
option varies as well. Some students prefer face
The thirteen patriots were executed by musketry on
to face communication with thorough lectures
September 12, 1896, however the death of the 13
and explanations.. While other students they
martyrs, along with many others in the in the
provinces who joined the revolution, fueled the prefer reading the textbook and finishing their
revolution leading to June 12, 1898, with General assignments on their own time without the need
Emilio Aguinaldo's proclamation of Philippine of constant teacher to student conversation.
independence. In memory of the 13 martyrs, a
monument was erected in 1906 at the place where The last major distinction is the learning process
they are executed. Their families reinterred their between onsite and virtual classes.
remains at the foot of the monument. It is Onsite classes are based on lectures and note
reasonable that the capital of Cavite was also taking, for a lot of students this is the most
renamed Trece Martires in their honor and its effective way to learn the information being
villages were named for each of the martyrs. The taught. Virtual classes are structured
Trece Martires, Cavite still honored them by completely different, most students use the
celebrating every year the death anniversary of 13 textbook and external websites to obtain details
martyrs. To reflect and honor the patriotism and in the class. In conclusion both onsite and
valor of the brave souls of Filipino patriots in cavite, virtual classes have the same purpose, making
who courageously fought for our country's sure the students taught the intended material.
freedom. Their heroism will not be forgotten by Their goal is to help the student learn new
everyone living in the city, as well as throughout the
information and succeed in school.

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