Ecq Hema
Ecq Hema
Ecq Hema
C. SideroblasticAnemia
Bone Marrow Iron – Increased
Bone Marrow Sideroblasts – Increased (Ringed cellls)
Serum Iron- Increased
Serum Ferritin – Inrcreased
Total Iron binding Capacity (TIBC) –Decreased to Normal
Transferrin Saturation (Percentage) - Increased
Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin (FEP) – Mixed
D. Lead Poisoning
Bone Marrow Iron – Normal
Bone Marrow Sideroblasts – Increased (may have ring cells)
Serum Iron- Normal to Increased (adults) / Normal to decreased (child)
Serum Ferritin – Normal
Total Iron binding Capacity (TIBC) – Normal
Transferrin Saturation (Percentage) - Increased
Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin (FEP) – Markedly Increased
E. Thalassemias
Bone Marrow Iron – Normal to Increased
Bone Marrow Sideroblasts – Normal (may be ringed)
Serum Iron- Normal to Increased
Serum Ferritin – Normal to Increased
Total Iron binding Capacity (TIBC) – Normal
Transferrin Saturation (Percentage) - Normal to Increased
Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin (FEP) – Normal
1. Fatigue, Breathlessness, Dizziness - Gradual onset of symptoms permits compensatory mechanism to minimize the symptoms until the anemia
becomes severe.
2. PICA - persistent, compulsive eating to eat a single food or non-food items such as starch, or something crunchy
3. Murmur
4. Resess Led Syndrome
5. Plummer Vinson
6. Chelitis
1. Epithelial changes
Angular stomatitis – cracks in the corner of the mouth
Glossitis – soreness of the tongue
Gastritis – may progress to gastric atrophy and the result of achlorhydria
Koilonychia – flattening and spooning of the nails
2. Splenomegaly (Rare)
3. Neurological changes (None)
1. Etiologic of the anemia: maybe related to Chronic Hemorrhage
2. Hemoglobin– markedly decreased in late stage – 8 g/dL or lower
3. RBC Indices:
- MCV – 75fL (59- 80fL)
- MCH – 21pg (15-26 pg)
- MCHC – 28g/dL (22-32g/dL)
4. Anemia: Microcytic - Hypochromic
5. RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) – Increased
- Elongated Cells
- Tailed epithelial cells
- Microcytes
6. Platelets – often Increased/ slighty increased (blood is thinned)
7. White blood Cells– Normal
- Except Eosinophils (increased: Eosinophilia)
8. Reticulocytes - Normal
9. Reticulocyte Production Index – falls below 2.0
- Ineffective erythropoiesis by the bone marrow
1. Iron stores – severely decreased
2. Marrow sideroblasts – severely decreased
When Iron deficiency and inflammation (concurrent) = Ferritin may be elevated (masking the Iron deficiency)*homeostatis
1. Iron supplements
Ferrous suflate (Oral administration)
Black stool and constipation (Guaiac test)
2. Controlling the bleeding
1. Anemia: Mild to moderate
2. Anemia: Normochromic – Normochromic/ Microcytic - Hypochromic
3. Hemoglobin:>1-2 g/dL patient’s baseline
4. Reticulocyte count: Normal
5. Reticulocyte Production Index:>2.0 (reflects Hypoploriferative nature of Anemia)
-Hepcidin: regulator of iron absorption, decrease ferritin
-Erythropoientin : Increased
1. Siderblasts: Few
2. Stored Iron:Increased andIdentifiable in Macrophages (Prussian Blue stain)
3. Serum ferritin: Increased
4. No expected Erythroid hyperplasia (compensatory mechanism of anemia)
- IRON THERAPY IS AVOIDED, the patient has adequate tissue iron stores and exogenous iron could cause Iron overload.
- “sidero” – iron constellation
- “Blast” – growing blast anemia(ringed sideroblast)
- defect in Protopophyrin synthesis
- Abnormal iron kinetics
Results: Excess accumulation of iron, which is deposited in the mitochondria of normoblasts
1. Type 1 - 4 ferritin aggregates in approximately 50% of normoblasts
2. Type 2 – atleast 6 ferritin aggregates in approximately 50% of normoblasts
3. Type 3 AKA Pathologic Ringed Sideroblast – larger granules situated in a ring or collar around the nucleus of the
normoblasts(reffered to as Iron laden Mitochiondria)
NOTE: For a diagnosis of SideroblasticAnemia, at least 15% of the normoblasts must be TYPE 3 ringed sideroblasts
- Delta- Aminolevulinic Acid Synthase Activity (DECREASED) – 1st enzyme in Heme synthesis
- Coenzyme: Pyridoxal -5- Phosphate (P-5-P)
Reduced affinity for the coenzymne
Unusual sensitivity to mitochondrial proteases
- Treatment: Pyridoxine Therapy
1. Early adulthood – symptoms appears
2. Iron overloading
Balance Diagnosis:
Hemogblobin: Decreased
Hematocrit: Decreased
TIBC: Decreased
Ferritin: Increased
Iron: Increased
3. Splenomegaly: Mild to Moderate
4. Hepatomegaly
5. Diabetes (accumulation of Iron in pancreatic cells)
6. Cardiac arrhythmias (accumulation of iron in myocardial cells)
1. Anemia is sever e
2. Hemoglobin – 6. 0g/dL
3. RBC’s population – Dimorphic
- Microcytic
- Hypochromic
- Normocytic
- Normochromic
4. RBC’s morphology
- Anisocytosis
- Poikolcytosis (target cells)
1. Eryrthroid hyperplasia with excessive Iron stored in Macrophages
2. Upto 40%Normoblasts are pathologic rigedsideroblasts
o Polychromatophilicnormoblasts
o Orthochromicnormoblasts
3. Megaloblastic changes are sometimes changes
o Pyridoxine + Folic Acid (Treatment)
1. Ferritin levels: high (Large amount of stored iron)
2. Serum Iron : High
3. Transferrin saturation: High
- Iron is not utilized in Hemoglobin Synthesis and so it piless up in the mitochondira.
4. Total Iron binding Capacity: Normal
5. Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin: Low or Normal
1. Cardiac Arrhythmias
2. Liver diseases
3. Diabetes
1. Aminolevulinic Acid synthase activity – decreased
2. Heme Synthase (Ferrochelatase) – decreased
3. Leukemic Transformations common in MDS (25% of individuals with IASA)
1. Anemia is moderate
2. Hemoglobin: 7-10g/dL
3. Anisocytes: Normochromic – Slightly macrocytic (some are hypochromic)
4. Poikilocytes
o Fragment Cells
o Target Cells
o Heavily stippled
o Hypochromic Cell
1. Erythroid hyperplasia (M:E = 1:1)
2. May resemble Erythroleukemic marrow
o PAS (highly +)
o RARS (negative)
3. Ringed sideroblasts of the Basophilic normoblast stage
- 95% of thnormoblasts are Ringed sideroblasts
1. Transferrin saturation: Very high (>90%)
2. Ferritin: Elevated
3. Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin: Increased
4. Serum Iron: Increased
5. Good prognosis:
>30% Ringed sideroblasts
Normal granulopoieses
Normal megakaryopoiesis
6. Poor prognosis: it may possible progress to leukemia
< 30% Ringed sideroblasts
Dysplastic granulopoieses
Dysplastic megakaryopoiesis
- 65% Ringed sideroblasts
- Alcoholics – Bone marrow shows
Megaloblastic changes
Vacuolization of the RBC precursors
1. Alcoholic patients: Nutritional defiecient
2. Iron in bone marrow : increased
3. Transferrin saturation: increased (up to 65%)
- Removal of the offending agent
Pyridoxine + Folic Acid – aid in the reversal condition.
1. Hypoadrenalism – Addison’s Diseases – decrease in Adrenal production of Cortisol
2. Hyperadrenalism - Cushing’s Syndrome
- Reduction in testosterone secretion = RBC levels decreases
- Androgens – have the ability to Increased RBC Production by increasing secretion of EPO.
- Treatment: Therapeutic administration of Androgens
- Vampire disease, Greek word “porphyra” means purple.
- The purple-red pigment is responsible for wine-red color of porphyric urine.
- A primary abnormality of Porphyrin Biosynthesis = Excessive accumulation and Excretion of Porphyrins
- Porphobilinogen is excreted in urine (small amounts)
Acute intermittent Hepatic Porphyria (elevated amounts)
Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent – Detection of urine
Affected many members of Royal houses: Stuart, Queen of Scots, others are infected with variegate porphyria.
1. Clinical presentation (Acute vs. Chronic)
2. Source of Enzyme deficiency
3. Site of enzyme deficiency in the Heme Biosynthetic Pathway
A. Inherited
- Also referred as Gunther’s Disease
- Rarest type of Porphyria
- Causes Cutaneous photosensitivity
- Decrease production of Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthetase = Overproduction of Uroporphyrinogen I
- Urine: Increase excretion of Uroporphyrinogen I
- Color: Pink to deep burgundy
- Exerbating Factors: Sunlight
- Clinical features: Photosensitivity, red urine and teeth, Hemolysis
B. Acquired
- contain one or more atoms of a halogen (chloride, fluoride, bromide, iodide) and a benzene ring
The macrocytic anemias are morphological classifications of Anemia that have an
- MCV >100fL
- Megaloblastic (>130fL or >115fL) * dramatically increased
- Non- Megaloblastic (100-110 fL)
1. Folate deficiency
2. Cobalamin deficiency
3. Antifolate drugs
4. Cancer chemotagraphy
Smear: Hypersegmented neutrophils (5-7 lobes)
1. Liver Diseases
2. Myelodysplasia
3. Reticulocytisis
4. Hypothyroidism
5. Alcoholism
6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Cells become bigger – Nucleus signals replication is not functional but RNA and Protein synthesis is still functioning.
Ineffective erythropoiesis – phagocytize the macro cells, other cells may be included.
Methionine – metabolism of DNA, RNA, Lipids and proteins.
The amylases will breakdown the Vitamin B12 and salivary glands produces R- protein (protects the Vitamin B12 in gastric acid)
In stomach: destroys the B12 through an acidic environment. The Hydrochloric acid converts Pepsinogen to Pepsin, which breakdown the binding of
Apoprotein and Cobalamin. It goes to Duodenum to secrete the R- protein and Intrinsic factors (which absorbs the Vitamin B12) in pancreas; R- protein
secretes protease which will help for the binding of R Protein, Cobalamin and Intrinsic Factors. Absorption happens to the ileum, Terminal ileum (breakdown
of IF and cobalamin) The Cobalamine goes to Peripheral blood.
- Schilling’s test- Standard method to diagnose Pernicious Anemia, once cobalamin deficiency is confirmed.
- (This test is already obsolete)
1. Oral: Radiolabeled cobalamin
2. Intramuscular: Large dose of unlabelled B12
o Purpose: “cold” B12 is to saturate the B12- binding sites in the serum, and thereby flush all of the orally absorbed by the
B12 in the urine, where it can be measured)
3. Urine is collected for 24 hours
o Indication: The amount of radioactivity = how much B12 is absorbed orally.
o The recovery of <6% in the urine= malabsorption of B12
o If the initial value is Abnormal, second stage is performed, which intrinsic factor is given together with the labelled B12
o An increase in the amount of B12 absorbed during the second stages = pernicious anemia
- There’s a peripheral blood pancytopenia (decreased in cellular constituents: WBCs, RBCs, PLTs
- The BM is hypoplastic (underdeveloped) or aplastic.
Diagnostic criteria for Severe Aplastic Anemia:
o Bone Marrow
Cellularity: <25% -<50% normal cellularity with <30% hematopoietic cells
Peripheral Blood:
Granulocytes - <0.5x109 /L
Platelets - <20x109 /L
Anemia - <1% reticulocytes
*Milder forms do not meet these criteria (Hypoplastic anemia to Drug toxicity)
- Failure of the Hematopoietic stem cells growth = Hypoplastic marrow and Pancytopenia
- Deficiency in the number of bone marrow cells
- Immune suppression of stem cells
- Defect in the stem cells themselves
- Fever, Pallor and Weakness
- Doesn’t generally demonstrates Splenomegaly or Lymphadenopathy
- Finding of Immature of RBC and WBC in Peripheral bloods
- Anemia
- Normocytic- Normochromic
- Neutrophils: Decreased (Increased susceptibility to Bacterila infections not on Viral infections)
- Platelets: Decreased (because of the hemmorrhage)
- No immature cells in the bone marrow
- Hypoplastic or aplastic, with increased fat and decreased hematopoietic cells.
- Bone marrow has patchy areas of cellularity.
- Hemoglobin F: elevated
- Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase: Increased
- Ham Acidified Serum Test – confirmatory for PNH (+)
- Serum Iron: elevated
- Plasma Iron Clearance: Delayed
- Iron: Adequate
- Iron uptake: Decreased – developing red cells
- Erythropoietin: Normal or Elevated
- Bone marrow transplantation (least immunogenic)
- Transfusion of needed blood products: PRBC, Platelet concentration, granulocyte concentration
- Immunosuppressive therapy
- Administration of Anti- thrombocyte (ATG) and anti- lymphocyte globulin (ALG)
- Androgens
1. Microcephaly (abnormally small brain)
2. Brown skin Pigmentation
3. Short stature
4. Malformation of the thumb
5. Internal strabismus (crossed eyes)
6. Kidney malformations
7. Genital Hyperplasia
8. Mental retardation
1. Manifests 5-10 years birth
2. Anisocytosis and Poikilocytosis - (+)
3. Hemoglobin F: markedly increase
4. Osmotic Fragility Test: Increase
5. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate: Increase
1. Androgens
2. Bone Marrow Transplantation
3. Death – most often secondary to haemorrhage or infection
o Anemia develops insidiously
o Onset is very gradual, the patient’s body compensates
o Extreme pallor, only constant clinical finding.
o Splenomegaly
o Hepatomegaly
o Hepatosplenomegaly
o Normocytic- Normochromic
o Reticulocyte count: Greatly decreased (or even 0%)
o Bone Marrow: Normal
o Erythroid Precursors: Extremely decrease or absent
o Erythropoietin: Increased
o Serum Iron: Increased
o Transferrin saturation: Increased
Results of multiple red cell transfusion
o Red Cell transfusion
Complications of frequent and long term RBC transfusion
o Treat the primary condition that causes the Aplasia
Removal of Thymoma
o Immunosuppression for those with immunologic involvement
o Androgen
- The bone marriw is lack of response to EPO
- CFU- E insensitivity to EPO
- Patient lymphocytes also inhibits EPO (inhibitory)
- At birth: Evident pallor, almost always evident by the age of 1 year
- Intermittent anemia & Hemosiderosis = Marked growth retardation = interferes with liver and endocrine functions
- It doesn’t demonstrate renal abnormalities
- Diagnosis is usually made during Infancy.
- Hemoglobin = 1.7g/dL – 9.4g/dL
- Expected increase NRBCs which isn’t not seen in Peripheral Blood Smear.
- Reticulocytes: <1%-<2%
- Reticulocyte Production Index: Extremely low
- Bone marrow: Cellular with markedly decreased in Red cell precursors
- Erythropoietin: Elevated
- Red Cell Survival: Normal
- Hemoglobin F: Elevated
- RBC Transfusions = may complicate the patient with Hepatitis and Hemosideris
- Steroid (corticosteroid)therapy for immunologic involvement
- Splenectomy (complication: patient becomes more susceptible to infections)
- A common finding in patiens with carcinoma (94%)
- The red cells in systemic arterial blood carry 0z from the lungs to the tissues and return in venous blood with CO2 to the lungs.
Transferrin, a plasma protein, carries iron in the ferric (Fe3+) form to developing erythroid cells. Transferrin binds to transferrin receptors on
erythroid precursor cell membranes and the receptors and transferrin (with bound iron) are brought into the cell in an endosome. Acidication of the
endosome releases the iron from transferrin. Iron is transported out of the endosome and into themitochondria where it is reduced to the ferrous
state, and is united with protoporphyrin IX to make heme. Heme leaves the mitochondria and is joined to the globin chains in the cytoplasm.
1. Embryonic Hemoglobins
Primitive hemoglobins formed by immature erythrocytes in the yolk sac.
These hemoglobins include Gower I, Gower II, and Portland types.
They are found in the human embryo and persist until approximately 12 weeks of gestation
2. Fetal Hemoglobin
predominant hemoglobin variety in the fetus and the newborn. This hemoglobin type has two alpha and two gamma chains. The
gamma chains have 146 amino acids, as do beta chains.
hemoglobin A replaces hemoglobin F in the circulating erythrocytes until the normal adult level of hemoglobin F
3. Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hemoglobin A1c)
subfraction of normal hemoglobin A is hemoglobin A1. It is formed during the maturation of
the erythrocyte.
accurately reflects the patient’s blood glucose level over the preceding weeks and has been
recently used to monitor the control of diabetes.
concentration of hemoglobin A1 is 3% to 6% in normal persons and 6% to 12% in both insulindependent and non–insulin-
dependent diabetics.
4. Hemoglobin A
adult hemoglobin is predominantly of the A variety (95% to 97%), the A2 type is also found in
small quantities (2% to 3%).
Hemoglobin A is composed of two alpha and two beta polypeptide
Hemoglobin A2 is composed of two alpha and two delta chains. consists of four heme groups and four polypeptide chains
(organized into two alpha chains and two beta chain)
one heme- capable to carry 1 mole of oxygen
has 141 amino acids in each of the alpha chains and 146 amino acids in each of the beta chains
major switch from HbF to Hb A occurs 3-6 months after birth
Irreversible oxidation of haemoglobin by drugs or exposure to chemicals in industrial or environmental setting.
o Sulfonamides
o Phenacetin
o Nitrites
o Phenylhydrazine
Partially denatured form of haemoglobin formed during oxidative hemolysis.
Formed through Sulfur atom (+) pyrrole ring of heme with greenish pigment.
During oxidation of hemoglobin: Sulfur is incorporated into heme iron rings = green hemochrome.
1. Patients receiving treatment with sulfonamids or aromatic amine drugs (Phenacetin & Acetanilid)
2. Patients with severe constipation (bacteremia due to Clostridium perfringens)
3. Enterogenous cyanosis
Ineffective for oxygen transport, but can combine with carbon monoxide to form Carboxyhemoglobin.
Cannot be converted to Normal haemoglobin, remains in cell form until it breaks down.
Color of blood: Mauve lavender
Oxygen Affinity: 100x lower
Reversible oxidation of heme iron- ferric state = inability of haemoglobin to combine reversible to oxygen
Cannot carry oxygen because the oxidized ferric iron can’t bind
Hign Methemoglobin= Low Oxygen delivery to the tissues
>30% of Methemoglobin to the blood;
Functional anemia
Cyanosis – bluish discoloration of skin and mucus membrane
Hypoxia – which results dyspnea, headache, vertigo, change in mental status
>30% of Methemoglobin to the blood; Comatose and Death
Birth or First few months of life, Methemoglobin may occur and can be treated with Methylene blue
Acquired form: Exposure to Exogenous oxidants
builds up in the circulation and if the level is above 10% individual appear cyanotic
majority of RBCs are phagocytized and destroyed by the spleen
heme oxygenase breaks down the hemoglobin into heme ring and the globin proteins within macrophages of the MPS
(Mononuclear Phagocytic System)
Iron is removed, and returns to bone marrow or enters the iron storage pool
Biliverdin is produced and transformed to bilirubin which circulates to liver bound to albumin
The bilirubin is conjugated in the liver and excreted via bile secretions into the intestine.
Intestinal bacteria metabolize bilirubin into stercobilinogen and stercobilin which are excreted via feces.
takes place directly inside the vessel and hemoglobin is released into the plasma
Hemoglobinemia, red tinged hemoglobin seen directly in the plasma after the
blood sample is centrifuged is an unusual finding seen only in intravascular hemolysis
HS“ 1+ =
Spherocyte 1 to
1+ = aggregates
Teardrop 5/fiel
to 3 to 4 RBC
cell d
2+ = aggregates
Acanthocyt 2+ =
to 5 to 10 RBC
3+ = numerous
Polychrom 10/fie STAIN L T
atophilia ld (DNA) STAIN STAIN
with only few
Helmet 3+ = (RNA)
free RBC
cells >10/f Basophilic stippling - + +
Schistocyte ield Cabot Rings - - +
Howell-Jolly bodies + + +
“ Si PAP
“STOP maBA Polychromatophilia - - +
1+ =
BEB“ HO” Reticulocytes - + -
3 to
Stomatocyt Sickle Pappenheimer bodies - + +
e cell
ld Heinz bodies - + -/+
Target cell Pappenhe
2+ =
Ovalocyte imer Grade as
11 to
Poikilocyte bodies positive only
Burr cell Basophili
Elliptocyte c
3+ =
Bizarre- stippling
shaped Howell-
RBC jolly
2. Hypochromia
Hb content of the cell is greatly decreased such that the central pallor is more prominent
cells are usually microcytic when the central pallor exceeds one third of the cell’s diameter
clinically associated with Iron deficiency anemia
3. Hyperchromia
Hb content of the cell appears to be increased since the cell appears thicker than normal.
The entire cell stains deep pink lacking the usual central pallor
Spherocytes and megalocyte
4. Polychromatophilia
used if a nonnucleated erythrocyte has a faintly blue-orange color when stained Wright stain
lacks the full amount of hemoglobin, and the blue color is caused by diffusely distributed residual RNA in the cytoplasm.
larger than a mature erythrocyte. If stained with a supravital stain, a poly- chromatophilic
erythrocyte appears to have a thread-like netting within it and is called a reticulocyte
Increased numbers of polychromatophilic erythrocytes are associated with rapid blood regeneration and increased bone
marrow activity
1. Bacteria: Clostridium sp., cholera, E. coli O157: HZ. typhoid fever
2. Protozoa: Leishmania, malaria (Plasmodium sp.), toxoplasmosis
- Structural proteins, forming the erythrocyte skeleton, are a and B-spectrin, actin, and protein 4.1
- Red cell band 3 is the major integral membrane protein that regulates exchange and facilitates the transfer of CO, from tissues to lungs,
- Ankyrin is the major connecting protein that links the membrane skeleton to the membrane bilayer
Mutations in any of the genes coding for the major membrane proteins can;
1. Alter the amount or function of the expressed proteins
2. Compromise the integrity of the membrane
3. Contribute to abnormal erythrocyte morphology
Hemoglobin concentration can range from normal to decrease.
Peripheral blood smearsdemonstrate the characteristic spherocytes.
Reticulocyte count is increased (5 - 20%) - The MCV is normal or slightly decreased.
The MCH is normal, but the MCHC is generally greater than 36%.
The osmotic fragility test, incubated and unincubated, is the test of choice to confirm a diagnosis of HS. Red blood cells from patients suspected of
having HS are subjected to varying salt solutions ranging from isotonic saline (0.85% NaCl) to distilled water (0.0% Naa).
The classic finding is that the osmotic fragility is increased. The abnormality may require 24-h incubation at 37°C to become obvious. Auto-
hemolysis is increased and corrected by glucose. The cells are incubated with their own plasma for 48 h with or without glucose.
The direct antiglobulin (Coombs) test is normal, excluding an autoimmune cause of spherocytosis and haemolysis.
The principal form of treatment is splenectomy although this should not be performed unless dinically indicated because of anemia or callstones
because of the risk of postsplenectomy sensis, particularly in early childhood.
Splenectomy should always produce a rise in the hemoglobin level to normal, even though microspherocytes formed in the rest of the RE system will
Folic acid is given in severe cases to prevent folate deficiency.
HPP is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, representing a subset of common hereditary elliptocytosis HE, seen primarily in blacks.
It is manifested in infancy or early childhood as a severe hemolytic anemia with significant poikilocytosis.
Bizarre red cell shapes are evident when a peripheral blood smear is examined.
MCV values range from 55 to 74 L because of the prevalence of microspherocytes and red blood cell fragments.
This multiformity of the poikilocytosis is unmatched in any other hemolytic disease.
Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis involves two abnormalities:
1. defective assembly of o/B spectrin tetramers
2. An absolute decrease in the amount of spectrin present.
One consequence is decreased thermal stability of the spectrin proteins (hence the term pyro," meaning fire).
Spectrin proteins from patients with HPP denature at approximately 45°C, whereas spectrin from normal individuals denatures at
approximately 49°C.
Can be seen in the genetic hemoglobin defect, thalassemia, and in lead poisoning, HS, and alcoholic cirrhosis.
The cellular appearance stems from a cation abnormality, because the erythrocytes contain increased sodium (Na+) and decreased potassium (K+. Because the
intracellular osmolality is exceeded and the intracellular concentration of cations increases, water enters the cell and overhydrated erythrocytes take on the
appearance of stomatocytes or erythrocytes with a mouth-like opening. The cells are uniconcave. The MCHC is usually decreased and the MCV may be
increased. Anemia is usually mild to moderate. Bilirubin is increased and reticulocytosis is moderate. Peripheral blood smears have 10% to 50% stomatocytes.
Osmodic fragility and autohemolysis are increased. Autohemolysis is partially corrected with glucose and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Splenectomy yields
variable responses.
Is a permeability disorder.
In vitro, the thermal instability of spectrin suggests a defect in qualitative spectrin abnormality.
The net loss of Intracellular K exceeds the passive Na* influx, yielding a net Na* gain. This causes the red cell to dehydrate. The MCHC increases and the red
cell appears contracted and spiculated.
When the MCHC Increases beyond 37%, cytoplasmic viscosity increases and cellular deformability decreases. Rigid red cells are trapped in the spleen and
removed from the circulation. Peripheral blood smears demonstrate budding, fragments, microspherocytes, and bizarre red cell fragments.
The osmotic fragility test is abnormal, especially after incubation. Autohemolysis is increased and the hemolysis is not corrected with glucose.
Dense contracted or spheroidal red blood cells with multiple thorny projections or spicules.
Acanthocytes are prevalent in two very different constitutional disorders:
abetalipoproteinemia and spur cell anernia.
Abctatipoproteinemia is a rare derangement of lipid metabolism resulting from a genetic inability to synthesize apolipoprotein B (apos), the protein that coats
chylomicrons. Moderate anemia may develop in young children, but adults suffer from only mild anemia. MCV, MCH, MCHC, and osmotic fragility are normal.
is a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disordersassociated with acanthocytosis in peripheral blood.
Clinically, NA is characterized by acombination of neurobehavioral changes.
The cause of the disorder is unknown, but wo dlab recent evidence is increasing that the erythrocytic membrane is defective, with major KITA integral
membrane protein band 3 being reported in a few cases.
1. Episodes of hemolysis are indicated by sudden onset of jaundice, pallor, dark urine, andabdominal or back pain.
2. The hemoglobin level typically drops about 3 to 4 g/dL.
3. The blood smear may show "bits" and "blister colls polychromasia, schistocytes, and microspherocytes.
4. Serum bilirubin and lactic dehydrogenase levels are increased;
5. haptoglobin is decreased.
6. A reticulocyte response becomes evident at about 5 days and is maximal at 10 days. Since neticulocytes have probective G6PD levels, hemolysis stops, and the
hemoglobin returns to normal after about 2 to 4 weeks even if the oxidative drug is continued Quantitatively decreased level of G6PD; a positive autohemolysis
test result, and The presence of Heinz bodies on peripheral blood smears prepared for Heinz body screening.
7. Heinz bodies are not visible on routinely stained, Wright stain preparations.
Infections and other acute illness (e.g, Diabetic ketoacidosis)
Fava beans (possibly other vegetables): Uncooked fava beans are a notorious cause of hemolysis in patients with G6PD Mediterranean (faviam).
1. Acetanilid 1. Acetaminophen
2. Furazolidine 2. Pyrimethamine
3. Nalidixic Acid 3. Aspirin
4. Naphthalene 4. Isoniazid
5. Nitrofurantoin 5. Ascorbic Acid
6. Phenazopyridine 6. Phenacetin
7. Phenylhydrazine 7. Chloramphenicol
8. Primaquine 8. Phenytoin
9. Sulfa antibiotics 9. Chloroquine
10. Thiazolsulfone 10. Qunidine
11. Toluldine blue 11. Diphenhydramine
12. Trinitrotoluene 12. Quinine
13. Doxorubicin 13. Vitamin K
Is the second most common RBC enzymopathy and the most common enzyme deficiency in the Embden-Meyerhof (glycolytic pathway.
However, it is far less common than G6PD deficiency.
It occurs most commonly in people of Northern European and Mediterranean descent.
It is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.
The human PK-LR gene. codes for red cell PK.
PK is essential in the Embden-Meyerhof pathway of anaerobic glycolysis.
Mature erythrocytes lack mitochondria and are exclusively dependent on anaerobic glycolysis for the generation of ATP.
Erythrocytes with PK deficiency generate less adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and NADH from glucose.
There is deceased Nat K+-ATPase activity, with consequent cellular dehydration and result in cell shrinkage, distortion of the shape of the cell, and increased
membrane rigidity.
The exact mechanism of hemolysis is unknown, but it is thought that there are abnormalities in membrane function. 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate (DPG) accumulates
in RBCs; since Increased 2,3-DPG facilitates 02 unloading,
These changes subsequently lead to premature destruction of erythrocytes in the spleen and liver as well as hemolytic anemia.
The red calls become rigid as a result of reduced adenosine triphosphate formation.
Patients with this disorder have elevated 2,3-DPG because of the abnormal enzyme block.
The severity of the anemla varies widely (hemoglobin 4-10 g/dL) and causes relatively mild symptoms because of a shit to the right in the oxygen (02)
dissociation curve caused by a rise in Intracellular 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG).
Jaundice is usual and gallstones frequent. Frontal bossing may be present.
The blood film shows polkilocytosis and distorted "price" cells, particularly post splenectomy
Laboratory tests show that autohemolysis Is Increased but, in contrast to HS, it is not comected by alucoee; direct enzyme assay is needed to make the diagnosis.
Splenectomy may alleviate the anemia but does not cure it and is indicated in those patients who need frequent transfusions. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is
common and may require exchange transfusion.
Peripheral blood smears of patients with PK deficiency usually appear as normochromic, normocytic erythrocytes with varying degrees of polychromatophilia
GLUCOSEPHOSPHATE ISOMERERE DEFIDENCY: causes an abnormality in anaerobic glycolysis and is the third most common red blood cell enzyme deficiency
Glucose phosphoisomerase Autosomal recessive Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia;
Hemolytic anemia of
variable severity
Gluthathione synthetase Autosomal recessive Hemolytic anemia Metabolic acidosis
Hexokinase Autosomal recessive Hemolytic anemia
Phosphofructokinase Autosomal recessive Hemolytic anemia Glycogen storage recessive
Aldolase Autosomal recessive Hemolytic anemia Glycogen storage recessive
Phosphoglycerokinase X-linked Hemolytic anemia Mental retardation; Myoglobinuria
Triosephosphate myoglobinuria Autosomal recessive Hemolytic anemia Progressive neurologic abnormalities
Pyrimidine 5 nudeotidase Autosomal recessive Hemolytic anemla with recessive prominent basophilic stippling
The acquired hemolytic anemias (with one exception) Involve abnormalities that arecoctrinsic to the erythrocyte.
The Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), which is an acquired genetic lesion consumption to the acquired = extrinsic rule is resulting in Increased
susceptibility of red blood cells (RBC) to hemolysis by the complement cascade.
The clues that with an acquired hemolytic anemia are an increased reticulocyte count (or reticulocyte production index), increased bilirubin and lactic
dehydrogenase,and decreased haptoglobin
Tests for antibody or complement on the patient's RBCs.
The direct Antiglobulin test uses the patient's cells and adds a reagent serum.
It is performed by adding antibodies directed against human IgG, complement components, or both (the antiglobulin or Coombs' reagent) to the patient's
RBCs and seeing if the cells agglutinate.
If there is IgG or complement on the surface of the RBCs, then the added antibodies will cause the cells to agglutinate (positive DAT). If there is no IgG or
complement on the RBC surface, the cells will not agglutinate.
In cold agglutinin disease, there is complement on the patient's RBCS but no immunoglobulin.
Tests for unexpected anti-erythrocyte and bodies in the patient's serum. The patient’s serum is added to panels of reagent red cells.
After the cells and serum have incubated, the cells are washed and an antiglobulin reagent is added. If there are unexpected antibodies in the patient's
serum, the reagent cells will agglutinate; otherwise, the reagent cells do not agglutinate. Unexpected antibodies are those that should not be present in a
normal person; for example, antibodies against the A or B blood group antigens would be expected in a person who lacks those antigens.
Antibodies against other RBC agents would be unexpected.
In cold agglutinin disease, there is usually an unexpected antibody in the patient's serum that reacts best at cold temperatures.
It is caused by a peculiar biphasic IgG antibody that reacts and fixes complement at cold temperatures. After rewarming, the complement cascade goes to
completion with formation of the membrane attack complex and intravascular hemolysis due to complement lysis.
The antibody has been designated the Donath-Landsteiner antibody and is usually directed against the p blood group antigen. Syphilis used to be the most
common cause, but now most cases occur in children, and are related to viral infection (measles, measles vaccine, mumps, adenovirus, EBV,coplasma
pneumonia. Occasional cases are related to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria is a relatively common cause of acute hemolytic anemia In children
Warning: Do not confuse paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH) with paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria (PNH).
Patients experience intermittent episodes of pain in the back, legs, or abdomen; fever; nausea; vomiting; and headache following exposure to cold. The plasma may be
red during the acute episode. The urine will be dark red or black, Clearing over a few hours.
The anemla may be severe.
The DAT is positive for complement but not for IgG The diagnosis is confirmed by the Donath-Landsteiner test.
The patient's serum is incubated in ice water with group, P+ erythrocytes and fresh normal serum. The mbcture is warmed to 37°C, and if the cells hemolyze on
rewarming, the test is positive.
The antibody is usually a “penaqgglutiinn," meaning that the patient's antibody will react with virtually all cells.
In most cases, the antibody appears to be recognizing some antigen in the Rh blood group system, although it is usually impossible to define a specific antigenic reactivity.
The antibody is almost always an IgG) Occasionally, an IgA or IgM antibody will be seen along with the IgG or, exceptionally, alone. When the cells are coated with IgG
and complement (C3d, the degraded fragment of (3) or complement alone, red cell destruction occurs more generally in the RE system.
Red cell destruction is primarily by phagocytosis by splenic macrophages In many cases, the phagocytosis is partial rather than complete;
- The disease may occur at any age, in both sex and presents as a hemolytic anemia of varying severity.
- The spleen is often enlarged. The disease tends to remit and relapse.
- It may occur alone or in association with other diseases, or arise in some patients as a result of methyldopa therapy.
- When associated with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), which is a similarcondition affecting platelets, it is known as Emmans' syndrome.
Spherocytosis prominent in the peripheral blood. The DAT is positive as a result of IgG,
IgG and complement or IgA on the cells. The autoantibody shows specificity within the Rhesus system.
The antibodies both on the cell surface and free in serum are best detected at 37°C.
- The CBC shows anemia, which can vary from mild to severe.
- The anemia is usually mildly macrocytic but can be microcytic and hypochromic If iron deficiency has developed.
- Leukopenia and/or thrombocytopenia are also common. Lactic dehydrogenase and bilirubin may be elevated during exacerbations of hemolysis.
- A test for urine hemosiderin will be positive.
- The bone marrow examination in PNH generally shows erythroid hyperplasia; bone marrow cellularity is usually increased but can also be normal or decreased.
- The traditional diagnostic tests are the added serum (Ham's) best and the sucrose hemolysis text.
- Both tests depend on activating the complement system and demonstrating increased sensitivity of the cells to complement-mediated lysis.
- The sucrose hemolysis test is more sensitive, but the Ham's test is more specific.
- Demonstration of a decreased expression of GPI-anchored proteins on RBCs or leukocytes by flow cytometry has been shown to be more sensitive than either of
these tests.
- the development of specific antibodies as a result of antigenic stimulation using material derived from the red blood cells of another individual of the
same species.
- An immune response generated in an individual or strain of one species by an alloantigen from a different individual or strain of the same species.
ISOANTIGEN - an antigen existing in alternative (allelic) forms, thus inducing an immune response when one form is transferred to members who lack it; typical
Isoantigens are the blood group antigens; also called alloantioen.
SENSITIZATION - administration of an antigen to induce a primary immune response; exposure to allergen that results in the development of hypersensitivity.
- Rare disorder shows a majority of circulating prolymphocytes.
- Phenotyping by flow cytometry usually shows expression of B-cell markers, absence of CD5, and relatively bright surface immunoglobulin with light chain restriction.
- Individuals with PLL will show strong CD20 markers and Sig activity and will also be positive for CD19 and CD20.
Striking Appearance of Plasma Cells in certain Pathologic States:
1. Flame Cells – Red staining cytoplasm
2. Russell bodies /Grape, berry, morula – large staining globules & numerous globular bodies
3. Red staining, crystalline, rod-shaped bodies present in the cytoplasm
Immunoglobulin and Range of Activity:
1. IgG- Secondary immune response, MATURATION SERIES
precipitating antibodies, hemolysins, virus PLASMABLAST PROPLASMACYTE PLASMACYTE (PLASMA
neutralizing antibodies. (Primary reactor) CELLS)
2. IgA – Secretory antibody, protects airways Size 18-25 um in diameter 15-25 in diameter 8-20 um in diameter
and gastrointentinal tract Cell shape may be oval
3. IgM- Primary immune response. Cytoplasm Basophilic cytoplasm Intensely basophilic: usually Moderately abundant, but less than in
4. IgD- Lymphocyte activator and suppressor Abundant bluer in the blast stage, Non- the previous stage, Deeply basophilic
5. IgE – Antibody found in respiratory and Granular granular Large, well-defined hof next to
More abundant than in the blast nucleus
gastrointestinal tract/ parasitic infections. stage Non-granular usually
MULTIPLE MYELOMA A lighter staining area in the
- Occurs in older age among men more than cytoplasm
among women Next to the nucleus is often
- Several environmental and occupational visible.
factors are thought to contribute to the clonal This is termed a hof or
perinuclear halo.
proliferation of plasma cells
Nucleus Nuclear chromatin is more Round or oval Chomatin is condensed and coarse
- The classic bone lesions associated with the
clumped than in the reticular Eccentrically located Exhibits ”cartwheel” like pattern
multiple myeloma are sharp “punched out” lymphocyte Chromatin is coarser and Round or oval in shape
osteolytic lesions (skull, pelvis, ribs, femur) Exccentric (the nucleus is off densely stained Eccentric
center, located at one side of the Ocassional nucleoli may be seen No nucleoli are visible
Perinuclear halo may be present
Round or oval in shape
Multiple nucleoli that may or
may not be visible
- Aberrations in Chromosome 13 have been particularly well studies and include monosomy; deletions or translocations of the chromosome.
Characterized by a triad of abnormalities:
1. Accumulation of plasma cell in the bone marrow
2. Bone Lesions – “post- punched out”
3. Production of a monoclonal immunoglobulin (Ig) or (Ig fragments)
3 distinct pathways:
1. Acceleration of plasma cells in the Bone Marrow
o Plasma cells accelerate in multiple myeloma
o Some may even develop colorless inclusions called Russel bodies or other crystalline inclusions.
o Flame cells may also be visualized in IgA myelomas and appear as plasma cells with a striking deep cytoplasm.
2. Activation of bone resorption factors or osteoclast
o With increased activity, bone loss is inevitable and this pathology usually brings forward the single most frequent complaint from MM patient- bone pain (compressed
back bone and sternum)
o Serum calcium is also greatly increased.
o Bone resorption – release of calcium.
3. Production of an abnormal monoclonal protein
o Usually IgG on serum immunoelectrophoresis, this is seen as an M spike.
o May lead to complications from hyperviscocity in the plasma such as blurred vision or headache.
o Increase plasma production.
1. Fatigue – Anemia
2. Excessive thirst and urination – excess calcium which needs to secrete
3. Nausea – excess calcium
4. Bone back pain and ribs- compression of bone deposits of calcium
5. Bone fractures – loss of calcium
6. Unexpected infections – immunity (compromised)
7. Weakness and numbness in the legs – loss of nerve numbness due to bone compression.
Screening and diagnosis:
1. CBC, possibly a bone marrow, urinalysis
- Pancytopenia: N/N anemia; increased ESR, calcium, urine protein and uric acid
- The peripheral smear may also show a blue coloration on macroscopic examination due to excess proteins.
- May resemble Rouleaux formation (afribrinogenemia and globulinemia)
2. Protein panel: - abnormal serum electrophoresis
- Serum beta- macroglobulin in the early stage of MM, this protein is at a low levels
- Elevated levels >6 ug/mL are seen later in the disease and usually indicate higher tumor burden and poor prognosis.
- Result of excess of kappa and lambda light chains. When urine is heated to 56 celcius, BJP precipitates out and will re-disolve at higher temperature. As the urine is cooled,
precipitates will once again appear and will dissolve upon cooling.
Prognosis and Treatment: Chemotherapy, Radiation, Glucocorticoids, Interferon- alpha
- Dr. Jan Waldenstroms (IgM)
- Presence of pleomorphic B-lineage cells at different stages of maturation, such as small lymphocytes, lymphoplasmacytoid cells (abundant basophilic cytoplasm but lymphocyte-
like nuclei), and plasma cells- thus, the name plasmacytoid lymphocytes.
- Express the CD40 ligand (CD154), which is a potent inducer of B-cell expansion.
- Characterized by Lymphoplasmoploriferative disorder with infiltration of the bone marrow and a monoclonal immunoglobulin M (IgM) protein.
- Hyperviscocity syndrome – is a complication experience by these patients (Overload of IgM – macromolecules)
- Smear may show Rouleaux and Plasmacytoid lymphocytes.
- As a subset of the abnormal IgM protein, cryoglobulins may form in some patients, which leads to Raynaud’s phenomenon and bleeding.
- Chemotherapy is available for these patients, and plasmapheresis may be used as a means to reduce the IgM concentration.
- Treatment for many patients consist of:
o Plasmapheresis
o Chemotherapy
o Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies
o Stem cell transplantations
o Interferon
- Overploriferation of abnormal cells of the lymphoid tissue (lymphocytes, histiocytes, and reticulum cells)
- The spilling of these cells into the PB results in a leukemic phase of the disease.
- Monoclonal Gammopathy of undetermined (MGU) – active signs
- Etiology and clinical features:
1. Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
2. Diagnosed between 15-35 years old, also found in over 50 population.
- General physical findings: a swollen painless lymph node is felt
- Classification is based on lymph node structure, cell predominance and cell differentiation and on the histological presence of Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Orderly contiguous spread Noncontagious, widely disseminated spread
Predominant centreal and axial lymoh node involvement: rare peripheral Frequent involvement of both central and axial and peripheral lymph nodes
node involvement Frequent involvement of mesenteric nodes and Waldeyer’s ring
Mesentric nodes and Waldeyer’s ring involved seldom or late Extranodal presentation (Common)
Extranodal presentation (Rare) No-Reed-sternberg cells
Presence of Reed-Sternberg (Large binucleated cell) each nucleus has a
large nucleolus
- Group of clonal disorders of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells.
- Characterized by increase BM failure with quantitative and qualitative abnormalities of all 3 myeloid cell lineages = Stem cell lesion (Neoplasm)
- Dysplasia - abnormal development of tissue.
- Hallmark: ineffective hemopoiesis - Cytopenia (Normal – increased cellularity)
- Tendency: May progress to AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), death commonly occur before it develops.
- Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy(given for malignancies)
- Other names: Preleukemia Dysmyelopoietic syndrome, Oligoblastic leukemia, and Refractory anemia.
2 types of MDS:
1. De novo (new cases unrelated to any other treatments)
Secondary cases related to prior to therapy, usually alkylating therapy or radiation
o Exposure to Benzene
o Radiation
o Petrochemical employees
o Cigarette smokers
o Patients with Fanconi’s Anemia
2. Patients undergoing Immunosuppressive therapy – 2-5 years transformation after the agents have been administered.
Laboratory Findings:
Pancytopenia: Marcocytic/ Dimorphic- Hypochromic
Normoblasts may be present
Reticulocytes: Low/Decreased
Granulocytes: Reduced/ Frequently shows lack of granulations
Pelger abnormality: Single/ Bilobe nucleus is present
BM: Apperance of Ring sideroblasts = iron deposition in mitochondria of erythroblast
Cells are difficult to identify because the granulocyte precursors are defective in primary and secondary granules.
Megakaryocytes are abnormal with micronuclear, small binuclear or polynuclear forms.
Cytogenetic abnormalities:
More frequent in secondary MDS
Most common constitue partial/total loss of chromosome5 or 7 (Trisomy 8)
chromosomes bands q13 to q33 with macrocytic SUBTYPE FAB (FRENCH-AMERICAN- WHO (WORLD HEALTH
anemia, normal and raised platelet counts and BRITISH) ORGANIZATION)
micromegakaryocytes. Investigate group devised a working Revised the work and presented their
20% - RAS oncogene (N-RAS) mutation classification for the MDS in 1981 based classification of the MDSs based on the
15% - FMS oncogene on a study of 50 cases additional knowledge gained from molecular,
immunological and cytogenetic studies
Dysplastic changes:
1. Dysterythropoiesis – Red Cells Refractory Anemia (RA) Dysplastic changes in blood and BM Disorder of Red cells
Nuclear budding <1% myeloblasts in blood Anemia resistant to treatment
Ringed sideroblasts <<5% myeloblast in marrow <1% myeloblast in PB
Internuclear bridging <5% myeloblast in BM
Hyperplasia with Megablastoid features;
Dimorphism multinuclearity
Megaloblastic asynchrony Refractory anemia with >15% nucleated erythroid precursors are 15% Ringed sideroblasts
Multinuclearity Ringed sideroblast pathologic ringed sideroblast BM: Erythroid hyperplasia
2. Dysgranulopoiesis – White Cells (RARS) <1% myeloblast in blood <5% Myeloblast
Abnormal staining throughout the <5% myeloblasts in the marrow Liver/Spleen: Iron overloading
cytoplasm Refractory Anemia with 1-5% myeloblasts in blood BM failure: 2 or more cell lineages are affected
Hyposegmentation excess blast (RAEB) 5-20% myeloblasts in the marrow 50% multiple chromosomal abnormalities
Markedly erythroid hyper plasia with nuclear &
cytoplasmic dysplastic changes
Nuclear with little segmentation <10% blast in PB
Missing primary granulations Refractory Anemia with 20-30% myeloblasts in marrow or Auer- (TAN combo)
Granules that are poorly stained excess blast in rod present BM: Abnormalities (ALL) myeloid cell lines
3. Dysthrombopoiesis – Platelets transformation (RAEB-t) with 5% to 19% blast
Mircomegakaryocytes Increase blast cells in blood and BM= Diagnosis
Abdnormal granules for RAEB – Poor prognosis.
Giant platelets Chronic Myelomonocytic >1000 monocytes/L in blood >1000 monocytes/L in blood
Leukemia (CMML) Monocytosis in marrow Monocytosis in marrow
Factors indicating progression to Leukemia in MDS:
Myelodysplastic syndrome PLT and WBC = decreased
1. Disease stable, if there is little increase in marrow blast unclassifibable Neutropenia and Thrombocytopenia are
count and the original karyotype is unchanged. common
2. Progressive rise in the blast count usually indicates Deleted 5q Seen in female patients
transition to acute leukemia Deletion of long arm chromosome 5
3. Sudden change in karyotype that may progress into acute PLT: normal to decreased
leukemia. Marked anemia with macrocytes
<5% blast in PB – associated with long survival
4. Abnormal karyotype develops without subsequent increase
times – good prognosis
in blast; acute leukemia may or may not develop.
- Clonal hematologic malignancy that is characterized by feautures of both MPN and MDS. This form of leukemia is much less frequent than the acute variety.
- PB: persistent Monocytosis (>1000 monocytes/L)
- PB/BM: >20% myeloblast, nonblast, promonocytes
- No Ph Chromosome or BCD-ABL 1 fusion gene.
- No evidence of PDGFRA/PDGFRB (Platelet Derived Growth Factor receptor – alpha or beta)
- Diagnosis: Clonal cytogenic/ molecular genetic abnormality
- Monocytosis (Atleast 3 months)
Other classifications:
- Features of MPN & MDS
- Characterized by leucocytosis (Neutrophils)
- Multilineage dysplasia is common
- Is a disorder of childhood
- Characterized by the proliferation of G&M lineages
- <20% blasts and promonocytes in PB%BM aspirates
- Erythroid and megakaryocytes abnormality: Present
- BCR-ABL1 mutation: Absent
- RAS-MARK Pathway: Present
MDS - RAS& Cytopenias (one or more cell lineages)
BM/PBS: Dysplastic changes of WBC, RBC, PLTs
MDS blas counts: <20%
Weaksness, Infwection, Easily bruising
WHO – six classification of MDs
Dysthrombopoeitic changes:
No abnroaml granulation
Giant platelets
Dysgranulopoietic changes:
Abnormal granulation of mature cells
complete lack of granulation
Dyserythropoietic changes:
Multinuclear red cell precursor
Bizarre Nuclear Changes
Nuclear bridging