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(DECEMBER, 2019)


This is to certify that this research project titled “THE APPLICATION OF GREEN
and regulation governing the award of Bachelors of Technology (B.Tech.) of Modibbo
Adama University of Technology, Yola. As such it is approved for its contribution to
knowledge and literacy Presentation.

Dr. O.M. IDOWU Date


Dr. K.C OKOYE Date

(Head of department)


(External Examiner)

I dedicate This project to Almighty ALLAH for His ex gratia of mercies and guidance, who

in his immeasurable blessings gave me the fortitude, inspiration and ability to complete this

project efficaciously. I’ll like to give my esteem gratitude to my parents Alh. Murtala

Muhammad Habib and late Haj. Hauwa’u Usman, my indispensable brothers, and my

amiable and ever inspiring sisters for their maximum support and prayers towards my


I seem to lose confidence in the effectiveness of my diction when it comes to showing

how grateful I am to Almighty Allah, The cherisher, The sustainer, The Gracious, The

beneficent and the most merciful for bringing me this far. My gratitude to Him is too

overwhelming to articulate in a small span of life and with my limited linguistic creativity. It

is with delight.

I acknowledge the invaluable and immeasurable contributions of my supervisor, Dr.

O.M. IDOWU for his guidance and mentorship throughout the duration of this research. I am

most grateful to both the academic and non-academic staff of the department of architecture.

Special appreciation to the architects in Adamawa state for the great help rendered to

the success of this project and all those who took time out to respond to my questionnaires.

My profound appreciation and gratitude goes to my pillar of support, my father Alh.

Murtala Muhammad Habib for his efforts, encouragement, and contributions in all

ramifications to my success in the system and my uncles Alh. Aliyu Usman. Bappa

Maiduguri, Baban Badawa, uncle Sanusi,Uncle Aminu and the rest of them. May Almighty

Allah bless you abundantly.

Now to the captain of my success and my mitochondria, my utmost and greatest

gratitude and thanks goes to the best mother in the world, late Haj hauwa’u usman for all she

has done in my life since birth to the present moment, may almighty Allah bless you and

grand you jannatul firdaus as your final abode ameen.

I appreciate the love, care, and concern of grandmother Hajiya Khadija and my step-

mum Aunty Maryam, not forgetting my aunties Late Goggo Nenne, Late Goggo Addi, Hajiya

Goggo Binta, Aunty Rashida Aunty Zarqa, Yapendo Talatu,Aunty Sadiqa, and all my aunties

that I did not mention their names I really appreciate your efforts. My siblings Hamma

Aminu, Hafsat, Ahmad, Usman, Al-Amin, Khadija, Habib and Aliyu, my cousins Madam

Dada, Adda Sudu, Adda Ruqayya, Hamma Habu, Hamma Sadiqu Hajiya Madina and my

entire family. you have all been phenomenally helpful, may the showers of blessings continue

to fall upon you all.

I owe it a duty to acknowledge the class of 2019 and the entire Archie family; I

appreciate your contributions and advice especially during the trying moments of our

academic pursuit. I wish everyone success as we take the next step in our lives, am looking

forward to meeting you all in the construction industry in the nearest future. For my friends, a

whole book on you will not be enough to express my feelings; thank you for being there as

you all will forever be in my heart.

The goal of any concept of sustainability adopted is basically targeted at conserving
elements of nature as much as it possibly could. Green building is known as
sustainable building or “high performance” building. The aim of this research is to
assess on the application, importance, and principles of green architecture and see
how it is used in practices to reduce environmental impact in Adamawa state. Data
was collected using the qualitative and quantitative research analysis. Data was
analysed from the result computed from 40 structured questionnaires distributed to
practicing architects. The data retrieved was analysed using frequency tables. Result
from this research reveals the green architecture is known by architects in Adamawa
state and the principles are used in building designs and practices. I recommend that
Green rating system should be implemented in Adamawa state to serve as guidelines
in building designs and Architects should encourage clients on the necessity and
importance of green architecture in building designs as a way of reducing
environmental impact.


Title page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

Approval page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Dedication ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
Acknowledgement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
Table of content------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION---------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 Background of study ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.2 Statement of the problem------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.3 Aims of the study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.4 Objectives of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.5 The Research Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.6 Significance of The Study ----------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.7 Scope and limitation of The Study ------------------------------------------------------------3

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW -------------------------------------------------- 4

1.8 Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.9 Historical frame work ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1.9.1 Sustainable building design -----------------------------------------------------------4

1.9.2 Elements/ principles of sustainable design------------------------------------------

1.9.3 Consideration for green building -----------------------------------------------------

1.9.4 Design solution and conservation of natural environment -----------------------


1.9.5 Green Building Benefits---------------------------------------------------------------


1.9.6 some problem of green building practices in Nigeria-----------------------------


1.10 Empirical frame work ------------------------------------------------------------------------13

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY --------------------------------------15

3.1 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

3.2 Research Design ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

3.3 Population of the study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------15

3.4 Sample and sampling techniques-----------------------------------------------------------------16

3.5 Data and data collection----------------------------------------------------------------------------17

3.6 Data analysis techniques---------------------------------------------------------------------------17

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT -----------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.2 Results------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.4.1 what are the level of awareness of green architecture in Adamawa state?------18

4.4.2 To what extent are the principles of green architecture is applied in designs in

Adamawa state?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

4.3 Discussion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22


5.1 Restatement of the Problem-----------------------------------------------------------------------26

5.2 Summary of Method of Findings-----------------------------------------------------------------26

5.3 Conclusion from findings--------------------------------------------------------------------------27

5.4 Recommendations from findings------------------------------------------------------------------



APPENDIX--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31



1.1 Background of The Study

The goal of any concept of sustainability adopted is basically targeted at conserving

elements of nature as much as it possibly could. According to Kamarudin et al as cited in

Hussein , Zulkifli, & Shahimi , (2017) reveals that green building refers to the act of

developing, constructing and building structures, and utilizing procedure that are

environmental and resource efficient in various construction activities. Therefore, green

building is known as sustainable building or “high performance” building. According to

USEPA as cited in Ruqun (2016), Green buildings have become increasingly popular due to

their healthier and more resource efficient models of design, construction, operation,

renovation, maintenance, and demolition. In this globalization era, sustainable constructions

have taken on some new steps to stimulate green building practice. Green building criteria

basis are energy efficiency, material and resource conservation and sustainable design of the

building itself. Energy efficiency still has a long way to go, due to some barriers that prevail

in the practice of energy efficiency. Similarly, materials and design that are originally used

have created various issues related to the environment and human health, hence sustainable

constructions become the key to promote green building practice throughout the world. It also

refers to the building structure itself. Broadly speaking, green building is intended to mitigate

the environment impacts of the construction activities and it is sustainable. (Hussein, Zulkifli,

& Shahimi, 2017).

According to the study of David & Olabode (2015), The negative environmental

impact of buildings and the accruable benefits of green building have been presented at the

introduction linked to the better understanding of the goals of green building or sustainable
development. The practice of green building should be embraced not only because of its

humanity concerns and environmental legislation but also because of its capability to increase

financial profit and long-term competiveness of buildings.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Based on the problem of managing the utilities and services that are necessary for

buildings and environment, the finding s of this research will serve as a guide to architects to

solve the problem of managing natural resources and designing of the greenest and healthier


According to the study of Dahiru, Dania, & Adejoh( 2014) lack of awareness is the

most prominent factor hindering the construction of green building, followed by 'Lack of

enabling environment in the form of policy or legislation that will encourage prospective

clients to use green building and 'Economic situation of the country'. Health and productivity

gain is identified as the most important benefit of green building, followed by 'preservation of

natural resources while taking care of their health' and 'attraction and retention of employee'.

1.3 Aim of The Study

The aim of this research is to assess on the application, importance, and principles of green

architecture and see how it is used in practices to reduce environmental impact in Adamawa


1.4 Objectives of The Study

The aim of this research will be achieved through the following objectives:

1. To determine the level of awareness of green architecture in designs in Adamawa


2. To determine the extent to which the principles of green architecture is applied in

designs in Adamawa state.

1.5 The Research Questions

In order to understand the application of green building practices in Adamawa state, the

research will need to provide answer to this questions:

1. What is the level of awareness about green architecture in designs in Adamawa state?

2. To what extent are the principles of green architecture is applied in designs in

Adamawa state?

1.6 Significance of The Study

The findings from this research will serve as guide to help architectural practitioners to

solve the problem by designing the cleanest, greenest, healthiest and environment


According to Julia (2017) over six billion people are expected to be residing in cities by

2050, With such a large portion of the population becoming city dwellers, it is becoming

increasingly important for cities to adopt sustainable development plans to be able to

keep city growth within ecological limits.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The project entails the study of green architecture; then importance, principles and stages

used in practices in order to reuse and conserve the natural environment.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter summarise the historical and empirical framework of green architecture,

the review of literature on importance of green building, design solution to the conservation

of natural environment and how green architecture reduce the environmental impact in

Adamawa state.

2.2 Historical Framework

According to Evelyn (2014) the potentials of a sustainable residential design guide and

develops a framework for its actualization in the three climatic regions in Nigeria. These

regions are; Highland Climate Region (HCR), Tropical Savannah (TSC) and the Tropical

Rainforest Climate Region (TRC). Given that Nigeria is the seventh most populous country

in the world, and most populous in Africa, makes any statistical findings from Nigeria

relevant to the rest of the world. This sub-Saharan country is also faced with a huge yearly

housing shortage of over ten million units and yet little is known on the efforts and actions

taken by Nigeria to ensure that expected new buildings are sustainably designed in line with

the global concerns.

2.2.1 Sustainable building design

Green building is known as sustainable building or “high performance” building,

therefore Sustainable building design has become a wide and multidisciplinary research

endeavour including mechanical, electrical, electronic, communication, acoustic,

architectural, and structural engineering. It involves the participation of owners, contractors,

suppliers and building users. There has been a lot of talk about sustainable buildings in the

past few

years. Most of the published research is concerned with saving energy and water and making

the buildings more environmentally friendly by, say, reducing the carbon emissions

(Nengmou & Hojjat , 2014). Sustainable design covers not only environmental

considerations, but also integrates environmental issues with cost, schedule, operations,

maintenance, and worker/employee considerations. Furthermore, sustainable design tries to

decrease negative effects on the environment, comfort and health of building occupants, by

refining building performance ( Bashir et al 2016).

According to Roy as cited in Amany et al ( 2015) Green architecture or green design

is an approach to building that minimizes harmful effects on human health and the

environment. The "green" architect or designer attempts to safeguard air, water, and earth by

choosing eco-friendly building materials and construction practices.

According to burcu as cited in Amany et al ( 2015) states that Green architecture

defines an understanding of environment-friendly architecture under all classifications, and

contains some universal consent. It may have many of these characteristics:

 Ventilation systems designed for efficient heating and cooling

 Energy-efficient lighting and appliances

 Water-saving plumbing fixtures

 Landscapes planned to maximize passive solar energy

 Minimal harm to the natural habitat

 Alternate power sources such as solar power or wind power

 Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials

 Locally-obtained woods and stone

 Responsibly-harvested woods

 Adaptive reuse of older buildings

 Use of recycled architectural salvage

 Efficient use of space

USGBC as cited in Amany et al ( 2015) reveals that most green buildings do not have

all of these features, the highest goal of green architecture is to be fully sustainable. Also

Known as: Sustainable development, eco-design, eco-friendly architecture, earth-friendly

architecture, environmental architecture, natural architecture.

2.2.2 Elements/ principles of sustainable design

According to Bashir et al (2016). There are many elements in sustainable design to be

considered to make a building sustainable or green. sustainable design as design and build

that considerably lessen the undesirable effect of buildings on the surroundings plus its

occupiers in 5 (five) general parts:

 Sustainable site location: The sustainable design also preserves important

environmental resources through a thorough inspection of every site along with put

emphasis on design and construction process that reduces site negative effect which

conserves and really restores or regenerates appreciated habitat, green space and

associated eco-systems that are important to sustaining life. Some aspect should be

taken into consideration to attain better comfort and lesser the energy bill includes

landscaping, building orientation, building form, building fabric, air infiltration,

natural delighting and ventilation and passive solar heating and cooling. For the site

to be sustainable, building orientation, parking capacity, Greenery and Roof etc. need

to be considered

 Water efficiency : In sustainable design is important to Manage of water and

waste during the construction period up till demolition of the building. These feature

follows the hydrological systems where the existing natural water is recycled.

Maintenance of storm water, on-site penetration, and restoring of ground water using

approaches that thoroughly follow natural systems should be emphasis. One of the

significant features of this design is to lessen the pointless and wasteful use of filtered

water on the site while improving recycling and reuse of water, as well as grey water,

storm water, and harvested rainwater. For water efficiency rain water harvest, water

recycling, water efficient fittings etc. are to be considered

 Energy efficient: Energy efficient is to design energy efficient buildings

that sustain the best environment for human occupancy while minimizing energy

cost. The objectives of energy efficient buildings are to increase the levels of comfort

for the occupants and cut down the use of energy (electricity, natural gas, etc) for

lighting, cooling, and heating. Progression in energy efficiency is measured as any

act accepted by a manufacturer or operator of energy products, that reduces use of

energy per unit of production, without disturbing the level of production provided.

Under energy efficiency there is low energy, energy efficiency fittings and renewable

energy which has several branches to be considered such as wind, biomass,

hydroelectric, and geothermal.

 materials and resources conservation: This feature integrates the maximum use of re-

usable, renewable, sustainably managed; bio-based materials along with identifying

the means to lessen the extent of materials needed and reduce the quantity of waste

produced through the implementation of a construction waste reduction plan.

Besides, a significant amount of energy (12 percent to 40 percent) can be saved if


materials are used for building construction. Minimize the use of non-renewable

construction materials and other resources such as energy and water through efficient

engineering, design, planning and construction and effective recycling of

construction debris. Maximize the use of recycled content materials, modern resource


engineered materials, and resource efficient composite type structural systems

wherever possible. Maximize the use of re-usable, renewable, sustainably managed,

bio based materials. Remember that human creativity and our abundant labour force

is perhaps our most valuable renewable resource. The best solution is not necessarily

the one that requires the least amount of physical work.

 Indoor environmental quality: Sustainable buildings are aimed to form a healthier,

enjoyable, and useful work environment which offers them best likely conditions in

terms of thermal comfort, access to natural ventilation, day lighting, and good indoor

air quality and active control of the acoustic environment. The skills which is used to

fulfil this criteria include material selection, maximize the use of natural day lighting,

natural ventilation and maximize the use of operable windows, design building

envelope and environmental systems in such a way that not only provide adequate

ventilation and treat air temperature and, but also respect all of the environmental

settings which distress human health and thermal comfort, including the indoor air

velocity, temperature, and humidity, mean radiant temperature of interior surfaces.

2.2.3 Consideration for green building

According to Komolafe as cited in Oluwasola & Davies ,( 2013) reveals that Climatic

conditions include weather observations over the longest possible period of time, and must

consist not only of temperatures and precipitation values, but also humidity, cloud, wind, air

pressure and solar radiation. The Nigerian macro-climate may be classified into four zones


(i) Hot – dry

(ii)Temperate dry

(iii)Hot humid and

(iv) Warm humid.

Site Planning for Comfort: The following fundamental rules for site orientations and solar

control are generally valid:

 Open facades should face north or south as much as possible to avoid direct radiation

from a low sun

and the consequent intensive concentration of heat.

 In hot - dry or arid zones, screening of openings in mostly closed wall surfaces is


 In hot - humid zones it is necessary to screen all openings and in some circumstances,

complete facades against direct and indirect radiation from overcast skies.

A good design for thermal comfort in the Nigerian climate should observe the following


 Orientation of the buildings;

 Cross ventilation within the habitable rooms;

 Solar control and appropriate shading techniques;

 Use of appropriate properties of materials like heat storage and insulation;

 Appropriate and correct use of vegetation

 Air humidification or evaporative cooling.

Site Orientation of Buildings: Correct site orientation of buildings for thermal efficiency must

pay attention to:

 Solar radiation and the resultant heat load;

 Direction and force of the wind and

 The topography of the site.

Solar Control and Shading Devices: In the tropics, protection from the sun is always

necessary. This is because the intensity, duration and the angle of incidence of solar radiation

to a particular surface are the main determinants of the design precautions. necessary for

comfort. These factors affect the solar control measures such as:

 The time of the day and the extent of screening required

 The calculation of the type, depth and separation of the screening elements require

Except for other aesthetic reasons, there is little or no justification for using the same

screening devices on all the four facades of a building. Screening is most effective if

separately calculated to suit the solar angle of incidence and the requirements for each facade.

The capital cost involved in providing appropriate and suitable sun shading devices helps to

minimize the heat load and consequently:

 reduce the cost of air conditioning,

 provide cooler indoor environment,

 ensure greater thermal comfort of the occupants and

 increase productive efforts (Oluwasola & Davies , 2013)

2.2.4 Design solution and conservation of natural environment

Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are

environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from

sitting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This

practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility,

durability, and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable or high performance

building. Green building brings together a vast array of practices and techniques to reduce

and ultimately eliminate the impacts of buildings on the environment and human health. It

often emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources, e.g. using sunlight through

passive solar, active solar and photovoltaic techniques and using plants and trees through

green roofs, rain gardens, and for reduction of rainwater run-off. Many other techniques, such

as using packed gravel or permeable concrete instead of conventional concrete or asphalt to

enhance replenishment of ground water, are used as well. While the practices, or

technologies, employed in green building are constantly evolving and may differ from region

to region, there are generally agreed fundamental principles by world architects. (Achimugu


2.2.5 Green Building Benefits

Green building is not a simple development trend, it is an approach to building suited to

the demands of its time, whose relevance and importance will only continue to increase

(USGBC as stated in Amany et al, 2015).

 Comfort: Because a well-designed passive solar home or building is highly energy

efficient, it is free of drafts. Extra sunlight from the south windows makes it more

cheerful and pleasant in the winter than a conventional house (Kat’s as stated in

Amany et al, 2015).

 Economy: If addressed at the design stage, passive solar construction doesn’t have to

cost more than conventional construction, and it can save money on fuel bills (Kat’s

as stated in Amany et al, 2015).

 Aesthetics: Passive solar buildings can have a conventional appearance on the

outside, and the passive solar features make them bright and pleasant inside.

 Environmentally responsible: Passive solar homes can significantly cut use of

heating fuel and electricity used for lighting. If passive cooling strategies are used in

the design, summer air conditioning costs can be reduced as well (Woolley’s as stated

in Amany et al, 2015).

2.2.6. some problem of green building practices in Nigeria

According to research done by Dahiru, Dania, & Adejoh( 2014) the problen are stated below

1. No Enabling Environment: there is no enabling environment in the form of policy,

legislation or some form of incentives for the practice of green building. Quite unlike

what is obtained in the developed nations in which government lead.

2. Uncertain Economic Environment: In Nigeria, the private sector has a narrow market

base and the formal construction industry overly relies on the government for work,

whose work orders fluctuate with income giving volatile oil pricing in the

international market. There has also been a reduction in public spending as services

previously provided by government are being privatized due to fiscal prudence. These

have brought about fluctuation in construction activities which discourage long term

strategic planning, which in turn hinders access to investment capital. Delays with

interim and final payments, as well as onerous contract conditions faced by

construction firms can also impose huge constraints on the industry.

3. Technological Barriers: Technology dependency hinders the autonomous

development of indigenous technology. Nigeria needs knowledge and technology that

are better adapted to its natural resources than those which are obtained from

industrialized countries. For example, the use of earth and timber construction that

predated colonialism has been abandoned and no longer popular.

4. Lack of Integrated Research: Much of the research in building technologies and

planning is not done in a holistic approach. The research institutions, development

agencies and other organizations address each issue individually and independently of

other issues to which it is linked.

5. Lack of Interest in the Issue of Sustainability: There is a general lack of interest in the

issues of sustainability by the construction sector, its clients and other stakeholders.

This negligence is experienced differently through the various stakeholders such as:

politicians and local authorities.

2.3 Empirical Framework

According to Evelyn (2014) reveals that in the overall, this research and its findings are

aimed at promoting and enhancing the sustainability of the built environment. Therefore,

there is need for other researchers in Nigeria to take up such challenges and embark on more

research studies and as a result provide data as tangible evidence to argue for more

government actions for the overall good of sustainable development in Nigeria. Thus, the

research aim is achieved with the formulation of a sustainable residential design framework

The five (5) fundamental elements are the backbone of sustainable

design the will make a building comfortable for people to live in. If the indoor does not have

good quality then the occupants will not be comfortable, so the sub elements such as

ventilation, daylight, thermal comfort etc. should be considered in making indoor

environment a qualitative one. If possible it should be done naturally by making use of

passive energy so that the energy use in the building should be less or renewable to make the

building energy efficient. The use of water should be minimal or it should be recycled by


treating, and distributing potable water and the collection and treatment of wastewater for

environmentally safe disposal back into waterways(Bashir, Ahmad , Sale, Aliyu, & Aminu,




3.1 Introduction

This chapter outline the research method of the study. It shall be conducted in two

aspects: collection of information using literature via internet collection of data’s using

instrument (structured questionnaire) administered to architects in Adamawa state, Nigeria.

3.2 Research design

The method applied in this study is the combination of qualitative and quantitative

research design The method of collecting data simply entails the various instrument used in

data collection. Some of these are: questionnaires and literature, the methods and procedures

employed in conducting this investigation is described.

3.3 Population of the study

The population of architects is at least 1000 in Adamawa sate. Considering time,

accessibility, and available resources, Modibbo Adama university of technology Yola,

ministry of works, urban and regional planning development and some architectural firms

was chosen as the target population for this research. The target population comprised

architectural practitioners in Adamawa state, Nigeria. 40 questionnaires were distributed.

The demography of the respondents and the types and building handle by the respondents

in the last five years was computed in the table below and discussed in chapter four.

Table 4.1 Respondents demography

1-5 YEARS 18 45
6-10 YEARS 11 27.5
16-20 YEARS 3 7.5
21 AND ABOVE 2 5
TOTAL 40 100
SELF 8 20
TOTAL 40 100


HND 3 7.5
B.Sc. 4 10
B.Tech. 16 40
M.Sc. 5 12.5
M.Tech. 7 17.5
Others 2 5
TOTAL 40 100

Table 4.2 Types and numbers of building handled by the respondents

1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21 AND
1 RESIDENTIAL 15 5 3 0 5
2 COMMERCIAL 12 2 0 2 1
3 RECREATIONAL 7 0 0 0 0

3.4 Sample and sampling techniques

The systematic sampling techniques was employed in selecting respondents to

questionnaires. Questionnaires was personally distributed by the researcher to architects,

practicing architects to complete.

3.5 Data and data collection

The method of collecting data simply entails the various instrument used in data

collection. Some of these are: questionnaires and literature, the methods and procedures

employed in conducting this investigation is described. Questionnaire and interviews were

chosen as data collection instrument. A questionnaire is a printed self-report form designed to

elicit information that can be obtained through the written responses of the subjects.

Questionnaires was personally distributed by the researcher to the various respondents to

complete. The data was collected over a period of 3 days. The researcher took most of it to

the respondents in their offices and residents.

3.6 Data analysis techniques

Data from the structured questionnaires was translated into numeric codes by the

researcher, and data capture was done statistically and analysed. The analysis, presentation,

and discussions of the findings from the questionnaires was presented in chapter four. The

open-ended questions were analysed qualitatively and will also be presented in chapter four.



4.1 introduction

This chapter outlines the result and discussion of the study and how it is analysed. It

answers the research questions. To achieve the objectives sample of 4 questionnaires where

distributed and retrieved. The analysed data and result are presented in the tabular form

below and discussed.

4.2 Results

4.2.1 what are the level of awareness of green architecture in Adamawa state?

Table 5.1 : Response of the respondents based on the awareness of green architecture in
Adamawa state.
1 I am aware of the 28 11 1 0 0 4.7 Strongly
concept of green agreed
2 I am conversant 12 23 1 4 0 4.1 agreed
with some green
building system
3 I educate my client 15 16 7 1 1 4.1 Agreed
on the necessity of
green architecture
4 My designs are 5 24 8 2 1 3.7 agreed
guided by some
green building
rating system
Total mean 4.15 Agreed


Source: Authors field work, 2019
From the table 5.1 above responses, the statement ‘am aware of the concept of green

architecture’ I on scale 5 to 1 ranging from STRONGLY AGREED to strongly disagreed,

averaged 4.7 meaning the respondent has strongly agreed with the statement. The statements

‘I am conversant with some green rating system’, ‘I educate my client on the necessity of

green architecture design’ and ‘my design are guided by green building rating system’,

averaged 4.1,4.1and 3.7 respectively meaning the respondent has AGREED with the


The total mean of research question 1 is averaged 4.15 meaning the

respondent has AGREED with the statements under the research question which is equivalent

to the research done by (David & Olabode 2015)states that, the results indicate that most of

the building industry professionals in Nigeria are familiar with green building principles.

Building industry professionals agree on most of the rankings of the green building benefits.

The study also indicates that there is no significant difference in the levels of awareness of

green building practices among built environment practitioners.

4.2.2 To what extent are the principles of green architecture is applied in designs in

Adamawa state?

With reference to literature review 2.2.2 a study done by Bashir et al (2016). There

are many elements in sustainable design to be considered to make a building sustainable or

green. sustainable design as design and build that considerably lessen the undesirable effect

of buildings on the surroundings plus its occupiers in 5 (five) general parts: Sustainable site

location, Water efficiency, Energy efficient, materials and resources conservation and Indoor

environmental quality. two statements from the questionnaire falls under each principle


Table 5.2: Response of the respondents based on the extent to which the principles of
green architecture is applied in designs in Adamawa state.
5 My designs are 17 18 5 0 0 4.3 Agreed
towards energy
efficiency and
6 My design tends to 8 20 10 1 1 4.0 Agreed
meet the minimum
level of energy
efficiency with the
use of renewable
materials of energy
7 My designs 16 20 2 2 0 4.3 Agreed
incorporates nature,
tree planting, tree
preservation and
roof garden.
8 My designs are 15 20 5 0 0 4.3 Agreed
aimed towards
minimizing the heat
effect generated
from roof tops,
parking lots area and
drive ways.
9 My designs 2 17 14 4 3 3.3 Undecided
incorporates the use
and collection of
(glass, metals,
plastics) for
10 My designs are 17 18 7 1 1 4.9 Strongly
aimed towards agreed
incorporating the
use of
friendly materials
during construction.
11 My design tends to 9 22 7 2 0 3.9 Agreed
incorporate the use
of effective and
innovative plumbing
12 My designs 3 16 14 5 2 3.3 Undecided
incorporate the
utilization of
rainwater harvesting
13 My designs are 18 19 2 1 0 4.4 Agreed
aimed towards
achieving maximum
daylighting and
natural ventilation.
14 My design are 9 20 9 1 1 3.9 Agreed
guided by indoor
qualities to give
active control of the
indoor acoustic
Total mean 4.10 Agreed
Source: Authors field work, 2019
From the above responses the statements ‘My designs are towards energy efficiency

and daylighting’ and ‘My design tends to meet the minimum level of energy efficiency with

the use of renewable materials of energy technology’ which falls under energy efficiency,

averaged 4.3 and 4.0 respectively which means the respondents has AGREED with the

statements. The statements under the principle site design ‘My designs incorporate nature,

tree planting, tree preservation and roof garden’ and ‘My designs are aimed towards

minimizing the heat effect generated from roof tops, parking lots area and drive ways’,
averaged 4.25 and 4.25 respectively which means the respondents has AGREED with the

statements. The statements under the principle material resources ‘My designs incorporate

the use and collection of (glass, metals, plastics) for recycling’ and ‘My designs are aimed

towards incorporating the use of environmental friendly materials during construction’,

averaged 3.3 and 4.9 respectively which means the first question is UNDESIDED and the

second is STRONGLY AGREED. The statements under the principle water efficiency ‘My

design tends to incorporate the use of effective and innovative plumbing fixtures’ and ‘My

designs incorporate the utilization of rainwater harvesting system’, averaged 3.9 and 3.3

respectively which means the first statement is AGREED and the second is UNDECIDED.

The statements under indoor environmental quality ‘My designs are aimed towards achieving

maximum daylighting and natural ventilation’ and ‘My design are guided by indoor qualities

to give active control of the indoor acoustic environment’ averaged 4.4 and 3.9 respectively

which means the respondents has AGREED with the statements.

The total mean of research question two is averaged 4.1 which means the respondents

has AGREED with the statements.

4.3 Discussion

The results of this study are discussed based on the findings of data that is collected

and analysed.

From the result in research question 1 and research question two, the respondents has

AGREED with statements which is equivalent to the research done by David & Olabode

(2015)states that, the results indicate that most of the building industry professionals in

Nigeria are familiar with green building principles. Building industry professionals agree on

most of the rankings of the green building benefits. The study also indicates that there is no

significant difference in the levels of awareness of green building practices among built

environment practitioners.

from the research done by Dahiru,Dania & Adejoh,(2014) states that green building is

not practiced in Nigeria; there is no any enabling environment in the form of legislation or policy on

Green Building practice; the overall perception of Green Building from all the groups of respondents

has revealed, that most professionals are aware of the new trend (Green Building) and enormous

benefits derived from it and they see Green Building as a basis for appealing liveable homes

and preserving natural resources while taking care of their health. However, the general

public are not fully aware of this development i.e. level of awareness of Green Building is


Some comments and contributions from some of the respondents about the topic is

stated below:

 Green architecture is most relevant in Adamawa state considering the

atmospheric weather conditions.

 Green architecture application is necessity in places such as Adamawa (hot-

dry climate) and should be implemented.

 Sustainability in architecture can lead to first cost saving and reduce

maintenance cost in the life cycle.

 Green architecture is good for Yola weather because of the location, below the

sea level.

 Suggestion on the application of green architecture in every building in

Adamawa state due to the weather condition.

The respondent’s demography and the types and number of buildings handled by the

respondents was tabulated and discussed in table 3 and 4 respectively

Table 4.3.1: Respondents demography

1-5 YEARS 18 45
6-10 YEARS 11 27.5
16-20 YEARS 3 7.5
21 AND ABOVE 2 5
TOTAL 40 100
SELF 8 20
TOTAL 40 100


HND 3 7.5
B.Sc. 4 10
B.Tech. 16 40
M.Sc. 5 12.5
M.Tech. 7 17.5
Others 2 5
TOTAL 40 100

From the above table of the respondent’s demography, the respondents practicing within the

range year 1-5 has the highest frequency of 18 (45%), 11 (27.5%) of the respondents have

been practicing within the range year 6-10, 6(15) of the respondents have been practicing

within the range year 11-15, 3(7.5%) of the respondents have been practicing within the

range 16-20, while year 21 and above has the least frequency of 2 (5%).

Also the results show that 19(47%) of the respondents are government workers,

13(32.5%) of the respondent works in private firm while 8(20%) are self-employed. In terms

of educational qualifications, the HND/OND holders have the same frequency of 3(7.5%),

B.Sc./M.Sc. holders have a frequency of 4(10%) and 5(12.5%) respectively, B.Tech./M.Tech.

holders have a frequency of 16(40%) and 7(17.5%) respectively, while respondent with other

qualification have a frequency of 2(5%).

Table 4.3.2: Respondents demography

1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21 AND
1 RESIDENTIAL 15 5 3 0 5
2 COMMERCIAL 12 2 0 2 1
3 RECREATIONAL 7 0 0 0 0
4 INSTITUTIONAL 10 3 0 0 0

From the table above respondents that handled 1-5 RESIDENTIAL building design

has the highest frequency while 21 and above RESIDENTIAL building design has the lowest

frequency, for COMMERCIAL building designs handled under 1-5 has the higiest frequency

while 21 and above has the lowest frequency, for RECREATIONAL few building designs

was handled by the respondents, for INSTITUTIONAL buildings designs handled under the

range 1-5 has the higiest frequency. The table shows that RESIDENTIAL building design is

handled more than that of RECREATIONAL, COMMERCIAL, and INSTITUTIONAL.



5.1 Restatement of the Problem

The research has been carried out on the application of green architecture in

Adamawa state. Based on the problem of managing the utilities and services that are

necessary for buildings and environment, the finding s of this research will serve as a guide to

architects to solve the problem of managing natural resources and designing of the greenest

and healthier environment.

According to the study of Dahiru, Dania, & Adejoh( 2014) lack of awareness is the

most prominent factor hindering the construction of green building, followed by 'Lack of

enabling environment in the form of policy or legislation that will encourage prospective

clients to use green building and 'Economic situation of the country'. Health and productivity

gain is identified as the most important benefit of green building, followed by 'preservation of

natural resources while taking care of their health' and 'attraction and retention of employee'.

However, I not am aware of a study carried out on green architecture in Modibbo

Adama University of Technology Yola. The purpose of this study is to assess on the

application, importance, and principles of green architecture and see how it is used in

practices to reduce environmental impact in Adamawa state

5.2 Summary of Method of Findings

The research has been carried out on the application of green architecture in

Adamawa state. The method applied in this study is the combination of descriptive and

quantitative research design The method of collecting data simply entails the various

instrument used in data collection. Some of these are: questionnaires and literature, the

methods and procedures employed in conducting this investigation is described. The

Questionnaires was personally distributed by the researcher to the various respondents to

complete. The data was collected over a period of 3 days. The researcher took it to most of

the respondents in their offices and residents.

From the result emanating from this study it can be concluded that the architects in

Adamawa state are aware of green architecture and use most of the principles in their designs.

5.3 Conclusion from findings

Green architecture is very important especially in Adamawa state been the hot-dry

climate region, architects in Adamawa state can play a great role in raising the awareness of

green architecture practices. it can also be linked to better understanding of the goals of green


Also from the study it shows that architects in Adamawa state are aware of green

architecture and consider it as important concept for reducing environmental impact and for

future by incorporating it at the core level of their thinking and practices. They understand the
concept and principles of green architecture, whereby implementing it in their designs and


5.4 Recommendations from findings

From the data collected and analysed on the level of application of green architecture in

practices in Adamawa state the following recommendations are being made:

 Green rating system should be implemented in Adamawa state to serve as guidelines

in building designs.

 Architects should encourage clients on the necessity and importance of green

architecture in building designs as a way of reducing environmental impact.

 Green architecture requires the application of broad principles and critical thinking to

support a process of continuous learning where architects bears a responsibility to

build on and apply their learning from one project to the next.

 The practice of Green Building should be encouraged by the government requesting

for Construction Environmental Management Plan from contractors as part of tender


 Designers should adopt a more integrated approach to design and appreciate the

fundamentals of Green Buildings.


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Department of Architecture
School of Environmental Science

Modibbo Adama University of

Technology, Yola.
November 2019.
Dear Respondent,



I am a final year student of the Department of Architecture, Modibbo Adama

University of Technology Yola, who is conducting a research on the level of application of

green architecture in practices in Adamawa state, with the aim of establishing the degree in


I kindly request for your response as it will help in the success of this research and I

wish to assure you that your response to this survey, or any individual question on this

survey, is completely voluntary as you will not be individually identified and your responses

will be used for statistical purposes only.

Thank you for your anticipated understanding.

Yours faithfully,

Please tick your level agreement with the following statements as provided

1 I am aware of the concept of green architecture.
2 I am conversant with some green building rating
3 I educate my clients on the necessity of green
architectural design.
4 My designs are guided by a green building rating
5 My designs are aimed towards energy efficiency for
cooling and lighting.
6 My designs tend to meet the minimum level of energy
efficiency with the use of renewable materials of energy
7 My designs incorporate nature, tree planting, tree

preservation, and roof garden.
8 My designs are aimed towards minimizing the heat
effect generated from rooftops, parking lots area, and
9 My designs incorporate the use and collection (glass,
metals, plastics) for recycling.
10 My designs are aimed towards incorporating the use of
environmentally friendly materials during construction.
11 My designs tend to incorporate the use of effective and
innovative plumbing fixtures.
12 My designs incorporate the utilization of rainwater
harvesting system.
13 My designs are aimed towards achieving maximum
daylighting and natural ventilation.
14 My designs are guided by indoor qualities to give active
control of the indoor acoustic environment.


1. Duration of practice (years): 1-5 ; 6-10 ; 11-15 ; 16-20 ; 21+

2. Place of Employment: Government ; Private Firm ; self employed
3. What is your level of educational qualification? OND, HND, B.Sc./B.Tech., M.Sc./
M.Tech., and Others (please specify) __________
4. Kindly indicate the types and number of building design you have handled in the last
five years?
Residential/ No___, Commercial/ No___, Educational/ No___, Recreational/ No___,
Institutional/ No___
5. If you have any additional comments or contribution you would like to make about
this topic matter, please note them in the box below:
Note: If you will like to know about the findings of this research, please contact the
researcher via email at [email protected].
Thank you very much for participating in this survey.


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