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CHED-P User Manual

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Welcome to TRACES NT.

This manual contains all essential

information for the user to create a CHED-P certificate in TNT. It
includes brief descriptions of the program functions and capabilities
and step-by-step procedures.

Table of Contents
Box – I.1. Consignor/Exporter ........................................................................................ 5
Box – I.2. CHED Reference ............................................................................................. 8
Box – I.3. Local reference .............................................................................................. 8
Box – I.4. Border Control Post/Control Point/Control Unit ................................................... 8
Box – I.5. Border Control Post/Control Point/Control Unit code ........................................... 9
Box – I.6. Consignee/Importer ....................................................................................... 9
Box – I.7. Place of destination ........................................................................................ 9
Box – I.8. Operator responsible for the consignment ......................................................... 9
Box – I.9. Accompanying documents ............................................................................. 10
Box – I.10. Prior notification ......................................................................................... 11
Inspection Planner ...................................................................................................... 12
Box – I.11. Country of origin ........................................................................................ 12
Box – I.12. Region of origin .......................................................................................... 12
Box – I.13. Means of transport ..................................................................................... 12
Box – I.15. Establishment of origin................................................................................ 13
Box – I.16. Transport conditions ................................................................................... 13
Box – I.17. Container No/ Seal No ................................................................................ 13
Box – I.18. Goods certified as ....................................................................................... 13
Box – I.19. Conformity of the goods .............................................................................. 14
Box – I.20. / I.22. / I.23. / I.23. / I.24. / I.25. / I.26. Purpose ......................................... 14
Box – I.27. Means of transport after BCP/storage............................................................ 16
Box – I.28. Transporter ............................................................................................... 16
Box – I.29. Date of departure ....................................................................................... 16
Box – I.31. Description of the goods ................................................................................. 16
Box – I.35. Declaration ................................................................................................ 19
PART II – Decision on Consignment – As BCP ....................................................................... 21
Box – II.3 Documentary Check ..................................................................................... 21
Box – II.4 Identity Check ............................................................................................. 21
Box – II.5 Physical Check ............................................................................................. 21
Box – II.6. Laboratory Tests ......................................................................................... 22
Box – II.9 / II.10 / II.11 / II.11 / II.12 / II.13 / II.14 / II.15 Conclusion ............................ 24
Box – II.21. Certifying officer ....................................................................................... 28
Box - Consignment resealed ......................................................................................... 29
Box – II.20 Identification of BCP ................................................................................... 29
Box – II.21 Certifying officer ........................................................................................ 29
Box –II.23 Customs Document Reference ...................................................................... 29
PART III – Follow up – As Local Competent authority ............................................................ 30

PART I – Dispatched Consignment – As RFC/CA
On the homepage, click on “Documents” and then on “CHED”:

Click on the green button located on the top-right hand side of the window entitled “+ Create new

Tick the “CHED-P” box. You then have 3 options to select the commodity:

 Select it from the list of CN code (example: 030231)

 Type the name or the CN code of the animal (example: tuna/030231)
 Click on the ‘+’ to filter the commodities by species (example: albacore)

Select the commodity code from the list. Remember to select “CHED-P” once again. Click on “Done”.

Note: Different commodity codes can be selected simultaneously

Note: you can still delete, add or modify in the document, box I.31

Note: All of the boxes marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory

Note: Depending on the workflow, the mandatory boxes may be different.

Tip: use the shortcut tool on the right-hand side of the certificate in order to navigate easily between
the boxes.

Box – I.1. Consignor/Exporter
To fill in this box, it is possible to:

 Start typing the name of the consignor/exporter and select a company from the drop down list that
pops out.

 Select a company from the “Favourite operators” list, by clicking on the grey star. To select
your “Favourites”, run an advanced search, find the correct option and tick the star at the left
side. This will register this operator as your favourite.

 Run an advanced search by clicking on the “Advanced…” button and add some filters by clicking
on the small “+” button on the right. Once the correct match is selected, the “Name”, “Country”
and “ISO Code” of the company are automatically completed.

Note: If the operator is not present in the system, you can create a new one by clicking on “+
Create a new Operator”. This button will only appear once you did an advanced search in order
to avoid as much as possible duplicates in the system.

Please note that you have to fill all the mandatory information in the part “Operator details” in
order to be able to chose the section and activity. Chose the section available and the correct
activity. Then click on “Save”.

It is possible that a blue window pops up to inform you that there are already some other
operators in the system with similar names. In order to avoid duplicates, first check if the
operator is not in the list of suggestions. You can also add an activity to an existing operator if

If not, click on the cross to close this window and be able to save your operator:

 It is also possible to click on “Edit” to modify the content of the box or to clear it and select
another consignor/exporter, clicking on the “Clear” button.

Tip: You can see the details of the selected establishment by clicking on the three dots:

Note: CHED-P section/domain is Food / Animal by-products.

Box – I.2. CHED Reference
The CHED Reference number will be automatically allocated by the system once you save as draft
and/or once you submit the CHED.

Box – I.3. Local reference

It is possible to add a local reference number for the CHED. This box is optional.

Box – I.4. Border Control Post/Control Point/Control Unit

 Logged as RFC: If you have only one role as RFC, the system will automatically suggest the
BCP assigned to your operator. Click on “Select” if you wish to choose it.

If you want to select another BCP, start typing the name or look for it by using the advanced search.
The procedure is the same than for box I.1.

 Logged as BCP: You can click on “Assign my BCP” to choose your correct competence.

If you want to select another BCP than yours, start typing the name or look for it by using the
advanced search. The procedure is the same than for box I.1.

Note: Only a BCP competent for CHED-P can be selected when issuing a CHED-P
Box – I.5. Border Control Post/Control Point/Control Unit code
The code will be automatically allocated by the system once the box I.4 has been filled

Box – I.6. Consignee/Importer

To fill in this box, follow one of the procedures described for box I.1.

Box – I.7. Place of destination

The box is automatically set to “Select an operator” and filled with the information from box I.6.
Consignee/ Importer. To modify the information, click on “Clear” and follow one of the procedures
described for box I.1.

Box – I.8. Operator responsible for the consignment

If you have only one role as RFC, the box is automatically filled with the details of your operator.
If you wish to modify the information, follow the same procedure as explained for box I.1.

Note: that a user linked to different companies/operators will have to select the relevant one.

Box – I.9. Accompanying documents
The purpose of this box is to provide the mandatory number of the health certificate issued by the
third country competent authorities and to attach any other relevant documents.

Click on the button “Add Accompanying Document” or “Add Certificate Reference”:

 Add Accompanying Document

Choose the type of document from the corresponding drop-down list and enter all relevant
information, such as “Number” and “Country”.

If you wish to upload a file that doesn’t exist, then click on the “Select file(s)” button.
Click on “✓ Apply”.

 Add Certificate Reference

The certificate reference is the reference of an IMPORT certificate that is issued in TRACES. Fill in the
number of the EU IMPORT.

Note:When the CHED is done by cloning an IMPORT certificate issued in TRACES by a third
country, this box will be filled in automatically. Furthermore, the IMPORT reference will appear in
the box “Links”

Note: It is possible to add several accompanying documents and to order them by dragging and
dropping the items with the double sense arrows on the left. Only the first document will be
shown in the PDF version of the CHED.

Box – I.10. Prior notification

In this box, insert the estimated date and time on which the consignment is expected to arrive at the
entry point where the BCP is located.

Click on the small calendar icon to choose the date and click on the box to select the exact time (in
hours and minutes).

Tip: By clicking the small clock icon, you will set the time to the current date and time.

Tip: After completing the boxes I.1, I.6, I.9 and I.10 you can already “Save as Draft” the Part I
of the CHED and complete it later.

Inspection Planner
Indicate the date and time when you would like to be inspected at the BCP.

Box – I.11. Country of origin

This box will be automatically filled once you filled the box I.31. Description of the goods.

Box – I.12. Region of origin

This box will be automatically filled once you filled the box I.31. Description of the goods.

Box – I.13. Means of transport

Click on “Add means of transport” to select the means of transport by which the consignment
arrives at the BCP. You have the choice between “Rail”, “Road vehicle”, “Airplane” or “Ship”.

Complete the requested fields. If the means of transport already exists in the system, it will appear
in the drop-down list while typing. Select it.

If it does not exist yet, complete the fields and click on the green button “+ Create”.

Note: You can add several means of transport and order them by dragging the items with the
double sense arrows on the left.

Box – I.15. Establishment of origin

When applicable, this box is automatically filled based on the information provided in box I.31

Box – I.16. Transport conditions

Tick the category of required temperature during transport among the options.

Box – I.17. Container No/ Seal No

When applicable, indicate the container number and seal number.

Box – I.18. Goods certified as

Select the correct option for the intended use of the consignment. The options displayed depend on
the CN code selected.

Box – I.19. Conformity of the goods
Tick the appropriate option for the conformity of the goods.

Box – I.20. / I.22. / I.23. / I.23. / I.24. / I.25. / I.26. Purpose

Select the purpose of the movement of the consignment. If necessary, complete the requested
information by clicking on “Advanced”.

Box - I.20. “For transhipment”

When the consignment change means of transport and is sent directly to another BCP in the EU or to
a third country.

Documentary check is done at the first BCP (entry BCP) and the consignment is allowed to move to a
second BCP where identity and physical checks will be performed in a subsequent CHED. The second
BCP can be in the same MS, or in another MS.

Select the BCP to which the consignment is authorized to move after the documentary checks or the
destination 3rd country where the consignment is transshipped. Here you can also specify the
responsible for the load, if different from the one indicated in box I.8.

Box – I.22 “For direct transit”
When the consignment, coming from a third country, will pass through the EU territory to arrive to its
final destination in another third country. (E.g. Russia – France – Australia)

Indicate the name of the destination 3rd country. Documentary checks is performed at the BCP.

Box – I.23 “For internal market”

When consignment is intended to be placed on the European Union market.

Box – I.24 “For non-conforming goods”

Select the type of destination where the consignment will be delivered.
Indicate also the registration number when applicable.

Box I.25 ”For Re-entry”

Tick the box in the case of re-entry of goods originating in and returning to the EU after refusal of
entry by a third country.

Note: This box is mandatory for the following cases:
- goods subject to transshipment, direct transit, monitoring, re-entry or delivery to all controlled
destinations, including onward transportation facility or control point, where additional official
controls are required
- non-conforming goods in transit

Box – I.27. Means of transport after BCP/storage

Choose the mean of transport that will be used after the BCP. The procedure is the same as for box

Box – I.28. Transporter

Select the transporter after the BCP by following the procedure explained for box I.1.

Box – I.29. Date of departure

Indicate the date and time of departure from the BCP. You can follow the explanations from box I.10.

Box – I.31. Description of the goods

The purpose of this box is to complete the mandatory sections depending of the commodity.

Note: The information of the “Country of origin” is mandatory and will be automatically copied
in Box I.11

Note: Do not forget to select the proper weight unit and package type by clicking the arrow
located on the right-hand side of each section.

 “+ Add commodity” or “Modify commodities” will allow you to add a CN code or change
the CN code selected.

 “Remove” will delete the selected commodity from the document.

 “Clear rows” or “+ Add row” will affect the lines of commodities included in the document.
You can also delete, modify or add rows by clicking on the small icons on the right side of the

Tip: you can add 5, 10, 50 or 100 rows at once by clicking on the arrow.

 “Show optional columns” will show you other optional columns.

 In the part “Quantity totals”, fill the mandatory boxes

Note: Linking a CHED to a COI

For organic and in-conversion products subject to organic checks at border control posts, if
the operator intends to release the products in the consignment covered by the CHED on the
EU market as organic or in-conversion products it is mandatory to insert the product type
‘organic’ in the CHED in TRACES (see below) and to link a COI to the CHED.

To do so, you must select the product type “organic” inside a commodity box of the CHED:

When this product type has been selected, it becomes mandatory to link a COI to the CHED inside the
accompanying documents. Click on the option “Add certificate reference” and select the COI that
should be linked to the CHED:
If a CHED and a COI are linked, the link automatically appears in the “Links” box below the reference
number of a COI


The rule above does NOT apply to products exempted from organic checks at border control
posts (that is to say, those for which only a point of release for free circulation can be
selected in box 10 of the COI) and this even in the case where by virtue of national law only
it is required that those goods be checked at border control posts registered in TRACES as
points of release for free circulation and be accompanied by an entry document in the same
format as the CHED.

Box – I.35. Declaration
Read the declaration then click on “Submit for Decision” on the bottom-right of the window.

Once the document is submitted, the status will change to “NEW”. The authority has access to the
CHED-P to complete Part. II and take the decision.

Note: the RFC can still modify PART I when the official entry document is still at the
submission stage (Status “NEW”).

Error message
If you filled in any of the boxes incorrectly, or missed a box, an “Error” message will appear. Click on
the “expand” sign on the right-hand side of the error message to read the message in more detail.
Click on each of the messages to be redirected to the box that requires modification.

Do not forget to submit for decision again once you have corrected the boxes.

You have successfully completed PART I of the CHED-P!

Other options
By clicking on “More” at the bottom of the page you can also:

 “Delete”: lets you to delete the CHED-P.

 “Copy as new”: create a new CHED-P in which most boxes are copied from the original
document. The original CHED-P is not altered in any way if you decide to perform this action.

By clicking on the button “Preview PDF”, you can:

 Preview the PDF certificate

 Click on “Advanced Print Options” to open the language selection and print the PDF in
several languages at the same time.

Cloning a COI as CHED

A responsible for the consignment has the possibility to clone a COI as CHED, even if the operator is
not mentioned in the COI.

Through the menu go to Documents > COI and click on “clone as CHED”:

In the window that opens indicate all the relevant information and click on “clone as CHED to connect
the two documents:

This will link the two indicated documents

PART II – Decision on Consignment – As BCP

As BCP, you can access the CHED-P and modify every information from Part I.

Note: If you do not want the operator to modify the CHED anymore, you can “Sign as in
progress”. From that point onwards, the RFC can no longer modify the data from Part. I.

Box – II.3 Documentary Check

Indicate if “Satisfactory”/ “Not satisfactory” depending on the EU Standard.

Box – II.4 Identity Check

If the check has been performed, tick “Yes” and mark it as “Satisfactory”/ “Not satisfactory”
depending on the EU Standard.
If the check was not performed, either leave the box empty or check “No”.

Box – II.5 Physical Check

If the check has been performed, click on “Yes” and mark it as “Satisfactory”/ “Not satisfactory”
depending on the EU Standard.
If the check was not performed, either leave the box empty or tick on “No”.

Note: When “yes” is selected in the boxes II.4 and II.5, ticking “satisfactory”/”not satisfactory” is

Box – II.6. Laboratory Tests
This box is to be completed only if a physical check was performed.

Click on “+ Add laboratory test” to add one or more lab tests.

Select the commodity that will be tested and the category of the test. Select the test from the list.

Complete the mandatory information: motivation and inspector conclusion.

You also have the possibility to add a counter-analysis.

Note: If the motivation is ‘Random’, you can sign the CHED-P with the inspector conclusion
“pending” and submit the test results later by clicking on “Submit laboratory tests”.

Box – II.9 / II.10 / II.11 / II.11 / II.12 / II.13 / II.14 / II.15 Conclusion
Indicate your decision regarding the consignment and complete the necessary information.

 Validation: tick the box “accept” and select one of the options available for the box – II.12

 Rejection: tick the box “refuse” and select one of the options available for the boxes II.16 Not
Acceptable and II.17 Reason for Refusal

 Partial rejection: tick the box “partially reject” if you want to accept only a part of the

After submitting for partial rejection, you will be redirected in a new tab where you will be able to
submit both your decision on the accepted part of the consignment and your decision on the rejected
part of the consignment.

In the green button, you have the option to reject or partially reject. If you click in “partially reject”, in
the commodity row, you will be asked to select the amount of packages and/or the quantity of units
you wish to reject.

If you ticked “partially rejected” for the commodity line, you will be able to specify the weights and
packages you reject/validate.

Then, in each tab (decision on accepted/rejected consignment), you will be able to take the decision:

Note: You can see that the consignment has been partially rejected in the menu when there is a
little blue icon next to the CHED number. By clicking on this icon, you will see the links to both
subsequent CHED: the validated consignment and the rejected one:

 Authorize for transhipment: When transhipment has been ticked in the box I.20 in the PART I,
this option will appear automatically completed in PART II and the destination third country
will be automatically filled in the box II.9

 Authorize for transit: When direct transit has been ticked in the box I.22 PART I, this option will
appear automatically completed in PART II and the destination third country will be
automatically filled in the box II.9

Box – II.21. Certifying officer
This is where you sign the Validation/Rejection of the consignment. You can also sign by clicking on
the button at the bottom of the page.

If you filled all the boxes and fields correctly, the current status is VALIDATED, REJECTED, PARTIALLY

Box - Consignment resealed
This box becomes available when container number and seal number are entered in box I.6 of PART I.
After the checks have been performed, the authority has the option to introduce the container
number for reseal”, if necessary.

Box – II.20 Identification of BCP

This box will be automatically completed with the details of the authority that completed PART II.

Box – II.21 Certifying officer

This is where you sign the Validation/Rejection of the consignment. You can also sign by clicking on
the button at the bottom of the page.

If you filled all the boxes and fields correctly, the current status is VALIDATED, REJECTED, PARTIALLY

Box –II.23 Customs Document Reference

This is a free text boxes.

You have successfully completed PART II of the CHED-P!

Other options
By clicking on “More” at the bottom of the page you can:

 Cancel document

 Replace: create a replacement of the CHED-P in case some information need to be changed
after the validation. The first CHED will then have the status “Replaced” and the new CHED-P
will have the status “Valid”. Both will be linked and this link will appear on the printed
document as well.

 Copy as new: this will create a new CHED-P that will be pre-filled with the information of the
current document. In that case, the two CHED-PA are not linked.

By clicking on “Preview PDF” button you can:

 Preview the PDF certificate

 Preview the PDF certificate and the Journey Log.

 In the “Advanced Print Options” you can choose the languages in which you want the
document to be printed. You can choose more than one language.

PART III – Follow up – As Local Competent authority

In the cases of monitoring/channeling, the local competent authority can add a follow up in order to
notify and verify the successful arrival of the consignment to the place of destination.

From the “Search for Common Health Entry Documents” page, search for the CHED-P and click on the
actions button. You have to click on ‘Add new follow up’ as shown below:

After you open the CHED-P, you have to click on the tab “Part III – Follow up”:

You will then be redirected to the tab that allows you to select between adding the follow up if the
consignment is in compliance or the options required in case of re-dispatching:


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