S16R Ptaa2

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4 MITSUBISHI DIESEL ENGINE | "0 | T2icow7eRss ci) TECHNICAL INFORMATION | pave Feary, 2014 Specification Sheets of S16R-PTAA2 Engine ‘Specification Sheets of SI6R-PTAA2 Engine are enclosed herein, Taina Spake HOTT) Tigo ginaee Danna Tent Fear itr el Eg Dp ein f [nea Mx. spelt] Chesed y [Duan by Else. a2 - Reed: Fob 2014 — astmaven | «yaTo wy (A MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. (GENERAL MACHINERY & SPECIAL VEHICLES. MITSUBISHI SIGR-PTAA2 SPECIFICATION SHEET DIESEL ENGINES GENERAL ENGINE DATA Type — cule, Water Coote Aspiration - —— ‘Turbo Charged, Aira Air Cooter Cylinder Arragement | —— : ov Noof Cylinies 16 Bore mnt) —— 170 669) Stoke min) —= 180 (7.09) Displacement iri’) —= 6537 (989) Compression Ratio 140 Dry Weight - Engine only - kt) - 895 5029) Radiator & Piping - kg) —— = 1878 (4132) Wer Weight“ Engine only - Kt) = — 7372 (16258) * Radiator & Piping kt) : = (4668) Symbot PERFORMANCE DATA Steady Sst Spot Stability Band at any Constant Load Hydra (td) or Flee Goverse = % - 4025 beter ‘Maximum Overspecd Capacity «pm — 2100 ‘Moret of inertia of Rotating Components - kgm") 8083 (918) (nchdes St& Flybe) Cyl Sped Variation with Flywbee at 1800rpm . 19 1500p : ao ENGINE MOUNTING Maximum Bending Moment at Rea Face of Flywheel Housing -kgf-mibFt) 4503256) AIR INLET SYSTEM “Maxim Intake Ali Restriction (lhnes piping) ‘With Clean Fiter Element mi H,0 (in H,0)-— 400 05:7) ‘With Diny Fer Element - tam H,0 (i #,0) : : 635 Q50) EXHAUST SYSTEM “Maxima Allowable Back Pressure - mim 0 (in .0) 600 36) LUBRICATION SYSTEM, (i Pressure at ile kip) — : 263 @9>) at Rae Speed keeps) —— 5~65 (1~93) Maximum Oi! Temperature -"C(P) = ho 230) O11 Capacity of Standard Pan High ier (US.gal) —— 200 (528) Low liter (US gal) 40 GTO) “Tal System Capacity (includes Ol Fle) iter (US.gl) 20 (608) Maximum Angle of isallation (St Pan). Front Down = s (Engine Oly) Froat Up asd Sideto Side ns ‘COOLING SYSTEM Coolant Capacty Engine liter (US gat) 10 a9) “Radiator & Piping iter (Sg) 2 42) ‘Maximum External Friction Head at Engine Outlet -kgem'ps)——— 038, Go) ‘Manimam Static Head of Coolant above Cranks Cex - 0 G28) “Manimam Outlet Pressure of Engine Water Pump -kgfea(si)——— 2 G86) Standard Thermostat (mlting)Range- “OCP T1~8s (160~185), ‘Maximam Coolant Temperatre at Engine Outlet-°CCP) 88 G08) ‘Minimum Coolant Expatson Spice = % of Sytem Capacity 10 ‘Maxim Cooling Ait Temperature at Air to Ait Cooler Inlet, TAA ype-"CC) 0 (104) “Maximum Ai Restriction on Discharge Sie of Radiator Tan. Hin 0) 2 06) 1 change without sti Pub. No, TO2I6-0007E Revd 248 MITSUBISHI SIGR-PTAA2 SPECIFICATION SHEET DIESEL ENGINES FUEL SYSTEM Fre Injector Mitsubishi PSB Type «2 Maximum Suction Hed of Foal Pump - mm Hg Gn. Hg) 75 G0) Maximum Satie Head of Return & Leak Pipe - mem He (ne) 18069) STARTING SYSTEM Battery Charging Aleator-V-Ab 2430 Starting Motor Capacity = VW - 27590 ‘Maximum Allowable Resistance of Cranking Circuit -m © 1s ‘Recomsaded Minium Bary Capacity ‘AtS°CUI"F) and above Ab 300 Below S'C(41"F through -S'CO8"F) 0, “The spsiictions ae sujet to hangs without notice Pub No, TO2I6-0007E Rev.t 314 ‘rsuatsti SIGR-PTAA2 SPECIFICATION SHEET. DIESEL ENGINES SNGNERATING ‘Alta net et perme wth tnd ceri sch scant us mais, oi sytem, {ovr ncn Pa Girne, 7-TOSC a i a ‘ave heii au RT| STAND POWER OWE el =e | a 10 Foie aera av | a» sy | amp ite am | esp asp | ay oin_| ow ‘an_| ‘aon Fen Paar Ta] Tor} 30 aie | arm ero | arm on Capac wit Fan sy _| cay os) caisy_|_ x, wir | son fst ATenpesocet Te ee [sie en ra a aa] oF lcwge Cte amy | op | on ev | op wo | iy | is. o | (Gir GoteWotma renee | Tuten | 33] 35 rae ain | 2:9 | ose ese | sts go_| oy | oo eo | “sn ‘can | use | a5 aso | ae Jusaro| cy | an 9 | oo, can | srs | a ay | gar an, wa | an, ase nt . faerie coer nee ise | ase om twos, | ose Fries ssa Saas | 7s eran | css) | corn, comin | (0 Fie ear | Tse" | Ta Ts | Tan erm | Gas) ase | esse, Keateaiatanemms [any | THD "r85| 780 Pub, No, TODLGO007E Rev 444

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