Benefits of Cucumber-2

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Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber contains a lot of healthy nutrients as well as certain plant chemicals and antioxidants that might be
used to cure or even prevent various diseases. Cucumber is a fruit, despite being frequently mistaken for a
vegetable and fall into the category of the same family from pumpkins and melons, Cucurbitaceae (Sharma et
al., 2020).

Cucumber has the highest percentage of uptake in water, means that it contains electrolytes that can regulate
body pH level and even repairing the damaged tissue. Cucumber are also one of an alternative food that can
prevent constipation due to rich in fiber. They can aid in avoid dehydration during hot conditions or vigorous
exercise. A serving of cucumber that is one half of a cup had at least 8 calories with sufficient number of
vitamins and 95% water (Link, 2017). Sengupta (2020) suggests that since water constitutes 95% of a
cucumber, it is inequitable to have water while also diluting these vital minerals, however to achieve
optimum nutritional absorption, it is advisable to abstain of drinking water before taking raw product. In
addition, there are small amount of vitamins in cucumber such as Vitamin K and Vitamin A that helps people
with blood clotting, immune system, supervision, calcium absorption and bone repairing. According to United
States Department of Agriculture, 142 g (cup) of unpeeled, raw cucumber provides 10.2 micrograms of Vitamin
K in advance (Olsen & Ware, 2019) and 1% of consumption in vitamin A (Szalay & McKelvie, 2017).

Furthermore, cucumber contains high level of cucurbitacin which is high bitter taste-like nutrients which able to
inhibits the growth of cell cancer. Alghasham (2013) prove this discovery when it’s been demonstrated that
cucurbitacin restrict the proliferation of cancer cells and trigger apoptosis (a process of programmed death cell)
using a utilized broad range in vitro and in vivo tumor cell models. He stated that the Cucurbitaceae roots of
plant been used as a traditional medicine in certain countries due to wide view of pharmacological activities for
example like anti-inflammation and antimicrobial effects. Moreover, cucurbitacin are considered to be selective
inhibitors of the JAK/STAT pathways; where the embryonic development regulated and the control response of
stem cell maintenance, inflammatory response and haematopoiesis. In fact, increasing awareness and
chemoprevention, which advocate employing natural or synthetic chemicals to inhibit initiation and promotional
events linked with cancer formation, are further contemporary trends in the treatment of cancer development.
The primary sources of natural goods are marine and terrestrial-medicine based plants and animals. They are
regarded as a rich source of potential new anticancer medications. This escalates the further research on ethno-
pharmacology and ethno-botany to study about medicinal plants that are utilised in traditional medicine all
around the world including cucurbitacins. More than 40 types of cucurbitacins and cucurbitacin-derived
substances have been identified and isolated from the other species of the Kingdome plant and Cucurbitaceae

Apart from that, cucurbitacins also have important phytochemicals that metabolises the whole body of plants.
Products such as resins, steroids, flavonoids and etc can become as the alternative drugs.In contrast to
macronutrients and micronutrients, these products are biologically active, naturally occurring chemicals in
plants that provide advantages to human health, especially skins and eyes. Free radicals produced by skin as a
result of repeated sun exposure, which causes lipid oxidation stresses and inflammatory responses in the skin
layers of connective tissues, accelerating the ageing process and damaging biological molecules and cell
membranes. Cucumber usage supposed to enhance the cooling, healing, soothing, emollient, lenitive, anti-
itching impact of irritated skin as well as additional aesthetic properties for conditions including puffiness under
the eyes and sunburn to reduce redness and itchiness on both eyes and skin (T.G.G et al., 2020).

According to several studies, cucumber exhibited a method that was comparable to the loop diuretic
(Furosemide), surpassing sodium and potassium excretion. However, a portion of cucumber that has a better
impact on controlling the water and salt balance is still unclear, still we know that cucumber is known for lower
blood pressure agent. Such that implies that Cucumis sativa. L could treat chronic disease like hyperkalemia. A
study has found shown that it can treat water balance between sodium intake and water level. This study used an
animal-designed post-test only control group. In this investigation, 44 male Mus musculus were tested. Two
control groups and nine distinct treatment groups made comprised the entirety of the animal trials. According to
their group, 1 mL of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) methanol extract was given to every Mus musculus. The
metabolic cage was used during the animal experiment to assess the amount of urine for 24 hours. When
furosemide was used as a diuretic, the flesh and rind of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) had results that were
identical. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) contains a potential diuretic comparable to furosemide, however the
entire fruit (meat, rind, and seed) demonstrated natriuretic and kaliuretic properties. The results found that, the
largest urine volume was obtained from the fruit flesh and rind of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is higher than
Furosemide within 24 hours, even in the first 60-minute by the furosemide which acts as human’s Loop of
Henle (Elicia et al., 2021).

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