STULZ C1002 50 0310 en
STULZ C1002 50 0310 en
STULZ C1002 50 0310 en
Index 50
Issue 3.10
1. Features ...................................................................................................................... 4
2. Operation and Status Elements ............................................................................... 5
3. Start-up ....................................................................................................................... 9
4. Menu ......................................................................................................................... 11
5. Alarms and Failures ................................................................................................ 22
6. Control Diagram for CW-Units ................................................................................ 25
7. Specification CompTrol 1002 .................................................................................. 27
7.1 Technical Data ................................................................................................. 27
7.2 Connection Diagram of Processor Board C1002 ........................................... 28
7.3 Bus connection ............................................................................................... 30
7.4 Connection Diagram for Sequencing at the Processor-Board ........................ 32
8. Specifications of the Extension Card 1b ............................................................... 33
8.1 Technical Data Extension Card 1b .................................................................. 34
8.2 Connection Diagram of the Extension Card 1b ............................................... 35
8.3 Connection Diagram for Sequencing with Extension Card ............................. 36
9. Appendix .................................................................................................................. 37
9.1 Standard Setting ............................................................................................. 37
9.2 Password ........................................................................................................ 38
1. Features
STULZ CompTrol 1002 is a complete control system for A/C-Units. The controller is build in a com-
pact microprocessor design and is completely digital.The controlling system is driven by software
CompTrol 1002 controls temperature and humidity and supervises the room in respect of freely
adjusted limit values.
With the CompTrol 1002 single-module Chilled water (CW) units or units with a 2-stage compressor
can be controlled. A 2-unit-sequencing is also included.
Functions such as cooling, reheat, humidification and dehumidification are continuously controlled
and supervised. In case of any deviation from setpoints, the CompTrol 1002, will initiate necessa-
ry measures immediately. Parameters for the control system and the functions which have to be
controlled can be adjusted by three keys on the CompTrol 1002.
2. Operation and Status Elements
Face Plate
Status "cooling"
Status "reheat"
Status "humidification"
Status "dehumidification"
4-digit LED-Display Alarm
Alarm reset
Rear Plate
Connection board
4-Digit LED-Display
In this LED-display all controlling parameters such as setpoints, actual values and limiting values,
are shown.
Status LED
Status LED shows actual operation mode of controller. As a function is switched on, the corres-
ponding Status LED is indicated. On a CW-Unit, Status LED "cooling" indicates when CW-valve
has an opening degree bigger than 0%.
Status LED "alarm" indicates when an alarm occurs.
DIP-Switch 1-4
Adjustments that need not to be changed after initial installation, are made by these DIP- switches.
DIP- Switches 1-4 have the following functions:
DIP-Switch 1 No function
Modification from Version 2.1: When the sequencing is active (i.e.
menue point 24 > 0), the start of the stand-by unit can be chosen by
this switch.
DIP-Switch 2 The control of the compressor version or the CW version can be chosen by
this DIP-switch.
Some menu items, alarm inputs and outputs will obtain another meaning.
DIP Switch 2 must only be switched when dead.
ON: The inputs "auxiliary alarm 1" and "auxiliary alarm 2"
have the function of external alarms.
OFF: The input alarm 2 has the function of a fire and smoke
The input alarm 1 has the function of a water sensor.
Consequences of alarm inputs "auxiliary alarm 1" and "auxiliary alarm 2" de-
pends on position of DIP-switch 3. DIP-switch 3 can be switched at any time,
even during controller operation. The function of this switch is immediately valid
without further measures.
DIP - switch 4 can be switched over any time, even during controller
operation. Function of switch is valid without further measures.
Membrane Keys
Start/Stop Key
Operation mode "start" and "stop" are the only functions of this key. If the controller is in enter
mode, the key is ineffective.
The horizontal bar in display means that controller has been locally turned off by the Start/
Occuring alarms and failures can be reset in menu item 1. Inputs and modifications in all menu
items can be made.
Operation Mode "Start"
Control system and unit are in operation. Unit functions are turned on when start values match
setpoints of corresponding functions. Limit values are supervised. Menu item 1 is shown. Display
is alternating between actual value "temperature" and actual value "humidity" in 2- second- inter-
Occuring alarms and failures can be reset in menue item 1. Inputs and modifications in all menue
points can be made.
Menu Items 2 to 24
The enter mode for these menu items is activated by pressing the key. After pressing this key there
is a request for entering in the password.
Enter Mode
Being in the enter mode, you can confirm the entered parameters and leave the enter mode by
pressing this key again. The value shown last is stored in the memory and is used for controlling.
Up Arrow Key
Next menu item can be entered by this key. The shown value is increased in enter mode.
Pressing one of these two keys longer than one second in enter mode means
pressing this key 12 times.
If none of the keys is used within five minutes, the display automatically returns to menu item 1.
3. Start-up
Prior to initialization, the software version number is displayed for about 1 s.
When the C1002 is started (operation voltage is supplied) the following symbol appears in the
display for one second during initial phase:
In this initial phase all values of the EEPROM memory are loaded into the RAM.
Independent of the requirements for a certain function the CW- valve is closed for the time entered
in menu item 8. This procedure is necessary to synchronise the control system with the modulating
If controller is stopped from several locations, the corresponding bars in the fourth character po-
sition appear on the display. Restarting is only possible if the controller is locally started by the
Start/Stop-key. The Start/Stop-Key has the highest priority.
Start-up with Standard- Program
If the two keys which represent the password are pressed at the same time as power is turned on,
the following reading appears on the display:
At this time the standard program is loaded from program memory EPROM to the EEPROM
memory and RAM. During this procedure the control system is not working. By loading the stan-
dard program the controller is switched off locally and has to be set in operation mode "start" by
pressing the Start/Stop-key.
The standard values of the program memory EPROM are loaded into the EEPROM and into the
RAM. During this procedure the control system is not working. During this time the controller is
not working. By loading the standard program the controller is switched off locally and has to be
set into operation mode "start" by pressing the Start/Stop-key.
Warm start
The Controller CompTrol 1002 is equipped with a "watchdog-timer". This "watchdog-timer" incre-
ases the operating safety and restarts the program if a runtime error occurs. In such a case the
following reading appears in the display:
If the C1002 was in operation mode "start", the autostart function is activated in this case.
4. Menu
The menu items 8-11 depend on the position of the Dip-switch 2. The menu item 25 only
exists, if the Dip-switch 2 is in position "ON".
RT : Room temperature
RH : Room humidity
Menu item Meaning Display Further Functions
2 Setpoint "Temperature"
3 Setpoint "Humidity"
Menu item Meaning Display Further Functions
13 Reheat 1 + 2 hysteresis
14 Reheat 2 start value
enter mode
15 Humidification start value
modification of values by
16 and
Humidification hysteresis
18 Dehumidification hysteresis
19 CPU-address
Menu item Meaning Display Further Functions
enter mode
24 Sequencing for 2 units
modification of values by
1 Actual Values
Display is alternating between actual value "temperature" and actual value "humidity"
in 2- second- intervals.
Humidity is shown in % r.h. Actual value "humidity" is marked by an H.
Temperatures are shown in °C (marked by C) or °F (marked by F). This can be chosen
by DIP- switch 4 at any time.
2 Temperature Setpoint
"Temperature" setpoint is shown in this item. Unit of temperature is °C or °F.
3 Humidity Setpoint
"Humidity " setpoint is shown in this item.
Modulating time of CW-valve (operating level In this item the restart delay in seconds is
0% up to operating level 100% in seconds) entered. After a compressor shut down, it
will be entered in this menue point. can only be restarted when the time set has
Actuator SQS 82, SQS 81 (L&G): 150 se- elapsed.
If the proportional range or hysteresis is set to actual value "0" the corresponding function is not
required, the status- LED is not activated and the corresponding failures are not evaluated.
13 Reheat 1 + 2 Hysteresis
16 Humidification Hysteresis
Parameters of 2-point-humidification can be entered in these items.
The "dehumidification" function is stopped when temperature is less than 0.5 K (0.9R) above
the low temperature limit value. It is enabled with a hysteresis of 0.5 K (0.9R).
Modification from version 2.1:
3K (5R) underneath the temperature setpoint the dehumidification is stopped. This way
a fall of the room temperature by keeping the humidity setpoint is avoided.
Hysteresis Dehumidification
Parameters for dehumidification are entered in this item.
If the hysteresis of humidification and dehumidification is set to zero, the
limit value "humidity" is not supervised.
The values of the items 9a+b, 11b, 12, 14, 15, 17 are entered as a difference to
the setpoint.
19 CPU- Address
CPU- Address can be entered in this item. If CompTrol 1002 is connected to a STULZ
Monitoring System, an address between 1 and 32 for every connected controller has
to be adjusted.
which results in
Actual value
a) modification of setpoint
in enter mode
control setpoint
The originally entered setpoint SP1 appears in the enter mode, which can be changed
in this item and which is immediately rendered valid after the alteration has been made
(refer to illustration a) ).
The values of the integral factor may be adjusted between 0 and 80%. As a rule, a low
value should be used to start with, otherwise the system will start oscillating. 10% are
proposed, which can be increased step by step, until the system has been adjusted.
For test purposes or in case the I-proportion is not desired, the integral factor is set to
zero. A P-controller exists and the control setpoint is equal to the setpoint.
0 0 No sequencing function.
1 5-4-3-2-1 Short sequencing 5 min for testing purposes. In nor-
mal mode the remaining minutes till sequencing are
2...254 254...1 Sequencing shown in hours.
In the input mode a time lap of 2 to 254 hours can be
chosen. In normal mode the remaining hours till sequen-
cing are shown.
255 Un2 If "255" is set in the input mode, the unit is set as the
"2nd" unit. No adjustments are carried out on this unit.
The sequencing time is only set and displayed on the
„1st“ unit.
In case of failure (unit 1 or unit 2) the sequencing time is frozen. This state is maintained
until a failure reset is carried out. After that, sequencing continues as normal.
If unit 1 is the StBy-unit (i.e. the unit, which is not in operation at the moment, due to
the sequencing), a colon („:“) is displayed in item „U“. If unit 2 is the StBy-unit the colon
3K below the alarm „temperature too high“ the StBy-unit starts in addition. The sequencing
time will not be interrupted. At a hysteresis of 3K the unit stops again.
The sequencing uses the standard inputs for remote on/off and water detector/Aux1 and
the standard outputs for common alarm and heating 2.
If the input Aux1/water detector and/or the output heating 2 is needed, an extension board is
installed, on which one input and output are available for the sequencing. This way the 2nd
heating stage and the water detector input are available again on the processor board.
As the sequencing is carried out by using the input for remote on/off, the display of the
StBy-unit shows:
from version 2.1: If the sequencing is enabled (i.e. menu item 24 > 0), the start of the
standby unit can be adjusted by DIP switch 1.
ON: no start at limit value
5. Alarms and Failures
An alarm or failure is indicated via a short text in the display and status-LEDs.
Conditions that activate the alarm relay are shown in the following table. The delay with which the
alarm relay is activated, depends on the failure and is documented in the table.
Texts for alarms and failures are only shown in operation mode "start", in menu item 1 , and in
operation mode "stop". All alarms and failures that have occured up to this time and corresponding
operation modes are indicated by showing up every four seconds.
Warnings have no direct influence on the function of the unit, i.e. after a warning has occured, the
unit can be continued in operation for a while. The alarm relay is not activated.
Actual values are supervised not to reach limit values. After a delay of about 30 seconds the limit
alarm is activated. Limit values are supervised even in operation mode "stop".
Failures on the following functions are only supervised in the operation mode "start":
- Reheat Compressor 1 low pressure
- Humidification (20µS/cm) Compressor 1 failure
- Airflow Compressor 2 low pressure
Compressor 2 failure
Failures on the following functions are also supervised in the operation mode "stop".
- Aux 1 / water sensor
- Aux 2 / fire and smoke detector
- Sensor break-down
If the alarm input is supplied with 24V, there is no failure/alarm. If the alarm inputs are not used
they have to be supplied with 24V or, if possible, the hysteresis of the function has to be set to „0“.
The inputs concerned are:
Heating 1 and 2
Air volume 1 and 2
Water sensor/Aux 1 Alarm
Fire/Aux 2 Alarm
High pressure, low pressure failure compressor
Humidifier alarm / 20 µS/cm
Alarm 5 µS/cm
Filter alarm
Press key and within 1 s later, press key . After that, warning is reset and the alarm
LED disappears.
Press key and within 1 s later, press key . The alarm relay is deactivated.
Press key and within 1 s later, press key . All failures indicated are reset and the alarm
LED disappears.
In case of a failure reset the components are switched on sequentially (same as after power failure),
to prevent an overcharge of the alimentation line by the starting current.
Table of Alarms and Failures
Display Meaning Alarm LED Alarm Relay Time Delay Consequences
Reheat 1 or 2 failure X X about 3 s Reheat 1 and 2
are switched off.
Humidifier (20µS/cm) failure X X about 5 min. Humidifier off.
Conductivity meter (5µS/cm) X - about 5 min. ------------
6. Control Diagram for CW-Units
Temperature Temperature
too low Reheat 2 Reheat 1 CW-Cooling too high
Humidity Humidity
too low Humidification Dehumidification too high
rel. hum.
Control Diagram for Units with Compressor
Humidity Humidity
too low Humidification Dehumidification too high
rel. hum.
7. Specification CompTrol 1002
Power consumption 12 W
Fuse 1 Amp
Inputs 8 x 24 V AC
2.7 kOhm input resistance
7.2 Connection Diagram of Processor Board C1002
24 V~
Reheat 1
Reheat 2 / Sequencing out
Alarm / Sequencing out
Sensor input 0-20mA T
Airflow 1. module H
Humidification 20µS/cm
Ultrasonic 5 µS/cm* / high pressure comp. 1
Remote On/Off / Sequencing in
Aux1- Water detector / Sequencing in
Aux2- Fire detection* / low press. comp. 1
Monitoring LO RS 485
Extension card
The sequencing uses the standard inputs for Remote on/off and Aux1/water detector and the standard
outputs for reheat 2 and the common alarm.
If the input for Aux1/water detector and/or the output for reheat 2 are required, an extension card must be
installed, which provides an input/output for the sequencing.
This way the water detector input and the output for the 2nd reheat are provided on the processor board
* If an extension card is installed, the inputs for Ultrasonic 5µS/cm and Aux2/fire are situated
on the extension card.
In a CW application, the CompTrol 1002 is usually used for a proportional valve with motor drive.
The operation of the control is explained in the following drawing (example for a 150- seconds-
level / %
When connection V+ is supplied with power, the valve is completely opened within 150 seconds
(operation level 0% to operation level 100%). Shorter times mean steeper operation level. When
connection V- is supplied by power the valve is closing. If there is a power interruption to the valve,
the last operation level is fixed.
Valve Contactor
Inputs are designed for 24 V AC, but also a voltage 24V DC can be used.
7.3 Bus connection
Low, terminal 32
High, terminal 33 } RS 485, for Stulz bus connection
Driver module
The C1002 controller can be integrated in the Stulz bus. The driver module serves to properly
adjust the C1002 as a bus participant in dependence of the position within the bus. For a detailed
description of the driver module see next page.
Driver module
The driver module has the following features:
1. a static bus termination (120 Ohm), which can be activated by a jumper.
2. a circuit to set the bias for the bus. By means of two jumpers either a low bias (bus middle) or
a high bias (bus end) can be set.
3. protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD) impulses on the data lines
7.4 Connection Diagram for Sequencing at the Processor-Board
Unit 1 24 V 0 V
Heating 2
Aux 1
20 21 29 30 17
Unit 2 24 V 0 V
Heating 2
Aux 1
20 21 29 30 17
8. Specifications of the Extension Card 1b
With the extension card 1b, additional inputs and outputs are provided for the CompTrol 1002. The
extension card 1b is fixed on the CompTrol 1002 by means of the two distance pieces enclosed.
Electric connection to the basic board is made by a 20 pins plug connector. As soon as the extensi-
on card has been connected, the alarms aux 2 / fire and smoke detector and Ultrasonic humidifier
5µS/cm can only be detected on the extension board.
8.1 Technical Data Extension Card 1b
Inputs 8 x 24 V AC
2.7 kOhm input resistance
Operating temperature 0°C ... 40°C (32°F ... 104°F)
Storage temperature -10°C ... 60°C (14°F ... 140°F)
Compressor Sequencing
If two compressors are configured, these are subject to compressor sequencing, according to the
“first in - first out” principle, i.e. should both compressors be turned on, the compressor which has
been turned on first will be turned off first. Start parameters (menu items 9 and 11) will be changed
internally, not visibly, after each compressor start.
Temperature Limit
The input "Temperature Limit" exists. As soon as a voltage of 24 V is applied to this input, the
cooling is interrupted.
That means for
- CW version: The CW valve closes
- Compressor version: The compressors are switched off.
8.2 Connection Diagram of the Extension Card 1b
Compressor 2
Sequencing out
Sequencing 24 V
Sequencing in
8.3 Connection Diagram for Sequencing with Extension Card
Unit 1 24 V 0 V
ALARM Extension 1b
15 11 12
20 21 29
Unit 2 24 V 0 V
ALARM Extension 1b
15 11 12
20 21 29
9. Appendix
9.1 Standard Setting
Menu item Range value Adjusted value
9.2 Password
Should a wrong key be pressed or the time be exceeded, entering of password is aborted.