Philosophical Meaning of Happiness
Philosophical Meaning of Happiness
Philosophical Meaning of Happiness
Meaning of Happiness
Jeric B. Batas
Prayer before study, St. Thomas
2. Felix
• happiness from ego gratification or happiness from comparison: being better, more admired than
3. Beatitudo
• happiness from doing good for others and making the world a better place; based on the human
desire for connection, meaning, compassion, friendship, goodness and unity.
4. Sublime Beatitudo
• ultimate, perfect happiness; search for fullness and perfection; a connection to the larger universe-
Aristotle on Happiness
• Happiness is a life that is being well led through
virtue, living well and acting well
• it is only be becoming excellent (virtuous) that one
could achieve eudaimonia, a sort of blessedness that
constitutes the best kind of human life
• It is an activity (way of doing things rather than a
reward) of the soul in accordance with perfect virtue
• it is the ultimate goal of human existence because it is
the only thing we do only for itself.
Plato and Aristotle on Happiness
• both believed in having a system of
values and sticking to it to achieve
• both believed in living by the mean-
making choices and acting in the
middle ground between excess and
Application of these Philosophical Ideas
• Have Principles (moral code) and stick to it
• Live in or be mindful of the present
• Live with what you have
• Try balance (the mean)