Requirement Analysis and Modeling
Requirement Analysis and Modeling
Requirement Analysis and Modeling
Requirement Analysis and Modeling are significant steps in developing any kinds of
software. It reviews all requirements and provides a graphical view of the entire system using
diagrams. After the completion of the analysis, it is expected that the understandability of the
project may improve significantly. This unit covers the topics on Software Requirement
Specification, Steps in Requirement Analysis, Data Flow Diagram and Entity Relationship
Diagrams, and create Data Dictionaries Files.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this unit, students will be able to
Understand the importance and use of Software Requirements Specification Report in
Software Development
Learn the different features and properties of a good SRS Document
Construct a Software Requirements Specification Report
Presentation of Contents
The production of the requirements stage of the software development process is
Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) (also called a requirements document). This report
lays a foundation for software engineering activities and is constructing when entire
requirements are elicited and analyzed. SRS is a formal report, which acts as a representation of
software that enables the customers to review whether it (SRS) is according to their
requirements. Also, it comprises user requirements for a system as well as detailed specifications
of the system requirements.
The SRS is a specification for a specific software product, program, or set of applications
that perform particular functions in a specific environment. It serves several goals depending on
who is writing it. First, the SRS could be written by the client of a system. Second, the SRS
could be written by a developer of the system. The two methods create entirely various situations
and establish different purposes for the document altogether. The first case, SRS, is used to
define the needs and expectation of the users. The second case, SRS, is written for various
purposes and serves as a contract document between customer and developer.
Types of Requirements
The two types of requirements are
1. Functional requirements:
a. input/output
b. Processing.
c. Error handling.
2. Non-functional requirements:
a. Physical environment (equipment locations, multiple sites, etc.).
b. Interfaces (data medium etc.).
c. User & human factors (who are the users, their skill level etc.).
d. Performance (how well is system functioning).
e. Documentation.
f. Data (qualitative stuff).
g. Resources (finding, physical space).
h. Security (backup, firewall).
i. Quality assurance (max. down time, MTBF, etc.).
Characteristics of good SRS