Analysis of Innovation in Construction From The Perspective of Modern Project Management

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Analysis of Innovation in Construction from the

Perspective of Modern Project Management
Guy Orest BIGIRUMUREMYI, Abdihamid Yusuf MOHAMED,
Construction Management Department Civil Engineering Department,
Near East University, Nicosia, Near East University, Nicosia,
Via Mersin 10, TURKEY Via Mersin 10, TURKEY

Fatemeh NOUBAN,
Associate Professor, Construction Management Department,
Near East University, Nicosia,
Via Mersin 10, TURKEY

Abstract:- “Innovation management (IM) is a term and practises in light of the resurgent emphasis on quality,
basis of a big debate, which is argued by some people who productivity, and performance. As the business environment
believe because of the term of innovation definition, it evolves, project managers are held responsible for more than
means that it is not manageable, whereas some other simply the project's technical substance, such as the quality of
people powerfully believe in processes and building the engineering and construction, the dependability of the
systems to create more innovation.”. In the context of facility, and the efficiency with which it operates. The project
construction management, this research used a qualitative managers themselves are facing challenges and taking on
systemic review method to collect data for this research. responsibilities that have not historically been their duty
When compared to quantitative research techniques, (Dimech et al. 2022).
qualitative research methods are effective along the lines
of a descriptive or exploratory approach. As a result, this A. Innovation in the Construction through Modern Project
research, it showed that project managers' roles are Management Process
changing and that they are being asked to take on more Innovation management (IM) therefore denotes to the
duties outside of traditional project management. management of every activity needed to "introduce something
According to the results, most people learn what they need new” that actually means things similar to outcome concepts,
to know to keep their abilities up to par and meet these developing them, prioritizing them and applying them, and put
constantly shifting demands via their own direct them into practice, for instance by the initiation of new products
information. Thus explaining innovation in construction or presenting new inner developments. Project management is
requires constant uplift over time, with effective project the profession that helps to divide the management of a project
management. from its professional design and planning. On modest projects,
the design team leader may nevertheless be expected to serve a
Keywords:- Project Management; ERP System; Innovation; dual role in management and design. Project management has
Effective Communication; Workflow Tools. developed in response to the growing demand for specialised
management of more complex and expansive undertakings.
I. INTRODUCTION The project of project management is to ensure that a given
project is planned and executed in such a way that it may be
The primary duty of a construction project manager is to finished on time, within budget, and to the required quality
ensure that the owner's physical development is completed on standards while also satisfying the needs of the customer (Al-
time, on budget, and to the appropriate standards of quality and Hajj and Zraunig. 2018). The construction industry has been a
safety. They are thus vital to the functioning of architectural major user of project management, however, its projects vary
and engineering construction firms and to the development of in size and complexity. The success of every development or
infrastructure in every nation. Since the early 1990s, the construction project relies on the concerted efforts of several
construction industry's economic environment has seen experts working together to achieve certain goals. One of the
remarkable dynamics as companies adapt to rising most important roles of project management is to bring together
competitiveness in a flattening or contracting market. Clients the many experts and professionals working on a project at just
are shifting to a more risk-sharing model in their procurement the appropriate moment so that they may make their
contractors, which is transforming the market. Widespread use contribution effectively. Professionals in this industry are relied
of design-and-construct contracts as an alternative to open upon for the insight and expertise they bring to bear in making
competitive bidding for procurement public projects has an judgments based on the data collected for a given project.
effect on the position of project managers (Choudhury and Decisions at every stage of the project might benefit greatly
Uddin. 2018). In a similar vein, many businesses, especially from the pooled expertise and experience (Charles and Chang.
those in the construction industry, are beginning to challenge 2021).
the fundamental tenets of their management procedures and

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Daily management skills and in-depth familiarity with the New enterprises are providing their services for
construction and planning processes are essential for successful construction, bringing digitization to construction and a
construction design management. Construction projects have willingness to contribute to the industry. Management of the
their own unique sets of requirements and goals ("Past working organisation, structure, and atmosphere is required, as change
groups of Code of practise for project management," 2015). at the grass-roots level (such as bolstering the team with
The mission-oriented nature of a project is often what technologists, for example). The project Management team
distinguishes project management from business management needs to inject new thinking at the highest levels, team must
in general. As soon as the goal is reached, the project team have awareness of updated technology and cutting-edge
disbands (Petroutsatou, 2022). Management of projects is innovation that overcome risks. All these new technologies are
defined as the process of organising and directing resources intricate and need careful management; otherwise, even a little
(both human and non-human) to meet defined goals (in terms slip-up might have a catastrophic effect on the company.
of quality, timeliness, cost, scope, and stakeholder satisfaction) Problems might arise if there isn't a clear plan of action, so it's
throughout the project of a project utilising current important to map out the whole procedure and create a step-by-
management practises (Sankaran et al. 2021). step framework. Everything from the formulation of guidelines
to the execution of those guidelines is crucial to the success of
To complete any given project successfully, the construction policies, and both the pros and the downsides must
engineering team must have a thorough management of the be considered. With the advent of data analytics technologies,
specific area of knowledge associated with that endeavour and the construction industry stands to benefit greatly from this
the ability to effectively manage that information. However, newfound trove of information, which can be used to plan out
there are certain projects that are abandoned before they are a site's layout in advance, as well as determine how much time,
finished because they are obviously unsuccessful owing to a industry, and supplies will be needed for the construction
lack of good planning and wrong feasibility assessments (Song. (Dimech et al. 2022).
2019). Any decision made during a project's development has
a greater impact than those made afterwards, thus the sponsor C. Importance of Modern Project Management Knowledge
or owner must remember this. Construction and design will and Skills for Managers and Experts
also affect lifetime operating costs and income (Apaolaza et al. Acquiring the information and abilities necessary to
2020). The owner needs to hire professionals for feasibility perform at a professional competency as project management
studies and planning: requires both classroom instruction and hands-on experience.
To handle construction projects effectively, they require
Many building owners lack in-house construction and specialised expertise that is only found in project management
engineering management knowledge, so they must create (such as critical path analysis and project cash flow forecast).
recurrent connections with outside professionals. Some College-level project management courses often cover a broad
construction and engineering company owners consider their swath of the aforementioned areas of expertise. Although
divisions independent for reimbursement and tax reasons. False Accreditation Bodies exist, their purview does not extend to
economies in reimbursing such divisions' expenses might be the knowledge areas project managers need for practice
costly to the corporation, thus such arrangements shouldn't (Wang. 2022). This calls for the understanding of a broader
prevent their legitimate distribution (Rezvani and Khosravi. setting than is often covered in engineering degree
2018). programmes or by the narrower topic limits imposed by
regulatory certification. It's true that the standards for
B. Transformation in the Construction Industry through certification don't compare to those of engineering degree
Modern Project Management Practice programmes, but it gives an idea of how standards are shifting,
The construction industry is undergoing radical change as which is useful information for project managers. Therefore,
a result of digital technologies. Consumer tastes are evolving the technical parts of conventional engineering fields cannot
with the globe as a modern generation takes hold. As a result be the exclusive focus of modern project management
of these alterations, more complicated technologies are practice; additional general and management knowledge and
required. With the help of digital technologies, the construction skills are required. Since projects are often part of a functional
industry is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Since the organisation, most of the supplementary expertise will be
advent of technological advancements, not only the methods of similar to that needed for managing businesses in general
construction but also the materials used in building have (Charles and Chang. 2021).
undergone rapid transformation, and it has had a profound
impact on construction (Lian and Liu. 2021). The process of  Effective Communication
construction is improved by using digitalization and quality Due to a large number of individuals and constant
construction materials. The future of the construction industry communication is all about sharing knowledge and ideas with
depends on the decisions, changes, and actions taken today. one another. An effective communicator has to draw on a wide
Everyone in a position of authority, therefore, must remember range of expertise, not only that which is specific to the project
future generations while making choices today. Each choice at hand. A project manager's ability to communicate
must be taken with caution since the direction digitalization effectively across several channels, written, spoken, and
takes in the construction industry is unpredictable and the listening all are crucial competence (Choudhury and Uddin.
technologies we use now may be outdated in the near future 2018).
(Ernstsen et al. 2021).

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Problem Solving framework, which is often employed when the study is
To solve the problem of construction, the project grounded on an interpretivism stance (Rahman, 2017). The
manager must be able to define the problem at hand and make researcher used inclusion and exclusion criteria to collect data
decisions based on that analysis. Part of defining the problem for this research and data is completely dependent on the
is figuring out what's causing the issues that have arisen. It's qualitative secondary data-based research and studies.
possible that the issues are technical (differences of opinion on Researchers using the qualitative research approach acquire
the best approach to create a product), managerial (a functional specific, in-depth, and categorised data from secondary sources
group is not producing according to plan), or interpersonal (Khan, 2014). Given the subjective nature of the technique, it
(personality or style clashes). Decisions made by the project is conducive to collecting an abundance of information without
manager regarding the identified issues may need prompt bias or prejudice. Data analysis is determined using thematic
action. The new approach to project management is the result analysis and themes are developed after coding of the data.
of the combination of these abilities with the conventional
technical expertise of the project manager. This requires both III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
a broad business/industry perspective and a narrow focus on
the specific project at hand. The project manager is responsible A. Modern project management requires innovation
for managing the project as a whole. Human resource construction process by using modern tools
management, supply chain administration, data analysis, and Due to a large number of individuals and the constant
organisational logistics all are examples. Technology's flow of information in a construction project, mistakes are
potential as a tool for gaining a market edge is vital to the inevitable. In order to successfully manage a project, one must
successful completion of projects today. This affects both maintain strict vigilance over a vast amount of management,
output and the use of IT assets. To maximise the efficiency of including but not limited to: submittals, transmittals, RFIs,
the project, the project manager must have keen insight into emails, materials, change orders, job cost, inventory and WIP
the many technological innovation strategies that may be put reports, union rules, labour hours and wages, insurance, safety
into play. Planning, scheduling, estimating, cost management, regulations and bonding information, as well as compliance
managing contracts, and buying all are parts of the building data. While it's true that even the well-laid plans may and will
production process. The project manager's responsibility as a be altered, it doesn't imply you should stop making any at all
production engineer is to oversee the efficient implementation (Dimech et al. 2022). As a result of technological
of each of these steps in order to maximise productivity (Song. advancements, project managers are able to improve their
2019). preparation, technology, and flexibility during the duration of a
project. Allows for changes to be made quickly without
D. Developing Project Management knowledge and skills derailing efforts or derailing the project altogether. Most likely,
focused on construction it is technological advancements that are allowing it to happen
To examine the competency of professional project at this technology. A revolutionary shift is occurring in our
management skills, the construction sector provides a useful technology as a result of technological advancements.
case study. This is because the project management Construction Dive spoke with Mortenson Construction's
methodology underpins the vast majority of its operations, president in Minneapolis, Dan Johnson. As of today, the most
making it replete with examples of effective project significant is building information modelling (BIM), often
management from which other industries might learn. In order known as virtual design and construction. Combined with the
to better understand how active construction project managers, introduction of mobile devices and their accompanying
gain the expertise of professionals to do their jobs successfully, collaboration technologies, we are now able to collaborate in
a survey was conducted with this population. Two major real-time, wherever on the work site, with all the relevant
concerns were raised by the project managers in the poll parties. Many new developments have been sped up as a result
(Wang. 2022). Therefore, the research focused on what of it (Choudhury and Uddin., 2018).
specialists in the construction industry needed to know and be  Just a few examples of what cutting-edge technology top
able to do in order to become project managers. These elements construction firms are using to expedite processes, effective
included both formal education and practical experience. The data analysis, and creation of modern construction
opinions of working project managers on the relative relevance processes.
of the aspects to their professional success also provide  Instead of utilising several sets of drawings for different
alternatives for building training programmes for aspiring parts of a building, BIM (Building Information Modeling)
project managers (Lian and Liu. 2021). encourages a unified, collaborative process of design. BIM
uses three-dimensional computer modelling to save money,
II. METHODOLOGY cut down on mistakes, and save time. Many contractors see
this method as the wave of the future since it allows them
This research uses a qualitative systemic review method to explore and implement novel approaches to building
to collect data for this research. When compared to quantitative design and construction. Check out our BIM primer (Lian
research techniques, qualitative research methods are effective and Liu. 2021).
the lines of a descriptive or exploratory approach. The  Integrated accounting, project management, job costing,
following plan differs from the previously discussed human resources, equipment management, document
quantitative method in that it relies on qualitative, non- management, inventory management, and more are just
numerical information such as expert opinion. Interviews are a some of the features that full-service construction ERP
frequent means of collecting data in this methodological software offers. Data may be exchanged instantaneously

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Volume 7, Issue 12, December – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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show or alter the data in different ways, making it more these constantly shifting demands via their own direct
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 Plans, specifications, invoices, change orders, submittals, away, it lacks the comprehensive view necessary for a senior
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