AF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel Datasheet
AF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel Datasheet
AF1300 Subsonic Wind Tunnel Datasheet
A e rodynamics
S ub sonic Win d Tu n n el 3 0 5 m m
A compact, free-standing, open-circuit suction subsonic wind tunnel with a working section of
305 mm by 305 mm and 600 mm long, allowing students to perform advanced study such as
analysing boundary layers, performing flow visualisation and observing velocity in the wake,
offering extensive teaching and research functionality.
K ey F e at u res
• A wind tunnel for conducting experiments in aerodynamics
• Safe, compact, open-circuit suction wind tunnel – a cost effective solution when compared to full-sale wind
• The optional ancillaries work with TecQuipment’s Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®)
• Additional models and instruments available to extend the range of experiments
• Wind tunnel controls mount on a separate, free-standing instrument frame for ease of use
• The wind tunnel has wheels for easy mobility
• Also available as a starter set with a basic lift and drag balance and a set of models
In clu de d w i t h t he A F1 300
M od el Ho l d er
The model holder is supplied to hold a model if a balance
apparatus to be precisely levelled before use.
is not used. It is designed to hold a shaft of diameter 11.95
±0.015 mm (diameter) and 215 ±1.25 mm (length) mounting The manometer is supplied with operating instructions, a
stem. filling funnel and a spirit level.
protracto r Basic Lift a nd Drag Ba la nce ( A F13 0 0z)
The protractor fits on to the shaft of a model when a This simple-to-fit balance mounts onto the side of the
Balance is not being used. It can be used when setting up wind tunnel working section. The balance works with the
models and rotating them during experiments. optional models.
It includes a digital display unit to show the forces. The
display unit can connect to TecQuipment’s VDAS® to log
experiment data on a suitable computer (not supplied).
Thr ee C o mpo nent Bala n c e (A F 1 3 0 0T) The model support of the balance can be rotated by 360
degrees. This allows adjustment of the angle of incidence
of the model to the direction of air flow. The model support
is locked in the required position by a simple clamp after
Ba la nce A ngle Feedback U nit ( A FA4)
The Balance Angle Feedback Unit is
for use with the Three-Component
Balance (see above) to measure the
angular position of models mounted
on the balance in the wind tunnel.
The Angle Feedback Unit mounts
on the Three-Component Balance
attached to the wind tunnel. It then
The Three-Component Balance fits onto the working transmits the rotational angle of
section of TecQuipment’s Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300). the model to (VDAS®). The angle of
the model is logged on a suitable
The Three-Component Balance provides an easy-to-use
computer along with the other
support system for wind tunnel models. It measures lift,
captured experimental data.
drag and pitching moment exerted on the model.
Different ia l Pressu re U nit ( A FA 5)
The balance comprises a mounting plate secured to the
wind tunnel working section. A triangular force plate is held The Differential Pressure Transducer and readout is an
optional ancillary to TecQuipment’s Subsonic Wind Tunnel
(AF1300). It measures and displays pressures in Pitot-static
tubes and other pressure-sensing devices fitted to a wind
tunnel, with respect to the atmosphere or differential
The control and instrumentation panel of the AF1300
wind tunnel includes a location for mounting up to two
Pressure Transducer
modules. Each
module contains a
calibrated pressure
transducer. The
unit has an integral
liquid crystal
display that allows
the user to read
pressure directly.
on the mounting plate by a mechanism that constrains The signals of the pressure sensors may be output to
it to move in a plane parallel to the mounting plate only, TecQuipment’s optional Versatile Data Acquisition System.
while leaving it free to rotate about a horizontal axis. This When the Differential Pressure Transducer is used with the
arrangement provides the necessary three degrees of automatic data acquisition unit it provides a significant
freedom. advantage over conventional instruments such as
Models for use with the balance are available from manometers. Many readings can be taken and the user
TecQuipment. Other models used with the equipment will may use a suitable spreadsheet software package to
need a mounting stem. The forces acting on the model are obtain a more accurate overview of pressure distributions.
transmitted by cables to three strain gauged load cells. The
output from each load cell is taken via an amplifier to a
display module. The display module mounts onto the wind
tunnel control and instrumentation frame and includes a
digital display to show the lift, drag and pitching moment
The equipment is fully compatible with TecQuipment’s
Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS®) and can quickly
and conveniently connect to the frame-mounted interface
unit (VDAS-F).
A f u l ly o p er at i o n al
S u bs o n i c Wi n d T u n n e l ( Table
n ot i n c lu d ed)
Sm o k e G ener ato r ( AFA1 1 ) (not supplied) running the VDAS® software. The software
has extra features that allow the addition of derivative
traces and reference traces, based on each of the two
analogue input signals. It is possible to adjust software
filtering and smoothing of each signal trace, and scale the
traces to best fit the trace area.
The software is intuitive and easy to use, with clear and
convenient data display options. The software looks similar
and works in a similar way for each TecQuipment VDAS®
compliant product. This saves time as students do not have
to learn to use new software when changing experiments.
OR Three Component
M in imu m Inst ru ments R e qui r e d v das ®
Balance (AF1300z)
Manometer (AFA1)
Balance (AF1300t)
Balance (AF1300t)
It is possible to complete all AF1300 This table shows the minimum additional
experiments without using VDAS®. instrumentation required if choosing not to use
However there is a minimum TecQuipment’s VDAS®.
additional instrumentation
N ote : When using AF1300 without VDAS® all data
requirement for some experiments.
recording must be done manually.
All TecQuipment electronic
instruments e.g. the 32-Way Pressure Cylinder Model (AF1300a) ü
Display Unit (AFA6) have visual
displays from which data can be Set of Two NACA 0012 Aerofoils (AF1300d) ü
transcribed. Flat Plate Drag Model (AF1300e) ü
Other instruments e.g. the Multitube Three Dimensional Drag Models (AF1300j)
Manometer (AFA1) are read manually
and the data transcribed. S1210 Aerofoil (AF1300l) ü
Note: AF 1 3 00 is supplied with a NACA 0012 Aerofoil with Tappings (AF1300b) ü
standard Pitot tube, a Pitot-static
Boundary Layer Model (AF1300f) ü
tube and a manometer (built into
the control panel). Some or all of NACA 2412 Aerofoil with Flap (AF1300c) ü
these instruments will be required in
addition to the optional instruments Aircraft Model - Low Wing (AF1300g) ü
listed here to complete the Aircraft Model - High Wing (AF1300h) ü
Winglets and End Plates (AF1300q) ü
Flutter Wing (AF1300r) No instruments required