Never-Mind-the-Billhooks Special-Events-Deck

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Make up the Special Event Deck by using the nine Core Rules Cards (pages 166 and 167) plus the three additional cards that apply only
to each specific theatre/conflict (see the note at the bottom of each card), but feel free to mix and match where appropriate, like we have
done with Lusitania.

FaLse CoLOUrS FLanK AttAck TerR Ain


Play on an unengaged enemy One of your units uses dead The front of one of your
unit. They are unsure of the ground to make two moves and Infantry Companies is protected
allegiance of your units and launch a surprise flank attack - by a hidden ditch. The enemy
cannot move this turn or shoot the enemy unit cannot react can’t charge you and will take
unless you attack or shoot first. and turn to face. two Disarray Tokens if they
try to cross.

- Core rules - - Core rules - - Core rules -

LoCAl TruCE AmBUsH SuddEN HeAvy

RaiN ShOweR!
Play this card instead of
Continuing Melee. All You have an extra Band of
combatants immediately back Skirmishers hidden in an No shooting (except for javelins)
off one move distance and take unoccupied building, wood, for the rest of this turn.
no further part in the battle or other patch of bad going,
This card must be played immediately.
UNLESS they are attacked anywhere on the battlefield.
or shot at.

- Core rules - - Core rules - - Core rules -

A HoRsE! A HoRsE! An aR RanT A BuSTliNG
CouNteR FeiT RuMoUR
A mounted enemy Leader’s horse Play this card on an enemy
bolts, throwing him from the saddle. Leader in a Continuing Melee.
Play this card if your C-in-C
He is stunned and out of action for His personal banner is seen to
is wounded or killed. It’s
the rest of his turn and must stay fall causing a rumour circulate
not really him - just a decoy
on foot until he can order a Cavalry that he has been killed. The
bearing his arms. Your real
unit to supply him with a re-mount. other units in his Ward take
Army Commander is not
a temporary Disarray Token
This card must be played immediately. affected in any way.
until their next friendly
Leader card is drawn.

- Core rules - - Core rules - - Core rules -

eXtR A FAuConBErg’S TrEAchERy!

aRrOw SuPplY GaMbit
Play this card on one leaderless
enemy Company or Squadron
that has not yet engaged.
When one of your Archer Trick enemy Archers so their Roll 1D6:
Companies has shot off its long range shots drop short.
1 - 3: It turns around
initial allocation of six rounds, Play after they roll their dice -
and marches off the field.
they get an extra two rounds they waste their arrows
of shooting. and get no hits. 4 - 6: It changes sides and will
attack the nearest enemy. Then it
acts as one of your own units.

- Albion - - Albion - - Albion -


One unengaged unit of Knights

or Men-at-Arms without orders
Play on one of your Infantry
is anxious to demonstrate
units when it is attacked. Play on any friendly unit not
its valour. It may make an
It scatters caltrops as a defence engaged in Melee to remove
immediate double attack or
so the enemy gets no rerolls all its Disarray Tokens.
charge move towards the nearest
for attacking or charging.
enemy Knights or Men-at-Arms.
It may not attack other troops.

- Lusitania - - Lusitania - - Lusitania -

PeA SAnt ReVOLt GoD Is With Us ShoW OF VaLOUr
Your army is joined by a wandering
A band of disgruntled peasant
cleric (or peasant girl) whose visions
Light Infantry shows up in the from God foresee victory. Place an One unengaged unit of Knights
rear of the enemy. appropriate figure on the table beside the or Men-at-Arms without orders
Place them anywhere in the enemy C-in-C who may move independently is anxious to demonstrate
rear beyond 8" from any enemy whenever the C-in-C’s card is drawn its valour. It may make an
in addition to the C-in-C. The visionary
troops. You may take normal immediate double attack or
may rally Daunted and Disarrayed
Skirmisher actions with them troops in the same way as a normal
charge move towards the nearest
whenever your ‘Skirmishers and Leader but may not give orders nor enemy Knights or Men-at-Arms.
Artillery’ card is drawn. make any other Leader actions. It may not attack other troops.
This card must be played immediately. This card must be played immediately.
- Gallia - - Gallia - - Gallia -


Hussites only: Nominate one
Infantry unit or Wagon crew to have a
detachment of Slingers who fire special
“whistling bullets”. They do not roll Play on one of your Infantry
A priest attached to the army to hit - instead, an enemy cavalry unit units when it is attacked.
rallies one of your Daunted within range (10") is Disarrayed and It scatters caltrops as a defence
units without needing the must retreat one move.
so the enemy gets no rerolls
intervention of a Leader.
Hussites or Crusaders: Play this for attacking or charging.
card on a unit of enemy Handgunners
or Artillery. Their powder is damp -
they cannot fire this turn.
- bohemiA - - Bohemia - - Bohemia -

WeLl-DrIllED DoNnERwETteR! CoMinG ROUnd

tHe MoUnTAin
Reinforcements, in the form of
There is a heavy downpour of rain a fresh Company or Squadron
- no shooting of any kind - (of your choice), arrive on your
Play on any friendly unit not which will continue until the baseline. It will move to join the
engaged in Melee to remove next time there is a tied dice-off nearest friendly Division every
all its Disarray Tokens. for a Bonus card. Alpine summers time a Bonus card is drawn.
can be unpredictable…
Alternatively - the Swiss may use
This card must be played immediately. this card to bring on their flanking
force if it has not yet arrived.

- helvetiA - - Helvetia - - Helvetia -

FirE oN ComMAnD No MoNEy, BaD WaR
No SwiSS
Play on any unengaged
Swiss or Landsknecht Play on any unengaged
All of your Arquebusier Pike formation that is wholly enemy Swiss or Landsknecht
companies can move and fire within its own half of the table. Pike formation. It must attack
(or fire and move) at full effect It turns around and marches the nearest Swiss or
this turn instead of counting off the battlefield as a protest Landsknecht Pike formation in
only half their numbers. at being in arrears of pay. your own army, regardless
This has no effect on the of the circumstances.
army’s Morale Tokens.

- itAliA - - ItalIa - - itAliA -

BoG aNd MiR E HoWLinG WiNdS CrEePIng TwiLigHt

Place an area of impassable Shooting ranges are halved. The

boggy terrain (approximately All troops halve their game will end in 1D6 x turns, after
A5-sized) on the table. This number of shooting dice which all remaining raiders will use
must be in low ground and for the rest of the game. the darkness to make a successful
must be somewhere that has escape with their loot.
not already been passed This card must be played immediately.
through by troops of either side. This card must be played immediately.

- northumbriA - - Northumbria - - Northumbria -


Gallowglass at Feud.
When played, two opposing When played, two units of
Gallowglass companies must the owning player’s Irish Torrential rain pours down for
move to attack each other and troops can opt for an the rest of the day - no more
then fight it out to the bitter immediate heroic charge on shooting except with javelins.
end and the last man standing any opposing unit in reach.
with no Morale Crisis Test rolls.

- Hibernia - - hiberniA - - Hibernia -

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