ProfEd 110 Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum LL
ProfEd 110 Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum LL
ProfEd 110 Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum LL
Prof Ed 110
Literacies Across the Curriculum
Prof Ed 110
Prepared by:
Jerry M. Estrada
Submitted to:
Miss Marry Anne E. Suberano
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. Compare and contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of literacy.
- Traditional literacy refers to the capacity to read and write successfully, and digital literacy refers
to the ability to communicate and create in a digital environment.
From teaching reading comprehension through writing and communication, digital literacy, or
modern literacy, has become an integral part of literacy instruction.
2. Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.
- Traditional educational materials such as textbooks are no longer canonical due to the availability
of digital materials. However, this does not negate the educator's importance. Text messaging,
blogging, social networking, podcasting, and video making are examples of "new literacies" that
result from new technology. These digital technologies change and expand our communication
capabilities, integrating text, music, and visuals in many cases.
3. With a partner or triad, brainstorm and answer this question: What teaching strategies
and forms of assessment could you use to help develop functional literacy?
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. What makes a person Filipino? If a person has Filipino parents but is born in another
country, is he/ She still a Filipino? – If a person is born in another country but both of
their parents are Filipino she/he is called a dual citizen by birth. And She/he is already
registered in the embassy and also in PSA. Because he/she is already Filipino but born
in another country.
What about if a person with foreign parents is born and raised in the Philippines, is he/
she Filipino? Explain your reasoning.
- If one of your parents was a Filipino citizen at the time of your birth, you can claim Filipino
citizenship. Parents who have already immigrated to another country can now restore their
Filipino citizenship and pass it on to their minor children. Only if the country accepts dual
citizenship can you reclaim it. Foreigners born in the Philippines must naturalize in order to
claim Philippine citizenship. This is illegal in nations such as Europe and Japan. There is,
however, a RA that assists with the naturalization of people who were born and raised in the
2. Have you interacted with people who have a different culture from yours? How was
your interaction with them? Was it clear? Was it productive? Was it respectful? What
could you have? done for a better interaction?
- Yes, I have interacted with other cultures and their words are different. But in order for you
to understand them, you must also be aware of their gestures because we can also know what a
person wants to say once we see how he moves and gesture. And we must be aware of the other
cultures they have so that we can better understand them. I have foreigners who interact, they
also speak English, but they have accents that we can't understand. So we should also be aware
of their languages.
3. What is your attitude toward people who have a different culture from yours? Do you
celebrate how they are different from you? Do you look down on them?
- I treat them not differently from my culture. Because we are the same person. And I respect
them as a person even if they can't be understood especially in their speech. I still try to make
them understand. Because I believe we really make a difference especially when it comes to the
culture we have.
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.
1. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need to
develop? In what ways can you develop it/them?
- I am both a listener and a talker but being a listener is more important. Because as a student
I listen more to my professor. And listening is important so that we can learn more. And for
me the more I need to develop being an active speaker or a talker because as a future teacher
the more I need to improve myself in having confidence when it comes to teaching.
2. If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach your children about social
literacy? How would you teach them?
- Digital literacy, because nowadays we must use technology to teach and also learn. And for us
to keep up with the trend we also need to educate our children when it comes to digital. So that
as they grow they will not have difficulty in their future. And in their study when he encounters
technologies and digital equipment.
3. If you were an employer, what would you look for in aspirants or applicants to your
- What I will look for in applicants, I will first look at whether they will love what they enter and
whether they really want it. Because it is important that we love what we do. Not just because
we want to work but because this is our passion. And second, they must really skill it. Their
eagerness to learn and improve their skills even more.
4. How do teachers educate children about social literacy nowadays? What specific
content and learning experiences are there in the curriculum that develops social
- Nowadays teacher is also a facilitator only. So we can see if the students are learning and have
knowledge about the lesson. Reading, writing, listening, and thinking are all part of education.
It will be through a lifelong love for acquiring information through the study of many kinds of
literature. It is necessary for teachers to offer more social literature that exposes students to
diverse cultures. I am confident that students and learners will be exposed to social literacy as a
result of these activities.
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.
AVERAGE KNOWLEDGE 1. How well do you understand personal finance concepts?
Rate your knowledge below.
4: Above-average knowledge
3: Average knowledge
2: Limited knowledge
1: No knowledge
4. How about your current budget pie chart look like? Using the following categories,
map your ideal budget plan using a pie chart. You may use more categories as needed.
a. Housing
b. Electric bills
c. Internet
d. Food
e. Debt
f. Education
g. Transportation
How does your current budget pie chart compare with your ideal budget pie chart?
3. Cite a situation why Media and Digital Literacy is important to you as a Teacher-to-
- It is important the media literacy especially for teachers because as time goes on there is more
change in our teaching style. We prefer to use teaching technologies. Just like now since the
pandemic because of the online platform the students have been able to continue their
education. So we must be flexible in everything, especially in the use of technology.
1. What environmental issues and concerns move you and provoke you to action? What
efforts and practical steps do you do to influence others to take action?
- The only action I can take to protect the environment is to Reduce. Reuse and Recycle so that
waste does not increase and it does not become pollution to us. The second is to volunteer with
our community in the activities that will be done in our community to clean up our surroundings
and the barangay. And most important of all is the planting of trees and plants. It is important
not to flood.
2. Develop a personal definition of sustainability.
- Many people regard sustainability to be a valuable value. Those organizations whose policies
reflect this value in daily habits and actions Sustainable development is a method for making
better judgments about challenges that impact us all. We may ensure that residents have easy
access to healthcare and leisure facilities by incorporating health plans into the planning of new
3. What are greening initiatives done by your household?
➢ Planting,
➢ Get a Recycling Bin and a Compost Bin
➢ Water conservation
➢ Use natural cleaning products,
4. What personal greening initiatives would you propose to your own campus,
community, and home?
➢ Upgrade to LED Lighting
➢ Plant Trees
➢ Plant a Community Garden
2. Recall some of the creative classroom activities you had in school. What made them
- The role playing because we make props for our play and we make costume. And we think
what style of role playing we perform. And for me it is show being a creativity.
3. Is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read various definitions on these two
concepts and organize your notes using a Venn diagram.
- When an invention is suitable, innovation seems to be a more manageable issue for many
individuals. The first to notice anything was done in the first place is the innovative element of
creativity. Therefore, rather than just thinking about something, innovation is the process of
learning from experience, despite obstacles and resistance. While the others were involved in
the creative work, both were not the same. Innovations is significant in the sense that it is the
introduction of something new, whether that was a new product, invention, or procedure, at its
most essential level. Creativity is subjective but objective, whereas innovation is quantifiable
because it comprises the construction of doing something new.
CREATIVITY Innovation is the process of
Innovations require putting unique thoughts into
The act of coming up creative thinking and
with new, original ideas practice in a manner that
innovative concepts. favors the sovereign, private,
is a key component of But Innovation and
the subjective concept of businesses, and the
invention are actually community at large.
creativity. not the same things. Innovation really does have
Existing goods or an economic value. The
services may be process of providing extreme
modified and gain and incremental adjustments
value in this manner. to products, processes, and
services is known as
4. Refer to the characteristics of artistically literate students. Examine yourself and tell
whether you possess any of the characteristics mentioned.
- We stimulate deliberation on the human experience, test our beliefs and perspectives, and
foster our ability to revise what we think we know when we practice creative literacy by
examining an artist's process, understanding artistic concepts, and mastering skills within an
artistic discipline. We gain access to key inaccessible artworks; we gain more power and
5. Explain this quote from Picasso: All children are born artists. The problem is to
remain an artist as we grow up
- This means that a child becomes creative at an early age the way we talk and the way a child
learns so as he gets older his creativity develops more. Because the children can immediately
think about how to draw and color. While we all appreciate the pure pleasure of producing
something, there is much more to this process than meets the eye. Many publications and studies
have discussed the advantages of art education, particularly visual art education. Your child has
made the connection between their hands and mind when they transition from scribbling
randomly to focusing on their paper with focused marks.
1. Assess your critical literacy skills by answering the following questions with YES or
a. Do you evaluate your scores before using them in you essays? YES
b. Do you support your opinions and claims with experts’ ideas? YES
c. Do you read with critical eye? YES
d. Do you manage the vast amount of information you need to read? YES
e. Do you verify data and information before accepting them? YES
2. Let us explore your personal literacy histories by recalling and writing below your
answers to
the following:
- The main role of reading in my life as a parent this is the important thing that you have because
if you love reading you can teach your child to read and read and your child will adopt what you
have done. And also as a professional since I’m future teacher this reading will be my materials
to teach students to read and also to comprehend story.
➢ Interpreting
➢ Evaluate
➢ Analyse
➢ synthe