2019 - 8699 - Jayasundara Et Al. - Vibration-Based Dual-Criteria Approach For Damage Detection in Arch Bridges
2019 - 8699 - Jayasundara Et Al. - Vibration-Based Dual-Criteria Approach For Damage Detection in Arch Bridges
2019 - 8699 - Jayasundara Et Al. - Vibration-Based Dual-Criteria Approach For Damage Detection in Arch Bridges
Vibration characteristics of a structure can be used as an indication of its state of structural health as they vary if the
structural health is affected by damage. This is the broad principle used in structural health monitoring for vibration-
based damage detection of structures. Although most structures are built to have a long life span, they can incur damage
due to many reasons. Early damage detection and appropriate retrofitting will enable the continued safe and efficient
functioning of structures. This study develops and applies a dual-criteria method based on vibration characteristics to
detect and locate damage in arch bridges. Steel arch bridges are one of the most aesthetically pleasing bridge types,
which are reasonably popular in Australia and elsewhere. They exhibit three-dimensional and somewhat complex vibra-
tion characteristics that may not be suitable for traditional vibration-based damage detection methods. There have been
relatively fewer studies on damage detection in these bridge types, and in particular the arch rib and struts, which are
important structural components, have received little attention for damage detection. This study will address this
research gap and treat the damage detection in the arch bridge structural components using the dual-criteria method to
give unambiguous results. The proposed method is first validated by experimental data obtained from testing of a labora-
tory arch bridge model. The experimental results are also used to validate the modelling techniques and this is followed
by damage detection studies on this bridge model as well as on a full-scale long-span arch bridge. Results demonstrate
that the proposed dual-criteria method based on the two damage indices can detect and locate damage in the arch rib
and vertical columns of deck-type arch bridges with considerable accuracy under a range of damage scenarios using only
a few of the early modes of vibration.
Structural health monitoring, arch bridge, vibration-based damage detection, modified modal flexibility method, modified
modal strain energy method, noise
due to structural deterioration, environmental effects of the structure. Natural frequency has been the para-
and random actions such as impacts. Therefore, dam- meter used in one of the common approaches as it can
age detection prior to unexpected incidents or costly be easily measured from just a few accessible points
repairs has attracted much attention over the years. and it is less contaminated by experimental noise.19 A
There has been considerable research on damage detec- systematic approach for damage detection using mode
tion in simple and complex structures which include shape data was presented by Allemang20 and Lieven
beams,3,4 plate elements,5,6 trusses,7–9 offshore plat- and Ewins21 using modal assurance criterion (MAC)
forms,10,11 bridges12–15 and rail-track structures.16 and coordinate modal assurance criterion (COMAC),
Precise damage detection is one of the key elements respectively, both of which are favourable methods for
of SHM. Two basic types of damage detection can locating damage.
be identified as local methods and global methods.17 The modal flexibility (MF) method, first proposed
Non-destructive tests such as ultrasonic, eddy current, by Pandey and Biswas,22,23 has been used in many
acoustic emission, radiography and magnetic particle damage detection studies due to its accuracy, ease of
inspection are local damage detection techniques which application and convenient computation.5,24 Since the
require prior knowledge of the damaged region.12 The structural MF converges promptly with increasing fre-
limitations of local damage detection techniques were quency, few lower natural frequencies and mass nor-
addressed in global methods which examine the changes malized mode shape vectors can be advantageously
in vibration properties between the healthy and dam- utilized in computing modal flexibilities.22 This method
aged states of the structure to evaluate the damage. has been successfully applied in a wide range of SHM
These methods are known as vibration-based damage and damage detection cases.5,23,25,26
detection techniques (VBDDTs). Comprehensive litera- Modal strain energy (MSE) method as another
ture on VBDDTs provides evidence of the broad VBDDT was first proposed by Stubbs et al.27 This
research carried out in this field over the past few method has been then used by many researches utiliz-
decades. Damage indices (DIs) based on vibration char- ing different measured data for different types of struc-
acteristics are relatively easy to calculate, quick and tures.8,9 A multi-criteria approach incorporating MF
straightforward and have been widely used to detect, and MSE methods was proposed by Shih et al.5 for
locate and quantify the damages in many structures or damage detection in beams and slabs in which they
structural components.18 were able to detect single and multi-damages. It was
Arch bridges are aesthetically pleasing structures shown that the MSE method is capable of detecting
that have been used across the world, including single as well as multiple damages, while the MF
Australia. Out of the many studies available in the liter- method is only good for single damage cases. However,
ature on the damage detection of bridges, there are far the application of these methods for damage detection
less on the damage detection of arch bridges compared in arch bridges is not evident in the literature. Arch
to other types of bridges. The bridge deck in an arch bridges exhibit three-dimensional (3D) and somewhat
bridge has received some attention in previous VBDD complex vibration characteristics which involve the
studies compared to the more critical load-bearing deck, rib and the struts (and as demonstrated later) are
members such as the arch rib, hangers and struts (col- not very favourable for traditional VBDD methods.
umns) of arch bridges. The bridge deck is, however, the This article develops and applies a dual-criteria
most visible component in the bridge, and deck damage approach which simultaneously uses DIs based on
would be more easily captured by the bridge inspectors modified forms of the MF and MSE methods to pro-
than any damage in the other bridge components. vide unambiguous results for detecting and locating
From a structural engineering point of view, all the damage in the main structural components of deck-
other structural components are equally or more type arch bridges. The superior performance of the pro-
important for the safe operation of the bridge. The fail- posed method compared to traditional methods is
ure of one cable/hanger or a strut/column will not be demonstrated through the comparison of the results.
easily visible and can eventually lead to the collapse of Using the two DIs simultaneously enables the results
at least a part of the bridge and subsequently cause the obtained from either DI to complement and supple-
progressive collapse of the whole bridge. This research ment the results from the other DI and lead to more
will therefore focus on developing and applying reliable reliable prediction of the damage location. Prior to its
vibration-based DIs that can provide unambiguous application, the proposed method is validated through
results for detecting and locating damage in arch bridge experimental testing of an arch bridge model under
structural components. laboratory conditions with limited number of sensors.
The vibration-based DI method recognizes struc- The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated
tural damage by considering the changes in the vibra- through its application to a range of damage detection
tion properties between the healthy and damaged states scenarios.
2006 Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6)
Table 1. Ratios of effective mass fractions of the first four Therefore, instead of using the resultant mode
modes of Cold Spring Canyon bridge. shapes as in the traditional DI methods, decomposed
mode shapes using the lateral and vertical components
Mode number Ratios of effective mass to total mass
are used to create the modified DIs used in this study.
X (lateral) Y (vertical) Z To facilitate the use of these component-specific fea-
tures, the DIs are modified as follows
01 0.5117 0.5857E204 0.3323E209
02 0.2066 0.1893E203 0.4094E208 hP i hP i
m m
03 0.1658E209 0.56455 0.1076E208 1
i = 1 v2i fi fTi 1
i = 1 v2i fi fTi
04 0.5040 0.1650E204 0.1875 hP DV i HV
MFDIijV = ð14Þ
m 1
i = 1 v2i fi fTi
damaged element to its stiffness kj in the undamaged hP i hP i
m m
state is obtained as follows
i = 1 v2i fi fTi 1
i = 1 v2i fi fTi
hP DL i HL
MFDIijL = ð15Þ
ÐL h i2 m
Ð 00 2 00
i = 1 v2i fi fTi
j fi ð xÞ dx= 0 fi ð xÞ dx
kj fij
= Ð Ð = ð10Þ
kj 00 2 L 00 2 fij The above expressions define the modified DIs based
j fi ð xÞ dx= 0 fi ð xÞ dx
on MF where the subscripts L and V denote the lateral
To avoid the possible singularity problems with the and vertical component–specific DIs using and lateral
fij =fij , shifting the axis of reference to avoid numerical and vertical components of mode shapes, respectively.
sensitivities is recommended by Stubbs and Garcia.29 The MSE-based method can be similarly modified
Therefore fij and fij are now considered as 1 + fij and and bijV and bijL are the vertical and lateral
1 + fij , respectively. component–specific DIs using the lateral and vertical
The damage indicator bij is given by components of mode shapes, respectively
h 2 P 00 2 ihP 0 0 2 i
1 + fij
bij = ð11Þ kj f00iV + fiV f iV
1 + fij bijV = = h 2 P 0 0 2 P 00 2 i
i h ð16Þ
kj f0 0iV + f iV fiV
Substituting equation (10) in to equation (11) forms
h 2 P 00 2 ihP 0 0 2 i
Ð ÐL Ð 00
00 2 00 2 L 00 2
kj f + fiL f iL
j ½fii ð xÞ dx + 0 ½fii ð xÞ dx
½fi ð xÞ dx iL
kj bijL = = h ihP 2 i ð17Þ
bij = = Ð Ð Ð kj 2 P 2
kj 00 2 L 00 2 L 00 2 f0 0iL + f0 0iL f00iL
j ½fi ð xÞ dx + 0 ½fi ð xÞ dx 0 ½fii ð xÞ dx
Figure 1. Lateral and vertical (a) MSE and (b) MFDI curves of Cold Spring Canyon Bridge (section ‘Damage detection in full-scale
two hinged arch bridge’) under two cases of rib damage.
this case, the vertical component–specific DI performs Results in Figure 2 clearly show the superior perfor-
better than its horizontal counterpart. mance of the selected component-specific DIs com-
It is therefore evident that depending on the location pared to those of the traditional DIs based on both
of the damage, one of the component-specific DIs, MSE and MF. The enhanced ability of the proposed
based on either MSE or MF method, can perform bet- method to detect damage compared to the traditional
ter than the other. The numerical value of this compo- methods is clearly evident as there is less ambiguity, no
nent DI will be higher compared with that of the other false alarms and there is a more definite indication of
component DI as illustrated in Figure 1. the damage location. Although results from either one
To obtain the best possible results, it is hence neces- of the selected component-specific DI based on either
sary to select (and use) the component-specific DI MF or MSE would give unambiguous results, as seen
which performs better than its counterpart, for both in Figure 2; this study recommends that results from
MF- and MSE-based DIs. Towards this end, the above both DIs be used as they can complement and supple-
MF and MSE methods can be further modified as ment each other and provide adequate confidence in
shown in equations (19) and (20). the predictions.
For the MSE case, the better-performing DI is The method proposed in this article therefore has
selected by comparing the results of bjV and bjH . The three parts:
same is done with the two-component-specific MFDIs.
That is for damage detection at any location, the pro- 1. Use the modal data to calculate the four-compo-
minent bj and DI are obtained by selecting the larger nent-specific (or modified) DIs based on MF and
of the two-component-specific DIs MSE;
2. Use the above selection criteria (equations (19)–
bj = max bjV , bjH ð19Þ (21)) to determine the better-performing modified
DIs of both types (i.e. based on MF and MSE);
DI = ½maxðjDIV j, jDIH jÞ ð20Þ
3. Plot the results from both selected modified DIs to
The selected bj and DI are then normalized as shown obtain unambiguous predictions.
and DI are the mean values
in equation (21), in which b
and sb and sDI are standard deviations of bj and DI, The entire procedure can be automated to make it
respectively easier to use.
bj b DI DI
Zj = or Zj = ð21Þ Validation of proposed method and
sb sDI
modelling techniques
To illustrate this choice and compare the perfor-
mance of the selected component-specific DIs with
Experimental testing
those from the traditional DIs, two arch rib damage Before the application of the developed method for
cases involving damage at 205 and 220 m in the same damage detection, a comprehensive laboratory test was
Cold Spring Canyon Arch Bridge are considered. conducted on a small-scale deck-type steel arch bridge
Jayasundara et al. 2009
Figure 2. Comparison of (a) traditional and modified MFDIs and (b) traditional and modified MSE DIs for damage detection in
213 m span Cold Canyon Bridge.
Figure 3. (a) and (b) Accelerometer arrangement (c) random tapping for dynamic test on the bridge.
structure in order to validate the proposed method and bridge was fixed to a plate at the base to represent
the FE modelling techniques. fixed-fixed boundary conditions.
The test model had a span of 1 m and a height of Free vibration testing was performed on the bridge
0.4 m. The deck had a width of 0.25 m and was made model (Figure 3(a)) to obtain the vibration parameters
from 2-mm-thick steel plate, supported by nine, 6-mm- of mode shapes and natural frequencies to validate the
diameter vertical struts at the edges as shown in Figure proposed damage detection method as well as the FE
3. All members of the bridge were made of general steel model. In order to measure lateral and vertical accelera-
with Young’s modulus, density and Poisson ratio of tions, the data acquisition system contained a total
2.05 3 1011 Pa, 7870 kg/m3 and 0.3, respectively. The of 20 single-axial PCBÒ 393B05 integrated circuit
2010 Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6)
Figure 4. Column damage on experimental model: (a) damage location and (b) accelerometer configuration.
piezoelectric accelerometers which can be self- Experimental validation of the proposed method
calibrated within a few seconds and automatically pick Experimental validation of the developed method was
up the precise acceleration at the position. carried out using the results from the experimental test-
Accelerometers were attached to selected nodes in the ing of the arch bridge model (as described above).
bridge as shown in Figure 3, and each of these will indi- Measured mode shapes and natural frequencies from
cate the acceleration in the direction of its axis. the experimental-free vibration testing of both the dam-
The acceleration data were acquired by a centralized aged and undamaged structure, using a limited number
National Instruments (NI) data acquisition system of sensors and in a typical laboratory environment
including NI cDAQ 9172 chassis, NI 9234 dynamic sig- (which invariably has noise pollution), are used to cal-
nal acquisition modules and an in-house LabVIEW- culate the four-component-specific DIs and then select
based data acquisition program to enable precise the better-performing DIs using the procedure outlined
hardware-based synchronization.30 Since the laboratory through equations (19)–(21). These preferred DIs are
model cannot be excited naturally, random hammer then used to obtain the damage detection results and
tapping was conducted at many different locations/ thereby verify the proposed method experimentally.
directions to simulate traffic and wind excitation on the Accelerometers were attached to the ends of each alter-
bridge (Figure 3(c)). nate column (Figure 4(b)) and cubic spline interpola-
Data were acquired for a predetermined undisrupted tion was used, where necessary, to enhance the mode
duration of 1.5 min so that the continuous signal length shape data.
can be 1000–2000 times of the fundamental period of It is evident that the damage at the base of the third
the bridge (approximate 0.005 s) to enable proper vertical column (C3) of the bridge (Figure 4(a)) is cor-
output-only modal analysis.31 Few repeat tests were rectly detected through the method developed in this
performed to eliminate any random errors and to article by the two preferred component- specific (MF
improve the accuracy of results. The acceleration data and MSE based) DIs as shown in the plots in Figure 5.
were captured in the time domain and was conveyed to The peaks of both modified DIs clearly and correctly
the ARTeMIS modal analysis software to retrieve indicate the location of damage.
modal parameters. The natural frequencies and mode As mentioned earlier, use of either one of the modi-
shapes were determined by the Data Driven Stochastic fied DIs would have sufficed, but results from both are
Subspace Identification (SSI-DATA) in ARTeMIS recommended as they complement and supplement
modal analysis software.32 each other and provide adequate confidence in the
The free vibration test on the undamaged structure predictions.
was considered as the baseline dynamic test which was
followed by a dynamic test performed on the damaged
structure. Physical damage was induced on the struc- Validation of modelling techniques
ture by removing some material from the third vertical The modelling techniques are next validated by com-
column and decreasing its connectivity with the rib, as paring the results from free vibration analysis of the FE
shown in Figure 4(a). The natural frequencies and model of the bridge with those from the experimental
mode shapes obtained from the structure in its healthy testing of the physical bridge (as described above) in
and damaged states will be used to validate the pro- both its healthy and damaged states.
posed method in the next section and the modelling The exact FE model of the laboratory bridge model
techniques in the subsequent section. was created in ANSYS Workbench FE software which
Jayasundara et al. 2011
Figure 5. Predicting third column (C3) damage by (a) modified MFDI and (b) modified MSE DI.
is a commercially available FEM software, capable of experimental model. This was conducted manually by
developing complex structures with multibody parts slightly adjusting the material properties, boundary
and complex analyses. The geometry of the laboratory condition, the fixity between deck plate, frame and
bridge was modelled at ANSYS Workbench other structural components. The masses of the acceler-
DesignModeler as a 3D FE model. Each part (deck, ometers were added at the appropriate location in the
vertical struts, arch rib and wind bracings) was con- FE model. Natural frequencies of the first four modes
nected to the other by using the joint feature in obtained from the FE model in its healthy and dam-
Mechanical module of ANSYS workbench. General aged states are compared with those from the experi-
mild steel properties, mentioned above, were assigned ments in Table 2, while the experimental and numerical
to each element of the structure. All elements, except mode shapes of the bridge model in its healthy state are
the deck elements, were modelled with beam elements shown in Table 3.
(BEAM 188) and the deck was modelled with shell ele- It can be seen that the results from the analysis of
ments (SHELL 181). Additional point masses were the FE model of the laboratory bridge compare reason-
added to the model to account the masses of acceler- ably well with the experimental results and provide con-
ometers. Damage was simulated in the FE model to fidence in the modelling techniques. These modelling
match the physical damage in the bridge structure as techniques are then used to model the full-scale bridge
shown in Figure 6. Prestressed modal analysis was con- that will be used in further damage detection studies.
ducted (incorporating the initial stress state of the
structure under its self-weight) to obtain natural fre-
Damage detection in full-scale two hinged arch
quencies and mode shapes of the numerical model of
the arch bridge.33 bridge
Model updating was performed to tune the struc- To illustrate the applicability of the proposed damage
tural parameters of the FE model to match with the detection technique to a full-scale long-span arch
2012 Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6)
Table 2. Comparison of natural frequencies from experiments and numerical models under healthy and damaged states of the
Table 3. Numerical (top) and experimental (bottom) mode shapes of the laboratory scale arch bridge structure.
bridge, a complete FE model of Cold Spring Canyon mechanism. The deck is supported over the arch by
Bridge is developed using ANSYS FE modelling soft- vertical columns which are hinged at the panel points
ware. Cold Spring Canyon Bridge is a long-span, deck- and at the end of towers above the arch abutments.
type steel arch bridge with a span of 213 m and a rise The deck slab which connects to the continuing road is
of 36.27 m. The main ribs are restrained except for the restrained longitudinally at one end of the approach
rotational degrees-of-freedom about the transverse axis span. There were no additional expansion joints pres-
at the abutments, thus creating a two hinged arched ent over the arch span34 (Figure 7).
Jayasundara et al. 2013
Mode Freq. Present results Results from 2D analysis of Dusseau and Wen34
2D: two-dimensional.
Damage scenario
Damaged element Damage at arch spring Damage at 1/4 span of rib Damage at crown
Stiffness reduction 10% 10% 10%
The geometry of the Cold Spring Canyon Bridge demonstrated by its application to a range of different
was developed using Workbench of ANSYS FE soft- damage cases in the Cold Spring Canyon Bridge.
ware. The bridge was modelled as a 3D FE model with Damage was inflicted at three different locations on the
several parts (deck, arch ribs, cross bracings, columns, arch rib and on two different vertical columns of this
etc.) which were ultimately connected via relevant con- bridge as illustrated in Tables 5 and 6. Damage was
nectivity (joint feature) in the mechanical module. The induced as a stiffness reduction by reducing the
global mode shapes of the bridge obtained from the Young’s modulus by 10%. Modal parameters of natu-
present FE model were compared with those from the ral frequencies and mode shapes of the healthy and
two-dimensional (2D) analysis Dusseau and Wen,34 each damaged structure were extracted from FE modal
and reasonably good agreement between the two sets analyses. The proposed modified MF and strain
of mode shapes was obtained, as shown in Table 4. energy–based DIs described in section ‘Method’ are cal-
culated separately for each damage case using the first
Results and discussion four global modes of vibration and are plotted along
the bridge. The peaks in the plots of these DIs are
Single damage scenarios without noise expected to indicate the location of the damage and
The versatility of the proposed dual-criteria method for plots are shown in Figures 8–12 for above five different
damage detection in a long-span arch bridge is damage cases:
2014 Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6)
Damage scenario
Damaged element Damage at mid of the long column Damage at the edge of the short column
Stiffness reduction 10% 10%
Figure 8. Plots of modified MF and modified MSE DIs for rib damage case 1.
Figure 9. Plots of modified MF and modified MSE DIs for rib damage case 2.
Rib damage case 1: Damage at arch spring Vertical column damage case 2
Rib damage case 2: Damage at quarter span of the
arch rib It is clear from Figures 8–12 that both proposed DIs
Rib damage case 3: Damage at mid span of the arch are capable of detecting damage in the arch rib and ver-
rib tical columns without any false alarms. Although either
Vertical column damage case 1 one of these modified DI would be effective for damage
Jayasundara et al. 2015
Figure 10. Plots of modified MF and modified MSE DIs for rib damage case 3.
Figure 11. Plots of MMF and MMFDI for damage at middle of long column C1.
Figure 12. Plots of MMF and MMFDI for damage at the edge of short column C5.
detection, this article recommends the simultaneous use to check the accuracy of the proposed method in the
of both DIs to cross check and obtain unambiguous presence of noise in the modal data. Since the vibration
results. responses generated through the FE model are free
from noise, the noise contaminated mode shape data is
created using equation (22) by Shi et al.8
Multiple damage scenarios and effect of noise
In the practical context, vibration responses of the ;xi = ;xi 1 + g ux rux j;max, i j ð22Þ
structures are allied with uncertainities in modal fre-
quencies and mode shape data, such as measurement The terms ;xi and ;xi are mode shape component of the
noise and computational errors. Thus, it is important ith mode of vibration at location x with and without
2016 Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6)
Table 7. Multiple damage scenarios of arch rib and columns with noise polluted data.
Multiple damage case 1 Damage at the rib location 10% stiffness reduction at both locations 15
x = 132.4 m and x = 223.8 m
Multiple damage case 2 Damage at the rib location 5% and 10% stiffness reductions, respectively 15
x = 132.4 m and x = 277.5 m
Multiple damage case 3 Damage at the mid of second 10% stiffness reduction at both columns 10
column and ninth column
Figure 13. Plots of modified DIs for damage case 1 with and without (15%) noise: (a) modified MFDI and (b) modified MSE DI.
Figure 14. Plots of modified DIs with and without 15% noise: (a) modified MFDI and (b) modified MSE DI.
noise, respectively. rux denotes the random noise level the length along the rib and the column number and
and g ux refers to a random number with mean equal to shown in Figures 13–16. The peaks in the plots of these
zero and variance equal to 1 and j;max, i j is the absolute DIs are expected to indicate the location of the damage.
value of the largest component in the ith mode shape. It is clearly evident from these figures that the pro-
Two multiple damage cases of the rib and one multi- posed modified DIs are capable of detecting and locat-
ple column damage case (as illustrated in Table 7) are ing multiple damages in the arch bridge components
considered in this section with and without noise. Each with reasonable accuracy, even in the presence of 15%
case contains similar or different damage intensities. In noise. Furthermore, some traditional DIs are noise
addition, 5%,10% and 15% random noise levels are sensitive and can exhibit false alarms. In such situa-
introduced to mode shapes retrieved through the FE tions the proposed dual-criteria approach provides
analysis. The two DIs are calculated and plotted against the benefit of complementing and supplementing the
Jayasundara et al. 2017
Figure 15. Plots of modified MFDIs with 10% damage at second and ninth columns: (a) without noise and (b) with 10% noise.
Figure 16. Plots of modified MSE DIs with 10% damage at second and ninth columns: (a) without noise and (b) with 10% noise.
Figure 17. Plots of modified MSE and MFDIs with first four and first seven global modes of vibration.
results to provide more accurate predictions of dam- calculated using first seven global modes of vibration.
age location. The results of the two scenarios are illustrated in
Figure 17. A damage of 10% stiffness reduction was
applied at the mid span of the rib and the MMF and
Influence of higher order modes in damage detection MMSE DIs were calculated and plotted using (1) first
The analyses above utilize the first four global modes four and (2) first seven modes of vibration. The results
of vibration to calculate the DIs. In order to check the show that the first four modes are adequate to detect
effect of including higher order modes, the DIs were and locate the damage in the arch rib and the use of
2018 Structural Health Monitoring 18(5-6)
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