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Hol8449 Software Engineering With Labview

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Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises

Version 2.3, August 2012
Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

Introduction to Software Engineering ...........................................................................................................................3
Software Configuration Management ...........................................................................................................................4
Exercise 1: Tracking Changes to VIs Using Source Code Control ...................................................................................5
Tracking Requirements Coverage ................................................................................................................................13
Exercise 2: Tracing Code to Requirements Documents ...............................................................................................14
Performing Code Reviews............................................................................................................................................23
Exercise 3: Analyzing Code Quality ..............................................................................................................................24
Advanced Debugging and Dynamic Code Analysis ......................................................................................................29
Exercise 4: Debugging Unexpected Behavior ..............................................................................................................30
Testing and Validation .................................................................................................................................................36
Exercise 5: Unit Testing and Validation of Code ..........................................................................................................37
More Information ........................................................................................................................................................45

To download a copy of this manual and the latest version of LabVIEW code referenced in the exercises, please visit:

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


LabVIEW is a graphical system design environment containing all of the tools that engineers and scientists need to
build some of today’s most technologically challenging and advanced systems. As the complexity of LabVIEW
applications has grown, it’s become increasingly important that a structured and disciplined development
approach be applied in order to deliver high-quality, professional applications.

For these applications, a very structured and regimented programming process must be followed to ensure quality
and reliability of the overall system. This guide will examine the development life-cycle and explain some of the
tools that can improve and automate common software engineering practices.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


Many developers have experienced the frustration of unmanaged environments, where people overwrite each
other’s changes or are unable to track revisions. Managing a large number of files or multiple developers is a
challenge in any language. In fact, it’s often a challenge to manage an application even if it’s just one developer
working on a small to medium application. Large development projects rely upon configuration management tools
to satisfy the following goals:

1. Define a central repository of code

2. Manage multiple developers
3. Detection and resolution of code collisions
4. Tracking behavioral changes
5. Identification of changes are who made them
6. Ensuring everyone has latest copy of code
7. Backing up old code versions
8. Managing all files, not just source code

Perhaps the most important and commonly known SCM tool is source code control (SCC). However, in addition to
many third party SCC tools, we’ll see that there are a number of additional tools available in the LabVIEW
development environment that is designed to help with these goals.

Establishing guidelines for storing and managing files requires foresight into how the application will be structured,
how functionality will be divided, and the types of files beyond source code that will be important to keep track of.
Devote time to making decisions about how functionality will be divided among code and to working with
developers on file storage locations and the additional files or resources they will need to function properly.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


We want to be able to download, track and manage our source code using a third-party source code control tool.
For this example, we will be using TortoiseSVN as our source code control client.

We are developing a LabVIEW application with the help of a team of developers. In preparation for a code review,
we want to compare our most recent changes with the previous version.

We are going to download the most recent code and be able to compare changes we make with previous versions
using the graphical differencing feature of LabVIEW. After making undesirable changes and saving them, we will
be able to revert to a previous version.

 The Project Explorer
 Tracking changes with source code control
 Graphical differencing from outside the development environment
 Reverting to a previous version

 Ensure that LabVIEW and TortoiseSVN are installed
 Make sure TortoiseSVN is calling LVCompare.exe for graphical differencing
o Right click in Windows Explorer
o Select TortoiseSVN > Settings
o Select Advanced and enter the following for a .vi file type (this can also be used for a .ctl)

"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Compare\LVCompare.exe" %mine %base -nobdcosm -nobdpos

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

1. Introduce the TortoiseSVN interface and download the latest version of the LabVIEW project from the
source code control repository.
a. Open the folder where you would like to download the application
b. Right-click in a blank explorer window and select TortoiseSVN > Repo-browser from the right-
click menu

c. Type the location of the Subversion repository in the dialog that appears. Note, for a local
location, use the following syntax: ‘file:///C:/SVN Database/’

d. The dialog that appears will allow you to navigate and view the contents of the Subversion
repository. By default, the browser will show you the most recent revision (also referred to as
‘head’ revision).

e. Right-click on the ‘Software Validation Demo’ folder and select Checkout to download a copy of
the head revision

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

f. Clicking OK in the checkout dialog will download the most recent version of the code to the
folder you right-clicked in
2. View the history of revisions
a. Right click on the root folder and select TortoiseSVN > Show Log

b. The window that appears shows a history of revisions and details including developer, time, date
and notes that were entered. We can download any and all of these older versions and compare
them with our current working copy.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

c. Close this dialog before proceeding.

3. Introduce the Application

a. Open Software Validation Demo.lvproj
b. Note that the project contains subVIs, test configuration, build specifications and various other
files. Open Main.vi.

c. This application simulates a device that computes blood pressure based upon input from a
pressure transducer. Instead of connecting hardware, this version will compute the ratio of
diastolic to systolic pressure based upon recorded patient data. In order to compute this value,
the application uses a very simple state machine that includes some basic acquisition (in this
case, from a file), simple filtering and signal processing. Click run.
d. When prompted, select a recorded dataset. (‘-BP DATA exp 3 123x76 62 BPM.tdms’ is
recommended, as the front panel defaults are calibrated for this patient).

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

e. Click ‘Take Blood Pressure’ to begin playback of the recorded acquisition.

f. When ready to move on to the next step, de-select ‘Timming’ Note: this control is intentionally
mis-spelled, as we will detect this in a later analysis step.
g. The final screen should display the results of the analysis, as shown below:

4. Make changes and compare them with the previous version.

a. Switch to the block diagram of the application.
a. Make several changes that could introduce bugs, unexpected behavior or even break execution.
Suggested modifications:
1. Change timing parameters (especially hard to find, but can cause significant problems)
2. Add cases to case structures
3. Change block diagram constants
4. Delete and/or move code
b. Save the modifications by selecting File > Save, thereby overwriting the VI on disk.
c. Examine the files on disk and note that Main.vi, which has been modified, has a red exclamation
mark over the icon of the file. This is how Subversion indicates that a file has modifications that
have not been added to the repository.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

d. We can compare the changes we’ve made with the latest version in source code control by right
clicking on the modified file and select TortoiseSVN > Diff

e. This will launch LVCompare.exe, showing a side-by-side comparison of objects on the front panel
and the block diagram.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

f. Double clicking on the items in the list will place a check mark next to them, indicating that you
have examined and reviewed every change.
g. Click the ‘X’ in the ‘Differences’ window to close the dialog
2. Revert the VI to the previous version.
a. We can undo the changes to the VI by recalling the last version from source code control. There
are two ways to do this:
1. Revert from inside the LabVIEW development environment Note: requires TortoiseSVN
Plugin from JKI Software jkisoft.com
a. Select Tools > TortoiseSVN > Revert

b. Click OK
c. The unmodified, working version of Main.vi will replace the modified one.
2. Revert from Windows Explorer using the TortoiseSVN interface

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

a. In Windows Explorer, right-click on Main.vi and select TortoiseSVN > Revert…

b. Click OK
c. The unmodified, working version of Main.vi will replace the modified one.

For the latest information and resources on how to download, configure and setup TortoiseSVN for use with
LabVIEW, visit: http://bit.ly/o0OmBE

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


Most engineering projects start with high-level specifications, followed by the definition of more detailed
specifications as the project progresses. Specifications contain technical and procedural requirements that guide
the product through each engineering phase. In addition, working documents, such as hardware schematics,
simulation models, software source code, and test specifications and procedures must adhere to and cover the
requirements defined by specifications.

Requirements gathering is important in order to ensure that you and your customer have come to the same
agreement about what the application will do. The granularity of the documents directly depends upon the needs
of your application and the criticality of it. For mission-critical systems, it’s typical to go as far as to define the
requirements for individual modules of code, code units, and even the tests for those units. Part of this process
requires having reached an agreement of what is expected behavior and how the system should perform under
any and all conditions.

Nebulous or vague specifications for a project can lead to a result that does not meet customer expectations.
Consider an example where you are asked to build an automobile, but given no additional information. It’s
unlikely that the finished product would resemble what the customer had in mind. They may have expected a
two-door car with a sunroof, but you built a convertible. Even in scenarios where they aren’t required, insisting on
extensive documentation of requirements, complemented by reviews of proof of concepts and prototypes, greatly
increases a project’s likelihood of success.

Prototyping and proof of concepts are a very important step towards developing requirements. It can be very hard
to account for all contingencies and foresee all the ways in which the software will behave. Proof of concepts are
also extremely valuable because they give the end-user or customer a feel for what the product will do, which
helps developers and users come to a consensus. It is largely this principle upon which the Agile development
method was derived, which emphasizes repeated and frequent iterations between development.

One of the biggest challenges of development, in any language, is tracing the implementation to the requirement
or specification it was supposed to fulfill. From a project management standpoint this is important in order to gain
insight into how far into the project you are. When requirements change, it is also valuable to have record of what
other specifications or the implementation covering them may also be affected.

The software industry has a wide variety of tools at their disposal for managing specifications and requirements.
Common tools include Telelogic DOORS and Requisite Pro. National Instruments provides a tool to automate
integration with these products, called NI Requirements Gateway. NI Requirements Gateway facilitates the
tracking of requirements coverage for these three types of documents.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


Developers who have been given or defined requirements should be able to document when and where the
requirements are covered in their application to show that they have done what they were supposed to do. Our
goal is to track and understand the percentage of the requirements that have been met and where. We also need
to be able to create traceability matrices and other forms of documentation.

We’ve been given requirements for a simple application – we need to document that we’ve implemented it.

We are going to use NI Requirements Gateway to parse requirements documents written in Microsoft Word and
generate reports. Keep in mind that requirements could also be stored in DOORS, Requisite Pro, Excel, PDF, any
many other standard formats.

 Documenting code and requirements coverage
 Tracking requirements coverage percentage
 Generate traceability matrices and documentation

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

1. Document a new function in an application as having covered a requirement

a. Open the requirements document, ‘Blood Pressure Requirements – System Level’ in Microsoft
Word. It should be stored on disk within the hierarchy, under the folder ‘Requirements.’
b. Familiarize yourself with this simple requirements document. Note that these requirements are
extremely high-level (and therefore difficult, if not impossible to test against or to ‘cover’ with an
implementation. As a result, it will be necessary to use these high-level requirements to derive
lower-level, more specific requirements.

c. Select one with your cursor and click on ‘Styles’ in the ribbon to observe that this text has been
selected as a Requirements_ID. This will be used to automate the parsing of this document in
later steps.
d. Return to the folder containing the requirements document and open ‘Detailed Software
Design.docx.’ This contains very specific requirements for the implementation and design of the
software, which will actually be covered by the implementation in code. Note that it’s divided
into two main sections: State Implementations and GUI Components
e. Scroll down to the last section, on GUI Component Requirements. In this scenario, we were given
the requirements and asked to implement a UI component for the BPM Indicator. The
requirement as stated is, “Description: The UI shall include a light that flashes to coincide with

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

f. Open ‘Software Validation Demo.lvproj’ and open the Front Panel of ‘Main.vi.’ This version of
the code has the required function successfully implemented for the BPM Indicator (circled
below), we just need to document it.

g. To document that this functionality has been implemented, right-click on the border of the
indicator and select ‘Description and Tip.’ This is where we will place the appropriate tag such
that we can automatically parse and trace the relationship between this component and the
actual implementation.
h. In the description field, type “[Covers: UIReq3].” Note that you should also include any other
relevant information in this field.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

i. Close the Description and Tip dialog by clicking OK

j. Save the VI by pressing [CTRL + S]
2. Create a project in NI Requirements Gateway
a. From the Windows Start Menu, launch Requirements Gateway 1.1.
b. Select ‘File > New’ and save a new Requirements Gateway project in the same folder as the
requirements document named ‘Blood Pressure Requirements Tracking.’ Do not save the project
on the deskop, as this is not supported due to windows UAC.

NOTE: A completed version of this project has been included. If time is running out, open the pre-built
copy of ‘NIBP Monitor.rqtf’ to see a working Requirements Gateway solution.

c. The Configuration Dialog will appear, follow the steps below to import the Requirements
Document as shown in the image below
1. Click on ‘Add a Document’
2. Place the container for the document in the main window
3. Select the type of document from the drop-down list as ‘Word’ (note, not WordX). Use
this as an opportunity to browse the numerous other types that are supported.
4. Select the location of the requirements document on disk
5. Type a name for this document

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

b. To add the remaining documents position the folder containing the word documents so that you
can see them and the NI RG Configuration dialog. Select and drag all of them into the display and
arrange as shown below (Note, the Unit Test Requirements will not be used until a later

d. Repeat this process to add the LabVIEW Project to the Requirements Gateway Project:
1. Click on ‘Add New Document’
2. Place the container for the LabVIEW Project in the main window
3. Select the type of document from the drop-down list as LabVIEW
4. Locate the LabVIEW Project File on disk (Software Validation Demo.lvproj)
5. Create a custom name for this item

Note: If you decide to open the pre-build NI RG solution, be sure that the directory path for the LabVIEW Project is

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

e. Define the relationship between these two documents. The code covers the requirements
documents, so we need to draw an appropriate link between them. Follow the directions below:
1. Click on ‘Add a Cover’
2. Click on the LabVIEW document to begin drawing the arrow
3. Click on the Requirements document to indicate that it is covered by LabVIEW

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

f. Repeat this process until the following relationships have been built:

g. Click ‘OK’ to exit the configuration dialog. Press [CTRL + S] to save the Requirements Gateway
h. In the Management View Tab, expand the two documents to verify that Requirements Gateway
has successfully parsed their contents.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

i. Notice that requirements coverage is less than 100%. Click on the ‘Coverage Analysis View’ to
see the list of uncovered requirements.

j. Click on the ‘Graphical View’ to see a graphical relationship between the requirements
3. Generate documentation showing requirements coverage
a. In the graphical view, highlight what you want to include in the report. Hold CTRL while selecting
both the requirements document, and the LabVIEW Project.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

b. Click on ‘Reports > Library Reports > Traceability Matrix’

c. Ensure that you’ve selected all the items to include and click ‘Continue’
d. In the save dialogue that appears, note the different formats that are available. Select PDF and
select the desktop and type ‘Blood Pressure Traceability Matrix’
e. The traceability matrix will appear

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


Regular and thorough code reviews are an important and common practice for software engineers seeking to
mitigate the risk of unforeseen problems, identify the cause of bugs that are difficult to find, align the styles of
multiple developers, and demonstrate that the code works. These reviews are an opportunity for a team of
qualified individuals to scrutinize the logic of the developer and analyze the performance of the software.

Peer reviews are sometimes referred to as a code ‘walk-through.’ The reviewer is typically guided through the
main path of execution through the program by the developer, during which they should be examining the
programming style, checking for adequate documentation, and reviewing questions that can be common
stumbling blocks, such as:

 How easily can new features be added in the future?

 How are errors reported and handled?
 Is the code modular enough?
 Does the code starve the processor or use a prohibitive amount of memory?
 Is an adequate testing plan in place?

One of the most common reasons for not performing a code review is the amount of time needed to prepare for
and then perform the review. In order to simplify the process, you need to take advantage of tools that can help
automate the code inspection and help identify improvements. One example is the LabVIEW VI Analyzer tool,
which is an add-on for LabVIEW 7 and 7.1 that analyzes any LabVIEW code and then steps the user through the
test failures. You can also generate reports that allow you track code improvements over time, and can be checked
into source code control software along with your VIs.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


We want to analyze our code on a regular basis to identify any potential problems or coding errors that could
cause inappropriate or incorrect behavior.

We’re going to be configuring a series of tests, examining the results, and generating a report to document the

The NI LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit will be used to run 70+ tests on our application hierarchy and generate an
HTML report.

 Loading pre-configured test configuration
 Report generation

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

1. Launch, configure and run the analyzer tests

a. From within LabVIEW, select Tools > VI Analyzer > Analyze VIs…

b. Select the task labeled ‘Load a previously saved analysis configuration file’ and click Next

c. VI Analyzer allows us to customize test settings and save the configuration for future use.
Navigate to ‘Software Validation Demo > Code Reviews,’ and load the Demo Configuration.cfg

d. VI Analyzer will display a list of files that will be analyzed. We can use this window to add or
remove objects. Since all the files we want to analyze have been selected, click Next.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

e. A list of over eighty tests will be displayed. Select a test to view configuration information and set
the priority. Recommendations include:
1. Documentation > User > Spell Check – this can help mitigate the risk of misspelled
words amongst the documentation and most importantly, the user interface
2. General > VI Properties > Driver Usage – when building an application, it can be useful
to know what drivers have been called by the application and should be included in the
3. Complexity Metrics > Cycolmatic Complexity – this industry-standard code metric helps
evaluate the amount of paths through code, which is useful when developing test plans.
4. Block Diagram > Performance > Arrays and Strings in Loops – this is one of several tests
that can point out programming practices that could detract from execution speed.
f. Click Next
g. We can now save the test configuration, or we can perform the analysis on our VIs. Click Analyze
to begin testing the entire hierarchy of VIs.

Note: The tests should take roughly thirty seconds to complete on a fast computer if you run them on the entire
application hierarchy.

2. Review the VI Analyzer Results and Correct Errors

a. The dialog that appears after running the tests shows the list of VIs that was analyzed. The
number shown in the right column indicates the number of items that require attention and
review. Begin by expanding the items under ‘main.vi.’ A total of 17 items should be listed.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

b. The high importance test failures will be indicated using a red exclamation mark. As an example,
expand the ‘Spell Check’ test and select ‘Occurrence 1.’ The description should explain that, ‘The
control “Timing” contains the misspelled word “Timing” in its Boolean text.’
c. Double-click on Occurrence 1. LabVIEW should highlight the button on the front panel with the
misspelled word.
d. Explore the remaining results and consult the description for details on how to correct the error.
3. Generate an HTML report
a. Click ‘Export’ in the VI Analyzer Results Window.
b. Change the location to the ‘Analyzer Results’ folder in the project and type in the name of the file
you wish to save it as.
c. From the drop-down, select HTML.
d. Click Export
e. Click Done on the VI Analyzer Results Window. Click No to dismiss the save dialog.
f. When prompted to return to VI Analyzer, click No
g. From within the Project Explorer, expand the ‘Analyzer Results’ folder
h. Double-click the new html document to see the results in a browser. Note that this dialog
includes links to tests for navigation.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


Identifying the source and fixing the cause of unexpected or undesirable behavior in software can be a tedious,
time-consuming and expensive task for developers. Even code that is syntactically correct and functionally
complete is often still contaminated with problems such as memory leaks or daemon tasks that can impact
performance or lead to incorrect behavior. These oversights can be difficult to reproduce and even more difficult
to locate, especially in large, complex applications.

With the NI LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit, we can trace the execution of LabVIEW VIs on a Windows
target during run-time to detect and locate problems in code that could impact performance or cause unexpected
behavior. This will be helpful when struggling to locate the source of difficult to find, or difficult to reproduce
issues. The Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit provides a chronological view of system events, queue operations,
reference leaks, memory allocation, un-handled errors, and the execution of subVIs. Users can also
programmatically generate user-defined events from the block diagram of a LabVIEW application.

Dynamic code analysis refers to the ability to understand what software is doing ‘under-the-hood’ during
execution. In other words, it provides details about events and the context in which they occur in order to give
developers a bigger picture and more information that can help solve problems.

Dynamic code analysis has a number of different use-cases throughout the software development life-cycle,

• Detecting memory and reference leaks

• Isolating the source of a specific event or undesired behavior
• Screening applications for areas where performance can be improved
• Identifying the last call before an error
• Ensuring the execution of an application is the same on different targets

Problems such as memory leaks can have costly consequences for systems that are required to sustain operation
for extended periods of time or for software that has been released to a customer. If software that needs
debugging has been deployed and the LabVIEW development environment is not installed on the current machine,
it may be beneficial to perform dynamic analysis of the code with the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit over the
network. For deployed systems, even if the development environment is available, it may be impractical or
difficult to locally troubleshoot or profile the execution of a running system.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


We want to profile the execution of a LabVIEW application we’ve developed to find the source of un-desirable

Consider that you have software in use that appears to work fine, but it eventually begins to get slower and less
responsive, or eventually quits unexpectedly. You suspect a memory leak, but the application is very large and it
could take an extremely long time to track down the source of this problem.

We’re going to use the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit to monitor the execution of our suspect application and
see if we can find the source of these problematic behaviors.

 How to setup and configure a trace
 How to filter the information
 User-defined trace data
 Finding the source of an event
 Identifying memory leaks
 Discovering un-handled errors

 Make sure that LabVIEW and the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit are installed.
 Make sure that a firewall is not preventing communication between the tool and LabVIEW
 In LabVIEW, go to Tools >> Options and select the ‘Block Diagram’ category. De-select Enable Automatic
Error Handling in new VIs and de-select ‘Enable Automatic Error handling dialogs.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


1. Demonstrate that application does not appear to have any obvious defects and show how custom trace
data has been programmed into the application
a. In the Project Explorer, open the VI entitled Main.vi. As has been demonstrated in prior steps,
the application works correctly and does not have any obvious bugs; however, errors have been
intentionally coded into this application for the sake of demonstration, including a memory leak
that will degrade performance over time.
b. In the Project Explorer, expand the folder ‘Main Demo’ and open the VI ‘Send Debug Info to
DETT.vi.’ This VI uses the ‘Generate User-Defined Trace Event’ primitive to stream data to the
Desktop Execution Trace, which is extremely helpful when trying to debug code that quickly
iterates through a large amount of data. The desktop execution trace toolkit will allow us to see
all of the values in each iteration.

2. Setup the Trace

a. Launch the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit from the start menu by navigating to National
Instruments > LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit
b. Select ‘New Trace’ from the toolbar at the top. In the dialog that appears, we could chose to
trace a deployed executable or shared library over a network, as well as a remote development
environment. To get started, select Local Application Instance.

c. In this menu, you should see the name of the current Project listed. Select it.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

d. Click OK
3. Configure the Trace
a. Select Configure from the toolbar at the top. We can capture a lot of information from this tool,
and we’ll see later on how to setup filters to help us parse the information, but for now we can
actually configure what data we want to record

b. Explain that we suspect a memory leak, so start by turning on Memory Allocations.

c. By default, the threshold is set to 0 bytes. As a result, we’re going to see a memory allocation for
a lot of little things that the LabVIEW compiler does. Up this threshold to eliminate some of the
noise to roughly 300 Bytes
d. Set the rest of the checkboxes as shown in the image below

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

e. Click OK
4. Begin tracing execution
a. Select Start from the toolbar

b. Switch back to the front panel of Main.vi

c. Position the front panel and the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit on the screen so that both can
be seen simultaneously
d. Run the VI and when prompted, select the same sample data as last time
e. Note that you should see data appear in the trace as shown below after selecting the dataset.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

f. The screen will continue to populate with ‘Memory Resize’ as we have code in our application
that has a leak in it.
g. Return to the application and click Take Blood Pressure. As a result, we should now see some
user-generated data and an error message

h. Stop the trace

5. Understanding the Data
a. Before we try to find our memory leak, we should stop and examine the data we’re getting to
see what it means.
b. We get several columns of data back, including the VI it occurred in, the description of the event,
and other information such as the timestamp
c. Highlight an event by clicking on it, such as a memory allocation.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

d. Highlight the items shown in the image above

6. Finding the un-handled error
a. The trace data from the main.vi should have yielded an un-handled error, which will be
highlighted in red. We had no inclination of this happening when our program ran, but the
Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit has pointed out a potential problem that could be impacting the
behavior of our code.
b. Clicking on it will give you the details of the event.
c. Double-clicking on the trace identifies the property node by bringing up the block diagram and
highlighting it.
d. The property node is throwing an error because you’re trying to write the SyncDisp property,
which cannot be set during run-time.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


The idea behind unit testing is elegant and simple, but can be expanded to enable sophisticated series of tests for
code validation and regression testing. A unit test is strictly something that ‘exercises’ or runs the code under test.
Many developers manually perform unit testing on a regular basis in the course of working on a segment of code.
In other words, it can be as simple as, ‘I know the code should perform this task when I supply this input; I’ll try it
and see what happens.’ If it doesn’t behave as expected, the developer would likely modify the code and repeat
this iterative process until it works.

The problem with doing this manually is that it can easily overlook large ranges of values or different combinations
of inputs and it offers no insight into how much of the code was actually executed during testing. Additionally, it
does not help us with the important task of proving to someone else that it worked and that it worked correctly.
The cost and time required is compounded by the reality that one round of testing is rarely enough; besides fixing
bugs, any changes that are made to code later in the development process may require additional investment of
time and resources to ensure it’s working properly.

Large projects typically augment manual procedures with tools such as the NI LabVIEW Unit Test Framework
Toolkit to automate and improve this process. Automation reduces the risk of undetected errors, saves costs by
detecting problems early in the development lifecycle, and saves time by keeping developers focused on the task
of writing the software, instead of performing the tests themselves.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011


We want to automate the process of testing VIs in order to make sure they exhibit correct behavior.

Consider that you’ve been given requirements for implementing a subroutine and you want to make sure it works
as expected. Automating the tests makes it possible to re-run them on a regular basis and thereby mitigate the
risk of making a change that could introduce a problem. We can also generate reports and get additional
information about our code that can help further improve the quality and reliability of the application.

We’re going to use the NI LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit to generate a test case for a simple VI, examine
the results, and generate a report.

 Creating a unit test
 Defining test cases
 Tracking tests in the Project Explorer
 Importing test parameters from the front panel
 Executing tests
 Interpreting the test results dialog
 Report generation

 Make sure the UTF Directory is setup properly
o Right click on the project file in the Project Explorer and select properties.
o Select ‘Unit Test Framework’
o Scroll down to ‘Test Creation’ and make sure that the correct directory is selected

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

1. Perform a Manual Test (Option A)

a. In the Project Explorer, expand SubVIs > Main Demo and open Peak-Valley-Noise.vi. This VI
executes in a loop to identify the peaks and valleys based by comparing the instantaneous slope
with the previous slope.
b. Review the requirements document to get the test vector.
c. Peak-Valley-Noise.vi has the following inputs:
i. Slope – this is the rate at which the pressure is changing between the two most recent
ii. Last Slope – this is the rate at which the pressure is changing between the previous two
iii. Heart Rate Timer– this corresponds to the number of data-points that have been
analyzed since the previous valley. If the number of samples is less than 300, it should
return ‘Noise’
iv. Pulse – set to True after a Valley and until a Peak
v. error in (no error) – if an error is passed into this VI, it should return the same error and
zeros for both indicators.
b. Peak-Valley-Noise.vi has the following outputs:
i. State – the options are Peak, Valley or Noise
ii. error out – if invalid inputs are received by this VI, it will output an error. It will also
pass any errors that are input to it.

d. Configure the VI for a manual test

i. Set Heart Rate Timer to ‘500’
ii. Set Slope to ‘4
iii. Set Last Slope to ‘-9’
b. Run the VI. The outputs should be:

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

i. State should be ‘Valley’

ii. Error Out status should not indicate an error
2. Define a Unit Test for Peak-Valley-Noise.vi
e. Though we’ve manually run the VI to check and make sure it works, there are numerous
conditions that we want to make sure this VI can properly handle. Several tests have already
been created for this VI, but we’re going to start by creating a new test for positive values. Right-
click on the VI and select ‘Unit Tests > New Test.’

a. LabVIEW will generate a new file on disk with an .lvtest extension. The test will be created next
to the VI under test by default, though we can specify a separate location or move the test on
disk from within the ‘Files’ tab. Double-click on the unit test in the Project Explorer to open the
Test Properties dialog.
b. The first category shows the basic configuration of the unit test. The information displayed
includes the following:
i. VI Under Test – this will automatically be configured, but we can change it at a later
date if we move or rename a VI under test outside of the LabVIEW Project Explorer.
ii. Test Priority – this number can be used to group tests and test results based upon
importance. As an example, you can tell the Unit Test Framework to only run tests that
are at least a certain priority.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

iii. Requirements ID – this ID can be read by NI Requirements Gateway for the sake of
automated traceability to requirements documents.
b. Enter the requirement ID: SwTestReq1 into the RequirementsID field
c. Select the ‘Test Cases’ category. Note that one unit test can contain multiple test cases.

d. The right side of the ‘Test Cases’ dialog will display the inputs and outputs of the VI Under Test.
From this dialog we can configure the following:
i. The inputs to set
ii. The input values
iii. The excepted outputs
iv. The outputs to compare
v. The comparisons to be made between the actual results and the expected results
e. Only the controls and indicators connected to the connector pane will be shown in the Test Case
dialog by default, but we can adjust the settings from the Advanced category to use any and all
controls and indicators. Tests can be created for any data-type in LabVIEW, including arrays and
clusters. For complex datasets, it may be better to define values in the .lvtest file, via the front
panel or a setup VI.

f. Define the input values for the values as shown below:

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

g. Define the output string as ‘Valley’

h. Feel free to define additional test cases from this dialog by clicking New at the top.
i. Click OK
j. Right click on the test in the Project Explorer and select Run

k. The test should pass, which will be indicated by a green icon that is overlaid on the test in the
Project tree. A dialog will also appear explaining the results.

l. Click Done

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

3. Running multiple tests and troubleshooting test failures

a. Expand the folder titled ‘Unit Tests’ in the Project tree to see the pre-defined tests for Vis in this
b. Right-click on the folder entitled Unit Tests and select Unit Tests > Run. In addition to running all
the tests in a folder, we could also run all the tests for just a particular VI, all of the tests in the
Project Explorer, or we could run tests programmatically using the documented API and VI
c. When the test is complete, notice that the icon in the Project Explorer for Add Digit to Display –
Negative Values.lvtest now has a red dot next to it, which indicates that the test failed.
Additionally, the Test Results dialog has appeared which indicates that one of the tests has failed.
d. Click on the Test Results tab to find out what went wrong.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011

4. View the traceability in Requirements Gateway

a. Launch the completed NI Requirements Gateway project
b. Switch to the traceability view
c. Show that the requirement for Peak-Valley-Noise is now covered by this unit test that was just
5. Turn on Report Generation
a. In the Project Explorer, right click on the project file and select properties

b. The properties dialog contains various settings and preferences for the Unit Test Framework,
including test filters and the default location for new tests
c. Select Unit Test: Report Details and check everything

d. Select Unit Test: Generate Reports and select Generate HTML Report and View Report after
e. Click on the icon in the toolbar to Run Unit Tests

a. After the tests are complete, the HTML report should display in your browser.

Software Engineering Technical Manual and Exercises 2011



 http://bit.ly/p00D1o

 ni.com/largeapps – find best practices, online examples and a community of advanced LabVIEW users
 ni.com/softwareengineering – download evaluation software and read more about the tools in this guide


 Managing Software Engineering with LabVIEW
o Learn to manage the development of a LabVIEW project from definition to deployment
o Select and use appropriate tools and techniques to manage the development of a LabVIEW
o Recommended preparation for Certified LabVIEW Architect exam
 Advanced Architectures in LabVIEW
o Gain exposure to and experience with various architectures for medium to large LabVIEW
o Learn how to select an appropriate architecture based on high-level requirements
o Recommended preparation for Certified LabVIEW Architect exam
 Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW
o Design an application using object-oriented design principles
o Implement a basic class hierarchy using LabVIEW classes
o Modify an existing LabVIEW application to replace common patterns with LabVIEW objects


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