NSO Policy FInal Draft
NSO Policy FInal Draft
NSO Policy FInal Draft
1. To provide the caring side of preventing illness, promoting, maintaining and restoring health to all
patients in the hospital and the community,
2. To conserve and stengthen the forces of the patients facing problems mentally, emotionally, spiritually To the New Nursing
and financially. Personnel
3. To provide and maintain accurate, complete and up to date records of the patient.
4. To promote good communication and harmonious interpersonal relations with the hospital
5. To produce a knowledgeable, skillful, competent nurse practitioner guided by a holistic approach Welcome to the BMC. This
through nursing process. handbook was prepared by
the Nursing Service Staff
and approved by the Chief
Nurse. This will provide you
with complete and precise
information about the
hospital; the objectives and
functions of the service; and
the most current policies
and procedures of the
The patient is the most important person in the hospital.
The patient is not dependent upon us – we are dependent on him.
The patient is not an interruption of our work – he is the purpose of it.
The patient is not an outsider to our business – he is our business.
The patient is a person and not a census or statistics .He has feelings, emotions, biases and wants.
It is our business to satisfy him.
The Nursing Service Administration recognizes the value and dignity of the individuals as members of the group. It
is guided by the concept that Nursing helps to assist and to strengthen the patient who is facing physical, emotional
and mental difficulties.
All members of the nursing service staff should be members of their respective professional organizations such as
the Philippine Nurses Association and the Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines.
Members of the Nursing Staff are expected to be neat, prim and proper in appearance at all times. Faithfully
discharge their duties and responsibilities and comply with the hospital policies & procedures.
The philosophy of the nursing service is consistent with the philosophy of the hospital.
The hospital is dedicated to the delivery of the best possible patient care available
The nursing service administration recognizes the value and dignity of the individual as a member of the group
hence all action emanate from decisions of the majority as a principle of the democratic process
Philosophy of the hospital:
A dedication of the delivery of the best possible patient care available or more specifically to the meeting of the
physical, social, psychological and spiritual needs of the patients.
We believe that the responsibility of the professional nurse involved in administering nursing services is to maintain
a quality of practice that will ensure patients of supportive, therapeutic and rehabilitative nursing care to enable
them to return home enriched spiritually and physically from hospital experience.
The nursing service administration is based on democratic way, which recognizes the value and dignity of the
individual as a member of the group.
1. To give a comprehensive nursing care to the patients and to help conserve and strengthen the forces of the
patient in facing problems mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
1. Ward services:
a. To provide total, comprehensive bedside nursing care to every patient in the unit through proper
planning and implementation, taking into consideration the priority cases.
b. To give incidental health teachings to patients and watchers.
c. To execute hospital policies, maintain standards, cooperate with physicians, and carry a satisfactory
relationship with the community.
d. To provide adequate supplies, equipment and facilities.
e. To have accurate records.
Working hours
The standard working hour (government service) is 40 hours a week. The cycle of rotation with duration of 7 days is
from morning shift.
1. Shifting hours
Ward Services
7:00AM-3:00PM-morning shift
3:00PM-11:00PM- afternoon shift
11:00PM-7:00AM-night shift
The schedule of duties is prepared by Chief Nurse . The tentative one is first posted a week before, for the nursing
staff to see, before it is finally submitted to the Chief Nurse for recommending approval and to the Hospital Director
or Hospital Administrator for approval. A copy furnished to the Chief Nurse,all the Nurse’s stations, OR-DR, ER-
OPD, Nursing Bulletin Board, I.C.U., and N.I.C.U.
Each personnel is encouraged to view from time to time the Nursing Service Bulletin Board situated at the Blue
Station , Floor I , for the changes of schedule and important notices posted.
Shifting of schedule usually happens every Sunday, The Nurse II and Nurse I are rotated to Medical, Surgical,
Pediatric, Isolation and OB-Gyne wards. Nursing attendants are also likewise assigned in the above wards under
close supervision of the nurses. Rotation takes place every six months in a case method classification.
Once the Schedule of Duties is approved, the said schedule is final. The schedule may be altered only when a
problem of staffing arises.
Nursing personnel is expected to report to duty 15 minutes before the scheduled time; for 7-3 shift, 3-11 shifts and
as well as the 11-7 shift. When personnel who arrive late, the accumulated minutes of late will be deducted on
his/her salary monthly, to avoid habitual tardiness in reporting.
2. Daily time records
Daily time records should be properly filled-up when one reports, and even on off-duties. Accuracy and
completeness of the records are expected from all personnel. Submission should be at end of the month for regular
staff, but for job order/casual/contractual staff the submission of daily time records will be at the middle and at the
end of the month. It should be submitted to the Chief Nurse.
Every personnel on duty are required to time in and out in the logbook and Bundy clock. If a logbook is use, it must
be placed near the Bundy clock area or at guard post on hospital entrance. For 11:00 PM- 7:00AM shift, the ER-
OPD personnel must close the logbook.
4. Off-duties
Each personnel are given two days off a week subject to the following;
a. Schedule of off duties immediately following or preceding day of absence, shall be
considered an absence upon discretion of the supervisor.
b. Request for exchange of duties between personnel should be put into writing
and shall be approved when justifiable. Anyone requesting for an exchange of
off duties should be the one to arrange with the requested staff.
c. Request should be written in advance, at least two weeks before the tentative
schedule will be posted in the Nurse’s Bulletin Board. Two days successive off
duties maybe allowed if there is an urgent need of it and request should be
submitted to the Chief Nurse.
5. Absences
a. Absence from duty with or without notices is to be reported to the office of the Chief Nurse and to the Nursing
Unit where the absentee is assigned. One day before reporting back to duty and on the day of reporting, the
employee must report in person and submit a written or verbal explanation to the Nursing Office.
b. Absence with notice and with valid reason, off-duties will not be forfeited.
c. When one of the staff of the nursing service has an emergency reason for absence; like sickness or death of
love one; the concerned staff must report or call immediately to the Nursing Office to notify the Chief Nurse/Asst.
Chief Nurse/Supervisor/Acting Supervisor, so that the schedule duties of the nursing service staff will be arranged.
d. Habitual absences should be automatically reported to H.R.M. Habitual absences means 3 absences or more in
a month without notice or late notice.
e. Regular, job order and contractual nursing staff with 5 to 6 absences should have a medical certificate or
supporting document.
6. Half days
a. First half day is not permissible unless in an emergency cases, and only with
prior notice. Half day is not obligatory but a privilege.
b. Half day will only be allowed if the ward is not busy and upon discretion of the
c. No advance half day will be allowed.
d. Half days without prior arrangement with the Nursing Supervisors/ Asst. Chief
Nurse /Chief Nurse is considered under time.
e. Half days are allowed only with the permission from the Chief Nurse, Asst. Chief
Nurse and Nursing Supervisors.
8. Leaves
a. Vacation Leave
It must be filed a week before a personnel goes on vacation leave after being granted by the Chief Nurse.
b. Sick leave
Sick leave must be filed upon assumption of duty. Sick leave of six days or more should have an accompanying
medical certificate, with a consultation from the Administrative Office.
c. Force leave
Force leave must be applied for in advance and cannot be credited to other leaves applied for. Force leave should
be filed until second week of December.
d. Special leave
Special leave like anniversary, birthday, enrollment, relocation and hospitalization must be filled a week before.
e. Maternity leave
a. Regular or permanent employee who have rendered two or more years of
continuous service shall be entitled to maternity leave with pay.
b. Regular or permanent who have rendered less than two years of continuous service shall be
entitled to maternity leave with half pay.
c. Temporary employees like job order/casual/contractual who have rendered
two or more years of continuous service shall be entitled to maternity leave without pay (that will depend on their
d. Leave of Absence (Memo Circular #06), S91 by Hospital Director portion.
In view thereof, all are enjoined to observe strictly the following;
No application for absences will be approved unless with previous consultation and agreed by your respective
Division Heads to wit;
1. Physician and Dentist – Hospital Director
2. Nursing Service – Chief Nurse
3. Administrative and Auxiliary Service – Administrative Officer
f. Extension of leave
fi. Extended leave without permission is insubordination and must report to the Chief Nurse with
Incidence Report and copied furnish to H.R.M.
fii. Extension of leave with permission request should be approved by the Chief Nurse.
- Notification of extended leave, from a personnel, and by text message thru cellular phone will be disapproved and
prohibited unless with a justifiable reasons. Henceforth, all leaves must be specific.
- Application and request for leave will be directed to the Division Head, none other and henceforth be arranged
directly. No written request will be entertained unless represented directly or in case of incapacity.
- Leave will be canceled at anytime due t exigency of the service whereby you will be recalled.
- Adherence to the Labor Code, rules and regulation will be strictly followed.
9. Resignations
Resignations must be filed one month before the date of effectively is granted.
Nursing staff members are required to give the Nursing Office updated information regarding addresses and
telephone numbers.
12. Established procedure for informing personnel when there is a change in policy
Section heads of the Nursing Service submit to the Chief Nurse changes in their sections for review and these are
presented to the staff for discussions during monthly meetings and finally to the Hospital Director for approval and
incorporated in the Nursing Service Manual which is provided in every Nursing Unit.
Everyone is expected to remain in her ward on duty. But for necessity before leaving the ward even for a short time,
the nurse or nursing attendant should notify someone in the ward of her/his whereabouts. The ward should
never be left without a responsible person to look after the patients and to attend to anyone who goes toward
or Nurse’s Station.
15. Uniforms
All nurses must wear complete uniforms while on duty – cap, school pin, required I.D. or nameplate, stocking or
white socks and white duty shoes. The cap is our distinction among all personnel wearing the white uniforms.
Although at night duty, ward personnel may use blue scrub suite with white pants and may not wear cap. On the
other hand, all special units such as OR-DR, ER-OPD, I.C.U. and N.I.C.U. are allowed to wear colored uniforms
with permission from the Chief Nurse and their Nurse Supervisors.
Nursing Attendants and midwives are requires to use the same uniforms as prescribed on the units they are
assigned, except for a nurse cap.
All nurses, midwives, nursing attendants must have watches with second hand while on duty.
Silence must be strictly observed in the wards, halls, corridors and offices at all times. Please observe also self-
Respect and courtesy towards supervisors, co-workers, patients, visitors and the general public should always be
Personnel grudges among nursing service and personnel of other department must be avoided. If ever personnel
felt grudges, anger or remorse during giving health care, it should be set aside when dealing with patients.
Hospital personnel must address properly regardless of their positions.
All members of the Nursing Service Staff have the initiative to help one another. Always remember that “No Man Is
an Island”. In case of mass casualties – vehicular accident or disaster / calamity ( more than 3 or 5 patients) staff
are obliged to help ER staff.
20. Honesty, Courtesy and Adherence to the hospital policies
Honesty, courtesy and adherence to the hospital policies and memorandum issued by this Office (Hospital Director)
are for strict compliance unless otherwise revoked or amended.
All personnel are to pledge their loyalty and service this hospital and forget politics. Be an asset and not a liability.
All shifts should make frequent rounds to check watchers sleeping with the patients, which are never allowed.
Everyone should be strict to conform regarding the rules and regulations of the hospital. One or two will not solve
the problem, but all of us should be concerned.
1. Monthly nursing staff meeting or Staff Development Activity is every first Friday or second Friday of the
month as scheduled.
2. Absence without sufficient and valid reasons considered absent and should file a leave as unanimously
approved by the members of the nursing service.
• A fine of P 30.00 for late.
24. Orientation
Orientation of new personnel shall be conducted by the Chief Nurse and Supervisors, most senior ward nurse and
nursing attendant, with the discretion from Chief Nurse. All new personnel shall begin to have a tour in the hospital
set-up, lecture-demo orientation and lastly ward rotation for a month and a half as specified by the Chief Nurse.
Orientation starts at ward.
For new personnel , advise to report or contract should be presented before orientation , and also he/she should
report upon completion of Human Resource Management Department requirements.
To assist in teaching – learning needs of students to render the best quality nursing care.
1. To establish and maintain acceptable standards of nursing care to students :
a. well organized
b. comprehensive
c. safe and effective nursing care
2. To provide the students with related learning experience utilizing the existing resources
1. Students should always be under the supervision of their Clinical Instructor (CI).
2. Patient assignment given to students should be at their level of training.
3. All students with hospital related activities must be in their proper school uniform or smock gown and
4. For students assigned in OR/DR and Emergency Room:
a. They can only get a case and be signed by the staff on duty if they have actually assisted and performed
procedures from the pre-operative to post-operative care.
b. They must adhere to the areas standard policies and procedures in the maintenance of surgical asepsis.
c. Case distribution is 2 schools per patient.
d. Signing of cases must be within two after the date of the case. For cases not
signed within 2 weeks will only be signed by the staff if the student brings
with her/him a letter of consideration from the level coordinator.
5. Only 3 students from the level IV will be assigned in ICU under the supervision
of their Clinical Instructor.
6. Clinical Instructor (CI) and students ratio per shift :
a. Ward - 1 (CI) : 12 Students
b. OR - 1 (CI) : 8 Students
c. DR - 1 (CI) : 8 Students
d. ER - 1 (CI) : 8 Students
7. Inform the staff immediately for any unusualties in the patients vital signs,
physical and mental observations, new doctors orders and medicines received
from the patient / watcher.
8. Document pertinent data legibly.
9. No erasures on your charting.
10. Charts must be returned to the nurses station for final checking by the staff at:
a. 1 pm – 7-3 shift
b. 9 pm – 3-11 shift
c. 5 am – 11-7 shift
11. Charting must be signed legibly countersigned by your CI and the staff.
12. Health teaching and patients interaction are more important than sitting,
chatting and making nonsense noise in the hospital lobby or patients unit.
13. Keep patients unit clean and tidy.
14. Respect and courtesy towards the patients, hospital personnel and the general public.
• Direct to delivery room (DR) or patients in labor brought to DR must only be endorsed
• If and when an incident with regards to patient care and hospital policy has been committed, a written
incidental report has to be made by the student, noted by the CI and to be submitted to the Nurse I or
Senior Nurse within the shift.
• PAR Presentations:
• Write a letter of request addressed to the Chief Nurse that you are going to invite a nursing service
personnel for the presentation.
• Indicate the invitation the date, time, venue, topic and what the staffs’ role for the presentation.
• Invitation must be given atleast one week before the date so as to arrange the schedule of the
staff and be ready for the topic for discussion.
• Patients charts and data must only be taken with permission from the following:
1. Patient
2. Physician in charge
3. Medical Records Section
4. Staff Nurse on duty
18. Survey questioners and interviews must be approved by the Chief Nurse
and Chief of hospital.
1. No clinical instructor will be allowed to follow up students without undergoing preceptorship for one week in the
different areas:
a. Wards
b. OR/DR – with completion of hands on experience as:
Scrub Nurse - 3
Circulating Nurse - 3
Actual / Handled - 3
Cord Care - 3
Assisted - 3
c. Emergency Room / OPD
2. Preceptorship is scheduled once a month and a written request must be received by the office one week before
the scheduled date. Please confirm the scheduled date if you can still be accommodated.
3. CI’s must be in complete uniform when on duty.
4. Orient students on the hospital policies and procedures, the different wards, special areas and administrative
5. Give students patient assignment at their level of training and competency.
6. Students schedule of duty must be received by the nursing service office one week before the scheduled duty.
No students schedule, no duty.
7. Use of the Conference Room:
a. Inform the Nursing Service Office one (1) day before or before your shift will start if you intend to use it for pre
and post conferences.
b. Keep it clean and tidy.
c. Switch off light, ceiling fans and air conditioner before you leave the room.
8. CI’s are responsible for the patients chart assigned to students.
9. CI’s and students must be in 15 minutes before endorsement time.
10. Always maintain observance of medical and surgical asepsis.
Day 1 -(morning) Prayer 8AM Nurse III
Pre-orientation Evaluation 8:05AM
Mission-Vision of SMC 8:20AM Hospital Director
Organizational Structure 8:30 AM Administrative Officer
Introduction of Department/
Division Heads 8:45AM Assistant Hospital Director
a) Medical Dept.
b) Administrative Dept.
c) Nursing Service
d) Ancillary Dept.
Organizational Structure 9AM Chief Nurse
Mission-Vision of Nursing Service
Hospital and Nursing Service Policy
and Procedures 9:10AM Asst.Chief Nurse/TrainingOfficer
a. Working Hours
b. Classification and Accommodation of patient
c. Routine Procedures;
Carrying out doctor's order
• Medications and treatments
• Referrals
• Laboratory and X-rays
d. Documentation and Charting
e. Different wards and special areas
f. Respect and Courtesy
g. Affiliation and trainings of students
- Lunch Break 12NN
(afternoon) - Demo-return demo on the basic hospital nursing procedures and equipments
1 PM Training Officer
- Hospital Tour 3:45 PM
- End of the day activity 4PM
Evaluation of performance is a continuous process made through progress notes (anecdotal records,
observations etc.) in order to make the evaluation s objectively as possible. The performance of personnel is
evaluated on the basis of his/her actual achievement on his/her Performance Target. This is the Performance
Evaluation System which is primarily concerned with the output requirement of every employee. Emphasis lays a
constant supervisor and supervises interaction. At the end of the evaluation period (6 months) supervisor and
supervisee discuss the result of the targets he has previously set. If he has not reach his targets, the supervisor
assists the employee by training, coaching, counseling and reassignment, If he still fails to reach his targets after
various means of assistance, appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against him/her. On the other hand,
the employee who excels in his job or in his achievement of his target should be given recognition. If he cannot be
promoted, other forms of reward for his exemplary performance should be given. Performance targets should be
submitted every first week of July and first week of January. Evaluation of performance targets is also submitted on
the above dates.
• Any referral should be done by the ward staff and never by the patient or accompanying person. An
accompanying person referring to the doctor will not be entertained, yet he or she will be advised to verbalize complaints
to the nurse in charge. Referrals during office hours should be directed to the physician on duty.
• Refer all venoclysis before it is almost consumed to the physician-in-charge or physician-on-duty for follow
• The nurse or nursing attendant referring a case must have knowledge of the patients’ complaints.
• While calling a physician on duty for an emergency case at E.R., simultaneous preparation of the patient
must also be done.
G. Laboratory
• All requests must be properly made, with the patients name, age, sex, ward location and type of
examination to be performed, name of the requesting physician, date requested, type of admission – Philhealth, charity or
service, and pay accommodation. It should be signed by the one carrying out the order.
• Duplicate requests should be avoided. If repeat exam is requested on the same day or the next day, the
word “repeat” must be written on the requests slip.
• Requests for examination for different sections of the laboratory must be placed in separate request slip to
facilitate easy processing in the laboratory. Example, chemistry, hematology, blood bank etc.
• Specimen for routine exam such as urine, stool, and sputum collected before breakfast will be picked up
by the laboratory aide before 8:00 A.M. After 8:00 Am., but not after 5:00 pm., all specimens for routine exam will be sent
to the laboratory.
• Requests for hematology, immunology, and serology will be processed on the same day if submitted
before 5:00 pm.
• Requests for blood chemistry should be submitted to the laboratory before 6:00A.M. All requests submitted
after 6:00 A.M. are carried out the next day. Preparation of patient is fasting or nothing per oral;
6 hours fasting – glucose, total cholesterol
12 hours fasting – lipid profile, triglycerides
Other routine and special blood chemistry such as SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline
phosphatase and other enzymes serology determination, electrolytes such as
sodium, potassium and BUN, creatinine are non-fasting preparation.
Blood Chemistry requests on Sundays and holidays are limited to Stat requests
only. Blood specimens are not taken later than 6:00A.M.
• All requests for laboratory exam collected or submitted to the laboratory are to be recorded in the
laboratory tracker book or incoming logbook provided in the laboratory.
• Results of all laboratory examinations released should be recorded in the tracker logbook for results or
outgoing logbook and signed by the authorized person to receive results in the ward.
• Confidentiality of all results should be strictly followed.
• Results of routine exam done in the morning should be sent to the respective nurses’ station before
12noon, in the afternoon shift before 4:00P.M.and 9:00 A.M. in night shift.
• Routine exam for our patients are accepted from 8:00A.M. To 5:00P.M.
• All laboratory requests or specimens for surgical patients should be requested or taken, and performed
before the patient is brought into the operating room.
• Surgical specimens for biopsy should be sent to the laboratory immediately for proper preservation. These
should be properly labeled with the patients’ name, age, sex, ward location, type of operation done, organ or tissue taken
or submitted for exam, and date of operation and name of requesting physician.
• Emergency requests
The results of these examinations are necessary for the immediate management of
seriously ill patients. They will be processed at anytime and are divided into two categories.
• STAT (very urgent)
Results of the examinations are necessary between 30 minutes to
one hour after the request has been received by the laboratory personnel. These type of
emergency examinations are requested for life-threatening situations. Without the result of
the laboratory examinations the management of the patient cannot be given even on clinical
basis and for seriously ill patients for immediate management. The STAT request is given
first priority over other type of requests. The results are handed in immediately after the
exam has been completed.
These emergency examinations are requested for the immediate
management of patient that cannot wait for the result on the next working day. Requests are
processed at any time and are given priority over routine requests. Depending on the type
of examinations and number of urgent and STAT requests, the result of these type of
requests are available 2 hours after the requests has been received in the laboratory.
• ASAP (as soon as possible)
Requests of this type, considered that this is not classified on the
above- mentioned emergency category, results of this type of requests can wait for the next
working day. This is given priority over routine requests. Patients specimen for biopsy with
filled up laboratory requests will be sent laboratory by the ward staff.
H. Radiology department
• Patients for X-ray especially with special routine procedure must be referred to the X-ray Dept.
• All X-ray requests will be sent to the X-ray dept. after being ordered and received in the ward logbook.
• Accompany patient to the X-ray dept. for the procedure.
A. Procedures for X-ray Exam for both in-patient and out- patient.
Evening Care
• Sponge bath or assist patient in bathing himself or herself.
• Perineal care of OB and Gyne patients is routine and given as often as necessary. For discharge I.E., all
OB patients must be advised to do perineal care.
Vital signs must be accurately taken and recorded according to doctors’ order. Not recorded is not done.
Vital signs taken must be signed by the nursing attendant on duty.
Newborn - 30-50
11 months - 26-40
2 years - 20-30
4 years - 20-30
6 years - 20-26
8 years - 18-24
10 years - 18-24
Adolescence - 12-20 resp. /min.
Normal Range
Systolic = 95 – 140 mmHg *a difference of 5-10 mmHg between
arms are common.
Diastolic = 60-90 mmHg * going firm a recumbent to a standing
position can cause the systolic pressure to fall 10-15 mmHg and the diastolic
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
Formula = Systolic minus Diastolic + Pulse Rate – 111 = BMR
Patients for thoracentesis, paracentesis, NGT insertion, enema and HRT insertion should be properly instructed,
informed and prepared. Patients consent should be obtained before a special procedure is done.
• Surgeon in charge should be the only one to dress his patients’ wound unless properly endorsed to
another surgeon.
• Should the surgeon in charge needs assistance in dressing patients wounds, he can avail the services of
the ward nurse. Never the OR nurse, unless dressing will be done at the OR.
• Surgeon in charge should requests the materials and the ward nurse will get it from the CSR.
O. Clergy services
• The nurse should be ready to assist in getting the clergy if the patient or family asks her help.
• The patient approaching death may or may not wish to see a religious counselor.
• Every effort should be made to get a clergy while the patient is conscious. If at all possible the nurse
should be familiar with the patients’ beliefs’ and wishes, which are respected and, every effort is made to meet them.
P. Deceases patients
Deceased patients’ are always pronounced dead by the physician. Special religious customs should never be
neglected. It is better to ask and be sure than to hesitate and neglect something, which is of real spiritual concern
to the patient or his family. The postmortem care is rendered. The deceased patient is transferred out from his bed,
not later than 10 minutes. Cadaver should not be endorsed to the next shift.
Q. DOA or dead on arrival
All DOA cases must be recorded in the OPD cards and record as well the emergency treatment given. Accounts
are settled by the relatives or if indigent or without relatives, he is referred to the hospitals’ Medical Social Worker.
Signing of death certificate, by the physician is a legal requirement and is necessary for burial preparations.
R. Disturbed patients
Disturbed patients are isolated and under the care of a psychiatrists or psychologist.
S. Patient transfer
>Transfer from a charity ward to a pay ward or room is considered pay from the time he was admitted to the
hospital after being referred to the administrative officer or after proper arrangement.
>Transfer from pay to charity: he is considered a charity case after settling accounts as a pay patient.
>Transfer to another hospital is first ordered by a physician who is after being requested by the patient. Accounts
are first settled with the administrative office before he is conducted by the ambulance to the hospital of his choice
or his families.
A. Temperature and respiration are recorded in blue pen and pulse rate in red pen, respectively.
B. The vertical lines indicate a 24 hours shift and divided into A.M.2-6-10-blue, and in P.M.-2-6-10-red. Upon
admission, encircle the normal TPR, put a dot on the patients’ TPR and draw a connecting line on the normal TPR.
On that space write down the word “admission” vertically.
C. There are 2 spaces provided for the urine and stool separated by dotted line. Fill the first space if the patient is
admitted at 2:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M.
D. Indicate a “red star” on the day of the operation. First day of post-operative day starts a day after patient was
operated. Intake and output should be recorded in the space provided.
E. BP every day, TID, BID, QID, Every 4 hours should be recorded in three shifts.
F. If there is an order on pulse rate, please take it for one full minute and record it correctly. Nurses should also
check the TPR record before closing the chart.
1. The ward should not be endorsed by the outgoing nurse and nursing attendant nor should the incoming shift
accept until all the patients and everything pertaining to the respective wards are checked properly.
2. All patients must be advised to stay in their bed before the time of endorsement of the ward to facilitate the
proper endorsement.
3. Admission slips should be checked every shift.
4. Reading of the Nurses’ report by the outgoing staff and rounds of the incoming and outgoing shifts.
5. Endorsement of pre-operative medications shall be done after the endorsement.
6. Endorsement of patients and wards shall be done every shift before going off duty. Outgoing shift must not leave
the ward unless receives by the incoming shift.
7. Checking of equipment in every shift should be done strictly. Anyone who breaks a syringe should replace it as
soon as possible.
8. There should be proper endorsement of ER patients to ward nurses.
9. All medicines and IV fluids received should be recorded accurately, and endorsed actually to the next shift and
should there be any less, replacement should be done by the one responsible for it.
• All medicare patients are to be reported to the medicare clerk on admission and upon discharges. They
are to be discharged only upon completion of papers. Pay patients are also to be recorded to the cashier for payments.
• All OB patients must have an IE note from the OB physician prior to discharge. The IE discharge note will
be attached in the physicians’ order sheet.
• The Nursing Attendant checks the linens, etc. borrowed by the patient as listed in his chart. Any less will
charged to the Nursing Attendant or Nurse on duty when the patient was discharged.
• All absconded patients must be discharged within 8 hours.
• For communicable cases, the room is immediately fumigated and labeled as such.
• Medico-legal cases should always be referred to the admitting physician before discharge.
• Expired patients must be transferred out to the morgue.
• Upon discharged of patient, patients’ unit or room must be immediately cleaned, ready for admission.
• All post op meds should be referred to physician in charge.
Surgical ward
What Is -Surgical Nursing?
Individuals trained in the field of surgical nursing provide care to patients before, during and after surgical
procedures. Surgical nurses work as members of a surgical team that includes anesthesiologists, doctors and
technicians. If you'd like to join the medical-surgical nursing field, you need to develop multiple skills and have the
ability to work long hours.
Pediatrics nurse
The pediatric nurse cares for patients from infancy through adolescence. She is a compassionate medical
professional who works in the pediatric intensive care unit or pediatric ward with other nurses, specialists and
pediatricians. It is her duty to administer the best care possible to the young patient. The pediatric nurse shares her
expertise with the patient's family many times a day and advocates for her patient.
Providing Care
• Pediatric nurses are "advanced nurses who treat all ages of children, from infancy to young adulthood,"
according to Nursing Online. Nurses often specialize in pediatrics because of a love for children and a desire to give the
best hands-on care possible. The pediatric nurse understands what children need. She knows that a child's body may
respond differently to an illness or disease than an adult's and require specialized care.
Sharing Information With Doctors
• The nurse communicates with doctors on a regular basis. She takes her orders, whether verbal or written,
from the doctor. Once the orders are followed, she keeps the doctor informed on the patient's response to medications
and procedures. If medical adjustments are required, the doctor examines the patient and discusses further treatment
with the nurse.
Communicating With Parents
• Nurses gives current updates to parents about medical procedures and the child's current condition. The
nurse often relays messages from the doctor to the parents when the doctor is not able to immediately meet with
parents. She may answer parents' questions and help locate resources the parent may need, such as the hospital social
Ease Patients' Fears
• Because the pediatric nurse works with young patients, she may have to ease a patient's nervousness
and fear of hospital procedures. With young patients, the nurse may cuddle the young child to soothe him or use
puppets to calm the child, making the hospital seem less intimidating. It may help to talk to an older child or find other
children within the pediatric ward for him to talk with.
OB-GYN nurse
OB-GYN stands for Obstetricians and Gynecology. OB-GYN nurses specialize in treating and preventing conditions
that affect the female anatomy. Experienced OB-GYN nurses are experts in issues concerning childbirth.
Support Functions
• OB-GYN Nurses support the physicians they work for by taking patient's medical histories and helping to
educate patients regarding sexually transmitted diseases, birth control and pre-natal care.
Clinical Functions
• OB-GYN nurses take samples and specimens, assist with gynecological exams and delivering babies.
OB-GYN nurses occasionally deliver babies on their own when the child arrives before the attending physician is able to
reach the hospital.
• OB-GYN nurses must be willing to advocate all family planning options and participate in any related
procedures, regardless of their own personal beliefs.
Babies delivered in our hospital and outside whose mothers are confined for post partum complications are
admitted for nursing care
All babies in this hospital should be given breast milk only unless medically contraindicated.
• No prelatic feedings to newborns.
• Explain to mothers that giving prelatic will interfere with breastfeeding, decreases eagerness to
breastfeeding, produce allergy and sense of inadequacy on the mother.
• Colostrums should be given to all newborn babies. Colostrums contains anti-bodies thus prevents
childhood diseases, like diarrhea and respiratory distress.
• All babies delivered by caesarian section without complications shall be breastfed within 4 to 6 hours.
Hospital staff should help attach the baby to the mother.
• All babies should be roomed-in within 24 hours after birth.
-Teach mother the importance of rooming-in, to facilitate mother and child bonding.
- Permits breastfeeding on demand.
- Allows for closer contact with the father and other members of the family.
• All mothers should be assisted to start breastfeeding immediately and should be taught the proper
breastfeeding methods.
- Demonstrate proper technique on manual breast milk expression.
• All mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed on demand.
- To help mothers produce more milk and prevent breast engorgement.
• Infant formula feeding bottles, pacifiers should not be stacked within the hospital premises.
(OR, DR, Ward, Pharmacy and Canteen)
- Discourage artificial feeding to the baby.
- Nipple confusion should be avoided.
• Mothers during their prenatal check up at OPD are required to attend breastfeeding lecture.
• Mothers will not be discharged if there is no milk flow.
• Mothers with no consent to breastfeed their babies will not admitted in this hospital.
• All names of mothers when discharged from the hospital will be forwarded to the City Health Office (CHO
for follow up of breastfeeding).Ask help from other agencies as support group for follow-up in the field such as;
- CHO staff (PRN or PH midwife)
- Barangay Health Workers
- Hilots
- Family Planning Group
c. Care of Full Term Newborn
1.) Oxygen inhalation – PRN
2.) Suction PRN
3.) Watch for signs of respiratory distress.
4.) Care of the skin-newborn babies are given a daily sponge bath using warm water and any suitable
mild soap. When the cord is off, babies are given warm water bathe in a basin.
5.) Care of the umbilical stump = Antiseptic such as 70% alcohol is poured over the stump 2 or 3 times a
6.) TPR should be taken every 4 hours. Temperature is taken per rectum for 3 minutes. Newborn with
fever should be referred at once to the POD or attending physician.
7.) Notify physician of any abnormalities.
Feeding – unless otherwise specified by the pediatrician, premature weighing over 4 pounds maybe fed as a
normal full term.
- If ever there is simultaneous schedule of elective surgery. The first case will be the department scheduled
for the day.
- Emergency surgeries are priority schedule.
- If there is more than one case scheduled for the day, two or more cases will be done simultaneously on a
case to case basis that is depending upon the availability of the staff and anesthesiologists.
- No surgical cases, elective and otherwise will be operated until it is properly referred to the surgeon on duty
and OR department head. No surgery will be performed without an assistant, properly evaluated and approved by
the SOD or Head of the Department or by the Chief of the hospital. In extreme cases wherein the life of the patient
is in danger, the POD will use his discretion and apply emergency but will likewise refer the same.
- Shaving, urethral catheterization should be done at ward.
4. Pre-operative Preparation of patient for surgery
1.) Scheduled cases
- Shaving of female patient is done by the OR midwife, and male patient by the OR utility worker.
Shaving should be done by 3-11 shifts before bedtime.
- Vital signs is taken by 11-7 shift ward staff, before transport of patient to the OR.
- All patients schedule for surgery should be posted in the OR schedule logbook as soon as the doctors
order is made.
- Consent slip should be signed before any patient is brought to the OR, the ward staff should have the
consent signed. No procedure can be done without the patients’ written consent.
- Operation scheduled after 4:00 pm, Nurse II on 16 hours duty should be notified personally.
2.) Emergency Cases
- Preparation; shaving and catheterization included is done by the OR staff.
5. All surgical cases, their charts should be complete with history, P.E., laboratory exams, differential diagnosis
and impression within 24 hours.
6. 16 – Hours’ duty for emergency operation and deliveries.
- Nurse II, midwives, UW may have a 16 hours duty, and are to answer call on all emergency surgical
cases and deliveries brought to the hospital after office hours, in case of insurgency of staff. Their off duties will be
scheduled by the head of department later.
-Nurse III in the OR should check all patients scheduled for surgery if midwife or U.W. has done the
shaving and other preparations.
- Patient at labor room should be attended by the DR staff including documentation.
- In cases on pregnant patient that will be evaluated at DR, and the physician will decide that the patient will
undergo CS, the OR – DR staff will carry order.
- Transporting of patients for surgery, from the ward to OR, OR U.W. must be the one to get the patients for
surgery from the ward.
- The first assistant should not leave the surgeon until after the closure of peritoneum. For complete sponge
count, surgeon, assistant surgeon and anesthesiologists should also be made to sign in the sponge count book.
- Intravenous fluid insertion should be done by the ward nurse before bringing the patient to the operating
room. If the ward nurse is busy, insertion of IVF will be done in OR. The needle to be used must be intravascular
cannula gauge 18 and the site will be inserted is preferably at the anterior forearm and dorsal area.
- All pre-op medications and IVF will be prescribed by the anesthesiologist.
- The strict implementation of aseptic technique includes gowning of patients before transporting to the
operating room.
- The OR utility worker must be the one to get the patient for surgery from the ward 10 minutes before
scheduled time.
- OR utility worker is scheduled by the OR department head.
- Scheduling of OR cases depends on priority cases. Dirty cases will follow.
- Recording of surgeries, deliveries, etc.
a.) OR record book for major and minor operations.
b.) Surgical memorandum must be properly filled up and signed by the surgeon and anesthesiologist
(responsibility of the circulating nurse) after surgery.
c.) All procedures and treatments done in the DR must be recorded in a separate book.
• Requisitions direct to the property clerk by the Nurse III or Nurse II in the absence of the former.
• Inventory of supplies and equipments must be done on a monthly basis.
• Making of supplies like cotton balls, OS or gauze, vaginal or uterine packs.
• Medicines, catguts, local anesthesia, etc. are to be prescribed.
• Packing of linens, instruments, and gloves – ready for sterilization.
• DR oxygen tank with oxygen gauge will only be given to the ward in case of emergency, but with the
approval of the physician on duty.
6. After all, patient must be monitored at ward for any possible bleeding. Ice compress
should be applies on post partum & CS.
7. Episiotomy wound / laceration must be sutured by the physician, midwife and nurse are
not allowed to do the suturing.
• The nurse should assist the physician during the delivery and in giving anesthesia.
• Prepare instruments for delivery.
• Washes vulva and does skin preparation.
• Patient is draped for delivery.
• Injection and IV fluids are given as ordered.
• The nurse or midwife should assist the physician in complicated deliveries like manual extraction of the
placenta, D and C.
• After delivery, vulva is cleaned diaper is applied before transporting in her room and is
endorsed properly.
Purpose: To assist the patient in returning to a safe physiological level after an anesthesia, apply physiologic and
psychosocial knowledge., principles of asepsis and technical knowledge and skills necessary to promote, restore
and maintain the patients physiologic processes in a safe, comfortable and effective environment.
Specific Objectives:
• To be able to afford maximal care for patients immediately following an operation.
• To be able to meet a need for constant observation of patients at trained personnel’s until recovery from
anesthesia is stabilized sufficiency for safe transfer to patients’ room.
• The RR is under the supervision of an anesthesiologist in coordination with a nursing supervisor (or a
Nurse II assigned to the RR) to directly supervise the activities in the area.
• Staffed by specially trained registered nurses and other nursing personnel.
• Evaluate patients continually by appropriate monitoring methods and frequent observations.
• Evaluate patients’ status by listening, watching and feeling augmented by electronic monitoring devices.
• Monitor particularly oxygenation, ventilation and circulation.
• Observe respiratory and circulatory functions and level of consciousness at frequent intervals.
• Patients’ remain in the unit they have reacted from anesthesia and their vital signs have stabilized.
• If ever there will be 2 patients inside the unit, they should be separated by screens or curtains.
• Hand washing is essential after each patient contact to prevent cross contamination.
• The anesthesiologists and medical staff must approve discharge criteria for RR nurse to determine
readiness for discharge.
• OR-DR staff must endorsed post op patient to ward including materials unused.
b. Schedule of Lecture
Monday- Friday
4.) Medico-legal are attended by the POD
A. Vehicular accident = ambulatory
1)Treat patient for any abrasions or wound
2) Inform patient and accompanying to report the incident to the Police Station where the incident happened.
3) Write the driver's name and license number
4) Record the date and time of the consultation
What to note ;
a. date of incident
b. time of incident
• place of incident
• nature of incident
B. Animal bites
- All animal bite patients are refereed to the physician or to the rabies coordinator for management
What to note :
a) date and time patient was bitten
b) site of bite
c) type of bite
d) nature of bite
e) condition of biting animal
f) vaccination of biting animal
C. Rape case
- all rape cases should be attended by an OB-Gyne physician on duty or refereed to NBI
5). Dressings and other surgical procedures
6). Dental Procedures
7) Medical certificate for employment and other purposes must be referred to Medical Records Department
8) Injections
a) skin test after 30 minutes must be verified by a physician
b) ANST – Anti-tetanus Serum, Favirab, B-Complex
c) Tetanus toxoid, Verorab, Rabifur – no skin test needed
d) Patient with positive skin test must be refereed to the physician who ordered such drugs
9) Activities
A.)Oral Rehydration Therapy
-Patient with ORT should be place at the rehydration treatment unit
a) the nurse in charge must record the following;
1- frequency of stool
2- dehydration level
3- frequency of vomiting
4- oral fluid given
5- temperature
b) patient with severe dehydration must be referred immediately to the physician for admissions
B.) Family Planning
Clinic hours ; 8:00A.M. -1200 N.N. ; 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Service offered anytime :
a. family planning orientation
b. PAP's smear
c. IUD insertion
d. pills and condom dispensing
e. DMPA injections
f. newborn screening lecture
Monday -Wednesday and Friday
breastfeeding lecture includes hand washing, proper nutrition, personal hygiene
C.) GAD Corner
Provide reading materials
• Information and dissemination of proper waste management through color-coded garbage cans.
• Evaluation of whole activities through suggestion box, and evaluation survey form.
Schedule – Monday – Friday – 2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
Minor Surgeries:
Separate Record Book
Emergency Cases
Emergency Services-
Emergency other than surgical or medico legal after office hours – if only one Nursing Attendant left she may
ask assistance for medical cases from Ward Nurses which ever station is not busy, and OR nurse on duty for
surgical cases ; and or if ward nurses are busy for medical cases may ask assistance from the latter.
Notify physician immediately.
For Traumatic Emergencies:
Vital signs should be taken.
Wounds should be washed with soap and water, and apply any antiseptic available.
For Fractures:
If stretcher – borne > don’t remove from stretcher.
Notify physician
Vital signs should be taken.
Avoid unnecessary movements.
Immobilization with elastic bandage
Ante- natal:
1 – 1st clinic visit of prenatal clients is required to attend prenatal clients is required to attend
prenatal lectures on breastfeeding, family planning, immunization, nutritional supplement, safe-motherhood and
hygiene (schedule MWF)
2 – Blood pressure, weight, LMP and EDC should be taken Family Planning:
Family Planning:
Services Offered:
A - IUD insertion
B - Pills and condom dispensing
C -DMPA injection
D - Tubal ligation
Clinic days:
Tuesday and Fridays 8-12 A.M. to 1 - 4 P.M.
Saturday – 8 – 12 A.M.
Tubal Ligation:
Tuesday and Friday – 8-12 A.M. to 1 – 4 P.M.
All admitted patients Emergency or non-emergency should pass the OPD, ER and should be
recorded in the logbook provided and or conducted by an ER staff to their respective wards for proper
endorsement. Admission slip should be filled up with patients’ name.
Animal Bites:
All patients for transfer to other hospitals should be provided with referral slip from the admitting
Home and ER Deliveries:
1 – Cord dressing should be done by ER staff and chart should be provided and charted.
The Policy Committee establishes guides or policies for the personnel of the Nursing Service Division
which delineates responsibilities and prescribes the action to be taken under a given set of circumstances.
It periodically appraises policies followed by a revision, if indicated, develops new policies to meet present
and future needs, submits recommendations to the Chief Nurse regarding the development, revision or modification
of policies.
This committee takes charge of the social activities and physical fitness program of the Nursing
Services. (See appendix D)
This committee takes charge of planning, implementing, monitoring educational activities in the
Chairman - Rene c. Mendez (HEPO Designate)
To coordinate with senior nurses of the wards and the supervising nurses.
The nursing service audit is an official examination of nursing records for the purpose of
evaluation, verification and improvements. It is a successful tool in analyzing and evaluating nurses’
Bedside records and services as means of improving nursing care by revealing existing deficiencies.
(See appendix D)
Quality Assurance - is the estimation of the degree of excellence in patient health outcomes and in activity, and
other resource outcomes.
- is a management process that provided a sound basis for decision making and problem
- Management of care by competent clinical nurses, and nurse managers ensures its quality of
that care.
Mission of quality assurance – is to ensure that the quality of patient care is optimal through unified program for
patient care evaluation.
I. Philosophy:
The quality assurance program committee member believes that a well formulated quality assurance program
ensures quality patient care through a continuous program assessment and evaluation of patient care activities.
Through this program, quality care is maintained and delivered regardless of race, creed, social economic status
and political beliefs.
Specific objectives
• To give specific care necessary for every patient in the unit
• To give clean and pleasant atmosphere in the whole stay of the unit
• To make sure that all equipment are all in working conditions for immediate use
• To provide complete emergency drugs for emergency use
• To guide patients in their daily activities while they are still in the unit
Physical set-up center and ICU staffing
The Surigao Medical Center ICU is located in the 2nd floor of the southern part of the hospital, near the
ramp stair and private rooms. It is a four bed capacity room equipped with cardiac monitors, defibrillator, built-in
oxygen, ventilators/respirators, IV infusion pump and other equipments that will aid in the prevention and
treatment of cardiopulmonary abnormalities. It is manned by competent staff trained to identify potential and
existing problems of the patient.
(See appendix E for the ICU Personnel staff and physician).
Admitting procedures
. All ICU admissions are classified as service, private cases and Philhealth cases
• Private Cases are admitted by their attending physician to the ICU are seen in the ER. Patients not
coming from ER can be directly admitted to the ICU after a prior communication and arrangement by the attending
• Admissions for ICU are evaluated by the POD
2. Endorsement
- Receive endorsement from previous shift on time as to:
> Patient
> Patient’s condition
> IV fluids if any, catheter, NGT and other tubing attached to patient, cardiac monitor and other
> Level of IV fluids, type or IV and meds incorporated
> Note the scope of patient cardiac condition with the aid of cardiac monitor.
4. Care of patient
> Check vital signs of patient regularly and note signs
and symptoms of the disease.
> Provide bedpans and urinals to patient if necessary.
> Serve meals to patient taken from the dietary dept.
and checked if it is the prescribed meal.
> Check IV lines and other tubing attached to patient
every now and then for patency.
> Attend to the needs of patient at all times.
> Turn patient from side to side every two hours when
awake and whenever necessary.
5. Medications
• All medications and IV follow-up should be placed at patient’s medicine box.
• Check all consumed medication and informed the doctor for follow-up prescriptions.
• Use medicine ticket using ten rights ;
• Right drug
• Right patient
• Right route
• Right dose
• Right time
• Right assessment
• Right documentation
• Client’s right to education
• Right evaluation
• Clients right to refuse
>Place IV ticket to on-going IVF of the patient with the following data’s;
• .Name
• Age and sex
• Name of fluids
• Medication incorporated
• IV rate
• Date and time started
• Signature of the nurse
6. Diet
• No food should be brought inside without checked by the staff.
• Foods to be given should come from the dietary dept. except when necessary upon doctor’s order.
• Diet of patient should be written in the diet list and any changes of diet should be posted immediately.
• Special diet should be referred to the dietician immediately.
7. Laboratory
• All laboratory requests should be brought to the laboratory with the logbook.
• All “stat” orders should bear the work “stat” in the request slip.
• Blood chemistry request should be sent to the laboratory a day prior to examination for further preparation,
if any.
• All x-ray requests should include the impression of the physician about the patient’s condition or diagnosis.
• All x-ray and laboratory result should be in before the doctor’s rounds, and should be attached in the chart.
• If only one ICU nurse on duty, he can request ward staff to bring specimen to laboratory
8. Patient’s hygiene and environment
• Morning sponge bath, personal hygiene and changing of bed linens and gowns should be done daily.
• Perineal care should be done to avoid unwanted smell.
• Physical and oral care should be done early morning.
• Application of bactericides is a must to all unconscious patients depending upon the doctor’s order.
• Provide slippers for ICU watchers.
9. Charting and recording
• The ICU nurse should be familiarized with all forms used.
• She/he should also observe all the problems presented by the patient and record it in the nursing problem
• She should also record the vital signs
• She should also write the medications given in the medication sheet and affix his/her signature.
• Record I and O ,as well as vital signs accurately in the form provided.
• Record IVF hooked, typed, time and regulation of fluids.
• Attached all ECG results in the form provided.
• Complete patient’s data in all pages of patient’s chart.
• Check and update oxygen consumption.
10. Ward cleanliness
• The nurse assigned should help in cleaning and tidying the ICU.
• Slippers must be cleaned once a week and whenever necessary.
• General cleaning must be done once a month or when the room is vacated, by the utility worker assigned
assisted by the nurse in-charge.
• Fumigation of the room should be done after the general cleaning.
• All linens used should be recorded in the logbook for linens.
• No linens, pajama, kamisa and OR gown should be brought outside the hospital.
12. Visiting hours
• No visitors should be allowed inside the ICU except if necessary for the patient condition but with
permission of the attending physician and nurse assigned.
• Visiting hours;
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
13. Watchers
• No watchers are allowed inside except when needed by the patient.
• Watchers can enter the ICU on the following time ;
• Early AM when giving personal hygiene
• When patient defecated and needs assistance from the watchers.
• Turning the patient with the nurse around.
• Changing linens and gown of the patient.
• When the nurse goes out to refer the patient.
• Watchers should stay outside the unit or within the hospital premises.
14. Referrals
Referral is a must at the ICU when the condition of the patient needs so.
15. Break time
The nurse can take her/his break if there is somebody to relieve in his/her absence.
16. Discharge
Transferred-out of patient depends upon the discretion on the attending physician.
17. Visitors limitation
Only one visitors at a time is allowed and to use slippers and gown over their civilian clothes to maintain
asepsis in the environment.
Children below 7 years of age are restricted from getting inside the unit.
It is off limits to non-ICU and off duty staff of the hospital.
Criteria for admission:
• Babies who are under observation for next 2 hours.
• Neonates with life threatening anomalies especially those affecting feeding and respiration.
• Asphyxiated neonate.
• Neonates with sign of meconium aspiration syndrome
• Neonates with maternal risk factor (ex. pre-eclampsia)
• Neonates on parental antibiotic
• SGA < 2000 gm and LGA >3750 gm
• Neonates who are thickly meconium stained
• Neonates with signs and symptoms of respiratory distress who need ventilator support.
• Preterm neonates 36 weeks and less by Ballard Scoring.
• Babies whose mother is incapable of caring for their babies like psychotic, alcoholic, drug addicts. With
CHF, severe infection and mothers admitted to the ICU.
Feeding policies:
• Breast milk is the only milk needed for feeding all newborn
• No glucose water is allowed
• All babies should be put to breast within n30 minutes after delivery.
• No artificial teats, pacifier or bottle should be given to breastfeeding infants.
Daily care of the newborn
• Nursery: Notify if mother develops fever within 24 hours postpartum. Examine neonate for possible
• Maintain body temperature within 4-8 hours at 36.7-37C
• Weighing of babies ;
Weigh daily at the same time, using the same weighing scale.
Drape scale with sterile sheet.
• Bath and daily skin care
Buttocks should be cleaned with cotton balls wet with sterile water after each voiding and bowel
• Nurses notes should include temperature, CR/HR, RR , amount of feeding given, feeding tolerance, color,
cry and activity of infant, unusual appearance and behavior, color, smell and consistency of stool on each shift.
• All nursery personnel and students rotating in nursery must wear appropriate attire.
• Visiting hours:
Only parents are allowed to enter the NICU once a day to visit their babies.
All mothers whose babies are stable and are still in the NICU will breastfeed their babies in the feeding
room as frequently as possible.
Policy on discharge
• All newborn should have a complete P.E.
• All record should be complete with ;
• Newborn record for all babies
• Maternal and obstetrical forms
• Final diagnosis
-feeding instruction
-take home medication
-cord care and general daily care of infants
All roomed-in babies should e discharged at least 24 hours after delivery. No baby should be discharged ahead of
the mother; except for some critical cases.
Only the mother can claimed the baby. In situation wherein the mother cannot come, the father/grandparents
can come to claim the baby.
Acknowledgement form should be sign by the parents/grandparents upon discharge.
Policy of deaths
• All deaths should be pronounced by a physician
• Family should be notified regarding baby’s death
• Death certificate should be properly filled-up by the pediatrician/resident on duty.
• Write neatly and legibly.
• Use proper spelling and grammar. Steps to avoid spelling and grammatical errors;
• Keep a dictionary in charting cases.
• Past a list of commonly misspelled words.
• Write a clean concise sentence; avoid useless and unnecessarily long words.
• Clearly identify the subject of the sentence.
For Successful Breastfeeding
• All hospital personnel, medical and non-medical will undergo orientation and training on breastfeeding and
lactation management. Conduct 18 hours lactation education and management training.
• All babies born in this hospital should be given breast milk, only unless medically contraindicated.
•No prelacteal feedings to newborns.
•Explain to mothers that giving prelacteal will interfere with breastfeeding, decreases eagerness to breastfeeding,
produce allergies and sense of inadequacy on the mother.
• All babies delivered shall be put to breast within thirty minutes after birth in D.R.
a. Promote mother-baby relationship or bonding.
b. Practice latching on second stage of labor.
4. Colostrums should be given to all newborn babies.
a. Colostrums contains antibodies thus prevents childhood diseases, like diarrhea and respiratory
5. All babies delivered by caesarian section without complications shall be breastfeed within four to six hours.
Hospital staff should help attached the baby to mother.
6. All babies should be roomed- in within 24 hours after birth.
a. Teacher the mother the importance of rooming-in, to facilitate mother and child bonding.
b. Permits breastfeeding on demand.
c. Allows for closer contact with the father and other members of the family.
7. All mothers should be assisted to start breastfeeding immediately and should be taught the proper
breastfeeding method.
a. Demonstrate proper positioning of baby and mother.
b. Teach mother proper technique on manual breast milk expression.
8. All mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed on demand.
a. To help mothers produce more milk and prevent breast engorgement.
9. Infant formula feeding bottles, pacifiers should not be stock within the hospital premises (OR, DR, Ward,
Pharmacy, Canteen)
a. Discourage artificial feeding to the baby.
b. Nipple confusion should be avoided.
10. Mothers during their pre-natal check-up at OPD are required to attend breastfeeding lecture.
a. Feeding on demand
b. Rooming-in
c. Attachment
d. Disadvantages of pre-lacteal
e. Proper technique of manual expressed breastfeeding
f. SMC hospital policies on breastfeeding
11. Mothers with no consent to breastfeed their babies will not be admitted in the hospital.
12. Mothers will not be discharged if there is no milk flow.
a. Help mothers attach their babies for breastfeeding and proper positioning.
b. Demonstrate how to express breast milk.
13. All names of mothers when discharged from the hospital will be forwarded to the City Health Office
(CHO) for follow-up of breastfeeding.
Ask help from other agencies as support group for follow-up in the field such as;
>CHO staff (PHN and PH midwife)
>Baranggay health workers
>Family Planning Group
• Patient assisted during his initial activity after bed rest, 1st post operations day.
• Side rails up and in safe working condition.
• Restraints used as needed and applied properly.
• Safety precautions used for patients while in chairs or wheelchairs if needed.
• Patient and family understand the proper isolation techniques and the reasons for it.
• Contaminated articles (dressings, bed pans, urinals etc...) are cleaned disinfected properly.
• Proper signs displayed for patients’ safety (no smoking, with patients’ with or administration).
• Machines or electrical equipment at bedsides properly connected and maintained.
• Precautionary measures used as labeling drainage bottles (Thoracostomy tube).
• NPO signs posted for patients with such orders.
Appendix E
Actual Duties ICU
7am – 3pm Shift
• Reports for duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from the outgoing shift.
• Makes ocular inspection to every patient and see to it that side rails are up and properly secured.
• Admits patients from Emergency Room and Trans – in from wards, Recovery Room and Operating –
Delivery room.
• Checks emergency drugs and medications.
• Checks equipments and articles if functional.
• Takes vital signs, measures intake and output and record.
• Gives medications oral and parenteral per doctors’ order.
• Renders nursing care to patients.
• Assists during doctors’ rounds and executes doctors’ order accurately.
• Prepares patients for diagnostic procedures.
• Refers patients condition, and laboratory results to physician in charge ( PIC ) or physician on duty
( POD ).
• Document patients condition, level of consciousness, medications and treatments done.
• Makes charges and follow up replacements of medicines taken at ICU stock.
• Checks diet list and gives NGT feeding as ordered.
• Maintains cleanliness in the unit and adheres to the infection control and waste management policies.
• Attends nursing service monthly meetings, post conferences and other hospital related activities.
• Endorses patient and unit to incoming shift.
3pm – 11pm
• Reports for duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from the outgoing shift.
• Makes ocular inspection to every patient and see to it that side rails are up and properly secured.
• Admits patients from Emergency Room and Trans – in from wards, Recovery Room and Operating –
Delivery room.
• Checks emergency drugs and medications.
• Checks equipments and articles if functional.
• Takes vital signs, measures intake and output and record.
• Gives medications oral and parenteral per doctors’ order.
• Renders nursing care to patients.
• Assists during doctors’ rounds and executes doctors’ order accurately.
• Prepares patients for diagnostic procedures.
• Refers patient’s condition, and laboratory results to physician in charge (PIC) or physician on duty (POD).
• Document patients condition, level of consciousness, medications and treatments done.
• Makes charges and follow up replacements of medicines taken at ICU stock.
• Checks diet list and gives NGT feeding as ordered.
• Maintains cleanliness in the unit and adheres to the infection control and waste management policies.
• Attends nursing service monthly meetings, post conferences and other hospital related activities.
• Endorses patient and unit to incoming shift.
11pm – 7am
Actual Duties
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
7am – 3pm
3pm – 11pm
3pm - 11pm
11pm - 7am
3pm - 11pm
• Reports for duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from the outgoing shift.
• patients on close monitoring of vital signs, FHB and I & O
• measurement.
• Patients’ for special procedures and waiting case.
• Ward equipments, supplies and linens.
• Goes with the nursing rounds.
• Updates door and bed tags.
• Requests supplies from the CSR.
• Requests dressing tray for doctor’s use.
• Provide linens and keep beds tidy and bedside tables neat and clean.
• Takes vital signs and record.
• Reports to the nurse on duty any unusualities observed from the patients.
• Clean oxygen humidifiers and change suction tubing’s.
• Provides specimen bottles and instruct patients/watchers for collection of specimen and send it to the
• Maintains cleanliness and orderliness of the nurses’ station and patients unit at all times.
• Performs bedside nursing procedures like catheterization, enemas, HRT, O2 administration, nebulization,
changing of thora bottle and application of hot and cold compress per doctors’ order.
• Renders bedside nursing care to bedridden patients like oral care and perineal flushing.
• Attach laboratory results and arrange them accordingly.
• Receives patients’ medicines and IVF and record in the list of medicines.
• Complete patients’ data on the clinical case record and in every page of the patients’ chart.
• Discharges patients and sees to it that all borrowed articles are clean and return them to CSR.
• Checks patients linens used before discharge.
• Renders post mortem care.
• Adheres to the infection, prevention and waste management guidelines.
• Attends nursing service monthly meetings, weekly ward post conference and other hospital related
• Endorse patients’ and unit to the incoming shift and goes with the nursing rounds.
11pm - 7am
• Reports for duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from the outgoing shift.
• Patients on close monitoring of vital signs, FHB and I & O
• Patients’ for special procedures and waiting case.
• Ward equipments, supplies and linens.
• Goes with the nursing rounds.
• Updates door and bed tags.
• Provide linens and keep beds tidy and bedside tables neat and clean.
• Takes vital signs and record.
• Reports to the nurse on duty any unusualities observed from the patients.
• Clean oxygen humidifiers and change suction tubings.
• Provides specimen bottles and instruct patients/watchers for collection of specimen and send it to the
• Maintains cleanliness and orderliness of the nurses’ station and patients unit at all times.
• Performs bedside nursing procedures like catheterization, enemas, HRT, O2 administration, nebulization ,
changing of thora bottle and application of hot and cold compress per doctors’ order.
• Renders bedside nursing care to bedridden patients like oral care and perineal flushing.
• Attach laboratory results and arrange them accordingly.
• Receives patients’ medicines and IVF and record in the list of medicines.
• Complete patients’ data on the clinical case record and in every page of the patients’ chart.
• Refills and arrange charts chronologically..
• Renders post mortem care.
• Adheres to the infection, prevention and waste management guidelines.
• Attends nursing service monthly meetings, weekly ward post conference and other hospital related
• Endorse patients’ and unit to the incoming shift and goes with the nursing rounds.
3pm - 11pm
• Reports for duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from outgoing shift.
• Checks emergency drugs and equipments if functional.
• Admits and carries out stat orders during emergency cases.
• Assess patients’ condition and gives initial treatment according to SOP.
• Inform physicians and assists during internal examinations.
• Observes medical and surgical aseptic techniques.
• Prepares instruments and assists physician during minor surgical procedures, OB Gyne and Pedia-
medical cases.
• Sends patients for stat diagnostic procedures before transporting to ward.
• Cleans and dries instruments used ready for sterilization.
• Makes supplies like dressing sponges and cotton balls and changes disinfectant solutions.
• Attach to patients chart emergency drugs used and follow up replacement of such.
• Check stretcher siderails and provide patients private body parts privacy while transporting to ward.
• Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the unit.
• Plans and makes innovative improvements in the area.
• Attends nursing service monthly meetings, post conferences and other hospital related activities.
• Keeps abreast with the latest trends in nursing practice.
11pm - 7am
• Reports for duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from outgoing shift.
• Checks emergency drugs and equipments if functional.
• Admits and carries out “stat” orders during emergency cases.
• Assess patients’ condition and gives initial treatment according to SOP.
• Inform physicians and assists during internal examinations.
• Observes medical and surgical aseptic techniques.
• Prepares instruments and assists physician during minor surgical procedures, OB Gyne and Pedia-
medical cases.
• Sends patients for “stat” diagnostic procedures before transporting to ward.
• Cleans and dries instruments used ready for sterilization.
• Makes supplies like dressing sponges and cotton balls and changes disinfectant solutions.
• Attach to patients chart emergency drugs used and follow up replacement of such.
• Check stretcher siderails and provide patients private body parts privacy while transporting to ward.
• Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the unit.
• Plans and makes innovative improvements in the area.
• Attends nursing service monthly meetings, post conferences and other hospital related activities.
• Keeps abreast with the latest trends in nursing practice.
3pm - 11pm
• Reports to duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from the outgoing shift
• Checks supplies and equipments if clean and functional.
• Makes, packs and sterilizes supplies for ER use.
• Takes patients complete data, and vital signs before admission.
• Informs physician of patients condition and assists during medical, obstetrical and surgical examinations.
• Prepares and assists physician during minor surgical procedures, OB-GYNE, medical and pediatric cases.
• Observes medical and surgical asepsis.
• Do after care of all instruments used ready for sterilization.
• Changes disinfectant soaking solutions for forceps and sharps.
• Tidy area before endorsement.
• Accompanies patient to the ward and endorse to ward staff.
• Endorses patient for other related activities to the next shift.
• Attends ER-OPD post conferences and nursing service monthly meetings.
11pm - 7am
• Reports to duty 15 minutes ahead of time.
• Receives endorsement from the outgoing shift
• Checks supplies and equipments if clean and functional.
• Makes, packs and sterilizes supplies for ER use.
• Takes patients complete data, and vital signs before admission.
• Informs physician of patients’ condition and assists during medical, obstetrical and surgical examinations.
• Prepares and assists physician during minor surgical procedures, OB-GYNE, medical and pediatric cases.
• Observes medical and surgical asepsis.
• Do after care of all instruments used ready for sterilization.
• Changes disinfectant soaking solutions for forceps and sharps.
• Tidy area before endorsement.
• Accompanies patient to the ward and endorse to ward staff.
• Endorses patient for other related activities to the next shift.
• Attends ER-OPD post conferences and nursing service monthly meetings.
• If hands not visibly dirty, locate alcohol-based hand rub container.
• Apply 5 ml. of hand rub product in a cupped hand and spread out to cover all surfaces.
• Rub hands palm to palm.
• Rub right palm over back of left hand with interlace fingers.
• Rub left palm over back of right palm with interlace fingers.
• Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaces.
• Rub back of fingers of right hand over palm of left hand with finger interlocked.
• Rub back of fingers of left hand over palm of right hand with finger interlocked.
• Rotationally rub right thumb while clasped in left palm.
• Rotationally rub left thumb while clasped in right palm.
• Rotationally rub backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm.
• Rotationally rub backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of left hand in right palm.
I.Tracheostomy Care
Cleaning the Trach
-Wash your hands
-Unlock the inner cannula and remove it.
-Put a clean wet inner cannula inside the outer cannula.
-Clean the dirty cannula, Scrub it and soak it in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
-When the bubbling stops, clean the cannula with the brush and disinfect the outer cannula with 70%
-Dress the stoma with betadine solution
-Rinse the inner cannula under running water
Using a Trach Bib
-Open a 4-inch by 4-inch gauze pad
-Cut the center of the gauze
-Place the bib under the trach plate with the "U"upright
Suctioning the Trach Tube
-Turn on the suction machine
-Fill the small bowl with some of the sterile water.
-Wash your hands.
-Take the suction catheter out of its package.
- Hook it to the suction tubing on the suction machine.
- Dip the catheter tip into the sterile water.
-Instruct the patient to take a few deep breaths.
-Gently thread the wet catheter into the trach tube.
- Advance the catheter 5 to 8 inches, until you feel it pushing against something.
-The control valve is the small hole near the end of the suction catheter that is in your hand. Covering
it starts the suction.
If the patient cough out the trach tube
-First use a syringe to take the air out of the cuff on the inner cannula, and then remove it from the
outer cannula.
-Put the obturator into the outer cannula.
-Insert the obturator and outer cannula through your stoma
a) Routine cleaning is important to ensure a clean and dust free hospital
b) Administrative and office areas with no patient contact requires normal domestic
c) Patient area should be cleaned by wet mopping.
d) Areas visibly contaminated with blood or body fluids should be cleaned
immediately with detergent and water.
e) Isolation rooms and other areas that have patients with known transmissible infectious
diseases should be cleaned with a disinfectant solution at least daily.
f) After discharge of patients with transmissible infectious diseases, the room should be
under the ultraviolet light exposure for at least 8 hours.
AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS are design to rteduce the transmission of diseases by the airborne route. Ex. Active
PTB, measles, chicken pox, hemorrhagic fever and pneumonia.
a) implement standard precaution
b) place patient in a single room
c) keep doors closed
d) use high filtration particulate respirator
e) limit movement of patient. If transport is necessary let patient wear mask.
Droplet transmission occurs when there is adequate contact between the mucous membranes of the nose,
mouth and conjuctiva of a susceptible person.
a) standard precaution
b) place patient in a single room
c) wear surgical mask within 1 to 2 meters of the patient
d) let patient wear mask if transport is necessary
diseases are transmitted by this route include colonization or infection with multiple antibiotics resistant
microorganism, enteric infections and skin infections.
a) implement standard precaution
b) isolate patient
c) wear clean, non sterile gloves and gown when entering the room if substancial contact
with the patient, environmental surfaces or items in the patient's room is anticipated.
d) limit movement of patient. If transport is required, use precautions to minimize the risk
of transmission.