Pca English 5TH Grade
Pca English 5TH Grade
Pca English 5TH Grade
7 hours 40 4 7 hours
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level/course
OG.EFL1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other O.EFL 3.1 Identify the main ideas and some details of written and oral texts, in
countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely and openly order to interact with and to develop an approach of critical inquiry to a variety of
experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint texts.
of their own national and cultural identity. O.EFL 3.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure
OG.EFL2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity O.EFL 3.9 Be able to interact in English using basic, frequently used
in building an intercultural and multinational society. expressions and short phrases in familiar and personalized contexts, demonstrating
OG.EFL3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced a limited but effective command of the spoken language in simple and routine tasks
linguistic intelligence and critical thinking skills through an appreciation which require a direct exchange of information.
of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 O.EFL 3.10 Demonstrate an ability to use English as a means to interact socially
and of language use for communication and learning. and work cooperatively in pairs and groups.
OG.EFL4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing
disposition and ability to independently access further (language)
learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and
integrity into responsible academic behavior.
N.º Name of the Unit Specific objectives of Contents Methodology Evaluation*** Time in weeks
the Planning Unit. orientation
1. Fun Outdoors - asking and answering EFL 3.1.2. Recognize ways to 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize 6 weeks
with gerunds relate responsibly to one’s cycle of experiencial and exhibit responsible
Vocabulary: - building reading and surroundings at home and at learning: behaviors at home, at
Camping activities, listening skills school by exhibiting - Concrete school and towards the
e.g. climb, hike, - imperatives for safety responsible behaviors towards Experience environment.
canoe; Sports, e.g. advice the environment. - Reflexive I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners
ski, snowboard, ice - (Example: chores at home, bservation. can say ways to take
skate, in-line skate; recycling, etc.) - Abstract care of the environment
safety advice, e.g. conceptualizatio and
wear helmet, put on n. one’s surroundings.
sunscreen, wear a - Active Learners can identify
life jacket. experimentation. and exhibit socially
responsible behaviors
2. The Direct method. at home, at school and
Grammar: 3. Input before output towards the
Questions with 4. Total physical environment. (J.3, S.1)
“What” , e.g. What response.
does he/she like EFL 3.1.3. Exchange basic 5. Suggestopedia,
doing? He/She likes personal preferences with 6. Comunicative CE.EFL.3.3. Interact
climbing.; Simple peers in order to express likes Language Teaching. with others using a
present statements and dislikes. variety of both verbal
with is/ isn’t, e.g. and nonverbal
He’s good at skiing. communication features
She isn’t good at and express likes and
skiing.; Yes/ No dislikes while giving
questions with “is”, recommendations in
e.g. Is she/he good basic yet effective
at skiing? Yes/No, terms.
she/he isn’t very I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners
good at it.; trying can employ a range of
something new: I’m verbal and nonverbal
not very good at communication features
(ice-skting). Don’t to express likes and
worry. I can help EFL 3.2.3. Record key items dislikes and
you.; time clauses of specific information from a can give
with “When”, e.g. heard message or description, recommendations in
When you go either in written form or by basic yet effective
snowboarding, drawing a picture. (Example: terms. (I.3, S.4)
always wear a letters of the alphabet,
helmet. numbers, quantities, prices CE.EFL.3.7. Listening
and times, days, dates and for Information: Follow
months, etc.) and identify key
comprehension of most
of the details of a short
simple online or print
text and follow short
instructions in simple
experiments and
projects if illustrated
through step-by-step
EFL 3.3.8. Make and support visuals.
inferences from evidence in a I.EFL.3.11.1. Learners
text with reference to features can understand most
of written English. (Example: details in a short simple
vocabulary, facts, format, online or print text and
sequence, relevance of ideas, can follow short
etc.) instructions in simple
EFL 3.3.6. Apply learning experiments and
strategies to examine and projects if step-by-step
interpret a variety of written visuals are provided.
materials using prior (I.3, I.4)
knowledge, graphic
organizers, context clues, note CE.EFL.3.15. Make and
taking and finding words in a support inferences from
dictionary. evidence in a text with
reference to features of
written English and
CE.EFL.3.19. Create a
questionnaire or survey
using WH- question
words in order to
identify things in
common and
preferences while
displaying an ability to
convey and organize
2. Land and Sea - Comparatives EFL 3.1.1. Ask simple basic 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate 6 weeks
andsuperlatives questions in class about the cycle of experiencial an awareness of
Vocabulary: - building reading and world beyond their own learning: different cultures and
Animals and insects, listening skills immediate environment in - Concrete identify similarities and
e.g. hippopotamus, - Measuring and order to increase their Experience differences between
gorilla, panda.; sea weighing things understanding of different - Reflexive them through oral and
creatures, e.g. eel, - cultures. bservation. written literary texts.
CE.EFL.3.14. Select
and use reading
strategies to
EFL 3.3.5. Use everyday understand and give
reference material in order to meaning to written text
select information appropriate while employing a
to the purpose of an inquiry range of everyday
and to relate ideas from one reference materials in
written source to another. order to determine
information appropriate
to the purpose of
inquiry and to relate
ideas between written
I.EFL.3.14.1. Learners
can identify and use
reading strategies to
make written text more
comprehensible and
mean- ingful. Learners
can use everyday ref-
erence materials to
select information
appropriate to the
purpose of an inqui- ry
EFL 3.4.2. Write a short and to relate ideas from
simple paragraph to describe one written source to
yourself or other people, another. (I.2, S.1)
animals, places and things,
with limited support. CE.EFL.3.17. Produce
(Example: by answering a short simple
questions or using key words) paragraph to describe
people, places, things
and feelings in order to
influence an audience
and use linking words
to write other narratives
on familiar subjects.
I.EFL.3.17.1. Learners
can write short simple
paragraphs to describe
people, places,
animals, things and
EFL 3.5.2. Create picture feelings, with limited
books and/or other graphic support, while
expressions in pairs in class demonstrating an ability
3. Appearance - people’s appearance EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety of 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.5. 6 weeks
- asking/ answering oral, print and electronic forms cycle of experiencial Demonstrate an ability
Vocabulary: about appearances for social communication and learning: to use a variety of
Hairstyles, e.g. short - building reading and for writing to oneself. - Concrete sources for oral and
hair, shoulder-length listening skills (Example: friendly notes, Experience written communication
hair, curly hair, wavy - describing invitations, diary entries, notes - Reflexive in order to interact with
hair; accessories, appearnaces to self, electronic messages, bservation. others in social
e.g. watch, etc.) - Abstract situations.
necklace, belt; conceptualizatio I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners
camouflage, e.g. n. can employ var- ious
stock, leaf, sand, - Active print and digital sources
grass. experimentation. in order to
communicate with
Grammar: 2. The Direct method. others in oral and
Questions with 3. Input before output written form in social
“What” (3rd person), 4. Total physical situations. (J.3, S.1,
e.g. What does she response. S.4)
look like? She has 5. Suggestopedia,
short, black hair and EFL 3.1.7. Demonstrate 6. Comunicative
brown eyes.; appropriate classroom Language Teaching.
Questions with behaviors by participating in
“Which” (3rd person), small group or whole class CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize
e.g. Which one is discussions. (Example: being and exhibit responsible
your borther? He’s courteous, respecting the behaviors at home, at
the one with short, person and property of others, school and towards the
straight, black hair etc.) environment.
and brown eyes. ; I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners
Wuestions with can say ways to take
“What”, e.g. What care of the environment
does the watch look and one’s surroundings.
Demonstrate an ability
to use a variety of
digital tools during the
writing process in order
to collaborate on
EFL 3.4.7. Use the process of well-constructed
prewriting, drafting, revising, informational texts.
peer editing and proofreading I.EFL.3.20.1. Learners
(i.e., “the writing process”) to can effectively use a
produce well-constructed range of digital tools
informational texts. during the writing
process in order to
EFL 3.4.9 collaborate on
Make effective use of a range producing
of digital tools to write, edit, well-constructed
revise informa- tional texts.
and publish written work in a (I.3, S.4, J.3)
way that supports
collaboration. CE.EFL.3.14. Select
and use reading
4. Last Week - talking about past EFL 3.1.1. Ask simple basic 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate 6 weeks
activities questions in class about the cycle of experiencial an awareness of
Vocabulary: world beyond their own learning: different cultures and
Sports, e.g. - new regular verbs with immediate environment in - Concrete identify similarities and
baseball, basketball, new activities order to increase their Experience differences between
volleyball; activities, - Building reading and understanding of different - Reflexive them through oral and
e.g. practice the listening skills cultures. bservation. written literary texts.
piano, use the - talking about ancient EFL 3.1.9 Compare and - Abstract I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners
computer, talk on Rome contrast oral traditions, myths, conceptualizatio can show an aware-
the phone; Ancient folktales and literature from n. ness of different
Rome, e.g. stone, Ecuador and international - Active cultures and identi- fy
clay, glass, metal regions/cultures and identify experimentation. similarities and
similarities and differences, as differences between
Grammar: well as universal cultural 2. The Direct method. them through oral and
Simple past themes, through the use of 3. Input before output written literary texts.
statements with graphic organizers and 4. Total physical (I.2, S.2, J.1)
known regular verbs dramatic enactments in class. response.
and new nouns, 5. Suggestopedia,
questions with 6. Comunicative CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize
“what”, e.g. She Language Teaching. and exhibit responsible
played baseball behaviors at home, at
yesterday., What did school and towards the
she do yesterday? environment.
She played baseball I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners
yesterday.; Simple can say ways to take
past questions with care of the environment
“what” and time EFL 3.1.2. Recognize ways to and one’s surroundings.
expressions (1st relate responsibly to one’s Learners can identify
person), e.g. what surroundings at home and at and exhibit socially
did you do last school by exhibiting responsi- ble behaviors
weekend? I responsible behaviors towards at home, at school and
practiced the piano. the environment. towards the
Did you practice the environment. (J.3, S.1)
requesting clarification.
EFL 3.2.8. Spell out key Demonstrate
vocabulary items using the acquisition of skills
English alphabet. (Example: taught in class, such as
names, colors, animals, being able to spell out
possessions, etc.) words or use some
grammatical structures
(albeit with frequent
I.EFL.3.8.1. Learners
can ask others to
repeat themselves or to
say something in a
different way and ask
for common classroom
needs. Learners can
spell out words in
English and can
describe mat- ters of
immediate need or
interest using some
grammatical structures
practiced in class
(although there may be
errors with tenses,
personal pronouns,
preposi- tions, etc.).
(I.3, J.4)
EFL 3.2.15. Provide a simple
description and/or opinion of a
A Day Out - asking and answering EFL 3.1.8. Interpret and 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.4. Develop
about what people ate demonstrate knowledge of cycle of experiencial the skills to work
Vocabulary: - what people did nonverbal and oral learning: collaboratively using a
Food, e.g. noodles, - building reading and communication features in - Concrete range of verbal and
curry, sushi.; Things listening skills classroom activities, and Experience nonverbal
to do, e.g. go - describing/ comparing understand the contexts in - Reflexive communication features
bowling, take a using past tense which they are used bservation. and apply
picture, see a appropriately. (Example: - Abstract self-correcting and
parade; dinosours: gestures, body language, conceptualizatio self-monitoring
feather, tail, claw, volume, etc.) n. strategies in social and
wing. - Active classroom interactions.
EFL 3.1.6 Apply experimentation. I.EFL.3.4.1. Learners
Grammar: self-correcting and can demonstrate an
Known irregular self-monitoring strategies in 2. The Direct method. ability to work in pairs
verbs with new social and classroom 3. Input before output and small groups using
foods, e.g. He ate interactions. (Example: asking 4. Total physical level-appropriate verbal
noodles, She drank questions, starting over, response. and nonverbal
lemonade.; Verbs rephrasing, exploring 5. Suggestopedia, communication features
with prepositions alternative pronunciations or 6. Comunicative and apply
“for” and “with”, e.g. wording, etc.) Language Teaching self-correcting and
What did she eat for self-moni- toring
situations, such as an
invitation or request,
EFL 3.2.13. Respond to relatively quickly.
simple questions in quite a Spontaneously initiate
short time and initiate basic interactions in order to
interaction spontaneously express opinions or
when there are opportunities give accounts of
to speak. Speech is produced personal experiences.
a little less slowly and I.EFL.3.9.1. Learners
hesitantly. can answer simple
EFL 3.2.15. Provide a simple questions quickly and
description and/or opinion of a initiate basic in-
common object or a simple teraction spontaneously
account of something when given op-
experienced. (Example: an portunities. (Example:
Ecuadorian celebration, a make an invitation, give
class trip, a party, a game a suggestion, etc.)
played, etc.) Learners can de- scribe
simple, familiar
situations and talk
about past experiences.
(I.3, J.3)
Interaction –
Participate effectively in
familiar and predictable
EFL 3.2.9. React appropriately conversational
to what others say using exchanges by sharing
CE.EFL.3.13. Show an
ability to identify the
meaning of specific
EFL 3.3.3. Identify the content-based words
meaning of specific and phrases, with the
content-based words and aid of visual support,
phrases, with the aid of visual and use charts/mind
support. maps to distinguish
between fact/opinion
and relevant/irrelevant
information in
informational texts.
I.EFL.3.13.1. Learners
can determine the
meaning of specific
content-based words
and phrases when
accompanied by visual
support and distinguish
be- tween fact and
opinion and relevant
and irrelevant
information in
informational texts
through the use of mind
EFL 3.3.9. Identify and use maps and charts. (I.2,
reading strategies to make I.3)
text more comprehensible and
meaningful. (Example: CE.EFL.3.14. Select
skimming, scanning, and use reading
previewing, predicting, reading strategies to
for main ideas and details, understand and give
etc.) meaning to written text
while employing a
range of everyday
reference materials in
order to determine
information appropriate
to the purpose of
inquiry and to relate
5. Being Creative - What people like to EFL 3.1.3. Exchange basic 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.3. Interact 6 weeks
do in their free time personal preferences with cycle of experiencial with others using a
Vocabulary: - doing things for peers in order to express likes learning: variety of both verbal
The arts, e.g. sing people and dislikes. - Concrete and nonverbal
songs, make - building reading and EFL 3.1.5. Describe, read Experience communication features
movies, write listening skills about, participate in or - Reflexive and express likes and
stories, design - describing different recommend a favorite activity, bservation. dislikes while giving
clothes.; making kinds of art book, song or other interest to - Abstract recommendations in
things, e.g. cook various audiences. (Example: conceptualizatio basic yet effective
dinner, make peers, other classes, n. terms.
cookies, make teachers, other adults, etc.) - Active I.EFL.3.3.1. Learners
jewellery, make a experimentation. can employ a range of
card, knit a scarf; verbal and nonverbal
art, e.g. painting, 2. The Direct method. communication features
photograph, mosaic, 3. Input before output to express likes and
sculpture. 4. Total physical dislikes and can give
response. recommendations in
Grammar: EFL 3.1.7. Demonstrate 5. Suggestopedia, basic yet effective
Simple present appropriate classroom 6. Comunicative terms. (I.3, S.4)
questions with “like” behaviors by participating in Language Teaching
and infinitive “to”, small group or whole class CE.EFL.3.2. Recognize
e.g. What does he discussions. (Example: being and exhibit responsible
like to do in their courteous, respecting the behaviors at home, at
free time? He likes person and property of others, school and towards the
to sing songs. Does etc.) environment.
he like to sing songs I.EFL.3.2.1. Learners
in his free time? can say ways to take
Yes, he does. No, care of the environment
he doesn’t. ; and one’s surroundings.
preposition “for”+ Learners can identify
CE.EFL.3.17. Produce
a short simple
paragraph to describe
people, places, things
and feelings in order to
influence an audience
and use linking words
to write other narratives
on familiar subjects.
I.EFL.3.17.1. Learners
EFL 3.4.7. Use the process of can write short simple
prewriting, drafting, revising, paragraphs to describe
peer editing and proofreading people, places,
(i.e., “the writing process”) to animals, things and
produce well-constructed feelings, with limited
informational texts. support, while
EFL 3.4.9 Make effective use demonstrating an ability
of a range of digital tools to to effectively influence
write, edit, revise and publish an audi- ence and to
written work in a way that express everyday
supports collaboration. activities. (I.3, S.1)
Things to Be - future careers EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety of 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.5.
- things to do in the oral, print and electronic forms cycle of experiencial Demonstrate an ability
Vocabulary: future for social communication and learning: to use a variety of
Careers, e.g. actor, - building reading and for writing to oneself. - Concrete sources for oral and
artist, musician; listening skills (Example: friendly notes, Experience written communication
activities, e.g. go to - talking about invitations, diary entries, notes - Reflexive in order to interact with
space, fly a astronauts and space to self, electronic messages, bservation. others in social
helicopter, work with etc.) - Abstract situations.
animals.; in space, conceptualizatio I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners
e.g. space shuttle, n. can employ var- ious
space station, space - Active print and digital sources
suit. experimentation. in order to
communicate with
Grammar: 2. The Direct method. others in oral and
EFL 3.2.10. Sustain a Interaction –
conversational exchange on a Interpersonal:
familiar, everyday subject Participate effectively in
when carrying out a familiar and predictable
collaborative/paired learning conversational
activity in which there are exchanges by sharing
specific instructions for a task. information and
CE.EFL.3.14. Select
and use reading
strategies to
understand and give
meaning to written text
while employing a
EFL 3.3.9. Identify and use range of everyday
reading strategies to make reference materials in
text more comprehensible and order to determine
meaningful. (Example: information appropriate
skimming, scanning, to the purpose of
previewing, predicting, reading inquiry and to relate
CE.EFL.3.18. Write a
EFL 3.4.6. Write a simple variety of short simple
narrative with linking words on familiar text-types –
familiar subjects in order to online or in print – using
express everyday activities. appropriate language,
(Example: free time, layout and linking
descriptions, what happened words.
last weekend, etc.) I.EFL.3.18.1. Learners
can write short simple
text-types and
narratives, online and in
print, using appropriate
6. On Vacation - vacation activities EFL 3.1.10. Recognize and 1. Develop Kolb’s CE.EFL.3.1. Cultivate 6 weeks
- taking things on demonstrate an appreciation cycle of experiencial an awareness of
Vocabulary: vacation of some commonalities and learning: different cultures and
Activities, e.g. take a - building reading and distinctions across cultures - Concrete identify similarities and
boat ride, see a listening skills and groups (differentiated by Experience differences between
show, go on a bus - talking about gender, ability, generations, - Reflexive them through oral and
tour, ride a horse; transportation etc.) including the students’ bservation. written literary texts.
Things for a trip, e.g. own, by asking WH- questions - Abstract I.EFL.3.1.1. Learners
swimsuit, towel, and formulating simple, conceptualizatio can show an aware-
money, tent.; culturally aware statements. n. ness of different
transportation, e.g. - Active cultures and identi- fy
taxi, ferry, subway, experimentation. similarities and
gondola. differences between
2. The Direct method. them through oral and
Grammar: 3. Input before output written literary texts.
Future questions 4. Total physical (I.2, S.2, J.1)
with “going to” + do/ EFL 3.1.4. Use a variety of response.
take, e.g. What’s oral, print and electronic forms 5. Suggestopedia, CE.EFL.3.5.
she going to do on for social communication and 6. Comunicative Demonstrate an ability
vacation? She’s for writing to oneself. Language Teaching to use a variety of
going to take a boat (Example: friendly notes, sources for oral and
ride. When is she invitations, diary entries, notes written communication
going to take a boat to self, electronic messages, in order to interact with
ride? She is going to etc.) others in social
take a boat ride situations
tomorrow. ; Future I.EFL.3.5.1. Learners
questions with can employ var- ious
back-channeling, or by asking
further simple questions to CE.EFL.3.10.
extend the interaction. Interaction –
(Example: express interest Interpersonal:
using facial expression or Participate effectively in
simple words with appropriate familiar and predictable
intonation: Oh!, Yes! Thanks. conversational
And you? etc.) exchanges by sharing
EFL 3.2.10. Sustain a information and
conversational exchange on a reacting appropriately in
familiar, everyday subject basic interpersonal
when carrying out a interactions.
collaborative/paired learning I.EFL.3.10.1. Learners
activity in which there are can use back-chan-
specific instructions for a task. neling to react
EFL 3.2.12. Ask and answer appropriately to what
questions and exchange others say about
information on familiar topics familiar topics in pre-
in predictable everyday dictable, everyday
situations. (Example: ask for situations and when
directions, give directions, carrying out pair work
express a personal opinion, for a specific task in
etc.) class. Learners can ask
questions to extend an
interaction. (I.3, J.3)
EFL 3.3.2. Show
understanding of some basic
details in short simple
cross-curricular texts by
matching, labeling and CE.EFL.3.12. Display
answering simple questions. an understanding of
some basic details in
EFL 3.3.7 Read, gather, view short simple
and listen to information from cross-curricular texts
various sources in order to from various sources by
organize and discuss matching, labeling and
relationships between answering simple
academic content areas. questions, and use the
(Example: nonfiction books for information gathered in
young adults, the Internet, order to organize and
audio and media discuss relationships
presentations, oral interviews, between different
maps, diagrams, reference academic content
books, magazines, etc.) areas.
EFL.3.12.1. Learners
can match, label and
answer simple
questions about ba- sic
details in a short simple
cross-curric- ular text.
Learners can organize
and dis- cuss
information from
different sources of
academic content. (I.2,
CE.EFL.3.17. Produce
a short simple
paragraph to describe
EFL 3.4.2. Write a short people, places, things
simple paragraph to describe and feelings in order to
yourself or other people, influence an audience
animals, places and things, and use linking words
personal stories by
adapting elements of
literary texts and adding
imaginative details to
real-life stories and
situations, using
appropriate vocabulary
and features of the
literature learners have
read or heard. (I.3, S.3)
Jackson, P. & Banman Sileci, S.. (2012). Everybody Up 4 Student’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University
Jackson, P. & Banman Sileci, S.. (2012). Everybody Up 4 Teacher’s Book. Oxford: Oxford University
Jackson, P. & Banman Sileci, S.. (2012). Everybody Up 4 Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press.