Avalia 2 Ano Ingles 1 Bimestre

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SERIE ____ TURMA________ TURNO _______ 1º BIMESTRE
PROFESSOR (A)_____________________ _____________________________DATA ___/__/__
DISCIPLINA __ _____________________________________________NOTA______________

c) Um abraço.
d) Um casamento. 
Read the text to answer questions 1 - 10:
4. Write down two names of professions that
appear in the text.
SEPARATION _______________________________

5. As duas palavras destacadas no trecho:

“... after many years.” indicam,
respectivamente, ideias de:
a) intensidade e tempo.
b) tempo e lugar.
c) tempo e intensidade.
d) intensidade e lugar.

6. About the text, which is the correct

a) The children stayed with the lawyer.
b) The lawyer decided to separate the
Two friends meet after many years.
c) The woman stayed with the children of
- I got married, separated, and we have
the family.
already shared the assets.
d) The man kept most of the property.
- What about the children?
- The judge decided that they would stay
7. A palavra "shared" significa:
with the one who received the most assets.
a) juntar.
- So they stayed with their mother?
b) compartilhar.
- No, they stayed with our lawyer.
c) separar.
d) pesquisar. 
Autor Desconhecido (TSA, Maio de 2021)
8. Segundo o texto, qual a relação entre os
1. What is the purpose of the text?
personagens principais da história?
a) Advertise.
a) Irmãos.
b) Teaching.
b) Vizinhos.
c) Criticize.
c) Colegas.
d) Entertain.
d) Amigos.
2. The text you read is:
9. The excerpt that reveals humor is:
a) narrative.
a) “What about the children?”
b) descriptive.
b) “The judge decided that they would...”
c) informative.
c) “No, they stayed with our lawyer.”
d) religious.
d) “So they stayed with their mother?”
3. O que provocou o surgimento da história?
10. Localize no texto um pronome.
a) Um encontro.
b) Uma separação.

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