Analysis of Innovation in Construction From The Perspective of Modern Project Management
Analysis of Innovation in Construction From The Perspective of Modern Project Management
Analysis of Innovation in Construction From The Perspective of Modern Project Management
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Fatemeh NOUBAN,
Associate Professor, Construction Management Department,
Near East University, Nicosia,
Via Mersin 10, TURKEY
Abstract:- “Innovation management (IM) is a term and practises in light of the resurgent emphasis on quality,
basis of a big debate, which is argued by some people who productivity, and performance. As the business environment
believe because of the term of innovation definition, it evolves, project managers are held responsible for more than
means that it is not manageable, whereas some other simply the project's technical substance, such as the quality of
people powerfully believe in processes and building the engineering and construction, the dependability of the
systems to create more innovation.”. In the context of facility, and the efficiency with which it operates. The project
construction management, this research used a qualitative managers themselves are facing challenges and taking on
systemic review method to collect data for this research. responsibilities that have not historically been their duty
When compared to quantitative research techniques, (Dimech et al. 2022).
qualitative research methods are effective along the lines
of a descriptive or exploratory approach. As a result, this A. Innovation in the Construction through Modern Project
research, it showed that project managers' roles are Management Process
changing and that they are being asked to take on more Innovation management (IM) therefore denotes to the
duties outside of traditional project management. management of every activity needed to "introduce something
According to the results, most people learn what they need new” that actually means things similar to outcome concepts,
to know to keep their abilities up to par and meet these developing them, prioritizing them and applying them, and put
constantly shifting demands via their own direct them into practice, for instance by the initiation of new products
information. Thus explaining innovation in construction or presenting new inner developments. Project management is
requires constant uplift over time, with effective project the profession that helps to divide the management of a project
management. from its professional design and planning. On modest projects,
the design team leader may nevertheless be expected to serve a
Keywords:- Project Management; ERP System; Innovation; dual role in management and design. Project management has
Effective Communication; Workflow Tools. developed in response to the growing demand for specialised
management of more complex and expansive undertakings.
I. INTRODUCTION The project of project management is to ensure that a given
project is planned and executed in such a way that it may be
The primary duty of a construction project manager is to finished on time, within budget, and to the required quality
ensure that the owner's physical development is completed on standards while also satisfying the needs of the customer (Al-
time, on budget, and to the appropriate standards of quality and Hajj and Zraunig. 2018). The construction industry has been a
safety. They are thus vital to the functioning of architectural major user of project management, however, its projects vary
and engineering construction firms and to the development of in size and complexity. The success of every development or
infrastructure in every nation. Since the early 1990s, the construction project relies on the concerted efforts of several
construction industry's economic environment has seen experts working together to achieve certain goals. One of the
remarkable dynamics as companies adapt to rising most important roles of project management is to bring together
competitiveness in a flattening or contracting market. Clients the many experts and professionals working on a project at just
are shifting to a more risk-sharing model in their procurement the appropriate moment so that they may make their
contractors, which is transforming the market. Widespread use contribution effectively. Professionals in this industry are relied
of design-and-construct contracts as an alternative to open upon for the insight and expertise they bring to bear in making
competitive bidding for procurement public projects has an judgments based on the data collected for a given project.
effect on the position of project managers (Choudhury and Decisions at every stage of the project might benefit greatly
Uddin. 2018). In a similar vein, many businesses, especially from the pooled expertise and experience (Charles and Chang.
those in the construction industry, are beginning to challenge 2021).
the fundamental tenets of their management procedures and