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Short Notes (MASALA)
Electric Current :
Time rate of flow of charge, through a cross-section is called electric current.
I= (1 ampere = 1C/s)

Steady Current : Current is constant. (Q t)

Variable Current : Current varies with time.
# For an electron revolving with speed v, frequency v, angular velocity ω in a circle of radius 'r’,
e eV
Ieq = ev = =
2π 2πr
Electric Current :

Flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor

Emf : Electromotive force E = .
W = Work done in moving a charge Q once through a complete circuit.

Current Density : J = ,

it is a vector quantity.

I = ∫ ԦJ ⋅ dA
Drift Velocity: Average velocity with which electrons drift from negative end to
positive end of the conductor.
I = neAvd

vd = ⇒ vd 
ne𝓁 𝓁

n = Number density of free electrons, e = Charge of electron

A = Area of cross-section, vd = Drift velocity
vd e
Mobility : μ = =
E m

Ohm's Law :

ԦJ = E

or ԦJ  E (Physical conditions remaining same)

Here  is conductivity
Resistance : It is opposition offered to flow of current.
R= (volt/A = ohm)

 = resistivity (characteristic of a material)

l 1
R= = = conductivity (unit−siemen/meter)
A 
 depends on material and temperature.
(a) If length is doubled by stretching R′ = 4R
(b) If length is halved by twisting R′ =
1 1
(c) If a wire is twisted R  or
A2 r4

(d) Area is doubled by compressing R′ =

(e) Thickness is doubled by compressing R′ =

ΔR 2Δ𝓁
(f) For small % change in length × 100 = × 100
R 𝓁

(g) For small % change in radius

× 100 = 4 × 100
R r

(h) If ratio of lengths is I1 : I2 : I3 and ratio of masses is m1 : m2 : m3 .

I21 I22 l23

Ratio of their resistances is : :
m 1 m2 m3
Electrical Energy and Power

V = Potential difference across the device

I = Current through the device
(1) Source of power is chemical energy stored in the cell.
(2) Total power supplied by the cell = El (equals to rate of consumption of
chemical energy)
(3) Rate of heat loss inside the cell = I 2 r
(4) Net power out put = EI − I 2 r = E − Ir I = VI = I 2 R
Applications :

(1) When the device is purely resistive like a bulb, then

P = VI = I2R =
(2) P1 = I2R1, P2 = I2R2, P3 = I2R3
 P1 : P2 : P3 :: R1 : R2 : R3
Kuch Sawal:
V2 V2 V2
(3) P1 = ,P = ,P =
R1 2 R2 3 R3

1 1 1
P1 : P2 : P3 : : : :
R1 R2 R3

A 50 W, 220 V and a 100 W, 220 V bulb are given

(220)2 (220)2
(a) R 50 = , R100 = ∴ R 50 > R100
50 100

(b) When both are connected in series P50 : P100 : : R 50 : R100

∴ P50 > P100
Kuch SAWAL :

1 1
(c) When both are in parallel, P50 : P100 : : : ∴ P50 < P100
R50 R100

(d) Both are connected to 440 V in series, 50 W will fuse. As the voltage
appearing across 50 W bulb is more then its rated voltage i.e., 220 V.
P50 P100
(e) Total power of bulbs in series =
P50 +P100

(When connected across 220 V )

Kuch sawal :

(7) A heater coil has a resistance R. It can boil certain amount of water in time t. Its
power is P.

1 t1 P2
(8) Time taken to boil t  ⇒ = .
P t2 P1

(9) Two coils boil separately a certain amount of water in time t1 and t 2 .
(a) When they are used together in series, time t s = t1 + t 2 .
t1 t2
(b) When they are used together in parallel, time t p = .
t1 +t2
Fuse Wire

1. Made of lead, tin alloy

2. Has low melting point.
3. Current capacity (current at which it blows)

I2 

(a) I  r3/2, (b) I  , (c) I is independent of length

(4) Time taken to melt t  A2 or t  r4. ‘t’ is also independent of length.
(5) A fuse wire is connected in series with live or phase wire of main supply.
Carbon Resistors: Colour Code R = AB × 10C  D%

Letters as an Colour Figure Multiplier Colour Figure

aid to memory
B Black 0 100 Gold 5%
B Brown 1 101 Silver 10%
R Red 2 102 No colour 20%
O Orange 3 103
Y Yellow 4 104
G Green 5 105
B Blue 6 106
V Violet 7 107
G Grey 8 108
W White 9 109
Gold 10–1
Silver 10–2
one may remember B.B. ROY in Great Britain has Very Good Wife. The capital letters
correspond to colours in the correct sequence.
Combination of Resistors :

1. Series Grouping :

2. Parallel Grouping :

1 1 1 1
= + +
𝑅𝑃 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3
Kuch sawal :
R1 V R2 V
(i) (a) V1 = (b) V2 =
R1 +R2 R1 +R2

V1 V2
+ V1 R2 +V2 R1
R1 R2
(ii) V= 1 1 =
+ R1 +R2
R1 R2

V 1 V2 V3
+ +
R1 R2 R3 V1 −V
(iii) (a) V= 1 1 1 (b) I1 =
+ +
R1 R2 R3

V1 −V2 V−V3
(c) I2 = (d) I3 =
R2 R3
(iv) V = I1R1 = I2R I1 = I
R1 +R2
I1 + I2 = I I2 = I
R1 +R2

R 2 R3
(v) I1 = I
R1 R2 +R2 R3 +R1 R3

R 1 R3
I2 = I
R1 R2 +R2 R3 +R3 R1

R 1 R2
I3 = I
R1 R2 +R2 R3 +R3 R1
Various Combinations:

(1)  RAB = R/3 [Parallel combination]

Req = 8R/7

(3) RAB = 3R/5

Various Combinations:

R(1+ 5)
(6) RAB =

(7) RAB = 7R/5


R1 R3
When = , then VP = VQ  R5 can be removed
R2 R4

(R1 +R2 )(R3 +R4 )

(R1 +R2 +R3 +R4

R1 +R3 R2 +R4
= +
R1 +R3 R2 +R4

(3) RAB = R [Example of Wheatstone bridge]

Various Combinations:

(4) VA – VB =
(a) If R2R3 > R1R4, current through the galvanometer
on closing key will flow from A to B.
(b) R2R3 < R1R4, current flows from B to A.
(c) R2R3 = R1R4, no current flows through ‘G’.
[Balanced Wheatstone bridge]

(5) RAB = R(1 + 3)

Various Combinations:

(8) Skeleton Cube : Each wire has a resistance ‘r’

(a) RAB = 7r/12, Equivalent resistance between adjacent corner
(b) RAC = 3r/4, Equivalent resistance between face diagonal
(c) RAD = 5r/6, Equivalent resistance between body diagonal
Temperature dependence of resistance
Conductors: Low resistivity at room temperature. It increases with increase in
temperature according to the formula,
ρt = ρ0 (1 + αt)
ρt = Resistivity at temperature t ∘ C
ρ0 = Resistivity at temperature 0∘ C
α = Temperature coefficient of resistivity
As ρt = ρ0 (1 + αt)
∴ R t = R 0 (1 + αt) [∵ R  ρ]
At temperature t1 , R1 = R 0 1 + αt1
At temperature t 2 , R 2 = R 0 1 + αt 2
R2 −R1
(a) α =
R1 t2 −R2 t1
R1 t2 −R2 t1
(b) R 0 =
t2 −t1
Insulators: Very high resistivity at all temperatures, Variation in resistivity is very
small with temperature.
Semiconductors: Resistivity lies between conductors and insulators at room
temperature, At 0 K, ρ is infinite, or conductivity is zero. The conductivity of
semiconductors increases with increase in temperature. Thus when a piece of
germanium and a piece of copper are cooled, then resistivity of germanium
increases and that of copper decreases.
Superconductors : At very low temperatures, a conductor starts behaving like a

(a) At critical temperature, resistivity of metals suddenly become zero.

(b) Superconductors act like perfect diamagnetic substances (Meissner's effect)
ternal resistance, potential difference and EMF of a cell
Internal resistance, potential difference and EMF of a cell
(1) Ideal cell : E = IR, internal resistance = zero

(2) Real cell

(a) I =
(b) VAB = = Terminal potential difference

V = E – Ir (During discharging of cell)

(c) r = R
(3) Combination of Cells
E1 −E2 E1 r2 +E2 r1
(i) I= , V=
r1 +r2 r1 +r2

(ii) Potential difference each cell

E1 +E2
V = E1 – Ir1 I=
r1 +r2

E1 r2 − E2 r1
r1 +r2

E1 E2
If V = 0, =
r1 r2
(iii) I=
E1 E2
+ +⋯
r1 r2
where E = 1 1
+ +⋯
r1 r2
1 1 1
and = + +⋯
r r1 r2

(iv) Any number of cells are connected symmetrically,

I= , V – VB = 0
r A

NOTE: A and B are any two arbitrary points. If some external resistance is connected across
them, no current flows through it.
Cells in Series
E = = Ei
r = ri

Cells in mixed grouping

Total number of cells = mn


Arrangement of N identical cells each of emf E and internal resistance r to obtain

maximum current in external resistance of R
 no. of cells in each rows m =
Nr E N
 no. of rows n = imax = 2
R rR
Kirchhoff’s Law
(1) Junction Rule : It is based on conservation of charge.
At any junction

iin = iout

(2) Loop Rule : It is based on conservation of energy.

NOTE: RC Circuit (steady state)
(a) In Steady state capacitor gets fully charged and hence no current flows across it.
I= ,
r1 +r3

(b) Potential drop across capacitor V = Ir3

V= r . This is also the reading of ideal voltmeter connected in place of capacitor.
r1 +r3 3
It can measure potential difference without drawing a current from the circuit. Thus it gives
accurate reading. It can
(a) Measure internal resistance of a cell.
(b) Measure emf of a cell.
(c) Compare emf’s of two cells.
AB is the potentiometer wire of resistance R and length L.
Any two point C and D on the wire are separated by length ‘l’
VCD = IRCD = . ×I … (i)
r+R L
 VCD  I (all other factors are constant). This is principle of potentiometer.
(1) To measure potential difference and for comparing emf of two cells.

E1 I1
E  I or =
E2 I2

(2) Measurement of internal resistance of a cell

𝑙1 −𝑙2
r= Rext

Sensitivity of a potentiometer: Smaller is the potential drop per unit length more is
the sensitivity. Therefore, should be small.
Meter Bridge: It is based on Wheatstone bridge principle. It is used to find unknown

When there is not deflection,

𝑅 𝑋 100−𝑙
= X=R
𝑙 100−𝑙 𝑙

NOTE: Location of null point is independent of resistivity or area of cross-section of wire AB.

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