Ameritec Am5ext 200
Ameritec Am5ext 200
Ameritec Am5ext 200
Ameritec’s AM5 series of Wideband The AM5eXT-200 meets international ITU Recall AM5XT AM5eXT
Transmission Test Sets are engineered for standards and is CE approved for use in the IEEE 743-1984 Standard X
The front panel is arranged as a 5 x 16 push button
peak performance in the field and the lab. European Community. matrix which allows simple control of all line, send, ITU Standard X
They offer a full range of transmission impair- The AM5XT-200 and AM5eXT-200 operate measure, auxiliary and signaling functions and still dBm Level (15kHz or 200kHz Filter)* X X
ment measurements, a highly versatile signal with a bandwidth of 20Hz to 200kHz. The allows the operator to view the unit’s configuration at a
units can perform qualification tests on glance. No need to scroll or hunt through confusing dBm Loss (15kHz or 200kHz Filter)* X X
generator and basic telephone signaling in a
circuits carrying voice band telephone, high menus. Frequency X X
single compact, portable unit.
quality audio, DDS to 64KBPS, Basic Rate For simplicity of operation, up to 40 test set-ups can be Frequency Response (Attenuation Distortion) X X
The AM5’s perform most standard tests, stored in non-volatile memory for instant recall. The
worldwide. The AM5XT-200 meets all North ISDN, HDSL, or other services using up to Noise (Wideband or with Filters) X X
complete test set-up is always displayed, but operation is
American IEEE 743-1984 standards. 200kHz bandwidth. simplified to a few keystrokes. Noise with Tone (Wideband or with Filters) X X
S/N Ratio (Wideband or with Filters) X X
Noise to Ground (Wideband or with Filters) X X
Impulse Noise (Wideband or with Filters) X X
Phase Jitter X X
Amplitude Jitter X X
Micro Interruptions X X
Group Delay X
Envelope Delay X
AM5XT store and recall buttons
When using a pair of AM5 series units, the local unit Inter-Modulation Distortion (4 Tone/2 Tone) X X
can exercise remote control over the distant unit through
2 & 4 Wire Return Loss X X
test set-up recall commands issued over the line under
test. Transients (Including Phase & Gain Hits X X
Impulse Noise with Tone & Interruptions)
An extensive “Help Directory” in memory can be
viewed or printed via the optional RS232 port. *AM5XT-200 and AM5eXT-200 provide 200kHz Bandwidth
Model AM5XT-200 / IEEE 743-1984 Standard / 200kHz Bandwidth
d Bm
d Bm
w/Wideband Filter
• Longitudinal
(Noise/Grd (-)
AM5-200 AM5-200 CMSG)
2 Wire or 4 Wire Mode • Impulse Noise
lines. CPU
30-0070 S:
The DDS Loopback Test Set provides CSU Loopback,
MODEM DSU Non-Latching Loopback, DSU Latching Loopback
and a Manual (or Forced) Loopback. DSU Latching is
XMIT RCV accomplished with or without secondary channel.
panel LED.
3 4
Built-In Signaling XY Plotter Output Model 30-0033XT Signaling
The AM5 series units are unique among most transmis- (option 25-0045) Adaptor
sion test sets in that they provide basic loop start line Optional rear panel analog outputs are provided for The Model 30-0033XT is a Signaling Adaptor
signaling. They include separate On Hook/Off Hook DC driving an XY plotter or strip chart recorder. This is packaged within the cover (lid) of an AM5 Series
Hold Circuits for Send and Receive Line and the ability to useful in graphing frequency response, plus group or Transmission Test Set or can be used as a stand alone
signal using Dial Pulse, DTMF or MF(R1). envelope delay results. This option is standard on the unit. It provides for Loop Start, Ground Start, DID and
This feature is useful in testing dial-up circuits or in AM5eXT-200 (CE). Types 1, 2 and 3 E&M signaling. It also incorporates a
commanding responder devices (such as the Ameritec ring generator with manual cadence selection and
AM3 Series) on 4 wire dedicated circuits. automatic ring trip. The unit supplies switch selectable -24
Print or Plot Your Results and -48 VDC line supply voltages and a switch to allow
An accessory printer (Model AM-47XT) is available for simulation of 1240 Ω loop resistance.
Remote Control for use with the unit. When connected to the optional
All front panel functions may be remote controlled by AM5eXT rear panel RS232 port, the printer can run a hard copy of any test
simple ASCII character strings to the optional RS232 port. set-up and/or measurement result. When making
There is even an “Auxiliary” port which can be used to envelope delay, group delay or frequency response tests,
chain the AM5XT to a second device (for example, a the “Print Lock” feature may be engaged for an
Application: HDSL Circuit Testing
co-located test access switch such as the Ameritec AM6), HDSL Modem HDSL Modem
automatic printed record of the test results in both
achieving dual control from a single terminal or computer. graphic and numeric form.
When AM5XT units are used at each end of a line under Prequalify the HDSL
• Load Coil Test
test, the distant AM5XT signal generator can be • Level/Freq. Test
• Background Noise
commanded to recall test set-ups by sending DTMF Ameritec
d Bm
d Bm
w/Wideband Filter
• Longitudinal
(Noise/Grd (-)
AM5-200 AM5-200 CMSG)
2 Wire or 4 Wire Mode • Impulse Noise
lines. CPU
30-0070 S:
The DDS Loopback Test Set provides CSU Loopback,
MODEM DSU Non-Latching Loopback, DSU Latching Loopback
and a Manual (or Forced) Loopback. DSU Latching is
XMIT RCV accomplished with or without secondary channel.
panel LED.
3 4
The DDS Loopback Test Set is packaged into a front NOISE (CONTINUED) ENVELOPE DELAY (AM5XT ONLY) PER
panel cover lid for an Ameritec AM5XT series Technical IEEE 743
Resolution: 1dB
Transmission Test Set. It can also be used as a stand Specifications Accuracy: (AM5XT) ±1dB @ 20 to +99dBrn ±2dB Transmitter:
alone unit.
LEVEL FREQUENCY @ 10 to 20dBrn (±1dB CMSG.) Level Range: -40 to 0dBm
(AM5eXT) ±1dB @ -70 to +10dBm ±2dB Accuracy: ± .2dBm
DDS Loopback Test Set 30-0070 Transmitter @ -80 to -70dBm (±1dB PSHO). Carrier Freq.: 200Hz to 4kHz
Var Mode: 20Hz to 200kHz in 10 or 100Hz steps or Filters: (AM5XT)160kHz Lo Pass C Message, Carrier Step Size: 1Hz to 3800Hz
Similar to the 30-0070 S Test Set except without Direct Numeric Entry Program, 3kHz Flat, 15kHz Flat, 50KBit, Carrier Step Rate: 1/4 sec. to 999.9 sec.
SW56 capability. Unit shown in rack mount configuration. 1004Hz Mode: 1004Hz Fixed 60Hz Accuracy: ± 5 µs @ 600 to 4000Hz
Slope Mode: (AM5XT) 404, 1004, 3004Hz @ 5 sec.
Accessories and Options Options: each.
(AM5eXT) 160kHz Lo Pass Psophometric
[P.53], Sound WTD [J.16], 3kHz Flat (275-
± 15 µs @ 200 to 599Hz
25-0019 RS232 Remote Control Port with Auxiliary Receiver:
(AM5eXT) 304, 1004, 2004, 3004Hz @ 3250Hz 0.71), 2kHz Flat (750 - 2300Hz
RS232 Output Port. This option required 5 sec. each. 0.71), 60Hz
Level Range: -40 to +10 dBm
for printer plotting or printer output. Sweep Mode: Start Freq: 20Hz - 200kHz Detector: (AM5XT) RMS
Accuracy: ± .2dBm
Included with AM5eXT-200(CE). Stop Freq: 20Hz - 200kHz Delay Range: -3000 to +9000 us
(AM85e) RMS or Quasi Peak [J.16]
Stop Size: 1Hz - 119.9kHz Resolution: 1 µs
24-0017 Internal Power Pack (Sealed Rechargeable NOTCH NOISE (NOISE WITH TONE) Accuracy: ± 5 µs @ 600 to 4000Hz
Lead Acid Batteries) and Internal Charger. Step Dwell: 1/4 sec. - 999.9 sec.
Inter Sweep Delay: 1/4 sec. - 999.9 sec. Transmitter: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) ± 15 µs @ 200 to 599Hz
Included with AM5eXT-200(CE). (Accuracy Valid for S/N Ratios >24dB)
SF Skip: (AM5XT) 2450 - 2750Hz Receiver:
25-0041 “Siemens” Type Line Test Set Connections. (AM5eXT) 2130 - 2430Hz Display Averaging: 1/4 sec. to 4 sec.
25-0045 Analog XY Plotter Output (Prerequisite Notch: 995 - 1025Hz >50dB - (0.132)
Frequency Accuracy: ± .01% General:
Other Specifications Same as ÒNoiseÓ Above.
25-0019) Included with AM5eXT-200(CE). Level Range: -50dBm to +10dBm Mode: Normal, Repeat or Hold
Resolution: .1dB NOISE TO GROUND Modulation Frequency: 83-1/3Hz
25-0145 Adds 310 type input jacks.
Accuracy: 20 200 20K 150K 200kHz Transmitter: Quiet Termination GROUP DELAY (AM5eXT ONLY) PER
25-0240 Complex Impedance (AM5eXT-200). ITU 0.81
Contact factory for details. +10 Receiver:
Unit with cover, manual, power cord, optional soft case, printer and cables.
Accessories: ±.25 ±.1 ±.25 ±.5 Range: (AM5XT) 40 to 129dBrn Transmitter:
(AM5eXT) -50 to +39dBm Reference Carrier: 200Hz to 20kHz (1.8kHz Default)
Provided: Model AM5XT-200 or AM5eXT-200, 30-0025 -48 VDC Source Battery Cover -40
Resolution: 1dB
or AM5eXT (CE) removable front cover with cord Measuring Carrier: 200Hz to 20kHz
Signaling Adaptor Cover ±.5 ±.5 ±.5 ±.10 Accuracy: ±1.5dB Delay Error: ±5 µs @ 200 - 400Hz
storage, power cord and instruction manual. Filters/Detector:- Same as ÒNoiseÓ Above -
-50 ±3 µs @ 400 - 600Hz
Portable or Rack Mount: No other analog 30-0070 DDS Loopback Test Set Cover ±1 µs @ 600 - 20kHz
(Accuracy not specified below 400Hz when using SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO (0.132)
transmission test set this full-featured is so convenient. 30-0070 S
DDS/SW56 Loopback Test Set Cover 135 ½ (AM5XT) or 150 ½ (AM5eXT) TX termination). Measuring Sweep: Step Size: 1 - 9999Hz
About the size and weight of a telephone directory, it is Transmitter: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) Step Rate: 1/4 sec. to 999.9 sec.
87-0070BPadded Soft Carrying Case with Pouch for Maximum output is +6dBm when using 135 ½ or 150 ½.
easily transported from lab to field. For permanent AM-47XT Printer. Receiver: Receiver: Level Range: -40 to 10dBm
Signal Range: -40 to +10dBm Level Accuracy: ± .2dB
installations, a rack mounting kit is available for the AM-47XT Hand-Held Printer Plotter with Integral Level Range: -64.9dBm to +10dBm
AM5XT and AM5eXT models which will allow 19” Rechargeable Batteries. Includes a Roll of Resolution: .1dB
Noise Range: (AM5XT) 10 to 70dBrn Receiver:
(AM5eXT) -80 to -20dBm Input Level Range:-50 to +10dBm (-40 to
relay rack mounting in only two rack increments of Paper, AC Adaptor, Connecting Cable. Accuracy: 20 200 20K 150K 200kHz Ratio Range: 10 to 50dB
Prerequisite: Option 25-0019 +10dBm for 135 ½ to 150 ½)
space. Accuracy: ±1dB @ 10 to 40dB Level Measurement Accuracy:
Optional Battery: An optional internal, recharge- 26-0014 Replacement Paper for AM-47XT. ±.5 ±.2 ±.5 ±1.0 ±2dB @ 40 to 45dB
able battery pack is available for full portable “cordless” 26-0015 Replacement Ink Cartridge for AM-47XT. -40
±3dB @ 45 to 50dB Relative Level Relative Level Absolute Level
operation. The batteries are of the sealed lead acid type Noise below 20dBrn (-70 dBm) reduces accuracy Reading Accuracy Accuracy
85-0076 19” Rack Mount Kit. ±.5 ±.2 ±.5 ±2.0
and require no maintenance. A front panel low battery -50
to ±2dB except when using ÒCMSGÓ filter (AM5XT)
0 to 10dB ± .15dB ± .25dB
indicator indicates when recharging is needed. 48-0062 6 Ft. Bantam to Clip Input Cable, two Req. or ÒPSHOÓ filter (AM5eXT)
±1.0 ±1.0 ±1.0 ±3.0 10 to 30dB ± .3dB ± .3dB
The built-in charger allows the batteries to be charged 48-0047 6 Ft. Bantam to Bantam Input Cable, two Req. P/AR 30 to 40dB ± .5dB ± .5dB
even while the unit is in operation. 48-0048 6 Ft. Bantam to 310 Input Cable, two Req. Accuracy is ± .1dB @ 1004 - 1020Hz @ 0 to - 40 to 50dB ± 1dB ± 1dB
Transmitter: P/AR Waveform per IEEE 743
20dBm (Accuracy not specified below 400Hz when Delay Range: -12,000 to +12,000
using 135 ½ (AM85) or 150 ½ (AM85e) TX termina- Receiver:
Delay Accuracy: 1% of Reading + Errors Below
APPLICATION: AM5 and the AM440 Remote Testing Partner tion) Range: 0 to 120 P/AR Units
Detector: Average Resolution: 1 P/AR Measuring Frequency Additional Error
Filters: (AM85)120kHz Lo Pass, 15kHz Lo Pass, Accuracy: ±2 P/AR @ 30 to 110 P/AR
Single Technician End-to-End Testing 60Hz Hi Pass ±4 P/AR @ 0 to 30 and 110 to 120 P/AR 200 to 400Hz ± 50 µs
Signal Level: -40 to 0dBm (Measured with RMS 400 to 600Hz ± 15 µs
T/R 1 T/R 1
(AM85e) 120kHz Lo Pass, Sound UN WTD 600 to 20kHz ± 5 µs
(J.16), 60Hz Hi Pass Detector)
T/R 2 Distribution T/R 2
CUSTOMER Panel Frequency Range: 20Hz to 200kHz* RETURN LOSS 2W OR 4W Amplitude Variation Additional Error
T/R 3 AM440 Resolution/Accuracy: ± 0.01% of reading ± 1 count
Transmitter: Band Limited White Noise (ERL,
T/R 4 MDF T/R 4 Sensitivity: -55dBm to + 10dBm with S/N Ratio
SRL LO, SRL HI) or Sine Wave @ -10 to -2dBm
0 to 10dB ± 5 µs
>20dB 10 to 30dB ± 10 µs
Receiver 30 to 50dB ± 20 µs
Range: 0 to 40dB (2 Wire), 0 to 50dB (4 Wire)
Up to 4 pairs Tested • Voice Response to Commands Transmitter: Quiet Termination Resolution: .1dB Display Averaging: 1/4 sec. to 4 sec.
Filter: Switchable 4kHz Low Pass
Receiver: Accuracy: ± .5dB
Through its DTMF dialing capability the AM5 commands the AM440 to: Range: (AM85) 10 to 99dBrn (20 to 99dBrn @ Transhybrid Loss Compensation General:
• Open Tip and Ring for foreign voltage tests • Short Tip to Ring to measure loop resistance 135 ½) (TLP): -99.9 to +99.9dB Modulation Signal: 41.66Hz (40% AM)
(AM85e) -80 to +9dBm (-70 to +9 dBm @ Detector: True RMS Identifying Signal: 166.6Hz (20% AM)
• Ground Tip and Ring for resistance to ground measurements • Quiet Termination for Noise or Impulse Noise testing
5 • Transmit preset tones from 304Hz to 384kHz, slopes, sweeps • Test for Load Coils 150 ½) Changeover Period: 240ms
The DDS Loopback Test Set is packaged into a front NOISE (CONTINUED) ENVELOPE DELAY (AM5XT ONLY) PER
panel cover lid for an Ameritec AM5XT series Technical IEEE 743
Resolution: 1dB
Transmission Test Set. It can also be used as a stand Specifications Accuracy: (AM5XT) ±1dB @ 20 to +99dBrn ±2dB Transmitter:
alone unit.
LEVEL FREQUENCY @ 10 to 20dBrn (±1dB CMSG.) Level Range: -40 to 0dBm
(AM5eXT) ±1dB @ -70 to +10dBm ±2dB Accuracy: ± .2dBm
DDS Loopback Test Set 30-0070 Transmitter @ -80 to -70dBm (±1dB PSHO). Carrier Freq.: 200Hz to 4kHz
Var Mode: 20Hz to 200kHz in 10 or 100Hz steps or Filters: (AM5XT)160kHz Lo Pass C Message, Carrier Step Size: 1Hz to 3800Hz
Similar to the 30-0070 S Test Set except without Direct Numeric Entry Program, 3kHz Flat, 15kHz Flat, 50KBit, Carrier Step Rate: 1/4 sec. to 999.9 sec.
SW56 capability. Unit shown in rack mount configuration. 1004Hz Mode: 1004Hz Fixed 60Hz Accuracy: ± 5 µs @ 600 to 4000Hz
Slope Mode: (AM5XT) 404, 1004, 3004Hz @ 5 sec.
Accessories and Options Options: each.
(AM5eXT) 160kHz Lo Pass Psophometric
[P.53], Sound WTD [J.16], 3kHz Flat (275-
± 15 µs @ 200 to 599Hz
25-0019 RS232 Remote Control Port with Auxiliary Receiver:
(AM5eXT) 304, 1004, 2004, 3004Hz @ 3250Hz 0.71), 2kHz Flat (750 - 2300Hz
RS232 Output Port. This option required 5 sec. each. 0.71), 60Hz
Level Range: -40 to +10 dBm
for printer plotting or printer output. Sweep Mode: Start Freq: 20Hz - 200kHz Detector: (AM5XT) RMS
Accuracy: ± .2dBm
Included with AM5eXT-200(CE). Stop Freq: 20Hz - 200kHz Delay Range: -3000 to +9000 us
(AM85e) RMS or Quasi Peak [J.16]
Stop Size: 1Hz - 119.9kHz Resolution: 1 µs
24-0017 Internal Power Pack (Sealed Rechargeable NOTCH NOISE (NOISE WITH TONE) Accuracy: ± 5 µs @ 600 to 4000Hz
Lead Acid Batteries) and Internal Charger. Step Dwell: 1/4 sec. - 999.9 sec.
Inter Sweep Delay: 1/4 sec. - 999.9 sec. Transmitter: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) ± 15 µs @ 200 to 599Hz
Included with AM5eXT-200(CE). (Accuracy Valid for S/N Ratios >24dB)
SF Skip: (AM5XT) 2450 - 2750Hz Receiver:
25-0041 “Siemens” Type Line Test Set Connections. (AM5eXT) 2130 - 2430Hz Display Averaging: 1/4 sec. to 4 sec.
25-0045 Analog XY Plotter Output (Prerequisite Notch: 995 - 1025Hz >50dB - (0.132)
Frequency Accuracy: ± .01% General:
Other Specifications Same as ÒNoiseÓ Above.
25-0019) Included with AM5eXT-200(CE). Level Range: -50dBm to +10dBm Mode: Normal, Repeat or Hold
Resolution: .1dB NOISE TO GROUND Modulation Frequency: 83-1/3Hz
25-0145 Adds 310 type input jacks.
Accuracy: 20 200 20K 150K 200kHz Transmitter: Quiet Termination GROUP DELAY (AM5eXT ONLY) PER
25-0240 Complex Impedance (AM5eXT-200). ITU 0.81
Contact factory for details. +10 Receiver:
Unit with cover, manual, power cord, optional soft case, printer and cables.
Accessories: ±.25 ±.1 ±.25 ±.5 Range: (AM5XT) 40 to 129dBrn Transmitter:
(AM5eXT) -50 to +39dBm Reference Carrier: 200Hz to 20kHz (1.8kHz Default)
Provided: Model AM5XT-200 or AM5eXT-200, 30-0025 -48 VDC Source Battery Cover -40
Resolution: 1dB
or AM5eXT (CE) removable front cover with cord Measuring Carrier: 200Hz to 20kHz
Signaling Adaptor Cover ±.5 ±.5 ±.5 ±.10 Accuracy: ±1.5dB Delay Error: ±5 µs @ 200 - 400Hz
storage, power cord and instruction manual. Filters/Detector:- Same as ÒNoiseÓ Above -
-50 ±3 µs @ 400 - 600Hz
Portable or Rack Mount: No other analog 30-0070 DDS Loopback Test Set Cover ±1 µs @ 600 - 20kHz
(Accuracy not specified below 400Hz when using SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO (0.132)
transmission test set this full-featured is so convenient. 30-0070 S
DDS/SW56 Loopback Test Set Cover 135 ½ (AM5XT) or 150 ½ (AM5eXT) TX termination). Measuring Sweep: Step Size: 1 - 9999Hz
About the size and weight of a telephone directory, it is Transmitter: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) Step Rate: 1/4 sec. to 999.9 sec.
87-0070BPadded Soft Carrying Case with Pouch for Maximum output is +6dBm when using 135 ½ or 150 ½.
easily transported from lab to field. For permanent AM-47XT Printer. Receiver: Receiver: Level Range: -40 to 10dBm
Signal Range: -40 to +10dBm Level Accuracy: ± .2dB
installations, a rack mounting kit is available for the AM-47XT Hand-Held Printer Plotter with Integral Level Range: -64.9dBm to +10dBm
AM5XT and AM5eXT models which will allow 19” Rechargeable Batteries. Includes a Roll of Resolution: .1dB
Noise Range: (AM5XT) 10 to 70dBrn Receiver:
(AM5eXT) -80 to -20dBm Input Level Range:-50 to +10dBm (-40 to
relay rack mounting in only two rack increments of Paper, AC Adaptor, Connecting Cable. Accuracy: 20 200 20K 150K 200kHz Ratio Range: 10 to 50dB
Prerequisite: Option 25-0019 +10dBm for 135 ½ to 150 ½)
space. Accuracy: ±1dB @ 10 to 40dB Level Measurement Accuracy:
Optional Battery: An optional internal, recharge- 26-0014 Replacement Paper for AM-47XT. ±.5 ±.2 ±.5 ±1.0 ±2dB @ 40 to 45dB
able battery pack is available for full portable “cordless” 26-0015 Replacement Ink Cartridge for AM-47XT. -40
±3dB @ 45 to 50dB Relative Level Relative Level Absolute Level
operation. The batteries are of the sealed lead acid type Noise below 20dBrn (-70 dBm) reduces accuracy Reading Accuracy Accuracy
85-0076 19” Rack Mount Kit. ±.5 ±.2 ±.5 ±2.0
and require no maintenance. A front panel low battery -50
to ±2dB except when using ÒCMSGÓ filter (AM5XT)
0 to 10dB ± .15dB ± .25dB
indicator indicates when recharging is needed. 48-0062 6 Ft. Bantam to Clip Input Cable, two Req. or ÒPSHOÓ filter (AM5eXT)
±1.0 ±1.0 ±1.0 ±3.0 10 to 30dB ± .3dB ± .3dB
The built-in charger allows the batteries to be charged 48-0047 6 Ft. Bantam to Bantam Input Cable, two Req. P/AR 30 to 40dB ± .5dB ± .5dB
even while the unit is in operation. 48-0048 6 Ft. Bantam to 310 Input Cable, two Req. Accuracy is ± .1dB @ 1004 - 1020Hz @ 0 to - 40 to 50dB ± 1dB ± 1dB
Transmitter: P/AR Waveform per IEEE 743
20dBm (Accuracy not specified below 400Hz when Delay Range: -12,000 to +12,000
using 135 ½ (AM85) or 150 ½ (AM85e) TX termina- Receiver:
Delay Accuracy: 1% of Reading + Errors Below
APPLICATION: AM5 and the AM440 Remote Testing Partner tion) Range: 0 to 120 P/AR Units
Detector: Average Resolution: 1 P/AR Measuring Frequency Additional Error
Filters: (AM85)120kHz Lo Pass, 15kHz Lo Pass, Accuracy: ±2 P/AR @ 30 to 110 P/AR
Single Technician End-to-End Testing 60Hz Hi Pass ±4 P/AR @ 0 to 30 and 110 to 120 P/AR 200 to 400Hz ± 50 µs
Signal Level: -40 to 0dBm (Measured with RMS 400 to 600Hz ± 15 µs
T/R 1 T/R 1
(AM85e) 120kHz Lo Pass, Sound UN WTD 600 to 20kHz ± 5 µs
(J.16), 60Hz Hi Pass Detector)
T/R 2 Distribution T/R 2
CUSTOMER Panel Frequency Range: 20Hz to 200kHz* RETURN LOSS 2W OR 4W Amplitude Variation Additional Error
T/R 3 AM440 Resolution/Accuracy: ± 0.01% of reading ± 1 count
Transmitter: Band Limited White Noise (ERL,
T/R 4 MDF T/R 4 Sensitivity: -55dBm to + 10dBm with S/N Ratio
SRL LO, SRL HI) or Sine Wave @ -10 to -2dBm
0 to 10dB ± 5 µs
>20dB 10 to 30dB ± 10 µs
Receiver 30 to 50dB ± 20 µs
Range: 0 to 40dB (2 Wire), 0 to 50dB (4 Wire)
Up to 4 pairs Tested • Voice Response to Commands Transmitter: Quiet Termination Resolution: .1dB Display Averaging: 1/4 sec. to 4 sec.
Filter: Switchable 4kHz Low Pass
Receiver: Accuracy: ± .5dB
Through its DTMF dialing capability the AM5 commands the AM440 to: Range: (AM85) 10 to 99dBrn (20 to 99dBrn @ Transhybrid Loss Compensation General:
• Open Tip and Ring for foreign voltage tests • Short Tip to Ring to measure loop resistance 135 ½) (TLP): -99.9 to +99.9dB Modulation Signal: 41.66Hz (40% AM)
(AM85e) -80 to +9dBm (-70 to +9 dBm @ Detector: True RMS Identifying Signal: 166.6Hz (20% AM)
• Ground Tip and Ring for resistance to ground measurements • Quiet Termination for Noise or Impulse Noise testing
5 • Transmit preset tones from 304Hz to 384kHz, slopes, sweeps • Test for Load Coils 150 ½) Changeover Period: 240ms
INTERMODULATION DISTORTION PER Max Count: 999.9 Each of three Counters Hold Circuit: Transmit and Receive Independent.
IEEE 743 Dead Time: 1 to 255ms DC=200 ½, AC > 20K ½
Transmitter: TRANSIENTS Signaling: Dial Pulse, DTMF and
Signal: 4 Tone per IEEE 743 MF(R1) from Full 16 Button Keypad
Transmitter: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) Monitor: Built-In Speaker with Selection of Transmit,
Level Range: -40dBm to 0dBm
Resolution: .1dB Receiver: (Common Specifications) Receive or Measure Monitor
Accuracy: ±1dB Blanking Interval: 1 to 255ms Talk: Built-In Microphone with Push - to - Talk or
S/N Check: Low Pair per IEEE 743 Qualification Interval: (AM5XT) 3.5 to 4.39ms Hands - Free Full Duplex (Speaker Phone)
RCVR Check: 20dB 2nd Order and 30dB 3rd Order (AM5eXT) 3.6 to 4.4ms Power: 115 VAC or 230 VAC 50/60Hz @ 26 VAC.
Distortion Counting Interval: .1 to 999.9 min. Optional Internal Sealed Lead Acid Battery
Dropout Blanking: Dropout Blanks All Counters for with Recharger
Receiver: Weight: Net Basic Unit: 6 lb/2.72 kg
Level Range: -40 to 0dBm (-30 to 0dBm for Duration Plus 1 sec.
Max Count: 9999 Each of 7 Counters Dimensions: 8.3ÓW x 3.5ÓH x 12.1ÓD
135 ½ or 150 ½ Impedance) 210 mmW x 89 mmH x 307 mmD
Distortion Range: 10 to 65dB Receiver (Impulse Noise) Per IEEE 743 Operating Temp: 0 to 50¡ Celsius Model AM5XT-200/AM5eXT-200
Response Time: <10 sec. - Other Specifications Same as ÒImpulse NoiseÓ Line Connect: Dual Miniature Phone Jacks# (Front
Display Update: 3 sec. above. - Panel) and Screw Terminals (Rear Panel) Optional
Resolution: .1dB Receiver (Phase Hits) Per IEEE 743 and ÒSiemensÓ Jacks (Front Panel)
Accuracy: ±1dB (10 to 55dB Distortion) ITU 0.95 #
Mates with ADC PJ777 or Switchcraft TT253
±1.5dB (55 to 65dB Distortion, Level > Remote Control Port (Optional): RS232, Serial
Threshold Range: 5 - 45¡
-30dBm) ASCII, 300/1200/2400/9600 Baud, 3 Wire
±2.5dB (55 to 65dB Distortion, Level <
Accuracy: ±10% ± .5¡
Receiver (Gain Hits) Per IEEE 743 and
ITU 0.95
Send/Receive/Common to DB25 Connector
Aux Port: DB9 Connector
Ideal Repeaterless T1 HDSL Tester
Filter: Store/Recall: 40 User Defined Test Setups and 10
Threshold Settings: (AM5XT) 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10dB User Defined Dialed Numbers Plus
2nd Order: 520Hz + 2240Hz Band Pass
(AM5eXT) 2, 3, 4, 6, 8dB Last Number Redial
3rd Order: 1900Hz Band Pass
Accuracy: ±.5dB
Noise Check: Automatically Compensated XY PLOTTER OUTPUT (OPTIONAL)
Detectors: RMS Receiver (Dropouts) Per IEEE 743 and
ITU 0.61 Group Delay, Envelope Delay or
PHASE JITTER PER IEEE 743 AND Level/Frequency:
ITU 0.91 Threshold: (AM5XT) 12dB
(AM5eXT) 10dB X Axis: OV = Start Frequency
Transmitter: Accuracy: ±1dB 5V = Stop Frequency
Signal: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) Y Axis: OV = Low Plotting Limit
Receiver (Interruptions) per ITU 0.61 5V = High Plotting Limit
Receiver: Threshold: 6 and 10dB Start and Stop Frequencies and Low and High
Level Range: -40 to +10dBm Accuracy: ±1dB Plotting Limits are Settable Parameters
Jitter Range: 0 to 30¡ Peak - to - Peak Qualification: <2ms Ignore, > 3.5ms Recognize
Resolution: .1¡ Separation: >4ms Phase Jitter
Accuracy: ±5% Plus ± .2¡ X Axis: Demodulated Carrier (1kHz @ 10V P-P)
MICRO INTERRUPTIONS PER ITU 0.62 Y Axis: Jitter Wave Form (10¡ P-P = 2V P-P)
Carrier Filter: 1kHz Band Pass
Transmitter: 2000Hz
Demodulation Filter: 20 - 300Hz, 4 - 300Hz, Amplitude Jitter
4 - 20Hz Receiver: X Axis: Received Signal (1kHz @ ~ 5V P-P)
Display Response: 20 - 300Hz: 4 sec. Input Level: -30 to +10dB Y Axis: Jitter Wave Form (10% ~ 2V P-P)
4 - 20/4 - 300Hz: 25 sec. Level Threshold: 3, 6, 10 or 20dB Below Initial Level
Accuracy: ±1dB @ 3, 6, 10dB Transients
AMPLITUDE JITTER PER IEEE 743 X Axis: 4V = Phase Hit Present
±2dB @ 20dB
Transmitter: Dead Time: 1 - 255ms Y Axis: 4V = Gain Hit Present
Signal: 1004Hz (Holding Tone) Counters: #1 for .3 to 3ms duration Z Out: 4V = Dropout Present
Receiver: #2 for 3 to 30ms duration Micro Interruptions
Level Range: -40 to +10dBm #3 for 30 to 300ms duration Z Out: 4V = Interruption Present
Jitter Range: 0 to 25% Peak #4 for 300 to 1 min. duration
Resolution: .1% #5 for >1 min. duration
Accuracy: ±5% of reading Plus ± .2% GENERAL All specifications subject to change
Carrier Filter: 1 kHz Band Pass Input: 4 Wire, 4 Wire Reverse or 2 Wire (with Internal
without notice.
Demodulation Filter: 20 - 300Hz, 4 - 300Hz, 4 - 20Hz 2W to 4W Hybrid)
Display Response: 20 - 300Hz: 4 sec. Receive Impedance: (AM5XT) 135, 600, 900,
4 - 20/4 - 300 Hz: 25 sec. 1200 ½ Terminate
IMPULSE NOISE (3 LEVEL) PER IEEE (AM5eXT) 150, 600, 900, 760 Arrow Grand Circle
743 AND ITU 0.71 1200 ½ Terminate
Covina, CA 91722 USA
High Impedance Bridge: >50K ½, Bridging Loss
Transmitter: Quiet 30 Termination TEL 626.915.5441
FAX 626.915.7181
Receiver: Transmit Source Impedance:
Minimum Threshold: (AM5XT) 30dBrn (AM5XT) Open, 135, 600, 900, 1200 ½
(AM5eXT) -60dBm (AM5eXT) Open, 150,600, 900, 1200 ½ Test Complete
DC Blocking: 200 VDC
Threshold Difference: 2, 3, 4 or 6dB
Accuracy: ±1dB Balance: >90dB @ 50 - 120Hz Decreasing
6dB/Octave Above 120Hz
ISO 9001 Certified Company Wideband Analog Telecom Transmission
Timer: .1 to 999.9 Min. or Continuous
Return Loss: >30dB Testing in an Ultra-Portable Unit